Principal: Jenny Lewis Cowra-Carcoar Road, Cowra NSW 2794 63422172 0458 422 000 63411247 @
Term 4 Week 1 – Week Ending 14th October 2016
Term 4 Begins! Welcome back to all students, staff and parents! I trust you all had a wonderful holiday and enjoyed the time spent with family and friends. It was great to see all the students return on Monday, full of news about their holidays. Term 4 is traditionally our busiest term and this year is no exception with our HUGE Holmwood Festival on tomorrow night, Kinder Transition continuing, Year 6 orientation to High School, our whole school excursion to Borambola and School Swimming Program just to name a few! Please ensure you stay updated on all the coming events via the Newsletter, Facebook page and School website.
Holmwood Spring Festival TOMORROW!! Yes, that’s right! The date has finally arrived for Holmwood’s Spring Festival! The P&C have been working tirelessly for the past 6 months and will be getting everything set up tomorrow, ready for a 4pm start!
Students of the Week! Congratulations to our Week 10 Students of the Week!
All CAKES for the Cake Stall can be delivered to school tomorrow morning please – we really need EVERY family to support our Festival as the P&C work hard to raise funds so that ALL children in our school benefit. Thank you to the parents that have volunteered to work on stalls tomorrow night – a roster with times has been attached. Don’t forget, it’s not too late to put your name down to work on a stall…just contact Kelly Murphy on 0455 456543 and she will slot you in. With over 50 market stalls, gourmet food tents, live music, rides including a merry-go-round, jumping castle and mechanical bull, along with the AMAZING Fireworks display at 8pm, it is sure to be a night to remember! We look forward to seeing EVERYONE out at the school tomorrow night!
Ruby Light (Kinder), Macey Rowley (Stage 1),
Layla Hood (Stage 2) and Lara Collins (Stage 3)
Merit Awards were presented to; Kindergarten – Riley Smith Stage 1 – Addison Skinner Stage 2 – Shaun Petty Stage 3 – Lily lawler Library – Lucas Sandry, Charlotte Collins, Briana Bates Congratulations to all students!
Citizenship Award Week 10 – Lucas Sandry Lucas was chosen as the Week 10 Citizenship Award winner by Miss Thompson. Lucas is in Year 2 and was awarded the Citizenship Award for always being polite and helpful to all students and staff in our school. Congratulations Lucas!
Camp Quality Tractor Trek! What a fantastic last day of term we had at the Camp Quality Tractor Trek at Woodstock Public School! HPS joined with other small schools in the Cowra area for a fun-filled day that included face painting, sports games, a puppet show and of course looking at all the amazing tractors! Thank you to Cowra Information and Neighbourhood Centre, Camp Quality and the staff and students from Woodstock Public School for hosting us - we all had a wonderful time!
End of Term Assembly Thank you to all the families who attended our end of term assembly last term. The students always love to share what they have been doing in the classrooms with their families. Well done to our Year 6 students who ran the Assembly with great confidence!
Makayla (playing Mary Elizabeth), Micah and James (the ‘boys’) Lilly (narrator) and Lucas (the monster hiding behind the board) acted out the classic Pamela Allen story “Inside Mary Elizabeth’s House” during last term’s Assembly.
Stage 2 entertained everyone with their colourful dance to the Peter Allen song “I Go To Rio” inspired by the Olympics!
So many kids…so many tractors!
Alana, Makayla, Lily and Katie checking out some of the tractors at Woodstock!
Samuel looks like he has found his calling directing traffic at the Camp Quality Tractor Trek!
Lucas Sandry and Taylah Boatwood received prizes in the Art sections at the recent Morongla Show.
Cowra High School Transition Visits Harry, Layla, Akiko and Annaliese aboard one of the tractors at the Camp Quality Tractor Trek!
Selective High Schools Applications for students entering Year 7 in 2018 Applications for Year 7 placement in 2018 will open on 11th October 2016 and close on 14th November 2016. Parents need to download the application information at -3a28-4730-9fc0-0ee49dd90f83/1/SHS-applicationinformation.pdf and go to the links on the right to find out more. The online Application Form is available on this web page. The Selective High School Placement Test will be held on 9th March 2017
Show Art Entries! Congratulations to our Cowra Show and Morongla Show prize winning artists!! A special thanks also to our wonderful SLSO Cheri for organising entries for every single student in our school! I’m sure all students enjoyed spending their prize money during the holidays!
Cowra High School Year 6 to Year 7 Transition visits will be held on Thursdays from 2:15pm-3:15pm this term during Weeks 1, 3, 5, 7 and 9. A full transition day and a Year 6 and Year 7 social will also be held later in the term on a date to be advised. Permission Notes for students attending Year 7 transition visits at Cowra High School have been sent home.
Canowindra High School Transition Visits The next Canowindra HS visit will be next Thursday 20th October from 8.53am until 3.24pm. Students are reminded to wear (or bring with them) enclosed leather shoes, if possible, and to enter and leave the school via the school bus bay as described in the information note sent out last term. Again, students can bring a packed lunch and recess, or alternatively they may like to utilise the school canteen facility. It will be Red Day on that day so a range of additional food and drink products will be available. The price list for the Red Day canteen items is attached.
Whole School Excursion: Borambola
27 Sleeps to go!! HPS students who were successful in placing 1st and 2nd at the recent Cowra Show Art Competition
Our Whole School Excursion is fast approaching – Week 5 Term 4 - 9th, 10th and 11th of November!! This is a friendly reminder to families who would like
to start paying off their remaining amount owing for the cost of the Excursion. Payments of any amount can be made to the front office. The total payment will need to be received by Friday 28th October. A letter is attached to this week’s Newsletter notifying each family of their remaining balance. An essential requirement in attending any NSW Sport and Rec Camp is the necessary medical/dietary requirements. It is essential that these be completed online. If you have not yet completed your child’s forms, please do so ASAP. Please contact the school and speak with Mrs Skene if you require additional information or assistance with this.
United Fusion “Mystique” Production During Term 2 you may remember Stage 2 and 3 students were filmed playing the marimbas by the sound and lighting crew from the production company “United Fusion”. This recording is to form the backing soundtrack to United Fusion’s production titled “Mystique”. The live performance of this show will be held tomorrow on Friday 14th October. A permission note for students to attend was sent home last term. Please ensure notes are signed and returned by tomorrow morning.
Helpers Roster for the Holmwood Spring Festival Swim and Survive Information Sheet Canowindra HS Transition Visit “Red Food Day “ Canteen Menu “Mystique” Production Flier Excursion “Balance Owing” letters – one per family.
Kinder Class News Welcome back to Term 4 to all students and parents! Kinder have been very excited to be back into school routines and had some wonderful holiday stories to share during news this week! This Term in HSIE we have started our new unit called “Meeting Needs”. This unit looks at how we and our families provide needs such as food, water, shelter, exercise, love and attention and communication. On Monday we discussed how our pets’ needs are similar to our own needs and Mrs Lewis’s dog Marley came to our classroom for a visit! Everyone enjoyed meeting Marley and gave her LOTS of love and attention!
Calendar Term 4 Week 2 Mon 17th Oct Tues 18th Oct th
Thurs 20 Oct
Cowra Local AECG AGM Meeting – Cowra PS - 2pm KINDER Transition Class - 9:30-12pm Cowra HS Transition Visit 2:15-3:15pm Canowindra HS Transition – all day
Term 4 Week 3 Mon 24th Oct Tues 25th Oct
Fri 28th Oct
“Day for Daniel” BIG RED TRUCK – Stage 2 and 3 at HPS – 1:45pm KINDER Transition Class - 9:3012:00pm. Director PS NSW Duncan Auld visiting HPS 1pm-4pm Scripture Mrs Lewis – Teaching Principal’s Network Day - Orange
Term 4 Week 4 Tues 1st Nov
Wed 2nd Nov Fri 4th Nov
Kind Regards, Jenny Lewis Principal
KINDER Transition Class - 9:3012:00pm STEM 3D Printing Workshop (Stage 3) STEM Coding Workshop (Stage 3) STEM HPS Chicken Coop “GRAND OPENING”!!
In Maths this week we have focused on the topic of “Data” and have surveyed our classmates to gain information which we can present in the form of a graph. We also looked at tally marks and had a go at counting by 5’s (very tricky!!). Our English sessions continue to be our busiest time of the day with spelling, handwriting, grammar, sight-word practice, reading groups and writing all taking place every morning. We are working hard on consolidating our reading and writing skills and daily practice helps us to do this. Homework has started up this week and is due tomorrow along with our “Humpty Sightword Book”. Home Reading has also resumed this
week and it would be wonderful if this could be completed every day! Our theme for this term is called “Around the World”. We will be taking a virtual trip around the world each Thursday, visiting a number of different countries and completing Maths, Art and English activities including cooking, based around each country! This week we completed our own special passports and will be departing on our first flight next Thursday to the amazing country of JAPAN! Everyone is very excited! Kind Regards, Mrs Jenny Lewis Kindergarten Class Teacher
Stage 1 Class News I hope all families and students had a fabulously relaxing and enjoyable break from school. Term 4 (a very busy one) has begun! In English this week, Year 1/2 has been learning all about expositions. The purpose of an exposition is to influence the audience (or reader’s) opinion or to present the writers viewpoint on a particular subject. Together, Stage 1 and I created an exposition on ‘Cats are the best pets’. (Sorry dog lovers!) We decided that cats were the best pets because they are cute, cuddly, great at catching mice and very entertaining. “So adopt a cat today.”
Hope to see you all at the Holmwood Spring Festival tomorrow evening. It is sure to be an exciting event. Until next week… Mrs Amylee Knight Stage 1 Class Teacher
Stage 2 Class News Welcome back everyone to another wonderfully busy Term at HPS! I trust you all had an enjoyable holiday. Wasn’t it nice to finally see some sunshine during the last week?! This Term in English we will be continuing with our Daily 5 Literacy rotations which are Read to Self; Work on Writing; Read to Someone; Listen to Reading; and Word Work. Our new English study novel is “The One and Only Ivan” written by Katherine Applegate. This award winning book is about a silverback gorilla named Ivan who lives in a cage at a mall. Inspired by the true story of a captive gorilla known as Ivan, this illustrated novel is told from the point-of-view of Ivan himself. I have a wide range of interesting and engaging activities planned for this novel which I am sure the children will enjoy. In Writing, our focus will be on Information Reports. We will be learning how to correctly structure and write this informative factual text form. Reader’s Theatre will continue again this term as it was so popular last term. Reading Comprehension will also continue to be a focus during this term.
The students also used the computers and the internet to research how to make a homemade automatic chicken feeder. Using the information found they each sketched and labelled a diagram of a selected feeder. They had to find a feeder which was relatively cheap to make and easy to build. During week 2 in Maths, Year 1/2 will construct the feeder which will go into the chicken penthouse. In Mathematics, our main focus was on time. We revisited the months of the year and which season each belonged to. The students played the Holmwood Public School Stage 1 version of the game ‘Celebrity Heads’, with the months of year taking on the role of celebrities. On Wednesday, the students looked at timetables and answered a range of questions about the bus from Baker Street. Year 1/2 also worked on their 2 times tables.
Some of Stage 2 pictured with their new novel “The One and Only Ivan”.
In Maths this week the focus has been on Place Value and Whole Numbers. We have been recognising, representing and ordering numbers to 5 digits. The hands-on games to go with this concept have certainly been a hit! I have included a photo of Liam and Jaydan (below) working very hard with their whole numbers.
PD Health rotations began this week with all of the classes. K-2, Stage 2 and Stage 3 focusing on Child Protection this term, with the resources being sourced from the Daniel Morcombe Child Safety Curriculum. The Curriculum is based on principles of best practice in child safety education and centres around three key messages: Recognise, React and Report. Through a series of lessons, students will learn how to recognise, react and report when they are unsafe or find themselves in situations that can have a significant detrimental affect on their physical, psychological or emotional wellbeing. Homework resumed this week for the Stage 2 classroom and is due tomorrow. Don’t forget DOJO points are awarded to those that complete and hand in their homework! News topics for Week 1 and 2 is ‘Free Choice’. Kind Regards, Mrs Fiona Skene
Stage 2 Class Teacher Stage 3 Class News Welcome back to Term 4! We have yet another busy term planned ahead. With school returning this week we were straight back into to work. This term for English we are studying the children’s picture book ‘My Place’ by Nadia Wheatley in conjunction with the ABC Website . The website includes a 13 mini short film based around the picture book. Each double page focuses on a time in history in one of the suburbs in Sydney. It also focuses on the families, communities and nationalities that live in the community. We start by looking at the significant events in history during 2008 -1998 with a focus on Aboriginal families, Sorry Day and the stolen generation.
In Science our focus will be on Technology skills, using the computer to make a photo and film presentation using Microsoft Photo Story. The photo story will be a multimedia presentation capturing the process of building the chicken coop. All students will have the opportunity to demonstrate their skills using Technology for this process. One photo story will be chosen to show case at the grand opening of the chicken coop during week 4. Later during the term, we will be using technics to build robotic Solar Powered Robots. During Maths this term we will be having pop quizzes on a weekly basis revising all the concepts that we have been learning throughout the year. This week we are covering the topics Volume, Capacity and Mass. We are all looking forward to the Spring Fair on Friday night and hope to see you there. Ms Edgerton Stage 3 Class Teacher
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