Welcome............................2 General Info........................4 Jubilee Cross-Cultural............6 Morning & Late Night Ops....8 Maps..................................9 Gathering Notes...............11 Workshop Notes................18 Workshops......................24 Speakers and Artists...........36 Exhibitor Info.....................51 Speaker Books...................52 Recommended Reading......55
THANKS TO OUR SPONSORS Acton Institute Bethany Christian Services Compassion International GoCorps The High Calling Blog The Humane Society of the United States Knox Theological Seminary Liberate PovertyCure Resolution Hope She’s My Sister Threads // LifeWay
3:00 p.m. Registration Opens 7:30 p.m. Gathering A 10:30 p.m. Late Night Ops
9:00 a.m. Workshop 1 10:30 a.m. Gathering B 12:30 p.m. Lunch Break 2:30 p.m. Workshop 2 4:00 p.m. Workshop 3 5:30 p.m. Dinner Break 7:30 p.m. Gathering C 10:30 p.m. Late Night Ops
9:00 a.m. Workshop 4 10:30 a.m. Gathering D
large-group sessions that are held in the main ballroom
smaller-group sessions designed around specific topics
The CCO (Coalition for Christian Outreach) is a campus ministry that partners with churches, colleges, and other organizations to develop men and women who live out their Christian faith in every area of life. Our ministry is distinct in three ways: 1. Our ministry is transformational. We challenge the students we serve to submit every area of their lives to Jesus Christ. 2. We partner with churches, colleges, and other organizations, placing our staff in strategic positions of influence on campus. Most of our staff people serve as an arm of the local church on campus, while others work in the chaplain’s office or in multicultural relations, student services, wilderness ministry, service learning, athletics, or residence life. 3. We do contextual ministry, meaning that our staff people adjust to the needs of the particular campus at which they serve. No two CCO ministries look exactly alike.
TRANSFORM EVERYTHING God made it all, and God cares about it all. God created everything good, and while everything is now twisted and distorted, it is still a part of God’s good creation. That is why Jesus—Immanuel, God with us—came to live among us: to transform everything back to its undistorted state. That’s what God calls us—as followers of Jesus, enlivened by the Holy Spirit—to engage for His Kingdom’s sake. Transformation. Of everything. With the world around us shouting that everything is broken, or that we are the true center of the universe, or that the only thing that we should be about is selffulfillment, it’s time to take a deeper look into the truth of the Gospel and how we are called by God to be agents of change—of transformation. The Gospel of Jesus Christ, the promise that His sacrifice makes possible the redemption and restoration of the whole world, means that how we treat our roommates, how we view business transactions, how we study, play, work, and interact with everyone we meet can make a difference in the world. How we live out our faith in Jesus Christ can transform the way things are into the way God intended them to be. Our hope for that this weekend is that God will expose you to new ideas, new passions, new callings, and fresh meaning for your life. We pray that you will be transformed into a change agent for God’s Kingdom. After all, the whole story of the Bible points us to God’s work of changing a broken world back into the perfectly aligned and thriving creation He originally intended. While we know that Jesus will be the ultimate restorer, as bearers of His image and members of His body, He invites us into the family business—to create signposts in our pieces of the everything that will point toward their ultimate restoration. We have designed Jubilee to introduce you to people who are seeking to live their lives as those signposts. As you process what you are hearing, you will understand more deeply your place in the larger work that Christ is doing in the world. We hope that this weekend will transform you, and that you will return to your campuses encouraged, inspired, and equipped to be a part of the transformation of everything around you.
WE ARE RESPONSIBLE Connect with us! We want to see #jubilee2013 through your eyes. Tweet to us, share your Instagram photos, and share with your friends on Facebook! @livingjubilee #jubilee2013
@jubilee #jubilee2013
Check out our mobile conference site! 3
make the most of your jubilee experience...
Jubilee HQ
Name Tags
Hotel Info
We’ll refer to Jubilee HQ a lot this weekend. Jubilee HQ is your one-stop source for any information you’ll need about the conference. It is located outside the Spirit of Pittsburgh Ballroom in the Convention Center. Swing by the store and take advantage of special conference prices! You’ll find books by conference speakers, books by tons of other great authors, and the newest resources from Hearts and Minds Bookstore.
You’ll need to wear your name tag for admission to all Jubilee events throughout the weekend. (That’s why we provided the handy and stylish lanyard it hangs on. You’re welcome.) You cannot call outside the Westin from your hotel room phone. However, you can call from room to room inside the hotel. Room service is available on a cash basis.
Check Out
Everyone must be checked out of the rooms by 1 p.m. on Sunday. If you traveled here by car or van, it’s a good idea to check out of your hotel room before Gathering D. Take your luggage to your vehicle and turn your room key in at the front desk.
Image Policy
Your attendance at Jubilee 2013 implies permission for the CCO (and personnel or agencies authorized by them) to reproduce your image, video likeness, and voice in CCO events coverage. Thank you!
CLOSECHURCHES Allegheny Center Alliance Church
First Presbyterian Church
First English Evangelical Lutheran Church
St. Benedict the Moor (Roman Catholic)
250 East Ohio Street Pittsburgh, PA 15212 (412) 321-4333 Sunday, 8:30 a.m.
615 Grant Street Pittsburgh, PA 15219 (412) 471-8125 Sunday, 8:30 a.m.
320 Sixth Avenue Pittsburgh, PA 15222 (412) 471-3436 Sunday, 10:45 a.m.
Centre Avenue at Crawford Street Pittsburgh, PA 15219 (412) 281-3141 Sunday, 9 a.m. Look for CCO staff members Maddie du Breuil and Sam Taylor at Jubilee HQ at 8:15 a.m. to join the group walking to Mass.
The Holy Spirit is the power of this conference. Pray for the sessions, pray for one another, pray for the people you disagree with and those who are driving you crazy. Pray for an open heart. Take a prayer walk through the city. Slip into the Prayer Room (the Armstrong Room at the Westin) for a space to pray or to be prayed for throughout the weekend.
Jubilee gathers together a rare community of people from all over the country. You’ll find women and men who share your calling, interests, passions, and some with whom you have little in common. These connections provide incredible opportunities to explore, discuss, learn, and discern together. Look up friends from previous Jubilees and make new ones. Re-imagine the world together, share what’s working on your campus, put your frustrations and triumphs into words. Meals are a perfect time for this, so never eat alone!
You won’t want to miss the exhibits! The organizations attending are offering great resources and opportunities. Stop by these booths to connect, network, and learn. And this year, you can win prizes by visiting with exhibitors! Stop by at least 10 exhibitor booths, have your card validated after your conversation, then be entered to win prizes! Drop your completed card off at Jubilee HQ.
We’re thrilled that this weekend will challenge you to think in new ways about old ideas, or to discover old thoughts about new things. Don’t be afraid to have some fun as you think. God has invited us to be part of His work in the world— that’s a great reason to have a party. Jubilee is our party and we’re so glad you are here!
Visit us at Booth 107 and sign up today!
Your work matters. Press on. Ryan fell in love with winemaking. A few years ago, he left a full-time music ministry, moved his young family to Oregon and became a small-batch artisanal wine producer. Today he operates a successful urban winery in Portland. And he understood intuitively that stepping into a God-given vocation wasn’t at odds with being both entrepreneurial and ambitious. See: God provided the fields, the sunlight, the rain, and the grapes. But it was Ryan’s job to make the wine. And he wasn’t content to settle for good enough. He set out to make world-class wine. Just a few years into his venture, he’s already been named one of the top ten urban wineries in the country. Soon, it’ll be your turn to make something world-class — something so good people will drive miles and miles just to come taste it. Here at The High Calling, we celebrate our drive to serve the Kingdom by making good things for the world, as we co-create with God. We’re here at Jubilee. Visit us at Booth 107 and: · Plug into 60 years of conversation about work, life, and God. · Dive into helpful articles hand-curated for young professionals · Learn the good stories about good companies and organizations · Get connected to High Calling coaches and experts in your field of study who are ready to engage you personally. · Subscribe today — it’s free — you’ll receive new articles all month long, written by Jubilee students for Jubilee students.
As you transition from college to colleague, remember: your work matters. What will you create out in the workplace?
JUBILEECROSS-CULTURAL We host Jubilee Cross-Cultural to promote discipleship for students of color. We want students to recognize their role in global leadership in light of the connection between faith and vocation. The workshops emphasize ethnic and cultural backgrounds as unique gifts from God. The following events and workshops are open to ALL attendees, regardless of race and ethnicity.
Salsa Dancing
Workshops, 4:00 p.m. Jubilee Africana
Individuality meets community, recreation meets education and sensuality finds redemption. Dancers and non-dancers alike, come and join CCO staff member and dance instructor Michael Thornhill for a night of collaboration, problem-solving, education, and fun through a dance called rueda due casino. Following Gathering A (West Atrium)
An Awakening for the Soul: Arise and Be Change Agents Lamont Downs & Kathy Kinzer-Downs (PA Ballrooms)
Jubilee International
Transplanted for Transformation: The Real Opportunity for Spiritual Growth on U.S. Soil Sandeep Thomas (Crawford West)
Jubilee Cross-Cultural Dinner
Pre-registration required. Walking directions to the church will be given out with the tickets, and dinner will begin at 5:45pm.
Late Night Prayer
Come join us for a time of corporate prayer. Whether you’re seeking direction, healing, comfort, or peace from God, the Jubilee Cross-Cultural Team would love to take your concerns to the Lord with you. We’ll be in the Fayette Room as soon as the Saturday night session ends, and will stay until the last person leaves.
SUNDAYEVENTS Workshops, 9:00 a.m. Jubilee Africana
Bonded by Blood, Broken by Race: A Theological Discussion on Racial Division and the Path to Racial Reconciliation
Avery Danage (Fayette) Jubilee Asian
For Shame: Seeing the Face of Divine Mercy
Michael Chen (Washington) Jubilee Latino
Our Identify and Purpose from God’s Perspective
Cristina Blackman (Somerset East)
MORNING & LATE NIGHT OPS Friday Late Night Salsa Dancing
Individuality meets community, recreation meets education, and sensuality finds redemption. Come and join dancers and nondancers alike for a night of collaboration, problem solving, education and fun through a dance called rueda due casino. West Atrium
Haiti Food Project
Haiti is the poorest nation in the world, with more than half of its people living on less than $1 per day. Jubilee and the CCO are excited to partner with the Pittsburgh Kids Foundation to package over 80,000 meals to send to the people of Haiti during Jubilee weekend. Please donate your time in helping us assemble these meals and donate financially to help us send and distribute these meals to people in need. Join us both Friday and Saturday evenings during the Late Night Ops time, or stop by the Butler Room in the Westin any time throughout the conference, to help build meals for the people of Haiti. Butler
13A Concert
Become a modern-day abolitionist! Learn how you can join the fight to bring an end to child sex trafficking in America. Join us for a time of inspiration, prayer, and purpose, featuring Resolution Hope Legacy of Freedom Concert Tour music artist Anthony Mossburg. Allegheny 1 & 2
Join us for a time of corporate prayer. Whether you’re seeking direction, healing, comfort, or peace from God, come together with others to lift your requests to the Lord. Armstrong
Saturday & Sunday 8:00 a.m. Common Prayer with The Simple Way
Our prayer lives connect us to the Body of Christ around the world, especially when we raise our voices in common prayer. Participation in the liturgy of the worldwide Christian community, whether on Sunday morning in church, or Saturday morning at a conference, is about entering a story of faithful communion. With sinners and saints, we can lift our prayers and gather. Together. In our frenzied schedules, liturgy invites us into a sustainable rhythm of life. In an individualistic culture, liturgy helps us live a communal life. In an ever-changing world, liturgy roots us in the eternal—a God who is the same yesterday, today, and tomorrow.
Jannell Anema & Matt Pritchard Fayette 8
Saturday Late Night Haiti Food Project
Join us both Friday and Saturday evenings during the Late Night Ops time, or stop by the Butler Room in the Westin any time throughout the conference, to help build meals for the people of Haiti.
Cross-Cultural Prayer
Join us for a time of corporate prayer. Whether you’re seeking direction, healing, comfort, or peace from God, come together with others to lift your requests to the Lord. We’ll be in the Fayette Room as soon as the Saturday night session ends, and will stay until the last person leaves.
Compline, or “Night Prayer and Worship”
The ancient office of Compline derives its name from a Latin word meaning “completion” (completorium). It is above all a service of quietness and reflection before rest at the end of the day. It is most effective when the ending is indeed an ending, without additions, conversation, or noise. Come and join a collection of musicians to sing and journey together through this beautiful and contemplative order for night prayer and worship. West Atrium
Style Your Sole with TOMS Shoes
Come express yourself and help children in need by customizing your own blank canvas TOMS. Bring your TOMS! Shoes are being sold in the exhibits area during Jubilee. DLCC 301 & 302
Orphan Justice Coffee House
Join author Johnny Carr and his family as they share back stories to his book Orphan Justice. You will meet all five of their children and have the opportunity to interact with them. Bring your questions about global orphan care and adoption and enjoy some coffee with the Carr family.
Allegheny 1 & 2
MAPS Please note that both the David L. Lawrence Convention Center and the Westin Hotel will be used for Jubilee sessions.
There are two ways to walk between the two buildings: 1. Use the skywalk from the second floor of the Westin. You will use an elevator or stairs at the end of the walkway to get to go up one flight to the ballroom and exhibit hall. 2. Walk outside the Westin and down the sidewalk toward the Convention Center. Take the escalator up two levels and walk down the hallway to the ballroom and exhibit hall.
DAVID L. LAWRENCE CONVENTION CENTER Gatherings are all held in the Spirit of Pittsburgh Ballroom in the Convention Center. Workshop sessions are located in meeting rooms in both the Westin and Convention Center—refer to the workshop schedule for specifics. Jubilee HQ, the bookstore, and exhibit booths are all in the lobby outside of the Spirit of Pittsburgh Ballroom.
R e stor e Hope 5.4 Million Dead. 3 Million Displaced. Decades of war and rape in the DR Congo have destroyed generations. God’s Word Heals. Visit our booth. Discover your part in restoring lives.
Jubilee Article Contest Award
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Anthony Bradley Professor and Author
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8 12
SATURDAYGATHERINGS A.M. THE FALL Lisa Sharon Harper Director of Mobilizing, Sojourners
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Jeff Shinabarger
Founder, and Plywood People
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Author and Advocate
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Tullian Tchividjian Senior Pastor, Coral Ridge Presbyterian Church
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Saleem Ghubril
Executive Director, The Pittsburgh Promise
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Life-threatening poverty affects millions of children in developing countries. But as Christians, God commands us to help the poor. For just $38 a month, you can sponsor a child through Compassion’s Christcentered child development program. Through your sponsorship, your child receives the gospel message, educational opportunities, health care, life-skills training and supplemental nutrition. Visit the Compassion booth to learn how you can release a child from poverty. IN JESUS’ NAME. (800) 336-7676
Terry Thomas
Director, Geneva College Student Ministry Program
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Bob Goff
Founder and CEO, Restore International
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WORKSHOPS O N E q Ferrell, Allegheny 3 q Martel & Melleby, Allegheny 1 & 2 q Nelson, DLCC 301 & 302 q Reitz, DLCC 304 Check sessions you plan on attending for your own reference.
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q E. Adams, DLCC West Atrium q K. Adams, DLCC 303 q Benjamin, DLCC 306 q Coletti, Allegheny 3 q Cooke, Steffey, athletes, DLCC 305 q Fea, Somerset West q Frey, Fayette q Fulgham, DLCC 301 & 302 q Garber, Cambria West q Gardner & Panel, DLCC 310 q Gash, Washington q Grove, Westmoreland Central q Lutz, DLCC 307 q Nelson, Cambria East q Patterson, Westmoreland East q Whitcomb, DLCC 304
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istockphoto/countrystyle photography
Please Fill My Bowl! Help pets and the people who love them. The Fill the Bowl Project is part of The Humane Society of The United States’ Animal Protection Ministries program. All across the country, churches regularly donate food to local pantries and other programs that fight hunger, but pet food is often forgotten. Pets are a vital part of our community, but are often overlooked in times of need. Through the Fill the Bowl Project, faith communities can help by collecting cans and bags of pet food. One simple donation provides food for a pet and peace of mind for an owner. Fill a bowl and help keep families and pets together.
q E. Adams, DLCC West Atrium q Bacote, Crawford East q Barber, DLCC 307 q CCO Panel, Westmoreland West q Cooke, Steffey, athletes, DLCC 305 q Cushman, Cambria West q Downs, PA Ballrooms q Erickson, DLCC 304 q Gash, Washington q Heffner, Allegheny 3 q Jackson, Westmoreland Central q Klein, DLCC 306 q Lowe & Snow, Jubilee HQ q Matheson Miller , Somerset West q Repic, DLCC 310 q Rohrer, Fayette q Siedell, Somerset East q Shinabarger, DLCC 303 q Smith, DLCC 301 & 302 q Strang, Cambria East q Summers & CPJ Panel, Westmoreland East q Thomas, Crawford West
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q Blackman, Somerset East q Borger, DLCC 310 q Bostic, Cambria West q Cannon, Westmoreland East q Carlson-Thies, Crawford East q Carr, DLCC 304 q CCO Panel, DLCC 305 q Chen, Washington q Danage, Fayette q Ferrell, Somerset West q Goodyear & Van Eman, DLCC 306 q Harper, DLCC 301 & 302 q Haseltine, DLCC 303 q Jackley, Crawford West q Lowe, DLCC 307 q Lutz, Westmoreland Central q Santom, Allegheny 1 & 2 q Smith, Allegheny 3 q Veltman, Cambria East q Woodworth, Westmoreland West
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Master of Divinity* Master of Theological Studies* Master of Arts Master of Theology Doctor of Philosophy Diploma or Certificate
A community rooted in the Reformed tradition and committed to Biblical, holistic formation.
*Distance learning available
Grand Rapids, Michigan
WORKSHOPS O N E Basics of Christianity: Finding Yourself in God’s Story Billy Ferrell
Every human being is living a story, yet many don’t even realize it. Some who realize that they are living a story believe that they are themselves the author. Christians believe that the story we live is bigger than us, and that God is the author. Come and discover the grand narrative of God’s story and consider how your life plays a significant role in this cosmic drama.
Allegheny 3
Transform Learning: Renewing the College Experience Keith Martel & Derek Melleby
Time Magazine recently named “questioning the value of higher education” as one of the top-10 most pressing issues facing the USA. Have you ever wondered what your college degree will be “worth” after you graduate? Does being a Christian make a difference in how you approach learning? The apostle Paul exhorted the church in Rome to “not conform to the pattern of this world, but to be transformed by the renewing of the mind” (Romans 12:2). We think that this verse, and many like it, has huge implications for academic faithfulness and for your life as a disciple of Jesus. Our hope is that this interactive session both energizes and equips you to make the most of your time in college.
Allegheny 1 & 2
The Sunday to Monday Gap Tom Nelson
Writer and social commentator Wendell Berry has noted that the quality and significance of our work is largely determined by our understanding of the story in which we are a part. Unfortunately, the story of work that fills our minds and fuels our hearts is often a distorted one that reinforces a gap between our Sunday worship and our Monday work. What is the Good News story of work revealed to us in Holy Scripture? How does a greater understanding of the biblical story inform our minds, fuel our imaginations and shape what we are called to do each and every day? God created you with work in mind. How you see your work really matters!
DLCC 301 & 302
Is There Life after Graduation? Erica Young Reitz
The transition from college to life after college is arguably one of the most difficult transitions you will make up to this point in your life. In this interactive session, we will address some of the top issues post-graduates face and how you can best prepare to live as faithful Christ-followers in the “real world.”
DLCC 304
T W O Dance Master Class Emily SoRelle Adams
Back by popular demand, this workshop is geared towards intermediate to advanced dancers of all dance backgrounds. Come ready to move in comfortable clothing as we enjoy dancing as a community, celebrating together the unique challenges and joys that make up the calling of a dancer.
DLCC West Atrium
The Artist as Servant Kenyon Adams
This session will explore the ways in which Jesus Christ has restored the work of artists, and how artists can join him in his continued work of creation and re-creation. DLCC 303
Designing and improving weather forecast models, understanding the earth system Stan Benjamin
I lead a group of 25 scientists at a NOAA research laboratory to design and improve regional and global weather and earth system models. I’ll explain how I somehow got to this job, what we do in our group, and, for examples, how our experimental models were used for forecasts of Hurricane Sandy and the 29 June 2012 Mid-Atlantic derecho event. I’ll also explain how we work with the aviation, energy, and severe weather forecasting communities to try to serve them. Finally, I’ll also describe how God has changed me through my work and how I am given opportunities to honor God in my work. DLCC 306
Business: Why the workplace matters Patrick Colletti
The business environment is a vibrant place to live out and experience our faith. It’s a fertile ground to explore and utilize the unique ways we are designed and gifted, in a setting that rewards creativity, intelligent risk-taking, and persistence.
Allegheny 3
Beyond the Game: Integrating lessons learned from athletics into faithfulness after college Kelly Cooke, Mark Steffey, and a panel of athletes
That famous TV commercial stated it best, “There are over 400,000 NCAA student-athletes, and almost all of us will go pro in something other our sport.” This session will explore how studentathletes can take their experiences as undergraduates and transfer those skills into the workplace after college. We will also explore how faith grows in the midst of the unique experience of the studentathlete. DLCC 305
The Power to Transform: A Christian Approach to the Study of History John Fea
Are you a history major or a history buff who is trying to think about how your love for the study of the past is connected to your Christian faith? This session, drawn from John Fea’s forthcoming book, Why Study History: Reflecting on the Importance of the Past, will challenge us to think about how a responsible study of history can help us be better Christian citizens and even grow spiritually.
Somerset West
Christian Engagement in the Social Sciences Brad Frey
It’s an incredibly important time to be a student in the social sciences. The brokenness of our society and its people has never demanded an engaged response by social scientists more than today. And, there are some amazing and encouraging theoretical changes happening that open up the possibilities of speaking into those urgent issues as a person of faith. This seminar will help students think deeply about the new day in the social sciences as well as charge them to tackle the brokenness of our society as never before.
Education for the Common Good Nicole Baker Fulgham
In this workshop, you will hear about the injustice of the academic achievement gap and a framework for why people of faith must care. This workshop will help you identify tangible ways you can get involved in public education and in lowering the achievement gap.
DLCC 301 & 302
On Spiderman & School: Choosing an Education that Becomes a Vocation Steven Garber
God’s Lawyer or Devil’s Advocate?
Jim Gash “Christian lawyer” is not an oxymoron. God can and does use legally trained professionals to bring hope to the hopeless, freedom The whole world seems a possibility—from astronomy to the enslaved, and justice to the oppressed. After serving as a law to zoology, with history and politics, economics and poetry too. But what is ours to think about and care about, to work at over time? What clerk for a renowned federal judge, as an associate at one of the law top firms in the world, and as Associate Dean and Professor is it that draws us in? And has staying power? That keeps making sense over the course of life? This seminar will address the vocation of at Pepperdine Law School, Professor Gash’s most rewarding legal student, and finding our way into occupations that become vocations— work has been as an advocate for children who have been forgotten in African prisons and as the Specialist Advisor to the Chief Justice learning all we can from Spiderman along the way. of Uganda. This workshop will explore how those in the legal Cambria West profession can live a life worthy of the calling we have received as believers. Jubilee Trades Washington Guy Gardner & Panel Discussion Jesus didn’t go to college, but was apprenticed as a tradesman—a carpenter. How can we as Christians follow Jesus in the work for which we are preparing as carpenters, designers, machinists, masons, or technicians? This breakout will be a panel discussion of accomplished professional Christians who are putting their faith to work in their respective trades. It is designed for students from technical, vocational, or trade programs. The panel will be moderated by Guy Gardner, President of the Williamson Free School of Mechanical Trades, who as a fighter pilot flew 177 missions in Viet Nam, and as a NASA astronaut flew two Space Shuttle missions. His post-NASA career has been largely committed to educating young men.
Innovation for the Common Good Darrin Grove
Are you creative? Do you want to KNOW that your creations will have impact in a world full of uncertainty? In this interactive workshop, you will learn the secrets of how great innovative leaders bring exciting new products and technologies to market fast Westmoreland Central
DLCC 310
A new degree program at
*Asbury Seminary also offers a Masters of Divinity degree with an emphasis on church planting.
Go into
a d ry a n d t h i r s t y l a n d ,
& bear fruit...
The Master of Arts in Church Planting will train students in the theological, theoretical, and practical literatures of church planting. Students who complete this course of study will be equipped to plant churches in whatever culture to which God calls them. 859.858.2211
Called to Campus? Discerning if you should go into college ministry Stephen Lutz
Engaging the world without destroying it or being destroyed by it
DLCC 307
Science, Medicine, the Bible, and Faith
The work of a campus minister can be a lot of fun, but it’s not all hanging out, drinking coffee, and playing ultimate Frisbee. It’s a vocation for transforming lives. It’s about leadership, communication, service, influence, and innovation. It is a mission to the most exciting strategic people group in the world. It’s changing the world, one student at a time. If you’ve ever thought about going into college ministry, or even if you haven’t, come to this session to explore what college ministry is, what it requires of you, and practical ways to discern if you’re called to it.
Closing the Sunday-to-Monday Gap Tom Nelson
What does it mean to better connect Sunday to Monday? If we are going to close the Sunday-to-Monday gap and embrace a more integral faith, we will need to address some common distortions about faith and work. We will also need to be discerning about God’s vocational call on our lives and prepare for the sizeable challenges and exciting opportunities our workplace will inevitably bring. Christ redeemed you with work in mind. How you do your work really matters!
Jessica Patterson Can a Christian seek to change evil in the world without being overwhelmed by it? How should a Christian approach policy? How should a Christian in government distinguish between the mandates of government and the Church? Using examples from her work in foreign policy, Jessica Patterson will discuss how faith shapes her approach to policy and what it means to pursue redemption in a messy, complicated world. Westmoreland East
David Whitcomb How can a physician-scientist also be a dedicated Christian? Dr. Whitcomb will discuss the central role of the Bible and faith in finding your life’s calling, using your gifts and abilities, identifying examples to follow, and the purpose of service. DLCC 304
Cambria East
HELP End CHiLd SEx TraffiCking in THE U.S. Join the 13A nAtionAl AwAreness CAmpAign
Become a Modern day abolitionist - Help Us reach 1,000,000 Signatures for freedom. Host a Legacy of freedom Concert at Your College or University for More information about Concert Opportunities - Contact Meredith kinney at
T H R E E Movement Workshop Emily SoRelle Adams
This workshop is geared towards everyone! Come in comfortable clothes and get ready to move! We will explore different kinds of movement and the basics of dance together in an encouraging environment.
DLCC West Atrium
Christian Political Engagement as Enduring Public Faithfulness Vincent Bacote
The recent election has many Christians reconsidering the path and posture of political engagement. While there may be temptation to despair or even leave the realm of politics, there is a way for Christians to take seriously the opportunity for a more faithful and hopeful politics that displays fidelity to God and a commitment to the common good.
Crawford East
Stories of the Ordinary Leroy Barber
How do everyday people make a difference in the world? Seemingly small gestures of love and support represent life and hope. We will draw attention to the beauty that routine can bring to daily life. Each day has its own wonder, and there are people who personify that wonder and fill the need we have to be loved brilliantly day after day after day. Those who deliver hope every day are truly extraordinary people, and they are not one-time speakers or once-a-week deliverers of sermons. We will highlight their stories as an inspiration to all who serve and create. This workshop will highlight everyday missions with an emphasis on people making a difference from unlikely places— people who, from hard places, make something beautiful.
DLCC 307
Interested in Campus Ministry? CCO Panel
Interested in campus ministry but worried because you’re not a Bible major? Come hear from four CCO staff members, none of whom majored in Bible, theology, or anything related. Hear what drew them to campus ministry from their fields of study, how their fields are relevant, and what they have valued about their time with the CCO. All things belong to God and He can use any field of study to serve Him in vocational ministry!
Westmoreland West
Coaching with Eternity in Mind Kelly Cooke, Mark Steffey, and a panel of athletes
Most people will have the experience of being a coach at some point in their adult life, whether as a profession, as part of a school-based sport, or as a member of a community or club-based program. What does it mean to be a coach who is Christ-like? How can a coach use their influence to transform lives?
DLCC 305
Seek Justice. Rescue the Oppressed. Stephen Cushman
Millions of people in our world suffer from abuse and oppression. Learn about the reality of injustice and what you can do about it. Hear how God uses students to rescue the oppressed and discover resources to help develop a deeper understanding of God’s heart for justice. Discover how you can Stand 4 Freedom with the International Justice Mission this year.
Cambria West
An Awakening for the Soul: Arise and Be Change Agents Lamont Downs & Kathy Kinzer-Downs
How do we fight if we don’t know what to fight for? What is it that we are supposed to be fighting for anyway? We often use phrases like we’ve come so far, or we’re not where we use to be, or I don’t see color, we’re past the time of the Civil Rights Movement. And yet we have many injustices we face in this world. Whether it is the economic plights of our urban areas, discrimination against each other because of gender or race, people are fighting every day for freedom and rights throughout this world. So we ask: Are you called to be a change agent? If so, what is your call? How do your education, resources, and experiences have the power and potential to change and influence a person, area, or campus? Are you sleeping? If so, it’s time to be awakened!
PA Ballrooms
Why the Church Needs Art Scott Erickson
Many of us grew up in Protestant church traditions without any good art. The truth is that this has left us underdeveloped for the visual world we live in. We’ll discuss why.
DLCC 304
calvin college presents
Festival of Faith & Music SIC MATTERS U M
top-notch speakers
jessica hopper david dark mary mccampbell dylan peterson
E 2003 SINC
Andrew birD
Chuck klostermaN
grand rapids
incredible live music justin mcroberts tom wilet alex foote vito aiuto
Welcome wagoN
Cathleen falsanI
announcing more soon!
Daniel white hodgE
Is law school for me? Jim Gash
Do I want to go to law school? What is it like? How do I get in? Are there Christian law schools? How are they different from secular schools? If the idea of attending law school is even remotely intriguing, this session is for you. Professor Gash has been teaching at Pepperdine Law School for 13 years and has run the admissions process at Pepperdine for nearly a decade. He will present a wealth of information about how to decide if law school is right for you, how to go about selecting a law school, and how the admissions process works. Plenty of time will be allotted for any questions you might have.
Listening to pop music as a way of loving God Ken Heffner
Did you know that the David L. Lawrence Convention Center is a world-class green building? This tour of the world’s only doubleLEED certified convention center will introduce you to innovative green features and remarkable achievements that address health, energy, and resource use. Hear Pittsburgh’s story of transformation from a post-industrial city to a global leader in sustainable living. Join us as we explore this remarkable place!
Meet at Jubilee HQ
PovertyCure Screening: “The Entrepreneurial Vocation” Michael Matheson Miller
Allegheny 3
PovertyCure is thrilled to present an episode from our six-part DVD series on human flourishing. Three years in the making, this high-energy, 152-minute documentary-style series challenges conventional thinking and reframes the poverty debate around the creative capacity of the human person, made in the image of God. Listen to the voices of entrepreneurs, economists, political and religious leaders, missionaries, NGO workers, and everyday people as host Michael Matheson Miller travels around the world to discover the foundations that allow human beings, families, and communities to thrive. In this workshop, PovertyCure presents the second episode of this series, entitled “The Entrepreneurial Calling,” and discusses the central role of entrepreneurship, especially smallmedium enterprises (SMEs), in building stronger communities and societies. Learn more at
Speaking Freely: Creating Safe Spaces for Secrets Anne Jackson
Small Organizations, Big Impact: Centers for Grassroots Service and Activism Joel Repic
If all things are made in Christ, all things are being ruined by sin, and all things are being made new in Christ, then there are no parts of life that are not of interest to Christians. Everything matters, including the music that we listen to and love. How do we listen to music in a way that both recognizes where God shows up in the world, and also recognizes where sin distorts our ability to see and experience that reality? This workshop will be a music-listening session, where we explore how to listen to music “Christianly.” We will practice this through listening to some contemporary examples in pop music: from Fun. to Regina Spektor, from Andrew Bird to Cut Copy, and more.
Everyone has a secret. Why does it feel like we can’t talk about the things that weigh us down the most with the people who are supposed to show us the most grace? In this workshop, we’ll look at why we hide and what we can do to open up and create safe spaces for others to confess.
Westmoreland Central
Why God? Are you actually there? Chris Klein
I don’t know about you, but sometimes I look around and wonder, “Where is God? Does God care?” It happened again on a Friday in December. A gunman entered a school, and twenty children lost their lives. Where was God? I was born with a disability, and all of my life, I have heard that my disability was God’s plan. However, I believe Scripture tells us differently. This session will discuss this question. We will dive into Scripture and study what God says.
DLCC 306
Tour of the David L. Lawrence Convention Center Ben Lowe & Ryan Snow
Somerset West
In marginalized communities all around the United States, small community development nonprofits are making big impacts in their local neighborhoods. By listening to the community, identifying the assets already present in a neighborhood, and working with local residents to produce change, these organizations can be important agents of service and activism for neighborhoods that have been left behind. Hear about one such organization, Aliquippa Impact, whose consistent presence in the forgotten steel town of Aliquippa, Pennsylvania, is protesting the hopelessness that is too often foisted upon children and youth. You’ll be challenged to dream big and make a difference.
DLCC 310
The Christian Jump from Charity to Justice: Using All of Your Gifts Sarah Rohrer
Many churches, campuses, and communities across the nation respond to the issue of hunger with direct service like serving in soup kitchens or collecting money to send to developing countries. This work is essential and saves lives every day. But it doesn’t live out the full call we hear from the Bible. In this session, we will talk about the distinction between charity and justice work and how the two go hand in hand. We’ll discuss how adding justice work is an approachable way to “loose the chains of injustice” (Isaiah 58:6) and how paired with charity it will help us all to “spend [our]selves on behalf of the hungry and satisfy the needs of the oppressed” (Isaiah 58:10), in both the short- and long-term picture.
Hearing Grace in Modern Art Daniel A. Siedell
Modern art hasn’t fared well among leaders in the Christian community. Many have argued that it is dangerous and corrosive, not only to art and culture, but to the Christian faith. This workshop will suggest that the problem is not with modern art but with the kind of theology of culture that has been applied to it. It will reveal modern art be a theologically rich and robust cultural practice, and perhaps one that you might even come to enjoy. The modern artist Edvard Munch once said, “Art comes from joy and pain,” and then he added, “but mostly from pain.” The workshop will begin and end here, with pain, suffering, and weakness.
Somerset East
More or Less: Crafting your social experiment Jeff Shinabarger
This workshop will be an interactive experience, challenging what we believe is enough in life. Learn to recognize excess and turn it into generosity. This transformative session will encourage solidarity in your community.
DLCC 303
Calling All the Gals Abbie Smith
Offering a more female-oriented space, this breakout will lean into topics like femininity, body image, and the challenges of waiting. We will read and discuss excerpts from “Beauty and Submission,” a chapter in Abbie’s latest book, Celibate Sex.
DLCC 301 & 302
All God’s Creatures: Protecting Animals as a Practice of Faith Victoria Strang
There’s a widely articulated belief among many religious leaders that human beings have definite and meaningful responsibilities to animals and that all animals should be protected from cruelty. The Humane Society of the United States (HSUS) Faith Outreach program works with faith communities nationwide to reconnect with the long-standing religious tradition of care and concern for animals. Learn how the nation’s largest animal protection organization has impacted the lives of millions of animals. The HSUS works by advocating for sensible public policies, investigating cruelty, and working to enforce existing laws, educating the public about animal issues, joining with corporations on behalf of animal-friendly policies, and conducting hands-on programs that make ours a more humane world. Discover how your everyday choices can make an impact on all of God’s creatures.
Cambria East
Honoring God in Government: Promoting Justice in Public Service Stephanie Summers, with Stanley Carlson-Thies, Michelle Crotwell Kirtley, Michael Gerson, Jessica Patterson
As citizens, often in anger or in bewilderment, we wonder whether those in government are there to serve us or to serve themselves. It is the contention of the Center for Public Justice that those in government are called by God to do justice, a norm that is articulated throughout Scripture. Our moderated panel, with time for questions and answers, includes public servants who will discuss their experiences and what it means to promote justice in their service within the State Department, the U.S. Congress, and the White House. Sponsored by the Center for Public Justice.
Westmoreland East
Transplanted for Transformation: The Real Opportunity for Spiritual Growth on U.S. Soil Sandeep Thomas
In the parable of the sower, Jesus talked about four kinds of soil: rocky soil, shallow soil, soil full of thorns and thistles and fertile soil. In some nations, strong cultural and religious influences make the soil seem hard and rocky, or the intense drive to materialism makes the ground seem full of thorns and thistles, or opposition from the government makes it very difficult soil for the Word of God to take root. Even though the soil in the United States harbors its own share of thorns and thistles, because the U.S. was founded on the principles of religious freedom and because a strong Judeo-Christian influence still exists, the soil here presents many opportunities for spiritual growth for the International student and scholar. This workshop will focus on opportunities for spiritual growth in this country.
Crawford West
“Speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves.” Proverbs 31:8
CALLed? Become an Advocate Help End Hunger
Join us in Washington, DC for Bread for the World’s National Gathering June 8-11, 2013 Scholarships available
Our Identity and Purpose from God’s Perspective Cristina Blackman
Society is accustomed to dividing and labeling people groups around the globe. By human standards, we have been defined as Hispanic, African American, Caucasian, Asian, American, European, and so on. Ultimately for those who believe in Christ, our citizenship is in Heaven and we are here on planet Earth to fulfill a mission. Therefore, regardless of our nationality, color, and ethnicity, our purpose is to paint the world with grace, mercy, redeeming love, patience, perseverance, discipline, and excellency in those areas where we have been called to perform. These are the standards that we have been given by Jesus to make a difference and make Him known. He is where our identity and our value as individuals has to draw from regardless of the ethnicity we represent.
Somerset East
Reading for the Kingdom: My Journey to Becoming a Life-Long Learner and Jubilee Bookseller Byron Borger
Why should we care about being widely-read and how might it allow us to serve God more faithfully? Can books help us to think Christianly, see God in all things, and serve Jesus and others better? Join Byron as he recalls decisive “aha” moments and key insights along the way of his journey to becoming the Jubilee bookseller. With lots of stories and Biblical references, he will share why books are so important and why developing the Christian mind is essential in our current cultural context. You will learn not only about some of Byron’s favorite authors, but will be inspired to be a joy-filled, responsible, life-long learner who joins God in “transforming everything.”
DLCC 310
Creation, Food, and the World Jonathan Bostic
We will focus on God’s work in creation as it relates to our food system, farming, gardening, and the dinner table.
Cambria West
City Evangelism: Beyond the Hip Andrew Cannon
Urban ministry and evangelism are currently popular areas in which Christians are engaged, but what about the areas that do not have trendy coffee shops and hip boutiques, away from the farmers’ markets and nice restaurants? How do we deal with the problems associated with these areas and how can we cope with being away from the comforts of our culture? What should Church look like in these areas, and is it possible to achieve? Looking at examples from London and other major cities, we will encourage those thinking of pursuing urban mission and challenge preconceived ideas.
Westmoreland East
The Morning After (the) Controversy Stanley Carlson-Thies
Why are a group of colleges suing the President’s Administration about Obamacare? Is the controversy only about Catholics and birth control, or is there more to it? How can Christian colleges and other faith-based community organizations maintain a distinctive mission and lifestyle in our post-Christian society? Find the answers to these questions and why it should matter to every student.
Crawford East
Orphan Justice: The role of Adoption and Caring for Orphans Johnny Carr
Author Johnny Carr will share the role adoption has played in his life and discuss his book Orphan Justice. He will share practical things you can do now to care for orphans and to possibly prepare for adoption in the future.
DLCC 304
Gospel Sharing in the Real World CCO Panel
Odds are that you struggle to share your faith in Christ with others. Whether it’s fear of not knowing enough about the Bible or feeling like you’re not holy enough to be used by God, you struggle to articulate your faith to those who don’t know Jesus Christ. The good news is that you’re not alone! Come to this inspiring seminar and hear a panel of three CCO staff members talk through their own challenges and the ways that they have broken through them. They’ll answer questions and tell fantastic stories of how God has used them to bring the Good News to others.
DLCC 305
For Shame: Seeing the Face of Divine Mercy Michael Chen Shame is all pervasive, and yet it is subtle and affects our lives in powerful ways. It is used by families in certain cultural contexts to control, manipulate, and coerce. How can we understand and experience the mercy of Christ in light of shame? This workshop will examine the effects of shame as a cultural phenomenon. Visual examples in art and media will be used to seek a Biblical and theological understanding of freedom from shame’s tyranny.
Every human being is living a story, yet many don’t even realize it. Some who realize that they are living a story believe that they are themselves the author. Christians believe that the story we live is bigger than us, and that God is the author. Come and discover the grand narrative of God’s story and consider how your life plays a significant role in this cosmic drama.
Somerset West
Bonded by Blood, Broken by Race: A Theological Discussion on Racial Division and the Path to Racial Reconciliation Avery Danage Why is 11 a.m. on Sunday morning still the most segregated hour in America? Have the people of God abandoned the standard of God in matters of race? Does race matter in matters of faith? Our commitment to Christ demands that we rise above human prejudices that divide us, human barriers that have broken us, and human ideals that seek to destroy us. Christ is calling us to redeem our culture! Come prepared for instruction and dialogue on the issues of race, racism, redemption, and reconciliation.
Basics of Christianity: Finding Yourself in God’s Story Billy Ferrell
Life and Faith in Sync Marcus Goodyear & Sam Van Eman
In the New Testament, when Jesus got stressed out, he went into the wilderness or the garden to pray. He took retreats. He understood the Sabbath. And he didn’t take his smart phone with him, because smart phones didn’t exist. Christians in the 21st century face a new challenge of learning to live faithfully in the real world—and in the networked world. In this session, we will spend some time discussing current research about where technology is heading, what effect it seems to be having on us, and what it means to be faithful to the great commission of Matthew and the cultural mandate of Genesis with a smart phone in our pockets. We will share the concept of Focal Practices to help us discern ways we can engage with technology to become people more fully centered in Christ and more deeply engaged with the world.
DLCC 306
PittsburghFellows Paid Business Fellowships for College Grads
Passion for Pittsburgh Workplace Excellence Christ-like Living more info:
Thinking Theologically About Immigration Porn-Again Christians: Splintered Sex Lisa Sharon Harper and Hollowed Hearts in a Porno Culture God’s first command to humanity in Genesis 1:28 is, “multiply and Marc Santom fill the earth.” In modern terms: “Migrate.” In this seminar, we will explore migration, immigration, and immigrants throughout scripture. Lisa will offer a clear theological perspective on one of the most controversial public issues of our times, especially in light of a possible comprehensive immigration reform push in Washington in 2013.
DLCC 301 & 302
Music & Justice Dan Haseltine
Led by lead singer of Jars of Clay and founder of the Blood:Water Mission, Dan Haseltine, this workshop will be an exploration of the role of an artist as a prophetic voice in bringing the suffering of the world into the greater cultural conversation. We will spend some valuable time at the crossroads where music and justice connect.
DLCC 303
Know Thyself…a Little Better Adam Jackley
Do you think you see the world as it is? Do you think you see yourself as you are? God cares deeply about molding our lives around the shape of Jesus’ life. Yet, the process of growing in Christlikeness is often a bumpy one. Come and explore some insights into our human nature and learn how they inhibit and enhance our lives. You won’t believe your eyes and ears!
Crawford West
God creates sex—and it is so good. Man takes sex and splinters it with his lust and hollows it out with his idolatrous heart. He invents porn. Suddenly, sex seems like only a shell of what it could be. Let’s not be bashful. Let’s take some time to come together and speak candidly about the nature of our sexuality, the DNA of pornography, and how Jesus stands with us in the midst of our pain, addictions, and fragmented longings. After all, Jesus knows a thing or two about touching broken hearts, wandering eyes, raging hormones, and tainted relationships with His redemptive touch.
Allegheny 1 & 2
Single Sexuality Abbie Smith
Many would call marriage their highest dream and singleness the deepest thorn in their flesh. So how do we, especially we who call ourselves Christians, reconcile this gap? How do handle well our loneliness, or make sense of being sexual and yet single? This breakout will speak into all of the above, stemming from Abbie’s latest book, Celibate Sex: Musings on Being Loved, Single, Twisted, and Holy.
Allegheny 3
Faith and Film: Watching a film to the Glory of God Greg Veltman
It is Friday afternoon, and you just finished your last class for the week and are heading to the dining hall to grab a bite to eat. A friend Christians, Environmental Justice, and the recommends watching a film later. You might be tempted to just say, “Yes” and go to whatever film seems to be the most popular this week. Climate Crisis At week’s end, you just want to sit back, relax and be entertained for Ben Lowe a while. It’s just a movie after all. Does it really matter? As followers What is the climate crisis and how is it challenging the work of the Church around the world? How are Christians responding faithfully to of Jesus, Christians are called to be really, really in the world, and yet this justice issue, and what can we do to help? Learn what’s happening not be of it. How is this possible? By thinking about discernment these days and bring any questions you may have. This workshop will as a gift of the Holy Spirit, this workshop will explore the tools of include representatives from the Evangelical Environmental Network, discernment that are needed to view films thoughtfully. The danger is that we will either isolate ourselves and demonize popular culture, Young Evangelicals for Climate Action, and the U.S. Green Building or uncritically consume films as “just” entertainment. A discernment Council. model allows for a more nuanced view of engaging films recognizing DLCC 307 both the good, true, and beauty within it, as well as the way evil influences and distorts.
Redeeming Innovation: New Ideas for Making All Things New Steve Lutz
Do you have an idea for a new process, website, product, or company, something that you think could change the world? How do you bring that idea to reality? How do you know if it will really change anything, and if that change will be good? Since Jesus is “making all things new,” Christians should be bold and fearless innovators, creating things and processes that bless and give life. This session describes a uniquely Christian view of innovation and will provide reasons to create new things, as well as ideas for overcoming common obstacles to new ideas. Practical instruction will be given to bring ideas to fruition.
Westmoreland Central
Cambria East
Re-defining Success: A Study of the Life and Work of Jeremiah Rodger Woodworth
“We don’t like lepers or losers very well; we prefer climbers and comers” (Cornelius Plantinga, Jr.). To many, successism is our culture’s religion. If you are successful, you can’t be all bad. Most definitions involve achievements, acquisitions, and acclamations. Success is the good life—it is coveted, copied, and chased after. It breeds success. Yet by these measurements, Jeremiah was not successful. He preached for 40 years and nobody listened to him. He was poor, rejected, and imprisoned. But measured by God, according to obedience and faithfulness, Jeremiah was a huge success. How do we live life at its best? How do we work and minister with excellence and not succumb to our culture’s successism? How can we risk radical obedience and faithfulness in the face of opposition and personal cost? God may have the answer to these questions and others as we discuss the life and work of His successful servant Jeremiah.
Westmoreland West
SPEAKERS & ARTISTS Emily SoRelle Adams Dancer and Teacher
Emily SoRelle Adams is a freelance dancer and teacher based in New York City. Emily has been blessed with the opportunity to work with several companies, including the Metropolitan Opera, New Chamber Ballet, Rebecca Kelly Ballet and Connecticut Ballet. She is one of the founding leaders of the Dancer’s Vocational Group, a ministry of the Center for Faith & Work.
Kenyon Adams Musician and Actor
Kenyon Adams is a collaborative artist and arts advocate based in New York City. He is a singer, actor, and musician with a passion to see artists embodying their faith in community. In 2011, Kenyon formed the band Kenyon Adams & American Restless which released a self-titled EP and performed throughout New York City. Kenyon studied theology and culture as a Gotham Fellow at the Center for Faith & Work, Redeemer Presbyterian Church.
Janell Anema Director of Operations, The Simple Way
Over the last five years, Janell has worked as a baker, a church secretary, a waitress, and a professor. Currently, she works as the Director of Operations at The Simple Way in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, and spends most of her free time reading, writing and drinking Diet Coke. Janell is a wordsmith, a wanderer, a lover of people, a lover of places, and a member of churches.
Vincent Bacote Director of the Center for Applied Christian Ethics, Wheaton College
Dr. Vincent Bacote is an Associate Professor of Theology and the Director of the Center for Applied Christian Ethics at Wheaton College in Wheaton, Illionois, and he serves on the Board of Trustees for the Center for Public Justice. He is the author of the The Spirit in Public Theology: Appropriating the Legacy of Abraham Kuyper and has contributed to books such as Keep Your Head Up and Prophetic Evangelicals.
Leroy Barber President, Mission Year
Leroy Barber is President of Mission Year, a national urban initiative introducing 18- to 29-year-olds to missional and communal living for one year of their lives. He is also CEO of FCS Urban Ministries, co-pastor of Community Life Church, and he serves on the boards of CCDA and Word Made Flesh. Leroy is author of New Neighbor: An Invitation to Join Beloved Community and Everyday Missions: How Ordinary People Can Change the World.
Stan Benjamin Research Meteorologist
Stan Benjamin is a research meteorologist
working at the NOAA Earth System Research Laboratory (ESRL) in Boulder, CO. He is the chief of the Assimilation and Modeling Branch in the Global Systems Division within ESRL ,where he and his colleagues work on developing and improving weather models, both regional and global. Stan went to graduate school at Penn State (M.S., Ph.D.) after an undergraduate education at Albion College (Michigan).
Dave Bindewald CCO Partnership Coordinator for Pittsburgh & Southwest Pennsylvania
Dave Bindewald serves the CCO as Partnership Coordinator for Southwest Pennsylvania, including the greater Pittsburgh area. His job is to maintain and develop positions with churches, colleges, and other organizations through which our staff people might reach out to college students. Christ Community Church of the South Hills partners with the CCO to allow Dave to serve the CCO in this way as well as to serve their community of faith as their Director of Spiritual Formation and Teaching. Dave began serving students fulltime at Carnegie Mellon University in 2007, and he loves college students.
Cristina Blackman Family and Marriage Counselor
Cristina is what psychologists call a “third culture kid.” Due to her parents’ work, she was born and raised in Ecuador until the age of 15 and visited different cultures and people groups around the world with my family or on her own after that. It is through this transitional life style that she learned to be more aware of her own and other people’s emotional, physical, spiritual, and economical needs.
Byron Borger Bookseller
Byron Borger graduated from Indiana University of Pennsylvania in 1976 and has been a friend of Jubilee since his own years serving as a fulltime staff member of the CCO. In 1982, he and his wife, Beth, opened Hearts & Minds, an independent bookstore in Dallastown, Pennsylvania. For 30 years they have sold books, music, and gift items to help customers learn more about the joys of daily discipleship and “thinking Christianly” about work, calling, public life, cultural renewal, and social justice
Jonathan Bostic Farmer, East of Eden Farm
Jonathan and Jan Bostic run East of Eden Farm in Huntersville, North Carolina. They specialize in raising and breeding heritage breed animals for market and restaurants. East of Eden is one of only a handful of farms in the whole United States that practices a sustainable poultry system that breeds, hatches, and grows standard breed poultry verses the industry hybrids. Part of the farm’s goal is to educate on what a sustainable method of animal husbandry can look like.
Anthony Bradley Professor and Author
Anthony Bradley, Ph.D. is Associate Professor of Theology and Ethics at The King’s College in New York City and serves as a Research Fellow at the Acton Institute. His most recent book is Aliens in the Promised Land: Why Minority Leadership Is Overlooked in White Christian Churches and Institutions. Dr. Bradley’s writings on religious and cultural issues have been published in a variety of journals, and he is often called upon by members of the broadcast media for comment on current issues.
Andrew Cannon Evangelist
Andrew Cannon is a full time evangelist, working for London City Mission, and is the Team leader at Bermondsey Christian Centre. For the last eight years he has been working on a South London inner-city council estate among deprived, working-class families, seeking meaningful and relevant ways to present the unchanging Gospel to an indifferent population.
Stanley Carlson-Thies Founder and President, Institutional Religious Freedom Alliance
Dr. Stanley W. Carlson-Thies is founder and president of the Institutional Religious Freedom Alliance, which works to safeguard the religious identity and faith-shaped services of faith-based organizations so that they are free to make their uncommon contributions to the common good. He previously served as Director of Social Policy Studies at the Center for Public Justice. He was on the initial staff of the White House Office of Faith-Based and Community Initiatives and served on the church-state taskforce of President Obama’s Advisory Council on Faith-Based and Neighborhood Partnerships.
Johnny Carr National Director of Church Partnerships, Bethany Christian Service
Johnny is Bethany Christian Service‘s National Director of Church Partnerships. Johnny is a conference speaker and orphan care advocate to denominations, national religious associations and conferences. He is also author of a forthcoming book, Orphan Justice: How to Care for Orphans Beyond Adopting, that challenges churches to rethink how they have handled issues directly related to orphan care. Johnny believes that the Church must take the lead in the world’s orphan crisis.
Michael Chen CCO Campus Minister, Philadelphia Universities
Michael S. Chen is a campus minister with the CCO in partnership with City Church Philadelphia. Before coming to the CCO, Mike spent several years working with students in New York City, Dublin, Princeton, and also interned with the pastoral staff at Redeemer Presbyterian Church in New York City. Originally recruited to play ice hockey at Dartmouth College, he discovered a passion for ministry and later attended Princeton Theological Seminary, where he earned his Master of Divinity.
Patrick Colletti President, Net Health Systems
At the peak of the days, Patrick joined a startup whose Red Bull-swigging, flip-flop culture quickly faltered, leading to lay-offs, substantial debt, and near collapse. From this, Colletti was appointed President and he and a partner led a turn-around which included negotiating debt, re-focusing the product, and of course, wearing many hats simultaneously. The company that emerged, Net Health Systems, is focused on healing the seven million people in the United States with chronic, life-threatening, non-healing wounds often associated with diabetes.
Kelly Cooke CCO Campus Minister, University of Pittsburgh
Kelly Cooke is in her 12th year on staff with the CCO, and she currently works with studentathletes at the University of Pittsburgh. She and her husband, Chris, live in Pittsburgh and enjoy spending time with their 11-month-old daughter, Eliana. Kelly graduated from Malone University with a degree in elementary education in 2001 and from Geneva College with her master’s degree in higher education in 2004.
Chris Cox President, Cox Automotive
From birth, Chris has adored cars and trucks, and has had the fortune of building his 30year career around that passion. Originally a Master Tech, this farm boy has risen to leadership positions in every key function in the automotive industry, from service to sales to general and operational management. Creating this vehicle care business designed for the customer is the fulfillment of a lifelong dream.
Stephen Cushman International Justice Mission
Stephen Cushman serves in the finance department for International Justice Mission. IJM is a human rights agency that secures justice for victims of slavery, sexual exploitation and other forms of violent oppression. IJM lawyers, investigators and aftercare professionals work with local governments to ensure victim rescue, to prosecute perpetrators and to promote functioning public justice systems. Stephen spent five years as a university teacher and orphanage volunteer in northern China before joining IJM two years ago.
Avery Danage CCO Campus Minister, Kent State University
Avery serves as a campus minister with the CCO at Kent State University, where he coleads a multiracial, multiethnic fellowship and serves as the Spiritual Coach for the Kent State University Football Team. He also serves as the Youth Minister at the Euclid Avenue Church of Christ and associate professor at Tri-State Bible College. Avery is currently pursuing his Doctorate of Ministry in Transformational Leadership.
Lamont Downs CCO Campus Minister, Geneva College
Lamont and his wife, Kathy Kinzer-Downs, both work with the CCO in partnership with Geneva College in Beaver Falls, Pennsylvania, where Lamont serves as the Coordinator of the Multicultural Student Services office and Director of a new program called The Academy. Lamont has mentored gang members, college students, and other adults for more than a decade, and he has a passion to awaken men and women’s gifts and abilities through Christ to help them discover their purpose.
Scott Erickson Artist
Scott is a working studio artist as well as an experiential artist, bringing the making of art into public spaces. He is also an experiential artist, bringing the making of art into public spaces. Scott has collaborated with a number of nonprofits, such as WorldVision and International Justice Mission, using his art skills for advocacy and fundraising. He currently serves as the Creative Communications Lead at WorldVision ACT:S
John Fea Author and Chair of the History Department, Messiah College
John Fea is an award-winning historian who has written extensively for both scholarly and popular audiences and is a passionate advocate for thinking Christianly about the past. John is the author of The Way of Improvement Leads Home: Philip Vickers Fithian and the Rural Enlightenment in Early America and co-editor (with Jay Green and Eric Miller) of Confessing History: Explorations in Christian Faith and the Historian’s Vocation. His book Was America Founded as a Christian Nation?: A Historical Introduction was one of three finalists for the prestigious George Washington Book Prize in 2011. John’s most recent book, which will appear with Baker Academic in 2013, is entitled Why Study History: Reflecting on the Importance of the Past.
Billy Ferrell CCO Partnership Coordinator in Central Pennsylvania
Billy Ferrell serves with the CCO as Partnership Coordinator in Central Pennsylvania. He has also ministered to students at York College of Pennsylvania for seven years, with a focus on community outreach and Biblical justice. Prior to his work with the CCO, Billy was a middle school social studies teacher in Maryland, which made him crazy enough to love and serve college students. Billy earned his bachelor’s degree from Frostburg State University and his master’s degree from Hood College.
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Brad Frey Chair of the Department of History, Political Science, and Sociology, Geneva College
Brad Frey is a professor of sociology at Geneva College in Beaver Falls, Pennsylvania and chair of the Department of History, Political Science and Sociology. He has been committed for three decades to the restoration of small, distressed mill towns and to studying the issues associated with them, because he lives in such a town! He is the co-founder of The City House, a living/learning community in a mixed age, mixed income and mixed race neighborhood in Beaver Falls. Currently he is assisting in the development of a community development corporation (CDC) to help with the renovation of the city’s main street.
Nicole Baker Fulgham Founder and President, The Expectations Project
Nicole Baker Fulgham is the founder and president of The Expectations Project, a nonprofit organization creating faithmotivated advocates to help close the academic achievement gap in public schools. For several years, she served on the national staff of Teach For America, where she held several key leadership roles. Nicole regularly speaks at faith-based and education conferences and has authored several articles about educational equity. She is the author of the upcoming book, Educating All God’s Children: What Christians Can do to Help Improve Low-income Public Schools for Kids.
Steven Garber Author and Principal of The Washington Institute
As the Principal of The Washington Institute, the heart of Steve Garber’s own calling is that people understand the integral character of faith, vocation, and culture. He is the author of The Fabric of Faithfulness: Weaving Together Belief and Behavior and a contributor to the volumes Faith Goes to Work: Reflections From the Marketplace and Get Up Off Your Knees: Preaching the U2 Catalogue. For many years, he served as a CCO campus minister with graduate students, he taught on Capitol Hill in the American Studies Program, and then became the Scholar-in-Residence for the Council for Christian Colleges and Universities.
Guy Gardner President, The Williamson Free School of Mechanical Trades
Guy S. Gardner, a former NASA astronaut, Air Force fighter pilot and test pilot, teacher, and head of two schools, was named President of the Williamson Free School of Mechanical Trades in 2009. Prior to his tenure at Williamson, Dr. Gardner served as superintendent of Riverside Military Academy, and as director of super project development at Purdue University in Indiana. He served in the Air Force from 1972-92, and later at NASA’s headquarters in Washington, DC, as the initial director of the joint U.S.-Russian Shuttle-Mir space flight program.
Jim Gash Professor, Pepperdine University School of Law
Jim is a Professor of Law at Pepperdine University School of Law and is in his 13th year of teaching there. In 2010, God opened a new chapter in Jim’s life when he traveled to Uganda to help a group of juveniles who had been languishing in a children’s prison for nearly two years, waiting for their day in court. At the invitation of the Chief Justice of Uganda, Jim became a Specialist Advisor to the High Court in January of 2012 and moved his family to Uganda for six months. Jim designed and helped implement a juvenile justice structure that seeks to ensure Ugandan children will never again be forgotten by the judicial system.
Michael Gerson Author, Columnist, and Senior Advisor at ONE
Michael J. Gerson is a nationally syndicated columnist who appears twice weekly in the Washington Post. He is the author of Heroic Conservatism and co-author of City of Man: Religion and Politics in a New Era. Mr. Gerson serves as Senior Advisor at ONE, a bipartisan organization dedicated to the fight against extreme poverty and preventable diseases, and is a Visiting Fellow at the Center for Public Justice, a Christian civic education and public policy organization dedicated to equipping individuals and institutions to understand their public roles and responsibilities and orient their engagement for the common good. He was a top aide to President George W. Bush as Assistant to the President for Policy and Strategic Planning.
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Saleem Ghubril Executive Director, The Pittsburgh Promise
An ordained Presbyterian minister, Saleem has devoted his life to serving the people of his community through outreach and education programs. In 1985, Saleem founded The Pittsburgh Project, a community development organization that annually provides free home renovations to hundreds of vulnerable seniors, and mentors, educates, and deploys thousands of volunteer youth in meaningful community service initiatives. In 2008, he assumed the leadership of The Pittsburgh Promise, a regional economic and workforce development entity that focuses on transforming the quality of education and life in the City of Pittsburgh, and making higher education a reality for all of Pittsburgh’s urban youth.
Bob Goff Founder and CEO, Restore International
Bob Goff is the New York Times bestselling author of Love Does, as well as an attorney who founded Restore International, a nonprofit human rights organization operating in Uganda and India. As an attorney, Bob shares leadership in a Washington law firm, Goff & DeWalt. He also serves as the Hon. Consul for the Republic of Uganda to the United States, and he is an adjunct professor at Pepperdine Law School, where he teaches Nonprofit Law, and Point Loma Nazarene University, where he teaches Business Law.
Marcus Goodyear Senior Editor, The High Calling
Marcus is Senior Editor for The High Calling, where he leads a team of 20 editors and many more writers for the Foundations for Laity Renewal. His work has been published in numerous magazines, and his poetry is collected in Barbies at Communion. He loves LEGOs, zombies, poetry, and community theater—especially when they involve his wife or one of his two kids.
Darrin Grove Founder & CEO, TrueFit
Darrin Grove, TrueFit’s Founder and CEO, is a native Pittsburgher with a passion for innovation, technology, and values-based leadership. Under Darrin’s leadership, TrueFit has carved out a noteworthy role as a collaborative partner to organizations and entities dedicated to building new ideas, products, and start-ups in Pittsburgh and around the country. Darrin founded TrueFit on the core values of being principled, collaborative, empowering, and serving the common good. In his capacity as CEO, Darrin champions these core values and applies them to each and every client and team member engagement
Lisa Sharon Harper Director of Mobilizing, Sojourners
Lisa Sharon Harper was the founding executive director of New York Faith & Justice, an organization at the hub of a new ecumenical movement to end poverty in New York City. Harper’s faith-rooted approach to advocacy and organizing has activated people across the U.S. and around the world to address structural and political injustice as an outward demonstration of their personal faith. She is the author of Evangelical Does Not Equal Republican…or Democrat and co-author of Left, Right & Christ: Evangelical Faith in Politics.
Dan Haseltine Founder, Blood:Water Mission and Singer, Jars of Clay
Dan Haseltine is the lead singer of the multiplatinum, multi-Grammy winning music group, Jars of Clay. Dan is also the founder of Blood:Water Mission, a grassroots organization that empowers communities to work together against the HIV/AIDS and water crises in Africa. Dan’s artistic titles include songwriter, producer, film composer, music supervisor and art designer. He is also a public speaker and freelance writer. He has written children’s stories and contributed essays for books about worship music, Johnny Cash, HIV/AIDS in Africa, social justice and church reform.
Ken Heffner Director of Student Activities and Festival of Faith & Music, Calvin College
Ken Heffner is Director of Student Activities and Director of the Festival of Faith & Music at Calvin College, a Christian college in Grand Rapids Michigan. He is also a staff alumnus of the CCO. Calvin has a weekly concert series which has included Lupe Fiasco, Joanna Newsom, Sufjan Stevens, The Decemberists, Iron and Wine, Mavis Staples and Switchfoot, to name a few.
Joy Ike Singer & Songwriter
Pittsburgh-based singer/songwriter Joy Ike has been compared to the likes of Corinne Bailey Rae, Norah Jones, and Regina Spektor. Her honest, bittersweet songwriting has earned her the title of Pittsburgh City Paper’s “Best Solo Artist” for the fourth year in a row, the chance to open for a number of national touring acts, and the opportunity to play festivals such as Lilith Fair, Purple Door, and Calvin College’s Festival of Faith & Music.
Peace Ike Singer & Songwriter
Hailing from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, Nigerian singer/songwriter Peace Ike launched her band, The Peace Project, in 2009. Peace combines her formal training with “tell it like it is” lyrics about life, love and faith. Her strong vocals have landed her a place as a background vocalist in opening acts for Lifehouse and Jason Mraz. In 2010, she completed her first self-titled “short length” album which is now available online. She has relocated to Philadelphia from Pittsburgh and can be seen performing solo, in trio form, and with her full band, The Peace Project.
Adam Jackley Young Adult Pastor, New Community Church
Adam currently serves as the Young Adult Pastor of New Community Church in Wexford, Pennsylvania. Adam graduated Phi Beta Kappa from The Johns Hopkins University with a BA in Public Health focusing on the Natural Sciences. He completed his Master of Divinity from Fuller Theological Seminary in Pasadena, California. Adam is fascinated by people and loves reading widely, running often, and photographing everything.
Anne Jackson Author and Advocate
Anne Jackson is the author of Mad Church Disease—Overcoming the Burnout Epidemic and Permission to Speak Freely: Essays and Art on Fear, Confession and Grace. She is currently writing a third book, and she serves as a Writing Assistant for the Religion Department at Hope College in Michigan. Anne is also an advocate for Compassion International and Blood:Water Mission.
Chuck Killoran Construction Manager, The Philadelphia Project
Chuck has been in the construction business for 39 years as a tradesman, project manager, and contractor. Chuck is now Construction Manager for The Philadelphia Project, which he sees as a natural blend of his construction experience and his passion for youth ministries. He wants teens to see God’s work happening through their hands, and realize that they can make a difference in someone’s life.
Kathy Kinzer-Downs CCO Campus Minister, Geneva College
Kathy Kinzer-Downs has earned degrees from Edinboro University of Pennsylvania and Regent University in Virginia Beach. With a heart for young people, especially young women, Kathy has strong convictions in ministry toward reconciliation, justice, and young people understanding their calling, their value, and their identity in Christ. Currently she has the privilege to share in ministry alongside her husband, Lamont Downs, in partnership with Geneva College as they seek to bring diversity and unity to the college and to be a beacon of light to students.
Michelle Kirtley Editor, Capital Commentary; Trustee, Center for Public Justice
Michelle Kirtley, PhD, is the editor of Capital Commentary and a Center for Public Justice trustee. Before joining CPJ, Michelle served as a science and health policy advisor on Capitol Hill, working for two Maryland congressmen. Michelle completed her doctorate in cell biology at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and her undergraduate degree in molecular biology from Princeton University. Michelle also serves as a bioethics and public policy associate at The Center for Bioethics & Human Dignity, a research center at Trinity International University.
Chris Klein Founder, BeCOME AAC
Chris Klein is a voice to those that have none and a helping hand to those with disabilities, even though he was born with cerebral palsy and uses augmentative communication to help him interact with the rest of the world. Over the past four years, Chris has been working closely with people that use AAC. He has recently been elected president of the United States Society of Augmentative Alternative Communication. He realized that the AAC community has a real need for a mentor program, and this led him to form an organization called BeCOME AAC, which stands for Building Connections with Others through Mentoring and Education about AAC. BeCOME AAC is committed to assisting persons with speech disabilities live in fulfilling way.
Dave Liefer Steelworker, US Steel
A member of the United Steelworkers Union, Dave Liefer has thought long and hard about what it means to be a Christian in an industrial environment. He began his 42-year career at US Steel by shoveling under the open hearth furnace at Edgar Thompson Works in Braddock, PA. Over the years, he has worked in just about every area of the mill, spending the last 33 years as an operating technician for Blast Furnace water/air quality control.
Stephen Lutz CCO Campus Minister, Penn State University
Stephen Lutz is a pastor and campus minister with CCO and Calvary Church at Penn State University. He is also author of College Ministry in a Post-Christian Culture, a book on recovering the missional nature of college ministry. Steve received his Master of Divinity degree from Westminster Theological Seminary, and he has helped start churches, campus ministries, and other ventures.
Ben Lowe Environmental Activist and Author
Ben Lowe is on staff with the Evangelical Environmental Network and serves as the National Organizer for Young Evangelicals for Climate Action. He is also the Board Chair of the Au Sable Institute of Environmental Studiesz. A dedicated activist and organizer, Ben was born and raised a missionary kid in Southeast Asia, where he experienced firsthand the impacts of poverty and pollution. He now lives as part of an intentional community in a refugee and immigrant neighborhood in the Chicagoland area, where he ran for U.S. Congress in 2010. Ben is the author of Green Revolution: Coming Together to Care for Creation and is a regular contributor to
Keith Martel Associate Professor, Geneva College
Keith is an Associate Professor in the Humanities and Higher Education at Geneva College. He is particularly interested in the context of education, including the role of place and perspective in faithful learning. Keith holds an MA in Higher Education from Geneva College and a PhD in Philosophy from Duquesne University.
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Derek Melleby Director of the College Transition Initiative
Derek Melleby is the director of the College Transition Initiative, a ministry of the Center for Parent/Youth Understanding, and he also serves as an associate staff member of the CCO. He is author of Make College Count: A Faithful Guide to Life and Learning and coauthor of The Outrageous Idea of Academic Faithfulness.
Michael Matheson Miller Research Fellow and Director of Acton Media at the Acton Institute
Michael has lived and traveled in Europe, Asia, Africa, and Latin America, and much of his current work at the Acton Institute involves leading PovertyCure, promoting entrepreneurial solutions to poverty in the developing world. He lectures internationally on such themes as moral philosophy, economic development, social theory, and entrepreneurship. He is a frequent guest on radio and has been published in several newspapers. He is the director and host of the PovertyCure DVD Series.
Josh Moyer Attorney, Musician, and Novelist
Josh is an entrepreneur and attorney managing a small law practice focused on business and real estate transactions. He also recently cofounded a direct-to-fan social commerce and marketing platform for athletes and fans. Also a musician, Josh helps lead Colonizing the Cosmos, the Pittsburgh-based indie-folk band. This winter, the band will coincide the release of their second concept album with the release of The House of War is a House of Peace, a novel co-authored by Josh and another member of the band, upon which the album is based.
Tom Nelson Author and Senior Pastor, Christ Community Church
Tom Nelson and his wife Liz arrived in Kansas City in 1989 to begin Christ Community Church, where Tom has served as senior pastor ever since. He graduated with a Masters of Theology degree from Dallas Theological Seminary and received his doctorate from Trinity Evangelical Divinity School. Tom is the author of Five Smooth Stones: Discovering the Path to Wholeness of Soul, Ekklesia: Rediscovering God’s Design for the Church and Work Matters: Connecting Sunday Worship with Monday Work. He is also a conference speaker who calls the evangelical community to walk deeply and authentically with God.
jessica Patterson Foreign Policy Advisor
Jessica Patterson grew up moving around the world as the child of American diplomats. During her time as a seminary student, professors observed her love of justice and interest in global affairs, and encouraged her to consider a career in that field. Jessica joined the Foreign Service in 2003, and since that time, she has served in Israel, Chile, Washington, DC, and southeastern Afghanistan. She is currently the Foreign Policy Advisor at a military command.
Matt Pritchard InterVarsity Campus Staff
Matt Pritchard’s passion is developing Christian communities that flourish to shape and inspire the Church. For the last several years, Matt has provided leadership and formation to a variety of ecclesiastical expressions of community, from campus ministries, to intentional Christian/new monastic communities, to emerging and traditional church communities. Currently Matt splits his time as Gatherer (aka Senior Pastor) of a postmodern church plant in the Oakland area of Pittsburgh called Shalom: a Peace Church Community of Brother Francis and Sister Clare, InterVarsity campus staff at the University of Pittsburgh, and staff with The Simple Way.
Erica Young Reitz CCO Campus Minister, Penn State University
Erica Young Reitz works for the CCO at Calvary Church, reaching out to students at Penn State University. In this campus staff role, she directs Senior EXIT, a one-year experience that helps prepare graduating seniors for the transition from college to life after college. Erica has a B.A. in English from Messiah College and an M.A. in Higher Education from Geneva College (with a graduate research focus on the Senior Year Transition).
Joel Repic Pastor and Director of Program Development at Aliquippa Impact
Joel Repic completed his undergraduate degree in biblical studies from Toccoa Falls College and his graduate degree in urban studies from Eastern University. He is a co-pastor at Crestmont Alliance Church in Aliquippa, Pennsylvania. In 2005, Joel founded Aliquippa Impact, a neighborhood-based organization serving young people in high-risk environments. Joel is currently Director of Program Development at Aliquippa Impact.
Sarah Rohrer Deputy Director of the Eastern Region, Bread for the World
Sarah believes that an essential call of the scriptures is to work to bring about the kingdom of God here on earth and is convinced that an essential step in that vision is ending hunger in God’s world. She is the Deputy Director of the Eastern Region for Bread for the World, a collective Christian voice urging our nation’s decision makers to end hunger at home and abroad.
Marc Santom Seminary Student
Marc graduated in 1992 from Geneva College with a degree in English education, and in 2002 from Regent University School of Divinity, where he earned a master of arts in practical theology. Formerly the National Student Ministries Director for the Evangelical Presbyterian Church (EPC) denomination, Marc is now in the process of completing his Master of Divinity degree.
Jeff Shinabarger Founder, and Plywood People
Jeff Shinabarger is a social entrepreneur, experience designer, cofounder of the Q event, and creative director at Catalyst. He is also the founder of and Plywood People, an innovative community addressing social needs through creative projects, and author of the forth-coming book More or Less: Choosing a Lifestyle of Excessive Generosity.
Daniel Siedell Lecturer, Knox Theological Seminary
Daniel A. Siedell is a Lecturer in Christian and Classical Studies at Knox Theological Seminary in Fort Lauderdale, Florida, and curator of www., the online resource ministry of Tullian Tchividjian and Coral Ridge Presbyterian Church. Previously, he spent over 15 years as an art museum curator and art history professor. He has organized numerous exhibitions of modern and contemporary art and is the author of God in the Gallery.
Abbie Smith Author
Abbie Smith is the author of two books, Can You Keep Your Faith in College and The Slow Fade, and she is thrilled to be releasing her third at Jubilee 2013: Celibate Sex: Musings on Being Loved, Single, Twisted, and Holy. In addition to her roles as wife and mother, Abbie may be found writing college-age mentoring material, counseling girls in a local coffee shop, or tutoring kids in her inner-city Savannah, Georgia neighborhood.
Ryan Snow Community Developer, U.S. Green Building Council
Based in Washington, DC, Ryan Snow and a Community Advancement team leverage the power and passion of the green building community, a network of 77 chapters and thousands of dedicated volunteers, to develop innovative opportunities to inspire and engage diverse communities of people to revision their buildings and communities. Currently he is working with community development, service- and faith-based organizations with the goal of transforming communities and people’s lives for a better future. Ryan formerly worked at the Green Building Alliance of Pittsburgh, including the David L. Lawrence Convention Center.
Mark Steffey CCO Campus Minister
Mark Steffey is in his fifth year as a CCO campus minister to student-athletes at the University of Pittsburgh. Mark’s role at Pitt places him on the sideline at football games, leading an annual trip to Haiti, and sitting face-to-face with dozens of student-athletes, among many other tasks. Mark’s previous ministry roles have included stints at Urban Impact, the Pittsburgh Kids Foundation, and 10 years as a student minister at a large suburban church. Mark holds a Master of Arts in Global Leadership from Fuller Theological Seminary.
Victoria Strang Faith Outreach Coordinator, The Humane Society of the United States
Victoria believes that as Christians, we are called upon to act in a kind and merciful way towards all God’s creatures. As the Faith Outreach Coordinator for The Humane Society of the United States, Victoria works with churches nationwide on establishing animal protection ministry programs and educating faith communities about the role of animals in the care of creation.
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Stephanie Summers Chief Executive Officer, Center for Public Justice
Stephanie Summers is the CEO of the Center for Public Justice, an independent, non-partisan civic education and public policy organization based in Washington, DC, which publishes the online journals Capital Commentary and SharedJustice. Ms. Summers has extensive experience in managing nonprofit organizations, building strategic partnerships, and working with volunteers to grow organizational capacity and impact. Prior to her appointment at the Center for Public Justice, she spent 12 years with the CCO, where her roles included Vice President for the Eastern Region and Vice President for Organizational Development. She began her career in nonprofit administration as executive director of The Open Door, a church-based youth center in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.
Tullian Tchividjian Senior Pastor, Coral Ridge Presbyterian Church
William Graham Tullian Tchividjian (pronounced cha-vi-jin) is the Senior Pastor of Coral Ridge Presbyterian Church in Ft. Lauderdale, Florida. The grandson of Billy and Ruth Graham, Tullian is a visiting professor of theology at Reformed Theological Seminary, and a contributing editor to Leadership Journal. He has authored a number of books, including Jesus + Nothing = Everything and Glorious Ruin. He travels extensively, speaking at conferences throughout the U.S., and his sermons are broadcast daily on the radio program LIBERATE. As a respected pastor, author, and speaker, Tullian is singularly and passionately devoted to seeing people set free by the radical, amazing power of God’s grace.
Sandeep Thomas Campus Ministry, Pittsburgh Regional International Student Ministries
Sandeep Thomas was born in Mumbai, India to a devout Christian community that traces its Christian roots 2,000 years, to the time when the Apostle Thomas came to India in 52 AD and established a church there. An electronics engineer by education, Sandeep worked in both the computer and the advertising industries in Mumbai before cofounding an Internet company which delivers online learning courses. He completed his Master of Divinity in 2007, and now serves as a campus minister at the Pittsburgh Regional International Student Ministries (PRISM), reaching students and scholars from the Indian subcontinent for Christ and preaching and teaching at various churches in the Pittsburgh region.
Terry Thomas Director, Geneva College Student Ministry Program
Dr. Terry Thomas is a faculty member at Geneva College in Beaver Falls, Pennsylvania, where he teaches in the Department of Biblical Studies/ Student Ministries and the College’s Master’s Degree Program in Higher Education. He is also the Director of Geneva’s Student Ministry Program. Terry also serves in the teaching ministry of Orchard Hill Church; he speaks nationally to college and high school students and is known for his entertaining style. Among its earliest staff members, Dr. Thomas has worked with the CCO in a variety of roles and has contributed to several publications.
Michael Thornhill CCO Staff Member, Point Park University
A campus minister by day and a salsero instructor by night, Michael Thornhill uses salsa to invite others to experience the tension between listening and leading. Michael’s passion is Jesus Christ and his mission is to help dancers to believe and believers to dance. After teaching salsa classes in Butler and at his alma mater, Slippery Rock University, Michael joined the CCO to minister to students at Point Park University. He now teaches salsa classes in downtown Pittsburgh.
Sam Van Eman CCO Staff Specialist
Sam Van Eman is a staff specialist with the CCO and the culture editor for The High Calling, an online magazine and community that explores the integration of faith and work. As a former public school teacher and current mentor to wilderness leaders, he has taught in barns and board rooms, canyons, classrooms and auditoriums. He is the author of On Earth as It is in Advertising? Moving From Commercial Hype to Gospel Hope.
Greg Veltman Research and Program Coordinator, Student Activities, Calvin College
Greg Veltman and his wife Andrea live in Grand Rapids, Michigan. Together they are mentors at Nizhoni House, one of five Project Neighborhood programs run through Calvin College. Nizhoni is an off-campus, intentional living-learning community, which practices the presence of place to love and serve neighbors and neighborhoods for the renewal of the city. Greg also works in the Student Activities Office at Calvin, as the Research and Program Coordinator, and he writes and teaches about discernment in popular culture.
David Whitcomb Professor of Medicine, University of Pittsburgh
David C. Whitcomb, MD, PhD is the Giant Eagle Foundation Professor of Cancer Genetics, Professor of Medicine, Cell Biology & Molecular Physiology, and Human Genetics, University of Pittsburgh. Dr. Whitcomb is an internationally recognized leader in discovery of the causes of complex diseases and application of new genetic techniques to complex medical disorders, with a focus on pancreatitis and pancreatitis cancer. He is also a physician educator, serving as Chief of the Division of Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Nutrition, University of Pittsburgh and University of Pittsburgh Medical.
Rodger Woodworth Director of Cross-Cultural Ministries, CCO; Pastor, New City Church
Rodger is the Lead Pastor of New City Church in downtown Pittsburgh and the Director of Cross-Cultural Ministries for the Coalition for Christian Outreach. He writes a blog called cross-cultural convergence, is an adjunct seminary professor at RPTS with a Doctorate of Ministry in Complex Urban Settings and serves on the Board of Directors for the Center for Urban Biblical Ministry. Rodger’s greatest passion however is for the gospel of grace that saves broken people like him and broken people different than him and makes us all equal at the foot of the cross.
Exhibitorinformation Acton Institute
Family Guidance, Inc.
Malone University
Shining Light Ministries
Aliquippa Impact
Fuller Theological Seminary
The Mission Society
Summit Adventure
Asbury Theological Seminary
Generation Exodus
Mission Year
Threads // Lifeway
Bethany Christian Services
Geneva College
Ocean City Beach Project
TOMS Shoes
Blood:Water Mission
Operation Christmas Child
Bread for the World
Hearts & Minds Books
Pittsburgh Fellows
Trinity Evangelical Divinity School
Calvin Theological Seminary
The High Calling
The Pittsburgh Project
Hot Metal Bridge Faith Community
Plywood People
CCO XD Center for Public Justice Christian Appalachian Project
The Humane Society of the United States Journey 117 / World Orphans
PovertyCure Reformed Presbyterian Theological Seminary
Knox Theological Seminary
Reformed Theological Seminary
Regent University
DOOR Network
Ligonier Camp & Conference Center
Resolution Hope
The Expectations Project
Louisville Seminary
Christians for Biblical Equality Compassion International
She’s My Sister
Trinity School for Ministry Ugandan Water Project U.S. Green Building Council Wheaton College Graduate Program Women›s Choice Network World Harvest Mission Young Evangelicals for Climate Action YouthWorks! Inc.
speakerbooks For most of Jubilee’s history, HEARTS & MINDS of Dallastown, Pennsylvania has been the conference bookstore. Emerging from Byron and Beth Borger’s involvement with the earliest Jubilee conferences, HEARTS & MINDS is a local, independent bookstore which seeks to illustrate the thinking and perspective of Jubilee. The Jubilee conference and the book display affirm that Christ is Lord of every zone of life, and therefore His people must be continuously learning how best to serve Him in their various vocations, callings, classes, and careers. Because of their association with the CCO and the Jubilee conference, and because of their wide knowledge of books, resources and ideas that can help us live out the implications of the CCO’s Kingdom vision, we are pleased that they are with us again for Jubilee 2013. Please take time to study the book display as we are confident it will enhance your experience of the conference and you will find resources to nurture your growth in faith and action in the months to come.
10% off of every book at Jubilee! Releasing at jubilee!
johnny Carr Orphan Justice: How to Care for Orphans Beyond Adopting
Vincent Bacote The Spirit in Public Theology: Appropriating the Legacy of Abraham Kuyper
john Fea Was America Founded As a Christian Nation?: A Historical Introduction
Nicole Baker Fulgham Educating All God’s Children: What Christians Can do to Help Improve Low-Income Public Schools for Kids
Leroy Barber Everyday Missions: How Ordinary People Can Change the World
Steven Garber The Fabric of Faithfulness: Weaving Together Belief & Behavior During the University Years
Jeff Shinabarger More or Less: Choosing a Lifestyle of Excessive Generosity
Anthony Bradley Liberating Black Theology: The Bible and the Black Experience in America
Michael Gerson City of Man: Religion and Politics in a New Era
Abbie Smith Celibate Sex: Musings on Being Loved, Single, Twisted, and Holy
Stanley Carlson-Thies Revolution of Compassion: FaithBased Groups as Full Partners in Fighting America’s Social Problems
Bob Goff Love Does: Discover a Secretly Incredible Life in an Ordinary World
Steve Lutz College Ministry in a PostChristian Culture
Daniel Siedell God in the Gallery: A Christian Embrace of Modern Art
Lisa Sharon Harper Left Right & Christ: Evangelical Faith in Politics
Derek Melleby The Outrageous Idea of Academic Faithfulness: A Guide for Students
Tullian Tchividjian Unfashionable: Making a Difference in the World by Being Different
Anne Jackson Permission to Speak Freely: Essays and Art on Fear, Confession, and Grace
Tom Nelson Work Matters: Connecting Sunday Worship to Monday Work
Sam Van Eman
Marcus Goodyear Barbies at Communion: and other poems
On Earth as It Is in Advertising?: Moving from Commercial Hype Welcome to the Revolution: A Field Guide For New Believers
Ben Lowe Green Revolution: Coming Together to Care for Creation
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Green Revolution Activist Ben Lowe calls the present generation to come together and care for the earth in an unprecedented way. 978-0-8308-3624-6, $15.00
“[This] is an invitation, not just to believe that another world is possible, but to begin enacting it now.” —Shane Claiborne
Your Mind’s Mission (Urbana Onward) Addressing common myths that result in a passive engagement of our intellect with our faith, Greg Jao gives missional Christians the ingredients to a lifelong discipleship of the mind. 978-0-8308-3461-7, $4.00
“Greg is the perfect author for this nearly perfect book.” —Byron Borger, Hearts & Minds Bookstore, Dallastown, Pennsylvania
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The Fabric of Faithfulness (Expanded Edition) Steven Garber 978-0-8308-3319-1, $16.00
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On sale today at the Hearts & Minds book display!
recommendedreading basic christian discipleship
Brian Tome (Nelson) $12.99 This is the most fun, interesting, basic, but very exciting call to Christian discipleship we’ve seen in years. Simple, witty, radical. Welcome to the Revolution! Faith on the Edge: Daring to Follow Jesus Paul Tokunaga & others (IVP) $16.00 This collection of short readings and discussion questions was created by women and men who work in campus ministry, offering busy students a tool for multi-faceted Christian growth. From our relationship with God to our relationships with others, from our daily jobs to the call to work for justice, from learning to worship to learning to forgive, this guides faithful thinking for practical living across all areas of life. One.Life: Jesus Calls, We Follow Scott McKnight (Zondervan) $14.99 Knight is a passionate New Testament teacher who helps us see that following Jesus relates to all of our lives, from our sexuality to working for justice, from our confidence in His promises to serving Him even in our work. We have just. one. life. Yes!
Heaven is a Place on Earth: Why Everything You Do Matters to God Michael Witmer (Zondervan) $16.99 This is one of the most enjoyable and informative books on what we mean by a “Christian worldview.” A great introduction to the “Jubilee vision”!
Engaging God’s World: A Christian Vision of Faith, Learning, and Living Cornelius Plantinga, Jr. (Eerdmans) $16.00 Elegant writing by a brilliant thinker, helping college students take up their vocations in the Kingdom, especially as students who love to learn, for God’s sake!
The True Story of the Whole World: Finding Your Place in the Story of God Michael Goheen & Craig Bartholomew (Faith Alive) $12.99 One of our favorite Biblically-oriented books, a splendid and easy-to-read overview of the Bible, a thoughtful and insightful approach that helps us to see the unfolding drama of redemption and how the Bible shapes our worldview.
Outrageous Idea of Academic Faithfulness: A Guide for Students Donald Optiz & Derek Melleby (Brazos) $13.99 In many ways, this book developed alongside the Jubilee conference. It is an invitation to allow the Christian faith to shape our calling as students and to relate faith and learning in fun and important ways. Every follower of Jesus who is a student should have this on hand! Highly recommended.
Creation Regained: The Biblical Basis for a Reformational Worldview Albert M. Wolters (Eerdmans) $14.00 This small book is dense with insight and solid Biblical study, offering what some consider to be the best foundational resource for what Jubilee is all about. A classic.
Journey Worth Taking: Finding Your Purpose in This World Charles Drew (P&R) $12.99 This book explores the ideas of calling and vocation by framing them within the over-all Biblical drama. Very well done, full of life-transforming insight. What Is Vocation? Stephen Nichols (P&R) $3.99A very brief guide to this key “Jubilee” concept—that God calls you to serve Him in your particular tasks. Very basic and quite clear.
Cultural Engagement
Culture-Making: Recovering Our Creative Calling Andy Crouch (IVP) $22.00 Andy was a previous Jubilee main-stage speaker and performer, and he reminds us here that God desires for us to be involved in making the world a better place, that social initiatives can be meaningful and honorable to God, and that the joy of living includes being engaged in the world around us. A masterpiece! The Next Christians: Seven Ways You Can Live the Gospel and Restore the World Gabe Lyons (Multnomah) $14.99 Now out in paperback, with a great new chapter and helpful discussion questions. Always a popular Jubilee speaker, this is an upbeat and inspiring look at the ways the rising generation of Christians are making a difference, transforming all areas of life and seeking God’s restoration of society.
In service to the world
Generous Justice: How God’s Grace Makes Us Just Timothy Keller (Dutton) $19.95 One of the clearest theologians and church leaders today offers a solid, short study of how the Bible points us to God’s grace, which motivates us to work for justice. Zealous Love: A Practical Guide to Social Justice Mark & Danae Yankoski (Zondervan) $16.99 Very nicely done, creatively presented, with up-to-date information on various social concerns, contemporary issues, global problems, and how Christians can stand for God’s justice in some of the most burning causes of the day. Various chapters are by well-known experts and lively authors, including Jubilee speaker Bob Goff !
advanced studies
Desiring the Kingdom: Worship, Worldview, and Cultural Formation James K.A. Smith (Baker Academic) $21.95 A deep and fabulous study, exploring everything from pop culture consumerism to postmodern scholarship, to how our deepest desires and ways of being are shaped by either the “liturgies” of secular culture or the liturgies of God’s Kingdom expressed in radical worship. The first of what will be a three-part magnum opus written by a philosopher from Calvin College, Michigan
10% off of every book at Jubilee!
Imagining the Kingdom: How Worship Works James K.A. Smith (Baker Academic) $22.99 This brand new book will surely be one of the most talked about books of the year. It is a powerful, stimulating sequel to the important Desiring the Kingdom. Smith was a hit at Jubilee last year, and many have been eager to see how his argument about “cultural liturgies” unfolds in this study of the life-shaping influence of worship. Beyond Homelessness: Christian Faith in a Culture of Displacement Brian Walsh & Steve Bouma-Prediger (Eerdmans) $27.00 A magisterial study of how failing to believe that God is redeeming all things (using images of homemaking and homecoming) leads to a postmodern dislocation from place, which helps create harsh economics that hurt the poor. What are the relationships between our Up in the Air emptiness and the injustices of disregard for the Earth and the oppressed? One of the most provocative, important, and serious examples of radical Christian scholarship in years! To Change the World: The Irony, Tragedy & Possibility of Christianity in the Late Modern World John Davison Hunter (Oxford) $27.95 This prestigious text is perhaps the most talked about book of its kind in recent years! Deep, rich, wise (and a bit controversial), by a renowned sociologist.
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places to eat (Restaurants within walking distance of the Westin Convention Center Pittsburgh) Breakfast
Penn City Grille $ Westin Hotel, 2nd Floor 412-560-6374
Pizza,Fast Food & Coffee Brown Bag Deli $ Westin Concourse 412-261-5111
Hanlon’s Café $ 961 Libery Avenue 412-394-3500
Crazy Mocha $ Westin Concourse
Deluca’s $ 2015 Penn Avenue 412-566-6374
Smithfield Café $ 639 Smithfield Street 412-281-5452
Pamela’s $ 60 21st Street 412-281-6366
Bruegger’s Bagels $ 411 7th Avenue 412-261-5312
Primanti Brothers $ 46 18th Street 412-263-2142 (open 24/7) August Henry’s City Saloon $ 946 Penn Avenue 412-765-3270 Mark’s Grille & Catering $ 923 Penn Avenue 412-471-6401
Original Fish Market Restaurant $$$ 1001 Liberty Avenue 412-227-3657 Sushi Kim $$ 1241 Penn Avenue 412-281-9956 $ Meals for 2 people under $25 $$ Meals for 2 people range between $25-$45 $$$ Meals for 2 people are over $45
Au Bon Pain $ William Penn Place 412-263-2772 Starbucks Coffee $ 210 6th Avenue 412-642-9066 Subway $ 930 Penn Avenue 412-281-4522
Sammy’s Famous Corned Beef $ 217 9th Street 412-765-2244 7th Street Grille $ 130 7th Street 412-338-0303 Tonic Bar and Grill $ 971 Liberty Avenue 412-456-0460
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