St Raphael’s Catholic School Term 3, Week 2/B Newsletter 30 July 2018 Secondary elective courses are up for re-selection. So parents and students of both Year 8 and 9 will be guided through the process of elective course selection. Each student will study three courses from the range offered. Dear Parents, Two extra curricula projects commence this week for the term - CSYMA (Catholic Schools Youth Ministries Australia) & SES Cadets. These activities target mainly Stage 5 students, many of whom have jumped at the chances. Thank you to Miss Gabrielle Bischof, Mrs Peta Bischof and Mr David Lette who enable these opportunities to happen.
Kindy Start is a chance we offer, later in Term 3 and into Term 4, for parents and children to have a very close look at the offerings of “big school” and to determine readiness for kindergarten. If you want to be included in our communications please notify Genevieve at the front office. Year 11 Courses for next year are virtually finalised and patterns of study letters will be circulated in the near future.
Lovely feedback was received from presenters and hosts from the Year 5 Excursion to Parkes. That people recognise such enthusiasm and engagement and go to the trouble of making contact is a wonderful compliment to the students, their families and the school. Thank you Year 5 and congratulations.
Thank you for your full and timely participation in these decision-making processes. The decisions made are important and should not be rushed, so our early action in these matters actually gives us all the time we need to invest in the process.
During the weekend a number of families in the secondary department were hosting visiting Japanese students from Shiroishi. Thank you for such generosity and Aussie hospitality.
Michael Gallagher Principal
This coming weekend Cowra marks the 74th anniversary of the POW breakout. All these years later we are still in desperate need of peace in our world … join the communal ceremonies, raise the awareness and grow peace. This week we host The Rite Journey Country Teachers conference. This is a particularly exciting opportunity in our first year of TRJ operations here. Year 11 VET students undertake their first work placement this week and we are most grateful to the businesses which have so generously made themselves available to host our emerging adults in their workplace. We wish Year 10 students a safe and stimulating experience at Deep Pass this week as they undergo their fourth expedition in the outdoor education programme of the school. At various times throughout the term Stage 3 students will use secondary learning facilities as has become the normal practice. They will familiarise themselves with the workings of the secondary department and smooth the transition for next year.
P.O. Box 7, Cowra 2794 Tel: 6342.2940
‘Five small barley loaves and two small fish, but how far will they go among so many?’ John 4:9 Ordinary bread is a reminder of the Eucharist. Jesus feeds in the ordinary among the people. The fragments left over have been our bread ever since. From this gospel mystery we know we are always worthwhile in God’s eyes. Everyone is fed.
(Donal Neary SJ) Email: School Website:
Monday 30 Happy birthday to Chloe Wilson Pupil Free Day – Primary Only Year 11 Work Placement – Hospitality SES Cadets Tuesday 31 Happy birthday to Charli Kelly and Mollie Pozza Year 11 Work Placement - Hospitality Wednesday 1 Happy birthday to Samantha and Brian MacCabe and Maddison O’Reilly Year 11 Work Placement - Hospitality Thursday 2 Happy birthday to Sarah Shady, Hugh Williams and Jamie Zarb Year 11 Work Placement – Hospitality Year 10 Excursion - Deep Pass HSC Maths Study Day – MacKillop College Friday 3 Year 11 Work Placement – Hospitality Year 10 Excursion - Deep Pass Primary Eastern Athletics Carnival Rise Up (Shine) – CSYMA Primary Assembly Led by 6 Gold – 2pm St Brigids Hall Happy birthday to Seamus McCormick for the 4th.
Dates for the Calendar Wed 8th Aug: Feast of St Mary of the Cross MacKillop Wed 15th Aug: Feast of the Assumption Altar Servers’ Roster Sat 4th Aug: Zoe and Isabelle Doorey and Laura Price Sun 5th Aug: Orlando and Harriet Perry Gooloogong: Elliott Bennett School Eucharistic Ministers for Weekend Parish Masses: Sat 4th Aug: Karla Slaven Sun 5th Aug: Laura Moodie
P.O. Box 7, Cowra 2794 Tel: 6342.2940
Year Four Excursion to the Bathurst Goldfields On a cold and frosty June morning, Year Four headed off to Bathurst for their excursion to the Bathurst Goldfields. In History, the children had been learning all about life in Australia before and just after European Settlement during Semester One. We began our day on the banks of the Macquarie River where we learnt about Aboriginal life in the area before and after European Settlement. We also learnt about the early days of the settlement of Bathurst, one of Australia’s oldest European settlements after Sydney. We then moved up to the Bathurst Goldfields where we experienced what is was like to live and work on the Goldfields. We even tried our hand at Gold Panning! Needless to say the teachers will have to keep on working instead of retiring on the findings at gold panning! A fabulous day was had by all.
Email: School Website:
There will be a list of characters in the library along with a display of a selection of the short list books. Kerri Skinner Librarian
David Peachey Shield Ten students travelled to Dubbo in the last week of Term 2 to compete in the David Peachey Shield finals. The boys played well in their first game defeating Gilgandra Public 24-12. They were defeated by St Matthews 24-4 and Holy Family Bathurst 36-8. The boys gained valuable experience at this higher level and played well with short preparation. Good effort boys!!
Book Club Book Club is due back Friday 10th August. Library News Welcome back readers to another term of great reading. Book Week: Week 5 will be 2018 Book of the Year week where we celebrate reading and find out the Children's Book Council book of the Year winners. Book Parade: During book Week on Friday the 24th August we will have the annual Book Parade. Start thinking about what book character you are coming as. The parade will take place at 10:20 leading up to recess. P.O. Box 7, Cowra 2794 Tel: 6342.2940
Canteen Update This week’s roster is as follows: Tues 31
Thurs 2
Fri 3
Mon 6
Skye Muddle
Lisa Mallon
Kylie Kollas
Briony Woodhouse
Jessica Newcombe
Soup of the Week – It’s a surprise
Email: School Website:
Don’t forget to visit our website for updates of all that is happening with the P&F and for adding your views. This can be done via the school website at
WELL DONE Congratulations to the following students who have achieved the next level Bronze Lucas Shepherd
3 Gold
Your Teachers are very Proud of You!
Drum Lessons Drum lessons are available during school time in the music room. Lessons are half hour in length and are weekly. Your student will learn drum reading, and rhythms from beginner to advanced whilst developing performance ability and confidence. There are a few spots left. For more information, please call Daniel Brown (Drum tutor) on 0435 429 147
P.O. Box 7, Cowra 2794 Tel: 6342.2940
Email: School Website: