P u b l i c S c h o o l Term 3, Week 1
Wednesday, 19th July 2017 Make a Payment Dear Parents, Welcome back to Term 3. I hope that everyone had a very restful and wonderful holiday and is ready for a very busy and exciting Term 3. With this newsletter is a Term 3 calendar with all the current dates and events outlined. Please keep it handy and add to it any events that may be scheduled for later in this term. Hot Shots Tennis This Thursday, our Stage 2 Students will be travelling to the Cowra Tennis Courts to participate in the Hot Shots Tennis Program along with other students from the other Cowra schools who will also be taking part in the program. Tennis is a lifetime sport that can be played by all levels of competitors and at any age. This is a great program to introduce students to this game. Details regarding notes, times etc have been sent home earlier. Staffing Changes As you are already aware, Mr Ryan has retired from teaching. For the remainder of 2017, Miss Courtney Boyd will be teaching 6P. Mr Ryan and Miss Boyd worked last term and yesterday together to ensure the teaching program for 6P will be smooth and seamless. Mrs Amos, our Office Manager will be taking leave for the whole of term 3. During this time, Mrs Rowston will be relieving as our Office Manager. Mr Colin Berry who was working as our school counsellor during Term 2 will be returning to the Hunter Region at the end of this week. Our counselling services will be provided by Mrs Natalia Williams who was working as our school counsellor in Term 1 and Mrs Lois McCaffery who was a counsellor here for many
years, will be assisting with counselling services for the remainder of the year. Sport Coming up next week, we have a couple of sporting events taking place. On Tuesday, we have the Girls’ Soccer in the next round game against Cowra Public School. This is a hard game and should be a very exciting match. Good luck, girls. Then, on Thursday, our boys’ and girls’ Touch Football teams will play their next round game against Blayney Public School. This game will be a hard game for us. Good luck to both teams. Debating Also next week, our debating team will have their next debate against Bathurst West Public School. This is the next round of the Western Debating Challenge. Good luck to our debaters Excursions On Friday 28th July, our Stage 2 students will be going on an excursion to Canberra. While in Canberra they will be visiting both Questacon and the AIS. This excursion promises to be a very enjoyable and educationally rewarding day. Thankyou to Mrs Cummings and all the Stage 2 teachers who have helped to organise this excursion.
Kindergarten Enrolments It is at this time of year that we start looking for Kindergarten enrolments for the following year. The reason that we start so early is that this helps us with planning and also the number of students we have enrolled ensures that our funding is maintained. If you have a child who turns 5 later this year or early next year and you want them to start school in 2018 please contact the school to put your child’s name on T:63422531 F:63411254 92-94 Lachlan St, Cowra, 2794
our list. Similarly, if you know of any families with children ready to start school in 2018, please urge them to contact the school. We are happy to show parents around the school.
John Smith Principal
Reminder Stage 2 Excursion to Canberra FINAL PAYMENT this FRIDAY 23rd July Notes have been sent home regarding Stage 2 excursion to Canberra. Details: Date: Friday, 28th July 2017 Cost: $50 ( can be paid in full or instalments) Deposit (non refundable) $10 is due now $20 - Friday, 23rd July $20 - Final payment, this Friday, 23rd July Itinerary: Visiting Questacon and the Australian Institute of Sport. All monies have to be received by the school on the due date - Friday, 23rd July. DO NOT wait until after due date as you will not be eligible to attend excursion. CANTEEN NEWS Welcome back, everyone Due to supply issues, the canteen no longer sells pizza. Regular winter menu is fully available. MILKSHAKE DAY!!! What???
Chocolate, Strawberry or Caramel (full cream milk and ice cream)
25th July (next Tuesday) Recess and lunch
How much???
$2 each Malt = 50c extra
Important Dates 20th July
- Tennis Gala Day - Mini Mullygrubbers Playgroup
25th July
- Girls Soccer
26th July
- Debating
26th July
- P & C meeting
27th July
- Touch Football - Mini Mullygrubbers Playgroup
28th July
- Stage 2 Canberra Excursion
Mulyan Public School Orientation Kindergarten 2018 Parent Meeting: Tuesday, 17th October - 6.00pm (Kindergarten room)
Orientation: Wednesday, 18th October 9.30am
- 10.45am
Wednesday, 25th October 9.30am - 10.45am Wednesday, 1st November 9.30am - 11.10am
Parent Meeting: Wednesday, 1st November 9.30am (V.T.S.)
Head Lice Please remember to check your child’s hair for head lice on a regular basis. Treatment is available from the chemist . T:63422531 F:63411254 92-94 Lachlan St, Cowra, 2794
17/7 WEEK 1
Staff development day
Students return to school today
24/7 WEEK 2
25/7 Girls Soccer v Cowra
Tennis Gala day
Concert Practice day
Debate MPS v Bathurst West
Touch Football v Blayney Stage 2 Excursion Canberra Yallballinga Visit
P & C meeting
31/7 WEEK 3
Education Week
Open Day /Mini Fair
LVLC Concert Dress Rehearsal/Matinee
Premier’s Spelling Bee
Education Week Assemblies
NED Show 2:00
Carinya Visit
LVLC Night Concert
7/8 WEEK 4
Premier’s Debate v Bletchington
Yallballinga Visit
District Athletics
14/8 WEEK 5
Science week
Open Day /Mini Fair
Science day
Carinya Visit
21/8 WEEK 6
Legends Day Peachey Cup
NAPLAN Analysis
28/8 WEEK 7
Yallballinga Visit
P & C meeting
1/9 Western Region Athletics Assemblies
4/9 WEEK 8
LMBR goes Live
Carinya Visit
11/9 WEEK 9 13/9 14/9 15/9 T:63422531 F:63411254 92-94 Lachlan St, Cowra, 2794
16/9 Assemblies
MR RYAN’S FAREWELL ASSEMBLY 29th JUNE 2017 T:63422531 F:63411254 92-94 Lachlan St, Cowra, 2794