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St Raphael’s Catholic School Term 2, Week 3/B Newsletter 14 May 2018

Dear Parents The Mother’s Day liturgy was on Friday morning. I hope the pampering for all mothers lasts longer than just Mothers’ Day and that your nurturing is both recognised and cherished. That the whole school K-12 assembled for this event at the church and was a clear statement of the importance we place on our mothers. The 2018 sacramental preparation process has begun for our Confirmation candidates. Thank you to all those families who attended and demonstrated the importance of and support for the Sacramental life of the children. Cross Country running is currently on our sports agenda. Last week students competed at Coolah and Orange for the privilege and responsibility to proceed to the next level of representation at Eastern Creek. Thank you for the parental support that ensured these events are available to the children. Eisteddfod preparations are reaching a crescendo with choirs opening our participation by competing this week. The Diocesan Spelling Bee is approaching and all students are participating in the selection processes in both primary and secondary departments. Our representatives will be at Wellington on May 30 (Secondary) and May 31 (Primary). A squad of Primary and Secondary students will be representing St Raphs in CWA Public Speaking next week on May 22nd. All the very best to students in Years 3, 5, 7, and 9 who will be sitting for their literacy and numeracy tests this week (NAPLAN). The results of these tests will be reported to parents and to the school in term 3.

In addition to the excursion, Year 6 students transitioning to Year 7 in 2019 have some Week 5 events coming up. On Monday May 28 a parent information evening is being conducted followed by a full day of student orientation on Tuesday May 29. This week the school receives formal feedback on the findings of the School Review conducted over Weeks 4 to 8 of the first term this year. Those findings will be incorporated into the annual planning process to guarantee continual improvement across the school. Have a look back over the scope of current events – St Raphs really is about educating the whole person.

Michael Gallagher Principal

Monday 14 Happy birthday to Lacey Hinton-Besant Tuesday 15 Happy birthday to Luke Britten and Matthew Mallon NAPLAN Years 3, 5 and 9 Wednesday 16 NAPLAN Years 3, 5 and 9 Thursday 17 Happy birthday to Liam Doolan, Cooper Hurst and Aiden Roberts NAPLAN Years 3, 5 and 9 Choir Perform at the Eisteddfod Friday 18 Walk Safely to School Day th

Year 6 students are well into preparation mode for their three day Canberra Excursion that integrates a variety of subject matter for numerous KLAs.

Happy birthday to Flynn Hindmarsh for the 20 .

P.O. Box 7, Cowra 2794 Tel: 6342.2940

Email: School Website:

Generous and loving God, You call us to be disciples of your son Jesus and good stewards of all your many gifts. Open our minds and hearts to a greater awareness and deeper appreciation of your countless blessings. Transform us through the power of your Spirit to nurture a stewardship way of life marked by faith-filled prayer, service to our neighbour and generous sharing. Teach us to be faithful servants of your gifts. May we return ten-fold the gifts entrusted to us. Bless our school with a deepening devotion to prayer, a growing commitment for service, and increasing levels of generosity. We pray through Christ, our Lord. Amen.

Humanity still has the ability to work together to build our common home. (Pope Francis )

Laudato Si: Pollution Waste and the Throwaway Culture In Laudato Si Pope Francis makes reference to the ‘throwaway culture’. From this he wants us to think about how we as a culture can work to minimise society’s constant need to consume goods. “He asks us work to “adopt a circular model of production capable of preserving resources for present and future generations”. A model of production where consumption, efficiency, reuse and recycling are all considered and deliberately made in order to counteract our destructive throwaway culture” (Adapted from ‘Darlene Goes Green’). Here at St Raph’s we are working to adopt these ideas by recycling where possible and utilise playground food scraps for compost and chicken food. Is there something you are already doing at home that is helping to combat the ‘throw away culture’?

P.O. Box 7, Cowra 2794 Tel: 6342.2940

Altar Servers’ Roster th Sat 19 May: Brianna Goricki, Ashley Langfield and Ellie Thirkell th Sun 20 May: Cowra Volunteers Please Gooloogong: Flynn Bennett School Eucharistic Ministers for Weekend Parish Masses: th Sun 20 May: Michael Gallagher and Sue Marsh

Peer Support This week in Peer Support children will discuss skills and how to communicate their feelings and needs to others. The children will discuss skills they use when participating in a variety of activities. When children understand they already have many of the skills needed to succeed, they can feel more confident when trying something new. The children are asked to identify events which trigger different feelings. Encourage your child to remember the skills they have used in one activity when trying something new. Also encourage your child to communicate their feelings and needs. Cowra Eisteddfod Please look at the information provided at the end of the newsletter relating to primary students. Note that all students in primary are involved with the eisteddfod this year. Feel free to come along and support St Raphael’s.

Chess Results Round 2 vs James Sheehan As expected, Round 2 vs. James Sheehan was much tougher with boards 3, 2 & 4 being defeated inside the

first hour. To his credit, Jayden competed hard with some great moves until recess against an older girl. Sam Rothe Cross Country On Tuesday 8th May 12 Primary Students and their parents travelled to Coolah to compete in the Diocesan Cross Country Carnival. All students competed extremely well and need to be congratulated for their efforts at training and on the day. Special congratulations goes to Laura Price and Phoebe Smith who will now compete at the Polding Carnival later in the year. Thanks to all the parents who accompanied their children. With over 100 competitors in each race, here are our fantastic results: 8/9 Years Girls Lacey Hinton-Bessant-14th 10 Years Boys Drew Langfield-17th Deakin Horton-36th Email: School Website:

Jack Miller-57th 10 Years Girls Pyper Muddle16th Laura Chang- 42th 11 Years Girls Laura Price-4th Claire Harris-41st Lucy Tydd-55th 12 Years Girls Phoebe-7th Lecksi Killick-17th Kaitlyn Rutledge-24th National Assessment Program – Literacy and Numeracy – NAPLAN A reminder that NAPLAN is on this Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday for years 3, 5 and 9. Remember that this is just a small snapshot of your child’s learning, try keep calm and take it as any other school day. Canteen Update This week’s roster is as follows: Tues 15


Thurs 17

Fri 18

Mon 21

Karen Campbell


Carrie Simunic

Cindy Langfield

Tracey Gunnyon

Charlene Williams

Nicola Hudson

Melinda Curtale

Jessica Newcombe

 

Lyn Terry

Head Lice Unfortunately from time to time we have an outbreak of head lice at the school. Please be vigilant in checking your child’s hair and treating where necessary. Your assistance in the matter will ensure the outbreak is short-lived.

Soup of the week – Carrot and Spinach – The spinach is from our very own garden here at school!

Walk Safely to School Day This Friday is Walk Safely to School Day. Please help us to promote healthy lifestyle habits by: Walking with your children the whole way to school. Parking a few blocks away and walking the rest of the way. Promoting road safetyholding an adults hand and using the crossing.

Don’t forget to visit our website for updates of all that is happening with the P&F and for adding your views. This can be done via the school website at

Teachers leading the way at St Raphael’s At the last secondary assembly, I chopped off all my hair! My hair has been sent to Variety- the Children's Charity. It will be used to manufacture a wig to help a child or young person with cancer or alopecia. Variety also needs funds to support families and continue their good work. You can learn more about the charity and make a donation via my fundraising page at Thank you for your support. Danielle Gibbs.

P.O. Box 7, Cowra 2794 Tel: 6342.2940

WELL DONE Congratulations to the following students who have achieved the next level on the Behaviour Management Programme. Level 5 Charlie Harris Cooper McDowell Zac Porter Imogen McCormick Georgia Williams

3 Gold 3 Gold 3 Gold 4 Gold 6 Green

Kalarni Leonard Charlee Pollard Lucas Shepherd Flynn Hindmarsh

3 Gold 3 Gold 3 Gold 5 Green

Your Teachers are very Proud of You!

Email: School Website:

Tuesday, 22 May, 2018 Morning 9:30 AM SECTION 219 EARLY CHILDHOOD / KINDERGARTEN SPEECH & DRAMA ENTERTAINMENT Group (6 members minimum) 1 PIECE Prizemoney is the gift of Kendal Street Medical Services PRIZES: 1st Trophy..........HC Certificate.......... Time Limit: 03:00 1 Carinya Waratah Room, Cowra, NSW 2 Carinya Wattle Room, Cowra, NSW 1st _____________ HC _____________ SECTION 220 STAGE 1 SCHOOL VERSE-SPEAKING Choir 2 contrasting poems Bev Osborne Memorial Trophy Prizemoney is the gift of Kendal Street Medical Services PRIZES: 1st Trophy + $100..........HC Certificate.......... Time Limit: 08:00 1 St Raphael's Stage 1, Cowra, NSW NSW

2 Mulyan Public School, Cowra, 1st _____________ HC _____________

SECTION 221 STAGE 2 SCHOOL VERSE-SPEAKING Choir 2 contrasting poems. Cowra Inner Wheel Trophy Prizemoney is the gift of Cowra Medical Centre PRIZES: 1st Trophy + $100..........HC Certificate.......... Time Limit: 08:00 1 Canowindra Public School, Cowra, NSW NSW

3 St Raphael's Stage 2 Yr 4, Cowra,

2 St Raphael's Stage 2 Yr 3, Cowra, NSW 1st _____________ HC _____________ P.O. Box 7, Cowra 2794 Tel: 6342.2940

Email: School Website:

SECTION 222 STAGE 3 SCHOOL VERSE-SPEAKING Choir 2 contrasting poems. Cowra Inner Wheel Trophy Prizemoney is the gift of Cowra Medical Centre PRIZES: 1st Trophy + $100..........HC Certificate.......... Time Limit: 08:00 1 Cowra Public School, Cowra, NSW 1st _____________ HC _____________

2 St Raphael's Stage 3, Cowra, NSW

SECTION 217 12 YRS/U SHORT SKIT Group Minimum of 4 Participants PRIZES: 1st Trophy..........HC Certificate.......... Time Limit: 06:00 1 St Raphael's Stage 1 Group 2, Cowra, NSW 2 Cowra Dance Factory, Cowra, NSW

3 Cowra Public School, Cowra, NSW 4 St Raphael's Stage 1 Group 1, Cowra, NSW

Tuesday, 29 May, 2018 Afternoon 2:00 PM No cameras, video cameras or audio recorders are allowed inside the auditorium. Please switch off all mobile phones in the auditorium. SECTION 372 STAGES 2 & 3 SCHOOL DANCE (any kind) Group Minimum 4 Students Sponsored by Turners Furniture One PRIZES: 1st $100..........2nd $40..........3rd $20..........HC Certificate.......... Time Limit: 04:00 1 Cowra Public School Girls Group A, Cowra, NSW 5 Canowindra Public School, Cowra, NSW 2 St Raphael's Stage 2 and 3, Cowra, NSW 6 Mulyan Public School Large Group, Cowra, NSW 3 Cowra Public School Boys Group, Cowra, NSW 7 Cowra Public School Girls Group B, Cowra,NSW 4 Mulyan Public School Boys Group, Cowra, NSW 8 Mulyan Public School Mixed Group, Cowra, NSW

Wednesday 6 June, 2018 Morning


AM BANDS: Maximum setting up time - 10 minutes N.B. Rule 22 especially ‘Adjudicator’s copy’ requirements. All sections are own choice. Time Limit: 8 mins (unless stated otherwise), includes tuning (N.B. Rule 14). SECTION 080 5 YRS/U PERCUSSION/ENTERTAINMENT Group (6 members minimum) 1 piece (recorded accompaniment with vocals accepted) PRIZES: 1st Trophy..........HC Certificate.......... Time Limit: 05:00 1 Carinya Waratah Room, Cowra, NSW 3 Carinya Wattle Room, Cowra, NSW 2 Goodstart Early Learning Preschool 2, Cowra, NSW 1st _____________ HC _____________ SECTION 081 STAGE 1 SCHOOL TUNED PERCUSSION Ensemble (min. 8 members) 1 piece (recorded accompaniment accepted, without vocals). PRIZES: 1st Trophy.......... Time Limit: 06:00 1 Murringo Infants Marimba Ensemble, Murringo, NSW 1st _____________ SECTION 082 STAGES 2 & 3 SCHOOL TUNED PERCUSSION Ensemble (min. 8 members) 1 piece (recorded accompaniment accepted, without vocals) PRIZES: 1st Trophy..........HC Certificate.......... Time Limit: 06:00 1 Murringo Primary Marimba Ensemble - Group 2, 4 Maimuru Public School, Young, NSW Murringo, NSW 2 Grenfell Public School Choir, Grenfell, NSW 5 Murringo Primary Marimba Ensemble - Group 1, Murringo, NSW 3 Bedgerabong Public School, Bedgerebong, NSW 1st _____________ HC _____________

SECTION 083 STAGE 1 SCHOOL UNTUNED PERCUSSION Ensemble (min. 8 members) 1 piece (recorded accompaniment accepted, without vocals) PRIZES: 1st Trophy..........HC Certificate.......... Time Limit: 06:00 1 St Raphael's Catholic School, Cowra, NSW 1st _____________ HC _____________

P.O. Box 7, Cowra 2794 Tel: 6342.2940

2 Monteagle Public School, Monteagle, NSW

Email: School Website:

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