Holmwood Public School Term 3 week 8 Newsletter

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Principal: Jenny Lewis  Cowra-Carcoar Road, Cowra NSW 2794  63422172 0458 422 000 63411247 @ holmwood-p.school@det.nsw.edu.au  www.holmwood-p.schools.nsw.edu.au

Term 3 Week 8 – Week Ending 9th September 2016

Students of the Week! Congratulations to our Week 7 Students of the Week!

Jack Lawler (Kinder), Samuel Lawler (Stage 1),

their hardest and from all accounts, despite the rain, enjoyed the experience immensely. Special congratulations go to Will Skinner who placed 2nd in the 11 Years Boys Discus and will now progress to the State Athletics Carnival to be held in Homebush early next term! Will threw a personal best throw of 20.35 metres which is a massive effort! Well done WILL!!

“Chicken Run”!

Liam Beaumont (Stage 2) and Harry Beaumont (Stage 3)

Merit Awards were presented to; Stage 1 – Makayla Toohey Stage 2 – Katie Boatwood Stage 3 – Briana Bates Library – Jack Billing, Jaydan Wright, Briana Bates Congratulations to all students!

Massive thanks needs to go out to Dave Kiss and Rick Waters for their work in finishing off the HPS Chicken Coop this week. Our chooks will be snug and cosy in their new home!! Also thanks to Lisa Mason (Ivy’s mum who comes to Kinder Transition) for arranging two extra hens and a rooster to join the brood at HPS. We are so excited to welcome the newest members to our school!

Citizenship Award Week 7 – Mia Kiss Mia was chosen as the Week 7 Citizenship Award winner by Mrs Hubbard. Mia is in Kindergarten and was awarded the Citizenship Award for always being polite and friendly to all teachers and visitors to our school! Congratulations Mia!

Western Region Athletics Results! Congratulations to all HPS students who competed in Dubbo last week at the Western Region PSSA Athletics Carnival. In very wet conditions, our students tried

Gymnastics @ PCYC! We had another fantastic week participating in Gymnastics lessons at the Cowra PCYC! All teachers commented on the improvements the children have made in their flexibility, balance, co-ordination and

confidence. This week we have seen some impressive flips and jumps using the vault and some wonderful balancing on the balance beam!

Governor-General Visit On Sunday evening Mrs Lewis, Lilly and Lara were invited to attend a Mayoral Reception for the His Excellency General the Honourable Sir Peter Cosgrove and Her Excellency Lady Cosgrove; Governor-General of the Commonwealth of Australia. The GovernorGeneral is in Cowra for a few days visiting some of the attractions in and around our town!

Chelsea and Addie showing great flexibility at Gymnastics this week!

Anti-bullying Workshops This week the whole school has been involved in an Anti-bullying Education Program run each afternoon by the HPS staff. So far we have focused on the following areas; 1. What is Bullying? 2. What roles do people play when bullying occurs (the Bully, the Victim, the Reinforcers and the Bystanders) 3. What do we do if we see someone being bullied or are being bullied ourselves? 4. How can we report bullying behaviour? All students have been active participants in this exercise and it has been wonderful to see the leadership shown by our Stage 3 students this week. Please take the time to talk to your child about what is being discussed at school. Holmwood Public School does not tolerate any form of bullying. Next week we will continue with this Program and look at the different forms of bullying including verbal, physical, emotional and cyberbullying.

Mrs Lewis, Lilly, the Governor-General and Lara at the Mayoral Reception on Sunday night.

PCYC Information Look who popped into Holmwood PS last Thursday afternoon? Billy Mac the PCYC Mascot paid us a visit with his buddy Shane to spread the word about all the amazing activities our Cowra PCYC has available for kids and adults of all ages and we are so lucky to have such a fantastic facility in our town. Attached to this week’s Newsletter is some information relating to ALL the activities PCYC are running in the school holidays.

T20 Milo Cup Cricket This year HPS will again take part in the T20 Milo Cricket Cup, along with many of the other schools in Cowra. The Cricket Cup will be held next Wednesday 14th September. Ms Edgerton and Cheri will accompany the students on this full day of

cricketing fun! Please return the permission note attached to last week’s Newsletter with details about the day. There is no cost for this excursion.

Whole School Excursion: Sport & Recreation Centre at Borambola Term 3 is flying by very quickly which means that our Whole School Excursion is fast approaching – Week 5 Term 4 - 9th, 10th and 11th of November!! This is a friendly reminder to families who would like to start paying off their remaining amount owing for the cost of the excursion. Payments of any amount can be made to the front office. The total payment will need to be received by Friday 28th November. A note will be sent home early next term notifying each family of their remaining balance. In the meantime if you would like to know how much is still outstanding please phone the school. The majority of our families have paid the $50 deposit which leaves a balance of $183.00 remaining.

Lily and Lara are off to Tottenham on Wednesday to compete in the NAIDOC Public Speaking Competition and Stage 3 students will be competing in the Milo T20 Cricket Cup on Wednesday as well!

Calendar Term 3 Week 9 Mon 12th Sept Tues 13th Sept

Wed 14th Sept

Fri 16th Sept

Term 3 Week 10 Mon 19th Sept

Camp Quality Tractor Trek- Woodstock PS Our school has been invited to attend the Camp Quality Tractor Trek to be held at Woodstock PS on the last day of Term. This will be a whole day event with other activities including a puppet show, sporting competitions with other small schools, craft activities organised by Cowra Information and Neighbourhood Centre and of course viewing the amazing tractors! Students will travel to and from Woodstock by bus and there will be no cost for this excursion. Please sign and return the attached permission note.

Tues 20th Sept

Wed 21st Sept

Thur 22nd Sept

World Peace Day Forum Year 6 students have been invited to attend the Cowra Council World Peace Day Youth Forum on Tuesday 20th September. This is a wonderful opportunity for our School Leaders to meet and listen to guest speakers’ talk about how our School Leaders can encourage peace within our school, our community and the world. The Forum will be held in the Theatrette at the Cowra Civic Centre and a light lunch will also be provided. Mrs Kiely will be accompanying the students on the day and they will also visit the Cowra Council Chambers and Art Gallery. A permission note is attached to this week’s Newsletter - please ensure these are returned by Monday 12th September.

GOOD LUCK!! Next week we have several students attending events and competitions around the region. Good Luck to our Regional Spelling Bee entrants – Brittney, Layla, Akiko and Christian who compete in Orange on Tuesday.

GYMNASTICS @ PCYC KINDER Transition Class - 9:3012:00pm. Stage 2 and Stage 3 Regional Spelling Bee – Calare PS (Orange) – Mrs Skene attending (Mrs Kiely Stage 2) MILO Cricket – Stage 3 9:00-2:30pm – Twigg Oval Lily and Lara – NAIDOC Public Speaking Regional Final – Tottenham CS Ms Edgerton – Leave (Mrs Knight Stage 3)

Fri 23rd Sept

Ms Edgerton – Leave (Mrs Kiely Stg 3) GYMNASTICS @ PCYC AECG AGM – Cowra High School at 2pm (Mrs Lewis) KINDER Transition Class - 9:3012:00pm. Year 6 – World Peace Day Forum – Cowra Civic Centre (Mrs Kiely) Year 5 – with Mrs Lewis Manly Selective Schools Band visiting Holmwood 1:30-2:30pm Ms Edgerton – Leave (Mrs Lewis Stg 3) Mr Duncan Auld – Director of Public Schools NSW visiting HPS – 10am-1pm (Mrs Lewis) Ms Edgerton – Leave (Mrs Knight Stg 3) End of Term Assembly 1:45pm Camp Quality Tractor Trek Excursion to Woodstock PS – K-6 attending for the day! Last Day of Term!

School Holidays! Saturday 24th September – Sunday 9th October Kind Regards, Jenny Lewis Principal

Attachments 

World Peace Day Youth Permission Note – (Year 6 only)


  

Camp Quality Tractor Trek Permission Note (K-6) Basketball Flyer PCYC Information Pack

Kinder Class News This week we welcomed back Ruby to our class. Ruby has been travelling around the country exploring lots of exciting and interesting places. On Monday Ruby shared her news about her adventures and shared lots of great photos with the class – we all think snorkelling at the Great Barrier Reef would be exciting and fun! This week we have learnt all about the “ai” sound. We already knew the letters “ai” but did you know that “ay” and “a-e” also make the “ai” sound too! This has been a tricky concept to learn and we have been working hard on our spelling activities all week to master this! We had another lovely visit with our Kinder Transition students on Tuesday. We read the Pamela Allen book “I wish I had a Pirate Suit” and created some very fierce pirate masks! Unfortunately our visit with North Cowra Preschool has been postponed until next term due to staff illnesses. We have been focusing on the Measurement concept of “Length” this week in Maths. We have learnt that when measuring how tall, long or wide something is, it is important that we start at the top or bottom…not in the middle! We have used informal measurement units to measure how tall, how wide and how long certain things are in our classroom. We are all very excited about our Post Office Excursion tomorrow. This will complement the work we are doing in HSIE about “Workers in the Community” – photos of this will be in next week’s Newsletter as well as on our Facebook page later today. Kind Regards, Mrs Jenny Lewis Kindergarten Class Teacher

Stage 1 Class News Year 1/2 have had a fantastic week. The students continue to work at a high level and always strive to do their best.

We are extremely lucky to have Miss Chloe Thompson join us until the end of the term. Miss Thompson is a practicum student from the Australian Catholic University and has planned some terrific lessons for Stage 1. Gymnastics continued in Week 8. The students are becoming very confident in their ability to flip, cartwheel and dismount. The progress they have made is astounding! Miss Thompson taught the students ‘Poetry’ this week. As a class, the students and Miss Thompson came up with words and terms associated with the Olympics. After this was completed, the children used their own knowledge of and the brainstorming session to create their own ‘OLYMPICS’ acrostic poem. On Tuesday, the students learnt about catalogue poems. Catalogue poems are a list of thoughts about a particular topic. The topic of the day was ‘Flood’, which was very convenient! On Wednesday, the students learnt all about alliteration. Stage 1 read ‘Animalia’ by Graeme Base and watched the YouTube clip of Daniel Radcliffe (aka Harry Potter) rapping the ‘Alphabet Aerobics’. The children created their own alliteration sentences about a chosen animal. There was some very clever alliteration written. In Maths, Miss Thompson taught the children about metres and centimetres. Using trundle wheels Year 2 measured the distances to various rooms around the school from the classroom. Year 1 used metre rulers to measure a range of objects. In pairs, the students used rulers, tape measures and wool to measure their heights. We discovered Lucas was the tallest and Jay was the shortest. I hope Stage 1 (with Kindergarten) enjoyed their excursion to the Post Office. I cannot wait to hear all about it on Monday. Until next week… Mrs Amylee Knight and Miss Chloe Thompson Stage 1 Class Teachers

Stage 2 Class News Another busy week in the 3/4 classroom is drawing to an end1 It is hard to believe that Term 3 is nearly over!! Over the past week we have been very busy making our Father’s Day gifts; creating the most exquisite Rio Carnival inspired masks (you will be impressed on how creative everyone is when you see these!!); doing Spelling tests; Handwriting; typing our Procedures; participating in

Gymnastics (which of course was fantastic and lots of fun!!); learning about Verbs; engaging in Daily 5 rotations; continuing with our activities around the text “The Little Refugee”; improving our Oral Reading Fluency; partaking in Whole School Bullying sessions each afternoon; learning to read Timetables in Maths; learning about AM and PM in Maths and perfecting our time telling skills. These are just some of the activities in our educational journey that Stage 2 has completed this week!! Thank you to Mrs Kiely for taking my class whilst I attended a fantastic course on “Creative & Critical Thinking”. I look forward to implementing what I have learnt into my Teaching Program. News topic for next week is: Find a newspaper/magazine article that interests you and share it with your class. Kind Regards, Mrs Fiona Skene

Stage 2 Class Teacher Stage 3 Class News What a busy week we have had…working very hard last week to try and get our Holmwood Hen House completed, and working when we could in the rain!! A huge thank you to Rick Waters and Dave Kiss for their assistance! We are excited to be getting our chickens this Friday. If anyone has any straw bales they can spare for our Chicken Coop they would be very much appreciated. After construction of the chicken coop the students recapped their week and began writing their procedural recounts titled ‘How to Build a Chicken Coop’. At Gymnastics on Monday the students began learning some of the moves for the ‘RESPECT’ Concert. Next week we will be filming our moves, tricks, turns and jumps for our mini film that will be displayed at Cowra High School during Week 5 next Term for White Ribbon Day. Students are reminded to wear full school uniform for the filming - boys in black shorts and Holmwood red shirt and girls can wear black leggings and red shirt. Over the last few weeks the Year 5/6 students have been learning their speaking parts for our “Readers Theatre”. Costumes have started to come in for the filming which will begin on Monday 12th and the performance will be at the End of Term Assembly. In Maths we have been reviewing 3D shapes, analysing the properties and characteristics of different types of shapes and where they are used

in buildings such as in the construction of the chicken coop. Have a great weekend; hopefully the sun will be shining! Ms Heidi Edgerton Stage 3 Class Teacher

News from Mrs Kiely As predicted Term 3 has been another exciting and action packed term. Last Friday, despite the weather conditions, our Holmwood Regional Athletics team performed exceptionally well in each of their respective events. Our congratuations go to each team member as reaching this high level is a most admirable achievement. Well done to Lucas Sandry,Lara Collins, Charlotte Collins, William Skinner, Taylah Boatwood, Lily Lawler, Lilly Whitty and Annaliese Cameron! A huge cheer goes to Will Skinner who came second in the discus and now goes to the State Athletics Carnival in Sydney next term! A most sincere thank you goes to the parents who provided transport and encouragement to our school team as we couldn’t have done it without you! We have everything crossed that HPS will be holding our K-6 School Tree Planting Environmental Day tomorrow. This was postponed last time due to the wet weather. Now the soil is ready for us to dig and plant our trees. We will be making a wind and sunshelter screen for the chooks, so that the eggs don’t freeze or fry. Children may bring their own gardening gloves if they desire. We appreciate the ongoing support that Bunnings provides to our school. In the Library we are on the final countdown in preparation for the Library change over to the “Oliver System.” It has been a huge task but many hands make light work and we are on target. Hence we need all Library Books to be returned each week on a Thursday please. If any lost books are hiding under beds please find and return next week as everything has to be completed by the end of next week for our training day in week 10! On Tuesday week 10, I will be taking Year 6 to the World Peace Day Youth Forum in Cowra. We will be going to the Council Chambers prior to the Forum and to the Art Gallery afterwards. Please ensure all notes are returned by tomorrow. Students will need a small back pack that can be put safely under a chair please.

Please read the attached basketball flyer as this is a fabulous opportunity to become involved in a wondeful lifetime sport. Next term we will be having a qualified coach come to HPS for 4 weeks to teach K-6 these important skills in PE. It has been another another wonderful term with inspiring learning in the Library and improved fitness and skills in PE. Kind Regards, Mrs Deirdre Kiely RFF/Library Teacher

P&C News

All families are requested to assist with the running of the Festival, which will be our MAJOR

fundraiser for this year – whether helping on stalls,

baking cakes or working behind the scenes – there are plenty of jobs to do! The P&C work very hard

throughout the year to provide extra funds that benefit ALL students, so your assistance is needed!

We require one parent from each family to assist with various jobs on the night

Please write your name on at least ONE time slot (or more if you are able!!) and

return the form to the school. If you

have any concerns or questions about

the roster please contact Kelly Murphy on 0455 456 543 WANTED NOW – JAZZY JARS - any glass jars with lids that can be filled with goodies for a Jazzy Jar stall at the Festival. Some ideas could be….

Stationary – textas, gel pens, stickers, rubbers Lollies – must be wrapped in paper

Girls Jars – clips, hair bands, beads, nail polish Boys Jars – toy cars, army men

Party Jars – whistles, balloons, party poppers, glow sticks

Please ensure all items are new/unused.


JAZZY JAR FILLERS– we have lots of empty jars that need fillers!!


could be lollies, hair clips, textas, gel pens etc etc!

OLD BLANKETS/PICNIC RUGS to be used for additional seating at the Festival!

Michelle Whitty – P&C Secretary

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