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Principal: Mrs Kris Pagett  Cowra-Carcoar Road, Cowra NSW 2794  6342 2172 M: 0458 422000 holmwood-p.school@det.nsw.edu.au  www.holmwood-p.schools.nsw.edu.au Term 4 Week 1 – Week Ending 19th October 2018

From The Principal’s Desk

9:30am until 11:50am. The final day for orientation will be Wednesday 5th of December 2018.

COWRA EARLY CHILDHOOD SERVICES MOBILE PRESCHOOL During the holidays we received the exciting news that the Mobile Preschool to be located at Holmwood School was given the final approval to commence in Term 4 Week 1. The Preschool is now up and running. It is being held from 9:00am until 3:00pm on Monday and Tuesday. If any families require any further information please do not hesitate to contact the Early Childhood Services on 0429 111156.

SCHOOL UNIFORMS It would be appreciated if parents and caregivers ensured that their child comes to school dressed in the correct school uniform. I would like to welcome all staff, students and families back to school. I hope you all had a wonderful holiday and looking forward to a very busy term ahead. I would also like to thank Mrs Amylee Knight for doing a wonderful job as Relieving Principal while I was on LSL the last week of term. This term is going to be extremely busy with some wonderful and exciting activities such as the Todd Woodbridge Cup, Whole School Excursion, Schools Spectacular, and Presentation Night just to name a few.

CHANGE OF MORNING ROUTINE Effective immediately there will not be any supervision in the playground in the morning, instead students arriving prior to the normal school bus at 9:25am will immediately go to their classroom where their teacher will supervise them. The students arriving early will be given tasks to do until the commencement of school.

END OF TERM ASSEMBLY Thank you to all families and friends who attended our end of term assembly last term. Students performed for the large crowd and enjoyed sharing their talents with their families. Thank you to our Year 5 and 6 students who did a wonderful job running the assembly.

KINDER ORIENTATION I would also like to welcome back our kinder orientation students and their families. Kinder orientation is on each Wednesday morning from

Families are also reminded that HPS has introduced their new formal uniform. The uniform is to be worn on Monday, Tuesday and Thursday. Our students, particularly our school leaders, are attending more out of school special occasions where the formal uniform is required to be worn. Occasionally students have Gymnastics or other extra sporting activities, when these are on students are to wear their sports uniforms, otherwise the sports uniform will be worn on Wednesday and Friday. Uniforms are available to purchase from the school office and the girls formal skirt can be purchased from Central West Uniforms located in the Centre Arcade in Kendal Street. You may claim a $10 refund on the purchase of their 1st formal skirt when you present your receipt to the school office. This is to help offset the cost as the girls new formal uniform is a little more expensive than the boys.

STUDENTS OF THE WEEK Congratulations to our Term 2 Week 9 Students of the Week!

K/1/2 - Ruby Russell, 3/4 – Chelsea Leister 5/6 – Hayley Cameron Week 8 Merit Awards were presented to: 3/4 – Micah Murphy, 5/6 – Logan Mitchell, K/1/2 – Ella-Rose Paul and Mason Paul


Addison Skinner, Macey Rowley, Eloise Newell, Mia O’Malveney, Chelsea Leister, Madison Wright, Makayla Ward and Suzy Connors

CONGRATULATIONS TO ALL THESE STUDENTS! SCHOOL SPECTACULAR PARENT MEETING Parents and caregivers of all students attending the School Spectacular are invited to a meeting to be held in the 5/6 classroom at 5pm on Tuesday 23rd of October 2018. This is a very important meeting to finalise details for the School Spectacular and you are encouraged to attend. If you are unable to attend please contact Mrs Amylee Knight on 6342 2172.

HPS TRIVIA NIGHT HPS are holding a Trivia Night on Saturday 27th of October at Cowra Golf Club. Tickets are $20 per person which includes nibbles – tables of 8. Please call into the school office to purchase your tickets for what promises to be a great


night out!!!! Noah Newton, Mabel Zounis, Mykaela Kasey-Dean and Jack Billing

TODD WOODBRIDGE CUP PRIMARY SCHOOL COMPETITION GRADES 3 & 4 The Todd Woodbridge Cup Tennis Western PSSA Final is to be held on 2nd of November at the Canowindra Tennis Courts commencing at 9:30am. The cost

for each student to participate in this competition is $3.00. Mrs Pagett will be available to transport students to Canowindra as well as another parent helper. If you would like to transport your child so that you can stay and watch for the day please indicate on the permission note. Students travelling to the tennis, and if they require a lift, are to be at HPS by 9am. Students will return to HPS at approximately 2:30pm in time to catch their normal buses home. Attached to this newsletter please find Todd Woodbridge Cup Guidelines as well as a permission note with relevant details for those students selected to attend. Please complete the permission note and return it to school asap.

BOOK CLUB – ISSUE 7 Attached to this newsletter please find Issue 7 of Scholastic Book Club. Families may now place their orders online or please send in your order with payment by no later than Monday 29th of October 2018.


SELECTIVE HIGH SCHOOLS APPLICATIONS FOR STUDENTS ENTERING YEAR 7 IN 2020 Applications for Year 7 placement in 2020 are now open online until 12th of November 2018. Any interested parents will need to download the application information at: https://education.nsw.gov.au/publicschools/selective-high-schools-and-opportunityclasses/year-7 The online application form is also available on this web page. The Selective High School Placement Test will be held on Thursday 14th March 2019. All applicants are required to sit this test. If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact the office.

Once again this year our SRC have organised HPS to participate in National Bandana Day to raise awareness and assist young people living with cancer. This will be held next Friday 26th of October and students will come to school dressed in mufti , with a gold coin donation, to support this worthy cause. Bandanas are also on sale for $5. If any families would like to purchase a bandana they are available at the school office.

WHOLE SCHOOL EXCURSION Mrs Knight has put a call out for donations of old wheels, timber etc, anything that can be used to build a billy cart for the school’s STEM project. Any donations can be dropped into the school office. Thank you to all families for your support.

TELL THEM FROM ME PARENT SURVEY It is that time of year again when the Department would like families to complete the “Tell them from Me” Surveys. It would be appreciated if families could log in to: https//nsw.tellthemfromme.com/2n8zf at home and complete the survey. This survey does not take much time to complete and is an invaluable source of information. I thank you for taking the time to complete the survey. If you do not have access to the internet and would like to participate in this survey, please do not hesitate to contact the office and we can organise a time for you to call in and complete the survey.

ONLY 40 SLEEPS TO GO!! It’s almost time for our whole school excursion and we would like to remind families that they are welcome to make payments for our excursion which is being held on 28th, 29th and 30th of November, if you wish to make a payment please call into the school office and Anthea will assist you. This year our school will be travelling to the Blue Mountains, this is an

excursion which will be part of our Geography and PD curriculum. If you have not yet paid your $50.00 deposit and wish to attend please call in to the office and make your payment

Remember that this is a WHOLE SCHOOL excursion and all students asap.

are expected to attend.

If you have any questions do not hesitate to make an appointment with a staff member and they will be more than happy to assist you.

FOOD AT SCHOOL It would be appreciated if parents and caregivers ensure that students are not bringing lollies and food such as chocolates, cheezels, cordial and rollups to school. More suitable food for a childs’ school lunch box would be fresh fruit/vegetables, yoghurt, sandwiches, water. Your co-operation in helping our school encourage healthy eating is appreciated.

SRC NEWS The SRC would like to advise parents and caregivers that they will once again be offering sausage sandwiches on a Monday (cooked by our wonderful GA David Kiss) and cheese toasties on a Wednesday for the small cost of $2.00 each week commencing next Monday 22nd of October. Please find your order forms attached to this newsletter. If you wish to order please complete the form and return it to school asap. Please complete a separate order for each child.

SRC MAJOR FUNDRAISER This term the SRC are holding their final major fundraiser for the year. The SRC are offering Billy G’s Gourmet Cookie & Biscuit Dough as their fundraiser. Funds raised go towards purchasing much needed resources for our students. Attached to this newsletter please find an order form, together with all information re the products available. It would be appreciated if students could please support this wonderful fundraiser. Orders with payment must be th returned to school by Friday 9 of November. Thank you to all families for your support.

Calendar Term 4 Week 1 th

Fri 19 Oct


Term 4 Week 2 th

Fri 26 Oct


Term 4 Week 3 Fri 2nd Nov

Todd Woodbridge Cup – Canowindra – Selected Students Scripture

ATTACHMENTS  Todd Woodbridge Cup Permission Note  Todd Woodbridge Cup Guidelines  SRC Sausage Sandwich Order Form  SRC Cheese Toastie Order Form  Billy G’s Gourmet Cookie & Biscuit Dough Fundraiser Information & Order Form  Book Club - Issue 7 Kind Regards Mrs Kris Pagett Principal

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