HOLMWOOD PUBLIC SCHOOL Term 2 Week 6 Newsletter

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Principal: Mrs Kris Pagett  Cowra-Carcoar Road, Cowra NSW 2794  6342 2172 0458 422000



Term 2 Week 6 – Week Ending 2nd June 2017

From the Principal’s Desk NEWS FLASH 1!! Congratulations to Anthea Hubbard on being the successful applicant for the Senior Administrative Manager (SAM) of Cowra Public School. Sadly this means that Anthea will no longer be an integral part of Holmwood Public School. It is with great sadness that we say farewell but we are very proud of Anthea’s promotion. It is well deserved as she is a 5 Star SAM. Anthea has dedicated 8 years to our school and is part of our school family. She is a committed, reliable and diligent member of our staff who always puts in over 100%, working long hours much of which was in her own time. Thank you Anthea for always going that extra mile and for being such a dedicated staff member. Thank you for being my main support person this year. I would have been completely lost without your knowledge of how Holmwood PS is organised. The staff, students, parents, caregivers and community members really appreciate all your hard work, support and dedication to the students of our school. NEWSFLASH 2!! Welcome back to Mrs Julie Bayl. Julie has just returned from her overseas trip. Unfortunately due to family commitments, Julie can no longer continue as SAM of Holmwood PS. The staff, students, parents, caregivers and community members would like to thank Julie for all the years that she has worked for Holmwood PS and hope that everyone in her family gets well soon. The cut-off date for the Expressions of Interest and Deposit to the Snow Excursion is almost here – next Friday the 9th June 2017. If we do not have at least 24 confirmed students by this date the excursion cannot run. A 10% deposit has to be sent to Jindabyne by Monday 12th June 2017. The Jindabyne Sport and Recreation Centre have

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offered us a significant discount and the P&C have been extremely generous so the price per head at the moment is approximately $350. This could be reduced even further as we do more fundraising!!! Everyone needs to work hard especially at selling the wood raffle tickets which are due in tomorrow Friday 2nd of June and of course our pie drive which is due in on Tuesday 13th of June – remember the more fundraising you do the cheaper the excursion costs!!! Kind Regards Kris Pagett Principal

Students of the Week Congratulations to our Term 2 Week 5 Students of the Week!

Mykaela Kasey-Dean Chelsea Leister K/1 2/3

Liam Beaumont 4/5/6

Week 5 Merit Awards went to: K/1 – Ivy Mason 2/3 – Madison Wright 4/5/6 – Kyelahnee East Library/PE – Jack Lawler, Chelsea Leister and Jake McVicar

Week 5 Reading Awards went to: Archie King – 100 Nights Reading

CITIZENSHIP AWARD – WEEK 5 – TERM 2 Madison Wright Madison was chosen as the Week 5 Citizenship Award winner by Ms Whitty. Madison is in Year 2 and was awarded the Citizenship Award for being a friendly, caring student who is always willing to help others.

Congratulations to all students! District Cross Country This Friday 2nd of June the Annual District Cross Country will be held at Edgell Park, Cowra. Selected students received a Permission Note with all relevant information with this Newsletter, as well as a map of the course. Thank you to the parents of all our competitors for transporting their child to the Carnival to participate. The first six students in each age group will progress to the Regional Carnival to be held on Wednesday 11th August in Wellington. Good luck to all our participating students!!

Whole School Excursion Our Whole School Excursion is fast approaching and we are all getting very excited. At this stage we need to get numbers of students attending the excursion in order to proceed with the booking. PLEASE COMPLETE THE EXCURSION EXPRESSION OF INTEREST FORM AND RETURN TO SCHOOL WITH $50 DEPOSIT ASAP. Families are welcome to make regular payments if they wish. More information will be sent home as it comes to hand!! If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact the school on 6342 2172.

Book Fair Holmwood Public School held their Annual Scholastic Book Fair last Friday. This was a very enjoyable event for the students, community members and staff. There were costumes of all shapes and sizes and the staff were very impressed by the amount of effort the students and their families went to! The official total amount of books sold was $1013.00 which results in approximately $300 work of books in

commission for our school. Thank you everyone, what an amazing effort from our small school!!! Below are some of the wonderful photos from our Book Fair.

Pie Drive Don’t forget Holmwood School is currently holding their Annual Pie Drive. All orders with payment must be returned to school by Tuesday 13th of June, delivery day is Wednesay 28th of June. An information letter and order form have been sent home Should any families require extra order forms please call into the office. REMEMBER THE MORE PIES YOU SELL THE CHEAPER THE COST OF THE WHOLE SCHOOL EXCURSION!!!!!

Student Representative Council News Red Shield Appeal – AND MUFTI DAY This Friday 2nd of June Holmwood Public School are holding their Annual Red Shield Appeal and Mufti Day organised by the Student Council. Don’t forget to come dressed in MUFTI and give a gold coin donation in support of this Red Cross Fundraiser.

Report Folders At this time each year we put out a call for the red HPS School Report Folders to be sent in to school. This is so your child’s report can be placed inside and kept safe and secure until the three-way Interviews. All Folders can be handed in to the Office. For those students who are new to our school this year (including all Kindergarten students), you will receive a red Report Folder with your very first HPS Report.

Holmwood School Excursion and Refund Procedures Attached please find Holmwood School’s Excursion Procedures and also the Refund Procedures. It would be appreciated if families read through these and if you have any concerns please do not hesitate to contact the school on 6342 2172.

Calendar Term 2 Week 6 st

Thurs 1 June

Fri 2nd June

Casey White – AFL Mrs Kiely – LSL – Mrs Paton in Geoff Wilson – Guitar Lessons District Cross Country – Selected students. Mrs Hodges in - Music Red Shield – Mufti Day Wood Raffle Drawn at Assembly

Term 2 Week 7 th

Wed 7 June Thur 8th June Fri 9th June

Small School’s Network Meeting - Mrs Pagett Geoff Wilson – Guitar Lessons Casey White - AFL Scripture Don Reid – School Counsellor in.

Term 2 Week 8 th

Mon 12 June Tues 13th June Thurs 15th June Fri 16th June

PUBLIC HOLIDAY PIE DRIVE ORDERS DUE Ms Whitty – Dubbo – Mrs Paton in Casey White – AFL Mrs Hodges in – Music Duncan Auld – Schools’ Director in

Kind Regards, Kris Pagett Principal

Plastic Bottle Tops Thank you to everyone who has sent in bottle tops for our students who this term going to create a mural made entirely from plastic bottle tops. We are still in need of as many as we can possibly get. It would be greatly appreciated if families could please keep collecting bottle tops and send them in to our school. Your help is appreciated!! Please wash and dry before sending in to school.

Attachments   

Excursion Expression of Interest Form for families who have not yet returned one. Holmwood School Excursion Procesures. Holmwood School Refund Procedures.

Guitar Lessons Thank you to Geoff Wilson who is providing Guitar lessons for our students. All students who have handed in their notes have secured a spot in these lessons and are thoroughly enjoying themselves. Remember if any student has their own guitar, please bring it along for their lesson.

Book Club Attached please find Book Club – Issue 4. Payment and orders are due in by Tuesday 13th of June.

Year 4/5/6 Class News This week in the 4/5/6 classroom we have continued our work on persuasive text writing. Our topic was ‘New South Wales deserve to be favourites for State of Origin 1.” As a whole class, we came up with reasons to support this argument. Some reasons include: Queensland’s team is aging, Queensland do not have Thurston, Slater, Inglis, Scott or Parker in 2017 and New South Wales have picked the best line up available. The writing task also required students to come up with evidence to support these reasons. Once the plan is complete students will write an exposition using the information. In Grammar, 4/5/6 were introduced to coordinating and subordinating conjunctions. Conjunctions bring together parts of a sentence using because they want the reader to know that the clauses are related. This may help the writing to flow more than writing two separate sentences. We are thoroughly enjoying reading the book “Holes”. The movie, “Holes” is currently on Netflix. Some students are fighting the urge to watch it, deciding to finish the book first. Liam believes the book is better than the movie. In Maths, 4/5/6 have been focusing on Number Patterns. Students have generated number patterns, and completed simple number sentences by calculating missing values through games, quizzes, discussions and independent work in their Maths Plus text books. On Tuesday, I received some very exciting news from Schools Spectacular, offering Holmwood Public School (Years 4-6) a place in the Primary Concourse Choir. The hours of singing ‘Count On Me’ have paid off.

Congratulations 4/5/6!! Until next week… Mrs Knight 4/5/6 Teacher

Year 2/3 Class News The Stockhorses really enjoyed the Book Parade and the ‘Bookaneer” Book Fair.

Congratulations to everyone for all the effort that you put into making all the fantastic costumes. I was really sorry to have missed such a great event. Thank you to everyone who worked so hard to make it such a successful day. The Orange and Blue Groups in Maths visited the concepts of division and volume in Maths. All the Stockhorses realise how important it is to learn their tables so I hope that everyone are working on them at home as well as in class. They all enjoyed the hands-on activities for learning about volume. In English we continued to learn about how ‘adjectives’ tell us more information about nouns and wrote a joint construction factual report. I have also carried out assessments so I can begin to write Semester One student reports. In Geography we discussed special places and why some places are special to some people but not others. We are learning about healthy food in PDH and ‘Smooth Moves’ in Science and Technology. The students are loving learning about the Dojo Program. Thank you to the parents who have joined. We are endeavouring to post news snippets of activities that the Stockhorses have participated in in our classroom.

Until next week Stockhorse students and Mrs Pagett

K/1 Class News What a fantastic day we had last Friday for the Book Fair. Thank you to all the Parents/Carers and students for the massive effort, there were some very creative outfits. It was interesting to see so many different characters represented. Our Literacy sessions are producing some wonderful and insightful work. ‘The Ponies’ are working so hard to learn their phonemes/graphemes and spelling words. This has become evident during their writing and reading tasks and students are taking more chances when attempting activities. It is so rewarding to see the look of achievement when they attempt something new.

We are reading the big book ‘Grandpa Grandpa’ and learning a new way of communicating through sign. ‘The Ponies’ have found this very interesting and we will show you all at the end of term assembly. It has been very thoughtprovoking for students to develop their understanding that not all people have the 5 senses. We have looked at ‘sign’ as a way for people who are unable to hear or speak to communicate, and during Maths we discussed how people who are unable to see can use their sense of touch to feel the different shape and prints on money to determine the right money to use. We are very excited to share our classroom with our ‘Special Jungle Friends’. ‘The Ponies’ have named their new friends and soon we will be writing a whole class narrative as they embark on an adventure. ‘The Ponies’ are very excited. This term is going by so fast and soon it will be time for students to bring in their ‘Rainforest Animal’ Project. If you have any questions or concerns regarding this please contact me. It is meant to be a fun and engaging activity for students not an onerous activity that Parents/Carers feel they need to do. If anyone needs any help or pictures printed please let me know, I know not everyone has access to these facilities. Till next week, ‘The Ponies’ Class Teacher, Michelle Whitty.


URGENT A book of raffle tickets went home with

students, it would be appreciated if students could please sell the raffle tickets and return them to the school TOMORROW, FRIDAY 2ND OF JUNE, as the raffle will be drawn at the morning Assembly. The P&C Association are also extremely busy preparing for our 2017 Spring Festival & Nights Markets to be held on Friday 15th September 2017. Below please find the Flyer advertising this exciting event. Remember your help is always needed and appreciated, so if you can help the P&C in any please do not hesitate to contact the school for more information.

Listening to a story on ‘Storyline Online’ http://www.storylineonline.net/ an engaging way to allow students to listen to Rich Texts. Kind Regards Karen Beaumont President

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