Holmwood Public School Newsletter Term 3 Week 7

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Principal: Jenny Lewis  Cowra-Carcoar Road, Cowra NSW 2794  63422172 0458 422 000 63411247 @ holmwood-p.school@det.nsw.edu.au  www.holmwood-p.schools.nsw.edu.au

Term 3 Week 7 – Week Ending 2nd September 2016

Students of the Week! Congratulations to our Week 6 Students of the Week!

Gymnastics @ PCYC! We had another fantastic week participating in Gymnastics lessons at the Cowra PCYC! All teachers commented on the improvements the children have made in their flexibility, balance, co-ordination and confidence in just one week! We are all excited to see what Kim has in store for us again next Monday!

Year 6 Graduation Jumper

Jack Billing (Kinder), Madison Wright (Stage 1),

Last Friday the Year 6 students were presented with their Graduation Jumpers! The students chose the design and each have their nickname on the back. They look fantastic and I have been told, are very comfortable and warm! Huge thanks to Jeremy and Julie Ryan at Mr Embroidery for their prompt delivery!

Jaydan Wright (Stage 2) and Annaliese Cameron (Stage 3)

Merit Awards were presented to; Stage 1 – Chelsea Leister Stage 2 – Kyeisha Flett Stage 3 – Briana Bates Library – Madison Wright, Brodie Rye and Christian Petty Congratulations to all students!

Citizenship Award Week 6 – Annaliese Cameron Annaliese was chosen as the Week 6 Citizenship Award winner by Cheri. Annaliese is in Year 6 and was awarded the Citizenship Award for having a positive “can-do” attitude and this was particularly evident during Gymnastics lessons over the past two weeks. Congratulations Annaliese!

Can you guess which name belongs to which student?

“Chicken Run” Construction Week!! The rear of the Stage 3 classroom has been a hive of ativitiy this week as the “Chicken Run” Construction Week began. The Stage 3 students, Dave and Ms Edgerton have worked very hard digging holes, levelling and standing posts, attaching chicken mesh and drilling and hammering to provide a very spacious and comfortable home for our new HPS chickens! Massive thanks must go out to the parent and grandparent volunteer helpers – Kris Beaumont, Don Collins, Julie Collins, Naomi Lawler, Karen Beaumont, Liz Russell, Rebecca Edenborough and Rick Waters. With wet weather predicted for the remainder of the

week, some of our construction will unfortunately have to be postponed until we get a sunny day!

Christian and Will working hard on the tools!

The walls starting to take shape! Naomi Lawler and Karen Beaumont also added valuable assistance during the build this week!

Donation from Cowra Council A huge thank you to Cowra Council for their generous donation of a brand new worm farm and bonus box of worms!! Our Stage 2 students will have great fun setting this up over the next few weeks as we continue our focus on sustainable living at Holmwood PS this term!

Lilly and Briana show some muscle working on the post hole digger!

K-2 Post Office Excursion As part of Kinder and Stage 1’s work in HSIE on the topic “Workers in the Community”, Mrs Lewis will be taking the K-2 students to the Cowra Post Office next Thursday 8th September. Students will get to see ‘behind the scenes’ at the Post Office, see the mail sorting room and even have a look at the Postman’s Motor Bike! Please ensure permission notes are returned to school this week. There is no cost for this excursion and parents are welcome to join us on the day.

T20 Milo Cup Cricket We have had some wonderful assistance from our parent helpers! Kris Beaumont, Harry and Foreman Dave pictured after a hard day’s work!

This year HPS will again take part in the T20 Milo Cricket Cup, along with many of the other schools in Cowra.

The Cricket Cup will be held on Wednesday 14th September. Ms Edgerton and Cheri will accompany the students on this full day of cricketing fun! Please find a permission note attached to this week’s Newsletter with details about the day. There is no cost for this excursion.

Fri 16th Sept

Ms Edgerton – Leave (Mrs Knight Stage 3)

Mon 19th Sept

Whole School Excursion Sport & Recreation Centre at Borambola

Tues 20th Sept

Ms Edgerton – Leave (Mrs Kiely Stg 3) GYMNASTICS @ PCYC AECG AGM – Cowra High School at 2pm (Mrs Lewis) KINDER Transition Class - 9:3012:00pm. Year 6 – World Peace Day Forum – Cowra Civic Centre (Mrs Kiely) Year 5 – with Mrs Lewis Manly Selective Schools Band visiting Holmwood 1:30-2:30pm Ms Edgerton – Leave (Mrs Lewis Stg 3) Mr Duncan Auld – Director of Public Schools NSW visiting HPS – 10am-1pm (Mrs Lewis) Ms Edgerton – Leave (Mrs Knight St 3) End of Term Assembly 1:45pm Camp Quality Tractor Trek Excursion to Woodstock PS – K-6 attending for the day! Last Day of Term!

Term 3 is flying by very quickly which means that our Whole School Excursion is fast approaching – Week 5 Term 4 - 9th, 10th and 11th of November!! This is a friendly reminder to families who would like to start paying off their remaining amount owing for the cost of the excursion. Payments of any amount can be made to the front office. The total payment will need to be received by Friday 28th November. A note will be sent home early next term notifying each family of their remaining balance. In the meantime if you would like to know how much is still outstanding please phone the school. The majority of our families have paid the $50 deposit which leaves a balance of $183.00 remaining.

Good Luck Regional Athletes! Good luck to the following students who are off to Dubbo on Friday to compete at the Western region PSSA Athletics Carnival – Charlotte Collins, Lucas Sandry, Will Skinner, Taylah Boatwood, Lily Lawler, Lilly Whitty & Annaliese Cameron – GO HOLMWOOD!!

Term 3 Week 8

Tues 6th Sept

Thurs 8th Sept Fri 9th Sept

Miss Chloe Thompson starts Teaching Prac at Holmwood PS (Stage 1) Book Club due KINDER Transition Class 9:30-12:00pm North Cowra Childcare Centre Visit to HPS 10:30-11:30am Mrs Skene Professional Learning Day – Orange (Mrs Kiely Stage 2) K-2 Excursion to the Post Office Scripture

Term 3 Week 9 Mon 12th Sept Tues 13th Sept

Wed 14th Sept

Wed 21st Sept

Thur 22nd Sept

Fri 23rd Sept

Kind Regards, Jenny Lewis Principal

Attachments  

Calendar Mon 5th Sept

Term 3 Week 10

GYMNASTICS @ PCYC KINDER Transition Class - 9:3012:00pm. Stage 2 and Stage 3 Regional Spelling Bee – Calare PS (Orange) – Mrs Skene attending (Mrs Kiely Stage 2) MILO Cricket – Stage 3 9:00-2:30pm – Twigg Oval Lily and Lara – NAIDOC Public Speaking Regional Final – Tottenham CS

Milo Cricket Permission Note (Stage 3 only) NAIDOC Public Speaking Permission Note (participating students only) Spelling Bee Permission Note (participating students only)

Kinder Class News We have had a very fun week in the Kinder class! We all absolutely LOVED our Gymnastics lesson at the PCYC on Monday and are getting very brave at trying out some of the tricky equipment - especially the balance beam! We enjoyed having our Kinder transition friends come and visit us again on Tuesday and celebrated Jack’s 6th birthday on the same day! We received messages from Ruby and Anabelle who are both on holidays and it was great to hear from them. We saw a photo of Ruby snorkelling at the Great Barrier Reef and Anabelle sent us some photos of the work she has been doing over in America. We can’t wait to hear all about their adventures!!

In Maths this week we have been working on addition. We have mastered the ‘counting on’ strategy which is where, when adding two numbers together; we put the bigger number in our head and count on from that number!

We have some very clever Mathematicians in Kinder!

been creating? A big thank you to Mrs K for having Stage 1 on Tuesday. The focus in Maths this week was addition and subtraction. Year 1 looked at the relationship between addition and subtraction. They discovered that they could use the knowledge they have about addition to work out subtraction problems. Year 2 looked at rounding numbers to the nearest 10. For example, the number 26 is closer to 30 than 20. Once they were confident with this, they transferred this knowledge into estimating the answer to a range of addition problems. Stage 1 also did some revision on addition and subtraction problem solving strategies.

In HSIE we discussed the different tools that workers in our community use. We looked at several different occupations including dentist, bus driver, mountain rescue worker, teacher and farmer and worked in small groups to come up with a list of tools that are specific to each job. We are all excited about going to visit the Post Office next Thursday! Please make sure all permission notes are returned by Wednesday next week. Kind Regards, Mrs Jenny Lewis Kindergarten Class Teacher

Stage 1 Class News Year 1/2 had a fabulous time at Gymnastics this week. The students warmed up with some funky dance moves. There was some jumping, spinning and rolling. Next, they had to work together to complete an array of varying balance activities. This required them to use strength and trust to successfully complete the move. Stage 1 were definitely more confident this week and each student challenged themselves by taking a little risk. The students were extremely talented at doing front flips off the trampoline onto the big, thick, soft mats. They are superstars in the making!! On Tuesday, Year 1/2 continued their work on Koala Lou by Mem Fox with Mrs K. The students had to write a list of adjectives and descriptions about Koala Lou. Here are some of the words and phrases they composed. Koala Lou has furry ears, large eyes, soft fur. Koala Lou is cute and cuddly. Koala Lou is grey. Koala Lou is loved. After this task was completed, the children were able to work on a ‘Koala Lou Find-a-Word’. In the afternoon, 1/2 were joined by Kindergarten for an arts and craft session. This lesson involved following instructions, fine motor skills and some folding ability. Hmmm, I wonder what they have

Until next week… Mrs Amylee Knight Stage 1 Class Teacher

Stage 2 Class News Another action-packed week in the Stage 2 classroom has flown by!! It is hard to believe that Week 8 is nearly upon us! To start the week off we attended our 2nd Gymnastics session with our instructor Kim Grinter being back in action. The highlight of this week’s lesson was everyone performing flips, somersaults and jumps off the trampolines onto the mats. I can see some future employees for “Cirque du Soleil” amongst us!! This week we have continued typing our Procedures. For some of us, typing takes a little longer than handwriting, as it is a skill we are all still mastering and learning to become more proficient at! Perseverance is the key word! Everyone is thoroughly enjoying participating in the Reader’s Theatre Sessions with a notable improvement in fluency and expression being displayed by all, which is very pleasing to hear! Mass has been the focus in the Mathematics classroom this week. We have been very busy estimating and then

weighing lots of different items from home and around the classroom. Converting from grams to kilograms and vice versa has also been the focus.

Katie and Jaydan investigated using the measuring scales while Liam (below) worked with the equal arm balance.

craftsmanship and for demonstrating how to use the tools. On Monday we saw the layout, the measuring, post hole digging and assembly of the post for the frame of the chicken coop. Then quickly we progressed on Tuesday and Wednesday putting up the bird mesh around the sides of the yard and on 1/3 of the roof. On Thursday we assembled the nesting box, roosting area and constructed the fibro around the sides of the house. Only a couple more things to go and our chicken coop will be fully functioning! As the students were taking it in turns in and out of the classroom on our work site, they worked cooperatively and diligently in the classroom to complete assigned maths tasks on data and graphing. They also completed their hand writing each day, investigated the text “The Happiest Refugee” by Ahn Do and wrote a report about World Refugee Day” from a BTN clip. Congratulations to all students for working independently in the classroom! Ms Heidi Edgerton Stage 3 Class Teacher

P&C News

Our next Holmwood Festival meeting is on Monday th


September at Karen Beaumont’s house – all


We have occasionally been sticky-beaks this week at the Chicken Coop building that has been progressing outside our classroom. It looks fantastic and what an amazing and wonderful project that Ms Edgerton and the Stage 3 classroom have achieved! A friendly reminder that Homework is due on Friday. As I have mentioned previously, in order to receive your DOJO points, homework must be handed in on Friday! News topic next week is: Free choice. Mrs Fiona Skene

All families will be requested to assist with the running of the Festival, which will be our MAJOR

fundraiser for this year – whether helping on stalls, baking cakes or working behind the scenes – there are plenty of jobs to do! The P&C work very hard

throughout the year to provide extra funds that benefit ALL students, so your assistance is needed!

Attached to last week’s Newsletter was

Stage 2 Class Teacher

a parent helper roster for each family.

Stage 3 Class News

to assist with various jobs on the night

What a fantastic week the Stage 3 students have had working hard on our STEM “Chicken Run” Project. A huge thank you to all the parents and grandparents that have helped throughout the week donating their time - Kris Beaumont, Don and Julie Collins, Karen Beaumont, Naomi Lawler, Liz Russell, Rick Waters and Rebecca Edenborough. A huge thank you to DAVE KISS for his awesome

Please write your name on at least ONE

We require one parent from each family

time slot (or more if you are able!!) and

return the form to the school. If you

have any concerns or questions about the roster please contact Kelly Murphy on 0455 456 543

WANTED NOW – JAZZY JARS - any glass jars with lids that can be filled with goodies for a Jazzy Jar stall at the Festival. Some ideas could be….

Stationary – textas, gel pens, stickers, rubbers Lollies – must be wrapped in paper

Girls Jars – clips, hair bands, beads, nail polish Boys Jars – toy cars, army men

Party Jars – whistles, balloons, party poppers, glow sticks

Please ensure all items are new/unused.


JAZZY JAR FILLERS– we have lots of empty jars that need fillers!!


could be lollies, hair clips, textas, gel pens etc etc! 

OLD BLANKETS/PICNIC RUGS to be used for additional seating at the Festival!

Michelle Whitty – P&C Secretary

Community News


Junior Development Squad (10 & 11 yrs) will be held 27th August & 3rd September from 11am till 12.30pm  12 YRS REP TRIALS will be held 27th August & 3rd September from 11am till 12.30pm  13, 14, 15 & 17 years will be held 4th & 11th September with times to be announced. Nomination forms are available on our website http://cowrana.nsw.netball.com.au/ under the Representative tab. Please hand in completed nomination forms PRIOR to trial dates at the canteen or alternatively you can email them to Cowra.netball@hotmail.com or post to PO Box 367, COWRA.

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