Principal: Mrs Kris Pagett Cowra-Carcoar Road, Cowra NSW 2794 6342 2172 M: 0458 422000 Term 3 Week 7 – Week Ending Friday 7th September
From the Principal’s Desk
I would like to advise parents and caregivers that our
Our Year 6 students have been invited to attend the 2018 World Peace Day Regional Youth Forum to be held on Tuesday 18th September at the Cowra Civic Centre. The students will be participating in a stimulating day of workshops, guest speakers and a Q&A panel, exploring the issues of human rights and peace. There is no cost for the students to attend this Forum and morning tea and lunch will be provided. Parents are to drop their child at the Civic Centre by 9:15am where they will be met by Mrs Knight. Parents are to collect their children from the Civic Centre at 3:00pm. A permission note was sent with a previous newsletter, please complete the permission note and return it to school as soon as possible.
FRUIT & VEG MONTH HPS will be participating in a great program that will complement HPS’s Nutrition Policy and PDH Curriculum outcomes by educating our students on the benefits of eating fruit and vegetables as part of a healthy lifestyle. Activities will reinforce a wide range of curriculum outcomes. The program will run from 3rd to 28th September 2018. A permission note was sent home with last week’s Newsletter. Please read and sign the note and return to school asap if you have not already done so.
HEALTHY FOOD AT SCHOOL HPS is trying to promote healthy eating at school, it would be appreciated if families do not send chewing gum, lollies and packaged twisties etc to school with their child. We understand that some children can be fussy eaters and it is hard to find something to fill their lunch boxes some ideas might be to encourage them to make their own sandwiches and choose their own fillings or take them shopping for their own fruit and vegetables. Thank you for your cooperation.
end of term Assembly will be held Friday 21st of September commencing at 12:00pm. Our wonderful P&C will be offering a lunch meal deal on the day. Details will be in next week’s newsletter.
TODD WOODBRIDGE CUP PRIMARY SCHOOL COMPETITION GRADE 3 & 4 Congratulations to our Yrs 3 & 4 students who participated in the Todd Woodbridge Cup at the Cowra Tennis Courts last term. The teams will now proceed to the Western PSSA Final which is to be held on 2nd November at the Canowindra Tennis Courts commencing at 9:45am. The State Final will be held on 19th November at Sydney Olympic Park. A permission note and the Guidelines will be sent home early next term.
The teams participating in the Todd Woodbridge Cup to be held in Canowindra next term are: Girls: Addison Skinner, Eloise Newell, Chelsea Leister and Mia O’Malveney. Boys: Micah Murphy, Archie King, Jonathan Gillham and Samuel Lawler. Congratulations to these students. P&C CAKE STALL FESTIVAL FUNDRAISER Our P&C Association will be holding a cake stall at the Holmwood Festival this year. It would be
appreciated if families could please donate cakes/slices for this Festival. Attached to this newsletter please find containers for your donations. Could families please leave your cakes/slices at the school office the day before or bring them to the Festival on the day. Please add a list of your ingredients to the top of your containers. We thank you for your kind donations.
MORRIS GLEITZMAN VISITS COWRA On Thursday 13th of September Morris Gleitzman, bestselling Australian Children’s Author, will be visiting Cowra. Some of his titles include “Two Weeks with the Queen”, “Doubting Thomas Burnface”, “Snot Chocolate” and “Loyal Creatures”. Our Yr 5/6 students have the opportunity of hearing him speak at the Cowra Civic Centre. Students will travel to and from the Civic Centre via Dowd’s Bus Service. There is no cost for the students to attend. Please complete the permission note sent home with last week’s newsletter and return to school as soon as possible.
FARMERS DROUGHT FUNDRAISER – MUFTI DAY COIN DONATION – TOMORROW FRIDAY 7TH SEPTEMBER Tomorrow Friday 7th of September HPS are having a Mufti Day to raise money to assist the Farmers Drought Relief Fund. Students are invited to come to school dressed in farmers gear and bring some coins as a donation. We will be painting a large D on the oval and hope to cover it in coins – preferably GOLD. All proceeds will be donated to the Farmer’s Drought Appeal. WOOLWORTHS CRICKET BLAST SCHOOL CUP Our Stage 3 students have been invited to participate in the Cowra Woolworths Cricket Blast School cup (organised by Cricket NSW) ON Wednesday 19th September 2018 at Twigg and Holman Oval, Cowra. Attached to this newsletter please find a permission note, with all details. Please complete the permission note and return it to school asap.
WESTERN REGION ATHLETICS CARNIVAL Congratulations to the students who have been selected to participate in the Western Region Athletics Carnival. A note with all details concerning the Carnival which is being held at Barden Park, Gipps Street, Dubbo on Friday 14th of September and also details regarding the rules of the Carnival was sent home with a previous newsletter Please read
these carefully, sign and return the
permission note to the school office asap. Thank you.
High School Transition for Year 6 students going into Year 7 next year is continuing. Students are attending Cowra High School from 2:15pm until 3:15pm every 2nd Thursday. The dates for the next Transition Days are: next Thursday 13th September, Thursday 27th September and Thursday 25th October. Students will be transported to Cowra High School via teacher’s car. At the end of each Transition students will be catching their buses home from Cowra High School or be picked up from the High School by parents. Students will be required to wear enclosed leather shoes (this is for Health & Safety reasons and for their own safety in practical classrooms) as the lessons will be Food Technology and Ag/Science.
Our students have been invited to the matinee performance of “Alice in Wonderland”, presented by Cowra Public School, to be held on Thursday 27th September 2018. The cost for students to attend this performance is only $2.00 per child. Please complete the attached permission note and return to school with payment asap. Thank you.
FORMAL SCHOOL UNIFORMS Families are reminded that HPS has introduced a new formal uniform. The uniform will be worn on Monday, Tuesday and Thursday. Our students, particularly our school leaders, are attending more out of school special occasions where the formal uniform is required to be worn. Occasionally students have Gymnastics or other extra sporting activities, when these are on students are to wear their sports uniforms, otherwise the sports uniform will be worn on Wednesday and Friday. Uniforms are available to purchase from the school office and the girls formal skirt can be purchased from Central West Uniforms located in the Centre Arcade in Kendal Street. You may claim a $10 refund on the purchase of the formal skirt when you present your receipt to the school office. This is to help offset the cost as the girls new formal uniform is a little more expensive than the boys.
COLES BAG DESIGN COMPETITION Coles are giving all primary and secondary school students across Australia the opportunity to design the next range of Coles reusable shopping bags and win fantastic prizes. The new range of sturdy, multiuse shopping bags are better for the environment because they can be used over and over again. Great Prizes for Great Designs – each selected bag design will be rewarded with $5,000 for your school to spend on an environmental or sustainability project. PLUS a $500 Coles Gift Card will be awarded to the student who creates the winning design. A minimum of 7 amazing designs will be selected. ALL ENTRIES MUST BE SUBMITTED BY MONDAY 22ND OF OCTOBER 2018. The 4 categories for the original bag designs are: 1. Nature and our environment 2. Delicious fresh food 3. Happiness is….? 4. Where my imagination takes me…. The design style is completely up to students. Designs could include photography, illustrations, graphic designs or drawings. Students can enter as many times as they like, however, each design must be original. Please check the competition full terms and conditions on the Coles website at How to Enter – Full details and terms and conditions can be found on the Coles website design. Remember the competition closes on Monday 22nd of October 2018 and students can enter as many times as they like. Please contact the school office if you would like more information.
Thur 13th Sept Fri 14th Sept
Lawn Bowls at HPS Western Region Athletics Carnival in Dubbo (for selected students only).
Term 3 Week 9 Mon 17th Sept Tue 18th Sept
Wed 19th Sept Thurs 20th Sept Fri 21st Sept
Gymnastics – Yrs 4/5/6 Gymnastics – Yrs 2/3/4 World Peace Day Youth Forum – Year 6 Students – Cowra Civic Centre Yr 5/6 - Cricket Blast Gymnastics – Yrs K/1/2 Lawn Bowls at HPS END OF TERM ASSEMBLY – 12PM
Term 3 Week 10 th
Mon 24 Sept Tue 25th Sept Wed 26th Sept Thurs 27th Sept
Gymnastics – Yrs 4/5/6 Gymnastics – Yrs 2/3/4 Gymnastics – Yrs K/1/2 Whole School Matinee Performance - Cowra Civic Centre
Kind Regards, Kris Pagett Principal
P&C FRIDAY MEAL DEAL TOMORROW, FRIDAY 7th of September the P&C are offering students a Pie with your choice of Tomato or BBQ sauce and a treat for lunch. Cost for this yummy lunch is just $5.00. Attached to this Newsletter please find your order form which must be sent back to school TOMORROW.
A reminder to families to please return your clear plastic newsletter folder each week. This is to ensure that your child’s Newsletter and all other important information arrive home safely and any notes that need to be returned to school are returned in the folder. Thank you.
On 10th of September (this Monday) the SRC are once again offering a sausage sizzle to students for lunch. Dave, our wonderful GA, will once again be cooking this for our students. The cost of a sausage sandwich is $2.00. Attached please find your order form. Please complete the order and return to school with payment by Monday morning. Thank you Dave!!
Term 3 Week 7 Fri 7th Sept
Mufti day – Coin Donation to raise funds for Farmers Drought Relief Fund Scripture
Term 3 Week 8 th
Mon 10 Sept Tues 11th Sept Wed 12th Sept
Gymnastics – Yrs 4/5/6 Gymnastics – Yrs 2/3/4 Gymnastics – Yrs K/1/2
On WEDNESDAY 5th of September (next Wednesday) the SRC are offering cheese toasties for a small cost of $2.00. An Order Form will be sent home on Monday.
Attachments Woolworths Cricket Blast School Cup Permission Note “Alice in Wonderland” Performance Permission Note P&C Meal Deal Order Form Wednesday Sausage Sizzle Order Form
WANTED!! We URGENTLY need empty VCR covers to use in our Library. If families have any covers that they are no longer in need of please send them in to school. Thank you. WHOLE SCHOOL EXCURSION
ONLY 82 SLEEPS TO GO A friendly reminder that families are welcome to make payments for our Whole School Excursion to be held 28th, 29th and 30th of November, if you wish to make a payment please call into the school office and Anthea will assist you. This year our school will be travelling to the Blue Mountains, this is an excursion which will be part of our Geography and PD curriculum. If you have not yet paid your $50.00 deposit and wish to attend please call in to the office and make your payment asap. Remember that this is a WHOLE
stalls and need helpers on the day, this only needs to be a couple of hours – Hot Chips & Hot Dogs Lamb and Gravy Rolls Lollies Drinks Glow Sticks Raffle Table Cake Stall
Attached to this newsletter please find an information sheet which includes a tear off section for families to complete indicating times they are able to assist. Please complete your preference and return to the school office asap. Your assistance is urgently needed to help make this Festival a huge success. Thank you!! The P&C are also in need of donations of bags of lollies for their lolly jar stall.
SCHOOL excursion and all students are expected to attend. If you have any questions do not hesitate to make an appointment with a staff member and they will be more than happy to assist you.
If families would like to donate please leave them at the school office and a P&C member will collect them. We thank you for your generous support.
A huge thank you to all families and helpers who have returned their notes and offered to assist on the night. Your help is very much appreciated. We are still in need of helpers, if you can spare any time at all please complete the attached note and return to school asap. The Festival will be held on Saturday September 22nd from 3pm to 8pm. Our P&C members have been working extremely hard to ensure this is a success and now need your help!! Holmwood P&C will be running the following
As this is the P&C’s major fundraiser for the year your assistance will make a huge difference to making this wonderful event as successful as it has been in past years. Thank you for your continued support. Holmwood P&C Committee!!
Old Rugs, Doonas and Blankets If families have any old rugs, doonas or blankets they no longer use the P&C Festival Committee are in need of some to use to cover bales for seating at the upcoming Festival. Please leave any donations you have at the school office.