HOLMWOOD PUBLIC SCHOOL Term 2 Week 5 Newsletter

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Principal: Mrs Kris Pagett  Cowra-Carcoar Road, Cowra NSW 2794  6342 2172 0458 422000



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Term 2 Week 5 – Week Ending 26 May 2017

From the Principal’s Desk I would like to thank all the parents, grandparents, family and community members who turned up for our “Open Day” on Monday. Thank you to our SRC for providing a lovely morning tea for everyone to enjoy. After morning tea everyone was invited to visit their child’s classroom and see the wonderful work our students have been doing. This was followed by the Art Gallery viewing. Next Friday, the 2nd of June the Cowra District PSSA Cross Country Trials are being held at Edgell Park. The following students have been selected to participate in these Trials: Addison Skinner, Alana Kiss, Lucas Sandry, James Cameron, Archie King, Eloise Newell, Liam Beaumont, Jaydan Wright, Micah Murphy and Harry Beaumont. Good luck and congratulations to these students!! THANK YOU TO OUR P&C ASSOCIATION Holmwood staff and students would like to extend a huge thank you to our hard working P&C Association for their generous donation of 4 x iPad mini’s to be used in our Ponies Class.

Just a reminder, if any parents or grandparents would like to join our wonderful P&C Association please do not hesitate to contact the school for more information. Don’t forget our Book Fair is on this Friday. Our students have been very busy preparing for this exciting event. Students have been viewing all the wonderful books available for purchase this week and prepared their “wish lists”. We look forward to seeing you all there. The day will commence at 12.00pm. Our P&C will be catering for lunch on the day, notes went home with students earlier in the week – they are offering yummy hamburgers for a small cost of $6.00. All proceeds from the lunch sale will go towards the cost of our school excursion to Jindabyne next term. Kind Regards Kris Pagett Principal

Students of the Week Congratulations to our Term 2 Week 4 Students of the Week!

Jack Lawler K/1

James Cameron Shaun Petty 2/3 4/5/6 Week 4 Merit Awards went to: K/1 – Jack Billing 2/3 – Seth Crutch 4/5/6 – Briana Bates Library/PE – Anabelle Newell, Archie King and Harry Beaumont

Our Ponies Class thanking Ms Beaumont our P&C President for their wonderful donation

Week 4 Reading Awards went to: Rori, Jack B, Jay, Ruby and Suzy

payments if they wish. More information will be sent home as it comes to hand!!

Book Fair

CITIZENSHIP AWARD – WEEK 4 – TERM 2 Akiko Beatty Akiko was chosen as the Week 4 Citizenship Award winner by Cheri. Akiko is in Year 6 and was awarded the Citizenship Award for being a reliable helper at all times.

Congratulations to all students! District Cross Country On Friday 2nd of June the Annual District Cross Country will be held at Edgell Park, Cowra. Selected students will receive a Permission Note with all relevant information with this Newsletter, as well as a map of the course. Thank you to the parents of all our competitors for transporting their child to the Carnival to participate. The first six students in each age group will progress to the Regional Carnival to be held on Wednesday 11th August in Wellington. Good luck to all our participating students!!

Whole School Excursion Our Whole School Excursion is fast approaching and we are all getting very excited. At this stage we need to get numbers of students attending the excursion in order to proceed with the booking. PLEASE COMPLETE THE EXCURSION EXPRESSION OF INTEREST FORM ATTACHED TO LAST WEEK’S NEWSLETTER AND RETURN TO SCHOOL WITH $50 DEPOSIT BY FRIDAY 9TH OF JUNE 2017. Families are welcome to make regular

This Friday 26th of May Holmwood Public School will be holding its Annual Book Fair!! Parents are invited to come along and watch the parade, commencing at 12.00pm. The P&C will also be offering a lunch deal on the day, notes for this special lunch were sent home on Monday, please complete and return to school with payment asap. After lunch you may view the beautiful books on sale. This year the Book Fair is set up in the connected classroom. All sales of books in the Book Fair result in a commission being given to our school to enable us to purchase additional books for our school Library. We look forward to seeing you there!!

Pie Drive Don’t forget Holmwood School is currently holding their Annual Pie Drive. All orders with payment must be returned to school by Tuesday 13th of June, delivery day is Wednesay 28th of June. An information letter and order form have been sent home Should any families require extra order forms please call into the office. REMEMBER THE MORE PIES YOU SELL THE CHEAPER THE COST OF THE WHOLE SCHOOL EXCURSION!!!!!

Student Representative Council News Red Shield Appeal – AND MUFTI DAY On Friday 2nd of June Holmwood Public School will be holding their Annual Red Shield Appeal and Mufti Day organised by the Student Council. Students are asked to come dressed in MUFTI and give a gold coin donation in support of this Red Cross Fundraiser.

Report Folders At this time each year we put out a call for the red HPS School Report Folders to be sent in to school. This is so your child’s report can be placed inside and kept safe and secure until the three-way

Interviews. All Folders can be handed in to the Office. For those students who are new to our school this year (including all Kindergarten students), you will receive a red Report Folder with your very first HPS Report.

Calendar Term 2 Week 5 Fri 26th May

BOOK FAIR!!! Scripture Mrs Kiely LSL – Mrs Paton in

Term 2 Week 6 st

Thurs 1 June Fri 2nd June

Casey White – AFL Geoff Wilson – Guitar Lessons District Cross Country Red Shield – Mufti Day

Term 2 Week 7 th

Thur 8 Jun

Geoff Wilson – Guitar Lessons Casey White - AFL

Kind Regards, Kris Pagett Principal

Plastic Bottle Tops This term the students are going to create a mural made entirely from plastic bottle tops and are in need of as many as they can possibly get. It would be greatly appreciated if families could please collect bottletops and send them in to our school. Your help is appreciated!! Please wash and dry before sending in to school.

Attachments 

Cross Country Permission and Course Map

Guitar Lessons Thank you to Geoff Wilson who is providing Guitar lessons for our students. All students who have handed in their notes have secured a spot in these lessons and are thoroughly enjoying themselves. Remember if any student has their own guitar, please bring it along for their lesson.

Year 4/5/6 Class News During week 5, 4/5/6 have continued their work on persuasive text writing. We watched an argument between Buzz and Woody (Toy Story 3) and discussed

the tone, language and hand gestures each used to persuade the other that they were correct. In pairs, students had a mini-debate on a given topic. One member was for, the other against. Some students were even able to convince the other that their point of view was superior. The students also explored the structure of persuasive texts by sequencing written texts into a correct order. 4/5/6 have continued the reading of ‘Holes’ by Louis Sachar. Holes is story about Stanley Yelnats and his family’s history of bad luck. The run of bad luck continues when Stanley is sent to the boys’ juvenile detention centre at Camp Green Lake. Camp Green Lake is a barren, desolate place situated far from anywhere else. We are currently meeting the boys at Camp Green Lake and discovering the reason behind the Yelnats’ curse. Shortly, the class will start work on the matrix, where they select tasks to complete. These tasks are related to the text. In Maths, the focus this week was Angles. We see angles everywhere. This week, we have looked at the variety of angles – right angle, acute, obtuse, straight, reflex and revolution. The Orange and Green groups looked for the various types of angles in the classroom and explored ways to determine the name of the angle. The Pink and Purple groups used protractors to solve the size of given angles. We have started new topics in Science and Personal Development and Heath in week 5. In Science, 4/5/6 are looking at ELECTRICITY, whilst in PDH the focus area is Healthy Eating. It was fantastic to see so many parents and grandparents at the Open Day on Monday. There were a lot of excited children!!!

Until next week… Mrs Knight 4/5/6 Teacher

Year 2/3 Class News The Stockhorses have had a marvellous week. The week began on a high with parents, caregivers, grandparents and community members joining us for morning tea, the fantastic Art Exhibition in the Gallery and to see what we have been learning this year. The students were so excited to show off their achievements. Thank you to everyone who visited us. We all had a wonderful time. The Orange Group in Maths continued to learn about the split strategy for addition and

telling both analogue and digital time in Maths. The Blue Group concentrated on using the Tens Frames to reinforce their knowledge about ‘Friends of 10’. They also focused on o’clock and half past time on both the analogue and digital clocks. In English we learned about how ‘adjectives’ tell us more information about nouns and revised articles. We edited the factual recounts about the Athletics Carnival and wrote a persuasive text with Mrs Paton. We also made our Wish Lists for the Book Fair ‘Bookaneers’ so parents hopefully you have deep pockets!! Hopefully you all enjoy the Book Parade tomorrow.

We are working extremely hard during our literacy sessions. Even though the program has changed ‘The Ponies’ are all working diligently practicing their sounds, reading and writing. We had a few little story tellers write books for our class for other students to enjoy. They love to share their stories with one another and students love to look at the books made by their cohort. Our ‘Free Writing Desk’ has become a favourite activity for students; I hope you enjoy any notes or pictures brought home. This Friday is the School Book Parade. I know what I am dressing as and I am hoping I do a good enough job on costuming that ALL ‘The Ponies’ know what character I am. I hope to see all ‘The Ponies’ dressing up as their favourite character or object from their favourite books. Till next week ‘The Ponies’ Class Teacher Michelle Whitty

Thank you Mrs Paton who was the teacher for Stockhorses yesterday while Mrs Pagett and Ms Whitty attended a course on effective evaluation at Orange. Congratulations to the choir who came third and were highly commended at the Eisteddfod last Thursday. Fantastic effort and we were very proud of all the hard work that went into learning the songs. Stockhorse students and Mrs Pagett Education Week with Jack Billings sisters

K/1 Class News Thank you to all the Parents/Carers/Relatives who were able to visit our class on Monday for the Education Week, Morning Tea and Art Gallery. ‘The Ponies’ had a lot of fun showing you their art work, maths, songs and games. We were also lucky enough to have some younger visitors to the room (Jack Billings sisters) and it was lovely to see them enjoying themselves and joining in with the activities. This week in Geography we are learning about special places and the importance of memories. We looked at the different parts of the school and how school can be a special place where great memories are made. We talked about the importance of friendships and how we remember special times, through taking photos, using our memory or writing/drawing things. We loved sitting outside (as it was warm) drawing a map of the school.

Jack Billing and his sisters.

RFF/Library News National Simultaneous Reading Event Holmwood School students took part in the National Simultaneous Storytime on Wednesday morning, joining with almost half a million other students around the country. We heard the author, Colin Wilson, read out his book “The Cow Tripped Over the Moon� via video link. It was a wonderful book on the theme of perseverance. Afterwards the students shared their anecdotes about how they had persevered and achieved.

The P&C Association are busy preparing for our 2017 Spring Festival & Nights Markets to be held on Friday 15th September 2017.

Mrs Margaret Paton Library/RFF Teacher



The P&C are in desperate need of volunteers to help sell raffle tickets in the wood raffle. If you can help please call in to Riverside Markets. Also a book of tickets went home with students, could students sell the raffle tickets and return them to the school with payment as soon as possible. Remember the more funds raised, the cheaper YOUR Excursion will be.

Kind Regards Karen Beaumont President

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