basic syntax of the C programming language

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WelcometoCcodelearner, Inthistutorial,youwilllearnaboutthebasicsyntaxoftheCprogramming language.

Firstandforemost,it’simportanttoknowthatDennisRitchiedevelopedthe C programming language atAT&T’sBellLaboratoriesintheUSAin1972.

Moreover,Cisageneral-purpose,proceduralcomputerprogramminglanguagethat supportsstructuredprogramming,lexicalvariablescope,recursion,andastatictype systemwiththehelpofsyntaxCprogrammingtutorials.Asaproceduralprogramming language,Cemphasizestheexecutionofproceduresorfunctionsinaspecificorder TobeginprogramminginC,thereareafewessentialrequirementsinC syntax:

1.Atexteditor:ThiscouldbeabasicprogramlikeNotepadoramorefeature-richone likeVisualStudioCode.

2.ACcompiler:ThissoftwarewilltransformyourCcodeintoanexecutableprogram. PopularcompilersincludeGCCandClang.

Onceyouhaveobtainedthesenecessarycomponents,youcanbeginwritingCcodein yourtexteditor.Subsequently,youcanutilizeyourcompilertotransformitintoan executableprogram.


OurtutorialwillmakeuseofCode::Blocks,whichwebelieveisagoodplacetostart. YoucanfindthemostrecentversionofCodeblocksat https://www codeblocks org/.


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InCodeblocks,navigatetoFile>New>EmptyFile.Then,copyandpastethe followingCcodeintothefilenamedMyFirstProgram.candsaveitaccordinglyusingFile >SaveFileas:MyFirstProgram.c.

#include #include<<stdiostdiohh> > int intmainmain(()){ { printf printf((“Hello“Hello,WorldWorld!!””)); ; return return00; ; } }

Don’tworryifyoudon’tunderstandthecodeabove,Insubsequentchapters,we’llgo depthintoitlikesyntaxhtml,pythonsyntax,javasyntaxandsoon.Fornow,focuson howtoexecutethecode.

In Codeblocks, itshouldlookliketheprovidedscreenshot.

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Torun(execute)theprogram,selectBuild>BuildandRun.Theoutcomewilldisplay “Hello,World!”intheoutput.Additionally,youwillseetheprocessreturnvalueand executiontime.



Processreturned0(0x0)executiontime:0.011s Processreturned0(0x0)executiontime:0.011s Pressanykeytocontinue. Pressanykeytocontinue.


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