Holmwood Public School Term 4 week 10 Newsletter

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Relieving Principal: Kim Smith  Cowra-Carcoar Road, Cowra NSW 2794  63422172 0458 422 000 63411247 @ holmwood-p.school@det.nsw.edu.au  www.holmwood-p.schools.nsw.edu.au Term 4 Week 10 – Week Ending 16th December 2016

Presentation Night On Thursday 8th December 2016 we celebrated the end of the learning year with Presentation Night. Many Awards were presented and many thanks were expressed to the children and school community of Holmwood Public School. Luckily the weather allowed us to proceed and the night progressed well. Mrs Lewis attended as well, with many other important guests to make the night a special one. A yummy supper was shared just before a special visitor in a red suit and a white beard appeared to share the holiday spirit and a bag of lollies for the children. Thank you to all who made this special event possible.

Stage 3 Class Party

Holmwood Public School 2016 School Magazine

Stage 2 Class Party

The School Magazine is available to purchase from the school office at a cost of $6.00. Many copies were sold prior to Presentation Night and during the night and there are still some copies for sale.

Class Parties 2016 Kindergarten, Stage 1, Stage 2 and Stage 3 celebrated the year on Wednesday with a day of fun activities. Children enjoyed a special movie screening during the day as an extra reward. Two different movies were screening in different classrooms to cater for individual tastes. Following this the children enjoyed a classroom party and shared some delicious food, fun games and dancing.

Stage 1 Class Party

Kindergarten 2017 School Supplies

Kindergarten Class Party Finally, the day was finished off with an afternoon of “Wet and Wild” fun. The children rotated around water fun activities that included; a slip and slide, sprinkler fun, water play and water guns.

School Books Please have these covered and labelled as follows; 6 x Scrapbooks (larger than A4 with blank pages) labelled  Maths  English Book  History/Geography  PD/Health  Science  Homework  Theme Work Stationery Supplies  Glue stick  Paint shirt  Library bag  Home Reader Folder (a large pencil case with a zipper is a great home reader folder as they are also waterproof)

Year 1 2017 School Supplies School Books Please have these covered and labelled as: 3 x Scrap Books (Larger than A4) labelled;  Work Book  Maths  Theme Work 3 x 96 page A4 Exercise Books labelled;  Homework  Spelling  English 3 x 64 page A4 exercise books labelled  History/Geography  PD/Health  Science  Stationery Supplies  Coloured pencils  2 x HB Lead pencils  Eraser  Sharpener  Scissors  30cm Ruler  Glue Stick  Paint shirt  Home Reader folder  Library bag

Year 2 2017 School Supplies

2017 School Supplies As the school year draws to a close, the teachers have organised a school supply list which we would appreciate all students having ready to go for the first day of school next year.

School Books Please have these covered and labelled as follows; 6 x 96 page A4 exercise books labelled  Homework  Spelling  Maths  Work Book  Writing  English 1 x Scrap Book (Larger than A4) labelled  Theme Work 3 x 64 page A4 exercise books labelled  HSIE  PD/Health  Science

Stationery Supplies  Coloured pencils  2 x HB lead pencils  Eraser  Sharpener  Scissors  Ruler  Glue Stick  Paint shirt  Home Reader folder  Library bag

Year 3 2017 School Supplies School Books Please have these covered and labelled as follows; 4 x 96 page A4 exercise books labelled  English  Maths  Spelling  Writing 1 x 96 page A4 exercise book labelled  Homework 3 x 64 page A4 exercise books labelled  HSIE  Science  PD/Health Stationery Supplies  2 x HB Pencils  30 cm ruler  Eraser  Glue stick  Highlighter  Coloured pencils  Coloured textas (optional)  Pencil sharpener  4GB USB stick  Paint shirt  Library bag

Year 4 2017 School Supplies School Books Please have these covered and labelled as follows; A4 exercise books labelled  English Studies (125 pages)  Journal(64p)  Maths (96p)  Spelling(128p)  Writing(96p)  Homework(128p)  History(96p)  Geography(96p)  Science(96p)  Grammar (96p)  PD/Health(64p) Stationery Supplies  2 x blue biro pens  2 x red biro pens  2 x HB pencils  Eraser  Whiteout  Coloured pencils  Pencil sharpener

       

Highlighter Textas 30cm Ruler Scissors Glue stick 4GB USB stick Paint shirt Library bag

Year 5 2017 School Supplies School Books Please have these covered and labelled as follows; A4 exercise books labelled  English Studies (125 pages)  Journal(64p)  Maths (96p)  Spelling(128p)  Writing(96p)  Homework(128p)  History(96p)  Geography(96p)  Science(96p)  Grammar (96p)  PD/Health(64p) Stationery Supplies  2 x blue biro pens  2 x red biro pens  2 x HB pencils  Eraser  Whiteout  Coloured pencils  Pencil sharpener  Highlighter  Textas  30cm Ruler  Scissors  Glue stick  4GB USB stick  Paint shirt  Library bag

Year 6 2017 School Supplies School Books Please have these covered and labelled as follows; A4 exercise books labelled  English Studies (125 pages)  Journal(64p)  Maths (96p)  Spelling(128p)  Writing(96p)  Homework(128p)  History(96p)  Geography(96p)  Science(96p)  Grammar (96p)  PD/Health(64p)

Stationery Supplies  2 x blue biro pens  2 x red biro pens  2 x HB pencils  Eraser  Whiteout  Coloured pencils  Pencil sharpener  Highlighter  Textas  30cm Ruler  Scissors  Glue stick  4GB USB stick  Paint shirt  Library bag

Happy Holidays! As this is the final Newsletter for this year, I would like to take the opportunity on behalf of all the Staff to wish our students and families a very Merry Christmas and a wonderful holiday! I hope that you enjoy the holidays with family and friends and return in 2017 refreshed and ready for another great year of learning at Holmwood Public School.

Schools resumes in 2017 on… Friday 27th January 2017 – STAFF Monday 30th January 2017 – Years 1-6 Tuesday 31st January 2017 – Kindergarten students Happy Holidays everyone, enjoy your end of year break! Kind Regards, Kim Smith Relieving Principal

Attachments 

*Family Fun Day information, 24th January 2017

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