Mulyan b l i c S c h o o l Term 4, Week 1 Wednesday, 18th October 2017 Make a Payment No canteen payments to be made online to the school
Dear Parents, My second week at Mulyan PS has gone as fast as the first! I’m starting to match faces to names and meet more parents in the playground. Thanks to everyone who has approached me to say hi… I promise I’ll remember names soon! Last night saw our Kindergarten Orientation parent meeting. What an amazing turn out! I was so impressed at the number of parents who turned up….even those who were ‘old hands’ at the whole Kinder thing. Thank you to Mrs Murray, Mrs Smith and Mrs Keefe who organised an informative and interesting session. I think all of our parents, especially our new ones left feeling that much more confident sending their little ones off to school and have much more knowledgeable about the fabulous opportunities we offer here at Mulyan PS! Last Saturday also saw the Cowra Show come to town and Mulyan PS had an amazing stall. It was so creative and really showcased the wonderful talent we have here at Mulyan! A BIG thank you to Mrs Keefe and Mrs Jeffries for coordinating the event and thanks to all staff and community members who helped set up, dismantle and man the stall on the day. It was a big job. Congratulations to Mrs Statham, Mrs Baratto and the Mulyan debating team on their successful win in the Interzone final last Thursday. They are one of only 6 schools left standing in a comp that started with 44 teams!
Brilliant work! A huge THANK YOU to Mrs Statham and Mrs Baratto for coordinating and hosting the debating day last Thursday. It was a massive amount of work and a VERY long day. Thanks for the hard work! I recently surveyed the entire Mulyan PS staff to help me get a better idea about our school, for our School Plan. One of the questions I asked was what they saw as Mulyan PS’s strengths…it was nearly unanimous that our experienced and dedicated teachers and our brilliant supportstaff were seen as our greatest strength and I couldn’t agree more. Coming in a close second was the amount of green space and playground areas we have here at the school and room for kids to just run and kick a ball. We are a lucky school to be able to offer such resources and facilities. I will endeavour to send a similar survey out in NEXT Week’s newsletter to get the most important feedback from you, the parents and community. Finally, the Mulyan P&C is meeting next Wednesday 25th October at 7pm. I hope to meet a lot more parents and community members on the evening. Keep an eye on upcoming events as the calendar is filling up fast! Again, any questions or concerns please don’t hesitate to contact me through the office. Regards, Jodee Burcher Relieving Principal T:63422531 F:63411254 92-94 Lachlan St, Cowra, 2794
CANTEEN NEWS Breakfast with Trish is on at the Canteen every Tuesday, Wednesday & Thursday morning at 8.40am until 9am. For a $1 donation children can choose cereal, toast & a juice. Our summer menu is on its way. We are still using the winter menu however, please note curried sausages are no longer available.
Thankyou Trish
Mulyan Public School Kindergarten 2018 Orientation Orientation: Wednesday, 18th October 9.30am - 10.45am Wednesday, 25th October 9.30am - 10.45am Wednesday, 1st November 9.30am - 11.10am
Parent Meeting: Wednesday, 1st November 9.30am (V.T.S.)
NOMINATE A SPORTS VOLUNTEER YOUTH & OPEN CATEGORIES The Office of Sport Western Summer Sport Volunteer Award is open for nominations. The winter season is winding down but now is the perfect time to nominate your coach, manager, administrator or a great official. Nomination process is simple, so take the time to help recognise the efforts of the outstanding volunteers who keep sport going in your town. The Award has separate categories for Open and Youth (25 years and under) to recognise the importance of all aged volunteers in grassroots sport. All nominees will receive a certificate, with the winner and runner up being awarded $250 & $100 (respectively) to spend on approved sports development programs. In 150 words or less tell us how your volunteer is worthy of being nominated. Nominations can be made online via the Office of Sport website https:// T:63422531 F:63411254 92-94 Lachlan St, Cowra, 2794
Mulyan Public School App All families with mobile devices can now download Mulyan’s free App to your phone/tablet or computer. You will receive notes, newsletters, messages, reminders and events so never miss out on information again! You can also make a payment, send absence notes or change of details. ANDRIOID PHONE USERS
(You need to have a google account)
(You need to have an ITunes account)
1.Click on this icon on your phone
1. Click on this icon on your phone
2.In the google play bar type Mulyan Public School
2. In the App Store type Mulyan Public School - ENews
3. When this app comes up, click install 3. Click INSTALL / GET/ or the
ONCE LOADED (on either phone) 1. Open App
2. Click on Settings Cog
3. This screen will appear 4.We suggest you keep the following on:
Please note the ‘Skool Bag’ app is no longer active.
Emergency Alerts Newsletters P&C The year relative to your child/children
(sport is for special sports days or representative sport children. All other sport information will come to the year folder)
Most families have a mobile phone so we hope you will download this Mulyan App giving you greater access to school information as it happens. T:63422531 F:63411254 92-94 Lachlan St, Cowra, 2794
BOOKWEEK Thursday 19th October (Tomorrow) Book Character Parade - 12noon to 1pm (Primary COLA) Dress as your favourite book character Picnic Lunch OR Sausage Sizzle (Sausage Sizzle MUST be ordered/paid for by Tuesday 17th October)
BOOK SWAP - Children can bring a pre-loved book they would like to swap with a friend. (for keeps!) ————————————————————————
BOOKFAIR Tuesday 17th - Friday 20th October T:63422531 F:63411254 92-94 Lachlan St, Cowra, 2794
SHOW 2017 T:63422531 F:63411254 92-94 Lachlan St, Cowra, 2794
Students will bring home these tickets this week T:63422531 F:63411254 92-94 Lachlan St, Cowra, 2794