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St Raphael’s Catholic School Term 2, Week 7/B Newsletter 11 June 2018 interviews with each family are being conducted on June 29 and 30. From there, subject lines will be composed to cater for student requests and by early Term 3 enrolment in courses will be finalised.

Dear Parents, If you are new to this parish (in the last two years) you are invited to attend a dinner on Friday evening hosted by the Parish Pastoral Council. There are no hooks just a meal and introductions and good company. If you are worried by your child’s performance or conduct or state of mind, please, please, please, make the call to the teacher and discuss it early in the process. An early conversation prevents things becoming uncomfortable for all concerned.

Also, early in Term 3 Stage 5 Elective Course selections will be undertaken for 2019. Current Year 8 and 9 students have the chance to specialise in their studies and have a higher degree of control over the shape of their learning.

Michael Gallagher Principal

Planned Giving is an annual undertaking by parishioners to contribute to funding the works of the local parish. All up the parish needs about $120k a year to operate. Typically people contribute via the weekly collections at Mass or by direct debit each month. Amounts pledged vary greatly according to people’s financial capacity so whether its $5, $10, $15 or $20 a week it’s gratefully accepted. School photos are being taken on Wednesday and Thursday this week. Photos inevitably bring out the hair styling and makeup in some of the students. Natural photos in full winter uniform is what we are after Preparation of Semester 1 Reports is well underway in both Primary and Secondary Departments. Year 11 have received their first Preliminary report. Reflecting on the progress of individual children is a most rewarding task. I expect that you will find ways to celebrate the achievements of your children as they prepare to negotiate the next set of learning challenges. Eisteddfod participation by our children across an array of competitive sections has drawn to a close. I pay tribute to everyone who performed in some manner because, if ever there was an illustration of the iceberg principle, it is in performance. Untold hours of refining are invested in only minutes of performance – to have performed at all is a massive win in itself. The 2019 Stage 6 Course Book is now under construction in preparation for discussions with parents and students about HSC structures and selection of courses on Tuesday, June 19th. After initial perusal of options throughout Weeks 8 and 9, individual P.O. Box 7, Cowra 2794 Tel: 6342.2940

With the Lord there is mercy and fullness of redemption.

Monday 11 Queen’s Birthday Public Holiday Tuesday 12 Happy birthday to Taylia Penyu and Kate Proctor Wednesday 13 Happy birthday to Maurice Brown Primary School Photos K-6

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Thursday 14 Happy birthday to Sam Lynch-Edwards, Sophie Miller and Oscar Whitty Secondary School Photos 7-12 Family School Photos Youth Forum – Year 10 Friday 15 Happy birthday to Josee Bruncher and Sophie McLennan One Green Assembly Item Cross Country Happy birthday to Ellie Thirkell for the 16th and Layne Horton for the 17th.

of strategies, sometimes they cannot change the situation. At these times, it is important to accept the situation and move forward with a positive outlook. Encourage your child to follow through with strategies they have discussed and planned to use. It is important to then help them evaluate if this has worked or if they need to try a different strategy. Library News Lots of lovely new books have arrived so make sure you check them out!. PREMIER READING CHALLENGE: Students in Year3 to 9 please continue to list the titles of books you are reading from other libraries and home. I will have a list of your school library reading. CHESS: The year 3 and 4 Chess knockout continues into Draw 5 this week. Well done everyone. Mrs Skinner Librarian

The Light Offered by Faith (Laudato Si [63-64]) Throughout this term we have detailed a number of key points noted in Pope Francis’ Encyclical Laudato Si. Another of the key points made in this document is the focus on the need for multicultural, multidisciplinary and multi-faith dialogue to help combat environmental issues. According to Pope Francis ‘If we are truly concerned to develop an ecology capable of remedying the damage we have done, no branch of the sciences and no form of wisdom can be left out’ (Laudato Si [63]). Our faith encourages us to care for creation ‘our common home’. What can we do to be an active part of this? Dates for the Calendar Confirmation Retreat- Tuesday 19th June Confirmation Reconciliation - Thursday 21st June 7pm Confirmation - Saturday 23rd June Eucharist Enrolment- Saturday June 30th 6pm or Sunday July 1st 8am Altar Servers’ Roster Sat 23rd June: Zoe and Isabelle Doorey and Laura Price Sun 24th June: Lizzie Heilman and Hannah Fahey School Readers for Weekend Parish Masses: Sat 23rd June: Confirmation School Eucharistic Ministers for Weekend Parish Masses: Sat 23rd June: Confirmation Sun 24th June: Michael Gallagher

Peer Support This week we further develop the range of strategies we can use in challenging situations. This session focuses on step 3 of the model, Proceed. In order to learn from situations and move forward children need to go beyond thinking of strategies and action them. Children recognise despite the use of a range P.O. Box 7, Cowra 2794 Tel: 6342.2940

Secondary Dance Eisteddfod Last Thursday, the year 9/10 elective dance class and opens dance group participated in the Cowra Eisteddfod. The year 9/10 elective class received a Highly Commended for their efforts. A fantastic result for a mixed ability group who choreographed their own routine! The open age dance group also choreographed their own routine and gave up many lunchtimes for rehearsal. For their efforts, they were rewarded with First Place! Congratulations to both groups on two excellent results, well done! Secondary Schools Cup Netball Last Wednesday, we sent two netball teams to compete at the NSW Schools Cup held at Cowra Netball Courts. The 7/8 team went through the day undefeated and finished first in their division. The 9/10 team won two games and lost one, finishing second in their division. Both teams progress to the next level held in Orange on August 8. Stay tuned for results!

Secondary Diocesan Netball On Monday, our open netball team travelled to Orange to participate in the Diocesan Gala Day. The girls experienced both wins and losses throughout the day Email: School Website:

competing against schools from across the diocese. Congratulations on a fantastic day! Cochrane Cup Congratulations to the under 14 and under 16 St Raphael's Rugby League teams that participated in Forbes for the Cochrane Cup. The teachers and parents of St Raphael's that attended the day were astounded with the sportsmanship and comradery on display. We are very thankful for the Red Bend and La Salle players that willingly played in the green and gold to support our team. Sincere thanks goes to Mr Statham for giving his time to train and coach the boys. Well Done!

P.O. Box 7, Cowra 2794 Tel: 6342.2940

Email: School Website:

tour. It is a tour for parents, asking questions on the habits of their children. I took the tour and answered the questions in regards to my own children. I recommend you do the same as it may provoke some thought or conversation with your children in regards to their digital use. It may also highlight some points that you have previously not thought of or highlight points that you were not aware of. Find the link below:

Kindergarten Enrolments 2019 If you have not completed an enrolment form and handed it to the school yet, parents are asked to please complete the form at the end of the newsletter and return it if you have a son or daughter about to start school next year. Enrolment forms and information on all important events for Kindy Start and Kindergarten will be sent home Please note that as part of the Kindergarten transition, enrolment forms are now required before your child attends Kindy Start. Thank you. School Photos Parents are reminded that school photos will be this week as follows: 13 June Wednesday: Kinder to Year 6 14 June Thursday: Year 7-Year 12, Family photos   

Students are to come to school in full winter uniform, including tie and jumper for all photographs. Please bring sports uniform in separately if sport/PDHPE on that day. Parents are reminded that family photographs can be ordered, however, the order envelopes need to be collected from the front office and returned before Tuesday 12th June. Please note only students at the school will be included in the family photo. Parents will be given a shoot key number which will allow them to go online and order the photos. Please keep these safe and watch the newsletter for when photos will be available. If you are unable to order online, order forms are available at the front office.

Please see the end of the newsletter for prices and packages available. Secondary Wellbeing You may have heard on local radio, advertisements around the esafety website and the online habits of teenagers. Early this week I revisited this site and came across the iparent page and the screen smart P.O. Box 7, Cowra 2794 Tel: 6342.2940

An interesting read in last Sunday’s newspaper, regarding 13 Reasons. The article reported that although this show may be controversial with plenty of parties fighting for the show to be axed it will also give the chance to start a conversation with your teenager. As most teenagers will begin and end conversations with grunts and eye rolls this show may spark some conversation around mental health. This is a good thing from both a health perspective and a parent perspective and as parents we know that all conversations matter! Steve Carroll and Tahni Isedale Wellbeing Coordinators Helmet Safety When you ride your bike, scooter or skateboard, you need to keep your balance because you move much faster than when you walk. You need your helmet to protect your head, face, skull and BRAIN!!! How to check helmets are always correctly fitted and worn. 1. Check the helmet is positioned correctly. Can you fit just two fingers between your eyebrows and helmet? 2. Check the straps are correctly positioned and free from twists. Do the straps join in a ‘V’ just below the ears? 3. Check the chin straps are tight enough. Can you just fit two fingers between the helmet strap and your chin? 4. Young children in particular should always have an adult check that your helmet fits correctly and is buckled properly so you’ll be ready to ride. School Attendance Please check out the information attached at the end of the newsletter in relation to school attendance. The current requirement for attendance is 90% or more for Primary/Infants students and 85% or more for Secondary students. If your child is absent, contact needs to be made to the Homeroom teacher via a note, phone call or email at the first opportunity. This data is then recorded and sent to the appropriate authorities as compliance for schools. Thank you for your assistance in your child’s learning.

Email: School Website:

School Fees A reminder that school fees for Term 2 are now due. Prompt payment would be appreciated. Thank you. Stage 6 Course Information Night Stage 6 Course Information Night will be held in the MSLC on Tuesday the 19th June at 6.30pm. The night will include information on course selection, specific course information, school events, leadership opportunities and senior lifestyle. Staff will also be available to discuss any questions students have in regards to stage 6. Supper will be provided. Canteen Update This week’s roster is as follows: Tues 12


Thurs 14

Fri 15

Mon 18

Tracey Gunnyon


Carrie Simunic

Robyn McAlister

Sally Bruncher

Liss Mallon

Anna Thirkell

Fiona Jennings

Karen Campbell Jessica Newcombe

Soup of the Week: Cauliflower

Tuesday June 5th, World Environment Day is the "people's day" for doing something to take care of the Earth. That "something" can be focused locally, nationally or globally; it can be a solo action or involve a crowd. Everyone is free to choose. As an extension of the playground renovation, the P & F in conjunction with Mid Lachlan Landcare planted out another section of the bank surrounding the K-2 playground. The K-2 playground is now fringed with samples of Australian native plants, the two sections completed depicting different environments; western mountain ranges and semi arid grasslands. A big thanks to the Ousby family for mulching straw. Thanks also to Jennifer Richmond and Nicole Osborne for their dexterity in tackling the grade of the bank and mulching. To Mid Lachlan Landcare for their kind donation of 100 tube stock from Oz Plants , and to Tracee Burke and Trudi Refshauge of Mid Lachlan Landcare for their generous assistance with planting. Also to Year 1 and Year 4 students for their eagerness to get grubby and make a difference !

P.O. Box 7, Cowra 2794 Tel: 6342.2940

Please print off an order form if required at the end of the newsletter and attach to a lunch bag. Please make this as smooth a process as possible, no envelopes, correct money and one lunch bag per child.

Email: School Website:

St Raphael’s P+F

Cloudy With A Chance of Meatballs Lunch Order WELL DONE Congratulations to the following students who have achieved the next level . Level 5 Ayrlee Flannery Emma Haslam Flynn Jones Jackson White

3 Green Brianna Goricki 4 Green 4 Green Sam Myers 4 Green 5 Gold Seamus McCormick 5 Gold 5 Gold

Bronze Awards Luc Bruncher Sara Rush

3 Green Jamie Zarb 3 Gold Pyper Muddle Mackinlee Charnock 5 Green Lucy Tydd Will Campbell 5 Green Ky Garratt Madeleine Savage 6 Green Orlando Perry

3 Green 4 Green 5 Green 5 Gold 6 Green

Your Teachers are very Proud of You!

Wednesday 20 June 2018

Name: ___________________________________

Class: ___________________________________ $5 each – please select one… [ [ [ [ [

] Spaghetti + Meatballs ] Pasta, meatballs, tomato based sauce ] Pasta, meatballs, tomato based sauce + cheese ] Pasta, meatballs + cheese ] Pasta + cheese [ ] Gluten Free Pasta

[ [ [ [

] Meatball Sub ] Roll, meatballs + tomato based sauce ] Roll, meatballs, tomato based sauce + cheese ] Roll, meatballs + cheese

Orders to be returned by Monday 18 June. Strictly no orders on the day. Thank you for supporting the P+F.

 Kindergarten Enrolment 2019 Please return to the Front Office Family Name: ___________________________________________ Address: ___________________________________________ Phone: _______________________________________ Kinder Child (for 2019): ___________________________________________ DOB: __________________________ Preschool: ________________________________ Other children at the school, including their classes. Name: Class: ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________

P.O. Box 7, Cowra 2794 Tel: 6342.2940

Email: School Website:

Important Attendance and Punctuality Facts How does your child compare?

Attendance % during one school year 95% 90% 85% 80%

Equals days absent

Minutes late per day during the school year 5 mins 10 mins 15 mins 20 mins 30 mins

9 days 19 days 29 days 38 days

Equals approximately weeks absent 2 weeks 4 weeks 6 weeks 8 weeks

Equals day’s worth of teaching lost in a year – INFANTS 3.7 days 7.4 days 10 days 14.7 days 22 days

Equals number of lessons missed 50 lessons 100 lessons 150 lessons 200 lessons

Equals day’s worth of teaching lost in a year JUNIORS 3.4 days 6.9 days 10.3 days 13.8 days 20.7 days

Did you know? It has been proven that children who do not attend school regularly are more likely to:     

Fall behind in their school work Find it difficult to make and keep friends Be unhappy at school Misbehave so others cannot see that they are finding the work difficult Get into bad routines that can affect them getting or keeping a job later in life

P.O. Box 7, Cowra 2794 Tel: 6342.2940

Email: School Website:

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