St Raphael’s Catholic School Term2, Week 5/A Newsletter 18 May 2015
Your ongoing support of our school can only enhance the learning experiences of our children. And that’s the core business of a good school. Dear Parents Every child in our school has the right to feel safe. Physical, verbal and cyber bullying have no place in a school and such misconduct will continue to be directly and firmly addressed here. Those who provoke outbursts are considered every bit as guilty as those who snap, and direct action is being taken to address all aspects of any incident. Let’s not fool ourselves into thinking this is a simple issue, it will be eradicated only by continued vigilance, strong home/school partnership and excellent communication. Eisteddfod performances by our three choirs last week was wonderful. Congratulations to all of our choristers and to Mrs Swansborough for what was very obviously excellent preparation. This week our Stage 3 Dancers enter the competitive area and we wish them all the best. Our Stage 6 transition is coming to a crucial stage in the next few weeks on a number of fronts. 1. Our Stage 6 curriculum has been finalised and detailed in our Course Information Book. Schools are built on their curriculum and our Stage 6 Curriculum will be launched at a presentation on June 2. 2. Selection of courses of study is central for students. On June 2 the selection process begins and will run through June and July. Individual interviews for each family will support students in the selection process. 3. This Friday we begin making way for the builders by evacuating classrooms S1 to S4, Lab and Timber Technics rooms. The preparation of temporary accommodation for those classes is approaching completion but we need your help on Saturday morning to complete the work beginning on Friday. Can you assist any time from 8am Saturday? 4. Raising public awareness of our expansion to Stage 6 will take the forms of letterbox drop, circulation of information through our fourteen feeder schools and newspaper advertising. These will commence next week. P.O. Box 7, Cowra 2794 Tel: 6342.2940
Michael Gallagher Principal
Be More: Giving As Catholics we are called to Be Giving – to be generous with our time; with our skills; and with our resources in order to make a difference in the lives of others. Generous God of abundance, You have taught us how to give through your example of unconditional love. You have gifted us with more than we need. Guide us to imitate your generosity with those who are close to us and those whom we will never know. We ask this in the name of Jesus, your greatest gift. As we go about our day, O God; As we strive to walk with Jesus as a giving people. Remind us that we are the gift of Christ, Who is with us always. Amen
Monday 18 P&F Meeting at 7pm. Tuesday 19 Wednesday 20 Happy birthday to Flynn Hindmarsh and Alaska Marold. Thursday 21 Happy birthday to Archie Brown. Outward Bound “Beauty and the Geek” Social 6-9pm. SRC Primary Day in Bathurst.
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Friday 22 Happy birthday to Charlie Sturgiss and Oliver Wilson. Eisteddfod: Primary Dance Group. Red Day - a gold coin for Mufti.
each other out of ranking and had a chat. Finally it was time to go. Even though we may have lost we celebrated whole heartedly at McDonalds. Lucas and Henry
Happy birthday to Holly Proctor and Grace Richmond th for the 24 .
Dates for your calendar Enrolment for the sacrament of Confirmation rd will be at the 6pm Mass on 23 May or the th 8am Mass 24 May : th 26 May: A meeting for parents with children in the Confirmation program will take place on Tuesday at 3:30pm or 7pm. Altar Servers’ Roster rd Sat 23 May: Logan Haslam, Stanley Rush. th Sun 24 May: Volunteers Please. School Readers for Weekend Parish Masses: th Sun 24 May: Mr D Colemane, Mrs J Colemane. School Eucharistic Ministers for Weekend Parish Masses: rd Sat 23 May: Miss K Slaven, Miss M Blazley. th Sun 24 May: Mrs S Whiteley.
Netball – Schools Cup th On Friday 8 May, our Stage 3 and 4 netball teams travelled to Bathurst to compete in the regional day for the Netball NSW Schools Cup. The Stage 3 team played 5 games against schools from the Bathurst and Orange region, coming out convincing winners in all games. This means the girls will now travel to Orange at the end of July to compete in the regional finals. The girls were excellent representatives for our school and showed great sportsmanship and skill on the day. Thank you to the parents for assisting with travel on the day and supporting the girls.
News from the Art Department Students who received awards in the RAFCA sculpture competition will be receiving their prizes and certificates at our Secondary assembly at 12 pm tomorrow. Parents are welcome to attend.
Sports Uniform Year 5 and 6 Year 5 and 6 will be wearing sports uniform this Wednesday for Physical Activity. They will still wear sports uniform for normal Sport on Thursday. Chess vs Red Bend When we arrived at Red Bend Collage, we were all amazed at the facilities, there was a swimming pool football field and a building that looked like Springfield Elementary out of the Simpsons. We were greeted by one of the Marist Brothers and led into the reception of the building. There were row upon row of shelves full of sporting trophies and awards. We were then led to the library where we met the opposing team. We were paired up and played our chess games. We tied overall 3-3 but sadly due to the rules on a draw we lost 1-2 as you only count the highest 3 ranked games. Lucas Pearce, Riley Barron and Henry Sant were our winners. Being good sports we shook hands and said well done. We then ate our way through the morning tea provided by Red Bend. After filling up, we versed P.O. Box 7, Cowra 2794 Tel: 6342.2940
Stage 3 netball team – Zara McKenzie, Matilda Proctor, Jorja Bone, Alexie Buchtmann, Madelyn Stead, Madeline Roe, Tayah Burns, Mackenzie Bone, Ruby Frazer
NSW Schools Netball Cup Photos
Photos from the NSW Schools Netball Cup held in Bathurst are available – see photo for access and ordering. (
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Outward Bound Outward Bounders are having a "Beauty and the Geek" social. Date: Thursday 21 May Time: 6-9pm Venue: St Raphael’s Hall. The students will be selling cupcakes / slice / popcorn / drinks. We thank you for your continued support of our students as they work towards their fundraising goal. Many thanks. Outward Bound 2015 School Visits A reminder that, in line with child protection requirements, our school policy requires everyone (apart from students and staff) to come to the front office when visiting the school. Volunteers like readers and canteen personnel, sign in and sign out. We cannot permit visiting relatives to circulate on school property. To see or collect your children, please ask at the front office and they will be called up. Please Note: Particular school events such as assemblies or liturgies do not come under that restriction. St Raphael’s, a Professional Learning Community The First of Six characteristics of a PLC 1. Shared mission, vision, values, goals: Clarity regarding our shared purpose, a common understanding of the school we are trying to create and collective teams to move the school in the desired direction using specific goals to park progress. Dates for your Diary: 21 May – Outward Bound Social 6-9pm. 22 May – Red Mufti Day for the Salvation Army Red Shield Appeal. Students can wear sensible mufti in various shades of Red for a gold coin donation. 5 June – Marcelle Bernard: guest speaker for Secondary. Information to follow in a note home. Canteen Update This week’s roster is as follows: Tues 19 Rachel Frazer
Wed 20
Thurs 21 Cathy Gee
Fri 22 Vicki Banks
Mon 25 Katie Wilson
Heather Keen
Mary Cooper
Jen Shady
Karen Campbell
Brooke Marks
P and F General Meeting!
St Raphael’s P & F General Meeting Proposed Agenda 18 May, 2015 1. Opening prayer/ reflection 2. Apologies 3. Minutes from previous meeting 4. Secretary’s report 5. Treasurer’s report 6. Principal’s report 7. President’s report 8. Business arising from previous meeting a. Nominations open for position of P & F Secretary which remains to be filled. b. Parent representative from each year update - how to promote and implement? c. Deb Ball Preparation update d. Productive Food Garden update e. Vigorella Workshop Spring/Summer collection update. f. P and F Facebook Page - working group? 9. General Business a. P and F website - new look, suggestions and feedback please. Photo competition and ongoing prizes? Assistance needed with school news and photos. b. Professional Development Scholarship funded by P and F. Does it need to be further promoted or changed? See c. Business Promotion / Contribution proposal - Steven Haslam d. Ideas for Social Events and Outings for Parents and for families. Should we have a social director? We welcome parent’s adding topics for discussion to this agenda! Please contact: Ona Lawrence P and F Publicity Officer 06 6345 1789, 0409 608 118
WELL DONE Congratulations to the following students who have achieved the next level on the Behaviour Management Programme. Level 5 Breanna Burton 10 Green Carly McIntyre Masonori Shimoda 10 Green Lilly Pilcher Sebastian Casella-Keefe 7 Green Level 6 Katie Brown 10 Gold Anna McNamara Grace Gallagher 9 Gold Xavier Lynch Mia Ashton 8 Green Thomas Cusack Lucy Jones 8 Green Matthew Reid
10 Green 9 Green
10 gold 9 Green 8 Gold 8 Gold
Your Teachers are very Proud of You!
P.O. Box 7, Cowra 2794 Tel: 6342.2940
7pm this coming Monday the 18 of May. Meetings are held in the Teacher’s Lounge – entry via the Front Office.
Email: School Website:
Worldwide Marriage Encounter Weekend Keep the chill out of your relationship this winter with a weekend together. A Worldwide Marriage Encounter Weekend is a Marriage Enrichment experience – set in peaceful, picturesque surroundings, away from the distractions of everyday life. During the weekend, couples have a unique opportunity to reconnect, rekindle and refresh their relationship. Give the greatest gift, that of your time alone - invest in your most precious asset . . . your Marriage! 2015 Weekend Dates 19-21 June 11-13 September 13-15 November Venue for Weekends: Mount Carmel Retreat Centre, Varroville, NSW To apply contact: Ardell & Bill Sharpe Tel. 02 4283 3435 or
UNITED FUSION lnvites you to th Backstage Madness June 13-14 . A practical workshop conducted in Canberra by Canberra Youth Theatre staff. Participants will learn how to run a theatrical production, design, rig and focus lights, set-up and run sound equipment, create digital sound scapes and stage management- creating the prompt book and calling the cues for a show. Suitable for 12-18 year olds. Workshop will involve physical aspects of this craft e.g. climbing ladders Participants will stay 1night at Canberra Youth Hostel (BYO towel} and travel by PCYC bus accompanied by Amanda Hindmarch and Alison Buckley Cost: $5 for United Fusion Membership and money for dinner Saturday night and lunch Sunday. Accommodation, travel and workshops are FREE. Parental permission will be required and participants must abide by the United Fusion Code of Conduct. limited to 12 Participants. RSVP by 21st of May 2015 For more information and to register please contact: Annie The Musical Orange Theatre Company is about to open with their production of Annie The Musical. Student from St. Raphael’s Catholic School involved with Annie is: ZOE BUDGE – MAIN ORPHAN JULY (Warbucks Cast)
See below for the details of when Zoe is in the performance.
P.O. Box 7, Cowra 2794 Tel: 6342.2940
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