Principal: Mrs Kris Pagett Cowra-Carcoar Road, Cowra NSW 2794 6342 2172 0458 422000
6341 1247
Term 3 Week 1 – Week Ending 21st July 2017
From the Principal’s Desk WELCOME BACK TO TERM 3 I hope that everyone had a great break and enjoyed spending time with friends and family. It’s great to see the students have returned ready and refreshed for another very busy term. We are looking forward to an exciting Term 3 with lots of activities and excursions happening, some of which are: District Athletics, Book Week, Life Education Van, Gymnastics, excursion to Temora Aviation Museum and our Whole School Excursion to Jindabyne. I would like to extend a very special welcome to the new students to our school, Charlotte Ward, Makayla Ward, Braidan Ward and Angel Wilkin. We look forward to having their families join the HPS school community. Kind Regards Kris Pagett Principal
Students of the Week Congratulations to our Term 2 Week 10 Students of the Week!
Jack Lawler Madison Wright K/1 2/3
Jake Mcvicar 4/5/6 Week 10 Merit Awards went to: K/1 – Ivy Mason 2/3 – Eloise Newell 4/5/6 – Hayley Cameron
CITIZENSHIP AWARD – WEEK 10 – TERM 2 Xavier Lawson Xavier was chosen as the Week 10 Citizenship Award winner by Holmwood staff. Xavier is in Year 1 and was awarded the Citizenship Award for being a wonderful student. He always tries his hardest in class, is never without a smile and he is constantly willing to help others.
Congratulations to all students! KINDER TRANSITION PROGRAM We are very excited to meet our new Kinder Transition class who will attend their first Transition visit TOMORROW, Friday 21st of July from 9.30am until 12.00pm. Ms Whitty has planned some terrific activities for them and the current K/1 Class. If any families know of any other students who might be eligible to enrol in Kindergarten next year and would like to take part in the Transition Program, please ask them to contact the school. Ph: 6342 2172.
Whole School Excursion Don’t forget our Whole School Excursion is fast approaching and we are all getting very excited. Families are welcome to make regular payments if they wish. Final cost for this excursion will be sent home in the next few weeks.
Calendar Term 3 Week 1 Thu 20th July Fri 21st July
Mrs Knight NAPLAN - Canowindra Kinder Transition – 9.30am-12pm
Term 3 Week 2
Tue 25th July Wed 26th July Fri 28th Juluy
Mrs Pagett – LMBR blayney Mrs Hubbard – LMBR Blayney SCRIPTURE Kinder Transition – 9.30am-12pm
Term 3 Week 3 st
Mon 31 July Tue 1st Aug Fri 4th Aug
Mrs Hubbard – LMBR Blayney Mrs Hubbard – LMBR Blayney Kinder Transition – 9.30am-12pm
Term 3 Week 4 th
Mon 7 Aug Tue 8th Aug Wed 9th Aug Thurs 10th Aug Fri 11th Aug
PUBLIC HOLIDAY Mrs Pagett – LMBR Blayney Mrs Hubbard – LMBR Blayney Mrs Hubbard – LMBR Blayney Kinder Transition – 9.30am-12pm SCRIPTURE District Athletics
Kind Regards, Kris Pagett Principal
PLASTIC BOTTLE TOPS Please don’t forget to keep sending in your bottle tops so that our students can create a wonderful mural made entirely from plastic bottle tops. Your help is appreciated!! Please wash and dry before sending in to school.
The P&C are holding a Festival Meeting at the Cowra Services Club, commencing at 7pm on Friday 25th of July. An invitation is extended for all Committee members and volunteers to attend. This is an extremely important meeting as our Festival is fast approaching and the final details are commencing. For our Festival to be a success we require and appreciate assistance from as many volunteers as possible as this is a mammoth task and all proceeds go towards assisting our students at Holmwood School.
Book Club – Issue 5 Meal Deal for tomorrow
FREE MULCH The School has free mulch – pine wood chips -for any families that would like to bring their own trailer and collect. Please phone the office and let the school know if and when you will be coming to collect mulch – 6342 2172. BOOK CLUB – ISSUE 5 Attached please find Book Club – Issue 5. Please have your order and payment in by Friday 4th of August.
Kind Regards Holmwood P&C Association