St Raphael’s Catholic School Term 3, Week 7/A Newsletter 3 September 2018
Dear Parents, Fathers, grandfathers, father figures gathered with their children on Friday morning at school for breakfast before work. These men with coffee, hot breakfast, children and rain all together at the one time made for a very upbeat gathering. A couple of hundred breakfasts were served.
Director the CEDB), Fr Lucas Tha Ling Sum (representing the Diocese of Hakha in the north of Myanamar) and Mr Michael Deasey (Director of Catholic Missions) are our guests of honour. The theme for 2018 is “Healing a Nation through Education”.
Michael Gallagher Principal
Congratulations to the representative athletes who competed at Dubbo on Friday. Three of our competitors earned their way through to represent the Bathurst Diocese at the level of Combined Catholic Colleges Athletics. Congratulations to Kate Price, Ruby Frazer and Chantell Rhodes in particular and to all representatives who were fine ambassadors for school and families. Ms Meaghan Trudgett from Centacare joins our staff from today as student counsellor. Ms Wendy Burnheim will continue in a supporting role through to the end of the year. We very much appreciate to fine quality work of these people in an essential area of considerable complexity. Mrs Monica Blazley commences her Parental Leave today and we wish her well for the preparations for the arrival of the baby. Miss Lucy Ryan takes up Monica’s classroom teaching role in Year 2. The vacancy in Year 6 created by relocating Lucy is filled by Miss Anna Farley who remains on Year 4 classes as well. Parent / Teacher Discussions for Primary families are on tomorrow – the positive learning partnerships established through these discussions is immensely beneficial to the students and their learning, so I strongly encourage your participation. This week we are honoured to host the Diocesan Launch of World Missions which will see 150 guests from eleven different schools of the diocese with us on Thursday morning. The country of focus for this year’s mission work is, very rightly, Myanmar. Bishop Michael McKenna (Bathurst Diocese), Mr Chris Derwin (representing Mrs Jenny Allen, Executive P.O. Box 7, Cowra 2794 Tel: 6342.2940
Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights, who does not change like shifting shadows. James 1:17
Monday 3 Happy birthday to Callum Maguire, Orlando Perry and Misty Williams SES Cadets Tuesday 4 Primary Parent/Teacher Discussions Wednesday 5 Thursday 6 Happy birthday to Laura Casey Kindy Start Meeting – 6.30pm Friday 7 Happy birthday to Matthew Casey and Evie Smith Hospital Excursion - Kindergarten Business Studies and Modern History HSC Workshops Happy birthday to Adam Dhrygck and Logan Haslam for the 9th. Email: School Website:
These visits will provide valuable insights and provide first-hand experience in the role of professional engineers.
Diocesan Launch of Mission This year St Raphael’s Parish will be hosting the The Bathurst Diocesan Mission Launch. This celebration will take place in St Raphael’s Church at 11.30am on Thursday September 6th. The 2018 Catholic Mission Church Appeal highlights the important work of Catholic Mission in Myanmar; through programs aimed to improve education for children, specifically through teacher training and the implementation of alternative, child-centred education around the country. Together we can help heal a nation through education by supporting education in Myanmar and all around the world. ( Diocesan Launch of Mission Month Thursday 6th September 2018 St Raphael’s Catholic School Cowra 11.30 – 12.30 St Raphael’s Catholic Church Cowra 12.30 Refreshments – Mother Scholastica Learning Centre First Eucharist Reconciliation- Thursday 6th September - 7pm First Eucharist- Saturday September 15th 6pm Altar Servers’ Roster Sat 8th Sep: Zoe and Isabelle Doorey and Laura Price Sun 9th Sep: Cowra Volunteers Please School Readers for Weekend Parish Masses: Sat 8th Sep: School Readers School Eucharistic Ministers for Weekend Parish Masses: Sat 8th Sep: Karla Slaven Sun 9th Sep: Laura Moodie and Marg McMurtrie
Leading the Way Congratulations to Matthew Casey-Price of Year 11. He has been accepted into this year’s Honeywell Engineering Summer School. The Honeywell School is a fully residential program open to 100 x Year 11 students from across NSW and ACT. Matthew will stay on campus at university of Sydney for 5 days. Whilst there, he will visit various Universities (University of Sydney, University of Wollongong, University of NSW, Macquarie University and the University of Technology Sydney) and engage in a variety of problem solving activities that range across Engineering disciplines. He will also have the opportunity to visit various engineering organisations such as RAAF Richmond (Defence/Mechanical/Electrical/Aerospace), Thales at Garden Island (ICT/Systems/Aeronautical), BlueScope Steel and Boral Wollongong (materials / structural / mechanical). P.O. Box 7, Cowra 2794 Tel: 6342.2940
Japan Tour 2019 It’s on again! The Japan Tour is being offered again in the Spring holidays of 2019 for students who will be in years 8-11 at St Raphael’s Catholic School in 2019. We will be visiting Hiroshima and the Peace Memorial Park, Kyoto (the old cultural capital of Japan), Tokyo with its eclectic mix of the old, new and quirky and finishing with a homestay experience in Shiroishi City. I am warmly inviting interested families to an Introductory Information evening being held on Tuesday, Sept 18th at 6pm in the Mother Scholastica Learning Centre at school. At this meeting we will be able to discuss the itinerary in greater detail, costings and generally address any questions you might have about the 2019 Tour. Please free to contact me at school if you have any queries before then. Cassie Bennett - Languages Teacher
Eastern Athletics Primary Athletics Carnival On the Friday 3rd of August a team of 50 primary students travelled to Bathurst to compete at the annual Eastern Region Athletics Carnival. It was a beautiful day hosted by MacKillop College. All students represented St Raphael’s with skill and finesse in their events. Some impressive feats of the day included Ky Garratt breaking the 11 years Discus record, with an almighty throw of 28.80m. Breaking the record set in 2015 by a massive 5.30m! Ky also won the 11 years Shot Put. Laura Price had a massive day competing in every event available in the 11 year age group! Laura ended the day with two Firsts (High Jump and Discus), two Seconds (800m, 100m), three Thirds (200m, Senior Girls Relay and Shot Put) and a fourth (Long Jump). This meant the only event she would miss at the Diocesan Carnival would be the Relay, due to only two teams going through! With these outstanding results Laura was awarded the 11 Years Girls Champion! Other impressive results and Diocesan Athletic Team advancers included; Jacob Cayfe (6th 800m and 5th 200m) Hugh Williams (4th 200m) Drew Langfield (5th 200m) Charlie Harris (4th 100m) Aaron Dhrygck (5th 100m) Connie Hinton-Besant (6th 800m) Lacey Hinton-Besant (5th 100m) Georgie Pearce (6th 100m) Thomas Pullen (4th Long Jump) Lily Gee (3rd Long Jump) Carter Langfield (3rd Discus) Kate Proctor (4th Discus) Beth Kollas (3rd High Jump)
Email: School Website:
Primary Uniform Change All Primary Students (Year 3 to 6) are asked to please wear their full winter uniform to school this Thursday. This change of uniform is due to the Diocesan Launch of Mission. National Child Protection Week This week 2-8 September, is recognised as National Child Protection Week in Australia. Catholic Education Diocese of Bathurst is taking this opportunity to provide a new brochure “Child Protection: Schools, families and communities working together” outlining our commitment to working together to meet the needs of children in our care. This brochure explains the ways in which we respond to a child at risk and informs parents how they should engage with schools when there are child safety concerns. It also has a list of useful contacts to help and support families.
St Vincent de Paul Society- Drought Assistance Vinnies is offering farmers drought assistance to assist with food, household bills, education expenses, water, fuel and much more you just need to ask. Please note that all enquiries are strictly confidential. Vinnies Cowra - 6342 2572 Monday-Friday
School Fees There are still some unpaid Term 3 accounts. Unless other arrangements have been made with the school, these accounts are now due. Thank you. Book Club Please note that book club money is due to the office by the 7th of September. Canteen Update This week’s roster is as follows: Tues 4
Thurs 6
Fri 7
Mon 10
Skye Muddle
Carrie Simunic
Cindy Langfield
Briony Woodhouse
Jessica Newcombe
Nicola Hudson
Mistie Hodder
Soup of the Week- Cauliflower
WELL DONE Congratulations to the following students who have achieved the next level Bronze Ayrlee Flannery Matilda Porter
3 Green Aneira Rowlands 4 Gold
Level 7 Lily Doyle Hayley Parakkal Jasmine Whitty Lucas Bryant
3 Green 3 Gold 4 Gold 5 Green Connie Hinton-Besant 5 Green
William Fleming Toby White Cassandra Zarb Will Campbell Holly Wilson
3 Green
3 Gold 3 Gold 4 Gold 5 Green 5 Green
Your Teachers are very Proud of You!
P.O. Box 7, Cowra 2794 Tel: 6342.2940
Email: School Website: