Principal: Mrs Kris Pagett Cowra-Carcoar Road, Cowra NSW 2794 6342 2172 M: 0458 422000 Term 4 Week 4 – Week Ending 9th November 2018
From The Principal’s Desk
insert your child’s Semester 2 Report ready for distribution at the end of this term.
Dear Parents and Caregivers, I would like to take this opportunity to inform you that I will be taking some Long Service Leave, commencing next year. An EOI for a Relieving Principal will be published in School Biz this week. I shall inform families who will be Relieving Principal when details are finalised.
Last Friday Chelsea Leister, Addison Skinner, Jonathan Gillham, Archie King, Samuel Lawler, Micah Murphy, Mia O’Malveney and Macey Rowley represented our school by competing in the Todd Woodbridge Cup Primary School Tennis Competition at the Canowindra Tennis Courts. The students played 7 other schools throughout the day, some from as far as Parkes and Young as well as from Cowra and Canowindra. They played boys, girls and mixed doubles against each opponent. The students were great representatives, displaying good behaviour and sportsmanship. I would like to thank Mrs Johnson for supervising the students on the day and the parents who transported our students to Canowindra, Mr Chad King and Mrs Carmel Leister.
In Week 7 this Term, from Monday 26th November to Wednesday 28th November inclusive, our school will once again be participating in the Annual School Swimming Scheme. The Scheme is targeted at those students who are developing water confidence, beginning swimming skills and who are not yet able to swim 50m unaided. As a small school however, we are fortunate to be able to offer swimming to all our students, with the more capable students working through their stroke development and Lifesaving Levels. Lessons will be held each afternoon from 1:30pm to 2:30pm. Students will travel by bus to the Cowra Aquatic Centre. A permission note detailing cost etc is attached to this Newsletter.
STUDENTS OF THE WEEK Congratulations to our Term 4 Week 2 Students of the Week!
HPS ANNUAL PRESENTATION NIGHT I would like to advise families that the date for this year’s Presentation Night has been set for Wednesday 12th of December at HPS commencing at 6.00pm. Details will appear in the newsletter as the date gets closer.
RED REPORT FOLDERS Could families please return the Red Report Folders sent home last term with your child’s Semester 1 Report. This is so that we can
K/1/2 – Ruby Light, 3/4 – Jonathan Gillham (absent), 5/6 – Rachel Silver
Week 2 Merit Awards were presented to:
The students arriving early will be given tasks to do until the commencement of school.
FAMILIES ARE REMINDED THAT THE NEW FORMAL UNIFORM HAS NOW BEEN INTRODUCED. The formal uniform is to be worn on Monday, Tuesday and Thursday. Our students, particularly our school
Noah Newton, Jack Billing, Mia Kiss, Jonathan Gillham and Seth Crutch
leaders, are attending more out of school special occasions where the formal uniform is required to be worn. Occasionally students have Gymnastics or other extra sporting activities, when these are on students are to wear their sports uniforms, otherwise the sports uniform will be worn on Wednesday and Friday. Uniforms are available to purchase from the school office and the girl’s formal skirt can be purchased from Central West Uniforms located in the Centre Arcade in Kendal Street. You may claim a $10 refund on the purchase of your 1st formal skirt when you present your receipt to the school office. This is to help offset the cost as the girls new formal uniform is a little more expensive than the boys.
It would be appreciated if parents and caregivers could ensure that their child comes to school dressed in the correct school uniform, please note that thongs and sandals must not be worn to school. When the school holds their Mufti days students are not to wear singlets, thongs or sandals to school, this is a Health & Safety direction. Mia O’Malveney for 50 and 75 nights reading
Archie King, Jonathan Gillham, Micah Murphy, Samuel Lawler, Seth Crutch, Toby Cook and Charlize Light
CHANGE OF MORNING ROUTINE A friendly reminder that effective immediately there will not be any supervision in the playground in the morning, instead students arriving prior to the normal school bus at 9:25am will immediately go to their classroom where their teacher will supervise them.
This term the SRC are holding their final major fundraiser for the year. The SRC are offering Billy G’s Gourmet Cookie & Biscuit Dough as their fundraiser. Funds raised will go towards purchasing much needed resources for our students. An order form was sent home with a previous newsletter. It would be appreciated if students could please support this important fundraiser. Orders with payment must be
returned to school by tomorrow, Friday 9th of November. Thank you to all families for your support.
SRC MEAL DEAL Tomorrow, Friday 9th of November, the SRC are once again offering a pie and an ice block for lunch. If you would like to purchase this special lunch please complete the attached order and return it to school. Thank you.
WHOLE SCHOOL EXCURSION Unfortunately our whole school excursion to Katoomba, which was to be held in November, is cancelled due to lack of numbers. If you have paid a deposit for the excursion please call into the office and Anthea will give you a refund. If your child is attending the School Spectacular any payments can be transferred to that excursion. Please contact the school office and Anthea will assist you.
CALENDAR Term 4 Week 4 th
Fri 9 Nov
Term 4 Week 5 th
Fri 16 Nov
Term 4 Week 6 th
Tue 20 Nov to Sun 25th Nov Fri 23rd Nov
Term 4 Week 7 Mon 26th Nov Tue 27th Nov Wed 27th Nov Fri 30th Nov
School Swimming
COOKIE DOUGH ORDER DELIVERY School Swimming School Swimming Scripture
ATTACHMENTS School Swimming Scheme Permission Note Sausage Sandwich Order Form Cheese Toastie Order Form Friday Meal Deal Order Form Head Lice Information Sheet Community Services Flyer Kind Regards Mrs Kris Pagett Principal
WEEK 2 HIGHLIGHTS! Last Friday students thoroughly enjoyed their sports day. Students played a variety of sports including softball, bowling and basketball.
PCYC NEWS Touch Football Skills Sessions
The PCYC would like to advise the community that each Monday night from 5:00pm to 6:00pm at Edgell Park (across from McDonalds) there will be a Touch Football skills session for any children interested in gaining more skills or learning the game in general. Children will need to have an active PCYC Membership which is $10 and for U10’s and U12’s the cost to participate is $30 for the 15 week competition. If families are interested please feel free to contact the PCYC on 6341 2035 or message the PCYC Cowra Facebook page with your expression of interest. Please call into the PCYC Club if you are interested in your child learning Touch Football or come down to the oval early next Monday to Register and make your payment.