St Raphael’s Catholic School Term 3, Week 2/B Newsletter 20th July 2015 th
Pupil Free Day: A reminder that on Friday, August 17 we are conducting a professional development day for all of our teachers.
Dear Parents
Michael Gallagher Principal
The wintry blast has created spectacular scenery as well as some challenges we are not used to. I hope you and yours have remained safe and warm. The annual K-10 Schools Athletics Competition will be held on Friday here at Cowra. As organizers, there has been a huge quantity of liaising with other schools and entry of data and I pay tribute to the people responsible for preparatory work, particularly Mr Steve Thomas and Mrs Cherie MacCabe. We wish our fifty-plus representative athletes strong competition, good performances and close friendships. Tonight the P&F Association meets in the staff room at 7pm for the first of two Term 3 meetings. All parents and friends of the school are warmly welcomed. If you want to promote resilience, leadership, perseverance, self-reliance and strength of character among our children then support Outward Bound participants at the Quiz Night this Friday (6:30pm @ St Raphael’s Hall). We should actively encourage their hard work towards a major goal. Later in Term 3 information sessions will be conducted for parents and children in Stage 3 who are preparing to progress to Stage 4. Parents of and children in Years Five and Six will have the chance to familiarize yourselves with the offerings of the secondary department. Later in the year, orientation sessions will be conducted specifically for the students to Year 7 here. Kindy Start is a chance we offer, later in Term 3 and into Term 4, for parents and children to have a very close look at the offerings of “big school” and to determine readiness for kindergarten. If you want to be included in our communications please notify Genevieve at the front office.
“Jesus had compassion on them, because they were like sheep without a Shepherd” Mark 6: 30-34
Monday 20 Happy birthday to Mathew Graham. P&F Meeting at 7pm. Tuesday 21 Happy birthday to Samuel Frazer. Study Centre 8-8:45am Wednesday 22 Happy birthday to Lecksi Killick. Study Centre 8-8:45am Thursday 23 Study Centre 8-8:45am Friday 24 Happy birthday to Zach Ashton. K-10 Schools’ Athletics Carnival in Cowra. Outward Bound Quiz night. Vinnies winter Sleep Out. th
Happy birthday to Harry Chambers for the 25 and th Jack Gee and Destiny Pepper for the 26 . P.O. Box 7, Cowra 2794 Tel: 6342.2940
Email: School Website:
Vinnies Winter Sleepout The Vinnies School Sleepout gives students an opportunity and insight to experience the harsh realities of what homelessness is by 'sleeping rough' for a night. This Friday night our brave Year 10 students and some staff members will be participating in this Sleepout. Please keep these students and staff in your prayers as they raise funds for, and awareness of homelessness in our communities. If you wish to support those braving the cold, please follow this link to make a donation. age/BischofPeta Dates for the Calendar 24 July- Vinnies Winter Sleepout (Year 10 and Staff) 7 August - Mass to Celebrate the Feast of Saint Mary of the Cross MacKillop 8 August - Feast of Saint Mary of the Cross MacKillop
of the daily timetable. Study requires making notes on the learning completed at school; revising terms and techniques relevant to each subject; highlighting and repeating to learn key points of information. This routine should be part of every student’s home study program. The whole school excursion at the end of Term 2 was a positive learning experience for everyone. The students and staff had a wonderful, enjoyable day in Canberra. The research task completed by the students provided a special connection for each one with a service person on the Memorial Wall at the War Memorial. Parents, your children were impressive. Testament to that was the certificate the school received from the Education Unit at the War Memorial, inscribed with the words: “Awarded to the students and teachers of St Raphael’s Catholic School for exemplary behaviour and conduct during their visit to th the Australian War Memorial on 24 June 2014.The level of respect for the commemorative role of the Memorial and your involvement in the Education Program deserve our congratulations”
Altar Servers’ Roster th Sat 25 July: Tom and Elizabeth Heilman, Eppie Emseis. th Sun 26 July: Volunteers please. School Readers for Weekend Parish Masses: th Sat 25 July: Mrs B Healy. th Sun 26 July: Mr A Casey. School Eucharistic Ministers for Weekend Parish Masses: th Sat 25 July: Miss R Downes. th Sun 26 July: Miss L Pratt. School Computer Roster th Sat 25 July: Joe Waters.
Primary Assembly st The next Primary Assembly will be on Friday 31 July and will be held at St Raphael’s Hall at 1:50pm. WELLBEING 2015 As we begin Semester 2, it’s a good time to reflect on what we are doing as students, as families, as teachers, in the pursuit of education. We are on the cusp of new experiences in our school just now and it’s an exciting time to be at St Raphael’s. Regardless of the distractions the building will create, students and teachers are working hard on the business of learning. In families it can be tricky to make time for all the different activities and interests everyone has. As far as possible, a quiet space and time for students to complete homework and study is an important feature P.O. Box 7, Cowra 2794 Tel: 6342.2940
There is so much to be proud of and so much to strive for as we all make the most of the opportunities provided by education at St Raphael’s. Sue Whiteley - Pastoral Care Co-ordinator LIBRARY NEWS Welcome back everyone. Could parents please check with students and look in their bags for any notes regarding books that have not been returned from last term. Premier Reading Challenge 2015: The challenge ends on the 21st August so students need to have their book lists to me before this date to allow entry and validation to take place. Students from year one and two are entered by me from class reading. Years three to nine are entered by me from their own reading. Parents and students can access the website for details of the challenge. Google: enter Premier Reading Challenge 2015 *Note that parents who want to check books for their children, find the book lists a handy guide. They are in year groups and allow searching by title, author and category . Happy Reading Kerri Skinner - Librarian
Sports Uniform Year 3 and 4 Year 3 and 4 will be wearing sports uniform this Wednesday for Physical Activity. They will still wear sports uniform for normal Sport on Thursday. Email: School Website:
K-10 Athletics Carnival Please see end of newsletter for schedule of events.
Woolworths Earn & Learn It's simple to participate. From Wednesday 15th July to Tuesday 8th September 2015, when you shop at Woolworths you can collect Woolworths Earn & Learn Stickers from the checkout operator or through an online order and place them on a Woolworths Earn & Learn Sticker Sheet which is available online or at the front office. Once completed, simply place the Sticker Sheet in the Collection Box, either at your local school or at your local Woolworths. If you are unable to fill a sticker sheet just place your stickers in one of the boxes for collection. We can then redeem your Woolworths Earn & Learn Stickers for valuable education resources. Delay in Private Vehicle Conveyance Payments Transport for NSW has been reviewing PVC subsidy claims for accuracy because it has introduced a new computer system and this has caused a delay. This has also deferred for a short time, the attendance days collection process for all schools. We understand this overall will lead to a delay of several weeks compared to the usual processing time. Transport for NSW has advised us they are apologetic for the inconvenience. School Photos Please be advised that all orders need to be th completed online by 24 July 2015. Any orders taken after this date will have an additional charge of $7.95 for postage. If you have lost your shoot key number please email Cliff Dykes Photography at and give them your child’s name, class and school and request the shoot key number again. Book Club Book Club orders are due into school by this Friday, th 24 July. Please make sure your child’s name and class are on the order and please record any receipt number for online/credit card payments. Thank you. St Raphael’s Productive Food Garden It is winter time in the productive food garden and whilst it is cold and bleak the garden is in full production. With broccoli, beetroot, carrots, celery, cauliflower, coriander, cabbage, peas, rocket, baby spinach, parsley, passionfruit, strawberries, thyme, rosemary and garlic. The children have harvested fresh produce from the garden. The first triumph a cauliflower from the Year 3 bed. This cauliflower made an epic journey. Harvested P.O. Box 7, Cowra 2794 Tel: 6342.2940
by a willing group of boys it was displayed in front of the entire school.
It was then transported to the food technology rooms and converted to cauliflower soup which was then sold in the staffroom. Gross profit from soup was $60, the funds raised will purchase chook food for the chooks…due to arrive this week with thanks to the Sturgiss family. Last week saw the harvest of several radishes….which all made the journey home with a group of enthusiastic students. Students have witnessed the germination of carrots and parsnips in the Year 3 garden bed with thanks to Will Cranney’s donation of seeds. Several students also planted peas, lettuce and carrot seeds at the completion of Term 2 in mini recycled greenhouses. These seeds have geminated during the break and are returning to be planted in the garden beds. Well done to those students who nutured these seeds during the winter break.
A special thank you to the students who assisted in the short bucket list of jobs during the winter break; Jack Gee, Joel and Brendon Stendall, Brodie Whitty, Jeff Whitty and Renae Amos. Students this week will be exercising their wheelbarrow/trolley skills to acquire a driving licence within the productive playground. Further enhancement of the playground will take place in the near future with the planting and beautification of the embankment in the infants playground. This bank will be planted with native species in order to attract pollinators, birds and bees to the productive food garden. It is hoped that we can fix some hollow logs and granite rocks within this area to create a natural eco system that the children can observe. Canteen Update This week’s roster is as follows: Tues 21 Anna Triming
Thurs 23 Lisa Mallon
Fri 24 ** See below
Mon 27 Kerrie Porter
Nikki Karen Howden Sally Budge Bruncher ** School Canteen: Tracey Gunnyon, Vicki Banks, Kirsty Pollard and Cindy Langfield Athletics Canteen: Rachael Duff, Lynn Terry and Laura Proctor
Email: School Website:
My helpers for Friday could you please be at the old soccer fields near the pool at about 9.00am. The Ladies rostered on with Tracey for the school canteen just turn up at normal time please.
K-!0 Athletics Schedule of Events Friday 24 July
JUST A LITTLE REMINDER: Due to the short amount of time in the mornings there are no recess orders, however the following list of items is available for students to purchase at recess. (Please note that these rotate all the time). I usually have five items to choose from which are written on the blackboard outside the canteen. Once they are sold out eg. hash browns; that is it for that day. They will have to choose something else. WINTER RECESS PRICE LIST Pancakes Slices (eg: Banana & Oat) Pancakes with Strawberry’s & Cream Rice & Vegetable Slice Apple Puffs Chicken, Cheese & Baby Spanish Puffs Pork Mince Funnels
50c 50c
Egg Ham & Cheese Rolls
80c 80c $1.00 $1.00 $1.00
Garlic Bread Donuts Limit of 2 per person Hash Browns Limit of 2 per person Bacon & Cheese Slice Ricotta Puffs Pizza Slices
50c 60c
Home Made Sausage Rolls Tomato Soup Cup
80c 80c $1.00 $1.00
WELL DONE Congratulations to the following students who have achieved the next level on the Behaviour Management Programme. Level 6 Aiden Roberts
9 Gold Your Teachers are very Proud of You!
St Raphael’s
Parents & Friends
Monthly Meeting 7 pm Tonight! Monday 15th June Teacher’s Lounge Entry via School Office Have a voice in how the P and F assists and funds school development and projects! Have lots of fun working together to create social gatherings and fundraising events! Support the parents and students at the school! Come to the P and F! You can view the agenda for tonight’s meeting at
P.O. Box 7, Cowra 2794 Tel: 6342.2940
Email: School Website: