St Raphael’s Catholic School Term 2, Week 7/A Newsletter 5 June 2017
World Environment Day Dear Parents, Preparation of Semester 1 Reports is well underway in both Primary and Secondary Departments. Year 11 have received their first Preliminary report. Reflecting on the progress of individual children is a most rewarding task. I expect that you will find ways to celebrate the achievements of your children as they prepare to negotiate the next set of learning challenges. Eisteddfod participation by our children across an array of competitive sections has drawn to a close. I pay tribute to everyone who performed in some manner because, if ever there was an illustration of the iceberg principle, it is in performance. Untold hours of refining are invested in only minutes of performance – to have performed at all is a massive win in itself. Prospective Kindy parents for next year are having a visit to St Raph’s in week 9 (June 19) to get something of a feel for the culture of the school. If you are aware of people thinking about placement of Kindy aged children, please let them know. The 2018 Stage 6 Course Book is now published for next week’s discussions with parents and students about HSC structures and selection of courses. After initial perusal of options throughout Weeks 8 and 9, individual interviews with each family are being conducted on June 23 and 24. From there, subject lines will be composed to cater for student requests and by early Term 3 enrolment in courses will be finalised. Also, early in Term 3 Stage 5 Elective Course selections will be undertaken for 2018. Current Year 8 and 9 students have the chance to specialise in their studies and have a higher degree of control over the shape of their learning. Vinnies Winter Sleepout is a fundraising project for the homeless, to be undertaken by our Year 10 students in August. The Winter Sleepout is one part of the annual Winter Appeal. Please give your support to these generous young people when they make the request. Did you know that Vinnies is Australia’s largest and most extensive welfare network with 18,200 members and 30,900 registered volunteers?
Michael Gallagher Principal P.O. Box 7, Cowra 2794 Tel: 6342.2940
‘Connecting People to Nature’, the theme for World Environment Day 2017, implores us to get outdoors and into nature, to appreciate its beauty and its importance, and to take forward the call to protect the Earth that we share. Living God, You reveal your great love through the beauty of Nature. Help us to love and respect our world. May we be ‘seeds’ for growth, raising awareness of the Sacred, and teaching all to see and treasure your print in the gift of Creation. We ask this through our Lord Jesus Christ, Your Son, who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit, God forever and ever. Amen
Monday 5 Happy birthday to Grace Gallagher and Layla and Matilda Healey. Secondary Netball Gala Day in Orange. World Environment Day. Tuesday 6 Happy birthday to Isaak Dawes, Jyedon Goard and Emma Haslam. Study Centre @ S17 8-8:45am. Wednesday 7 Happy birthday to Kate Price. Study Centre @ S17 8-8:45am. School Bands to perform at Cowra Eisteddfod. Thursday 8 Happy birthday to Study Centre @ S17 8-8:45am. Year 6-12 Outward Bound Social 6 -9pm. Friday 9 Happy birthday to Isabella Pepper. th
Happy birthday to Peyton Hanley for the 10 . Email: School Website:
and sportsmanship. Congratulations on such a fantastic achievement, we are so proud of you both!! Altar Servers’ Roster th Sat 10 June: Tianna and Alisha Azzopardi. th Sun 11 June: Meg Jones, Cate Gallagher. School Readers for Weekend Parish Masses: th Sat 10 June: Miss K Slaven. th Sun 11 June: Mr and Mrs Gallagher. School Eucharistic Ministers for Weekend Parish Masses: th Sat 10 June: Miss K Slaven, Miss R Downes. th Sun 11 June: Ms C Spora. School Computer Roster th Sat 10 June: Casey family. th Sun 11 June: Grace Gallagher.
School Attendance Habitual non-attendance or late arrival is of serious concern and schools are now bound to follow up and take action by referral to higher authorities for welfare or legal actions. Mid-term holidays are being actively discouraged by authorities. The above examples do not refer to absences due to illness or misadventure. How much time are your children absent? 90 % attendance = 20 days per year absent = 4 weeks per year absent 87.5 % attendance = 25 days per year absent = 5 weeks per year absent 85 % attendance = 30 days a year absent = 6 weeks per year absent 82.5 % attendance = 35 days a year absent = 7 weeks per year absent 80 % attendance = 40 days a year absent = 8 weeks per year absent 77.5 % attendance = 45 days a year absent = 9 weeks per year absent 75 % attendance = 50 days a year absent = 1 term per year absent 72.5 % attendance = 55 days a year absent = 11 weeks per year absent 70 % attendance = 60 days a year absent = 12 weeks per year absent
Country Cup 2017 Last Wednesday our Opens Girls League Tag and U15 Boys Rugby League teams travelled to Bathurst to compete in the Country Cup Competition. Both teams competed against schools from the region, including St Stanislaus, Red Bend, La Salle Academy, Cowra High, Blayney High and Kelso High. The girls had a good day with one win (La Salle) and one loss (Blayney High) in the preliminary round, and narrowly going down in the semi 6-4 to Kelso High. This was a fantastic effort from the girls, with many playing their first game of League Tag on the day. The boys had a tough day competing against schools with 600+ secondary students. Although they had their fair share of tackling practice, they had a few little wins on the day. These range from Mitchell Amos’ 60m line drop out to Tom Hielman’s 50m one on one try saving tackle and Isack Dawes’ Rugby League debut. Congratulations to both teams on a great day, it is a pleasure to take students away who have such a positive attitude. Special thanks to the parents who transported students on the day, it wouldn’t have been possible without you.
Ruby & Matt at Diocesan Touch Football Congratulations to Ruby Frazer and Matt Cumming who represented the Bathurst Diocese last week at the CCC Touch Football Carnival. They both looked fantastic in their Bathurst green, and played their games in great spirit P.O. Box 7, Cowra 2794 Tel: 6342.2940
Email: School Website:
Parent Information Session (Kindergarten 2018) Parents and Caregivers of students of Kindergarten age (2018) are invited to attend a Parent Information Session on Monday 19 June from 10am-11am. The session will include a tour of the school facilities and other relevant information in relation to the Kindergarten Enrolment/Transition process. Morning tea will also be provided. We will assemble in the Kindergarten courtyard. Student Visits Parents and their children are invited to attend St Raphael's to experience learning at St Raphael's together. Sessions will run 11.00am-1.00pm. Please assemble in the Kindergarten courtyard. Parents and their child can attend any session, however, the following dates have been arranged in conjunction with the Early Learning Providers in Cowra: Wednesday 21 June: Carinya + any other parents and children. Thursday 29 June: GoodStart + any other parents.
students. It will be this Thursday, 8 June from 6pm-9pm. Cost is only $5 per ticket. Please come and support this worthwhile event. Unfortunately, iIf we have insufficient tickets sold we will have to cancel it. Outward Bound Wood Raffle The raffle was organised by Donna O'Brien, and the Year 9 Outward Bound team worked hard to sell tickets. The raffle was drawn on Friday 26th by Kyle O'Brien and Jack Harper. The winner was Raquel Anthony who decided to gift the wood to her mother Maureen Chapman. Maureen was very grateful and thinks she now has enough wood for the entire winter. The raffle was a great success and raised some much needed funds for the Outward Bound excursion. Thank you to all those who supported the raffle.
Kindergarten 2018 If you have a child starting Kindergarten in 2018, please email following details to the Front Office
( Family Name: _______________________________ Email Address: ______________________________ Phone: _____________________________________ Kinder Child (for 2018): _______________________ DOB: __________________________ Preschool: ________________________________ Thank you. Book Club th Book club is due back by Friday, 9 June. Please make sure your child’s name and class are clearly marked on the order and any reference numbers if you paid by credit card. Thank you. School Photos School photos will be held on Wednesday and th th Thursday, 14 and 15 June. th Primary Photos will be on the Wednesday 14 June. th Secondary photos will be on the Thursday, 15 June. th Family Photos will be on Thursday, 15 June. Please note students are to be in full winter uniform for school photos, including jumper and tie. If your child has sport on the day of the photo, please send them to school in winter uniform and bring sports clothes with. A make-up day will be arranged if there are children away sick on these days. We will be advised of the th th date after the 14 and 15 June. Outward Bound Social Year 6 -12 An email was sent to all parents of Year 6 to Year 12 about our Outward Bound Social. Tickets are on sale during lunchtime for all students from Year 6 to Year 12 .The social is a fundraiser for our Outward Bound P.O. Box 7, Cowra 2794 Tel: 6342.2940
School Fees There are still some unpaid Term 2 accounts. Unless other arrangements have been made with the school, these accounts are now overdue. Thank you. Canteen Update This week’s roster is as follows: Tues 6 Karen Campbell
Skye Muddle
Thurs 8 Sally Bruncher
Fri 9 Cindy Langfield
Lisa Mallon
Mary Campbell
Mon 12 Queen’s Birthday Long Weekend
Lyn Terry th
Tuesday 13 June: Jessica Newcombe, Dee Mitchell. Soup of the Week: Cauliflower and Bacon Email: School Website:
Safety alert Fidget spinner safety recall (Ace of Hearts brand). Unsecured battery compartment - button battery choking/ingestion hazard for young children. (Product Safety Australia)
Next P&F Meeting will be Monday 19 June at 7pm. All are welcome to come.
WELL DONE Congratulations to the following students who have achieved the next level on the Behaviour Management Programme. Level 5 Ethan Millar Samuel Frazer Kaylah Rust Bradey Tretheway
6 Green 10 Gold 10 Gold 10 Gold
Level 6 Deakin Horton Sarah Shady Meg Jones Chelsee White
3 Green Mackinlee Charnock 4 Gold 4 gold Elizabeth Heilman 6 Green 6 Green Natalie Mallon 6 Green 6 Green
Jaidyn Fitzgerald Ellie Garlick Thomas Thuaux Dustin Walker
10 Green 10 Gold 10 Green 10 Gold
Your Teachers are very Proud of You!
P.O. Box 7, Cowra 2794 Tel: 6342.2940
Email: School Website: