ubilee allowed me to experience a closeness with God that I have not been able to experience yet. This closeness has allowed me to integrate God into all parts of my life, simply by my realizing how much good I can do in the world and how much my story matters. For nearly four decades, the CCO’s annual Jubilee conference has served as a mid-year culmination of what the CCO’s ministry is all about: inspiring and equipping college students to live out their Christian faith in every area of life.
This is why the 3,000 people who gathered at the David L. Lawrence Convention Center during the weekend of February 14-16 for Jubilee 2014 were reminded again and again that everything matters. This is why the long hallway connecting the Westin Hotel with the convention center was lined with banners picturing current CCO students
engaging in the things that matter to them: pharmacy, music, basketball, sociology, mathematics, biology, education, and zoology. This is why more than 70 speakers joined to share this vision from the main stage and in smaller workshops, addressing every topic from creativity, counseling, law, dance, and
ministry to physics, publishing, athletics, and technology. Notable speakers included Andy Crouch, managing editor of Christianity Today magazine; Bethany Hoang of the International Justice Mission; Dan Allender, author and professor of counseling at the Seattle School of Theology & Psychology; Manfred Honeck,
DAN ALLENDER Music Director of the Pittsburgh Symphony Orchestra; Eric Mason, Founder & Pastor of Epiphany Fellowship in Philadelphia; John Cotton Richmond, Human Trafficking and Civil Rights Prosecutor; David Kinnaman, author and President of The Barna Group; and Roxanne Stone, Vice President of Publishing for The Barna Group.
ARGE-GROUP gatherings framed the weekend by addressing the four-act biblical narrative of Creation, Fall, Redemption, and Restoration. Workshops helped participants envision what it means to live out a Christian worldview in their particular callings as college students and as future teachers, lawyers, parents, artists, athletes, business people, and scientists. Every day on campus, CCO staff workers engage students about how they might use their particular talents and interests to glorify God and make the world more like it was meant to be.
At Jubilee, students catch a glimpse of the power of that vision as they come together to learn, experience, and worship together. Jubilee was a profound experience which will strengthen me through the rest of my college career and beyond. Seeing and talking with committed and exploring students from other colleges showed me how God is at work in our generation. Thank you to our Jubilee sponsors: Senior Level Compassion International The High Calling Junior Level Bread for the World Eastern University Experience Mission Freshmen Level Asbury Theological Seminary Focus Leadership Institute The Institute for Faith, Work & Economics
CCO STUDENT LEADER Youngstown State University Middle Childhood Education; Forward, Women’s Basketball Team
A VISION THAT CAN CHANGE THE WORLD A few months ago, our communications designer, Peter Chace, logged several hundred miles as he traveled from Pittsburgh to Philadelphia, from Columbus to Indianapolis, and to many campuses in between. He interviewed and photographed college students who are involved in our ministries. He asked them what they care about, and he asked them how they hope to serve God in their particular areas of interest. What resulted was an amazing art installation at Jubilee 2014. The long hallway that connects the Westin Hotel to the David L. Lawrence Convention Center was lined with banner after banner, picturing students representing many nations and cultures and interests, proclaiming in specific ways how everything matters. Zoology matters. Music matters. So does basketball and biology, education and mathematics, nursing and pharmacy. This is what the CCO’s ministry is about at its core. It’s what the Jubilee conference celebrates, as students from all of our campuses gather together for a weekend and learn what it means to serve God in every area of their lives—and especially in their field of study and future vocation. Everything matters to God, so everything must matter to us. This is the vision that I caught at Jubilee 1978, when as a freshman at Ohio Wesleyan University, I committed my life to following Jesus Christ. It’s the vision that drew me to work for the CCO, because it’s the vision that I pray for college students to catch. It’s a vision that can change the world. Daniel J. Dupee President & CEO CCO 3
in his own words
t was orientation week of my freshman year and I had just moved into the dorm. I was sitting alone in the back corner of the Towers patio on the phone with my girlfriend from back home. I was lonely and miserable. I told her, ‘I’m on a campus with 20,000 other people
and I have never been more lonely in my life.’ As I was speaking, someone from Cornerstone, the CCO ministry at Pitt, came around the corner jumping up and down, advertising free cupcakes to the people in the Towers gym. Coincidentally (or not), it was someone from my high school. She came and sat with me and even returned to bring me a cupcake. I came across the CCO again when I attended their cookout on the Sunday before classes started, and ever since then, I have been involved with the CCO. I was a high school student who went to church on Sundays out of duty. Now I am a pharmacy student who desperately seeks God in everything. I used 4
to make fun of Christians in high school. Now, I am unafraid to stand for my faith.The CCO ministry has been the driving force behind that change. When I came to Pitt, I had the mindset of only being here a few years, earning a diploma, and getting out of this city as quickly as possible. I believed in God, but church and God were things I did on Sunday morning, and the rest of the week was mine. I was going to build a future for myself, and I would be happy eventually if I just worked hard enough.
VER THE LAST three years, the many CCO staff I have had the opportunity to meet have been a huge blessing. All three CCO staff members at Cornerstone—
Chris Ansell, Bobbi Perkins, and Andy Moore—have invested time and energy in my life. Bobbi’s talks challenge me and keep me from growing complacent in my faith. Andy led my three-person discipleship group and laid down a lot of the core fundamentals of my faith. He has been there for me when I wrestled with deep sin in my life. Chris was the one who encouraged me to first go to Jubilee. He also was the one who encouraged me to get baptized and become a member of Bellefield Presbyterian Church, the church that the
CCO partners with to provide Cornerstone. I try to be active in the life of the church as well and serve as a greeter and usher on Sunday mornings.
HIS PAST YEAR, I sought Chris out when I was wrestling with beginning the professional phase of pharmacy school. I had always been competitive, but now that I was with the same people every day, all who were accepted into pharmacy school and all pursuing the same degree, I struggled with potentially being average. Even
OSHITSUKI worse, I found a hateful desire in me for others to do poorly so I could do well in comparison. Chris pointed out to me that, while working hard and academic success are not sins themselves, I needed to place my identity in Christ and not in my grades or academic standing. After all, as he noted to me, what good is it to patients if I am an A level pharmacist and everyone else is C level? Wouldn’t it ultimately be beneficial for everyone to be A level pharmacists? At my first Jubilee conference, seeing that I was not alone in my faith journey was amazing. I had never seen so many people on fire for God, and it reassured me that my faith is important. At Jubilee, I began to see the connection between my studies and my faith. Could it be possible that I was studying and taking exams for God? Once I realized that my education and my faith were not mutually exclusive, I never
wanted to leave the intersection between the two. I wanted God to work in every part of my life. Everything does matter because God is in everything. As I have matured in my faith through regular attendance at Bellefield Presbyterian Church and the CCO fellowship and mentorship with Chris, Andy, and Bobbi, I realize that God called me to Pittsburgh to be part of His plan here, even if just for a few years. I believe part of His plan for me is to invest in Bellefield and give back to the community that has invited me in and that has been responsible for stimulating my growth in Christ.
body. A tangible expression of that membership in a body of believers is membership in a church, and that is exactly what I pursued. It is with the greatest sincerity and gratitude when I say that I am blessed to call Bellefield my home and family.” Keito is in his third year of a six-year pharmacy program at the University of Pittsburgh.
OR THAT REASON, I was baptized at Bellefield in April to publicly affirm and express my faith in Jesus Christ. This was not the end of my growth in the faith but rather just the beginning. We are to be baptized into a community of believers, or if you will, one
CCO STUDENT LEADER Franklin & Marshall College Business & Public Policy; Captain, Offensive Line, Football
“At Jubilee, I began to see the connection between my studies and my faith. Could it be possible that I was studying and taking exams for God?”
CCO STUDENT LEADER Penn State University Industrial Engineering
in her own words
uring my sophomore year, I began taking classes in religion, which raised questions about my faith and Christianity as a whole. After several months, questions turned into doubts and doubts turned into a complete denial of God’s existence. My
conversations with [CCO staff member] Jamie undoubtedly saved my faith. There was a point when I just had a change of heart, something felt inexplicably different. The doubts that plagued me before just somehow seemed to no longer be able to penetrate. I was raised in the Church and have been around Christians my entire life, but I have never seen such deep faith or passionate love for Christ that I’ve witnessed in Jamie and other leaders involved in the campus ministry. Seeing that has made me desire the same type of relationship with Jesus and has shown me the tremendous results of allowing such a relationship to overtake every area of life.
After this last Jubilee, I just see the cry for God everywhere—in professors, in friends, in family members, in conferences on recidivism, in sociological theory. I now view the world and my vocational options in a significantly less selfish way. I think I would like to work somewhere in the realm of government. I have a super broad and massive dream to see this nation transformed in every way—politically, socially, and economically, pleasing to God and serving as an example and active participant in the transformation of all other nations.
I’m the type of person who wants to take on every wrong and fix it or else I’d consider the entire mission a failure. But during lessons taught at our fellowship group and Jubilee, I’ve been able to rest easy in who God is and what He’s done and will do. I will strive to do my best in all I am involved in for His glory and Kingdom’s work. But in the end, He will make good of all I bring before Him, even though I won’t be able to
solve all of the world’s problems. Understanding and living in that hope has made an incredible difference in every area of my life.” Nicole is a junior sociology major at Washington & Jefferson College.
CCO STUDENT LEADER Washington & Jefferson College Sociology
through the eyes of her campus minister
“I talk a lot to students about what it means that God has given them the passions that they have. I want students to grow in their faith in a way that they have dreams in their lives about what they can do for the Kingdom. It’s a joy to see how Nicole has taken a hold of her sociology
major and seeks to serve God through that. When I first met Nicole, I could tell that she had leadership gifts. We talked about her faith background. She is a person who knew about Jesus, and now she has come to know Him. I invited Nicole into my life. I talked to her about my own challenges, and so when she’s struggling with her own questions, she’ll ask, “Can we talk about this? I want to know what the Bible says about it. Whatever the Bible says, I’ll go with that.” I try to help students figure out what it means to worship. I want them to understand that every area of their lives can be
about worshipping God, but many don’t even know God— who He is and what it means to behold Him. So how can they have an I-can-worship-Godwith-my-whole-life perspective if they don’t really know God? That’s just another form of humanism. I want to help students really know Jesus.
ICOLE TOLD me recently, “I realize that I have this idea that I made up for myself a few years ago, and I never asked God about it. I developed this longterm plan for myself and now it doesn’t make sense.” It takes radical faith to drop a major
CCO STUDENT LEADER University of Pittsburgh at Bradford Sports Medicine
and pursue obedience in a new direction, but that is what Nicole has done. Last summer, Nicole did an independent study by traveling to South Africa to experience the Christian church there. Because of what she experienced in Africa—especially about issues of poverty—Nicole is doing another independent study this coming summer, traveling to six different poverty-stricken areas in the United States. I joined CCO staff because my life was changed by campus ministry, and I knew that the vision of the Kingdom that I got when I was a student was so compelling that I wanted other people to know about it. It’s
worth helping students know the full story—the abundance of the love of God. Institutions don’t disciple people—people need another person in their lives to help them get the fullness of discipleship.”
—Jamie Donne is the CCO
staff worker at Washington & Jefferson College.
CCO STUDENT LEADER Indiana University of Pennsylvania Communications & Media Production
through the eyes of his campus minister
C “
hido moved to the United States from Nigeria almost seven years ago. With monetary success on his mind, he began to work in Fort Wayne and attend classes at IPFW. However, he soon found himself in a crowd of people who were living for their next fix of drugs and women. The first time I met Chido, I was in
the middle of a conversation with another student on campus. We were studying Scripture and talking about baptism when Chido came over and asked for a pen to fill out some paperwork. As he sat there filling it out, he overheard our conversation and started asking questions. I didn’t know it then, but Chido had recently decided to leave his life of sin and follow Jesus. His willingness to jump right into our conversation revealed how hungry he was for the things of God. This hunger manifested itself in reading massive amounts of Scripture, spending time in prayer, and finding people to invest in him as he began his faith journey. So how does a college student “stay the course,” and not return to old vices? Chido
chose to schedule himself to work every weekend. Working the night shift at a local hotel allowed him to avoid compromising situations and literally spend hours each night reading the Bible and praying. Even though I never met “the old Chido,” I have never seen a life so radically transformed by the Gospel. As he became more involved in our weekly Bible study, Chido gradually shifted from being an observer to a participant. He has prepared and led Bible study a number of times for our group. He also performed his music at our Jubilee launch party. Chido has a boldness that wasn’t there before, and it is not confidence in himself, but in God. He is always looking for people to meet up with on a regular basis to share the Gospel and explore God’s Word together.
VER THE LAST year, it has become extremely clear that God is pulling Chido toward a life in vocational ministry. It is evident that his heart and mind are on walking with others to explore questions of faith. Being from Nigeria, he has a unique ability to connect with international students and people from other parts of the world. I often have goals, hopes, and prayers for how I want to see students grow, but first and foremost, I care about them as people. Students aren’t projects. They have real challenges, real
questions, and desire real relationships. Challenging students to grow outside of our time together makes our conversations much richer when we get together. I recognize that transformation isn’t just going to come from transferring knowledge to a younger believer; it will be in the context of a relationship.” Jonathan Wagner is the CCO staff worker at Indiana University Purdue University Fort Wayne.
CCO STUDENT LEADER Indiana-Purdue Fort Wayne Mathematics & Computer Engineering
in his own words
“Jonathan has really influenced me by his way of life. He exemplifies leadership by being deliberate and diligently investing in relationships. Bible studies with the CCO ministry have afforded me some leadership opportunities and strengthened my skills as a leader. I met Jonathan about two years ago, shortly after I committed my life to God. He was talking with an undergrad and I needed to borrow a pen. While I was filling out my form, I keyed in on the discussion he was having with this student about baptism. I found out that Jonathan was my neighbor, and he invited me to a Bible study he hosts in his apartment every Tuesday night. I started going to that and we started meeting together one-on-one. We study Scripture together and talk about a lot of personal things and areas of growth. It really is an ‘iron sharpening iron’ time.
I used to view the world through a telescope, a self-serving view looking closely at things that only interested me. However, I traded that in for a panoramic view, a picture of the world from a distance. As a result, I’m awakened to a dismal fog besetting our world, a call for me to be the change that I desire to see tomorrow.
UBILEE WAS A GREAT experience as it’s really inspired me to be more proactive about spreading the Gospel. I believe that if you’re not faithful in the little things, you can’t be faithful in the big things. I have come to understand that, as long as we’re all committed to God, we’re all in fulltime ministry.
I try to share the Gospel with students on campus and would love to do that in an official, professional capacity. I want to be in students’ lives, showing them that there’s another way. College can be one of the most vulnerable times for young people; what they decide they believe now will affect the rest of their lives. I want to help them become better people. Walking alongside Jonathan has challenged me in areas of leadership, in areas where I need to grow, and has shaped my
desire to get into fulltime ministry. Watching what Jonathan does has confirmed that this is something that I want to do. Where this may lead I’m unsure, for man may plan but God has the last word. I have long-term plans of ministry in the Middle East with teaching as an avenue to build relationships while giving back to the community.” —Chido Ezeilio is a senior at Indiana University Purdue University Fort Wayne, majoring in mathematics and computer engineering
CCO STUDENT LEADER Tepper School of Business Carnegie Mellon University Business & Statistics; Violin
CCO STUDENT LEADER California University of Pennsylvania Graphic Design; Photography
I “
in her own words
was a sheltered Christian school girl who thought she was the best at everything, who went to one of the top party schools in Ohio to play Division One soccer. If not for the
CCO’s ministry, I think I would have left Kent for a small Christian college and been the starting goalkeeper and never have many challenges in my faith because most people would agree with what I had to say about God. CCO staff have come to almost all of my home games when I wouldn’t even play a second. They made me feel loved and cared for, even though I wasn’t a starter. They cared more about me and my walk with Christ than if I was getting playing time. I don’t think I would have stayed on the soccer team without them. They saw that me on that team was the best way to spread God’s love, and they helped me find my true worth when my soccer coaches saw my worth only in my athletics.
UBILEE HAS BECOME my favorite weekend of the school year. To hear people speak about God in ways I have never heard before just makes me fall in love with Christ more. Jubilee always helps me to see God in everything. I changed my major from education to nursing the first day of preseason my freshman year. I told my coaches I wanted to go into nursing and they thought I was nuts, because it is extremely hard to do Division One soccer and nursing school. I got an internship at the hospital over this past summer, and by the end, I was overwhelmed with peace. I fell in love with nursing. I don’t know where God will send me, but I am so grateful to be in this profession. I would like to go into wound care nursing, but we will see where the Lord leads. The CCO has just been amazing to me over my college
through the ey
career. Ted and Jenna have helped me so much to figure out my passions in life and use them for God’s glory. There is a song that says, “better to light a candle than to curse the dark,” which I think wraps up how the CCO has impacted my experience at Kent. I used to hate it here because there were so few Christians, but now I wouldn’t choose anywhere else to be.” Julie is a senior nursing major at Kent State University.
“When I be a medi with relati roommate meeting with her regularly, and I connected her to a women athlete’s Bible study led by Erin, one of our student leaders. Julie attended regularly, and when Erin graduated, Holly started leading the study. After Holly graduated, Julie took over leading the study. When I meet with students, it’s always for an hour each week, and at least 30 minutes of that time is spent in the Scriptures. Julie has come such a long way from when we first met. She is an inviter—we have had eight or nine female soccer players
CCO STUDENT LEADER Kent State University Nursing & Psychology
ABOUT THE CCO The CCO (Coalition for Christian Outreach) is a campus ministry that partners with churches, colleges, and other organizations to develop men and women who live out their Christian faith in all areas of life.
Our Core Purpose is: Transforming college students to transform the world. Our ministry is distinct in three ways: 1. We develop students to be passionate leaders who serve Jesus Christ in their studies, jobs, communities, and families. 2. We partner with the church, inviting students into the life of local congregations. 3. We design each ministry to fit the needs of every campus we serve. For more about us, please visit our website: www.ccojubilee.org Photography: Caryn Carson (cover), Andrew Rush, Peter Chace, Charles Blough On Campus is produced by Bonnie Liefer and Amy Maczuzak.
yes of her campus minister
first met Julie, she said she wanted to ical missionary, but she clearly struggled ing to her classmates, teammates, and es who were not believers. I started coming to our weekly fellowship meetings, some of whom have become believers. That’s because of Julie. She now knows how to interact with non-Christians and how to go deep with people who are Christians. She will be a nurse, but I would like her to come on staff with the CCO!” —Ted Schumacher is a CCO staff worker at Kent State University.
MEMORIALS & HONOR GIFTS Given by… In Memory of… Robert and Barbara Baker James Bailey Ludwig The Swanson and Suhr families Matt Swanson Ronald DeKorte Kit DeKorte Gail Jones and family John Maczuzak Mr. and Mrs. Edward J. Adamchik John Maczuzak The Wednesday Golf League: Scott Kirschler, Jim Martini, Glenn Matthews, Gerald Ruettgers, John Kraynak, Chuck Massucci, Bill Walston, John Markiewicz, Dick DiPasquale, Dave Meister, Bernie Gordon, Rich Heil, Bob Genter, John Kubasiak, Barry Harris, Bernie Urbanek, Bill Springer, Gerald Holman, and Ed Adamchik John Maczuzak Harry and Betty Kunze John Maczuzak Charles and Betsy Ahlborn John Maczuzak Bob and Peggy Gioella John Maczuzak Peter J. Vesely John Maczuzak Al and Felicia Grigaliunas John Maczuzak Louis R. Slaby John Maczuzak Ed and Gloria Raitano John Maczuzak Allyson Sveda John Maczuzak Jill Campbell John Maczuzak Ernest and Katy Borghetti John Maczuzak John and Marian Keyes John Maczuzak Kathy Watkins John Maczuzak Ron Tokar John Maczuzak Bob and Marilyn Long John Maczuzak Felix and Yvonne Labaki John Maczuzak Luann Daugherty John Maczuzak Walt and Hope Bielich John Maczuzak Carl and Anna Blankenship Myles Compton Given by… Lauren Kornick Sue Craig Samuel and Martha Ruggiero Charles and JoAnn Haley Dorothea Shipley Beverly Beall
In Honor of… Amanda The Anewalts “The Camp Group”: Karen and David Briggs, Bob and Stephanie Rose Briggs, Howard and Sue Lefever, Mary Concoby, and Judy Anderson J. Taylor and Cami Haley, for 25 years of service Mrs. Janet Lutz Brian and Kathy Calguhoun
2014 Great Clay Getaway Sponsors and Underwriters: Anonymous Baily Agency Federal Home Loan Bank of Pittsburgh Fort Pitt Capital Group Simpson & McCrady
Cookson Peirce Todd Barnhart Farmers National Bank Joe Brendel
Nonprofit U.S. Postage PAID Pittsburgh, PA Permit # 1486 COALITION FOR CHRISTIAN OUTREACH 5912 Penn Avenue Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15206 Return Service Requested
WHY DAVE AND ANDI SCHRADER GIVE TO THE CCO Dave and Andi Schrader have been involved with the CCO since 1981. Dave was influenced by the CCO early on in his undergraduate studies at Penn State University. He currently works as a partner with the Full Circle Group helping others to grow in their leadership capabilities. Andi was instrumental, along with several other CCO friends and staff alumni, in helping to start Cornerstone Community School in Kent, Ohio, now heading into its 20th year. The curriculum of this independent school is based on the “everything matters” theology of the CCO and the Jubilee conference. They are the parents of two grown children, Ellie and Seth. How has the CCO influenced your life through the years? We were profoundly shaped by the CCO while we were on staff during our 20s. Our decision-making ability 30 years later, as well as our relationships, are largely based on how the Lord led and molded us during that time. The most special thing about being a part of the CCO then and now has been relationships. We invested in students and CCO co-workers 30 years ago and
OUR BOARD Andrew Aloe Group Chair Vistage International, Inc. Elizabeth Baker CEO Hot Metal Media LLC Robert H. Bishop Executive Vice President Janney Montgomery Scott LLC CCO Staff Alumnus Kurt E. Carlson Executive Vice President Hefren-Tillotson, Inc. The Rev. Nancy O. Chalfant-Walker Rector St. Stephen’s Episcopal Church 12 CCO Staff Alumna
many are still our best friends! What an incredible gift God granted to us when we were caring for and discipling those students so long ago. Why is it important to support the CCO today? Our story testifies to the power of the CCO, not only in the lives of the students who are touched by the Gospel day in and day out, but in the lives of the staff. Take the influence of the CCO and look out 30 years
Jennifer Ciccone Vice President, Human Resources Matthews International Ryan D. Deaderick, P.E. Production Engineering Manager Energy Corporation of America Joseph P. Diggins, Jr. Partner Ernst & Young LLP Louis A. Divers President Precision Abrasives Daniel J. Dupee President & CEO Coalition for Christian Outreach
The Rev. Dr. William R. Glaze Pastor Bethany Baptist Church Darrin E. Grove CEO TrueFit John M. Holt, Jr. President RC Holsinger Associates, PC Harry A. Kunze President & CEO Safety Works, LLC Dr. Robert R. Long Chairman Emeritus Coalition for Christian Outreach Martha McElhattan Homemaker and Volunteer
to see the creation of schools, businesses, churches, and more. That’s an incredible return on investment! If you feel the nudge to begin financially supporting this ministry, go for it! The world will continue to be a healthier place as students and CCO staff fulfill their callings.
Terrence H. Murphy Shareholder Littler Mendelson P.C. Brian T. Must Founding Member Metz, Lewis, Brodman, Must & O’Keefe, Attorneys at Law The Rev. Richard Noftzger Executive Presbyter Redstone Presbytery CCO Staff Alumnus J. Paul Organ Founder and Certified Financial Planner Marathon Financial Services CCO Staff Alumnus James W. Rimmel Senior Vice President, Investments UBS Financial Services Inc.
Have you remembered the CCO in your estate plans or through another planned gift? We would like to recognize you through the Legacy Fellowship and ensure that you receive an invitation to our second annual luncheon, scheduled for October 2014. For more information, or if you have any questions about the CCO’s ministry, please contact Allyson Sveda, Director of Development, at 412-363-3303.
Marty Roark Best Practice Chair Vistage International, Inc. James D. Roberge Managing Director Staley Capital Advisers, Inc. John S. Rosso CEO Peak Performance Management Inc. David A. Schrader, PhD Partner Full Circle Group CCO Staff Alumnus Kenneth E. Smith Chairman of the Board President Etcetera Edutainment
Lori Stuckey Homemaker and Volunteer Henry B. Suhr III Adjunct Faculty Geneva College CCO Staff Alumnus J.T. Thomas Owner Black-N-Gold Cheesecake Company Mary Martha Truschel Assistant Counsel, Southwest Regional Office PA Department of Environmental Protection Dr. John H. White President Emeritus Geneva College