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St Raphael’s Catholic School Term 2, Week 3/A Newsletter 8 May 2017 involvement by students was outstanding and they are a credit to their school and their families.

Dear Parents Year 12 student, Axton Farrel-Gray had to attend an important interview in recent days and the outcome of that interview will be announced at the 2017 Training Awards presentation dinner on June th 16 . We are immensely proud that Axton was selected as one of six finalists for Western Region in the VET Student of the Year programme. Axton is in the first Year 12 class at St Raph’s and studies VET Construction and VET Hospitality. Congratulations to Axton on such an extraordinary achievement and to Mrs Peta Bischof and Mr Peter Lowe for their expertise and passion for their areas of teaching. The Mother’s Day liturgy is on Friday morning. I hope the pampering for all mothers lasts longer than just Mothers’ Day and that your nurturing is both recognised and cherished. That the whole school K-12 will assemble for this event at 10:20 at the church and will be a clear statement of the importance we place on our mothers. On last weekend we began the 2017 Sacramental process by enrolling children for the Sacrament of Confirmation. Thank you to all those families who attended and demonstrated the importance of and support for the Sacramental life of the children. Cross Country running is currently on our sports agenda. Last week students competed at Coolah (Primary) and Orange (Secondary) for the privilege and responsibility to proceed to the next level of representation at Eastern Creek. Thank you for the parental support that ensured these events are available to the children. Thank you to the staff members involved in conducting the Rugby League Gala Day and Netball Gala Day for primary students last Tuesday. The level and quality of P.O. Box 7, Cowra 2794 Tel: 6342.2940

Eisteddfod preparations are reaching a crescendo with choirs opening our participation by competing next week. The Diocesan Spelling Bee is approaching and all students are participating in the selection processes in both primary and secondary departments. Our representatives will be at Wellington on May 31 (Secondary) and June 1 (Primary). A squad of Primary and Secondary students will be representing St Raph’s in CWA Public Speaking next week on May 16th. All the very best to students in Years 3, 5, 7, and 9 who will be sitting for their literacy and numeracy tests this week (NAPLAN). The results of these tests will be reported to parents and to the school in term 3. Have a look back over the scope of current events – St Raph’s really is about educating the whole person.

Michael Gallagher Principal Generous and loving God, You call us to be disciples of your son Jesus and good stewards of all your many gifts. Open our minds and hearts to a greater awareness and deeper appreciation of your countless blessings. Transform us through the power of your Spirit to nurture a stewardship way of life marked by faith-filled prayer, service to our neighbor and generous sharing. Teach us to be faithful servants of your gifts. May we return ten-fold the gifts entrusted to us. Bless our school with a deepening devotion to prayer, a growing commitment for service, and increasing levels of generosity. We pray through Christ, our Lord. Amen. Email: School Website:

Monday 8 Happy birthday to Philippa Elwin. Tuesday 9 Happy birthday to Aedan Leatherland and Charlie Thurtell. NAPLAN – Language and Writing. Confirmation Parents Meeting 3:30pm or 7pm. Wednesday 10 NAPLAN.- Reading. Thursday 11 NAPLAN – Numeracy. Friday 12 Happy birthday to Soneita Cotter and Drew Langfield. Mother’s Day Liturgy 10:20am. Happy birthday to Breanna Burton and Thyna Chandara for the 13th.

Bless all who ‘mother’ and bring new life in any way, these ‘mothers’ who teach and guide, who encourage and heal. Embrace them warmly in the intimacy of your love, these ‘mothers’ who embrace with affection those who are helpless and dependent. Bless them today with all good things: with health, with laughter, with joy and with love, with pride in their ‘children’ and the support of many friends. May all ‘mothers’ who have nurtured life in others be themselves nurtured one day in your strong embrace, there, for all eternity, to rejoice with their families and friends. Altar Servers’ Roster th Sat 12 May: Natalie Mallon, Will Pearce and Oscar Whitty. th Sun 13 May: Meg Jones and Cate Gallagher. School Readers for Weekend Parish Masses: th Sun 13 May: Mrs S Whiteley.

RE Information On the first day of this term, all staff joined together for a day of spiritual reflection at Rahamim Ecology Centre in Bathurst. The focus for the day’s reflection was based on Pope Francis’ encyclical, Laudato Si’ (Care for Our Common Home) with Brigidine charism woven in and a range of spirituality practices experienced.

School Computer Roster th Sat 12 May: Miss R Downes. th Sun 13 May: Isobelle Lynch.

Pope Francis’ Encyclical, Laudato Si, is a worldwide wake up call to help humanity understand the destruction that man is rendering to the environment and his fellow man. While addressing the environment directly, the document’s scope is broader in many ways as it looks at not only man’s effect on the environment, but also the many philosophical, theological, and cultural causes that threaten the relationships of man to nature and man to each other in various circumstances.

2017 Western NSW Training Awards Our school is very proud and excited to announce that Axton Farrell-Gray is a finalist for the 2017 Western NSW Training Awards. Being a finalist in the Western NSW Training Awards is a such a significant achievement with the region itself extending from Lithgow to the NSW border; including all schools and TAFE's in this area.

The day provided opportunity for prayer and reflection, but also was a great reminder of our duty to be good stewards of creation. Staff were challenged on a personal and professional level and have returned to school inspired to be better stewards of creation and better role models for our students. Projects on a small and large scale are in the pipelines, all generating much excitement.

Dates for the Calendar  9th May: Reminder Confirmation Parent MeetingTuesday 3.30pm or 7pm in St Brigid's Hall.  12th May: Mother’s Day This Friday, 12th May, our school (K-12) will honour and celebrate mothers with a Mother’s Day Liturgy. The liturgy will begin at 10.20am in St Raphael’s Church. We extend a very special invitation to all parents, especially mothers, to attend this liturgy. Students are also invited to sing to the mothers of the Parish at Saturday Night Mass this weekend. P.O. Box 7, Cowra 2794 Tel: 6342.2940

Axton and the other finalist will be acknowledged at a Presentation Dinner in Orange on the 16th June 2017, where the ultimate winners of the Western 2017 Training Awards will also be announced. The NSW Training Awards are conducted annually by Training Services NSW to recognise outstanding achievement in the vocational education and training sector. The awards honour and reward the achievements of students, trainers/teacher, training organisations and large and medium employers. Email: School Website:

Being able to showcase a VET student of Axton’s calibre is very exciting for us as a school. As the premier awards for vocational education and training (VET) in NSW, the Awards are a great way to receive recognition for the effort that individuals and training organisations put into VET. For Axton, the Awards will provide a unique opportunity to celebrate his achievements. Nominating an individual for an award can open many doors for both the student and the training provider. Networking opportunities, raising our profile in the community and showcasing our commitment to vocational education are just a few. Congratulations Axton! Introducing our K-6 Peer Support Program This week our students will commence our Peer Support Program with Session 1 Feeling safe - Being me! For the next 8 weeks they will be involved in groups of approximately 8-10 students to work with two student Peer Leaders and supervising teacher on Stronger Together - a module that aims to support positive relationships amongst students. Starting this week, we will talk to students about their strengths and their resilience. We will discuss positive relationships or friendships and what to do if they experience harmful and hurtful behaviours. Our Peer Leaders have been trained and have planned their session using the materials we have from Peer Support Australia that are specially designed for student led sessions. Our Supervising/Class Teachers will prepare students, supervise sessions and check understanding at the end of the session. Our session this week includes activities for the members of the group to get to know each other by using a range of social skill interactions that promote diversity and engagement in a sensitive yet productive manner. It also establishes a safe learning environment where the peer group feel able to join in, share and contribute to developing a sense of belonging, to better protect themselves from the effects of bullying. Find your safe place. Peer Support Australia provides reading and resources specifically for parents. Visit and use the parent tab PASTORAL CARE AND STUDENT WELLBEING GRATITUDE is a quality sometimes neglected in the busy lives we all lead. According to research, “Children (and adults) who practise grateful thinking have more

P.O. Box 7, Cowra 2794 Tel: 6342.2940

positive attitudes toward school and their families” therefore, expressing gratitude is a preventive strategy against anxiety, stress and general unhappiness. It can be very helpful for improving mood and feelings to write down a couple of things each day we are grateful for. If your child is struggling with issues large or small, this might be a way of focusing on the positives. SOS WINTER BLUES: It’s the start of the long winter term and germs are on the increase leading to nasty coughs and colds. These can spread rapidly around classrooms. Students are encouraged to: Cough into their arm, not hand, to avoid the spread of germs Stay at home to recover rather than come to school when obviously sick Drink plenty of water during the day Have tissues or handkerchiefs at the ready. Tissues are not provided by the school or teachers. Staff have noticed some unhygienic practices with students requesting to go to the toilets to get toilet paper to blow their noses on! Yuk! At the beginning of the year, one of the items in the school supplies list each student receives is a box of tissues. If you haven’t already done so, please send along a box of tissues for use at school. The students will not be permitted to use toilet paper for nose-blowing, for obvious reasons. STAFF CONTACTS (Secondary): Homeroom teachers for contact regarding students 7 Green: Mr Craig Jeffries 7 Gold: Miss Danielle Gibbs Assistant: Mr Peter Lowe 8 Green: Ms Gabriella Zideluns Assistant: Mrs Lenise Tidyman-Crawley 9 Green: Mr Sam Rothe 9 Gold: Ms Kat Allan Assistant: Mrs Cassie Bennett 10 Green: Mr Phil Dean 10 Gold: Ms Alex Hamilton Assistant: Ms Claire Spora Year 11: Mrs I. Date/Mrs Cherie MacCabe Year 12: Ms Tahni Isedale Assistant: Mr Steve Thomas Ms Sue Whiteley - Pastoral Care and Student Wellbeing

Athletics Carnival 2017 Our annual school athletics carnival was held in week 9 last term and the results are in!

Email: School Website:

Congratulations to all students on a fantastic day of running, jumping and throwing, it was great to see such excellent participation from infants all the way through to year 12! A special thank you to our student and parent helpers who worked in canteen, helped with running of events, set and packed up equipment and gave some coaching advice. Without you this day would not be possible, thank you! Congratulations to our houses for arriving in a sea of yellow, blue and red! The final count of house points leaves Kilbreda on 1,374; Xavier on 1,463 and Raphael on 2,120. Well done Raphael!!!

2017 Age Champions Age

Girls Champion

Boys Champion

8-10 years

Laura Price

Ky Garratt

11 years

Lily Gee

Carter Langfield

12-13 years primary

Elizabeth Heilman

Eoughan Killick

12 years secondary

Prue Cucchiaro and Charli Hubber

Darcy O’Neill

13 years

Emma Wilkinson

Harry Thauax

14 years

Ruby Frazer

Mitchell Amos

15 years

Kate Price

Tom Heilman

16 years

Brooke Lewis

Tom Thauax

17+ years

Michelle Grech

John Terry

David Peachey and Russell Richardson Rugby League Day Also last Tuesday, all of our Primary boys were playing the 'Greatest Game Of All' down at River Park. We fielded one competitive team and two non-competitive teams in both age divisions. The Year 3 and 4 boys all played extremely well and gelled together better as the day went on. Whilst not finishing in the top two, our competitive team tackled their hearts out and never stopped running the ball up with vigour. Well done to all boys on the excellent representation you displayed for our school on the day. Special thanks to Bill Statham and Mitchell Amos who stepped in to referee on the day. Both boys did a great job. Thanks also to the Cowra Junior Rugby League for opening the canteen on the day. Primary Cross Country Last Tuesday, we had seven St. Raphael children travel to Coolah for the annual Cross Country run. A long way to go for the 2km or 3km run, but our troop of long distance joggers did it easy! Two of our girls have made it through to the next level being held at Eastern Creek later this term. Congratulations to Phoebe Smith and Laura Price on your top 8 finishes, now able to represent for the Bathurst Diocese. A big thank you to all of the parents who transported our runners to Coolah. Special thanks to Kerrie Smith for being our eyes and ears on the day.

Coolah Cross Country Team P.O. Box 7, Cowra 2794 Tel: 6342.2940

Email: School Website:

Book Club Please don’t forget Book Club orders are due back this Friday. Please make sure your child’s name and class are on the order. Thank you. Canteen Update This week’s roster is as follows: Tues 9 Lisa Mallon


Thurs 11 Dianne Franks

Fri 12 Cindy Langfield

Mon 15 Tracey Gunnyon

Natalie Goard

Mary Campbell

Rebecca Fahey

Nicky Hudson

Soup Flavour: Chicken and Corn

Don’t forget to join our St Raphs Cowra P&F Facebook page to receive information posted there. rd

P&F Meetings are the 3 Monday of every school month at 7pm – we would love to see you there. Next th meeting 15 May.

WELL DONE Congratulations to the following students who have achieved the next level on the Behaviour Management Programme. Level 5 Madelyn Stead Level 6 Kate Cumming Mollie Pozza

8 Green 7 Gold 7 Gold

Hollie Orford Lucy Proctor

7 Gold 7 Gold

Your Teachers are very Proud of You!

Support your child’s learning — at home! You want to help your child develop their literacy and numeracy skills, but working out how can be tricky. How do you find activities that reinforce and build on the concepts and skills your child will encounter in the classroom? The answer: this website. Everything here supports the Australian Curriculum for primary school, and is child (and parent) friendly. Browse by your child’s year level, or search for a topic, and the website will suggest ideas, activities, games and videos you can use to support your child’s learning. Visit our website at:

P.O. Box 7, Cowra 2794 Tel: 6342.2940

Email: School Website:

P.O. Box 7, Cowra 2794 Tel: 6342.2940

Email: School Website:

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