Holmwood Public School Term 3 Week 6 Newsletter

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Principal: Jenny Lewis  Cowra-Carcoar Road, Cowra NSW 2794  63422172 0458 422 000 63411247 @ holmwood-p.school@det.nsw.edu.au  www.holmwood-p.schools.nsw.edu.au

Term 3 Week 6 – Week Ending 26th August 2016

Students of the Week! Congratulations to our Week 5 Students of the Week!

Fire Brigade Visit On Monday afternoon students in Kindergarten and Stage 1 had a very special visit from the Cowra Fire Brigade as part of their HSIE Unit “Workers in the Community”. The students welcomed firefighters Chris, Laurie, Steve and Damien and were very impressed and interested in the important and dangerous job our Firefighters do! All students listened respectfully and asked thoughtful questions! Getting to look inside the fire truck was of course the highlight of the visit, especially when the lights and siren were put on! Thank you to the Cowra Fire Brigade for visiting our school!

Daniel Hoy (Kinder), Micah Murphy (Stage 1),

Leetisha Nestor (Stage 2) and Matthew Russell (Stage 3)

Merit Awards were presented to; Stage 1 – Jay Kennedy Stage 2 – Charlotte Collins Stage 3 – Briana Bates Library – Samuel Lawler, Leetisha Nestor and Keinan Judd Congratulations to all students!

Micah, James, Jay, Samuel and Chelsea enjoyed the visit from the Cowra Fire Brigade on Monday!

Citizenship Award Week 5 – Kyeisha Flett Kyeisha was chosen as the Week 5 Citizenship Award winner by Mrs Kiely. Kyeisha is in Year 3 and was awarded the Citizenship Award for always being happy and helpful in both the classroom and the playground. Congratulations Kyeisha!

Stage 1 and Kinder LOVED their visit from the Fire Brigade!

Creek PCYC building and enjoyed the opportunity to build up their fundamental movement skills in an enjoyable and fun way! Students were challenged with some tricky work on the beams, mini trampolines, bars and of course the bouncy air mat which enables students to jump, cartwheel and roll with added lift! Thank you to Shane, Kim and Mitchell from PCYC for making our lessons so enjoyable – we can’t wait until next Monday!!

The firetruck has so many lifesaving tools and machines! The students were interested to see the ‘jaws of life’ which are used to assist in car accidents.

Kinder Transition Class We had a wonderful morning again on Tuesday with our Kinder Transition class! This week however, was extra special as we had Good Start Early Learning Centre staff and students join us for our second hour. It was great to meet the Good Start teachers and students who will be heading off to Kindergarten in 2017! The students went on a school tour, visiting all the classrooms as well as the Library, listened and participated in an interactive story on the whiteboard called “I know an old lady who swallowed a fly” and made their own buzzing flies to take home! The playground was also a big hit with the Pre-schoolers, especially the sand pit and the tractor! Some of our older HPS students also loved catching up with their former pre-school teacher Amber Gidney-Bryant during their visit!

Matt, Christian and Harry on the beam!

Congratulations Brittney! Huge congratulations to Year 3 student and talented artist Brittney Worth on her recent 2nd place award in the Cowra Ca$h Card design competition!! Brittney was invited to a special presentation last week with Mayor Bill West and Vice President of the Cowra Business Chamber Julian Larsen where she was presented with a $30 Cash Card prize. Well done Brittney...HPS students and staff are so proud of you!!

Gymnastics @ PCYC! On Monday we started our Annual Gymnastics Program with the Cowra PCYC. Students were very excited to have their first lessons back at the Binni

Lara, Lilly, Lily and Briana showing their flexibility!

Year 6 Graduation Jumper Graduation jumper orders closed this week. Delivery of the Year 6 jumpers is expected to be in the next week or so. Thank you to Mrs Hubbard for organising these again this year for our Year 6 students. Thanks also to Jeremy at Mr Embroidery for the prompt delivery!

“Chicken Run” Construction Week!!

Book Club

Stage 3 and Ms Edgerton are ready and raring to go with our Chicken Run construction week due to begin next Monday 29th August! Thank you to all the parents and community helpers who have volunteered their time to assist with the constrution – the Parent Helpers Roster was sent home a few weeks ago and we are so excited to have SO many wonderful helpers! Just a reminder to ALL Stage 3 students and helpers – next week please ensure you dress appropriately for building work – long pants and sleeves, sturdy boots and old clothes!

This months’ Scholastic Book Club order is attached to this week’s Newsletter. All orders and payment are due by Monday 5th September.

Calendar Term 3 Week 7 “Chicken Run” Construction Week! Mon 29th Aug th

Tues 30 Aug Thurs 1st Sept Fri 2nd Sept

Heather Brae Fund-raiser - Due 1st September This year we are again running a school fundraiser for the whole school excursion. All items are well-priced and fantastic quality. For each item sold, the commission is $3.00 (which is an increase of $1.50 per item from last year!) Please note that commissions will be deducted from each child’s INDIVIDUAL excursion fee – so the more your child sells, the more savings they will make. Orders and payment are due NEXT Thursday 1st September.

As part of Kinder and Stage 1’s work in HSIE on the topic “Workers in the Community”, Mrs Lewis will be taking the K-2 students to the Cowra Post Office on Thursday 8th September. Students will get to see ‘behind the scenes’ at the Post Office, see the mail sorting room and even have a look at the Postman’s Motor Bike! Attached to this week’s Newsletter is a Permission Note. There is no cost for this excursion and parents are welcome to join us on the day.

Regional Premier’s Spelling Competition This year we have entered a Junior and Senior Team in the Premier’s Spelling Challenge to be held in Orange at Calare Public School on Tuesday 13th September. Congratulations to the following students who were successful in gaining a place in these Teams following our School Spelling Bee; Junior Team – Layla Hood and Brittney Worth Senior Team – Akiko Beatty and Christian Petty Mrs Skene will be the staff member attending the Spelling Bee this year. A permission note will come out next week. In the meantime, I am sure all students will be practicing hard!

KINDER Transition Class - 9:3012:00pm. Heather Brae Bakery Treats Fundraiser orders and payment due Western Region Athletics Carnival Dubbo

Term 3 Week 8 Mon 5th Sept

Tues 6th Sept

Thurs 8th Sept Fri 9th Sept

K-2 Post Office Excursion


Miss Chloe Thompson starts Teaching Prac at Holmwood PS (Stage 1) Book Club due KINDER Transition Class 9:30-12:00pm North Cowra Childcare Centre Visit to HPS 10:30-11:30am Mrs Skene Professional Learning Day – Orange (Mrs Kiely Stage 2) K-2 Excursion to the Post Office Scripture

Term 3 Week 9 Mon 12th Sept Tues 13th Sept

Wed 14th Sept

Fri 16th Sept

GYMNASTICS @ PCYC KINDER Transition Class - 9:3012:00pm. Stage 2 and Stage 3 Regional Spelling Bee – Calare PS (Orange) – Mrs Skene attending (Mrs Kiely Stage 2) MILO Cricket – Stage 3 - 9:00am2:30pm – Twigg Oval Lily and Lara – NAIDOC Public Speaking Regional Final – Tottenham CS Ms Edgerton – Leave (Mrs Knight Stage 3)

Kind Regards, Jenny Lewis Principal

Attachments   

K-2 Post Office Excursion Permission Note Holmwood Spring Festival Roster – one per family Book Club Catalogues

Kinder Class News Another fun-filled week has zoomed by in the Kindergarten class. We all had such a great day

on Monday attending Gymnastics for the first time with our friends. Some of us have been to Gymnastics before while for others it was a new experience! Everyone enjoyed learning new skills on the equipment and the bus ride to and from school was also lots of fun! This week we have been continuing our learning about the topic “Position”, with a strong focus on left and right.. We discovered that if we face one of our friends and hold up our right hand – it looks the opposite! We played lots of positional games such as Simon Says and enjoyed playing an online game called Baby Chick Maze on the ABCya website. This was such a tricky game as we had to memorise the obstacles and then guide the baby chicken safely through the maze to the mother hen by turning left and right!

The “Baby Chick Maze” game website address is - http://www.abcya.com/baby_chick_maze.htm

Kinder LOOOOVE using the netbooks in English and Maths lessons this term!

Just a reminder that Homework is due tomorrow, along with Humpty Sightword books. Kind Regards, Mrs Jenny Lewis Kindergarten Class Teacher

Stage 1 Class News “On Monday I went to Gymnastics and I loved the beam. I can balance very well.” – Lucas “On Monday I went to Gymnastics and I learnt to do a handstand.” – Madison “At gymnastics I did a bear walk on the bars.” – Makayla This week started with our first Gymnastic Session for the year. We left straight from school and headed to the PCYC on Binni Creek Road. The students experimented with jumps, balances and turns on a range of equipment. Stage 1 used this to create pieces of writing about what they did, what they learnt and their favourite part of the Gymnastics Session. The students came up with some fantastic sentences! This week we read Koala Lou by Mem Fox. Koala Lou is loved by everyone especially her mum. However, mum has more children and becomes very busy! Koala Lou decides to compete in Bush Olympics to make her mum proud. I will let your child tell you the rest of the story. After reading and discussing the text the students got a work sheet with parts of the story on it! Unfortunately it was a little mixed up! We had to cut up the sheet and put it back together so it made sense! Kindergarten and Stage 1 were very good at this sequencing task. The focus in Maths this week was position. We looked at the language associated with this concept. The students revised the terms forward, backwards, left, right, up and down. Year 1 had to use the directions to determine the position of certain objects. Year 2 used a set of directions and a map to find the way to various houses and shops. On Wednesday, the students worked together to create a 3D model of ‘Muldoon Primary School’. Stage 1 used Lego and blocks to create the school grounds. Until next week… Mrs Amylee Knight Stage 1 Class Teacher

Stage 2 Class News Week 6 already!! Wow, how quickly this term is flying by! On Monday we welcomed the start of our Gymnastics lessons at the PCYC. Everyone thoroughly enjoyed it, performing acts that not only surprised themselves but also me!! Everyone was swinging, turning, balancing, flipping and jumping on and off the beam and parallel bars!! Lots of

different jumps, rolls, hops and flips were being performed on the Air-Track. We can’t wait for next week’s lesson! Thank you to everyone who has brought in their favourite family recipes for our class Recipe Book. For those that haven’t please remember to bring one in ASAP. If that task is too difficult, some have been researching recipes at school. The typing up of our Procedures is coming along nicely and we are looking forward to the finished book. The designing of the front cover has also started. Money and Problem Solving have been the focus in Maths this week. We have played games with ‘play money’, been shopping with Woolworths and Aldi catalogues, used calculators to help calculate our shopping, added and subtracted money, worked out the change and rounded money to the nearest dollar and the nearest 5 cents. I have been very impressed with how proficient everyone is with calculating money!

have a few showers! Hopefully we can continue to work. Students will need to wear leather work boots, jeans, long sleeves tops, jumpers and a rain coat. During the week we have taken delivery of the timber kindly cut to order and delivered by Jamieson’s Joinery as well as the bird mesh delivered by Lachlan Steel. It was very much appreciated that they could deliver all our products. Also this week we have been madly working on our Recycled Art Projects for the Cowra Shire Council Recycled Art Competition. Kindergarten students have been very busy building ‘Robot Men’, Year 1 and 2 have made a milk bottle lid artwork titled ’You are My Sunshine’, Year 3 and 4 have been flat out building a ‘Funky Town’ from cardboard boxes and Year 5 and 6 have made recycled tile mosaics titled ‘Fireflies’. Entries will be submitted next week. In Science each class has been learning about the processes of recycling different types of products such as milk bottles, aluminium cans, paper and PET bottles. After our visit to the Cowra MRF facility the Cowra Council kindly donated a Worm Farm to Holmwood Public School to use as part of our Sustainability Program. This will be a project for the Stage 2 Science Class in conjunction with our Chicken Run Project! Huge thanks to Cowra Council for supporting our school!

Jaydan, Jake and Brittney enjoyed playing Money Games in Maths this week!

We have had some very interesting ‘smaller than your hand’ items brought to class for News this week. Thank you everyone for taking the time and effort towards presenting your News items. News topic for next week is: Bring in something from the garden and explain it to us. Wishing you a wonderful weekend! Mrs Fiona Skene Stage 2 Class Teacher Stage 3 Class News Once again it has been a busy week all round. We are excitedly getting ready for the construction of the Chicken Coop next week. We have resolved our technical issues and have been given the all clear to begin construction on Monday. Hopefully the weather will hold out during next week, although we might

Enjoy your weekend and fingers crossed for lots of sunshine for our build week next week! Ms Heidi Edgerton Stage 3 Class Teacher

P&C News

Thank you to the P&C Members who turned up to

Monday night’s meeting regarding the Holmwood Festival! It appears that the Festival has almost doubled in size with around 50 stalls, rides, live

entertainment, fireworks!!






Community News

All families will be requested to assist with the running of the Festival, which will be our MAJOR

Fundraiser for this year – whether helping on stalls,

baking cakes or working behind the scenes – there are plenty of jobs to do! The P&C work very hard

throughout the year to provide extra funds that benefit ALL students, so your assistance is needed!

Attached to this week’s Newsletter is a parent helper roster for each family. We

require one parent from each family to assist with various jobs on the night Please write your name on at least ONE time slot (or more if you are able!!) and

return the form to the school. If you have any concerns or questions about

the roster please contact Kelly Murphy on 0455 456543

WANTED NOW – JAZZY JARS - any glass jars with lids that can be filled with goodies for a Jazzy Jar stall at the Festival. Some ideas could be….

Stationary – textas, gel pens, stickers, rubbers Lollies – must be wrapped in paper

Girls Jars – clips, hair bands, beads, nail polish Boys Jars – toy cars, army men

Party Jars – whistles, balloons, party poppers, glow sticks

Please ensure all items are new/unused.


EMPTY GASS JARS with LIDS – we have crates





stationary donated by Central West Pest Ex which we can use to fill empty glass jars to make more Jazzy Jars – please send these in to school! 

OLD BLANKETS/PICNIC RUGS to be used for additional seating at the Festival!

Michelle Whitty – P&C Secretary

COWRA NETBALL ASSOC 2017 REPRESENTATIVE TEAM TRIAL DATES ANNOUNCED. Junior Development Squad (10 & 11 yrs) will be held 27th August & 3rd September from 11am till 12.30pm  12 YRS REP TRIALS will be held 27th August & 3rd September from 11am till 12.30pm  13, 14, 15 & 17 years will be held 4th & 11th September with times to be announced. Nomination forms are available on our website http://cowrana.nsw.netball.com.au/ under the Representative tab. Please hand in completed nomination forms PRIOR to trial dates at the canteen or alternatively you can email them to cowra.netball@hotmail.com or post to PO Box 367, COWRA.

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