St Raphael's Central School Newsletter Trm 1 Wk 5

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St Raphael’s Catholic School Term 1, Week 5/A Newsletter 24 February 2015

Sale Diocese in Victoria. Fr Pat served in our St Raphael’s parish some years ago.

Dear Parents Every child in our school has the right to feel safe. Physical, verbal and cyber bullying have no place in a school and such misconduct will continue to be directly and firmly addressed here. Those who provoke outbursts are considered every bit as guilty as those who snap, and direct action is being taken to address all aspects of any incident. Let’s not fool ourselves into thinking this is a simple issue, it will be eradicated only by continued vigilance, strong home/school partnership and excellent communication.

Michael Gallagher Principal

PLC Academy is the third tier of establishing a Professional Learning Community at St Raphael’s. For us the journey began at the end of 2012 and has progressed through 2013 and 2014. This is the year when that background work really begins to get traction. The three big ideas of PLC are: 1 Every child and will learn to a high level (Not negotiable) 2 Planning, preparation, execution and analysis of learning will be undertaken collaboratively (no “lone wolves”). 3 The learning process and analysis will be results based (not vague promises)

Lord, Your commandment of love is so simple and so challenging. Help me to let go of my pride, to be humble in my penance. Amen

Learning must continue through life, it’s the way we get better at what we do. Professional Learning at St Raphs holds a high priority because the better the teacher is at what they do, the better the learning among the students. On Tuesday Tonia Flanagan will be working with staff members on our PLC project.

Monday 23

On Wednesday and Thursday Religious Education training is being conducted for our Primary and Secondary coordinators. On Friday Year 11 and 12 is the focal point with staff members working on further development of our Wellbeing framework as well as detailing the senior curriculum. And next week the focus shifts to special learning needs support in the form of a two day conference. Your ongoing support of the teachers who work so constantly for the benefit of our children is an inspiration, thank you.

Tuesday 24 Happy birthday to Ponie De Wet and Lucy Tydd. Wednesday 25 Happy birthday to Mitchell Sparkes. Dio Secondary Music Workshop, Bathurst. Zooper Doopers for sale at lunch time 50c. Thursday 26 Happy birthday to Rodrick Roe. Friday 27 Happy birthday to Carter Langfield and Allanah Maguire. Primary Assembly 2pm St Brigid’s Hall. Mufti Day K-10 gold coin donation. Happy birthday to Isabella Thompson, Daniel Gorham th and Zoe Stedman for the 28 .

Please keep Fr Pat O’Regan in your prayers this week as he begins his ministry as Bishop of the P.O. Box 7, Cowra 2794 Tel: 6342.2940

Email: School Website:

Lent During Lent we fast, pray, prepare and give. As a school community we place a focus on the work of Caritas Australia and their Lenten Project Compassion appeal. We give to Project Compassion through this time and the money raised helps to ‘retain the human dignity of those at greatest risk’. Dates for the Calendar • Week 7 - Catholic Schools Week ‘Educating For Today and Tomorrow’: March 9-15 - Heritage Day Fete: Friday March 13th 1pm-2.30pm

WELLBEING 2015 This is a new position at St Raphael’s and will provide a distinct focus on the wellbeing of our Secondary students. This work is grounded in the spirit of our school affirmation: I will be faithful to my God; strive for excellence; and cooperate with others in all that I do. Each of us has an important role to play in ensuring the wellbeing of our students. As parents you have a free choice to send your children to this school but once you have made that choice, you need to be fully supportive of our ethos and values. We all know the effect on children, if parents are not in harmony with each other within the family. The same effect is present if there is a lack of harmony between teacher and parent, between school and the home. We have welcomed 36 new Year 7 students and they have settled well into the very different routines of high school. Their Homeroom teachers are Mrs Bennett and Mr Cooley. Any relevant communication can be made to subject teachers or Homeroom teachers through the Student Diary which all students have been issued with on the first day of school. Uniform Sports uniforms are only to be worn on set days, which have been already been notified by Mr Thomas. The school uniform is to be worn proudly and correctly at all times and all students have been reminded about the School’s Uniform Policy. The policy is also in the Student Diary and it should be referred to if there are any questions about what is to be worn. All students should understand the importance of correctly wearing the school uniform and presenting themselves as ambassadors of the school in the wider community. School Diary Each student has been issued with a diary. Students are to record their homework tasks, Assessment Tasks, due dates, important information and other requirements that teachers request. The diary is an important means of tracking student progress or any concerns through teacher or parent notes. Please make use of this facility as it really does enhance our mutual interest, which is each student’s school life. Parents are asked to sign the diary each week and this is also checked by the Homeroom teachers.

P.O. Box 7, Cowra 2794 Tel: 6342.2940

Technology use The school has a clear policy regarding the use of technology. Mobile phones should be checked at the School Office in the morning. Using a mobile phone or other device on the School grounds will result in confiscation. This also applies on bus lines. Parents will be asked to collect the phone from the Principal. There are occasions when inappropriate use of social media outside school hours has become the cause of tensions at school. The distress that this causes can impede student learning and create difficulties in classes and on the playground. This is both unnecessary and will result in serious consequences. Families are encouraged to address this behaviour by setting guidelines for reasonable use of social media sites by young people. Blocking those who make nasty or untrue comments can restore self-esteem as can limiting the time allocated to this type of communication. As parents it is our job to protect our children and that may mean making difficult decisions and having some lively discussions, but the benefits will be worth it. Graciousness Graciousness has about it a generosity of spirit, an instinctive kindness, a strong understanding of the feelings of others. There is a sensitivity to recognise the needs of others and to put them above our own; a deliberate effort is made to make another person feel better. As a school we are aware that there are instances when graciousness and kindness can be absent. It is important that our message and our actions are always those where the other person is considered with a generosity of spirit. When these values are overlooked, then restoration and justice will occur. Students need to be assured that confiding in their teachers is the first step to restoring grace. We cannot change that which we do not know about. Finally! “May your mind inhabit your life with the same sureness with which your body belongs in the world. May your soul be as free as the ever-new waves of the sea. May you succumb to the danger of growth”. Irish blessing After a positive and busy beginning to 2015, may the year continue well for all students and families. Sue Whiteley (Wellbeing Co-ordinator)

Sports Uniform Year 5 and 6 Year 5 and 6 will be wearing sports uniform this Wednesday for Physical Activity. They will still wear sports uniform for normal Sport on Thursday.

The Study Centre @ St Raphael's Students have been very busy in The Study Centre @ St Raphael's' this week. Year 5 and 6 students were busy researching rainforests and investigating the Email: School Website:

many types of flora and fauna in this environment. Year 10 students have an interesting Science assessment this term and students were using the computer technology to get ahead with this task. Many Stage 2 students completed their weekly homework and it was great to see so many Year 7 students working hard on their Mathematics and Art homework. The Study Centre @ St Raphael's is open to all students from Year 3-10. Opening hours: 8:00-8:45am Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday. Please contact Therese Johnston for further information Crocus Magazine The Crocus has come back from the printer and looks fabulous! Please make sure you collect any copies you have ordered. The price is $34.50 each. We have a limited number of spares, so if you forgot to order your copy, please put your name in at the Front Office. School Visits A reminder that, in line with child protection requirements, our school policy requires everyone (apart from students and staff) to come to the front office when visiting the school. Volunteers like readers and canteen personnel, sign in and sign out. We cannot permit visiting relatives to circulate on school property. To see or collect your children, please ask at the front office and they will be called up. Please Note: Particular school events such as assemblies or liturgies do not come under that restriction.

Fruit Slushies are available from this week for the price of $2 each. Please note that for Lent NO slushies will be sold on Fridays from this week until the end of Term.

Looking for new Treasurer and President and Vice President for St Raphael’s P and F We are looking for a new Treasurer, President and Vice President for our school P and F as the positions become vacant in March this year. The St Raph’s P and F has a proud tradition and close involvement with our school including: • Providing a forum where the views of parents may be heard • Promoting community through social activities; • Assisting the school with many practical initiatives including fund raising. All the roles are straightforward and can easily be handled by someone with no experience as the outgoing committee plan to help and assist the incoming people with their roles. Apart from attending the 8 meetings held each year at 7pm once a month during the school terms, the basic roles are as follows: Treasurer • Handle all the Financial Dealing’s for the Association • Keep accurate Financial Records of all receipts and expenditures. • Prepare Monthly Bank Reconciliation. President • Runs the P and F meetings • Head coordinator of P and F activities • Chief liaison between the P and F and the school

Fundraiser - St Raphael’s Youth Ambassadors Mufti Day this Friday 27 February for all students from Kinder to Year 10. Please bring a gold coin donation.

Vice President • In the absence of the President, chair the P & F Meeting • Assist the president by attending the official functions that the President may be unable to attend.

Interplast Fundraiser There will be Zooper Doopers for sale on Wednesday at lunchtime in an effort to raise money for Interplast. Interplast is an organisation that reaches out to those who have a cleft lip or palate by providing surgery to those who would otherwise be unable to afford medical help. Under the sponsorship of Rotary, Anna McNamara and Riley Barron are assisting with the fundraising for Interplast, a not for profit organisation. Anna and Riley will be selling the ice blocks out the front of the canteen on Wednesday and are keen to sell as many Zooper Doopers as possible at a cost of 50c each.

The main events (Deb Ball and Christmas Fair) have coordinators already in place for 2015 so the incoming P and F committee in 2015 will have plenty of help and guidance. The roles come up for election every year and each position requires a new office bearer every two years. Being on the P and F is very rewarding and a tremendous way to help make our school a fabulous learning environment for our kids. You will find your children will get a lot out of you being actively involved in their school. The Treasurer position was filled last time by someone new to P and F responding to a request just like this. Please consider taking on one of these roles. If you have any queries, please respond to this email or call Nicholette Savage on 0417 423 219 or Casey Proctor on 0429 110 072

Canteen Update This week’s roster is as follows: Tues 24 Lisa Day


Katie Wilson

Thurs 26 Carrie Simunic

Fri 27 Kirsty Pollard

Mon 2 Kelly Webb

Tracey Gunnyon

Kylie Chang

Skye Muddle

Angela Kollas

Liz Cruickshank

WELL DONE Congratulations to the following students who have achieved the next level on the Behaviour Management Programme. Level 5 Tianna Azzopardi Emma Clements Meg Jones Scarlet Shepherd

4 Gold 4 Gold 4 Gold 4 Gold

Georgia Buchtmann 4 Gold Dekota Hindmarsh 4 Gold Destiny Pepper 4 Gold Benjamin Smith 4 Gold

Your Teachers are very Proud of You!

P.O. Box 7, Cowra 2794 Tel: 6342.2940

Email: School Website:

Cowra Netball Come and Try Day Saturday 28th February 12-2pm Col Stinson Park Cowra Netball Courts Registration Dates Thursday 26th February 5-6pm at Col Stinson Park Cowra Netball Courts Saturday 28th February 12-2pm at Col Stinson Park Cowra Netball Courts Saturday 7th March stall at the conclusion of festival Prices 5-10 Years $50.00 will also receive a Net Set Go participant pack 11-17 Years $100.00 18 Years and over $130.00 Cowra Scout Group Parent's, are you sick of your child/children spending time indoors watching the TV or playing on !heir IPOD'S? If you are, why not consider sending your child to join Scout Australia one evening per week! At Scouts, children are taught many skills such as working as a team, problem solving, playing suitable games, survival kills outdoors, working towards earning badges to sew on their shirts, enjoying outdoor activities such as camping, canoeing, swimming, bike knowledge and riding safety skills. Scouts in Cowra runs on a Monday night from 6.30 to 8.30pm every week at the Scout Hall on Binni Creek Rd. The preferred age for Scouts is for children is 11 to 14. At this time we do not run a Cubs group ( 8 - I 0 years old) but please contact us as with enough interest we could start this group up. Both girls and boys are welcome to Scouts! Why don't you come and try it for free for 2 nights to sec if you like it. If you are interested, please come and see us or check out our Facebook page at Cowra Scouts. Ph: 0427 002905

MAGGIE DENT is coming to Cowra Maggie Dent is an author, educator, parenting and resilience specialist with a particular interest in the early years and adolescence. Maggie is a passionate advocate for the healthy, common-sense raising of children in order to strengthen families and communities. She has a broad perspective and range of experience that shape her work, a slightly irreverent sense of humour and a depth of knowledge based on modern research and ancient wisdom that she shares passionately in a common-sense way. FREE PARENT SESSION Thursday 23 April 2015 – 7-9pm Cowra Services Club From the Sandpit to Adulthood : Helping Today's Children to Thrive Every parent wants their children to thrive - to grow up happy, healthy, strong, kind and capable of realising their full potential. In this seminar Maggie explores the 10 keys to parenting that supporting this goal. She acknowledges there is no "perfect" and that challenge, adversity and failure can actually help our kids grow stronger and smarter. DO NOT MISS OUT, BOOK YOUR SEAT TODAY! Carinya Early Childhood Centre P | 6342 2338 E |

READING, WRITING, SPELLING Have you considered Occupational Therapy, Optometry or Speech Pathology? Meet and network with your local Health Professionals. Assessing students with learning difficulties and working collaboratively with families and schools to deliver intervention that works! What are the indicators that suggest a student may benefit from these services? Take home strategies and techniques ready for you to implement in the classroom tomorrow. Presented by Jose Webber Occupational Therapist, Janine Hobson Optometrist, Karen Trengove Speech Pathologist, th When: Thursday 12 March 2015 Where: Young Golf Club William Street, Young Time: 6.30pm – 8.30pm th RSVP: Monday 9 March 2015 63824000 Refreshments, tea and coffee will be provided.

P.O. Box 7, Cowra 2794 Tel: 6342.2940

Email: School Website:

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