Principal: Jenny Lewis Cowra-Carcoar Road, Cowra NSW 2794 63422172 0458 422 000 63411247 @ Term 3 Week 3 – Week Ending 5th August 2016
HPS Celebrates Education Week! Thank you to all the parents, grandparents, family and community members who turned up for our Education Week “Open Day” yesterday! As part of our Education Week celebrations, parents and community members were invited to our school to visit their child's classroom and see the fantastic work they have been doing! Thank you to our fabulous chefs Nikita, Sam, Rod and Dave, who cooked an enormous sausage sizzle for everyone which was followed by our fantastic student performances! We hope all who attended enjoyed the day as much as we did! Below is a small sample of photos taken on the day – check out our Facebook page for more great pictures!
The Choir sang their Eisteddfod pieces with great enthusiasm!
Lara and Lily performed their NAIDOC speech beautifully!
Jake enjoyed showing his great work to his mum Katie.
Stage 2 were outstanding on the Marimbas, performing a song called “White Flower”. Great concentration Liam and Shaun!
Hayley’s grandmother Mrs Carolyn Cameron and our School Patron Mrs Margaret Britton were impressed with Hayley’s school work!
Kinder Transition Program
Macey loved showing her mum Katie some of the amazing things she has been learning at school this year!
Students of the Week! Congratulations to our Week 2 Students of the Week!
What a busy morning we had on Tuesday with our Kinder Transition class!! They all had so much fun reading stories, painting, learning how to use the interactive whiteboard, making crafty bears and playing outside with the parachute!! We look forward to seeing our new Kinders again next Tuesday from 9:30am-12:00pm!
The “NED Show
Ruby Light (Kinder), Alana Kiss (Stage 1),
Last Friday all students were excited to watch the NED Show! The NED Show promotes a strong anti-bullying message along with the core ideas of N - Never Give Up; E - Encourage Others; and D - Do Your Best. NED brought a range of fun tricks and showed off his yo-yo skills and the students thoroughly enjoyed the experience! The school will have NED merchandise for sale until tomorrow if parents would like to purchase.
Jake McVicar (Stage 2) and Lilly Whitty (Stage 3)
Merit Awards were presented to; Kinder – Daniel Hoy Stage 1 – Macey Rowley Stage 2 – Charli Light Stage 3 – Christian Petty Library – Mia Kiss, Macey Rowley, Kyeisha Flett, Akiko Beatty
Citizenship Award - Week 2 – Jack Billing Jack was chosen as the Week 2 Citizenship Award winner by Ms Edgerton. Jack is in Kinder and was awarded the Citizenship Award for showing great school spirit. Jack is always friendly, happy and polite to all students and teachers. Well done Jack!
Will getting some instructions on how to use the yo-yos!!
“The Twits” Performance Today HPS staff and students headed to Cowra High School to watch a performance of Roald Dahl’s famous novel “The Twits”. The play was performed by Cowra High School Stage 5 Drama students and had two former Holmwood Public School students as part of the cast – Victoria King and Georgia Lewis. All the students thoroughly enjoyed the performance and their behaviour was outstanding!
District Athletics Carnival The District Athletics Carnival will be held TOMORROW at Twigg Oval, Cowra starting at 9:30am. A program of the day’s events is attached for students attending. Good luck to all students competing! GO HOLMWOOD!
Good luck to our District Athletics team!! Go HPS!!
Book Club Just a reminder that all Book Club orders are due with payment by tomorrow FRIDAY 5th AUGUST 2016.
Life Education Van – Healthy Harold! On Wednesday 17th August the Life Education Van will visit Holmwood PS. All the students look forward to this event each year and Harold the Giraffe is always popular with students of all ages. The cost for each child to visit the Van is $10.00 however the school will subsidise $2.00 per child, therefore the cost per child will be reduced to $8.00 each. This includes a workbook which students get to keep. A permission note and an order form for merchandise was sent home with last week’s Newsletter.
(total $10). Please sign and return the attached permission note and payment of $10 to school by Monday 17th August.
“Chicken Run” Construction Week!! Week 5 is fast approaching and this has been set down as our HUGE construction week for our “Chicken Run” STEM project we have been running since Term 2. Students in Years 5 and 6 will be constructing the chicken coop under the guidance of our GA Dave Kiss. All students will need to wear appropriate clothing for building work (warm, long sleeved shirts, jeans) during this week. One important clothing requirement will be enclosed footwear such as work boots or riding boots to ensure our Work Health Safety measures are in check. All the timber and materials will be pre-cut off site and students will mainly be hammering, digging and using power drills. Ms Edgerton has drafted a parent roster and is asking parents from ANY class if they have some spare time to donate towards assisting with the construction. If so , could you please complete the attached note and return to school by Friday 12th August. It is going to be a very exciting week!
Heather Brae Fund-raiser This year we are again running a school fundraiser for the school excursion. Attached to this week’s Newsletter is a catalogue from Heather Brae Bakery Treats. All items are well-priced and fantastic quality. For each item sold, the commission is $3.00 (which is an increase of $1.50 per item from last year!) Please note that commissions will be deducted from each child’s INDIVIDUAL excursion fee – so the more your child sells, the more savings they will make. Orders and payment are due by Thursday 1st September.
Calendar Term 3 Week 4 Mon 8th Aug
PCYC Membership/Gymnastics Classes Last week we sent home a PCYC Membership Form to all students. It would be appreciated if parents could complete the details on the membership forms and return to school asap. These are necessary for your child to participate in Gymnastics classes at the PCYC. We will be attending Gym classes from Week 6 until the end of the term. The School and the P&C are generously subsidising Gymnastics classes for each student (normally $5 per lesson plus transport). This year the cost will be just $2 per student per lesson
Tues 9 Aug th
Wed 10 Aug th
Fri 12 Aug
Holmwood Festival Meeting – 6pm at Karen Beaumont’s house. KINDER Transition Class - 9:3012:00pm. Whole School Excursion to MRF as part of the Cowra Recycling Project Jeans 4 Genes Day – Student Council Fundraiser – Canteen and MUFTI Day Scripture
Term 3 Week 5 STEM “Chicken Run” Construction Week! Tues 16th Aug Wed 17th Aug
KINDER Transition Class 9:30-12:00pm Life Education Van
Term 3 Week 6 Mon 22nd Aug Tues 23rd Aug Wed 24th Aug Fri 26th Aug
GYMNASTICS @ PCYC KINDER Transition Class - 9:3012:00pm. Mrs Lewis – Principal’s Meeting in Orange (Mrs Webster – Kinder) Scripture “Tree Planting Day” – Student Council
Kind Regards, Jenny Lewis Principal
Heather Brae Fundraiser Forms “Chicken Run” Parent Helpers Roster District Athletics Program
Kinder Class News This week has just flown by! With our Kinder Transition visit on Tuesday, Education Week Open Day on Wednesday and The Twits Excursion on Thursday, we have been busy busy bees!! It was wonderful to see so many parents attend our Open Day this week. The children love to share and show their work and I greatly value and appreciate the home-school partnerships we have with all of our families.
Jack enjoyed showing his mum Naomi and big brother Will the “Reading Eggs” Program on the computer!
This week in Maths Kinder have continued their focus on numbers 1-30. I have been very impressed with their counting skills and ability to write, model and draw their tricky teen numbers! Thank you to all students for the 100% Homework return rate last week! Just a reminder that Homework is due tomorrow, along with Humpty Sightword Books. Kind Regards, Mrs Jenny Lewis Kindergarten Class Teacher
Stage 1 Class News Jack’s family, including sisters Tahlia and Charlotte, and mum Jocelyn enjoyed seeing all of his school books during Open Day!
What a terrific Education Week! Thank you to all of the mums, dads, aunties, uncles, grandparents, brothers, sisters and cousins who attended. It was lovely to see such a fabulous turn out.
Daniel’s parents Lindsay and Leah and Daniel’s Aunty Janine came along to Open Day on Wednesday!
Madi loved having her mum Andrea visit and Chelsea was so excited to see her Nan Carmel!
Hugs from Mums and Dads! Addie pictured with her dad Mick and Lucas with his mum Natasha!
In English this week, the Year 1/2 students have started to look at letter writing. On Monday, we wrote a letter to Jessie’s pen pal, Cheri (from the book “The Very Best of Friends”). We did this as a whole class, then on Tuesday and Wednesday, the students independently wrote their own letters to Eloise in America. The students have now started using the computers to type their letters, ready to be sent. Year 1/2 have learnt a new spelling game this week called ‘Spelling Baseball’. We will play this game in the morning along with ‘Buzz Off Hairy Legs”. I have moved spelling tests to Wednesdays in Term 3. We are trialling this in order to see how it goes. Well done to all of the students who shared a song about friendship for news. Wednesday news day children will have a chance to share their song next week.
Grace loved showing her mum Kelly all of her school work during Open Day.
Leetisha’s dad Scott enjoyed seeing all the hard work Leetisha has completed so far this year!
Maths was great fun this week. The students looked at chance and could easily determine which tasks may be impossible, unlikely, even chance, likely and certain. An elephant driving a car is impossible (we think) and the sun rising tomorrow is certain. We played dice games, interactive whiteboard games and heads and tails to examine this concept. The students worked very well independently to complete their text book work. Thank you for another fabulous week Stage 1. You make it a pleasure to come to school. Until next week… Mrs Amylee Knight Stage 1 Class Teacher Kyeisha and her dad Rick had a great time on Open Day!
Stage 2 Class News Thank you to the parents and carers that visited our classroom and school for Open Day yesterday. It was wonderful to have the opportunity for you to come to our classroom, to have a look through the student’s books, see some of the things we have been doing and partake in a mini lesson of “Greedy Pig”. We loved having you here! I’m sure you enjoyed the Concert that followed the open-classrooms and sausage sizzle, as much as we enjoyed putting it on for you.
In the classroom we have been busy as usual. In Writing we are learning about Writing Procedures or Instructions. Our first task last week was to write a Procedure on ‘how to make a paper aeroplane’. After watching several YouTube clips and getting some advice from expert paper plane makers in the classroom, the students were given the task of making their paper aeroplane and then writing the step by step instructions on how to do this. This was more challenging than some first thought it would be! We then of course had to ‘test’ the planes. This was done first with
everyone having to estimate how far they thought theirs would fly and then test the paper plane and see how good their estimation and design was! Some thought they needed to make some alterations! It was lots of fun for everyone! Division has proved to be a challenging, but fun topic in Maths this week. So many were worried about this topic, but we had lots of ‘light-bulb’ moments this week during Maths, which was super exciting and rewarding to see. Everyone has realised that division is not as scary as they first thought. Hopefully the homework division tasks will be a breeze now!! A friendly reminder that homework is due tomorrow. It was fantastic to see so many students completing and handing in their homework - last week was the best week so far this year! Please keep the record going! News topic next week is: Bring in your favourite photo and tell us who, what and when. Kind Regards Mrs Fiona Skene Stage 2 Class Teacher
Stage 3 Class News Another busy week has flown by in the Stage 3 classroom. Thank you to all the parents and family members who visited our classroom on Open Day yesterday. It was wonderful to see so many come along and the children loved sharing their work with you all. Congratulations to all students who have now completed their “Genius Hour” presentations. We have all learnt something about everyone’s passions and the students have shown that they have become ‘geniuses’ about their chosen topics. Photos of these as well as Open Day photos have been posted on our School’s Facebook page, so be sure to check them all out!
Akiko enjoyed having a visit from her mum Nikita during Open Day this week!
Rod and Sam loved looking at their daughter Taylah’s school books and Katelyn shared what she has been doing in class with her parents Kim and Simon.
Our “Chicken Run” construction week is creeping closer and closer. I have met with the Architect this week and designs have been drawn up ready to send to the Department of Education’s Asset Management Unit for approval. We will be ordering all the materials next week and are now seeking parent helpers to assist during the construction week (Monday 15th August – Friday 19th August). Attached to the Newsletter is a roster with information and times. If you are available to assist at any time during the week, we would be very grateful! Kind Regards, Ms Heidi Edgerton Stage 3 Class Teacher
News from Mrs Kiely
The Term 3 Student Council Committee will be very busy this term and we have a capable and enthusiastic team who are eager to lead the students in their school activities. Congratulations to: President - Katelyn Judd, Vice President - Briana Bates Secretary - Akiko Beatty, Vice Secretary - Annaliese Cameron Treasurer - Taylah Boatwood, Vice Treasurer - Will Skinner.
Next Friday 12th August will be our Jeans for Genes MuftiDay/Canteen/Gold Coin Fundraiser, any morning tea food items that can be sold at recess will be greatly appreciated, thank you. Mrs Deirdre Kiely RFF/Library Teacher
P&C News
We will be having another meeting regarding the Holmwood Spring Festival on Monday 8th August at 6pm at Karen Beaumont’s house. All welcome! All
families will be requested to assist with the running
of the Festival, which will be our MAJOR fundraiser for this year – whether helping on stalls, baking
cakes or working behind the scenes – there are plenty of jobs to do! The P&C work very hard
throughout the year to provide extra funds that
benefit ALL students, so your assistance is needed! More information about the Festival will come as plans start to be finalised.
Michelle Whitty – P&C Secretary
WANTED NOW – JAZZY JARS - any glass jars with lids that can be filled with goodies for a Jazzy Jar stall at the Festival. could be….
Some ideas to fill the jars
Stationary – textas, gel pens, stickers, rubbers Lollies – must be wrapped in paper (eg Minties) for health reasons
Girls Jars – clips, hair bands, beads, nail polish Boys Jars – toy cars, army men
Party Jars – whistles, balloons, party poppers, glow sticks
Please ensure all items are new/unused.
WANTED – Cheri would like lots and lots of egg
cartons, baby formula, milo, coffee tins and black plastic
seedlings/plant cuttings in for a stall at the
Festival. Also if anyone is able to take cuttings or plants to donate to the school it would be very much appreciated.