St Raphaels Trm4wk4

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St Raphael’s Catholic School Term 4, Week 4/B Newsletter 26th October 2015

Dear Parents, We are well represented by our children - Year 10 leaders spent Friday at the Diocesan Leadership Day (iRise) at Orange and rep cricketers from Stage 3 were in Canberra on Thursday at the NSW Milo T20 School Cup final. While both teams played strongly, the girls team qualified to compete again in Melbourne. Students preparing for the transition to secondary school and their parents have a couple of information and orientation type of events coming up. This evening is an Information session for parents to come along to the school and see how learning happens and meet with staff. On Wednesday Nov 11 Year 6 students from St Raphael’s as well as from our feeder schools will spend the day together in the secondary department, getting a feel for the changed routine and greater responsibility. Student Leadership roles for Year 9 and Year 5 students are being considered in detail. Nominees will be named and ballots soon conducted.

event are enormous – therefore your participation in both the preparations and the event are a direct support for our children. To nominate as a volunteer, please visit the P&F website accessible through the school website at

Michael Gallagher Principal

Mark 10:46-52 Jesus Heals a Blind Man Lord, I sometimes open my eyes in the morning, and do not notice the sunshine, the green of trees, the colours in my room, the warmth or sorrow in the faces around me. If I had been blind, like Bartimaeus in today's gospel, I would long to open my eyes and see all that is to be seen. I could not have enough of this light-filled world around me. Give me a relish, Lord, for all that my eyes can take in: not the pre-selected shots of the TV screen, but the endlessly varied landscape and peoplescape that surrounds me. I pray with Bartimaeus: “Master, let me receive my sight”

The Book Fair wrapped-up on Friday. Thanks to the hundreds who have been through and have made their selections. Thank you to Mrs Kerrie Skinner for bringing this exciting event to the families of St Raphs. Year 9 students and their accompanying teachers (Mrs Inel Date and Mr Ben Cooley) began the annual Outward Bound expedition on Saturday for seven day in the mountains at Tharwa. I am thrilled that students of St Raph’s have the chance to access such a lifechanging experience. Planning for 2016 dominates the administration agenda at the moment. Composition of classes, staffing, budget, supplies, resources, room allocations and timetabling all crowd in during Term 4. If you are making plans that will impact on the school, please notify the school office promptly. Christmas Fair preparations are racing along at the moment. The collective benefits we receive from this P.O. Box 7, Cowra 2794 Tel: 6342.2940

Monday 26 Happy birthday to Rachel Myers and Charlie Stephenson. Outward Bound Excursion. Year 7 2016 Parent Information Evening.

Email: School Website:

Tuesday 27 Happy birthday to Yoi Yap. Study Centre @ Computer Lab 3 8-8:45am. Outward Bound Excursion. Wednesday 28 Happy birthday to Benjamin Azzopardi, Kaitlyn Rutledge and codie Thompson. Zooper Dooper Ice Block Sale – 50c at lunch. Study Centre @ Computer Lab 3 8-8:45am. Outward Bound Excursion. Kindergarten Police Station visit. Thursday 29 Happy birthday to Lucas Shepherd and Amelia Thomson. Study Centre @ Computer Lab 3 8-8:45am. Outward Bound Excursion.

Stage 5 Yearly Examination Timetable 2015 (Week 5)

Session 1 Periods 1&2

Monday 2/11

Tuesday 3/11

Wednesday 4/11

Yr. 10 English (90 min) 10 Gold HC 10Green S5

Yr. 10 Science (90 min) 10 Gold Text 10Green Com 3

Normal Period 1 (Shortened) Yr. 10 PDHPE (60 min) 10 Gold S5 10Green F/T

Session 2 Periods 3&4

Thursday 5/11

Friday 6/11

Yr. 9 English (90 min) 9 Gold HC 9 Green Com 1

PASS (60 min) Com 3 Runs 15min into Period 4

Food Tech (60 min) Com 3 Runs 15min into Period 4

Yr. 9 PDHPE (60 min) 9 Gold Com 1 9 Green Chpl Runs 15min into Period 6

Yr. 9 Maths (90 min) 9 MAT1 Chpl 9 MAT2 S5


Session 3 Periods 5&6

Friday 30 Outward Bound Excursion.

Yr. 10 Maths (90 min) 10MAT1 Chpl 10 MAT2 HC

Yr. 9 Science (90 min) 9 Gold Text 9 Green Com 1


Happy birthday to Pyper Muddle for the 31 . Stage 4 Yearly Examination Timetable 2015 (Week 6)

Altar Servers’ Roster st Sat 31 Oct: Chloe Robertson, Jessica Trengove, Lucy Proctor. st Sun 1 Nov: Bernadette Zarb, Mikelli Garratt. Gooloogong: Flynn Bennett, Emily Beath-Pearce. School Computer Roster st Sat 31 Oct: Ben Price.

Monday 9/11

Tuesday 10/11

Session 1 Periods 1&2

Yr. 8 Science (90 min) 8 Gold OMR 8 Green Com 3

Yr. 7 RE (45 min) 7 Gold Chpl 7 Green OMR

Session 2 Periods 3&4

Yr. 7 Science (90 min) 7 Gold Text 7 Green HC

Yr. 7 Maths (90 min) 7MAT1 Chpl 7 MAT2 S5

Wednesday 11/11

Yr. 8 Maths (90 min) 8MAT1 OMR 8 MAT2 COM3

UNSW/ICAS English and Maths Competitions Congratulations to the following students who achieved Merits, Credits and Distinctions in the ICAS Competitions. English: Distinction: Grace Shepard Yr3 Sophie Johnston Yr 5 Katherine Johnston Yr 7 Patrick Heilman Yr 9 Credit: Orlando Perry Yr3 Kai Fitzgerald Yr3 Finn Ryan Yr 6 Mackenna Cusack Yr 9 Merit: Lily Gee Yr3 Chloe Robertson Yr 5 William Norton Yr 5

P.O. Box 7, Cowra 2794 Tel: 6342.2940

Mathematics: Distinction: Kai Fitzgerald Jack Chamberlain Yr 4 Patrick Heilman Yr 9 Credit: Carter Langfield Yr3 Elizabeth Heilman Yr 4 Meg Jones Yr 4 Riley Langfield Yr 5 Mackenna Cusack Yr 9 Merit: Charlie Graham Yr 3 Orlando Perry Yr 3 Annabelle Sturgiss Yr 3 Yoi Yap Yr 3 Depp Ryan-Lukasiak Yr 5 Katherine Johnston Yr 7 Thomas Cusack Yr 8

Quinn Cup - Success Great Sportsmanship, Great Friendships and Great Memories. On Thursday and Friday of week 2 our Quinn Cup Team represented our school and excelled in every way. From the Chess to Dance and everything else in between, our students conducted themselves with great dignity in defeat and graciousness in triumph. I Email: School Website:

couldn't be more proud to be the coordinating teacher for this event. Well done all. A big THANK YOU to all the parents that helped make this event the success it was. It is the selfless acts of generosity and service that provide our students and children with such positive lasting memories of special events such as this. St. Raphael's were the overall winners of the Quinn Cup. Proudly back on display in the foyer. "It's so great to have you back where you belong!" So proud in fact, that I thought that I would "re-compose" a small ditty! (Apologies to Louis Armstrong, sung to the tune "Hello Dolly") Well, hello, Quinny! This is Raph's, Quinny, It's so nice to have you back where you belong You're lookin' swell, Quinny I can tell, Quinny You're still glowin' You're still crowin' You're still goin' strong I feel that room swayin' While the band's playin' One of your old favourite songs from way back when So take her wrap, fellas Find her an empty lap, fellas Quinny'll never go away again My apologies to any Jazz fans. Why don't I let the pictures do the talking?

Steve Thomas - Sports Coordinator Jump Rope For Heart Due to the inclement whether last Friday, the Primary children were unable to complete their jump off, therefore we are back to plan A! All children will now be Jumping off on Wednesday the 28th October. This also means that all children from Kindergarten to Year Six are asked to wear their sports uniform on Wednesday whether it be your child's usual day for sport or not. It's not too late to seek sponsorship. Funds raised will go directly to the Heart Foundation. To register go to: e2015-SaintRaphaelsCatholicSchool-116090 Thank you for your support.

Zooper Dooper Wednesday Zooper Dooper water ice blocks will be on sale during lunch for only 50c. Beat the heat this summer. Money raised will go towards classroom recycling bins for the school recycling program. Canteen Update This week’s roster is as follows: Tues 27 Jodie Toohey Karen Budge


Thurs 29 Kristen Sturgiss

Fri 30 Cindy Langfield

Mon 2 Sally Bruncher


Mary Cooper

Kirsty Pollard

Kylie Kollas

ST RAPH’S SOCIAL is on in 2 WEEKS! Fri th! Nov 13 Imperial Hotel! Live music by Julia and Friends! Wine tastings and nibbles! Free drink on arrival! Drop in for a while, or stay for the evening! Bring the kids or have a night off! Catch up with old friends and make new ones! RSVP is appreciated for catering purposes but otherwise just turn up! P.O. Box 7, Cowra 2794 Tel: 6342.2940

Email: School Website:

Parent Reps: Thank you so much to those parents who have put their names down. The latest list is attached for any parents wishing to add their names. Welcome Trudi Kennedy and Lil Wilson! Class K Gold

Parent Rep Jennifer Richmond

1 Green 2 Gold 2 Green

Trudi Kennedy (or Year 10) Kirsty Langfield (or 3 Green, 5 green), Jacque Perry Cheryl Whitty Jennifer Richmond Kristy White

3 Gold

Kirsty Stephenson

K Green 1 Gold

3 Green 4 Gold 4 Green 5 Gold 5 Green 6 Gold 6 Green Secondary Year 7 Year 8 Year 9 Year 10

Kirsty Langfield (or 1 Gold, 5 green), Jacque Perry Deenita Mitchell (or 2 Gold or K Gold) Vicki Banks Lil Wilson Jennifer Richmond, Kirsty Langfield (or 1 Gold, 5 Green) Lil Wilson Nicole Pearce

Teacher Mrs McNamara Miss Blazley Miss Calvert Mr Statham Mrs Colemane Miss Pratt Mrs Scott/Mrs O’Reilly

WHEELBARROW RAFFLE! This week’s theme for the Christmas Raffle is “SOMETHING FOR THE BATHROOM OR LAUNDRY". For those that like to be prepared the themes over the following weeks will be: *SHED & GARDEN *PARTY & PANTRY *YOUR CHOICE *CHRISTMAS GALORE DONATIONS WANTED! Please donate new and used toys, games, books, teddies and gift items for all ages to the Christmas Fair! Good clean condition please. Items can be left in the school office or dropped into Norman C. Bellamy Pty Ltd, 98 Brisbane St, Cowra NSW 2794 during the holidays. If someone’s not there, please leave them at the door. Parent and Teacher Survey. Complete the survey at Fair Games. Did you see our article in the Cowra Guardian? Hoping parents will run some oldfashioned Fair Games at the Christmas Fair. More info and lots of ideas at

Miss Downes Miss Giffin Mrs James Miss Gannon Mr O’Reilly Miss Slaven Mr Colemane

WELL DONE Congratulations to the following students who have achieved the next level on the Behaviour Management Programme. Level 7 Max Cruickshank Melissa Mood Codie Thompson Jack Webb Matthew Mood

4 Green 4 Green 4 Green 4 Green 9 Gold

Eppie Emseis Kate Statham Amelia Thomson Chelsee White

4 Green 4 Green 4 Green 4 Gold

Your Teachers are very Proud of You!

Trudi Kennedy (or K Green)

Art Music Sport Wood-working Christmas Fair News Urgent help needed! Many parents have volunteered to help with our biggest fundraiser for the year – the Christmas Fair, however, we still have more spots that we still need help with. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Please contact the front office or go online to the P&F Website to volunteer. Thank you in advance. JAZZY JAR Theme for this week is "MAKEUP"! Extra takeaway containers can also be collected from the front office or you can use your own. In coming weeks the themes will be: Arts and Crafts, Small Toys and Figurines, Lollies, Jewellery and Hair Accessories. FREE VOUCHERS for a large Dippin Dots Ice Cream and a Hot Dog for the Kindy/Primary class and the Secondary home room class that bring in the most Jazzy Jars. Thanks for supporting this fundraiser. P.O. Box 7, Cowra 2794 Tel: 6342.2940

PCYC Cowra Junior Disco There will be a fancy dress Halloween Junior Disco for Kinder to Year 6 children on Friday, 30 October, running from 6pm to 8pm at PCYC’s Young Road building. Entry is $5.00 per person and there will be a sausage sizzle and canteen in operation. Prizes and games on the night, with prizes for the best dressed and scariest little monster, so dress up, come along and have some fun! Music and lights provided by Laurie’s Disco. Supervision by PCYC Police, Staff and Volunteers. Kids Fitness Classes PCYC Cowra will soon be launching Les Mills ‘Born to Move’ classes for 8 to 12 year olds. The class is focused on fitness through fun and movement while developing and improving balance, coordination and self-esteem. The class incorporates dance, martial arts and yoga moves for all to enjoy. Mitchell White has completed the training to instruct the classes and will be visiting schools in the next few weeks to put on free demonstrations before the program begins at the PCYC. Keeping informed

Email: School Website:

Please contact PCYC on 63412035 for further information about any of the activities on offer or check out the “Cowra PCYC” Facebook page or the website You must be a PCYC member to participate in any of the PCYC activities. Yearly membership is $5.00 for under 18’s and $10 for ages 18 and older. Yoga Workshop For Teenage Girls With Danette Watson Calling all girls aged 12 & above this fun, active workshop will concentrate on understanding your body & honouring/working with your body throughout the different times of the month. Girls will learn:  the yin/yang of their monthly cycle: - when to be creative, challenge yourself & get things done during the month & - when to be quiet, introspective & self-nurturing during the month  two different yoga sequences for active times & quiet times  two different meditation/relaxations for active times & quiet times.  other activities & strategies to stay balanced, peaceful & confident while honouring their feminine gifts. No need to bring anything during the workshop - just wear comfy clothes! To secure a spot please sign up on the Perfect Health Centre’s website

P.O. Box 7, Cowra 2794 Tel: 6342.2940

St John’s Anglican Church Book Fair Extended over 2 weeks with bargains galore! th th Dates: Friday 13 & Saturday 14 November and th Friday 20 November and Saturday st 21 November Doors open at 8:30am For donations please contact Bruce Pietsch on 0427 722810 or email Halloween Disco Cowra Ballet School is hosting a Halloween Disco on st Saturday 31 October. Where: Cowra Ballet School Studios (next to the railway station) Time: 6pm - 8pm Cost: $5 entry per student There will be "finger-dogs" (hotdogs), dirt cakes and many other spooky treats available to buy on the night. Prizes for lucky door tickets and best dressed will also be given! No need to book, just come along and share the spooktacular fun!

Email: School Website:

P.O. Box 7, Cowra 2794 Tel: 6342.2940

Email: School Website:


Volunteer 1

9:00 AM

Kristy White

10:00 AM

Kristy White

Volunteer 2

Dee Mitchell

11:00 AM

Dee Mitchell

12:00 PM We desperately need helpers for the Christmas Fair. Plese have a look at the unfilled positions and put your hand up. Even an hour of your time is a great! You can contact Ona 1:00 PM at or phone Deenita Mitchell on 0407061076. Thank you.

Dee Mitchell

2:00 PM

Dee Mitchell Skye Muddle

3:00 PM

Volunteer 3 Jen Richmond Jen Richmond Jen Richmond Jen Richmond Jen Richmond

Volunteer 4

Dee Mitchell Dee Mitchell

Jen Richmond


Kristy White


D Stephenson

Dee Mitchell CARNIVAL RIDES - Sell tickets in booth 4:00 PM

Andrew Smith

Volunteer Name

5:00 PM

Paul Goard


Kirsty Stephenson

6:00 PM

Glen Hudson


Dee Mitchell

7:00 PM


8:00 PM

Coordinator: Ona Lawrence



Volunteer Name


Cowra 1

Kirsty Stephenson

shift begins:

Cowra 2

Ona Lawrence & Destiny Pepper

3:00 PM


Volunteer 1

Volunteer 2

4:00 PM


Nicole Pearce

5:00 PM


6:00 PM

Coordinator: Chris Gorman. before/after fair Volunteer1

Pick up/Return

7:00 PM Volunteer2


Willo Wilson

8:00 PM RAFFLES - sell tickets Coordinator: Karen Trengrove

Lil Wilson

shift begins:

DIRECT TRAFFIC Fri 1:30pm-3:30pm

Volunteer 1

Volunteer 2

3:00 PM

Volunteer 1 Volunteer 2

4:00 PM

P. Fitzsimmons

5:00 PM

Laura Proctor


6:00 PM

Rob Skene

Coordinator Di McKillop

7:00 PM

3:00 PM

Christine Clarke


4:00 PM

Christine Clarke

Pick up/return from Oz Plants (ute/trailer)

5:00 PM

Nat Goard


6:00 PM

Fiona Skene

shift begins:

7:00 PM


5:00 PM

Coordinator: Cherie McCabe

6:00 PM

shift begins:

Volunteer 1

Volunteer 2

7:00 PM

3:00 PM


Cheryl Whitty

8:00 PM

4:00 PM

Kerrie Smith

5:00 PM

Vic Williams

6:00 PM

Katie Wilson

7:00 PM

P.O. Box 7, Cowra 2794 Tel: 6342.2940

Meg Robinson Heather Daley Jacque Perry

Collect Tickets Jen Richmond Jen Richmond


PHOTOGRAPHY COMPETITIONS Coordinator: Michelle Coombs Set up display 27TH


Email: School Website:

shift begins:



Coordinator: Kirsty Stephenson

Coordinator: Kirsty Stephenson

Volunteer 1

Volunteer 2

shift begins:

Volunteer 1


Kirsty Langfield

Set up

K. Stephenson


Jane Mills

Set up



Melody Pepper

Set up

Set up 27th

4:00 PM

Murray Tooth

Set up 27th

5:00 PM

Rachael Duff

Set up 27th

6:00 PM

Kim Henry

4:00 PM

7:00 PM

Tammy O'Brien

5:00 PM

Nicola Hudson

Heidi Oliver

8:00 PM

6:00 PM


7:00 PM


8:00 PM


Coordinator: Rebecca Fahey

Coordinator: Kristy White shift begins:

Volunteer 2

Volunteer 1

Volunteer 2

shift begins:

Volunteer 1

3:00 PM

Rebecca Fahey

3:00 PM

4:00 PM

4:00 PM

5:00 PM

Kristy Frazer

5:00 PM

6:00 PM

Nicole Pearce

6:00 PM

7:00 PM

7:00 PM

8:00 PM

8:00 PM

Volunteer 2


Coordinator: Angela Kollas approx 5pm - 6:30pm

Volunteer 1

Volunteer 1

Volunteer 2

Volunteer 2

Volunteer 3

Volunteer 3

Volunteer 4 Fair Game Ideas - Heaps more on internet!

Includes offer of free stand next to game to promote your organisation Ring or Coin Toss

Choose the Lucky Sock on the Washing Line

Sponge Throw

Money Tree with Scratchies

Stacked Can Toss

Exercise Bike or Rowing Machine Races

Water Balloon Throw Water Pistol Knock over Bottle Toilet Seat and Toilet Roll Toss

Stick Lotto – Ice Block Sticks with numbers buried in sand Pot Luck (Sand and prize in cup tipped through strainer) Marble Mayhem (fill a flower pot with marbles using tsp)

Darts at Balloons Ducking for Apples Pick the Card Netball Toss

Dig for Treasure

Hula Hoop Contest Jump Rope Contest Fishing for Ducks in Pond Bob for Apples

Game Name: Pick A Ticket

Create a Game:

Coordinator: Dee Mitchell


shift begins:

Volunteer 1

Volunteer 2

shift begins:

3:00 PM

Dee Mitchell

3:00 PM

4:00 PM

Dee Mitchell

4:00 PM

5:00 PM

5:00 PM

6:00 PM

6:00 PM

7:00 PM

7:00 PM

Volunteer 1

Volunteer 2

We have two purpose built ladders for a BEAN BAG TOSS GAME if that interests you! Want to create a new fundraising stall or fair game? We'd love it! Come up with your own or here are some of ours: Corn on the Cob, Arrowroot or Cupcake decorating, Xmas Craft (we already have quite a bit of craft from previous years you could sell - organise some craft days with friends), Plaster Painting. The P and F will cover costs. Email or call Deenita Mitchell on 0407061076.

P.O. Box 7, Cowra 2794 Tel: 6342.2940

Email: School Website:

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