St Raphael’s Catholic School Term 3, Week 6/B Newsletter 18 August 2015
enable applications to be finalised. If you have plans for next year and beyond that will impact on the school, please let us know promptly. Dear Parents Confirmation on Saturday evening was rightly a time of celebration for the forty one candidates, their families and for the whole parish. The packed event marks the transition for our young people into a more adult role in their church – and that’s the kicker. What does it actually mean? Well it’s a lot more that a bishop’s visit, some red gowns, a ceremony and a party, that’s for sure. If people make their Confirmation work they will become a changed person over time, the change will be in their attitude and actions, especially in relation to those who most need their support. Between each person and the Holy Spirit working on their part of the world real change for the better will be clear to everyone. Fr Richard Leonard presented for parents / parishioners last Sunday evening. The topic he spoke about is “Why Bother Praying”? Fr Richard’s challenging perspective about the very fundamental matters of life are stimulating, brilliantly presented and are often raised in his internationally renowned books. Staff members from the Catholic schools in Eugowra, Canowindra and Cowra gathered yesterday to spend a day of reflection with Fr Richard. This is the second in a series of three day days he leads for us. The insights and challenges make these times together a powerful and restoring experience. The demolition phase of our school expansion project is well underway and members of the Diocesan Catholic Education Commission met here today to see and hear about the details. While hosting such an event in the midst of the relocation of students and demolition of facilities presents challenges, it is an important experience for the members of the DCEC to be acquainted with our daily reality. Several applications for enrolment are being received at this stage so we must know the numbers in each year group very accurately to P.O. Box 7, Cowra 2794 Tel: 6342.2940
Michael Gallagher Principal
“Those who eat this bread will live forever” John 6: 58
Reflection “In each of our lives Jesus comes as the Bread of Life – to be eaten, to be consumed by us. This is how He loves us. Then Jesus comes in our human life as the hungry one, the other, hoping to be fed with the bread of our life, our hearts by loving, and our hands by serving. In loving and serving, we prove that we have been created in the likeness of God, for God is love and when we love we are like God. This is what Jesus meant when He said, “Be perfect as your Father in heaven is perfect.” Bl Teresa of Calcutta.
Monday 17 Happy birthday to Will and Jack Campbell, Sophia Coombes and Lucas McKenzie. PUPIL FREE DAY.
Tuesday 18 Study Centre @ Computer Lab 3 8-8:45am. PSSA Rugby Polding. P&F Meeting 7pm. Email: School Website:
Wednesday 19 Happy birthday to Joshua Gocin and Charlotte Tindall. Study Centre @ Computer Lab 3 8-8:45am. Kindy Start Meeting 7pm in the Kindergarten Rooms. Thursday 20 Happy birthday to Mathew Graham. Study Centre @ Computer Lab 3 8-8:45am. Friday 21 Happy birthday to Samuel Frazer. nd
Happy birthday to Lecksi Killick for the 22 .
Confirmation Retreat Last Wednesday our Year 6 students participated in a Confirmation Retreat. The day started with a reflective prayer. From there the students spent the day learning about the Gifts and Fruits of the Spirit. The students were given the opportunity to reflect on the gifts they think they posses and how they see these fruits and gifts at work in others. Dates for the Calendar Friday 4 September - Father’s Day Liturgy Sunday 6 September - Father’s Day
Do we open our mouths to whinge, criticise and tease… OR… is it to cheer, compliment and encourage? In the times we are living where access to each other is non-stop, the things we say really tell a lot about each one of us. Sometimes we can let ourselves down; the important thing is to learn and try to be better. When speaking to each other and their teachers, students are expected to respect the rights of everyone. If not, consequences will apply which will restrict access to regular student experiences. Also, the students who have unpleasant experiences because of the mouths of others must not remain silent. It is important to respond to the unpleasant comments, saying things like: “That’s unacceptable”; “Stop that”; and say it LOUDLY and with conviction – there is no need to respond in the same language. Teachers must be informed if any action is to be taken, but learning how to deal with nasty comments is something we all have to do in life. The cartoon below comes from an English inservice day in Dubbo on Saturday with a Senior HSC Marker presenting – contrary to popular belief, teaching is not 93.30, 5 day a week profession with too many holidays! While the cartoon is about “Creativity”, it is also a good look at how we can engage better with the world around us. Enjoy! Sue Whiteley (Pastoral Care Co-ordinator)
Altar Servers’ Roster Sat 22nd Aug: Sophie Johnston, Emma Hines. Sun 23rd Aug: Volunteers please. School Computer Roster Sun 23rd Aug: Mrs M McMurtrie.
Parent / Teacher Interviews Parent / Teacher Interviews will take place in Week 7. Primary interviews will be on Tuesday 25/8, between 3.30 – 7pm. Secondary interviews will be on Wednesday 26/8, between 3.30 – 7pm. All interviews will take place in St Raphael’s Parish Hall (opposite the church). To book a time please log on to: then enter the appropriate code. For Primary, enter ‘ZJVTH’ and for Secondary, enter ‘K2UB3’. Follow the prompts to enter your email address, name, child’s name and then select times with your child’s teacher / s. Bookings open today (Tuesday 17/8) and will close Sunday 23/8 (5pm). Any problems logging in to the system, please contact me. Thank you. Mr David Lette JP - Administration Coordinator PREMIER READING CHALLENGE Students need to have their book list to Mrs Skinner by Wednesday this week( 19th August). Kerri Skinner - Librarian WELLBEING 2015 At school in recent weeks we have had a look and a think at how we use our mouths.
P.O. Box 7, Cowra 2794 Tel: 6342.2940
Music Nights As you wander through the Infants/Primary Classrooms at the moment you are likely to hear the delightful and melodic sounds of all our classes busily preparing for the Musicals we are about present towards the end of term. Attached to our Newsletter today is an advertisement for their dates etc. Each Stage will also receive a specific note outlining what will be expected and required for each performance. Should you require any further information please contact either Mrs Kylie McNamara(Infants) or Mrs Nicole Twohill-Scott(Primary). We are all looking forward to these wonderful cultural experiences in our school community. Cybersafety and Sharecloud Following the very pleasing response from our Stage Three parents, we are holding an Information Evening on Cybersafety and Diocesan Sharecloud Rollout on Monday 7th September at 6pm in Lab Three. We are very fortunate to have Mrs Vicki Vance, Consultant for Contemporary Learning & ICT K-12 from the Catholic Education Office to facilitate this meeting. We have also
Email: School Website:
decided as our children in Stage 2 will have the roll out of the Sharecloud early next year, we would extend the invitation to their parents to attend this Information Session as well. A separate note will be sent home to our Stage Two students this week. We would love to see as many parents as possible to take advantage of this Information Session, therefore we are going to offer supervision for any children who require it enabling their parents to attend this important meeting. If you require any further information, please do not hesitate Mrs Nicole Twohill-Scott
Sports Uniform Year 6 and 4 Year 6 and 4 will be wearing sports uniform this Wednesday for Physical Activity. They will still wear sports uniform for normal Sport on Thursday.
We hope you can spare an hour or two to support the P & F and its projects to create fun social activities and raise funds to support the students in many ways. Apologies for giving you the wrong date for our meeting in last week’s newsletter. Cheers, Ona, P & F Publicity Officer. The St Raphael’s Facebook Page is up and running! Remember to click “Join Group”. We hope this P & F project will be a great help to parents, teachers, school admin and friends of St Raph’s, who can share reminders, news and achievements. Your posts and feedback are much appreciated. Don’t forget to “Join” us, and add your fellow parents to the page.
Canteen Update This week’s roster is as follows: Tues 18 Anna Thirkell
Lost Property Lost property is a reality of school life. Labelling helps us to return the property promptly to the correct owner. We depend on families to check that the clothing children bring home is actually theirs. The vast majority is successfully reunited with its owner. During each term unlabelled / unclaimed property accumulates at the front office. Parents are encouraged to take the chance to come in and check. After a term unclaimed lost property is kept in a basket in the store room, still available for the owner to claim. After another term any remaining unclaimed lost property will be allocated to either St Vincent de Paul or our Clothing Pool. Please note there are at least 20-30 jumpers and 20-30 jackets in lost property with no current student names on them. They are a variety of sizes. If your child has lost a jumper or jacket, please send a note in with the size and we will try and find the owners. Clothing Pool The clothing pool is looking for any small clothing that your child may have grown out of to stock up before our next intake of kindergarten. Any clothing received will be greatly appreciated. All sale proceeds go to the P&F towards purchases for the school. Thank you. Book Club Orders for Book club are due back to school by Friday, 28 August. Please make sure your child’s name and class are written clearly on the order. Thank you.
P & F Meeting TONIGHT! The next P & F General Meeting is Tuesday the 18th of August, at 7pm. You’ll find us in the Teacher’s Lounge. Entry via the school office.
P.O. Box 7, Cowra 2794 Tel: 6342.2940
Vicki Banks
Thurs 20 Tracey Gunnyon
Fri 21 Lynn Terry
Mon 24 Jacqui CCusack
Jo-anne Graham
Kylie Chang
Brooke Marks
Anna Triming
Kylie Kollas
Karen Campbell
WELL DONE Congratulations to the following students who have achieved the next level on the Behaviour Management Programme. Level 6 Mitchell Casey Lachlan Pullen Inka Wilson Misty Williams Jack Ranger Jacob Bugeja Kaylah rust Level 7 Richmond Bush
4 Gold 4 Gold 4 Gold 5 Green 10 Green 8 Green 8 Green
Jack Chamberlain Alizah Walker Jock Stephenson Max Duff Sophie McKillop Sarah Clark Ky Johnson
10 Gold Brian MacCabe
4 Gold 4 Gold 5 Green 10 Gold 9 Green 8 Green 7 Gold 8 Gold
Your Teachers are very Proud of You!
Gospel Concert ‘Spirit of Joy’: 5 September Gospel Concert ‘Spirit of Joy’ is presented in association with the Sydney Sacred Music Festival It will be held on Saturday 5 September 2015 from 3pm-5.30pm at Mt Schoenstatt Spirituality Centre. It aims to bring together people of all religious traditions to feel the joy of God, through spiritually uplifting/upbeat music and song. Tickets: $12 adults, $8 school-age children, $35 family – two adults with up to four school-age children, children under five free. Bookings For further information please contact Ann-Maree Timmings tel (02) 4773 8338 ext 236 or send an email to
Email: School Website:
WHEN? : TIME ? : WHERE? : WHO? :
10:20 am - 10:50 am Primary Playground
All students and staff
*Parents invited to view the parade and have morning with students. **NOTE: If Raining Parade Cancelled
P.O. Box 7, Cowra 2794 Tel: 6342.2940
Email: School Website: