St Raphael’s Catholic School Term 1, Week 4/B Newsletter 19 February 2018
Dear Parents, Every one of us is officially a member of the P&F Association. Tonight at 7pm in the staffroom, the Association will meet for the first time this year. You are invited to become an active member of this vital part of our school. Our Representative Swimming Squads travel to Bathurst (primary) and Dubbo (Secondary) to compete at the next level of Diocesan Swimming Competition. Thank you to those parents providing transport and support. Real Talk worked with our secondary students (7-11) last year and addressed some very important issues rather directly. This year Real Talk is back again on this coming Friday. It’s a great chance for you to have a discussion with your children about their experience and their learnings.
Prayer offers us all a very special opportunity to grow in our relationship with God and to deepen our commitment to a way of life, rooted in our baptism. In our busy world, Prayer provides us with an opportunity to reflect upon our lives and actions. We should pray more deeply during this time of Lent. (adapted from
Lord, Teach us to follow your paths and to walk in your truth. Amen
Monday 19 Happy birthday to Cooper McDowell P & F Meeting 7pm
Bus Safety is a current focus for our primary aged children, particularly the Infants. The work that Cowra Bus Service invests in this project is both vital and appreciated.
Tuesday 20 Eastern Region Swimming Carnival “Calling and Departure” Year 9
Last Thursday Year 7 and their families had a great gathering in the Convent Courtyard (and beyond)! A very solid start for our fine young students new to secondary schooling.
Wednesday 21 Happy birthday to Ayanna Goyal and Erin Rutledge
School compliance is a massive responsibility as schools are governed by a myriad acts of legislation. Annually there are requirements to demonstrate compliance and then every five years there is a major on-site review of the school and its operation. Term 1, 2018 is our turn and one impact on you is to give your feedback about the school via a survey that will be circulated by email next week. Ideally, everyone would have their say and the feedback would be crystal clear. In reality people often leave the survey replies to someone else – please don’t go there, have your say about your school.
Michael Gallagher Principal
P.O. Box 7, Cowra 2794 Tel: 6342.2940
Thursday 22 Happy birthday to Cameron McAlister and Max Myers Friday 23 REAL Talk Years 7, 8, 9 Happy birthday to Claudia Jones and Lucy Tydd for th the 24 .
Dates for the Calendar March 1st - Year 12 Retreat March 4th- 10th- Catholic Schools Week Change of Date First Eucharist Saturday 15th September
Email: School Website:
Our Year 7 Rafting Trip
In the morning as we waited everyone one was trying to predict what it was going to be like. There were some random suggestions being thrown around until the bus pulled up with Mr Gallagher driving it (What service!). We headed off to Wyangala and the unknown. On the 10f raft it was cold yet comfortable. Our guide Al and his dog Charlie insured we had endless fun. When we were not taking on the rapids we were having various competitions or water fights. The river changed constantly from open sections to narrow chutes. Our rafting was an absolute pleasure and I would like to thank our guides Mr Cooley and Mr Gallagher for this amazing opportunity. Sports Journalist Jarred Stead
Important Notes re School Fees 2017 The annual school fee statement was sent home last week with your youngest child at school. If you have not received it please contact the school office to request a replacement. Please note that the statement represents the whole year and not just this term as it has previously. Please note that the single fee model captures costs for all compulsory activities and tuition. You shouldn’t be charged anything unless you are opting in as an extra / representative activity. If you are paying periodically by Direct Debit, Bpay or Centrepay payments you will also need to contact the school office to confirm that your payment amount is correct. Amounts vary from year to year with fee increases, students enrolling and completing school. All parents/carers on enrolling agree to pay fees. However, if your family is experiencing financial difficulty, please contact the school office for an Application for Fee Relief and make an appointment with the Principal. Completed applications must be available for presentation at the interview. Please do not hesitate to contact the school office if you would like explanation or assistance with any matters relating to school fees. K-6 Assembly The first K-6 Assembly will be on Friday 23 February in St Brigid's Hall. There will not be a class item. Students who are to receive merit certificates will receive a note from their class teacher early this week. Bus Safety Important Points When waiting for a bus, children should stand five metres from the road.
The Study Centre Feeling swamped with assessments? Need help with your homework? Research tasks to complete? Need a quiet place to study? The Study Centre @ St Raphael’s is the answer!! Who: Students from Year 2-12 Where: S17 (Computer Lab 3) When: 8:00-8:45am Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday The Study Centre @ St Raphael’s 2018 Term 1 Wk 5-11 (Except Athletics Carnival)
When getting off a bus, children should be met by an adult at the bus stop, not across the road. After the bus has gone, adults should choose a safe place to cross the road holding the child’s hand. When a bus is fitted with seatbelts, children must buckle up. Canteen Update This week’s roster is as follows: Tues 20 Jessica Newcombe
Thurs 22
Fri 23
Mon 26
Charlene Williams
Cindy Langfield
Briony Woodhouse
Jessica Newcombe
Kylie Kollas
If anyone is interested in supporting the canteen please contact Donna Stokes on 0427 501 508 as soon as possible, your help would be greatly appreciated. We need you! P.O. Box 7, Cowra 2794 Tel: 6342.2940
Email: School Website:
Don’t forget to visit our website for updates of all that is happening with the P&F and for adding your views. This can be done via the school website at
Cowra Junior Rugby League
Are you over 13yrs of age and wish to earn a bit of extra cash? Cowra Junior Rugby League is calling for expressions of interest in becoming a referee. You do not need to have any Rugby League experience either as a player or a referee you just need to be over 13yrs of age. Once you have completed the course and training you will be qualified to referee games down at the Cowra Junior Rugby League fields on Saturday mornings. Match payments as follows Mini Field 5-8yrs $10 per 1/2 hr game, Modified Field 9-12yrs $15 per 40min game and Main Field 13-16yrs $25 per game. The cost of the course is $35 and registration is then $10 to be affiliated as a Group 10 referee. These costs will be reimbursed along with match payments once qualified. The course involves some online modules followed by a face to face course. Please call Shayne Beard on 0438 608 153 ASAP to express interest or for more information.
P.O. Box 7, Cowra 2794 Tel: 6342.2940
Email: School Website: