CCO Church Partner Playbook 2022

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VISION VISION VISION Playbook Revised August 2022 | © Coalition for Christian Outreach Cover photo: First Presbyterian Church of Fresno




Deliverables 3 Phase 1 | Dream


Phase 2 | Discern Phase 3 | Design



Phase 4 | Build 10 Phase 5 | Launch


Phase 6 | Cultivate


Appendix A


Appendix B


Appendix C


Appendix D


OVERVIEW Since 1971, the CCO has worked closely with local churches from various denominations to call college students to serve Jesus Christ with their entire lives. With over 20 million students from around the world studying in the United States, we view the college campus as the most strategic mission field. There are over one million international students studying in the United States, and campus demographics continue to reflect increasing racial, ethnic, and socioeconomic diversity. By reaching the college campus, we reach the world. The CCO’s vision is to see a generation of college students transformed by the power of Jesus Christ and His Gospel, in partnership with the local church, reaching the world for the glory of God. The CCO is committed to reaching the college campus through partnership with the local church. We partner with the church in order that students regularly hear the Gospel preached, are discipled through intergenerational relationships, participate and serve in corporate worship, and actively serve in the church during the college years and beyond. We understand the church to be the source of and proper context for the Great Commission of gathering, equipping, and sending students into the world as disciples of Jesus (Matthew 28:16-20).


The church is actively engaged in mission to the next generation of college students. College students hear the good news of Jesus Christ and participate in the life of the church. College students are discipled in Biblical Theology, Spiritual Formation, and Missional Engagement. College students become life-long church members and leaders who serve Jesus Christ in their families, vocations, and communities.

This playbook outlines the path to establishing a thriving partnership between a local church and the CCO to reach students with the Gospel. We co-labor in every aspect of this mission: we prayerfully explore ministry opportunities in the church and on campus, discern a unified vision, determine a ministry model and strategy, and collaboratively evaluate ongoing ministry. When we share every aspect of the ministry, we share in its fruit as well.


I am the vine, you are the branches; he who abides in Me and I in him, he bears much fruit, for apart from Me you can do nothing. / John 15:5






Prayer serves as the starting point to discern ministry calling and capacity between the CCO and your church to reach a local college campus.


The CCO and potential partner will evaluate and confirm the Spirit’s leading in three specific areas: a clear calling to campus ministry, an integrated vision to effectively reach the campus, and the capacity to resource and sustain a thriving campus ministry.


When the church and the CCO have discerned a clear calling to partner and capacity to launch a sustainable campus ministry, we will define a ministry vision and strategy and determine the appropriate resources, staffing, and financial model to effectively fulfill that vision.


The church partner will delegate church leadership and a College Ministry Team to collaborate with the CCO to ensure that the vision and strategy are effectively carried out, both on campus and in the church.


The College Ministry Team and the CCO campus staff will use CCO’s Campus Ministry Playbook as a guide to map out a plan for campus ministry and communicate CCO partnership to the congregation.


The CCO provides ongoing training, resources, supervision, and networking for campus ministry success. We align our annual goal-setting, supervision, and assessment with leaders from the church partner so that ministry thrives and staff experience consistent communication of expectations and evaluation. As a ministry committed to ongoing learning and development, we update our practices, processes, and playbooks as needed to continue to pursue excellence in campus ministry in partnership with the church. We invite your feedback as we pray, discern, and partner together. 2


The following deliverables represent the most fundamental ministry results that can be expected as a result of partnership between the CCO and the church. The deliverables are based upon the CCO Campus Ministry Playbook and will be built into specific goals and strategies appropriate to the particular campus ministry context.

CHURCH • • • •

Congregational engagement in sharing the Gospel on campus. Establish a College Ministry Team and often a staff person as well to assist with the goals, strategy, and implementation of ministry to college students on campus and in the church Integration of students into the life of the church Effective communication of the fruit of ministry between the CCO, church leaders, and congregation

OUTREACH • • • • •

Strategic guidelines for best practices in campus ministry through the CCO Campus Ministry Playbook1 Ongoing new student outreach to a diversity of students as represented on campus Up-to-date student contacts in CCO database Evangelistic relationships with not-yet-Christians Relationships with key campus administrators, faculty, and staff


Arc of Discipleship curriculum: training students in Biblical Theology, Spiritual Formation, and Missional Engagement Growing number of diverse students mobilized to grow and serve in ministry on campus and in the church Regular large- and small-group Bible studies


Student Leadership Team • Opportunity for CCO Student of Color Cohort Students discipling other students Students serving in the church and on campus; equipped to faithfully serve Christ in the world



Retreats: Annual Student Retreat, Annual Student Leadership Retreat Jubilee Conference Multiethnic ministry opportunities Transformative Opportunities CCO Experiential Designs (XD) Resources

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Leadership and Discipleship in the Wilderness Ocean City Beach Project CCO spring break trips Encounter Fresno

1 See Appendix A for an explanation of CCO’s strategy and curriculum for campus ministry: Campus Ministry Playbook and Arc of Discipleship.


Prayer serves as the starting point to dream and discern ministry calling and capacity between the CCO and your church to reach a local college campus.


Therefore pray earnestly to the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into the harvest. / Matthew 9:38




We encourage you to gather a group of church leaders and congregants to pray about the mission field of the local college campus and dream about how the Holy Spirit is calling you to the campus and potential partnership with the CCO. In prayer, God often increases our concern for college students, moves us toward compassion, and compels us to action. Paying attention in prayer to the work of the Spirit in the church and on campus can either confirm a calling and capacity for campus ministry and partnership with CCO or redirect your church or the CCO to a different ministry call or timing.


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Vision: Lord, reveal to us your heart and vision for college students and the next generation of your people. Grant us wisdom to know how our church body might faithfully join you in transforming college students to transform the world. Would partnership with the CCO help us reach the next generation of college students? Context: Lord, we pray for our local campus—students and university employees in our congregation—asking for your kingdom to come on campus and in the lives of students. Resources: Lord, show us your provision for campus ministry. Who might you be calling to serve in this ministry? What resources have you given our church to steward toward the mission field of the college campus?


Take the time you need to pray, listening for the Holy Spirit’s guidance. Is your prayer team gaining the following: • a unified sense of calling to reach your local campus and students with the Gospel? • a confirmation that your congregation is ready to engage the mission to reach students on the local campus and welcome and disciple a diversity of students within the congregation? • a capacity to resource campus ministry through the stewardship of finances, staff, and volunteers?



Once we have a confirmed sense of call to campus ministry, we invite you to consider the how of campus ministry. There are many ways to reach college students, and partnership with the CCO is just one way. We want to ask along with you, Is God calling us to partner together to effectively reach the mission field of your local campus? In order to help answer that question, we have designed a discernment process to assess the feasibility for a thriving partnership between the church and the CCO. This process involves the CCO, church leaders, and volunteers.


The Feasibility Survey offers us a way for discerning how to best partner together. A group of 2-4 leaders (staff, lay leader/elder, and volunteers) will complete the Feasibility Survey. After the survey is complete, the CCO will provide your church with a comprehensive Feasibility Survey report with recommendations to discuss in a postsurvey meeting. During the post-survey meeting, we aim to deepen our relationship with church leaders and congregants to better understand the needs of your ministry context and help you better understand specific resources offered through CCO partnership as we move from discerning the feasibility of designing ministry together. Questions to guide your discernment may include: • • • •


Where have we been as a church? Where is God calling us related to campus ministry? What are the most viable needs and opportunities in our church and local campus context? Do the mission, vision, and values of CCO align with those of our church? Could a partnership with CCO help the church more effectively reach the campus based upon the needs and opportunities in our context? If so, which model of CCO partnership would be most effective?








When we have discerned a call to campus ministry and determined that partnership is the right fit at the right time both for you and the CCO, we will continue to explore the various models of CCO partnership: Next Generation Workshops, Affiliate Partner, Campus Ministry Staff, or Campus Staff Team. Once we’ve reviewed the models of partnership, we will discern which model would be most effective to meet the needs and opportunities for ministry in your context.

MODELS OF CCO STAFF PARTNERSHIP NEXT GENERATION WORKSHOPS From the Feasibility Survey, you may find that your church is not yet ready to launch a college or young adult ministry, but you want to prepare your church leadership and key volunteers with a vision for reaching the next generation in your church and community. The CCO can partner with you in cultivating a vision and strategy for next generation ministry through a consulting workshop. POTENTIAL WORKSHOP TOPICS • • • • •

The Call to Intergenerational Discipleship in Your Church Cultivating a Transformational Vision of Next Generation Ministry Mobilizing Your Church to Reach the College Campus Developing a Missiology to Reach the Next Generation Church Readiness: Student Integration

AFFILIATE PARTNERSHIP The Affiliate partnership is a training cohort designed for 1-3 church staff or volunteers committed to investing in the lives of college students and young adults in your context. Affiliate partnership serves to equip, network, resource, and coach churches to effectively reach the next generation. AFFILIATE COHORT INCLUDES • • • •


Six virtual webinars on Hospitality, Evangelism, and Discipleship Up to three Jubilee conference passes for participants One coaching session focused on reaching students in your context Recommended resources for College & Young Adult Ministry

CAMPUS MINISTRY STAFF CCO employees who serve as campus ministry staff placed within the staff team of the church can be full time or part time. The cost is determined based upon salary, benefits, employment costs, training, and a programming budget. • • • • • •

CAMPUS MINISTRY STAFF TEAM WITH CCO FELLOW(S) The CCO Fellowship Program involves developing a strategy for equipping the next generation of ministry leaders for the campus and the church. It is a one-year opportunity ( June 1 through May 31) for a Fellow to minister to college students while being mentored by experienced CCO campus ministry staff in the context of a church partner. The Fellowship Program provides intensive biblical and ministry training, intentional and strategic ministry experience, and mentoring toward a call to vocational ministry. Throughout the year, evaluations and assessments assist in discerning whether the Fellow will apply for career positions in campus ministry with the CCO or move on to other opportunities in the church or workplace. • • • •


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A job description is created collaboratively between the CCO and the partner church based upon vision, goals, strategy, and outcomes, using the CCO Job Description Template.1 Talent acquisition, hiring, and placement of a staff person are done collaboratively between the CCO and the church partner, following the interviewing and hiring processes of the CCO. The CCO provides new staff training and ongoing training in biblical foundations, strategic ministry practices, and sustainable ministry funding. Regular supervision, coaching, and performance reviews are provided by a CCO Supervisor in collaboration with a Partnership Supervisor. CCO staff participate in a regional team of CCO campus staff for encouragement and best practices. CCO conferences, resources, and networking opportunities in college ministry are offered. The CCO serves as the employer and processes all payroll and financial contributions. The church partner commits to an annual financial contribution. The CCO handles all benefits administration (medical, dental, vision, 401k, etc.).

The full-time CCO staff person serves as the Campus Staff Mentor and supervisor for the CCO Fellow. The CCO Fellow is employed by the CCO but serves within the ministry context of the partner and collaborates within the College Ministry Team. Housing is provided as part of the compensation package for a Fellow. The partnership assists in finding and securing housing for the Fellow during their year of ministry through their church and community networks. The CCO Fellow is responsible for raising financial support for their stipend.

1 See Appendix B for Job Description Template



The CCO Financial Model is shared between three contributors: CCO Next Generation Fund, church partnership contribution, and the CCO staff person’s support raising. These three contributions cover the entire cost of employment, including employment costs, training costs, medical benefits (health, vision, and dental, option for 401k), salary, and programming expenses. A budget based upon these categories in each particular context is created between the church and the CCO. The church contribution is confirmed with a start date through a signed Partnership Agreement after a CCO candidate has accepted an offer. Finances are evaluated on an annual basis in light of any changes in the cost of benefits, salary changes based on performance, programming needs, or other factors that may arise. Upon annual reviews, decisions are made to increase the partnership contribution annually.






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Together, we identify, recruit, call, and place qualified campus ministry staff or volunteers within the church and campus context to carry out the campus ministry design. The church works to develop a team of volunteers to pray for and participate in campus ministry with the CCO staff person. The CCO provides training and resources for the staff person to successfully launch campus ministry.


Over the years, we found that a College Ministry Team is critical to the success of our shared ministry to students and sets a precedent that college ministry is not done by one person, but by the collaboration of the CCO, campus ministry staff, and church community. The CMT will consist of a diversity1 of congregants and church leaders with various skills and gifts. This team is tasked with shepherding the college ministry from the beginning, through the development of ministry, to its growth and flourishing over many years. INVITATION + COMMITMENTS

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Invite congregants with a heart for the next generation and skills for ministry engagement to serve on the CMT with the option of using the CCO’s case statement for CMT engagement.2 Establish a length of time for a team member’s commitment and make that clear as you onboard new members. We recommend at least a one-year commitment. Establish a regular meeting schedule. We recommend once a month, especially during the first two years of ministry. Use skills, relationships, and resources to help serve and support the campus ministry.


Here are some examples: • Pray for students, campus, ministry, staff, prayer walk campus, etc. • Learn about this generation of college students, higher education in general, and your specific campus demographics • Connect by bringing students along with you to the things you already do with the church, be a presence on campus to meet students, welcome students into the church community • Serve by helping with whole group gathering, lead small groups, make cookies for events, mentor a student, etc. • Communicate with the congregation ongoing developments and opportunities in campus ministry.

ESTABLISH A CCO PARTNERSHIP SUPERVISOR This person is a church staff member/leader who has the knowledge and authority to initiate church processes in regard to finances, the CCO partnership agreement3, and staff and ministry evaluation. They will facilitate the relationship with both the CCO 1 We recommend this team intentionally reflect ethnic, intergenerational and vocational/life experience diversity from within the church 2 Provided by the CCO upon request 3 See Appendix C for an example agreement


organizationally as well as collaborate with the CCO Supervisor to evaluate the CCO staff and ongoing ministry. ENTER CCO INTERVIEW & PLACEMENT PROCESS TO HIRE A CCO STAFF PERSON The partner will establish an interview team that consists of the church staff, CCO partnership supervisor, and members of the College Ministry Team. This team will approve an interview and hiring budget with the CCO, review resumes, participate in interviews, and make decisions with the CCO in regard to hiring a CCO staff member. Interview & Placement Overview: • RESUME/APPLICATION | Interested applicants submit a resume and cover letter online at Resumes and applications are reviewed and vetted by the CCO Talent Acquisition & Mobilization Team.

INITIAL INTERVIEW | The CCO Talent Acquisition & Mobilization Team completes an initial interview and collects references. In this interview, the candidate’s education and experience are reviewed and a series of behavioral-based questions following the CCO hiring criteria4 are asked. Approved candidates are recommended to CCO Hiring Managers.

CCO HIRING MANAGER INTERVIEW | The CCO Hiring Manager completes an interview and either recommends redirection of a candidate or recommends fully vetted candidates for partner review. This interview involves questions that are related to the specific ministry context. The Hiring Manager will choose top candidates to recommend to the partner.

PARTNERSHIP INTERVIEWS | The CCO Hiring Manager will present 1-3 candidate profiles for approved candidates. • Online Screening | The partner then chooses the candidates with whom to complete an initial screening via video or phone to determine if the partner would like to invite that candidate for an onsite interview. • Onsite Interview |The CCO Talent Acquisition & Mobilization Team will extend the official invitation to the candidate for an onsite interview. The Partner Interview Team will work with the CCO Hiring Manager to develop an itinerary and facilitate an onsite interview that includes: • a formal interview with the Interview Team and CCO Hiring Manager • a tour of the local campus and opportunity to meet student(s) if possible • engagement in church life (worship service, college/young adult group, etc.) • The CCO Hiring Manager or a CCO Representative must be present (inperson or via Zoom) for the formal interview portion of the in-person visit. • The CCO requires all partners to complete a CCO Partner Interview Evaluation5 for each in-person interview that is completed. Note: one evaluation per interview panel per candidate will suffice.


4 See Appendix D 5 Given at the time of interview


The CCO Talent Acquisition & Mobilization Team will invite the candidate to interview and provide the itinerary developed by the CCO Hiring Manager and Partnership. The candidate is responsible for scheduling all travel and lodging arrangements. The CCO reimburses a certain amount based on level of travel according to the CCO Onsite Travel Policy. 6

OFFER OR REDIRECT The Interview Team and CCO Hiring Manager decide whether to offer or redirect candidates. As the employer, the CCO is solely responsible for communicating offers to candidates or redirecting them. The standard amount of time in which the CCO expects a decision to be made and communicated to an extended offer is 48 hours. A longer time frame can be negotiated; however, once deadlines are set they should be abided. The CCO communicates to candidates at the time of offer that if a decision regarding the offer extended is not received by the deadline set, the CCO reserves the right to alter or rescind the offer. Adherence to set deadlines and boundaries is a way that the CCO seeks to steward and care for our partners and candidates. The CCO recommends June 1 or January 1 as start dates in order to best train and prepare staff to launch on campus at the beginning of a semester. Start date refers to the day the CCO staff person begins work with the CCO and the church partner begins payment toward the partnership contribution. If a candidate needs to undergo the CCO’s New Staff Training, they will not officially start responsibilities within the partnership until New Staff Training is complete. Most candidates are required to attend New Staff Training unless they completed the CCO’s Fellowship Program or are transitioning as a veteran CCO staff member from another CCO ministry context. Other start dates are possible at different times of the year with ⅓ of the staff person’s time during the first three months committed to support raising and CCO training.

6 Policy reviewed at the time of onsite interview planning. Please note: the amount the CCO reimburses is designed to assist with travel expenses but not cover the full travel costs of the candidate. Partnerships are encouraged to contribute to travel costs if able. All candidate travel contributions from partners should be coordinated with the CCO Hiring Manager/Partnership Specialist, not the candidate directly.






— Navigating a smooth and effective onboarding process is essential to successfully launching the ministry. That process is as follows: CCO STAFF SUPPORT RAISING MINISTRY TRAINING Support Raising Ministry (SRM) is one of the most important factors in staff success and retention. Once a candidate accepts an offer, the CCO sends them a Support Raising Ministry Kit, which includes theological frameworks for fundraising, support raising resources, and best practices. We expect staff to reach full support within three months of their start date. If the staff person does not reach their goals, they are assigned a CCO Support Raising Coach to strategically assist in reaching that goal as soon as possible. It is the CCO’s expectation that the percentage of time working on support raising will be greater than the campus or partnership responsibilities until the staff person reaches full support. NEW STAFF TRAINING REQUIREMENTS The CCO provides excellent training and resources for staff to succeed in campus ministry. Staff who are beginning their first year of ministry (including all CCO Fellows) will be required to attend all of New Staff Training, which typically starts in June and lasts through the third week of July. Independent Study with coaching from a CCO supervisor is also an option for those who may have an approved alternative start date. NEW STAFF TRAINING SCHEDULE Summer New Staff Training: June and July • Support Raising Ministry Training • Orientation to CCO history, marketing, and employment policies • Planning a strategy for campus: CCO Campus Ministry Playbook and Arc of Discipleship Winter Conference: January (one week) Spring Regional Training: April or May (one to two days) Training Cohorts: offered by CCO training department annually based on ministryspecific trends for professional development. RELOCATE CAMPUS STAFF New staff typically relocate to the partnership context during the last week of July or early August upon completion of New Staff Training. Partners have the option to contribute toward moving expenses. We invite you to contribute a one-time donation to the staff person’s CCO Ministry Account from which the staff is able to reimburse approved moving expenses.


MARKETING IN THE PARTNERSHIP As we partner together to bring the Gospel to campus, it’s important that both the CCO and the church are represented in how the partnership and staff are introduced to the church and the local campus. The CCO staff person will have a specific page on the CCO website that highlights the staff person, church partner (with a link to the church website), and local campus outreach. When the CCO staff person is mentioned on the church’s website or newsletters, we ask that the CCO be mentioned with a link to the CCO website as well ( The partner is encouraged to use CCO marketing videos and resources to help communicate the college ministry to your congregation. CCO staff have access to these videos and resources through the CCO Staff Only website. MARKETING ON CAMPUS Campus ministries are branded as both CCO and the partnering church. This brings clarity to who we are to students and the university. Where that may not be possible, we seek to co-brand and communicate clearly who we are in a way that fits the ministry context. • We recommend the church and the CCO be listed together on marketing materials. • The CCO can prepare a display and incorporate the name of the partner on it to be used for campus activity fairs or events. • If the name of the college/university is used, we will be careful and clear that we serve students from that college/university and CCO staff are not actually employees or representatives of the college/university itself. Therefore, it is not CCO practice to use any official college/university logos in marketing without written permission obtained from the college/university.



We want our language and visual media to reflect the unity we have in partnership. Everywhere we describe our partnership, in words or images, we strive to have the CCO and church name included. Below are some examples.


Ivan Strong Moore College Ministry Director Hope Church EPC | CCO Campus Ministry University of Memphis 14


The CCO provides ongoing training, supervision, networking, and assessment for campus ministry staff. We align our annual goal-setting, supervision, and performance reviews with leaders from the partnership so that ministry thrives and staff experience consistent expectations and communication.


The CCO has a deep commitment to the ongoing development and spiritual health of our staff. We provide both in-person and virtual training and equip one another throughout the year. Where possible, we work with our local partners to host these events or contribute to the content for shared learning and development of the ministry.


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Practical equipping for ministry to diverse student populations and issues faced by college students today, including CCO Campus Ministry Playbook and Annual Ministry Plan Theological development through the teaching of partnership pastors, seminary professors, and guest theologians, and the opportunity to enroll in seminary courses through Trinity School for Ministry Access to resources for personal and professional development to cultivate a lifestyle of learning for staff members, including CCO Arc of Discipleship curriculum, Hearts and Minds Bookstore recommendations and discounts Spiritual formation, prayer, and worship with the CCO community, as well as access to a CCO Spiritual Director


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Summer Conference—one week in July Winter Conference—one week in January Regional Spring Staff Seminar—one or two days in the spring CCO Professional Development Cohorts—online classes on campus ministry focus areas CCO Labs—guest speakers on topics related to campus ministry All CCO Staff have five professional development days per calendar year

We encourage pastors and College Ministry Team members to participate in CCO training or regional gatherings alongside CCO staff when possible.


ONGOING SUPPORT RAISING MINISTRY (SRM) ACCOUNTABILITY The CCO provides extensive training and ongoing coaching in SRM to help sustain CCO staff at full funding. Similar to every other aspect of ministry, Support Raising Ministry flourishes with prayer, advocacy, and encouragement from those surrounding the staff person in both the CCO and the partnership.


Thriving college ministry in partnership with the local church happens when there is consistency and alignment between the partnership, the CCO, and the campus staff person. We structure ministry to reinforce the mutual expectations outlined in the job description and the CCO Campus Ministry Playbook.

SUPERVISION The CCO serves as the official employer of the campus staff person and thus assumes primary supervisory responsibility. We recognize, however, that campus staff function in the context of a local church. Therefore, we ask the church to designate a Partnership Supervisor who will maintain the relationship with the CCO and collaborate with the CCO Supervisor to sustain ministry through clear expectations, communication, and accountability for CCO campus staff. The CCO performs all official communication for employment decisions. These decisions will be made in conversation and agreement with the Partnership Supervisor. The Partnership Supervisor will make decisions regarding partnership funding and sign the annual Partnership Agreement forms. The CCO Supervisor and Partnership Supervisor regularly communicate in order to review ministry reports, assess progress, and coach Campus Staff for effective ministry to students. Together, they will determine a schedule for consistent communication and meetings that fit the needs of the staff person and ministry context.



At a minimum, the CCO Staff Director and Partnership Supervisor meet: • during the summer to review the CCO Annual Ministry Plan. • at the end of the calendar year for a Partnership Health Assessment. • at the end of the academic year to review the CCO’s Year-End Performance Evaluation and Campus Statistics.

EVALUATING & IMPROVING If the staff person shows unhealthy work patterns or consistently fails to carry out specific job functions, the Partnership Supervisor will first consult with the CCO Supervisor to plan communication with the CCO staff person about expectations for improvement, using the CCO’s Performance Improvement Plan.


The CCO’s Performance Improvement Plan: • defines required expectations for improvement. • delineates a clear timeline for progress. • describes the consequences of not meeting expectations in the prescribed time frame. The CCO will not add organizational responsibilities to campus staff (e.g., serving as a trainer for New Staff Training, the Ocean City Beach Project or other summer opportunities) without consulting and agreeing with the Partnership Supervisor. Likewise, the Partnership should not add new responsibilities within the church or otherwise adjust the campus staff job description without communicating and agreeing with the CCO Supervisor.


As in any ministry context, we anticipate staffing changes, and we want to steward our partnership beyond the tenure of any one staff person. When staff transitions do occur, we want to remind the partner that the CCO serves as the employer and carries out all formal communication and documentation regarding the campus staff ’s employment status. Steps for effective campus staff transition: • The CCO Supervisor and Partnership Supervisor evaluate the ministry vision, job description, and funding needs in order to determine what changes, if any, need to be made to the position. • The Partnership Supervisor will re-confirm church approval of the CCO partnership and funding through signing the Partnership Agreement Form. • All parties will re-engage the CCO Interview and Placement Process outlined in the CCO Partner Playbook to interview and hire a new campus staff person.

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APPENDIX A | MINISTRY RESOURCES DESCRIPTION CCO CAMPUS MINISTRY PLAYBOOK + ARC OF DISCIPLESHIP The Church has, throughout her history, worked to “equip the saints for the works of ministry, to build up the body of Christ” (Eph. 4.12). The CCO seeks to come alongside the church to disciple the next generation of college students in three primary areas: Biblical Theology, Spiritual Formation, and Missional Engagement. The Arc of Discipleship serves as our curriculum for this discipleship. The Arc consists of 72 weeks worth of whole-group teaching, small-group studies, prompts for triad discipleship, activities, resources, prayers, and more. CCO staff are trained in this curriculum through ongoing training provided by the CCO. Biblical Theology — The people of God are a people of a particular story. That story is revealed to us through the Scriptures. Students prepared to serve the Church and the world know the story of God and where they fit into it. Students learn to view the world through the lens of the Bible, specifically through the four-part Biblical narrative of Creation, Fall, Redemption, and Consummation. Spiritual Formation — Living in this story can be difficult. Sin, opposing cultural narratives, and a host of other forces threaten to pull us into other stories. Remaining rooted in the True narrative, the Biblical narrative, requires practice. Students equipped to serve the Church and the world embody the practices that God’s people use to sustain their Christian life—practices that keep us rooted in the Story of God and out of which true mission flows. Students will learn the spiritual practices that have formed the people of God throughout history and continue to do so in the present age. Missional Engagement — We disciple students to view the world Biblically and conform every aspect of their lives to the Lordship of Jesus Christ in service to the Church and the world. College students are the leaders of tomorrow in the Church, the neighborhood, the market, the academy, the public sphere, and more, so it is crucial to give students mentored leadership in each of these areas during their time in college. College is the perfect time to be taught and shaped for leadership within the context of the Church. The CCO’s Campus Ministry Playbook is the how-to manual for creating rhythms and structures designed to engage students with the Arc of Discipleship in the context of the campus and the church. It includes a bird’s-eye view of the typical CCO year, as well as guidelines for pioneering CCO ministry. We expect that staff will take the descriptions here and find ways in which to implement them within their particular school and church context.


APPENDIX B | JOB DESCRIPTION TEMPLATE CAMPUS MINISTRY STAFF, (REGION) In Partnership with Name of Partnership | Name of Partnership Title (if applicable) Ministering to students at Name of College/University

OUR MISSION Our mission is transforming college students to transform the world. We call college students to serve Jesus Christ with their entire lives by: 1. sharing the Gospel with students and developing passionate disciples of Jesus Christ 2. serving together with the church and inviting students into the lives of local congregations 3. giving students a vision for serving Jesus Christ in their studies, jobs, communities, and families OUR VISION Our vision is to see a generation of college students transformed by the power of Jesus Christ and His Gospel, in partnership with the local church, reaching the world for the glory of God. OUR VALUES 1. All things belong to God. 2. Jesus changes people’s lives. 3. We love college students.

4. We embrace God’s multiethnic kingdom. 5. Faithfulness is pursued together. 6. We celebrate life.

OUR MODEL At the core of CCO ministry is the understanding that God works through the Church to fulfill His purposes in the world. This means the local church is the proper context for gathering, equipping, and sending students into a life-long Kingdom mission. Our partnership model ensures the CCO and local church gather around a shared vision, design a ministry strategy, and choose a campus ministry staff person together who will help mobilize the church to reach students and develop them as future Christian leaders. PURPOSE OF POSITION

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Catalyze Kingdom transformation at [Name of college or university] by sharing the Gospel, inviting students into the life of the local church, and mobilizing the Christian community and churches to engage ministry on campus. Develop deep collaboration between church/community members and students that promotes strong biblical discipleship, life-long commitment to the Church, and the flourishing of Christ’s Kingdom in their local context and all areas of life.


RESPONSIBILITIES CAMPUS ENGAGEMENT • Create and continually revise a plan for ministry according to the CCO’s Annual Ministry Plan and Campus Ministry Playbook. • Ensure a consistent and visible presence of [Partnership Name] on campus and in meeting with students through regular participation in [Name of College or University]’s activities. • Collect and maintain student contact information and follow up and invite students to ministry opportunities. • Plan and facilitate gatherings of students on campus throughout the week that include prayer, teaching, evangelism, leadership development, and applying Scriptures to life, in college and beyond. • Invite students regularly to the weekly gathering of the church, recruit students to attend the CCO’s Jubilee conference and other transformative opportunities. • Establish a healthy relationship with the university that honors the guidelines of the university for outside organizations and contributes toward sustainable campus access for the CCO at [Name of College or University]. • Partnership-specific duties and responsibilities. CAMPUS ENGAGEMENT • Effectively and consistently communicate the vision and progress of college ministry within the church. • Connect students into discipleship opportunities and relationships within the church body. • Invite and equip congregants to provide hospitality, mentorship, and discipleship of college students with the aim of sending them out as leaders to their spheres of influence. • Contribute to the overarching goals and efforts of the entire church by being an active part of the staff team and maintaining a servant-leadership mentality in all aspects of ministry. • Partnership-specific duties and responsibilities LEADERSHIP DEVELOPMENT • Develop and mobilize student leaders to co-labor in the on-campus fellowship, and through evangelism and Bible studies. • Disciple and mobilize leaders among students at [Name of College/University and Partnership Name] to faithfully live out their faith in service and evangelism. • Partnership-specific duties and responsibilities. MINISTRY CONTEXT & PARTNERSHIP • Attend regular [Name of Church] staff meetings. • Partnership-specific duties and responsibilities.


OTHER PROJECTS & DUTIES ASSIGNED • Additional responsibilities, duties, or projects. • Participate in all required CCO training. • Report ministry outcomes through CCO Mid-Year Reflection and Annual Campus Stats documents. • Pray regularly and frequently for the ministry of the CCO. • Exceed 100% of support raising ministry goals. • Complete other duties and projects as assigned. REQUIREMENTS EDUCATION • Bachelor’s Degree Required, Masters Preferred (if applicable to position) EXPERIENCE • Required and preferred experience (if applicable) SKILL • • • • • •

SET Hard Skill: Position Related. Soft Skill: Position Related. Soft Skill: Collaborates with teams. Soft Skill: Manages competing priorities and tasks in a timely manner. Soft Skill: Displays initiative and can work independently. Soft Skill: Ability to engage a wide range of audiences.

SPIRITUAL HEALTH • Nurture growth through regular worship in a local church, prayer, Scripture study, and other spiritual disciplines. PERSONAL CONDUCT • Displays personal conduct consistent with CCO Statement of Faith, CCO Core Values, and the CCO Employee Handbook. PROFESSIONAL GROW TH • Plan and pursue professional development opportunities approved by department lead.

WORK VALUE • Maturity to be a pastoral presence in the lives of college students • Demonstrates a passion for the Gospel, the church, and college students • Proactive in preparation and timely in response • Encourages the growth and development of others • Values excellence APPENDIX

OTHER REQUIREMENTS • Ability to lift 20 pounds (if applicable to position) • Valid driver’s license and reliable transportation for travel (if applicable to position)


APPENDIX C | PARTNERSHIP AGREEMENT [Partner Name] [Date] [Partner Address] Dear [Salutation Name]: This letter serves to confirm our agreement to have [CCO Staff Name] serve in partnership between [Partner Name] and the CCO (Coalition for Christian Outreach). As we partner in ministry, CCO [Supervisor’s Title], [CCO Supervisor Name], will work with [Title of Partnership Supervisor] to align our mutual supervision of [CCO Staff Name] in regard to setting ministry objectives and performance evaluations. All job description adjustments will be discussed by all parties before implementation. In order to ensure the ongoing enhancement of skills and abilities among our campus staff, the CCO provides a training program and a network of peers in college student ministry. Training time is well spent in terms of morale, networking, and best practice and resource sharing, so that campus staff might thrive in their work. The CCO encourages all staff to take an additional five days throughout each school year for ongoing professional development and specialized training. These days vary from staff person to staff person, and in the spirit of partnership, must be mutually agreed upon prior to use. The required CCO training for [CCO Staff Name] includes these dates: Summer Institute | July TBD Winter Conference | January TBD Spring Staff Seminar | Dates TBD For scheduling purposes, the Jubilee conference is set for February TBD CCO provides [CCO Staff Name] with three weeks of vacation per full year of working. Vacation time should not interfere with partnership responsibilities. Additionally, all CCO staff have access to a maximum of twelve sick days per year, which may be used in the case of personal illness that inhibits a staff person’s ability to perform work functions. According to this agreement, [Partner Name] will contribute the following monthly payment from June 2022 through May 2023: [Monthly Partner Payment Amount] [for CCO Staff Name]


We ask that these payments be sent by the 10th of each month to: CCO Attn: Glenn Salo 5912 Penn Avenue Pittsburgh, PA 15206 Payments may also be made through a direct deposit. For further information, please contact Ryan Heimann (412.363.3303, The CCO will be responsible for all salary administration, deductions, and benefits, and is the employer in all of these financial relations. I am enclosing a second copy in order that you may indicate its acceptability and return it for our records. Thank you for your commitment to partnership in ministry to college students! Sincerely,

Director of Strategic Partnerships Enclosures

_______________________________ Approved for [Partner Name]




Evaluations of candidates are to be based on the affirmation of three principles in each key: • Conviction: The candidate shares a common motivation and primary conviction for why we do campus ministry. There is a calling. • Competency: The candidate has demonstrated they are competent in ministry, knowing what to do and how to do it. There is a capacity. • Consistency: The candidate demonstrates a clear pattern and rhythm of living out their competencies and conviction proactively, knowing where and when to exercise these actions. Rating Scale

1. Demonstrates no shared conviction for campus ministry. 2. Demonstrates potential shared conviction for campus ministry. 3. Demonstrates clear shared conviction for campus ministry. 4. Demonstrates clear shared conviction for campus ministry and clear competency in ministry, but lacks some experience. 5. Demonstrates clear shared conviction for campus ministry, clear competency in ministry, and clear pattern and rhythm of ministry in experience and lifestyle.

Hiring Criteria


Ministry Calling

(1) I am passionate about transforming college students to transform the world.

CCO Mission: Gospel, Church, Vision


(1) I can communicate the Gospel. (2) I know how to build relationships with non-Christians. — (1) I know the importance of the church. (2) I am currently involved in the life of a local church. (3) I understand and can communicate the importance of involvement in a local church. — (1) I am a follower of Jesus Christ. (2) I live my life through the lens of the Gospel.


(1) I can effectively communicate. (2) I am able to explain the mission of the CCO.

Evangelism & Discipleship

(1) I initiate relationships with non-Christians, share the content of the Gospel message, and invite them into a relationship with Christ. (2) I intentionally invest in others to prepare them for evangelism and discipleship. (3) I have a plan for where their discipleship should lead.

Hiring Criteria


Multiethnic Ministry

(1) I understand and am committed to the Biblical position of racial justice and equity. (2) I build relationships with people of other ethnic backgrounds. (3) I learn about myself from those who are different than me. (4) I am aware of my own cultural identity.

Biblical Worldview & Spiritual Disciplines

Human Sexuality

(1) I have a strong knowledge of the Bible and Christ’s role throughout Scripture. (2) My decisions, thoughts, and actions flow out of faith rooted in Scripture. (3) I have a consistent devotional life and deeply rooted relationship with Jesus Christ. (4) I articulate God’s plan laid out in the metanarrative of Scripture (creation, fall, redemption, consummation). (5) This frames my perspective on life and discipleship.

(1) I understand and am committed to the Biblical position of human sexuality and marriage.

Problem Solving & Conflict Resolution

(1) I approach conflict through the lens of scripture. (2) I am able to analyze complex issues and come up with Godhonoring and professional solutions. (3) I am collaborative in seeking solutions.

Flexibility/ Adaptability

(1) I am able to adapt to changing work environments, priorities, etc.

Character & Attitude

(1) I have a teachable spirit and handle criticism with poise and faithfulness. (2) I believe in God’s provision and that all I have belongs to God. (3) I believe in stewarding God’s provision and resources.

Life Skills & Strategic Process

(1) I plan and manage my time in an effective and efficient manner. (2) I hold to a healthy rhythm of work and rest. (3) I discern needs and put into action a plan to meet those needs.

Support Raising (1) I trust the Lord for my provision. (2) I have raised support for ministry. (3) I have the ability to explain my work and ask someone to make a financial investment in it. (4) I have the capacity and the network to raise support for ministry. (1) I have planned, led, and evaluated small-group Bible studies. (Fellows & Campus Only)

Leadership Development

(1) I intentionally invest in others to prepare for faithful service. (2) I identify student leaders. (Campus Only) (3) I multiply leaders who focus on evangelism and discipleship. (Campus Only) (4) I know how to empower and delegate responsibilities to a team. (Campus & Leadership Only) (5) I have responsible expectations of management and staff. (Leadership Only)

Community Living

(1) I am comfortable with living in a community living situation. (Fellows/Interns Only) (2) I have the ability to set healthy relational boundaries.


Small Group Leadership







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