St Raphael’s Catholic School Term 1, Week 10/B Newsletter 3 April 2017 permitted with a parent permission note in the diary. Primary students may only attend with their parents.
Dear Parents This week Year 12 students are coming to the end of their second term of Year 12 studies and are undertaking their half-yearly exams. We wish them every blessing with calm and clarity. Misadventure forms will be available for all students should the events of the past week become overwhelming. Congratulations to those senior students who courageously nominated as Youth Ambassadors for this year’s Festival of International Understanding. Their hard work and high level of engagement over a considerable period is to be admired and appreciated. Over $12,000 charity dollars have been raised in the last month by these five fine ambassadors (Ben, Grace, Jessica, Aiden, Jaida) and their four CHS colleagues. Thank you for your generous support of these young workers.
Thank you for the support you have given to your children in their learning and for the support received by the teachers throughout the term. I hope term 1 has been a full and rewarding time. th
School commences again on Wednesday, April 27 and everyone will need to be in the lovely winter uniform. May the school holiday be refreshing and safe for you and yours.
Michael Gallagher Principal
The Easter Season runs for another six weeks after Easter Sunday (middle weekend of the holiday) during which we are challenged to make sense for ourselves of the Jesus risen in our lives. Long after the rabbits and eggs have gone the real and biding Easter reality will be lived here in our school and town – what will that look like and feel like? The word “Audit” is becoming something of a cliché but the experience of having one’s work examined and being called to account over minute details remains quite harrowing. The Year 12 Curriculum Audit is being conducted this week by external authorities and we have every confidence that all is in perfect order. Progress Reports in the secondary department are due for circulation this week as are the appointment requests for the 7-11 Parent /Teacher Learning Discussions. Each family will be provided with logon details for making appointments with your child’s teachers. The Learning Discussions are scheduled for nd Week 2 (Tue, May 2 ) of the new term. A Memorial Service for Year 12 student, Jessie Irvine is being conducted at St Raphael’s Church on Friday 7th at 2pm. We are holding the whole family in our prayers as they come to terms with their immense loss as well as supporting one another in our own grief. As far as student attendance at that memorial service is concerned, Stage 6 attendance will be offered. Voluntary attendance from Stage 4 and 5 will be
P.O. Box 7, Cowra 2794 Tel: 6342.2940
As we draw to the end of first term it is not quite time for Easter. This coming Sunday Palm Sunday marks the beginning of the most important week in our Church’s calendar ‘Holy Week’. Holy week embraces the last days of LENT (until Thursday) and the Easter Triduum. The Sacred Triduum is also called the Great Three Days. Holy Thursday- Mass of the Lord’s SupperThe Washing of the Feet. Good Friday- The Passion of the Lord Easter Sunday- The Resurrection of the Lord Email: School Website:
Monday 3 Year 12 Half-Yearly Exams Week. Tuesday 4 Happy birthday to Deakin Horton. Year 10 Leadership Day. Year 8 Anointing Mass 10am. Wednesday 5 Thursday 6 Friday 7 Happy birthday to Prue Cucchiaro. Meet and Greet Debutantes at Chiverton Cellar Doors. Happy birthday to the following students celebrating birthdays in the holidays: Flynn Pearce, Tom Heilman, Ben Price, Stanley Rush, Annaleise Prescott, Emily Beath-Pearce, Lara Collins, Lucas Pearce, Maddison Oliver, John Terry, Ethan Millar, Colton Cartwright, Ryan Chapple and Kayli Hurst.
School Readers for Weekend Parish Masses: th Sun 9 April: Mrs S Whiteley. th Sat 15 April: Easter th Sun 16 April: Easter School Eucharistic Ministers for Weekend Parish Masses: th Sun 9 April: Mrs M McMurtrie. th Sat 15 April: Easter th Sun 16 April: Easter School Computer Roster th Sat 8 April: Casey Family. th Sat 15 April: Volunteers Please th Sun 16 April: Volunteers Please nd Sat 22 April: Price Family.
Homework for Kinder to Year Six There will be no Spelling or Mathematics homework for the last week of term, however, Reading homework is still encouraged to be attempted. Congratulations to all students who tried their very best with their assigned homework in Term One. Pets at School/Show and Tell If your child/ children would like to bring pets to school for show and tell (eg puppies and other small animals) please ensure you make contact with your child's classroom teacher to arrange a time which is suitable before you bring the pet in. Thank you.
Aboriginal Education Worker Appointment I am pleased to announce and welcome Mrs Kirilee Hubber to the role of AEW from the start of Term 2. Mrs Hubber will work closely with Mrs Therese Johnston through the Learning Enrichment department of the school and with Mr Craig Jeffries who has previous experience in the AEW role. This important role in the school focuses on connectedness and learning. We warmly welcome Mrs Hubber.
Altar Servers’ Roster th Sat 8 April: Natalie Mallon, Darby Hubber and Maddison O’Reilly. th Sun 9 April: Meg Jones and Cate Gallagher. th Sat 15 April: Volunteers Please th Sun 16 April: Volunteers Please Gooloogong: Volunteers Please nd Sat 22 April: Grace and Phillipa Richmond and Ashley Langfield. rd Sun 23 April: Volunteers Please P.O. Box 7, Cowra 2794 Tel: 6342.2940
ANZAC Day Parade ANZAC Day falls on Tuesday of the first week at school. That follows the Pupil Free day scheduled for Monday of that first week. A strong representation to march with the school banner in the ANZAC parade would be appreciated. If possible, please assemble in winter school uniform at th the RSL club at 10:00am on April 25 . Mufti Day Attire Two “Mufti Day” notes: people are to wear attire that is both modest and safe. “Modesty” might be an old fashioned word but the concept is alive and strong here at our school. Modest attire is not revealing or provocative, it is comfortable and informal. It is not pretentious or vain. Email: School Website:
Safety concerns footwear and loose attire - footware has to be solid and enclosed - appropriate for sporting activities and / or the Wood Technology / Construction workshop, kitchen and laboratory. Loose, flowing clothing and hair fall into the category of unsafe attire. These two principles apply equally to the way the day to day uniform is worn.
Japan Tour 2017 - Student Position Available A position has become available for a student to join us on our cultural tour to Japan in September this year. We are a total group of 3 teachers and 21 students from La Salle, Lithgow and St Raphael’s, Cowra travelling through the south of Japan from September 27th to October 9th. If you have a student in years 8-11 and are interested in finding out more, please contact Mrs Cassie Bennett at school either by phone or email.
Thanks to the diligence of Mr McAllister during the summer holidays we were able to successfully harvest watermelons and rockmelons. Kindergarten helpers were somewhat challenged attempting to harvest 10kg watermelons! After chilling watermelons they were shared amongst both infants and primary students for morning fruit break. A very popular treat!
2017 Festival of International Understanding Congratulations to Grace Gallagher, 2017 Festival Ambassador. Grace is pictured with co-SRCS nominee, Ben Price and their proud parents.
Congratulations also to all of our school's nominees. They, along with 4 Cowra High nominees, raised over $12,000 for their respective charities! - Well done!
St Raphael’s Productive Food Garden News The garden has endured a pretty difficult Term 1, the summer heat presented children with a constant chore of watering. Classes implemented watering rosters to help maintain plant survival and to their credit most things pulled through. The summer producing an abundance of basil, chillies, capsicums, parsnips, some corn, some tomatoes and potatoes.
P.O. Box 7, Cowra 2794 Tel: 6342.2940
Students also held a POP-UP watermelon and pumpkin stall in not ideal weather conditions. Funds raised will help purchase winter seedlings. Thank you to those in the school community who supported this exercise. We do hope you enjoyed the produce. A big thank you to the Azzopardi family for their generous donations of produce. Autumn weather has finally arrived and winter plantings have begun. Beetroot, cabbages, carrots and broccoli have all been planted and will be enjoying the cooler weather. The gardens value as a teaching resource has been highlighted in Term 1 with several classes embracing activities revolving around the produce in the garden. Canteen Update This week’s roster is as follows: Tues 4 Angela Kollas Dee Mitchell
Thurs 6 Nicole Osborne
Fri 7 Carmen Haran
Melinda Curtale
Anna Thirkell
Mon School Holidays
Kylie Kollas
Rosters for term 2 will go home this week – please check your child’s bag. Next week there will be no slushies available for sale – the machine will be undergoing a big clean. Email: School Website:
Students can instead purchase smoothies for $2.50 in the following flavours: Mango and Banana, Strawberry and Banana or plain Banana. Remember next term we will be going to the Winter Menu – it will be published in the Term 2 week 1 newsletter. Have a safe holiday. Donna Stokes
WELL DONE Congratulations to the following students who have achieved the next level on the Behaviour Management Programme. Level 5 Jackson White Jack Chamberlain Isobelle Lynch James Forsyth
4 Green Charles Thurtell 6 Green Bill Statham 9 Gold Sarah Clark 10 Green
5 Gold 8 Green 10 Gold
Your Teachers are very Proud of You!
Vacant P&F Positions At the recent Annual General Meeting, attended by ONLY 5 parents, executive positions filled included Vice Presidents Damien Stephenson and Tony Williams, Secretary Alison Rutledge. VACANCIES still exist for the position of PRESIDENT, TREASURER and PUBLICITY. It is essential that these positions be filled to ensure the ongoing projects of the P & F Meetings are held the third Monday of the month at 7pm (excluding school holidays). The term of the positions is two years. If you feel you could allocate some of your time to filling an executive role and support your school through the P & F Association please make contact.
BlazeAid BUSHFIRE APPEAL Following the recent catastrophic fires of farming land, stock, homes, buildings and in particular fencing, the agricultural communities of Dunedoo, Cassilis and Coolah urgently require our financial support. It is calculated that around 7000 kilometres of fencing materials will be required at a cost of $35 million. Small communities such as these could never raise this amount of money. BlazeAid needs financial donations URGENTLY. BlazeAid relies entirely on donations and does not receive any government funding. All donations go directly to the work of providing support to rural landowners after natural disasters. Please seriously consider donating. If this happened in our Cowra district, we too would be relying on the generosity of unknown others. How do I donate? Please read below. Thank you for donating to BlazeAid. Your donation is very much appreciated, and will enable us to continue to help families in rural Australia affected by the devastation of natural disasters. If you DO NOT need tax deductibility for your donation, you can donate in one of the following three ways: 1/ Direct Deposit Account Name: BlazeAid Inc Bank: Bendigo Bank BSB: 633 000 Account No: 149 795 908 Details: Your name 2/ Cheques or Money Orders Pease make Cheques or Money Orders payable to: BlazeAid Inc Send to PO Box 73 KILMORE VIC 3764 Include your postal address for us to send acknowledgement or an email address if preferred. If you make a donation by Direct Deposit, please email with your name, postal address and the amount and date of your donation. This will greatly assist us in our record keeping. BlazeAid will send an acknowledgement of your donation. Please note, it might take a few weeks for your Receipt to arrive. 3/ Credit Over the Phone You can ring Debbie on 0418 990 172 and she can process your credit card over the phone as we have a mobile eftpos machine at our main office. If you DO NEED Tax Deductibility for your Donation or require any other information, please go online to: Thank you all so much, Mrs White SCHOOL HOLIDAY TENNIS CLINIC Helen Garratt Tennis Coaching Tennis Australia Club Professional Coach Email: Mob: 0407 139 164 th DATE: Wednesday 19 April VENUE: Cowra Tennis Club TIME: 9.30-11.30am – Skills and drills 11.30-12 - Lunch 12.00 – 2.00pm Match play COST: $25 per session or $40 for the day. Children are to bring their own drinks, lunch and snacks. ENROLMENTS AND ENQUIRIES TO HELEN GARRATT
P.O. Box 7, Cowra 2794 Tel: 6342.2940
Email: School Website:
P.O. Box 7, Cowra 2794 Tel: 6342.2940
Email: School Website:
P.O. Box 7, Cowra 2794 Tel: 6342.2940
Email: School Website:
P.O. Box 7, Cowra 2794 Tel: 6342.2940
Email: School Website: