P u b l i c S c h o o l
Term 4, Week 8 Wednesday, 30th November 2016
Dear Parents, What a busy week last week turned out to be! Firstly, we had the second week of the Intensive Learn to Swim programme which was successfully completed. Congratulations to all the boys and girls who attended these lessons, even on the days where the weather was a bit cooler. It was wonderful to hear about all the progress that each of the children made in their skills, stamina and confidence. Being able to swim and be confident around water is a very important skill to have. Hopefully, each of the boys and girls can continue this improvement over summer. Thank you also to all the teachers who accompanied the students to the lessons: Mrs Cummings, Mrs Murray, Mrs B. Johnson, Mrs L. Johnson, Miss Boyd, Mrs Jeffries and Mrs Keefe. Also, last week we had 27 students travel to Sydney for the majority of the week to take part in this year’s Schools Spectacular. The theme for this year was “Dream Big” and it was certainly something that they pulled off in this concert. Anyone who had the chance to be in the audience on either Friday or Saturday will marvel at the talent, enthusiasm and sheer professionalism of the vast number of students that were either performing on the floor or singing as part of the enormous mass choir. The teachers who accompanied our students all commented positively on how wonderful our students were. They were well behaved, well mannered and willing to get in and have a go and try their hardest. I know it was a very busy week and a very tiring week but in the end, it was certainly worth it. Congratulations to al the students involved and thank you to the teachers who accompanied our students and made this possible; Mrs Statham, Mrs Cummings, Mrs Apps and Mrs Baratto. A wonderful experience for all. If you missed it, it will be broadcast on Channel 7 this Saturday night. On Friday evening after the show, I got a message from Mrs Cummings letting me know that a couple of our students were so tired they were falling asleep during the show!
School Leaders for 2017
On Monday, 11 Year 5 students presented their speeches to the Year 3-6 student body as part of the election for 2017 school leaders. Each of the students are to be congratulated for putting themselves forward for the leadership positions. After the speeches, all of the students in Years 3-6 and all of the staff voted. Mrs Statham and myself then counted the votes and tallied them up. The student leadership team for 2017 (in
Hayley Annetts, Jessica Hayes, Summer Williams, Zoe Browne & Mackenzie Crook. Nick Henry, Rohan Wilson, Kayne Veney, Bailey Callaghan, Bradley Bond and Bailey Beale. All were nominated by their peers to present speeches to become School Leaders 2017. T:63422531 F:63411254 92-94 Lachlan St, Cowra, 2794
alphabetical order) are Bailey Beale, Zoe Browne, Bailey Callaghan, Mackenzie Crook, Jessica Hayes and Kayne Veney. The positions of captains, vice-captains and prefects will be announced on Presentation Day. Congratulations!
Presentation Day and Special Awards Ceremony
Next week, we have two major ceremonies to celebrate the wonderful achievements of our student body. On Tuesday, 6th December, a Special Award Ceremony will be held underneath the covered area outside the library to recognise students in classes who have consistently worked hard all year. Also at this ceremony, awards will be presented to students who have represented the school at various sports and cultural events. This ceremony will commence at 10am. All parents, carers, grandparents etc are more than welcome to attend. Then on Thursday, 8th December our major Presentation Day will be held in the Cowra High School Hall. This ceremony recognises students who have excelled academically, culturally, socially and on the sports field over 2016. This ceremony will commence at 11 am and again, all parents, carers, grandparents etc are more than welcome to attend. These ceremonies are the culmination of a lot of hard work by students and staff and we hope that we have a large audience to congratulate our students. Invitations for students who are receiving awards for either of these ceremonies will be sent home on Thursday.
P&C Meeting
The final P&C meeting for 2016 has been postponed from tomorrow night 30th November to the following week, Wednesday, 7th December. It will commence at 7.30pm in the staffroom. All parents and carers are welcome to attend. Please come along and celebrate a wonderful year for our P&C. We apologise for any inconvenience this change of day might have caused. John Smith Principal
Important Dates 2nd December - Year 2 final assembly (11.45am VTS 6th December - Special Assembly (10am under primary COLA) 1st December - Red Day—canteen 7th December - Final P&C meeting 8th December - Presentation Day (11am at the high school) 9th December - Reports sent home 16th December - Last day of term
Year Book Orders
Year Book Orders have been sent home. Orders MUST back at school by Wednesday, 7th December NO LATE ORDERS ACCEPTED, The cost is $15. The Year Book will be available from 14th December. Canteen News With the end of term nearly upon us the canteen will be letting some menu items run out. As it stands the only item we don’t have are the wedges. Next Tuesday, 6th December will be pizza day at the canteen with all pizzas being $2. Flavours are: Hawaiian, Meatlovers, cheese, Ham & cheese (limited stock) The last Red Day is tomorrow Thursday, 1st December. We will have all sorts of yummy treats and home made goodies, fizzy drinks and lollies. Prices range from 50c to $2.50. Trish T:63422531 F:63411254 92-94 Lachlan St, Cowra, 2794 T:63422531 F:63411254 92-94 Lachlan St, Cowra, 2794
Schools Spectacular 2016 T:63422531 F:63411254 92-94 Lachlan St, Cowra, 2794