St Raphael’s Catholic School Term2, Week 8/B Newsletter 9 June 2015
Semester One Reporting is now in the quality control stage during which grading and comments are all checked and modified several times before dispatch.
Dear Parents During last week our children performed their hearts out on several stages: 1. The School Band not only won their eisteddfod category with two excellent items but were invited back to perform at the Grand Concert on Friday to close the 2015 Eisteddfod. Additionally, the Stage 3 Dancers, who also won their eisteddfod category, were invited to perform again in the Grand Concert winning the Alma Hopkins Memorial Trophy for the most entertaining performance on the night. 2. The Diocesan Spelling Bee was conducted at Wellington among the 33 schools of the diocese – Secondary on Wednesday and Primary on Thursday. Our representatives, selected through many weeks of trials in every class, performed with excellence – winning the Stage 5 competition, Third place in Stage 4, and finalist in Stage 2. 3. Rugby League teams from Stages 2 and 3 competed in the David Peachy and Russell Richardson shields at Bathurst. Our boys performed commendably on the fields but didn’t make it to the podium. Last week was the beginning of the Year 11 Course Selections process. On Tuesday evening students gathered with their parents and teachers to work through HSC requirements and options. The Course Book is currently with families for initial consideration and at the end of next week will be individual interviews to ensure suitability and compliance. This is an exciting time as the reality and significance of Year 11 becomes clear. Last week also featured the building tenderers meeting at which representatives from building companies gathered to examine plans with architects and inspect the building site in detail. This gathering is a compulsory event in the preparation of tenders which are due in the next couple of weeks.
P.O. Box 7, Cowra 2794 Tel: 6342.2940
Give a thought also to the considerable number of staff members working on major assessment tasks in their post graduate university studies. End of semester brings an uncomfortable but rewarding intensity. The scope of the above events is an indicator of the breadth and excellence of work being undertaken in our school.
Michael Gallagher Principal
Be More: Green As Catholics we are called to be aware of our vocation as co-creators of the world; to respond to the call of stewardship of the natural environment; to be conscious of the positive difference we can make through small acts of conserving energy, recycling, re-using and caring for our world. To respond to the call to Be Green we must first recognise that the natural world is a gift and a treasure that we have to appreciate and for which we must give thanks. Creator God. Through your hand and through your Word, you have given us life and given life to all our world. You call us to be stewards and co-creators. Awaken within us a deep respect for where we walk. Help us to tread lightly on this land and to cherish the gifts endowed upon us. We make this prayer through the Holy Spirit, who has moved in this world for all time. Amen
Email: School Website:
Monday 8 Tuesday 9 Happy birthday to Tom Statham. Wednesday 10 Happy birthday to Peyton Hanley. Primary School Photos. Thursday 11 Secondary and Family school Photos. Friday 12 Happy birthday to Taylia Penyu and Kate Proctor. Happy birthday to Maurice Brown, Kosta Kujundzic and Jack Ranger for the 13th and Oscar Whitty for the 14th.
Year 10 Retreat to Mulgoa The dates for the mandatory Yr 10 retreat are July 15th 16th and 17th, Term 2, week 1.Our retreat will be Held at the Edmund Rice Retreat Centre Mulgoa and will be facilitated by the Sydney Youth Mission Team. This group facilitated our Yr 10 retreat last year and we were very impressed with the professional way they conducted the retreat and related to our young people. Altar Servers’ Roster th Sat 13 June: Kate and Ben Price, Grace Richmond. th Sun 14 June: Volunteers please. School Computer Roster th Sat 13 June: Miss K Slaven.
K-10 Assembly The K-10 Assembly for semester 1 will held in St Raphael's Catholic Church at 9.30am on Friday 19 June 2015. Parents and caregivers of award recipients will be notified in due course. News from the Music Department Festival, Diocesan Secondary Schools Music Workshop, Eisteddfod and Grand Eisteddfod Concert Last Friday’s concert held at the Civic Centre was a nd big forte for all students who were involved in 62 Annual Eisteddfod Grand Concert. Winners from different categories presented their winning items. Our school was represented by two group performances: Stage Three dance group who performed dance to the song by Rachel Platten ‘Fight Song’. It was a spectacular performance choreographed by our very talented Mrs Amy O’Reilly. St Raphael’s Catholic School Instrumental Ensemble competed in the category of Secondary School P.O. Box 7, Cowra 2794 Tel: 6342.2940
Pop/Jazz Section. Competing against larger Bathurst schools such as All Saints College was quite a nerve breaking experience. This year has had a change in instrument arrangement due to unfortunately loosing 8 highly skilled woodwind players. With the new arrangement of band instrumentation and perseverance, team work and enthusiasm this year our band has succeeded. The pieces which St Raphael’s instrumental ensemble has performed on Friday night were: ‘You Ruin Me’ with solo singer Lilly Pilcher from Year 9 Elective Music class and instrumental version of ‘Clocks’. A number of our students were involved in performances in their dance groups and Lucy Proctor presented her winning sketch. And this is not all. From the beginning of the school year we have had extremely busy time. I cannot believe what our students have achieved in the musical field in such a short time. It all started with the Festival of International Understanding, singing at the Peace Bell opening ceremony and in Brougham Park after the parade. Our students ‘sharpened up’ their linguistic skills and on this occasion sung the South Korean National Anthem. Soon after the festival was over, we started practicing for the Cowra Eisteddfod which was held in May. Our choristers sang in two sections; Central School Choir and Secondary Choir Sections. Our school st received 1 prize; awarded to the Central School Choir nd and 2 place in the Secondary Choir Sections. Congratulations to all of you for taking up the challenge, having the courage to represent our school, in some ways, in a less popular field. For the last seven years our school has been part of the Diocesan Secondary Schools Music Workshop. All music teachers from Bathurst Diocese have been organizing and conducting Music Workshops, where students from the Bathurst Diocese have the opportunity to work together in variety of musical ensembles under the guidance of music teachers and instrumental tutors. Students were involved in performing groups such as Orchestra, Big Band, Guitar Ensemble and Vocal Ensemble (Choir). Congratulations to all our students who participated in the Diocesan Secondary Music Workshop which surely gives us the opportunity to be part of this big cultural event. I would like to express my sincere thanks to Mrs Kylie McNamara, Mrs Leoni Brown, Mrs Cherie MacCabe, Mr Craig Jeffries, all teachers, parents and everyone for your help and support. Thank you so much, it means a lot to all of us. I want to take this opportunity to mention how essential is the support of parents while teachers persevere in making available extra-curricular activities. These activities will often require careful judgement in deciding on group roles and membership and helping children work through such decisions is vitally important. So, please come, help, become involved. Finally, many thanks to the students who participated in all these ‘musical’ events. Well done everybody!!! Yours musically, Grazyna Swansborough - Music Teacher Email: School Website:
Important Dates and Variations to Normal School Routine. Changes to Primary and Secondary Assemblies: Due to the temporary relocation of a secondary classroom in to St Brigid’s Hall, assemblies will, (unless notified other-wise), occur in St Raphael’s Hall (Lachlan St, opposite the Church). Please note that the time for primary assemblies needs to be adjusted, given the additional time required to move infants’ students over to the hall. Primary assemblies will now take place between 1.45pm and 2.45pm. This provides a suitable time frame to return students to the main campus for buses. Friday 19th and Saturday 20th June, Year 11 Course Selection Interviews. Discussion times for parents and Year 11 (2016) students with Mr Gallagher and Mr Thomson maybe booked online at: Please enter the event code ‘MBNEV’ and select a time. Mr Lette will also be available during these times, should parents or students have careers / university course related questions that may be related to Stage 6 subject selection.
Mr David Lette - Administration Coordinator Secondary Diocesan Spelling Bee
Chess The third game of the NSW JCL Chess competition will see St. Raphael's Catholic School Cowra take on Trundle Central School at Trundle. The Raph’s Team must keep winning to continue. Our players are Tom Statham, Ben Statham, Mitchell Beer, Riley Barron, Henry Sant and Lucas Pearce. We wish them all the best!!
School photos You are reminded that primary department photos are th this Wednesday, 10 June and secondary department th and Family school photos are on Thursday, 11 June. Parents are reminded that each child will get a personalised shoot number and they will only be able th to order the photos online after 24 June. Parents are reminded children need to be in full winter school uniform including their jumper and tie. If your child has sport on the day, please send sports uniform separately. Please collect an envelope from the front office for Family Photos – this will be a family portrait of your school children. These need to be prepaid before Thursday. Eisteddfod Stage 3 Dance Group Congratulations to the Stage 3 Dance Group, who not only won their section in the recent Eisteddfod but also won The Alma Hopkins Memorial Shield at Friday night’s Grand Concert for most entertaining act. What an outstanding effort!
Michelle Grech receiving her award from Mr Vince Connor (CEO consultant) for winning Stage 5 Diocesan final
Mia Ashton and Kyle O'Brien with certificates for Stage 4 Spelling Bee Diocesan final. Mia was placed equal 3rd
Sports Uniform Year 3 and 4 Not on this week due to school photos. P.O. Box 7, Cowra 2794 Tel: 6342.2940
Outward Bound 2015 Many thanks to Coles for being our major sponsor of our Outward Bound BBQ. We had the Coles Store manager, Mr Todd Pangas, come to St. Raphael's at lunch with his team members Melissa Porter and Raelene Nelligan, to help serve the sandwiches to our students. What fantastic community involvementthank you! Many thanks to the following sponsors Aldi, Skinners Butchers, Riverside Butchers, Woolworths for topping up on the items needed. A big thank you to Email: School Website:
Mr Cooley for organising it all on the day. Thanks again students for supporting our Outward Bounders. WELL DONE Congratulations to the following students who have achieved the next level on the Behaviour Management Programme. Level 5 Charlie Thurtell Level 6 Tianna Azzopardi Mollie Thompson Mackenna Cusack
3 Gold
Louis Carson
4 Gold Philippa Austin 5 Green Madeleine Cain 9 Green Brittany Kiss
5 Gold 5 Green 9 Green 8 Gold
Your Teachers are very Proud of You!
School Fees Financially, we need to assess our position near the close of term. Thank you to all parents who have taken care of the current fee accounts by the due date. Numerous accounts, however, are overdue and your attention to this matter will be appreciated. If there is any difficulty or reason why payments are not currently being made please make contact promptly and a solution can be found with discretion and confidentiality. Canteen Update This week’s roster is as follows: Tues 9 Anna Triming
Lisa Day
Thurs 11 Tracey Gunnyon
Fri 12 Kirsty Pollard
Mon 15 Skye Muddle
Angela Kollas
Cindy Langfield
Katie Wilson
Rachael Duff
Don’t forget to visit our website for updates of all that is happening with the P&F and for adding your views. This can be done via the school website at P.O. Box 7, Cowra 2794 Tel: 6342.2940
SCHOOL HOLIDAY JUNIOR CHESS TOURNAMENT WHERE: St Barnabas Anglican Church Parish Hall Corner Dora and McLachlan Streets East Orange th WHEN: Thursday 9 July 2015 TIME: 9:45 am to 3:30pm ENTRY FEE: $10 [$5 for additional family member] st nd rd PRIZES: Trophies for 1 , 2 & 3 in Under 18 and Under 12 th REGISTER BY: 7 July 2015 latest by contacting one of the following Junior Chess Coordinators: 1. Alexander Aich Ph 6884 4561 2. Joe Cummins Ph 6362 6882 WHAT TO BRING: Your own lunch [soft drinks and bottled water for sale] You don’t have to be good, this is a fun tournament. But a knowledge of the rules is required and tournament conditions will be applied. The games will be timed with chess clocks. Don’t worry if you have never played with clocks. You’ll be told how they work. The results will be sent to the NSW Junior Chess League for ratings. Chess the clever sport
Compose Yourself Song Writing Workshop If you missed the Song Writing Workshop during Youth Week you have another chance to spend the day composing with Abby Smith. Date: Sunday 14th June 2015 Time: 10am - 4pm Open to young people aged 12-18yrs that like to sing or play a musical instrument Cost: It’s Free! Enquiries & bookings contact Linda Barron, Cowra Council - 6340 2064 Jackeroo Ranch Horse Riding Jackeroo Ranch is once again running the popular horse riding camps in the Winter Holidays. st th th 1 Week: Sat 27 June - Sat 4 July nd th th 2 Week: Sat 4 July – Sun 12 July These camps are for “horse-mad” children aged 6-16 years. Five to six hours per day are devoted to horse activities including a one hour lesson and three hours trail riding in the beautiful Turon Valley. Email: School Website:
Previous experience is not necessary as beginners to advanced riders are catered for. We specialise in teaching nervous riders and developing their confidence. This is “not just a camp” – it is a wonderful farm experience your child will treasure forever.
Enquiries: Mrs. Pattie Hudson. Ph 6337 7173 (nights are best).
Each participating child receives a T- Shirt + a Footy or Netball!!!!!!
Parents/Care Givers must accompany child for the duration of the program All activities conducted by Country Rugby League staff and willing parents
Where: River Park, Cowra When: Friday, June 12th Time: 4:45pm
PARENTS/CARE GIVERS are invited to bring their LITTLE ONES to a FUN FILLED RUGBY LEAGUE PROGRAM in conjunction with the big boys of Rugby League.
P.O. Box 7, Cowra 2794 Tel: 6342.2940
Email: School Website:
Former St Raphael’s student Brady Kurtz
P.O. Box 7, Cowra 2794 Tel: 6342.2940
Email: School Website: