St Raphael’s Catholic School Term 1, Week 8/B Newsletter 14 March 2016 the school, you are automatically a member of the Association and you are invited to participate. Dear Parents Learning research clearly shows the strong link between a child’s learning and parental involvement in the learning process. Making that learning process really count for the child comes largely from a close connection between home and school, between parents and teachers. The stronger that connection, the better the learning. For that reason Parent / Teacher discussions are pivotal events in every semester. Thank you to parents of Primary children who participated in such large numbers last week. Secondary Progress Reports are about to be circulated and these are designed to be the basis of discussions between teachers and parents early in the new term. Please get in early to make your appointments electronically. A huge portion of the work of teachers centres on Syllabus documents and Class Programmes. This goes largely unseen outside the school. 2017 marks the release of a whole raft of new Syllabus documents and that, in turn, demands an enormous investment from teachers to translate those learning requirements into a meaningful sequence of learning experiences for the children. It also entails a massive increase in the Professional Learning events teachers must engage in. I want to publicly acknowledge the increased pressures on staff this year in particular and give you a “heads-up” about the about the additional training required. We will, of course, minimise impact on children.
From Friday evening this week the Cowra community will be celebrating the Festival of International Understanding with particular focus this year on Belarus. Check out your children’s decorations in the shop fronts on Kendal Street, hear your children sing the Belarusian National Anthem (in Belarusian) at the Peace Bell and participate with us in the Parade on Kendal Street on Saturday.
Michael Gallagher Principal
God of infinite love, I thank you for this reminder of your love and your call that we be more patient, gentle and compassionate with others. Here in the middle of Lent. Amen
Tomorrow is when we mark the National Day against Violence & Bullying. We want to help deliver a powerful message that bullying and violence is never okay. We want to enable those who experience such events to have the inner strength to overcome the impact. We want to enable perpetrators of such events to become better and stronger individuals who never have to resort to such pathetic methods. Tonight the P&F Association holds its Annual General Meeting at 7pm in the school staff room followed by the monthly General Meeting. As parents of children in P.O. Box 7, Cowra 2794 Tel: 6342.2940
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Monday 20 Happy birthday to Harry Frazer, Madeleine Savage and Maguire Sciberras. P&F Meeting – AGM at 7pm. Tuesday 21 Happy birthday to Georgia Campbell, Michael McNamara and Charli Raynolds. Diocesan Basketball Gala Day. National Day against Bullying and Violence. Wednesday 22 Happy birthday to Ben Smith. Outward Bound Parent’s meeting. Thursday 23 Happy birthday to Lily Carson, Dominic Henderson and Anthony Smith. Friday 24 Choir singing at Peace Bell at 5:45pm. Saturday 25 Festival of International Understanding Parade – 11:15am. Choir singing at Festival – 12:30pm. th
Happy birthday to Aiden Triming for the 25 and Brendan ad th Joel Stendell for the 26 .
Altar Servers’ Roster th Sat 25 March: Tianna and Alisha Azzopardi. th Sun 26 March: Ky Garrett. School Readers for Weekend Parish Masses: th Sun 26 March: Ms C Spora. School Eucharistic Ministers for Weekend Parish Masses: th Sat 25 March: Miss K Slaven, Miss R Downes. th Sun 26 March: Ms C Spora. School Computer Roster th Sun 26 March: Isobella Lynch.
Winter Sports Trials Last Friday, 19 St. Raphael's students travelled to Bathurst to compete at the Diocesan Trials, attempting to make it into the Bathurst Diocese team. We had boys and girls at Rugby League, Netball, Hockey, Soccer and Rugby Union. Six of our students have been successful in gaining selection in the Bathurst Diocese team that will now trial for Polding selection on the first Friday of next th term, 28 April, except for Rugby Union which will trial in Forbes later in the year. Stanley Rush made it for Opens Rugby League. Carter Langfield made it into the 11s Rugby League. Kai Fitzgerald made it into the Soccer team. P.O. Box 7, Cowra 2794 Tel: 6342.2940
Eoghan Killick, Lachlan Pullen and Ben Smith all made it into the Rugby Union side. Many of our students made the Possible/Probable games, just missing out on final selection. Congratulations to all 19 of our representatives. You are a credit to our school, your parents and yourselves.
Canteen Update This week’s roster is as follows: Tues 21 Tammie Penyu
Dee Mitchell
Thurs 23 Heather Keen
Fri 24 Anna Thirkell
Mon 27 Katie Wilson
Dianne Franks
Carmen Haran
Fiona Kerin
Sally Bruncher th
On Monday 6 March, Week 6, a child ordered something from the canteen. Their order required change. Unfortunately Donna was away and there was a slight mix up in sending the change home. If anyone came back from school on that day with no change, could they please come to the front office so we can sort this out. Thank you.
WELL DONE Congratulations to the following students who have achieved the next level on the Behaviour Management Programme. Level 5 Luke Britten Drew Langfield Charlotte Tindall Jack Campbell Ky Garratt William Pearce Abby Baker Jyedon Goard Lachlan Shady Zoe Simunic Inka Wilson William Harris Depp Ryan Bella Bright Aedan Leatherland James Gregory Ashleigh Harding Lucas Meredith
3 Green 3 Green 3 Green 4 Gold 4 Green 4 Green 5 Gold 5 Gold 5 Gold 5 Gold 6 Green 7 Gold 7 Green 8 Green 8 Green 9 Gold 10 Green 10 Green
Brianna Goricki 3 Green Pyper Muddle 3 Green Josee Bruncher 4 Green Amelia Cranney 4 Green Jazmine Millar 4 Gold Lucy Tydd 4 Green Sophie Falconer 5 Gold Orlando Perry 5 Gold Grace Shepherd 5 Gold Georgia Williams 5 Gold Emily Beath-Pearce 7 Green Rachel Myers 7 Gold Charles Williams 7 Gold Catherine Gallagher 8 Green Kalia Williams-Martin 8 Green Jack Harper 9 Gold Brooke Lewis 10 Gold
Your Teachers are very Proud of You!
Annual General Meeting th Tonight - Monday 20 March Parents and Friends Annual General meeting 7pm in St Raphael’s Catholic School Staffroom. All executive positions will be declared vacant. Calling for nominations for office bearers. All welcome! Email: School Website:
Jackeroo Ranch Horse Riding Jackeroo Ranch is once again running the popular horse riding camps in the Autumn Holidays. st th th 1 Week: Sat 8 April - Sat 15 April nd th rd 2 Week: Sat 15 April – Sun 23 April These camps are for “horse-mad” children aged 6-16 years. Five to six hours per day are devoted to horse activities including a one hour lesson and three hours trail riding in the beautiful Turon Valley. Previous experience is not necessary as beginners to advanced riders are catered for. We specialise in teaching nervous riders and developing their confidence. This is “not just a camp” – it is a wonderful farm experience your child will treasure forever. Enquiries: Mrs. Pattie Hudson. Ph 6337 7173 (nights are best).
P.O. Box 7, Cowra 2794 Tel: 6342.2940
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Sleep and kids' mental health Did you know that childhood sleep problems are really common? It is thought that about 40% of primary school kids have an issue of some sort, and the rates are higher in early childhood. It makes sense that sleep and a child’s mental health and wellbeing go hand-in-hand. In fact, insufficient and broken sleep has been associated with numerous issues, such as: increased behavioural, social-emotional and academic problems; trouble starting primary school; ADHD-like symptoms (i.e. concentration, attention, and impulse-control difficulties); and even depression. Associate Professor Harriet Hiscock, paediatrician and researcher with the Centre for Community Child Health at The Royal Children’s Hospital Melbourne, says that behavioural sleep problems make up the bulk of issues seen in kids. Chances are you’ve already experienced some of them at your place. For example, she says children may:
P.O. Box 7, Cowra 2794 Tel: 6342.2940
want to co-sleep with adults use stalling techniques (‘just five more minutes’, wanting a drink etc.) refuse to go to bed (engaging in long conversations, tears or tantrums) get out of bed frequently (for a drink, the toilet, to talk) wake often have difficulties getting to and returning to sleep (e.g. lying awake worrying) experience anxiety-related insomnia (more common in primary-age children) have nightmares or night terrors. According to Associate Professor Hiscock, there are many possibilities for why sleep issues are so wide-spread. “There’s most likely better recognition and help-seeking for sleep problems so more kids are coming to health professionals,” she says. “There’s definitely an increased use of mobile devices and computers in the bedroom that can cause difficulties quieting down, and which reduce the brain's production of melatonin that helps us go to sleep. Kids are
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also doing more in their day, so time to sleep is probably not prioritised.” It’s really important to put a good night’s sleep at the top of the to-do list. When your child is sleeping well, chances are you will be too, which means the whole family will be at their very best, mentally and physically. Dealing with bedtime worries and nightmares Sleep problems tend to be emotional rather than physical in nature. Dr Sarah Blunden, the head of Paediatric Sleep Research at Central Queensland University, says that fear is the biggest factor when it comes to common sleep issues like bedtime nervousness and nightmares. “We know that children who are more fearful or anxious generally tend to sleep less well,” says Dr Blunden. “This is one of the main reasons why kids have problems getting to and staying asleep. Kids who are less fearful still wake up in the night (due to natural sleep cycles), but they find it easier to get to and return to sleep.”
About bedtime worries “Bedtime is the time of day that we are alone with our thoughts,” says Dr Blunden. “Nerves at bedtime often mean we don’t want to be by ourselves. This is especially so for children.” Young children tend to fear things in their surroundings, like monsters under the bed, nameless noises, and shadows. Older kids are better able to interpret their environment (i.e. a noise or shadow might be a robber trying to break in), and ruminate on their relationships and life issues. How to deal with bedtime worries Help them to be brave - use a reward system (e.g. stickers or treats). Try not to get frustrated - kids naturally want to do the right thing, so try and understand why they are fearful and avoid escalating emotions. Give the child some control allow them to choose a tool to help them be brave (worry dolls, ‘monster spray’, a radio to cover noises, a torch etc.) and contribute to their sleep environment (e.g. a special blanket, pillows, toys). Negotiate - get their input on aspects of their routine, like how many stories to read before bed, and when you will return to check on them. About nightmares “All of us have had a nightmare,” Dr Blunden says. “We believe they are the brain subconsciously processing information from the day, which is why we dream about real things in our lives. However, they can become a problem for children if they are frequent, persistent, and more and more distressing.” Dr Blunden says the main contributors of nightmares include an anxious or fearful temperament, being a light sleeper, a genetic predisposition (e.g. if mum or dad has regular nightmares), physical and mental stress (including trauma) and, possibly, diet and eating before bed (which stimulates the metabolism and brain activity and may prompt nightmares).
How to deal with nightmares Talk it out - explain to your child that dreaming is a natural process, that they are safe, and that the dream will not come true. This is particularly important for young children who cannot yet understand that dreams aren’t real. Change the ending - have your child describe, write or draw a more positive ending to their dream (e.g. the robber is caught by police).
P.O. Box 7, Cowra 2794 Tel: 6342.2940
This is an example of ‘cognitive restructuring’. Seek help speak to a health professional like your GP or a psychologist if nightmares continue and are overwhelming for your child. The great news is that nightmares are easily treated. For more information about dealing with common childhood sleep issues, see The Boss of My Sleep Book by Dr Sarah Blunden and Dr Kirrilly Thompson, available at Sleep strategies for the whole family These expert tips from Associate Professor Harriet Hiscock, paediatrician and sleep researcher, are great for managing common sleeping speed bumps or simply getting the family into the swing of a great night’s sleep. Golden rules for kids’ sleep Establish a bedtime routine - so they know what to expect and have time to wind down. Keep bedtime consistent (within 30 mins), even on the weekends - big variations can disrupt their body clock and undo all your good work. Make sure they fall asleep in their bed - snoozing off on the couch or in front of the TV can affect their routine and make them less likely to want to sleep alone. Remove all TVs, computers and mobile devices from their bedroom - the light stimulation alone will make it harder for them to settle down. Avoid caffeinated foods and drinks after 3pm - caffeine is a stimulant which is likely to keep young bodies awake. Have a wind-down period yourself - show kids that a bedtime routine is important for the whole family. When your child won’t stay in bed Limit the number of times they can come out of the bedroom (one or two times works well). Reward them for complying with the rules (e.g. a stamp or sticker in the morning). If they keep coming out, take them back to their room with minimal fuss or arguments. When your child won’t fall asleep alone Identify who (e.g. mum or dad) or what (e.g. music) they need in order to fall asleep and return to sleep if they wake in the night. If it’s you, slowly withdraw from the bedroom in stages (also known as ‘camping out’). If it’s something else (such as music), gradually reduce the amount of time the child spends with it before going to sleep. Looking after yourself Go to bed soon after your child - if your child wakes often in the night, you may be up again shortly after you turn in. Follow good sleep hygiene rules - i.e. limit media use in the bedroom and have time to wind down. Limit your consumption of caffeine and alcohol before bedtime - they can lead to poor sleep. Do some stress-busting - try things like relaxation, yoga, and mindfulness meditation as often as you can. For more information Sleep Health Foundation fact sheets The Royal Children's Hospital sleep tip sheets Raising Children Network information by age group Healthy Kids Seminar Series - a free seminar by Murdoch Children’s Research Institute on common child sleep problems and sleep tips for parents Infant Sleep e-Learning Program – an evidence-based, online course by Murdoch Children’s Research Institute for professionals but it also suits families ($50, 1 hour duration, includes parent resources)
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Thursday 30 March, 2017 This year our school carnival focus is participation! As in previous years students will move from event to event as an age group in a circuit of Athletic event. Because we are following this structure we are able to stay very closely to the times allocated for the event on the program. This hopefully assists our families who would like to come and watch in the lunch hour to know where everyone will be. I encourage the families to come along and watch their children participate. It fills children with such pride to know that “mum or dad is watching”. We require the assistance of several parents this year, if you are able to help please contact Miss Tahni Isedale by phoning the school (63422940) or emailing her directly ( so we can ensure a smooth running and fun day for all. Lunch and snacks will be provided for our helpers. th
Thursday 30 March (Week 9)
Secondary Students: 8.45am at River Park Primary Students: Normal school arrangements
Secondary students must arrive at River Park for Roll Call no later than 8.45a.m Primary students will arrive at school in the usual manner and walk with their teachers All students will walk back to school at the conclusion of the carnival to be released as usual onto the buses or other modes of transport.
All students are to bring their own lunch; Mrs Stokes will be running a modified canteen on the day with snacks and drinks. There are no provisions made for lunch orders. Hats, sun screen, water, joggers and your competitive spirit.
Bring Wear
School sports uniform, or house colours. Blue – Kilbreda, Yellow – Xavier, Red - Raphael All students are to wear joggers for competition as it is a Diocesan rule that no student can compete in socks or bare feet or football boots. Spikes are permitted in track events (except 800m & 1500m), high jump and javelin.
There will be no practice jumps or throws – time does not allow this. Students are encouraged to warm-up and be ready. Their teachers can help with this. At each event students will have the option to compete and be involved. Owing to time restrictions, not all students will be guaranteed three attempts at each event. Make ‘em count!
Infants students will be attending the athletics carnival between recess and lunch. Please see additional note in in next week’s newsletter for details. The school canteen will not be operating at school on this day.
We all hope that the students have a great day and involve themselves in as much as possible. Help others and support your peers. Miss Tahni Isedale - Sports Coordinator
P.O. Box 7, Cowra 2794 Tel: 6342.2940
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