P u b l I c S c h o o l
Term 4, Week 2 Wednesday, 19th October 2016
Dear Parents, We have a couple of fun events happening this week and next which are always lots of fun and a highlight of the school year.
Spring Fair
Book Fair and Book Character Parade
Friday, 28th October
Tomorrow, Thursday 20 is our Book Character Parade. The theme is “Australia! Story Country”. This is an awesome theme as it encompasses so many possible character ideas either a character from a book written by an Australian author or an Australian book character – Ned Kelly, Blinky Bill, a swagman, a convict. Books like Possum Magic, Wombat Stew, Snuggle Pot and Cuddle Pie, the list is endless. We look forward to seeing some amazing outfits. If your child could carry a copy of the book or a sign so we can easily identify who they are dressed as, that would be very helpful. Book fair is also being run in the library in conjunction with our book Character Parade. Please take advantage of this wonderful opportunity. Perhaps do some Christmas shopping. The school library benefits from a percentage of the sales and is able to purchase new books for our library
5 - 7pm
Ma rket
Tin Ca n All
s Drink
e tiv
a Cre e olat c o Ch
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h e el
Bucking Bull
Spring Fair Next week, Friday, 28th October is the Spring Fair. A small group of dedicated volunteers is busy planning for this fun afternoon. Lots of new and exciting activities have been planned. Please remember donations for your child’s class basket for the “Chocolate Wheel”, stall item donations, creative containers (a prize will be given to the class who supply the most containers) and the raffle with some amazing prizes to be won. (There is a pizza party for the class who sells the most raffle tickets) If you need more raffle tickets, please contact the school office. Thanks to our wonderful P & C for organising this. Cyber Safety I’ve included a brochure with some hints for your family to use to ensure your child is using the internet safely and wisely. There are so many different chat sites and social media pages that it is important that we are vigilant and know exactly what it is that children are posting and reading and who they are contacting online. Next Wednesday the police schools Liaison Officer is
Kindergarten Orientation If you have a child ready to start school in 2017, please call into the office and pick up an enrolment form. Wednesday, 2nd November Wednesday, 9th November Wednesday, 16th November Parent Meetings:
1st November in Kinder rooms at 6.30pm 16th November in VTS at 9.30am T:63422531 F:63411254 92-94 Lachlan St, Cowra, 2794
coming to talk to our Years 4 to 6 students about cyber bullying and cyber safety. is a wonderful site with all sorts of helpful hints for parents which I advise everyone to have a look at. It is lovely to see the weather warming up and drying out a little. Remember, children’s school sunglasses are available for sale at our school office for $12 a pair . We also have School Sports shorts for sale at $15 a pair. I was recently told how lovely it was to see the Mulyan students playing so well together outside of school. The comraderie and respect they have for each other is admirable. Enjoy your week
Important Dates 19th October - Book Fair commences 20th October - Book Fair Parade - 11.45am 28th October - P & C Spring Fair 1st November - Parent Meeting for Kinder Orientation at 6.30pm 2nd November - Kindergarten Orientation commences
Intensive Swimming Intensive Swimming lessons will occur again this year. These lessons are conducted by trained swim teachers. The children attend every day for 2 weeks. Swimming is a vital skill that all Australian children need to master. There is a big difference between being able to paddle and being able to swim confidently and having the ability to save yourself if put in a challenging situation. Swimming lessons are available to students in Year 2 – Year 6 with priority given to students who cannot swim 25m confidently, especially Year 2 and 3 children. This year, we have been fortunate to secure 2 swimming sessions so that all our students who need to participate in swimming lessons get the opportunity. Lessons are in weeks 6 and 7 ~14th November to 25th November. Lessons are free. The only cost involved is Pool Entry and Bus. A note outlining times and cost has been sent home this week. Lisa Cummings Relieving Principal
Canteen News The canteen is trialling tubs of fruit flavoured yoghurt. They will be available at recess and lunch for $1 (includes spoon) This week’s flavours are mango, mixed berry and strawberry. There are no artificial colours, flavours or preservatives. Fruit smoothies coming soon!
State Athletics Representatives Good luck to Jacob Haeata and Bailey Callaghan who are competing at the State Athletics Carnival held at Homebush this week.
Book Club Book Club orders are due back at school by Friday, 21st October.
Dropping Off and Picking Up Students Please do not use the staff car parks ( infants and primary) to drop off or pick up students either before or after school. This is a safety concern for our students. Jacob’s event: 800m Senior Boys T:63422531 F:63411254 92-94 Lachlan St, Cowra, 2794
Bailey’s event: 800m 11 years Boys
Spring Fair
Class Stalls
Allie modelling our sunglasses and shorts.
K Purple: Jazzy Jars
K Blue: Drinks
K/1Pink: Games
1J: Plaster Cast
1/2G & 2L: Chocolate Toss
2R: Pin the nose on the Clown
3/4C: BBQ
3B: Footy Toss/Mini Golf
3/4A & 5S: Balloons
4R: Lolly Shop
5B: Pot Luck
6P: Prize Wheel
6W: Tin Can Alley
Sunglasses are $12 and Shorts are $15. Red for girls and black for boys with MPS embroidered on them. Both can be purchased from the office.
Closes on Friday, 21st October. Open: before school, 2nd half of lunch and after school.
Chocolate Wheel Baskets K Purple: Chips
K Blue: Anything Goes
K/1Pink: Garden
1J: Baby
1/2G : Baby
2R: Christmas
2L: Lollies
3B: Pamper
3/4A :Chips
4R: Celebration
5B: Crackers
5S: Biscuits
6W: School suppliers
6P: Lollies
K/1 Pink kept Mrs Bryant and Mrs Lynch busy in the Library on Tuesday while viewing the Book Fair. T:63422531 F:63411254 92-94 Lachlan St, Cowra, 2794 T:63422531 F:63411254 92-94 Lachlan St, Cowra, 2794
Tennis Hot shots classes for ages 4 years and older are held Wednesday or Thursday afternoons or Saturday morning. Cost: $100 for an 8 week program. Cardio tennis is a fitness tennis program. Cardio is held Saturday mornings at 8am beginning on 22nd October and the cost is $15 per week. Private or semi private tennis coaching lessons are available by appointment. For more information on class times, vacancies or to enrol contact Helen Garratt on or 0407139164 or email
Yoga 4 Kids @ The Perfect Health Centre Cowra Term 4: Weekly classes Yoga 4 kids: starts Wednesday, 19th October—7th December, 3.30-4.30pm. Ages 6-11yrs Cost $80—for 8 weeks course Yoga 4 teens: starts Tuesday 18th October– 6th December, 4-5pm, ages 12+ cost $80—8 weeks Bookings essential. Email, phone or at the centre. 45 Macquarie St; 6341 1817 or
Cowra Junior Cricket
Cowra AFL Program
The Cowra Junior Cricket season is fast approaching the first game for Milo IntoCricket and the U12 / U15's is set for Saturday October 22nd, a fortnight after school goes back. To register and pay online go to: or head down to Sportspower this Saturday to register. Multiple child discounts apply. If you have more than one child to register please do this at Sportspower
Due to the rain last term there are still 2 weeks remaining in our after school AFL program for Cowra community. The final 2 sessions will be Wednesday, 26th October and Wednesday, 2nd November which is week 3 and 4 of the school term. The time will remain 4-5pm and the program will remain at Twigg Oval. T:63422531 F:63411254 92-94 Lachlan St, Cowra, 2794