St Raphael’s Catholic School Term2, Week 1/A Newsletter 20 April 2015
state on Tuesday, April 28th. While Plan A is “everything as usual”, it is worth putting together a Plan B for your family, just in case. I will confirm the union decision for you later this week. Dear Parents Welcome to the new term. I hope the holidays were refreshing for you all. Scores of stimulating experiences have been prepared for our children this term – so hang on and enjoy the ride. The centenary ANZAC day is on this coming Saturday. Our school will be represented again at the wreath laying ceremony at the cenotaph, in the street parade and at the commemoration service at River Park memorial. Please assemble by 10:15 am at the cenotaph in full winter uniform. Lest we forget. Parent / Teacher Learning Discussions for Primary and Secondary Departments are being held this week on Tuesday and Wednesday evenings from 3:30-7pm. Online bookings closed at the end of last week. Thank you to all those who made appointments, you can download your schedule from the website or use the lists that will be on display for each session.
Michael Gallagher Principal
ANZAC DAY They shall not grow old, as we that are left grow old; Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn. At the going down of the sun and in the morning We will remember them. Lest we forget.
Preparations for our expansion to Years 11 and 12 continue at a rattling pace so it’s time to gather again for an update and discussion about where we are up to and what to expect this term. The meeting will be conducted at 7pm on April 30th in Computer Lab 3. External assessment of literacy and numeracy skills occurs by testing in years three, five, seven and nine. On May 12, 13, and 14, the NAPLAN testing will be held. You will receive a detailed analysis of your child’s results later in the year. The results of these tests assist teachers in developing programmes that are directly relevant to the needs of our children. There are some industrial matters across all Catholic systemic schools and Independent schools which could result in industrial action across the P.O. Box 7, Cowra 2794 Tel: 6342.2940
Monday 20 Happy birthday to Xavier Lynch. P&F Meeting at 7pm. Tuesday 21 Happy birthday to Ethan Millar. Parent Teacher Discussions. Wednesday 22 Happy birthday to Ryan Chapple. Parent Teacher Discussions. Year 6 Peer Support. Zooper Doopers for 50c at lunch. Email: School Website:
Thursday 23 Year 6 Peer Support. Polding Winter Sports Trials in Tamworth. Friday 24 Happy birthday to Madeleine Cain and Zali Pearce. th
Happy birthday to Matthew Reid for the 26 .
Year 8 Green In the last week of Term 1, our Year 8 Green students celebrated an Anointing Mass with the parish. The year 8 students then provided and served morning tea to the parishioners. Thank you to parents and students for your generosity in providing such a sumptuous morning tea. It was very much appreciated. Many compliments were made concerning the behaviour, participation and hospitality of the students. Well done Year 8 Green. Dates to note: ANZAC Day Service - Week 2 Monday 27 April. Altar Servers’ Roster th Sat 25 April: Cate Gallagher, Charli Hubber. th Sun 26 April: Volunteers please. School Readers for Weekend Parish Masses: th Sun 26 April: Mrs S Whiteley. School Eucharistic Ministers for Weekend Parish Masses: th Sun 26 April: Mrs T Johnston. School Computer Roster th Sat 25 April: Miss K Slaven.
Tax File Numbers – Applications for Students: The Secondary Schools Tax File Number (TFN) Program between the Australian Taxation Office and Australian schools has been terminated. Why was the program terminated? The Australian Government is strengthening proof of identity (POI) processes through a standardised national approach for government agencies. The Secondary Schools TFN program does not comply with these guidelines which require sighting and verification of original proof of identity documents. How can students apply for a TFN? Applying online and presenting POI documents at a participating Australia Post Office is the fastest and most convenient way for students to get a TFN. More information on applying online can be found at by searching for ’QC27248’ Students who are unable to visit a participating Australia Post office will need to complete the application form Tax file number - application or enquiry for individuals form (NAT 1432). More information about lodging this form can be found at by searching for ’QC22604’ P.O. Box 7, Cowra 2794 Tel: 6342.2940
Student Attendance: Students arriving late / leaving early are required to sign in / out in the folders provided in the front office. Students signing out must be signed out by a parent / guardian. Students are not permitted to sign themselves out without written permission from their parent / guardian. By law, parents / guardians are required to explain a student’s absence from school within 7 days from the first day of absence. You may inform the school via a telephone call, written note, or email. To assist parents with this process, our school would like to trial an email notification to parents informing you of your child’s absence. A reply email (that includes an explanation for the absence) would then complete the legal notification requirements. Should you wish to be involved in this trial, please contact Mr Lette. Parents / guardians wishing to remove students from school for family holidays must, by law, formally request leave form the Principal in writing. If the period of leave requested is for 10 or more days during a school term, there will be additional paperwork for parents / guardians to complete (Application for Extended Leave – Travel – Form A) – which will be made available to parents / guardians by the Principal. Records of student attendance are required by law to be kept for 7 years after the child has officially left the school. Your cooperation in ensuring our school records are accurate and up to date is appreciated. Mr Lette - Administration Coordinator Primary CWA Public Speaking At the end of last term all students from year 3-6 wrote and presented speeches. These speeches were then delivered at a class level where several children were chosen to present their speech at a Stage Final the last two weeks of school. From these Stage Finals one child from each grade was selected to represent our school at the CWA Public Speaking Contest on th Tuesday 26 May in Orange. Congratulations to the following students. Year Three: Kai Fitzgerald Year Four: Natalie Mallon Year Five: Mollie Thompson Year Six: Zoe Budge
Winter Sports Trials At the end of Term One, a number of students travelled to Bathurst to trial for the Diocesan Teams that will represent at the Polding Trials. A good number from our school have made it to the next level. Both Matilda Proctor and Zara McKenzie will represent in the sport of Netball. Kelsey Pollard is in the Opens Rugby League team. Emma Wilkinson and Mikelli Garratt made the Girls Hockey team, with Depp RyanLukasiak, William Harris and Oliver Wilson making it into the Boys Hockey Team. All of these students will make their way to Tamworth later this week for Friday's trial.
Email: School Website:
Nick and Alex Brown both made it through from the Bathurst trial last term in the sport of Rugby Union. They will represent later in the year at Forbes. Congratulations not only to those above who were successful in gaining selection, but to all who made it to the trial. Well done. Under 13 and Under 16 Small Schools Rugby League This Wednesday, a selection trial will be held for both age divisions to go on and represent in Dubbo on May 6. The Under 13 team will be made up of Year 6 + 7 students, whilst the Under 16 team will be picked from Years 9 + 10. Please bring a change of clothes to trial in boys.
Morning Arrival Time Towards the end of last term concern was raised about the early arrival of children at school, their supervision and safety. Teachers are not on duty until 8:30am. Prior to that time no supervision is provided. Parents need to be aware of the risk this poses to the children - technically they are trespassing before 8:30am. Medication Authority Legally, teachers are not permitted to administer medication to students on their own judgment. Children are not permitted to carry their own medication or to selfmedicate (except for approved asthmatics and diabetics). If you need your child to be medicated during the day a form from the front office is to be completed that details the medication, dosage, frequency and doctor. Existing authorizations need to be updated. Mobiles and Electronic Devices A reminder about the school policy on mobile phones and electronic devices. “Mobile phones can be viewed as enhancing security for students traveling to and from school. Misuse of mobile phones can lead to disruption of the learning environment, intimidation or harassment by SMS, text message, photographic, video or other data transfer system available on the phone. St Raphael’s students may carry mobile phones to and from school. Once at school mobile phones must be switched off and handed in at the front office. Mobile phones will be locked in a secure place at the office during school hours. At the end of the school day phones may be collected and therefore also any voicemails and text messages. Mobile phones may not normally be taken on school excursions. The school mobile will be taken on excursions and the children will be able to be contacted, via the principal in the case of emergencies. Students with phones at school during the course of the school day will have the phone confiscated. Repeated breaches will result in disciplinary provisions. Students who bring mobile phones to school do so at their own risk – the school will not accept responsibility for any loss or damage to mobile phones.
P.O. Box 7, Cowra 2794 Tel: 6342.2940
Portable computer games, cameras, and similar devices should not be brought to school. They will be confiscated if they are brought. Repeated breaches will result in disciplinary provisions.”
Wednesday fundraising for Term 2 Zooper Doopers will be on sale during lunch for only 50c. Money raised will go towards recycling bins and sporting equipment for the school. Head Lice Unfortunately from time to time we have an outbreak of head lice at the school. Please be vigilant in checking your child’s hair and treating where necessary. Your assistance in the matter will ensure the outbreak is short-lived. Canteen Update This week’s roster is as follows: Tues 21 Karen Campbell
Karen Budge
Thurs 23 Sian Tangye
Fri 24 Nicky Hudson
Mon 27 Kate Wilson
Angela Kollas
Brooke Marks
Carie Simunic
WELL DONE Congratulations to the following students who have achieved the next level on the Behaviour Management Programme. Level 5 Mitchell Beer 10 Gold Katie Brown 10 Gold Harrison Carman 10 Gold Anthony Day 10 Gold Michelle Grech 10 Green Brittney Irvine 10 gold Anna McNamara 10 Gold Madison Sparkes 10 Gold Jessica Savage 9 Gold Lachlan Toohey 9 Gold Haley Amos 8 Gold Jacob Bugeja 8 Green Sarah Clark 8 Green Thomas Cusack 8 Gold Samuel Frazer 8 Gold Holly Gorham 8 Gold Ashleigh Harding 8 Gold Jamara Lambshead 8 Gold Elia Murray 8 Green Matthew Reid 8 Gold Brianna Roberts 8 Gold Reece Ryan 8 Gold Mitchell Sparkes 8 Green Cameron Trengove 8 Gold Dustin Walker 8 Gold Benjamin Azzopardi 7 Gold Ky Johnson 7 Gold Isobelle Lynch 7 Gold Level 6 Brooke Lewis 8 Gold Maguire Sciberras 8 Gold
Kitty Brooks Brandon Budden Jessica Darcy Max Duff Melanie Grogan Griffen Keys Richard Scott Aiden Roberts Coralea Tapp Joseph Water Ashleigh Britten Matthew Casey Sam Coady Jaidyn Fitzgerald Ellie Garlick Oliver Groves Brittany Kiss Owen Munro Brandon Much Emily Reynolds Kaylah Rust Henry Sant Thomas Thuaux Bradey Tretheway Jacob Allan Emma Chalker Brady Lucas Duncan Muir
10 Gold 10 Gold 10 Gold 10 Gold 10 Golf 10 Gold 10 Green 9 Gold 9 Gold 9 Gold 8 Green 8 Green 8 Green 8 Green 8 Gold 8 Green 8 Gold 8 Gold 8 Gold 8 Gold 8 Green 8 Green 8 Gold 8 Gold 7 Gold 7 Green 7 Gold 7 Gold
Brian MacCabe
8 Gold
Your Teachers are very Proud of You!
Email: School Website:
Don’t forget to visit our website for updates of all that is happening with the P&F and for adding your views.
St John’s Anglican Church Book Fair Extended over 2 weeks with bargains galore! th th Dates: Friday 8 May and Saturday 9 May th th Friday 15 May and Saturday 16 May Doors open at 8:30am For donations or offers of help as workers please contact Bruce Pietsch on 0427 722810 or email Cowra Hockey Registrations are DUE ASAP A reminder that all players, young and not so young, are to register via the internet before the start of nd competition, Saturday 2 May, as no one will be able to take the field if they haven’t – this is a Hockey NSW’s rule and we have to follow that regulation due to insurance reasons. It would be of great benefit to the Cowra Hockey organisers if, Junior s and Intermediate players are registered ASAP. As team allocations with Junior and Intermediate Levels are going to be done this Friday, so PLEASE register your child/ren before then. To register, please go to, and click “register now”. You will come across a form to fill out and in the first drop down box, you will need to put Bathurst Association (remember we amalgamated), and then for the next drop down box for “club”, select Cowra. The rest should be self evident. Have a look at the screen shot below.
The following will be start times for the winter season: 11:30 am Juniors and Minkeys show their stuff. 12:30 pm Intermediate Games 1.45pm / 3.10pm 2 time allocations for Senior Games Looking forward to seeing you all ready for first round nd of competition games on Saturday 2 May. Cowra District Hockey Association The Australian Childhood Vision Impairment Register The Australian Childhood Vision Impairment Register is hosted by the Royal Institute for Deaf and Blind Children and is supported by Vision Australia and Guide Dogs. It is the first national register of children in Australia with vision impairment. The Register has been collecting data since 2009, and this data is providing important information about the types of eye disease and vision disorders children have and the support they need. The data is also used by service providers and researchers. Data is stored securely and no child can be identified in any way when the data is released. Families are invited to register their child (aged 0-18 years) if they have vision impairment in both eyes which has been diagnosed by an eye specialist or ophthalmologist. Registration can be completed by contacting Register staff on (02) 9872 0303, or by visiting the VI Family Network website at: This website also provides information on eyes and vision; family support; education and related issues; braille and low vision aids; technology supporting vision impairment; newsletters from Australian low vision agencies and support groups, useful websites; and news and events that might interest families across Australia. Sue Silveira, Research Fellow Renwick Centre, Royal Institute for Deaf and Blind Children (02) 9872 0248 Cowra Tidy Towns and Urban Landcare Committee presents: The 2015 R.A.F.C.A Competition Recycled Art for Cowra Award 2015 RAFCA is a competition creating art from recycled materials. Entrants are to craft a sculpture with the theme MOVEMENT, using materials specific to their category. Indigenous works, individual works and group entries are encouraged. Total prizes to the value of over $3000 may be awarded. Entry costs vary according to category: Category
Remember, you will need a credit card. Fees this year are $140 for adults, $80 under 18 years, and $40 under 9 years. Cowra Hockey Competition Times P.O. Box 7, Cowra 2794 Tel: 6342.2940
Entry fee
Prize to the value of: st nd 1 2 3rd $50 $25 $10 $200 $100 $50 $100 $50 $25 $200 $100 $50 $100 $50 $25 $200 $100 $50
Preschool (individual) $2 Preschool (group) $5 Infants (individual) $2 Infants (group) $5 Primary (individual) $2 Primary (group) $5 High School (Yr 7 – 9 individual) $5 $300 High School (Yr 10 – 12 individual) $5 $300
Email: School Website:
High school (group) $5 $300 $100 $75 TAFE (individual under 25 yrs only) $5 $300 $100 $50 People’s Choice N/A $200 Best in Show N/A $500 ** Some prizes may be in kind rather than cash nd rd *** 2 and 3 place prizes and Highly Commended certificates will be awarded at the discretion of the judges MATERIALS Preschool – Primary categories: paper, cardboard, plastic, cans, fabric, wood High School & TAFE categories: paper, cardboard, plastic, cans, fabric, wood, metal, glass, tyres *Please note that small amounts of other materials may be used if needed in the junior categories (such as metal fasteners) Terms of Entry 1) Entry is open in the above categories for participants in 2015. 2) Entry forms must be correctly completed, signed and accompanied by the appropriate entry fee (either cash or cheque). The information on the form is for competition purposes only and cannot be accessed by any other person. 3) Entrants guarantee their work to be original and that they are the copyright owner of the work. Works may not have been exhibited in a previous RAFCA competition. 4) Entries will be accepted from Wednesday 22 – Fri 24 and on Mon 27 & Tues 28 April 2015 between 10:00 am and 3:30 pm at the Cowra Aquatic Centre. Deliveries outside the given time will not be accepted unless by prior arrangement. 5) Transporting, erection and display of sculptures is at the entrant’s own risk. All measures will be taken to prevent damage to works, but no liability is held by the RAFCA Committee. All costs incurred are the responsibility of the entrant. 6) Dismantling and removal of entries is the responsibility of the entrant. 7) Judging will take place on Friday 1 May by a panel of 3 invited judges appointed by the RAFCA Committee. The judges’ decisions are final, and no correspondence will be entered into concerning them. Prize & certificate winners will be notified by phone/email following judging. Winners are requested to be at the ceremony where possible, on Sunday 3rd May by 1 pm, to accept their prizes. 8) Prizes may be awarded for First, Second & Third Place in each category and Highly Commended awards will also be made where appropriate. 9) There will be a “Best in Show” grand prize for the best overall entry from all categories. 10) A “People’s Choice Award” will be decided by the most votes submitted by viewers at a gold coin entry per vote. Money raised in this category will be donated to the Cowra Boy Scout Troop. 11) The Committee reserves the right to exhibit the “Best in Show” winner at the Council Chambers for a period of up to 3 months after the competition, after which the sculpture will be returned to the owner. RAFCA will no longer acquire any sculptures on a permanent basis. 12) Entries must be collected between 2:00 – 3:00pm on Sunday 3 May, or 10am and 1 pm from Mon 4 – Wed 6 May 2015, unless prior arrangements are made. Any entries not collected within the specified times will become the property of RAFCA for display. 13) The RAFCA Committee may reproduce images of works submitted for archival, cataloguing and promotional purposes. All entrants permit the Committee the use of images for these purposes.
Site tours of the MRF and/or materials delivery may be arranged by appointment during March or April (see MRF booking form). Other materials sourced by entrants may be used in accordance with the conditions of entry. Advice and assistance can be accessed from the Men’s Shed by appointment.
Mothers’ Day Sunday 10th May
A Cathedral Restoration Silk Scarf is a wonderful gift for your mum on her special day. Scarves are packaged in a stylish gift box and
priced at just $30 Purchsaes can be made at
Other information: Materials are available free of charge, including delivery where appropriate, from the Council Materials Recycling Facility, Glen Logan Rd, Cowra.
P.O. Box 7, Cowra 2794 Tel: 6342.2940
Email: School Website:
ST RAPHAEL’S CANTEEN WINTER MENU Any questions please ring Donna on 0427501508. Lunch Bags are 10c each, Spoons etc for food from home 5c each.
SANDWICHES, ROLL OR WRAPS Vegemite Cheese Cheese &Tomato Ham Ham & Cheese Ham, Cheese & Tomato Ham, Cheese & Pineapple Chicken & Cheese Chicken, Cheese & Tomato Chicken, Cheese & Pineapple Chicken & Gravy Salmon, onion, tomato & Baby Spinach
(add 50cents per extra filling)
$1.20 $2.00 $2.50 $2.50 $3.00 $3.50 $3.00 $3.80 $4.50 $4.00 $4.50
Seared Chicken Fillet, mash, peas or Corn & Gravy Bolognaise Pasta Bake
Up & Go (choc, straw & Vanilla) Water Milk (choc or strawberry) Juice (apple, apple blackcurrant Or orange) Focus Water (apple raspberry, wild berry or dragon fruit) Hot Milo
Please write whether you want a sandwich, roll or wrap. Sandwiches are made with wholemeal bread or multigrain please state which one. All sandwiches and wraps are toasted, rolls are warmed.
HOT FOOD Sausage Rolls Small Pie Large Pie Soup n Roll (chicken & Sweet Corn) (Beef & Vegies) Lasagna Stuffed Potato Sweet n Sour Meatballs with Rice Chicken Schnitzel, mash, peas or corn and gravy Noodle Cups (chicken or beef)
$3.00 $2.60 $4.00 $3.00 $5.00 $5.00 $4.00 $6.00 $6.00 $2.00
Except for pies and sausage rolls all other food is home made. Morning tea snacks range from 50c to $2 each. No chips or lolly treats are sold at this time.
P.O. Box 7, Cowra 2794 Tel: 6342.2940
$5.50 $5.00
SAUCES Tomato or B.B.Q Sweet & Sour or Sweet Chilli
30c each 40c each
DRINKS $1.80 $2.00 $2.20 $2.50 $2.70 $1.50
COLD TREATS Sunburst Fruity Ice Frozen Yoghurt
80c 40c $2.00
TREATS Whole piece of fruit $1.00 Finger of Cheese 10c Finger of Carrot or Celery 5c each Chips, grain waves, noodles snacks or Twistems (gf) $1.00 Popcorn 50c
Email: School Website: