CCO Jubilee Conference Program Book2014

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Welcome ������������������������������������������ 2 Connect With Us . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 General Info . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Jubilee Cross-Cultural. . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Morning & Late Night Options. . . . 8 Maps. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 Gathering Notes. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 Workshop Notes. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 Workshops. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 Speakers & Artists. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36 Exhibitor Info. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47 Speaker Books. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48 Recommended Readings. . . . . . . . . 50 Nearby Food. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55


Compassion International The High Calling

Junior Level

Bread for the World Eastern University Experience Mission

Freshmen Level

Asbury Theological Seminary Focus Leadership Institute The Institute for Faith, Work & Economics

Friday 3:00 p.m. 7:30 p.m. 10:00 p.m.

Registration Opens Gathering A Late Night Ops

8:00 a.m. 9:00 a.m. 10:30 a.m. 12:30 p.m. 2:30 p.m. 4:00 p.m. 5:30 p.m. 7:30 p.m. 10:00 p.m.

Morning Op Workshop 1 Gathering B Lunch Break Workshop 2 Workshop 3 Dinner Break Gathering C Late Night Ops

8:00 a.m. 9:00 a.m. 10:30 a.m.

Morning Op Workshop 4 Gathering D




are large-group sessions that are held in the main ballroom.


are smaller-group sessions designed around specific topics.



Who Produces


The CCO (Coalition for Christian Outreach) is a campus ministry that develops men and women who live out their Christian faith in all areas of life.

Our ministry is distinct in three ways: 1. Our ministry is transformational. We challenge the students we serve to submit every area of their lives to Jesus Christ. 2. We partner with churches, colleges, and other organizations, placing our staff in strategic positions of influence on campus. 3. We do contextual ministry, meaning that our staff people tailor their ministries to the needs of the particular campus at which they serve. For more about us, please visit our website:

God made it all, and God cares about it all. It all matters. That’s what Jesus reconciled through His blood on the cross. Everything. That’s what God calls us—as followers of Jesus, enlivened by the Holy Spirit—to engage for His Kingdom’s sake. Nothing less than everything. With the world around us shouting at every turn that nothing really matters, it’s time to take a deeper look into the truth of the Gospel and how it absolutely does matter. The Gospel of Jesus Christ, the promise that His sacrifice makes possible the redemption and restoration of the whole world—it matters how we treat our roommates, how we view business transactions, how we study, play, work, and interact with everyone we meet. It matters how we will live out our faith in Jesus Christ. We hope that this weekend God will expose you to new ideas, new passions, new callings, and fresh meaning for your life. We pray that you will be transformed into a change agent for God’s Kingdom. The whole story of the Bible points us to God’s work of changing a broken world back into the perfectly aligned and thriving creation He originally intended. While we know that Jesus will be the ultimate restorer, as bearers of His image and members of His body, He invites us into the family business—to create signposts in our pieces of the everything that will point toward their ultimate restoration. We have designed this conference to introduce you to people who are seeking to live their lives as those signposts. We hope that, as you process what you are learning, you will understand more fully your place in the larger work that Christ is doing in the world. We hope that you will hear things that excite you, challenge you, confuse you, and inspire you. Most of all, we hope this weekend isn’t just a weekend for you, but rather a signpost on your journey—the journey of a life animated by Jesus’ love and grace in order to reflect the love and grace of Jesus in all you do. Because it’s really true. Everything matters.




TWEET SHARE LIKEUS @jubilee #jubilee2014

@livingjubilee #jubilee2014





INFO Jubilee HQ

We’ll refer to Jubilee HQ a lot this weekend. Jubilee HQ is your one-stop source for any information you’ll need about the conference. It is located outside the Spirit of Pittsburgh Ballroom in the Convention Center.


Swing by the store and take advantage of special conference prices! You’ll find books by conference speakers, books by tons of other great authors, and the newest resources from Hearts & Minds Bookstore.

Name Tags

You’ll need to wear your name tag for admission to all Jubilee events throughout the weekend. (That’s why we provided the handy and stylish lanyard it hangs on. You’re welcome.)

Hotel Info

You cannot call outside the Westin from your hotel room phone. However, you can call from room to room inside the hotel. Room service is available on a cash basis.

Check Out

Everyone must be checked out of hotel rooms by 1 p.m. on Sunday. If you traveled here by car or van, it’s a good idea to check out before Gathering D. Take your luggage to your vehicle and turn your room key in at the front desk.

Image Policy

Your attendance at Jubilee 2014 implies permission for the CCO (and personnel or agencies authorized by them) to reproduce your image, video likeness, and voice in CCO events coverage. Thank you!




CHURCHES Allegheny Center Alliance Church

250 East Ohio Street Pittsburgh, PA 15212 (412) 321-4333 Sunday, 8:30 a.m.

First English Evangelical Lutheran Church 615 Grant Street Pittsburgh, PA 15219 (412) 471-8125 Sunday, 8:30 a.m.


First Presbyterian Church 320 Sixth Avenue Pittsburgh, PA 15222 (412) 471-3436 Sunday, 10:45 a.m.

Epiphany Catholic Church

184 Washington Place Pittsburgh, PA 15219 (412) 281-3141 Sunday, 8:00 a.m. Look for CCO staff member Jenny Kelly at Jubilee HQ at 7:30 a.m. to join the group walking to Mass.

make the most of Your

jubilee experience!


The Holy Spirit is the power of this conference. Pray for the sessions, pray for one another, pray for the people you disagree with and those who are driving you crazy. Pray for an open heart. Take a prayer walk through the city. Slip into the Prayer Room (the Armstrong Room at the Westin) for a space to pray or to be prayed for throughout the weekend.


Jubilee gathers together a rare community of people from all over the country. You’ll find women and men who share your calling, interests, passions, and some with whom you have little in common. These connections provide incredible opportunities to explore, discuss, learn, and discern together. Look up friends from previous Jubilees and make new ones. Re-imagine the world together, share what’s working on your campus, put your frustrations and triumphs into words. Meals are a perfect time for this, so never eat alone!


You won’t want to miss the exhibits! These organizations offer great resources and opportunities. Stop by these booths to connect, network, and learn. And did you know you can win prizes by visiting with exhibitors? Stop by at least 10 exhibitor booths, have your card validated after each conversation, and you will be entered to win prizes—like cool TOMS sunglasses! Drop your completed card off at Jubilee HQ.


We’re thrilled that this weekend will challenge you to think in new ways about old ideas, or to recall old thoughts about new things. Don’t be afraid to have some fun as you think. God has invited us to participate in His work in the world—that’s a great reason to have a party. Jubilee is our party and we’re so glad you are here!

Engage Question Discover

Faith Eastern University, recognized as “the most beautiful Christian campus on the East Coast.” Christian Universities Online


astern University combines academic excellence, evangelism and social justice to inspire students to transform society and the world. A diverse community passionately committed to the integration of faith and calling, Eastern encourages personal transformation in the lives of its students. At Eastern, talented faculty engage and equip students to make a difference in regional, national, and global organizations. Make plans to visit Eastern this spring. For now, please visit

ACADEMICS n 36 Undergraduate Majors n 12 Master’s Programs n 3 Doctoral Programs n 11:1 Student/Faculty Ratio HIGHLIGHTS n 30 Study Abroad Options n 4,300 Students n 114 Acre Campus n 165 Full-Time Faculty

Eastern University 1300 Eagle Road, St. Davids, PA 19087 Phone: 610.341.5800 St. Davids, PA King of Prussia, PA Harrisburg, PA Philadelphia, PA Online Programs








CROSS-CULTURAL We host Jubilee Cross-Cultural to promote discipleship for students of color. We want students to recognize their role in global leadership in light of the connection between faith and vocation. The workshops emphasize ethnic and cultural backgrounds as unique gifts from God. The following events and workshops are open to all attendees, regardless of race and ethnicity.



Join us as we celebrate a variety of styles of worship—from miming to spoken word to Christian rap! It doesn’t matter if this is your usual worship style or if you want to experience something a little different. Come join us!

The Best of Times, the Worst of Times: Life as a Black Christian on a White Campus, with Khadija Adams Life as a Black Christian on a predominately white campus is, almost by definition, life as a professional translator and bridge-builder. Whether in the classroom, your dorm room, with the Black Student Union, or your fellowship group, you find yourself ever-understanding, but rarely being fully understood. If you’re looking for a place to commiserate and celebrate your life as all things to all people on campus, this is the seminar for you.

LATE NIGHT Worship Slam

DLCC West Atrium

SATURDAY Workshop 4 PM Jubilee Latino

Machismo: Discovering the Beauty of Ethnicity and the Frailty of Pride, with Michael Thornhill Machismo: strong or aggressive masculine pride. This session will explore the story of a second generation Afro Cuban man who, along with his twin brother, was adopted as an infant into a biracial American family. Walk with him through his discovery of true machismo and ethnic identity as he learned about the frailty of pride and the beauty of his ethnicity in Christ Jesus. Butler East & West

DINNER Jubilee Cross-Cultural Dinner

$6, pre-registration required. Meet in the lobby of the Westin Hotel at 5:30 p.m. Dinner will begin at 5:45 p.m. Westin Lobby

LATE NIGHT Late Night Prayer

Join us for a time of corporate prayer. Whether you’re seeking direction, healing, comfort, or peace from God, the Jubilee Cross-Cultural Team would love to take your concerns to the Lord with you. We’ll be in the Butler Rooms as soon as the Saturday night session ends, and will stay until the last person leaves. Butler East & West


Workshops 9 am Jubilee Africana

Butler East & West

Jubilee Asia

Identity and Urban Ministry: Leaving your Comfort Zone for the Kingdom of God, with Kerri Landes Clauser Do you want to be all in for the Kingdom of God? Many people wonder how God can use His people to fight poverty, injustice, and brokenness in local cities. In this session, we will explore the meaning of urban ministry through the lens of scripture. Our identity is rooted in Jesus Christ, and God wants to equip us to serve. Wherever you are, put your faith into practical action by loving your neighbor and neighborhood. Learn about transformative ministry happening in the city of Pittsburgh through the local church and community residents. Westmoreland East

grow what matters. Asbury Theological Seminary is a multidenominational graduate school committed to spiritually formative education. Simply put, we believe in growing things that really matter - like pastors, church planters, counselors and missionaries. Since 1923, that’s been our mission. Our alumni leave Asbury as theologically educated men and women, whose purpose is to spread scriptural holiness throughout the world through the love of Jesus Christ, in the power of the Holy Spirit and to the glory of God the Father.

10,000 alumni 6 continents · 67 countries 50 u.s. states · 154 denominations 19 time zones Whatever your mission is, Asbury can help you grow every step of the way - no matter where you're planted in the world. Call. 800.2ASBURY Visit.

Click. Learn more.

transforminjustice use your voice to end hunger



OPTIONS Friday Late Night

Saturday 8am

Join us as we celebrate a variety of different styles of worship— from miming to spoken word to Christian rap! It doesn’t matter if this is your usual style of worship or if you want to experience something a little different. Come join us!

Come and learn about the ancient practice of Lectio Divina, seeking an encounter with Christ that transforms the heart and mind through a deliberate reading of Scripture. This will surely refresh you and be a great start to the day.

Worship Slam

DLCC West Atrium

Justin McRoberts Concert

Enjoy an evening of music with Justin McRoberts. A songwriter, storyteller, teacher, and advocate, Justin is one of those rare artists who seamlessly blends artistry, honesty, and humor. Allegheny 1 & 2

Life Size Board Games

You will not want to miss out on this unique opportunity to be part of a life size board game! Come join the BIG fun and see how your favorite childhood games have grown up with you. Also offered Saturday Late Night. DLCC near exhibit hall


Join us for a time of corporate prayer. Whether you’re seeking direction, healing, comfort, or peace from God, come together with others to lift your requests to the Lord. Armstrong

Fitness Dance Party

Let loose and get your body moving during a fun workout celebration of music and dancing! This Fitness Dance Party will incorporate Latin-inspired rhythms. Crawford East & West

Multi-Media Experiential Art Show

Artist Scott Erickson performs an experiential piece titled “We Are Not Troubled Guests.” Through spoken narrative, live painting, and video, Scott shares some of his most personal experiences with doubt, faith, pain, and the solidarity of Bohemian Rhapsody. Offered at 10:30pm on both Friday and Saturday nights. Wood Street Galleries, 601 Wood Street

Read. Think. Pray. Be.


SatURDAY Late NigHT Cross-Cultural Prayer

Join us for a time of corporate prayer. Whether you’re seeking direction, healing, comfort, or peace from God, come together with others to lift your requests to the Lord. We’ll be in the Butler Rooms as soon as the Saturday night session ends, and will stay until the last person leaves. Butler East & West

Shoe Drive

Inspired by a workshop speaker at last year’s Jubilee to live with less, Logan Froehlich from Capital University has gone 11 months wearing just one pair of shoes! We have partnered with Logan to organize a shoe drive right here at Jubilee 2014. Donate a new or gently used pair of shoes this weekend. PA Ballrooms


Bring your game face and be prepared to yell BINGO! If you want a better chance of winning, donate a pair of shoes for the shoe drive at the door and we will give you an extra bingo card. PA Ballrooms

Dance Off

Hip Hop + House + a local DJ + freestyle = a dance off in the West Atrium. Come and join a dance off where the music and joy of Saturday night doesn’t go down with the sun. If you love to dance and want to have a good time, this is the place for you. DLCC West Atrium

Sunday 8am Yoga

Start your day off right with the rejuvenating practice of yoga. If this wisdom-packed weekend has blown your mind, join us in energizing yet relaxing stretching and meditation. This will be a great way to wake up and reflect on everything that you have learned so far from Jubilee! Crawford East & West


MAPS Please note that both the David L. Lawrence Convention Center and the Westin Hotel will be used for Jubilee sessions.


There are two ways to walk between the two buildings: 1. Use the skywalk from the second floor of the Westin. You will use an elevator or stairs at the end of the walkway to go up one flight to the ballroom and exhibit hall. 2. Walk outside the Westin and down the sidewalk toward the Convention Center. Take the escalator up two levels and walk down the hallway to the ballroom and exhibit hall.


Gatherings are all held in the Spirit of Pittsburgh Ballroom in the Convention Center. Workshop sessions are located in meeting rooms in both the Westin and Convention Center—refer to the workshop schedule for specifics. Jubilee HQ, the bookstore, and exhibit booths are all in the lobby outside of the Spirit of Pittsburgh Ballroom.


6 10

Visit us at Booth 107 and sign up today!

Your work matters. Press on. Ryan fell in love with winemaking. A few years ago, he left a full-time music ministry, moved his young family to Oregon and became a small-batch artisanal wine producer. Today he operates a successful urban winery in Portland. And he understood intuitively that stepping into a God-given vocation wasn’t at odds with being both entrepreneurial and ambitious. See: God provided the fields, the sunlight, the rain, and the grapes. But it was Ryan’s job to make the wine. And he wasn’t content to settle for good enough. He set out to make world-class wine. Just a few years into his venture, he’s already been named one of the top ten urban wineries in the country. Soon, it’ll be your turn to make something world-class — something so good people will drive miles and miles just to come taste it. Here at The High Calling, we celebrate our drive to serve the Kingdom by making good things for the world, as we co-create with God. We’re here at Jubilee. Visit us at Booth 107 and: · Plug into 60 years of conversation about work, life, and God. · Dive into helpful articles hand-curated for young professionals · Learn the good stories about good companies and organizations · Get connected to High Calling coaches and experts in your field of study who are ready to engage you personally. · Subscribe today — it’s free — you’ll receive new articles all month long, written by Jubilee students for Jubilee students.

As you transition from college to colleague, remember: your work matters. What will you create out in the workplace?


CREATION The High Calling

Jay Jakub

Andy Crouch

Manfred Honeck

Jubilee Video Contest Award

Executive Editor, Christianity Today

Director of External Research, Mars, Incorporated

Music Director, Pittsburgh Symphony Orchestra

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THE FALL Bethany Hoang Director of the Institute for Biblical Justice, International Justice Mission

Dan Allender

Author and Professor of Counseling, The Seattle School of Theology & Psychology

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SERVING GOD BY CARING FOR CHILDREN Since 1944, Bethany has responded with compassion, integrity, and commitment to children and families in need.

Many children worldwide are orphaned or abandoned due to poverty. Bethany helps families stay together by providing social services and assistance, and is blessed to serve in 18 countries and in more than 115 U.S. offices. We preserve life through pregnancy counseling. We find families for children in need and support them through the lifelong journey of adoption. We keep families together through family preservation services, supporting them to meet their challenges and become stronger. Join the vision: That every child would know the warmth and security of a loving family, in Jesus’ name.

Find out more at




REDEMPTION Margot Starbuck

Author and Speaker

Eric Mason

Founder & Pastor, Epiphany Fellowship

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Someone else will do it.

I’m too young.

I can’t afford it.

There are lots of reasons to walk away.

But there’s ONE reason to say

“Yes.” .

You can be Hope to a child

Sponsor today. 15

Paid Business Fellowships For College Grads



RESTORATION R. York Moore National Evangelist, InterVarsity Christian Fellowship USA

Terry Thomas

Director, Geneva College Student Ministry Program

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a m



Check sessions you plan on attending for your own reference. q q q q

Garber & Jakub, DLCC 301 & 302 Martel & Opitz, Allegheny 1 & 2 Reitz, Allegheny 3 Ware, DLCC 304

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q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q


Adams, E., DLCC West Atrium

Adams, K., Westmoreland Central Bontrager, Allegheny 3 brown, Washington Buda, DLCC 305

Crouch, Butler East & West Garber, DLCC 307 Haarsma, DLCC 306 Kelly, DLCC 304

Kinnaman, DLCC 301 & 302 Ludema, DLCC 310

Lutz & CCO Panel, PA Ballrooms

Mahan & Purcell, Westin Lobby Martsolf, Westmoreland West McRoberts, Fayette Miller, Somerset West

Richmond, Cambria East

Schuurman, Somerset East Stone, Cambria West

Stout, Westmoreland East

Worthington, DLCC 303

__________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________

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Join us this summer! Find our exhibit for more info...

JUNE 2014: Bring hope to prisons across Maine, Boston, New York & Philadelphia

Your future here is bright






• Programs in urban ministry, world mission, and church planting • Faculty researching and writing on archaeology, the human genome project, and everything in between • $1.2 million in student financial aid








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q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q

Adams, DLCC West Atrium

Allender, DLCC 301 & 302

Anderson, Darnell, Wagner, DLCC 305 Bacote, Cambria West Belcher, Washington

CCO Panel, PA Ballrooms Courtney, DLCC 304 Crouch, DLCC 303 Erickson, DLCC 310 Haarsma, DLCC 306 Haseltine, DLCC 307

Haubrich & Summers, Cambria East Hoang, Allegheny 3 Lutz, Somerset West McRoberts, Fayette

Moore, Westmoreland Central Schuurman, Somerset East

Starbuck, Westmoreland East

Thornhill, Butler East & West

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WORKSHOP 4 q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q

Adams, Butler East & West Belcher, DLCC 305 Bleil, DLCC 306

Borger, DLCC 307

Carlson-Thies, Cambria West Clauser, Westmoreland East

Cook, Cooke, Creasy, Westmoreland Central Goodyear, DLCC 304

Lowe, Westmoreland West

Stout, J. & M. DLCC 301 & 302 Teetsel, Washington

Trulear, Cambria East

Vaillancourt-Murphy, Somerset West Van Der Werf, Fayette

Van Eman & CCO XD Panel, DLCC 310 Ware, Somerset East

World Harvest Mission, DLCC 303

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WORKSHOP 1 Visions of Vocation Steven Garber & Jay Jakub

Learning to learn is the heart of the vocation of a student. How do we learn to learn in ways that deepen us, heart and mind? That bring clarity to what we do and why? That help us understand that an education can become a vocation? Steven Garber and Jay Jakub will talk together about their own vocations, focusing on a project they have taken up that has “Jubilee” written into its very meaning, and will have meaning for people in universities and marketplaces the world over. It might even mean something for you. DLCC 301 & 302

College Matters: Learning for God’s Sake Keith Martel & Don Opitz

We want you to thrive during your college years. Many of you aren’t quite thriving yet, so we’ve got some ideas for you to try out. If you are already thriving, perhaps some of our suggestions will boost you into super-thrive! (And yes, Jesus is the key, the source, the guide, and the Lord of learning.) Allegheny 1 & 2



Is there life after graduation? Erica Young Reitz

The transition from college to life after college is arguably one of the most difficult transitions you will make up to this point in your life. In this session, we will address some of the top issues post-graduates face and how you can best prepare to live as faithful Christ-followers in the “real world.” Allegheny 3

Basic Christianity Pete Ware

Christianity is so grand that the most sophisticated minds cannot fully comprehend it, but so clear that children can grasp it. During this workshop, we will focus on the basics of Christianity—the things we can grasp—and explore how those effect everything else. DLCC 304


Visit our booth in the exhibit hall or visit

for more info.



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Dance Matters Emily SoRelle Adams

Participants will journey together through the dancer’s daily ritual of class, exploring the theme that Everything Matters, as we are encouraged by each other’s gifts in a master class setting. This class is designed for intermediate to advanced dancers of all backgrounds. DLCC West Atrium

Negotiable Spaces: Art, Religion & the Gift of the Liminal Kenyon Adams

Christianity and the arts share common objectives, but none so fundamental as the initiative towards transformation. The hope of the gospel (viz. redemption of the body) would seem to suggest that change is rather the point. We move from one state or condition to another: sinfulness to holiness, brokenness to wholeness, temporality to eternity. But why is it that our religious practices often seem far less potent than our engagement with the arts, even with so-called secular art? Is there some element at work in the arts that is somehow lacking in our religious practices, in our conceptions of liturgy and embodiment? Westmoreland Central

Discovering Purpose and Impacting Business Michael Bontrager

There are few models for finding purpose and connecting faith in a business environment. Come to find out about this entrepreneur’s journey and discover how a transforming faith led to an entirely different approach to building and operating a business. Allegheny 3

With Trembling Boldness: Understanding the Call to Vocational Ministry Josh Brown

A proper understanding of Christian vocation recognizes that we can faithfully proclaim and exalt Jesus Christ from any occupational realm. Nevertheless, the call to vocational ministry—and particularly pastoral ministry—is distinct in its character and function. What is the character and nature of that call, and how can you go about discerning it? What practical steps should you take to pursue that call, and what are the unique joys and challenges that it brings? We will explore the concept of vocation and reflect upon a theology of ministry. We will also consider some common misconceptions and prevalent false models before sketching out the biblical portrait of one who pursues the call to vocational ministry with trembling boldness. Washington

Living with integrity as a student-athlete Chris Buda

Every college student faces challenges when it comes to integrating their Christian faith into all of life. Collegiate student-athletes face additional pressures and factors that make the challenges even greater. Through stories and discussion, Chris Buda will equip studentathletes to not only face these challenges, but to thrive in the midst of their unique daily experience. DLCC 305

Following Jesus as a Physicist in Academia Catherine Hirshfeld Crouch

It is a real privilege to be a college or university faculty member. There are amazing opportunities and challenges for a follower of Jesus to grow in and live out his or her faith. In this workshop, Catherine Crouch will talk about the most important ways that being a physics professor at a liberal arts college has helped her grow in her faith and how she is trying to live out her faith through her work. Workshop participants will have an opportunity to reflect on and discuss how these ideas might help them live out their own faith, now as students and in the future in their vocations. Butler East & West

What Do You Care About? When an Education Becomes a Vocation Steven Garber

The whole world seems a possibility—from astronomy to zoology, with history and politics, economics and poetry too. But what is ours to think and care about, to work at over time? What is it that draws us in? And has staying power? That keeps making sense over the course of life? This seminar will address the vocation of student, and finding our way into occupations that become vocations—along the way listening in to movies and music that are the cultural context of both learning and life. DLCC 307

Following Christ in Science and Technology Deborah Haarsma

What does it mean to follow Christ while pursuing a career in science or technology? Does good science require setting aside your faith to be “neutral”? What do you do when the discoveries of science seem to conflict with the Bible? Can your career serve the mission of the church? Join us for a discussion of ways that science can be a truly Christian vocation. DLCC 306


No More Let Sin and Sorrows Grow: Stories of Kingdom Hope in Urban Health care Shareen Kelly

Called to Campus? Discerning if you should go into college ministry Stephen Lutz & CCO Panel

Everything matters. For those of us in, or considering involvement in, urban health care, the calling to live as a faithful witness to the hope of the kingdom in the face of the changing landscape of health care is a daily challenge. This session will offer thoughts, stories, and a biblical foundation for how health care professionals can approach health care as a system, as a relationship between provider and patient, and as a sustainable calling in a world replete with both brokenness and seeds of redemption. DLCC 304

The work of a campus minister can be a lot of fun, but it’s not all hanging out, drinking coffee, and playing ultimate Frisbee. It’s a vocation for transforming lives. It’s about leadership, communication, service, influence, and innovation. It is a mission to the most exciting and strategic people group in the world. It’s about changing the world, one student at a time. If you have ever thought about going into college ministry, or even if you haven’t, come to this session to explore what college ministry is, what it requires of you, and practical ways to discern if you’re called to do it. PA Ballrooms

Love God with your Mind: Being Faithful in the Social Sciences David Kinnaman

Health Policy and a Faithful Christian Presence Grant Martsolf

In this session, you will learn more about faithfully following your calling in the social sciences—whether psychology, sociology, research, communications, or political science. Those interested in business, engineering, statistics, accounting, and others are welcome, too! David Kinnaman is the author of unChristian and You Lost Me and creator of the brand-new FRAMES short books, and he is a huge fan of Jubilee and the awesome questions students ask. He will describe important books to read, people to know, and habits to cultivate. Come ready to learn, ask hard questions and have fun—and maybe get some insights to the question, “What am I going to do with this degree?” DLCC 301 & 302

Globalization and Inequality: Is Free Trade the Problem or the Solution? Rodney Ludema

Over the last three decades, income disparities between countries have diminished, while income disparities within countries have grown considerably—not just in the United States, but also in Latin America, Asia, and Africa. At the same time, globalization has increased markedly. Trade between developed and developing countries has increased substantially, and economic growth has shifted to the developing world. What are the connections among these trends? Come explore the nexus between globalization and income inequality, why Christians should be concerned, and what we can do about it. DLCC 310


Few issues garner more attention in Congress, the White House, state legislatures, and governors’ mansions than health care. Researchers and contractors provide policymakers with important resources that inform the development of public policy aimed to improve the health care delivery system. Christians working in this field can participate in God’s redemptive work and serve their neighbors by contributing to sound policies that promote high quality, low cost, and accessible care. In this session, we will discuss key policy issues affecting the American health care system, a theology of health care policy, and how Christians might maintain a faithful presence in the field. Westmoreland West

Being a Christian in the Music/Arts Industry Justin McRoberts

Let’s move beyond the question of whether or not a song, band, album, or label can be “Christian” and focus on the more vital question of how to be Christians in the music/arts industry. What does faithfulness look like as an artist? What does the gospel sound and look like? After 15 years as a singer-songwriter, storyteller, and (more recently) author, Justin McRoberts has a unique perspective on the unique role Christians can and do play as musicians and artists. Fayette

Telling the Story of the World Eric Miller

Is belief decisive for the way we understand the past? Should it be? In this workshop, we will probe the surprisingly vexed relationship between how we see the world and how we tell its story. Within the contested terrain of the historical profession, Christian historians over the past 50 years have advanced an array of ideas that seek to make sense of the relationship between our fundamental beliefs and historical interpretation. We will examine these efforts and work towards a deepening understanding of a faithfully Christian way of exploring the past. Somerset West

The Trades, Tool-making, and God’s Wisdom for the World Jim Mahan, Jerry Purcell, Sean Purcell

Note: Participants of this workshop will meet at 2:30 p.m. in front of the Westin to board a bus to Penn United. This session will extend throughout the afternoon. Dinner will be provided for all participants, who will be returned to the Westin in time for Saturday evening’s Gathering. Old Testament scholar Ray Van Leeuwen writes: “Craftsmanship or skill in any area of human endeavor lies at the heart of biblical wisdom, because wisdom is a concept as wide and all-encompassing as creation, which in ancient thought included culture.” These off-site breakout sessions will explore this connection between the skilled trades and God’s wisdom for the world. The goal of these sessions is to explore how and why the trades matter in God’s world. These sessions will take place at Penn United Technologies, Inc., which is a 500 plus employee-owned tool and die company. Participants will tour the facility and will take part in dialogue with executives, journeymen, and apprentices with the goal of seeing the integral linking between making things, being human, and God’s wisdom. Off-Site; meet in Westin Hotel Lobby to board transportation

Practicing Law, Faith, & Justice John Cotton Richmond

Join us for a discussion of human trafficking, international human rights, the legal profession, and how caring for others and seeking justice law can produce worship. Cambria East

Shaping a Digital World: What do bytes have to do with beliefs? Derek Schuurman

What do bytes have to do with beliefs? Derek Schuurman will present some of the ideas from his recent book, entitled Shaping a Digital World: Faith, Culture and Computer Technology. His approach is oriented around the grand Biblical themes of creation, fall, redemption, and new creation. Building on the work of Jacques Ellul, Marshall McLuhan, and Neil Postman, and drawing from a wide range of Christian thinkers, he argues that computer technology is not neutral, but value-laden with substantial legal, ethical, social, cultural, and faith implications. Computer technology is part of the possibilities of God’s good creation. Although fallen, it is an area we are called to use and develop responsibly. Somerset East

An Old Vocation, A New Marketplace Roxanne Stone

We’ve all heard the bad news about today’s publishing industry. But there’s plenty of good news too—especially for the entrepreneurial writer and editor. In this workshop, we’ll look at the opportunities afforded by today’s multi-platform journalism and how to stand out in a very crowded arena. We will also ask what it means to pursue excellence in an industry that increasingly prefers speed and quantity over quality. Cambria West

What is a Good Human Life? Mari Stout

Pain. Trauma. Disappointment. Confusion. Sadness. Anger. Jealousy. All of these emotions—and more—are ubiquitous across culture, race, gender, and nationality. What is a good human life? Every counseling theory wrestles with that basic question. How do human beings make sense of struggles inherent in life? Does God’s story have anything to say about suffering? How does he respond to the pain and brokenness that is everywhere? As Christians, how do we walk alongside those who suffer? Is it possible to experience joy or hope in the face of real pain? Are you someone who tends to be the listening ear for your friends? Are you considering pursuing a career in the helping professions? Mari Stout will share from her experiences as a social worker and professional counselor, exploring what it looks like to find hope in the midst of struggle. Westmoreland East

The School as Parish: How to Make a Difference in Education Matthew Worthington

The challenge to provide a quality education to every child regardless of their zip code can easily feel overwhelming to the average individual. The mass amounts of information provided through film, literature, journalism, and viral videos about the daunting challenges of restoring equity to our education systems, make it easy to feel like David staring at Goliath. In this workshop, Matt Worthington explores his own journey as an average individual attempting to expand opportunities for the least among us through ordinary means and provides resources for others to do the same. DLCC 303




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WORKSHOP 3 Bodies in Motion Emily SoRelle Adams

C.S. Lewis and the Power of Story Jim Belcher

The Hatred of Eve Dan Allender

Wondering if vocational campus ministry is right for you? CCO staff panel

The hope of the Gospel assures us that one day our embodied lives will be completely redeemed. Dance offers us a foretaste of this promise to come. Inspired by this vision of human flourishing, Bodies in Motion is a workshop designed for people who would consider themselves “non-dancers,” and who are interested in exploring movement possibilities and dance concepts in an encouraging environment. Come in comfortable clothing, ready to move, and discover the possibilities of dance! DLCC West Atrium

Sexual violence against women on campus, in suburban homes, in nations overrun with war, and in refugee camps is the norm, not the exception. From sexual abuse to human trafficking, why is there so much sexual violence against women and children? It is imperative not only to address that question, but to look at the war between men and women as a reality that must be addressed in the church through the lens of Genesis 3 and a deeper understanding of “the curse.” We will look at the consequences of sin on gender, sexuality, and the intersection of male and female. DLCC 301 & 302

Going pro in something other than (fill in your sport here) Stacie Anderson, Matt Darnell, Dan Wagner

Every student-athlete dreams of professional success beyond college, but for the vast majority, that profession will be something other than their sport. In this session, a panel of former student-athletes will lead a discussion that helps students take their experiences as studentathletes and apply them to becoming Kingdom citizens once they enter the working world. The three-person panel includes a former college wrestler who is now a nutritionist and PhD student, a former college swimmer who is now a marketing professional and a mom, and a former college soccer player who is now a college soccer coach. Come prepared to listen, discuss, and walk away with a new vision of “turning pro.” DLCC 305

Public Discipleship Vincent Bacote

Christian participation in public life is one of the greatest opportunities and challenges in the pursuit of a life of faithfulness. We may be surprised to learn how some of our most fundamental Christian beliefs are connected to a life of discipleship that impacts the public realm, as well as private, internal lives. Cambria West


C.S. Lewis died over 50 years ago, yet his books still sell millions of copies each year, making him one of the bestselling authors of all time. Why does Lewis still appeal to so many people? The answer is in the power of story. C.S. Lewis understood that humans are wired for story and that we find our deepest meaning, our truest purpose, and our sense of self in narratives. Come and find out how stories have the power to shape our imaginations and empower us to live the life we were meant to live. Washington

Join us to ask questions about campus ministry to a panel of four CCO staff members. With a combined 20 years of service and coming from diverse academic disciplines, they serve in a variety of contexts—from church partnerships to internships to area leadership, from commuter campuses to state universities. Glean from their experience as you discern God’s call in your life. PA Ballrooms

Preemptive Love: Remaking the World through Healing Jeremy Courtney

Our world is full of injustice, violence, and personal brokenness. Our world is also full of surprise, creative disruption, and beauty that we create through our own actions and lives. Come explore the ways that “preemptive love” is changing hearts in some of the world’s most notorious war-torn places, and hear how “loving first” can remake the world and change us all. DLCC 304

Redeeming the Gift of Power Andy Crouch

Power corrupts—as we’ve seen time and time again. Shady politicians, corrupt executives, and ego-filled media stars have made us suspicious of those who wield influence and authority. They too often breed injustice by participating in what the Bible calls idolatry. Yet power is also the means by which we bring life, create possibilities, offer hope, and make human flourishing possible. How can we prepare ourselves to use power well in a world full of power’s misuse? How do we handle situations when we feel powerless to bring change? What do we do with imbalances of power, whether on short-term mission trips or in the places where we work and study? Flourishing is possible in all these situations, whether we seem to have power or not. This workshop will explore power as it was meant to be. DLCC 303

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Pain, Suffering, Art, and the Church Scott Erickson

Personal tragedy is one of the main killers of faith in our culture. Why is this? And why can art help? We’ll examine this question together. DLCC 310

Creation, Evolution, and Design Deborah Haarsma

Can faith and science get along? When it comes to the history of life and the universe, many people think that science is in conflict with the Bible. But what exactly is in conflict? We’ll dig into the scientific evidence and ponder what the Bible is really teaching us, listening to both God’s world and God’s word. Come for a review of several Christian views on creation and evolution, with plenty of time for Q&A. DLCC 306


Art to Activism: An artist’s journey to tell a better story Dan Haseltine

As creatives, we are all telling a story. Is it a story that matters? Join Dan Haseltine, lead singer of Jars of Clay and co-founder of the Blood:Water Mission, as he shares his journey and challenges us to be better storytellers. DLCC 307

Christians Investing in Education Charity Haubrich & Stephanie Summers

Everything matters to God, including our local schools. Yet it is easy in an individualistic culture to spend time considering what is best only for ourselves rather than considering what is best for each child being educated in our communities. Come hear about the “Christians Investing in Education” initiative. This movement equips Christians to serve families, schools, governments, businesses, churches, and nonprofit organizations, which each play a role to uphold a just public order which benefits every child’s education. Cambria East

Passion & Action that Lasts Bethany Hoang

Join International Justice Mission author and speaker Bethany Hoang in a conversation about rooting our justice passion and action in our life with Christ. Learn spiritual practices for perseverance in the fight against brutal injustice in our world, and gain new ideas for getting others involved in seeking justice with you. Allegheny 3

King of the Campus Stephen Lutz

We are used to thinking about Jesus as Savior and friend. But he’s also a King with a kingdom. Jesus’ purpose for you at college involves joining him in the work he’s already doing there. You have been gifted and shaped to participate in the kingdom of God—right now, on your campus. We will explore why the kingship of Christ really matters, and examine what it looks like to have Jesus as King over every area of life, including five key areas of university life: church and Christian fellowship, relationships, academics and work, organizational leadership, partying and pleasure. The story God has for you is bigger and more compelling than a list of “do’s and don’ts.” Learn to thrive as you partner with God in the change he is bringing to your life, to your campus, and to the world. Somerset West

Songwriting and Creative Process Justin McRoberts

Lyrics or melody first? What makes a good song good? How can I tell if I’m improving as an artist? This workshop will not only cover questions about how to make good music and art, but also why it’s important to make music and art to begin with. Fayette

Justice & Evangelism: Sociocultural Transformation as a Work of the Gospel R. York Moore R. York Moore, modern-day abolitionist and InterVarsity’s National Evangelist, will explore how the explosive synergy between engaging social justice through the lens of the gospel has led to the highest numbers of conversions in InterVarsity’s near-80 year history! This workshop will examine practical models of proclamation evangelism and partnerships with front-line non-governmental organizations, as well as the relationship between the message of the gospel and social activism. Westmoreland Central

Exploring Faith and Technology with Lessons from the World of Robotics Derek Schuurman

Thoughtful Christians need to discern what it means to live as imagebearers in a technological society. Technology is not primarily about machines and devices, but rather is a human cultural activity in which we exercise freedom and responsibility. We will talk about different views of technology, as well as a Christian perspective informed by the Biblical themes of creation, fall, redemption, and restoration. As we draw on current examples from the world of robotics, where new developments raise many important ethical and social issues, these issues will highlight the importance of recognizing norms for appropriate and responsible technology development and use. Somerset East

7 Marks of #JesusStyle Neighbor-Love Margot Starbuck

When we make Martin Luther King, Jr., Mother Teresa, or Katie Davis into neighbor-loving superheroes—when we decide that hardcore Jesus-style neighbor-love is some other time or place or person—we’re off the hook. It’s convenient, right? But what if we were to say “yes” to loving the unlikely neighbor right where we are: the dorm custodian, the grocery store bagboy, the dishwasher at our favorite ethnic restaurant, or the dancer at a local club? As we pattern our lives after the person of Jesus, we begin to love like He loved. Say “yes” to the adventure. Westmoreland East

Machismo: Discovering the Beauty of Ethnicity and the Frailty of Pride Michael Thornhill

Machismo: strong or aggressive masculine pride. This session will explore the story of a second generation Afro Cuban man who, along with his twin brother, was adopted as an infant into a biracial American family. Walk with him through his discovery of true machismo and ethnic identity as he learned about the frailty of pride and the beauty of his ethnicity in Christ Jesus. Butler East & West


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WORKSHOP 4 The Best of Times, the Worst of Times: Life as a Black Christian on a White Campus Khadija Adams

Life as a Black Christian on a predominately white campus is, almost by definition, life as a professional translator and bridgebuilder. Whether in the classroom, your dorm room, with the Black Student Union, or your fellowship group, you find yourself everunderstanding, but rarely being fully understood. If you’re looking for a place to commiserate and celebrate your life as all things to all people on campus, this is the seminar for you. Butler East & West

Discover Your Calling: Two Conversations that Changed the World Jim Belcher

What is my calling in life? What am I supposed to do? What will I do for work? No questions haunt college students more than the questions of purpose and meaning and jobs. In an age of mass unemployment, anxiety about the future rules the day. Yet discovering your calling can be one of the most exciting and empowering experiences in your life. In this session, you will learn the importance of calling, how to discover it, and the difference it will make in your life. Our guide will be two conversations that changed the lives of two men and the course of history forever. DLCC 305

Giftedness: Identifying & Practically Applying God-Given Talents Patricia Bleil

What does it mean to be gifted and define our worth in Christ? School of Management Studies Chair, Dr. Patricia Bleil, will discuss professional successes, how she came to understand her God-given abilities, and how this journey is evolving. We will explore how we go about identifying, developing, and deploying God-given talents. We will also examine challenges we face in giving God first place in our areas of strength and what it looks like to yield to His will. All session participants will receive a code that will allow them to take a StrengthsFinder test. The test is sponsored by Eastern University and is free to all session participants. DLCC 306

Reading for the Kingdom: My Journey to Becoming a Life-Long Learner and Jubilee Bookseller Byron Borger

Why should we care about being widely-read and how might it allow us to serve God more faithfully? Can books help us to think Christianly, see God in all things, and serve Jesus and others better? Join Byron as he recalls decisive “aha” moments and key insights along the way of his journey to becoming the Jubilee bookseller. With lots of stories and Biblical references, he will share why books are so important and why developing the Christian mind is essential in our current cultural context. You will learn not only about some of Byron’s favorite authors, but will be inspired to be a joy-filled, responsible, life-long learner who joins God in believing that “everything matters.” DLCC 307

Why shouldn’t PETA have to hire Lady Gaga? Examining Organizational Freedoms Stanley Carlson-Thies

Should the campus Democrats be forced to elect a Republican student as their president? Should an animal rights group have to hire Lady Gaga, who made headlines by wearing a dress made out of meat? We would say no, because these groups are all trying to maintain a specific identity. But what happens to religious organizations when they are expected to ignore the faith and behavior of their members, applicants, and even leaders? Join us as we wrestle with the intersection of religious freedom, individual rights, and organizational freedoms in the context of Christian student clubs, the federal Employment Non-Discrimination Act, and the HHS contraceptives mandate. Cambria West

Urban Ministry: Leaving Your Comfort Zone for the Kingdom of God Kerri Landes Clauser

Do you want to be all in for the Kingdom of God? Many people wonder how God can use His people to fight poverty, injustice, and brokenness in local cities. In this session, we will explore the meaning of urban ministry through the lens of scripture. Our identity is rooted in Jesus Christ, and God wants to equip us to serve. Wherever you are, put your faith into practical action by loving your neighbor and neighborhood. Learn about transformative ministry happening in the city of Pittsburgh through the local church and community residents. Westmoreland East


A vision of place-based partnership Tim Cook, Chris Cooke, John Creasy

Gold Rings and Silver Bullets Eric Teetsel

Hear from three nonprofits working in a unique collaboration to transform their community. The directors of The Saxifrage School (a higher education laboratory), The Pittsburgh Urban Leadership Service Experience, and the Garfield Community Farm will share their experiences about what it means to serve a place just as much as a mission. Westmoreland Central

Perhaps no issue divides friends and families like the meaning of marriage. Christians, most of whom agree on the Biblical purpose of marriage and sex, often struggle to move from their theology to American public policy. This session will make the case for marriage as a form of common grace, a foundational institution that matters for kids, for the economy, and for the future flourishing of society. Washington

The Walking Tech: Searching for Grace through Google Glass Marcus Goodyear

From Retribution to Redemption: Biblical Norms and Public Justice Harold Dean Trulear

According to McKinsey, the Internet of Things is going to be worth more than 6 trillion dollars in the next decade. Google developed a new window into this world with its wearable technology, Google Glass. But too much technology on your face invites others to treat you more like a zombie than a human. With this in mind, Marcus Goodyear started wearing Glass to church, engaging in as many Christian traditions as possible—communion, marriage, baptisms, hospital visits, and even confession—to see how the crowd in his eye would change what he saw. How can Christians honor God as pioneers of the digital world? Why do we need a theology of technology? One lucky participant will get to try Google Glass as part of the workshop! DLCC 304

Dispatches from the Climate Crisis Ben Lowe

Climate disruption is a growing humanitarian crisis affecting people and communities throughout the world—especially the poor and vulnerable. What does a faithful response to this challenge look like? How are Christians rising up to love their neighbors and care for God’s creation? How can you make a difference as an individual, on your campus, in your church, and beyond? Learn more about the connections between Christian discipleship, social justice, and climate action. Westmoreland West

Beyond Lizard Sex: A hopeful Christian ethos of sexuality in a super sexy world Jim and Mari Stout

What is the story out of which you live your sexual ethos? Is it: “true love waits”? “What I do with my body is my business”? “I’m waiting, since sex will be fantastic once I’m married”? “Early and often, just use a condom”? How do we maintain a reasonable, sustainable, redeemed, and holy posture with our bodies and our relationships? Join Jim and Mari as they tell their story and discuss some of the lies both the culture and the church tells us about sex. DLCC 301 & 302


What does the Bible have to say about criminal justice today? Come explore the right roles and responsibilities for government, citizens, and civil-society institutions regarding criminal sentencing, incarceration, prisoner reentry, and care of prisoners and their families. Cambria East

Voices that Challenge Injustice: Food Aid Krisanne Vaillancourt-Murphy

Amidst complex government budgets and policies, here are some compelling facts: Food aid saves lives and supports peace, and food aid can be done better and serve God’s intention that all people flourish. Are you passionate about doing your part to end global poverty? Do you wonder how you can participate in the movement? How can American Christians leverage our gift of citizenship and influence our own government to address the root causes of poverty and hunger? Policy advocacy is an important tool for Christians who want to see the world transformed. This workshop explores the role of advocacy in both poverty alleviation and Christian discipleship— through the lens of food aid reform through organizations like Bread for the World. Learn how to use your voice for justice. Somerset West

A New Kind of Missionary: Using Your Degree and Serving Globally Paul Van Der Werf

In today’s globalized world, there’s a need for a new kind of missionary—recent grads with marketplace skills who go for two years to serve alongside long-term teams and projects. It’s never been more possible for you to get global work experience in your major while making a difference among the least reached and global poor. We’ll answer questions like “What about my student loans?” and “Do I need to be ‘called’?” and “Where should I go?” You will learn why your 20s are the absolute best time to go overseas for two years, how to overcome the five biggest barriers that keep potential goers handcuffed, and how to take your first step to get from here to there. Fayette

There and Back Again: 5 Reasons You Should Go Somewhere...and Then Return Sam Van Eman & CCO XD Panel

Travel and service opportunities abound. Fly here, bus there, hike that mountain, love those strangers. But why go anywhere? After all, G.K. Chesterton said, “If we were to-morrow morning snowed up in the street in which we live, we should step suddenly into a much larger and much wilder world than we have ever known.” Maybe it’s because going somewhere provides an easier place to start. Stripped of the usual routine, your senses turn on. You encounter your limits, and your potential, too. You see the beauty of interdependence. There, under a “suspension of normal,” Jesus can get to work. Join storytellers from the CCO’s Experiential Designs Team to discover where you might go and how it can do a world of good. DLCC 310

Basic Christianity Pete Ware

Christianity is so grand that the most sophisticated minds cannot fully comprehend it, but so clear that children can grasp it. During this workshop, we will focus on the basics of Christianity—the things we can grasp—and explore how those effect everything else. Somerset East

Cross Culture with Transformational Business World Harvest Mission, with “John Smith”

Entering into business is hard work. Even harder is doing business in a transformational way that doesn’t accommodate itself to the broken practices of a culture. Doing business in a cross-cultural context, in one closed to traditional Christian ministry, carries even more challenges. Come hear about what provides power to “John” in his work and life in North Africa. DLCC 303












SPEAKERS&ARTISTS Emily SoRelle Adams Dancer and Teacher

Emily SoRelle Adams is a professional dancer and teaching artist, who has spent most of her eclectic performing career based in New York City. She has danced professionally with both Ballet Austin and the Washington Ballet, and has also worked with several companies including the Metropolitan Opera, New Chamber Ballet, Rebecca Kelly Ballet and Connecticut Ballet. Emily has been an active member of Redeemer Presbyterian Church for several years where she was also one of the founding leaders of the Dancer’s Vocational Group, a ministry of the Center for Faith & Work. Now based in New Haven, Connecticut, Emily continues her work as a dance educator sharing her passion for dance with students of all ages.

Kenyon Adams Musician, Actor, and Graduate Student

Kenyon Adams is a collaborative performing artist and arts advocate based in New York City. In 2010, Kenyon made his feature film debut as Jason in the narrative feature, Lucky Life, and in 2011 Kenyon formed the band Kenyon Adams & American Restless, which released a self-titled EP and performed throughout the U.S. After serving for six years as the Arts Ministries Coordinator at the Center for Faith & Work, Redeemer Presbyterian Church in New York City, Kenyon is currently pursuing graduate studies in theology and art at Yale Divinity School in New Haven, Connecticut.

Khadija Adams CCO Associate

Khadija (Garrison) Adams is a CCO Associate in Columbus, Ohio. She accepted her call to full time missions while at the Jubilee conference in 2000, when she was an undergraduate at Ohio Wesleyan University. Khadija chose to join CCO staff as a campus missionary after graduation, particularly because of the profound impact it had on her own life as a student. She and her husband, Landon are active together in their church’s marriage ministry, and recently co-facilitated a retreat at the Ohio Reformatory for Women for incarcerated women and their husbands. Khadija currently works for the Ohio Department of Public Safety.


Dan Allender Author and Professor of Counseling, The Seattle School of Theology & Psychology

Dr. Dan Allender serves as Founding President and Professor of Counseling at The Seattle School of Theology & Psychology in Seattle, Washington. He travels and speaks extensively to present his unique perspective on personal narrative, sexual abuse recovery, love and forgiveness, leadership, Sabbath, and other related topics. He is the author of numerous books, including The Wounded Heart, Breaking the Idols of Your Heart, and Sabbath: The Ancient Practices.

Stacie Anderson Marketing Director, Chick-fil-a

Stacie Anderson is the Marketing Director at Chick-fil-a, Robinson Township. Stacie oversees all of the Robinson franchise’s marketing efforts and events. Stacie was a standout swimmer at the University of Pittsburgh, qualifying for the Olympic Trials following her senior season. She is married to David and they have a newborn daughter, Savannah Grace.

Vincent Bacote Director of the Center for Applied Christian Ethics, Wheaton College

Dr. Vincent Bacote is an Associate Professor of Theology and the Director of the Center for Applied Christian Ethics at Wheaton College in Wheaton, Illinois, and he serves on the Board of Trustees for the Center for Public Justice. He is the author of The Spirit in Public Theology: Appropriating the Legacy of Abraham Kuyper and has contributed to books such as Keep Your Head Up and Prophetic Evangelicals.

Jim Belcher Author and Professor of Pastoral Studies, Knox Theological Seminary

Jim Belcher is associate professor of pastoral studies at Knox Theological Seminary in Fort Lauderdale, Florida. He is best known for his widely acclaimed, award-winning book, Deep Church: A Third Way Beyond Emerging and Traditional. He is the former founding and lead pastor of Redeemer Presbyterian Church (PCA) in Newport Beach, California, where he served from 2000-2010 and led a period of steady growth. He was the co-founder of the Restoring Community Conference: Integrating Social Interaction, Sacred Space and Beauty in the 21st Century, a conference for city officials, planners, builders and architects.

Patricia Bleil Director of the MBA Program, Eastern University

Patricia Bleil holds a Ph.D. in Organizational Leadership from Eastern University. Currently Assistant Professor at Eastern, she also serves as Chair of the School of Management Studies and Director of the MBA program. Her current research interests include organizational communication, mentoring for women’s leadership development, and power and politics in organizations. Prior to her academic career, Pat spent 25 years in the pharmaceutical industry where she became the first female Vice President of sales in a Fortune 100 company.

Michael Bontrager Founder, Chatham Financial

Michael Bontrager formed Chatham Financial in 1991 and is the managing principal. Chatham considers itself a multiple bottom line company which counts its impact on employees and the broader community as one of its reasons for existence. This has translated into creating several nonprofit organizations, including The Garage, a local multi-site community youth center, and Together for Education, an education nonprofit which serves as a catalyst for community involvement in education.

Byron Borger Bookseller, Hearts & Minds

Byron Borger graduated from Indiana University of Pennsylvania in 1976 and has been a friend of Jubilee since his own years serving as a fulltime staff member of the CCO. In 1982, he and his wife, Beth, opened Hearts & Minds, an independent bookstore in Dallastown, Pennsylvania. For 30 years, they have sold books, music, and gift items to help customers learn more about the joys of daily discipleship and “thinking Christianly” about work, calling, public life, cultural renewal, and social justice.

Josh Brown Senior Pastor, Bellefield Presbyterian Church

Josh Brown is the senior pastor at Bellefield Presbyterian Church in Pittsburgh and works closely with the vital CCO ministries there. He has previously served as senior pastor at Bethel Presbyterian Church in Washington, Pennsylvania, worked with several congregations in the greater Boston area, and helped lead student and university ministries in Pittsburgh and State College.

Chris Buda Regional Director, Young Life

A graduate of Dickinson Law School, Chris Buda worked as an attorney for several years , while volunteering with Young Life. Ultimately, his passion for young people led him into fulltime work on Young Life’s staff in 1991. He now serves as the Regional Director for Young Life in the River Region (eastern Ohio, western Pennsylvania, and West Virginia).

Stanley Carlson-Thies Founder and President, Institutional Religious Freedom Alliance

Dr. Stanley W. Carlson-Thies is founder and president of the Institutional Religious Freedom Alliance, which works to safeguard the religious identity and faith-shaped services of faith-based organizations so that they are free to make their uncommon contributions to the common good. He previously served as Director of Social Policy Studies at the Center for Public Justice. He was on the initial staff of the White House Office of Faith-Based and Community Initiatives, and served on the church-state taskforce of President Obama’s Advisory Council on Faith-Based and Neighborhood Partnerships.

Michael Chen CCO Campus Minister, University of Pennsylvania

The Rev. Michael S. Chen is a campus minister with the CCO, reaching out to students at the University of Pennsylvania in partnership with City Church Philadelphia. Before coming to the CCO, Mike spent several years working with students in New York City, Dublin, Princeton, and also interned with the pastoral staff at Redeemer Presbyterian Church in New York City. Originally recruited to play ice hockey at Dartmouth College, he discovered a passion for ministry and later attended Princeton Theological Seminary, where he earned his Master of Divinity.

Kerri Landes Clauser CCO Associate; Operations and Program Manager, Bible Center Church

Kerri Landes Clauser is passionate about urban ministry and seeing cities, communities, and people transformed through the Gospel of Jesus Christ. In 2012, she joined the Bible Center Church staff as its Operations and Program Manager. In the same year, Kerri also became a CCO Associate, serving on the campuses of the University of Pittsburgh and Carnegie Mellon University. Kerri lives, works, and worships in the Homewood neighborhood of the city of Pittsburgh with her husband, Casey.

Tim Cook, Chris Cooke, John Creasy The Saxifrage School, PULSE, Garfield Community Farm

Tim Cook is the founder and director of The Saxifrage School, a higher ed lab working to lower costs, foster transparency, re-think the campus, and reconcile theory with practice. Chris Cooke is the Executive Director of PULSE, a nonprofit organization that invites talented university graduates to partner with Pittsburgh nonprofits for a year of service and leadership. John Creasy is the Director of Garfield Community Farm, an urban farm that seeks to learn, teach, and practice organic gardening and farming in places that have been neglected and abandoned in the Garfield neighborhood of Pittsburgh.


Jeremy Courtney Executive Director, Preemptive Love Coalition

Jeremy Courtney lives and loves in Iraq as founder and executive director of Preemptive Love Coalition, an international development organization working to eradicate the backlog of Iraqi children waiting in line for lifesaving heart surgeries. A country perpetually in conflict with itself, Iraq has great potential for healing and restoration—it is a world ready to be remade. After providing 700+ children with lifesaving heart surgeries, Jeremy has seen firsthand the power of God’s preemptive love to remake the world around us—if we will only jump forward in love ourselves! He just released a new book, Preemptive Love: Pursuing Peace One Heart at a Time.

Andy Crouch Executive Editor, Christianity Today

Andy Crouch is the author of Playing God: Redeeming the Gift of Power. His book Culture Making: Recovering Our Creative Calling, won Christianity Today’s 2009 Book Award for Christianity and Culture and was named one of the best books of 2008 by Publishers Weekly, Relevant, Outreach and Leadership. In December 2012, he became executive editor of Christianity Today, where he is also executive producer of This Is Our City, a multi-year project featuring documentary video, reporting, and essays about Christians seeking the flourishing of their cities. For ten years he was a campus minister with InterVarsity Christian Fellowship at Harvard University. A classically trained musician who draws on pop, folk, rock, jazz, and gospel, he has led musical worship for congregations of five to 20,000.

Catherine Hirshfeld Crouch Associate Professor of Physics, Swarthmore College

Catherine Hirshfeld Crouch is Associate Professor of Physics at Swarthmore College, where she has taught since 2003 and was awarded tenure in 2009. She has published more than thirty peer-reviewed research articles and regularly involves Swarthmore undergraduate students in her work. She has also spoken and written about the intersection of faith and science in a number of settings including the Q conference and InterVarsity’s Following Christ conference for graduate and professional students.


Matt Darnell Research Associate at the Neuromuscular Research Laboratory

Matt Darnell is a Research Associate at the Neuromuscular Research Laboratory. He is also a doctoral student in Rehabilitation Science within the Department of Sports Medicine and Nutrition at the University of Pittsburgh. Prior to enrolling in the doctoral program, Matt completed his bachelor’s and master’s degrees in clinical dietetics and nutrition at the University of Pittsburgh, where he competed on the wrestling team. Matt is a registered dietitian and strength and conditioning coach and has worked as an assistant strength coach for the Olympic sports teams at Pitt.

Scott Erickson Artist and Advocate

Scott Erickson is a working studio artist who has been exhibited in galleries throughout the Seattle area, Atlanta, and central California. He is also an experiential artist, bringing the making of art into public spaces. Scott has collaborated with a number of nonprofits, such as WorldVision and International Justice Mission, using his art skills for advocacy and fundraising. He has also worked with a number of musicians and has been on two nation-wide tours making art in live concert settings.

Steven Garber Author and Principal of The Washington Institute

Steven Garber is the principal of The Washington Institute for Faith, Vocation & Culture, which is focused on reframing the way people understand life, especially the meaning of vocation and the common good. A consultant to foundations, corporations and educational institutions, he is a teacher of many people in many places. The author of The Fabric of Faithfulness: Weaving Together Belief and Behavior, and Visions of Vocation: Common Grace for the Common Good, he is also a contributor to the books, Faith Goes to Work: Reflections from the Marketplace, and Get Up Off Your Knees: Preaching the U2 Catalogue.

Marcus Goodyear Senior Editor, The High Calling

Marcus is Senior Editor for The High Calling, where he leads a team of 20 editors and many more writers for the Foundations for Laity Renewal. His work has been published in numerous magazines, and his poetry is collected in Barbies at Communion. He loves LEGOs, zombies, poetry, and community theater—especially when they involve his wife or one of his two kids.


Experiential Designs is a ministry of the CCO

more at


Deborah Haarsma President, The BioLogos Foundation

Deborah Haarsma serves as President of The BioLogos Foundation, a position she has held since January 2013. Previously, she served as professor and chair in the Department of Physics and Astronomy at Calvin College in Grand Rapids, Michigan. Gifted in interpreting complex scientific topics for lay audiences, Dr. Haarsma often speaks to churches, colleges, and schools about the relationships between science and Christian faith. She is author (along with her husband Loren Haarsma) of Origins: Christian Perspectives on Creation, Evolution, and Intelligent Design.

Dan Haseltine Lead Singer, Jars of Clay; Founder, Blood:Water Mission

Dan Haseltine, husband to Katie and father to Noah and Max, is the lead singer of the multi-platinum, multi-Grammy winning music group, Jars of Clay. Dan is also the founder of Blood:Water Mission, a grassroots organization that empowers communities to work together against the HIV/AIDS and water crises in Africa. Dan’s artistic titles include songwriter, producer, film composer, music supervisor and art designer. He is a public speaker, freelance writer, has written children’s stories and has contributed essays for books about worship music, Johnny Cash, HIV/AIDS in Africa, social justice and church reform.

Charity Haubrich Director, Christians Investing in Education

Charity Haubrich directs Christians Investing in Education, an initiative of the Center for Public Justice. CPJ is a Christian organization that helps citizens, policymakers, and government respond to the call to pursue justice for all. Christians Investing in Education inspires and equips Christians in Pittsburgh to pursue a better education for all children. Prior to her appointment at CPJ, Charity developed and directed the Washington Semester Program of Nyack College, teaching students the integral nature of faith, public policy, and civic responsibility.

Bethany Hoang Director of the Institute for Biblical Justice, International Justice Mission

Bethany Hoang serves as the Director of the Institute for Biblical Justice for International Justice Mission. IJM is a human rights agency that secures justice for victims of slavery, sexual exploitation, and other forms of violent oppression. IJM lawyers, investigators, and aftercare professionals work with local governments to ensure victim rescue, to prosecute perpetrators, and to strengthen the community and civic factors that promote functioning public justice systems. Bethany recently authored her first book, Deepening the Soul for Justice, a short introduction into the connection between justice and spiritual formation, helping to equip Christians on how to persevere in the long fight for justice.


Manfred Honeck Music Director, Pittsburgh Symphony Orchestra

Manfred Honeck has served as music director of the Pittsburgh Symphony Orchestra since the 2008-2009 season. After two extensions, his contract will now run until the end of the 20192020 season. His successful work in Pittsburgh is captured on CD by the Japanese label Exton. The recording of Mahler’s Symphony No. 4 won an ICMA 2012 Award. Born in Austria, Honeck received his musical training at the Academy of Music in Vienna. Many years of experience as a member of the Vienna Philharmonic and the Vienna State Opera Orchestra and at the helm of the Vienna Jeunesse Orchestra have given his conducting a distinctive stamp.

Joy Ike Singer/Songwriter

Joy Ike is passionate about connecting with people through her music. As an artist who has been compared to the likes of Corinne Bailey Rae, Norah Jones, and Regina Spektor, her honest, bittersweet songwriting has earned her the chance to open for a number of national touring acts including Deas Vail, Tyrone Wells, Butterfly Boucher, and more. Her music is heavily influenced by artists such as Sara Groves, Death Cab For Cutie, and Brooke Waggoner and blends elements of soul, pop, and folk. Ike’s music has turned up on Relevant Magazine’s The Drop, and various NPR affiliates in the northeast.

Peace Ike Singer/Songwriter

Hailing from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, and now living in Philadelphia, Nigerian singer/songwriter Peace Ike launched her band, The Peace Project, in 2009. With the intent to create a style of music that has yet to make an impact within recent years, Ike combines her formal training with “tell it like it is” lyrics about life, love and faith. Her strong vocals have landed her a place as a background vocalist in opening acts for Lifehouse and Jason Mraz. She has performed at events sponsored by Warner and Universal and has shared stages with Ingrid Michelson, Patty Griffin and Guster. In 2010, she completed her first self-titled “short length” album which is now available online.

Jay Jakub Director of External Research, Mars, Incorporated

Jay Jakub currently serves as Director of External Research at Mars, Incorporated, a multinational privately-held food company headquartered near Washington, DC. He helps lead Catalyst, the global pluri-disciplinary think tank that challenges conventional thinking and develops breakthrough business capabilities. Most recently, he has focused on helping to develop new business model metrics that can transition corporations from a profit maximization model to a holistic value optimization model across the paradigm of People/Planet/Profit.

Shareen Kelly Pediatrician, St. Christopher’s Hospital for Children

Shareen Kelly was born and raised in Nigeria, West Africa, the daughter of missionaries with Christian Reformed World Missions. She currently serves as attending pediatrician in General Pediatrics at St. Christopher’s Hospital for Children in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. With more than 20 years of experience working in urban healthcare, Shareen also has a teaching component to her job, as she works with medical students and residents.

David Kinnaman President of Barna Group

David Kinnaman is the president and majority owner of Barna Group, a visionary research and resource company located in Ventura, California. He is the author of two bestselling books, unChristian and You Lost Me, which focus on the spiritual lives of teens and twentysomethings. During Kinnaman’s 17 years at the firm, he has supervised or directed interviews with more than 350,000 individuals and leaders.

Jon Kolb Director of the Wellness Center, Specialty Orthopaedics

Jon Kolb is the Director of the Wellness Center at Specialty Orthopaedics. Jon spent 13 years as the left tackle for the Pittsburgh Steelers, winning four Superbowls. After his playing years, Jon spent 10 more years as the Steeler’s defensive line coach. Jon was elected to the Steelers “All Century Team” in 2000, the Steelers “All Time Greats Team” in 1982 and the “Oklahoma State University Hall of Fame” in 2009. He was also inducted into the “Pennsylvania Sports Hall of Fame” in 1982. Jon has also had several research papers published relating to the benefits of exercise on diabetes and other diseases.

Sarah Laribee Youth Director, Church of the Ascension

Sarah Laribee is excited to be the Youth Director at Church of the Ascension in Pittsburgh. With a professional background in public teaching and college ministry, Sarah gets to spend her time in the basement hanging out with kids, talking to parents, and grappling along with everyone else what it is to live out our individual stories in the context of God’s great story. It’s her favorite thing to have deep talks about the Gospel and the Jesus who has come to live with and among us.

Ben Lowe Author and Environmental Activist

Ben Lowe is on staff with the Evangelical Environmental Network and serves as the National Spokesperson for Young Evangelicals for Climate Action. He is also the Board Chair of the Au Sable Institute of Environmental Studies. Ben was born and raised a missionary kid in southeast Asia, where he experienced firsthand the impacts of poverty and pollution. He now lives as part of an intentional community in a refugee and immigrant neighborhood outside Chicago, where he ran for U.S. Congress in 2010. Ben is the author of Green Revolution: Coming Together to Care for Creation and has written for a number of outlets. He is currently working on his next book, due out with IVP in 2014.

Rodney Ludema International Economist

Rodney D. Ludema is an international economist, specializing in the areas of international trade and trade policy. He holds the position of associate professor in the Department of Economics and School of Foreign Service at Georgetown University in Washington, DC. Professor Ludema has written extensively on the topic of international trade policy and is best known for his work on political economy of trade policy, multilateral trade bargaining, WTO rules, and the intersection of trade and environmental policy. His research has been published in well-known journals, and he serves as an associate editor of the Journal of International Economics.

Stephen Lutz CCO Campus Minister, Penn State University

Stephen Lutz is a pastor and campus minister with CCO and Calvary Church at Penn State University. He is also author of King of the Campus and College Ministry in a Post-Christian Culture, a book on recovering the missional nature of college ministry. Steve received his Master of Divinity degree from Westminster Theological Seminary, and he has helped start churches, campus ministries, and other ventures.

Keith Martel & Donald D. Opitz Associate Professor, Geneva College & Professor of Higher Education and Sociology, Geneva College

Keith Martel and Don Opitz both love learning. That love drew them into campus ministry with the CCO years ago, and now they both teach graduate and undergraduate students at Geneva College. Keith lives with his lovely wife Kristie and his brilliant children, Simone and Gavin. Don lives with many women: Christine, Nina, Izzy, and sometimes Lauren and Katie.


Jim Mahan Vice President of Manufacturing for Production and Tooling, Penn United Technologies, Inc.

.Jim Mahan has been employed with Penn United Technologies, Inc. since 2004. He started his employment as an Operations Manager and was soon promoted to a Group Manager. He currently serves as the Vice President of Manufacturing for the Production and Tooling groups. Jim’s professional career started at Rockwell International in their power tool division which later became Delta Power Tools.

Grant Martsolf Associate Health Policy Researcher, RAND Corporation

Dr. Grant Martsolf is an associate health policy researcher at the RAND Corporation, a nonprofit public policy research organization. He also holds a faculty appointment at the University of Pittsburgh’s Department of Health Policy and Management. Grant’s current research interests include primary care innovation, quality of care, payment reform, nursing workforce, military health, health care consumerism, and insurance system reform. Over the course of his career, Grant has had various positions throughout health care in research, clinical practice, and consulting.

Eric Mason Founder & Pastor, Epiphany Fellowship

Eric Mason is a native of Washington, DC, and now resides in Philadelphia with his wife and two sons. Dr. Mason is founder and lead pastor of Epiphany Fellowship and also serves as President of Thriving, a ministry dedicated to aiding ethnic minorities to be resourced and trained for ministry to the urban context. He is the author of Manhood Restored, the book, leadership kit, and study guide. Dr. Mason serves on the Executive Board of Acts 29 Network as well as the board of Reach Life Ministries.

Justin McRoberts Songwriter, Author, and Pastor

Justin McRoberts is a songwriter, author, storyteller, teacher and advocate. He is also one of the founding pastors at Shelter Covenant Church in San Francisco’s East Bay Area, where he lives with his wife and son. His most recent book and album release is called CMYK: The Process of Life Together.


Eric Miller Author and Professor of History & Humanities, Geneva College

Eric Miller is professor of history and the humanities at Geneva College, in Beaver Falls, Pennsylvania, where he has taught since 1999. His most recent book is entitled Glimpses of Another Land: Political Hopes, Spiritual Longing. His book Hope in a Scattering Time: A Life of Christopher Lasch won Christianity Today’s book award for history/biography. He is the co-editor of Confessing History: Explorations in Christian Faith and the Historian’s Vocation, and his essays and articles have appeared in a range of periodicals. He serves on the board of Mars Hill Audio as well as the editorial board of Fides et Historia.

R. York Moore National Evangelist, InterVarsity Christian Fellowship USA

R. York Moore is the National Evangelist for InterVarsity Christian Fellowship USA. He is the author of Growing Your Faith by Giving it Away and Making All Things New: God’s Dream for Global Justice. Moore is a frequently sought after speaker, and modern-day abolitionist. York has given the invitation for faith at the last two Urbana Missions Conferences and has led over 10,000 students to faith in Christ through his teaching and preaching ministry coast to coast over the last 17 years with InterVarsity.

Josh Moyer Entrepreneur, Attorney, and Musician

Josh Moyer is an entrepreneur and attorney, focused on business and real estate transactions. As a musician, Josh helps lead Colonizing the Cosmos, the Pittsburgh-based indie-folk band. In November 2013, the band coincided the release of their second concept album with the release of The House of War is a House of Peace, a fantasy novel co-authored by Josh and bandmate, Michael Savisky.

Jerry Purcell Executive Vice President, Penn United Technologies, Inc.

Jerry Purcell started his professional career in Cincinnati, Ohio working in purchasing for Allis Chalmers. Jerry accepted a position in sales at Penn United Technologies 37 years ago, when it was a young start-up company with just under 40 employees. Penn United is now a 600-employee, multi-national business serving a number of markets throughout the world. Jerry has worn a number of hats, including sales, purchasing, materials management, operations management, and Vice President of Operations. He recently was made Executive Vice President.

Erica Young Reitz CCO Campus Minister, Penn State University

Erica Young Reitz works for the CCO at Calvary Church, reaching out to students at Penn State University. In this campus staff role, she directs Senior EXIT, a one-year experience that helps prepare graduating seniors for the transition from college to life after college. Erica has a BA in English from Messiah College and an MA in higher education from Geneva College, with a graduate research focus on the senior year transition.

John Cotton Richmond Federal Prosecutor, U.S. Department of Justice

John Cotton Richmond is a justice seeker, crime fighter, and memory maker. His career has led him to fight injustice head on, investigating and prosecuting numerous labor and sex trafficking cases around the world. John pioneered International Justice Mission’s slavery work in India and has worked on the front lines, combating human trafficking for more than a decade. His knowledge and experience have led him to serve as an expert on human trafficking to entities including the United Nations, judges, prosecutors, law enforcement, as well as non-governmental organizations. He has been named one of the Federal Prosecutors of the Year.

Derek Schuurman Author and Associate Professor of Computer Science, Redeemer University College

Derek Schuurman worked in industry for several years as an electrical engineer and later completed a PhD in electrical engineering at McMaster University in the area of robotics and computer vision. Besides his technical research, he has also taught and written about a Christian perspective on technology, including a monthly column in Christian Courier on topics relating to faith and technology. He is the author of a recent book which explores a Christian perspective of computer technology entitled Shaping a Digital World: Faith, Culture and Computer Technology. He is currently an associate professor of computer science and chair of the computer science, mathematics and physics departments at Redeemer University College in Ancaster, Ontario.

Margot Starbuck Author and Speaker

Margot Starbuck is pretty convinced that we’ve been made to live love in the world. A graduate of Westmont College and Princeton Seminary, Margot is passionate about communicating to individuals, in print and in speech, the promise that because God, in Jesus Christ, is with us and for us, we’re made to be with and for others. Her first book, The Girl in the Orange Dress: Searching For a Father Who Does Not Fail, was awarded the Advanced Writers and Speakers Association’s best nonfiction book of the year for 2011. She’s also the author of four other books about giving and receiving God’s love.

Mark Steffey CCO Campus Minister, University of Pittsburgh

Mark Steffey is in his sixth year as a campus minister to student-athletes at the University of Pittsburgh. Mark’s role at Pitt places him on the sideline at football games, leading an annual trip to Haiti, and sitting face-to-face with dozens of student-athletes, among many other tasks. Mark’s previous ministry roles included stints at Urban Impact, the Pittsburgh Kids Foundation, and 10 years as a student minister at a large suburban church. Mark holds an MA in global leadership from Fuller Theological Seminary.

Roxanne Stone Vice President of Publishing, Barna Group

Roxanne Stone is Vice President of Publishing at Barna Group and the general editor of the FRAMES series. Roxanne has worked in publishing for more than ten years, serving as an editor at Group Publishing, Christianity Today, Q Ideas, This is Our City, and as the editorial director for Relevant magazine. She has edited books, magazines, web sites, and curriculum. She has written dozens of articles, including an award-winning cover story on the relief efforts in Haiti following the 2010 earthquake.

Jim Stout Regional Director at Provident Agency

Jim Stout studied East Asian Philosophy and Religion at Brown University and has had an eclectic career in campus ministry, adventure education, urban real estate development, consulting and sales. Jim is passionate about figuring out what it means to live out God’s story in every part of life.

Mari Stout Counselor, The Workshop

Mari Stout grew up as one of six kids in Japan, a daughter of missionaries. She pursued her training at Westminster Theological Seminary, where she received a Masters of Divinity with an emphasis in counseling. Upon graduation, she counseled with the Christian Counseling and Educational Foundation (CCEF) in Philadelphia, and the Christian Counselor’s Collaborative in Pittsburgh before joining the Workshop (in Pittsburgh), where she currently has a practice. She sees a variety of clients, including teens, college students and couples.


Stephanie Summers Chief Executive Officer, Center for Public Justice

Stephanie Summers is the CEO of the Center for Public Justice, an independent, non-partisan civic education and public policy organization based in Washington, DC, which publishes the online journals Capital Commentary and SharedJustice. Ms. Summers has extensive experience in managing nonprofit organizations, building strategic partnerships, and working with volunteers to grow organizational capacity and impact. Prior to her appointment at the Center for Public Justice, she spent 12 years with the CCO, where her roles included Vice President for the Eastern Region and Vice President for Organizational Development.

Eric Teetsel Director, The Manhattan Declaration

Eric Teetsel directs the Manhattan Declaration, a national movement of Christians for life, marriage, and religious freedom founded by Charles Colson. Before joining the Declaration, he founded the Values & Capitalism program at the American Enterprise Institute, and worked at Colorado Christian University, along with numerous other initiatives. A prolific writer and speaker, Eric was recently featured in The New York Times and WORLD Magazine’s “Emerging Christian Voices” series. He blogs at American Spectator and Patheos and has written for USA Today, Relevant magazine and The City.

Terry Thomas Director of the Student Ministry Program, Geneva College

Dr. Terry Thomas is a faculty member at Geneva College in Beaver Falls, Pennsylvania, where he teaches in the Department of Biblical Studies/ Student Ministries and the college’s Master’s Degree Program in Higher Education. He is also the Director of Geneva’s Student Ministry Program. Terry also serves in the teaching ministry of Orchard Hill Church; he speaks nationally to college and high school students and is known for his entertaining style. Among its earliest staff members, Dr. Thomas has worked with the CCO in a variety of roles and has contributed to several publications.


Michael Thornhill CCO Campus Minister, Point Park University

Michael Thornhill, an Afro-Cuban American originally from South Florida, was adopted as an infant, along with his twin brother, by an interracial family. Around the age of 12, during his parents’ divorce, Michael searched for his place amidst various social circles but found refuge under the banner of Jesus Christ. Transformed by the Gospel, he began to identify with his creed over race, in light of his freedom in Christ. After graduating from Slippery Rock University, Michael joined the CCO and now works as a campus minister at Point Park University by day and as a salsa instructor by night.

Harold Dean Trulear Pastor & Professor

Rev. Dr. Harold Dean Trulear is Director of the Healing Communities Prison Ministry and Prisoner Reentry Project of the Philadelphia Leadership Foundation. Designed by the Annie E. Casey Foundation, Healing Communities has been implemented in over 20 sites nationally. Dr. Trulear is an ordained American Baptist minister and serves as Associate Professor of Applied Theology and Director of the Doctor of Ministry Program at Howard University. He is on the pastoral staff of Praise and Glory Tabernacle in Southwest Philadelphia. He also serves as a Fellow at the Center for Public Justice in Washington, DC.

Krisanne VaillancourtMurphy Interim Director of Church Relations, Bread for the World

Krisanne Vaillancourt-Murphy serves as the interim director of Church Relations at Bread for the World, a collective Christian voice urging our nation’s decision makers to end hunger at home and abroad. For the last seven years, Krisanne has grown Bread’s national level engagement with evangelical churches and institutions. Krisanne chairs the Advisory Council for Micah Challenge USA, a global Christian campaign to end extreme poverty. She is also adjunct teaching faculty at the Campolo College for Graduate and Professional Studies at Eastern University in St. David’s, Pennsylvania.

Paul Van Der Werf Founder, GoCorps

Paul Van Der Werf has a passion for helping the emerging generation use their gifts, talents, and abilities to share the gospel among the least reached globally. After graduating with a degree in business from Wheaton College, Paul has spent the last 15 years figuring how to help recent college graduates integrate their faith, passions, and degree in global missions. Toward this end, Paul founded GoCorps in 2009.

Sam Van Eman CCO Staff Specialist; Young Professionals Editor, The High Calling

Sam Van Eman is a staff specialist with the CCO and Young Professionals Editor for The High Calling, an online magazine and community that explores the integration of faith and work. As a former public school teacher and current mentor to wilderness leaders, he has taught in barns and board rooms, canyons, classrooms, and auditoriums. He is the author of On Earth as It is in Advertising? Moving From Commercial Hype to Gospel Hope and A Beautiful Trench It Was: Audio Vignettes of a Boy.

Dan Wagner Soccer Coach, Franklin & Marshall College

Dan Wagner recently completed his 12th season at the helm of Franklin & Marshall’s soccer team, leading the Diplomats to their best season to date. Wagner also directs the F&M Soccer Africa Project, a cooperative venture with Amandla Edufootball and the CTC Ten Foundation. This group operates similar to a boy’s and girl’s club in the United States and promotes positive life choices for underprivileged youth in one of the poorest areas of South Africa. Dan was a High School All-State and Olympic Development Player in Pennsylvania before playing at Messiah College.

Pete Ware CCO Campus Minister, California University of Pennsylvania

Pete Ware is in his eighth year on staff with the CCO and his sixth year as a campus minister at California University of Pennsylvania. He is an avid Philadelphia Eagles and Phillies fan who has a slight addiction to basketball, ice cream, and fun. His journey has included seasons of doubt where his faith was stretched immensely along with times of fear as he recognized he did not know everything there is to know about life and God. These experiences have led Pete to particularly enjoy discussions with people who are exploring faith and Christianity.

World Harvest Mission “John Smith”

Note: For the safety and security of this missionary, his name has been changed and we are unable to use his photo. “John Smith” was raised in the Allegheny National Forest, or thereabouts. He attended the University of Pittsburgh and began a deeper relationship with Christ through the CCO’s Cornerstone Fellowship on campus. He received his Master of Divinity through Pittsburgh Theological Seminary. He is married with two daughters and a son, and he has been working in North Africa for the past five years.

Matthew Worthington Middle School Teacher & Special Education Case Manager

Matthew Worthington is the Digital Learning Coordinator for KIPP Austin Public Schools in Austin, Texas. Before moving back home to Texas, Matt lived in Washington, DC, where he served as a Special Education Teacher and Technology Coordinator at MacFarland Middle School in the District of Columbia Public Schools. In addition to teaching, he served as the Manager of Technology Strategy at the DCPS Central Office.



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SPONSORs Senior Level

Compassion International The High Calling

SPOnsors Junior Level Bread for the World Eastern University Experience Mission


A Christian Ministry in the National Parks Anabaptist Mennonite Biblical Seminary Blood:Water Mission Calvin Theological Seminary CCO CCO OCBP CCO XD

GoCorps International Justice Mission Knox Theological Seminary Lancaster Bible College Ligonier Camp & Conference Center Malone University Mission Year

Center for Public Justice

New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary

Asbury Theological Seminary


Operation Christmas Child

Focus Leadership Institute

Christian Appalachian Project Volunteers

Palmer Theological Seminary

Christians for Biblical Equality

Pennsylvania Family Institute

SPONSORS Freshmen Level

The Institute for Faith, Work & Economics

CLC Ministries International

Grab the exhibitor challenge card from your registration bag, talk with 10 or more exhibitors, ask them to sign your card, then drop it off at Jubilee HQ to be entered into drawings for fabulous prizes!

Covenant Theological Seminary DOOR Network Evangelical Seminary Fuller Theological Seminary Geneva College

Pittsburgh Fellows The Pittsburgh Project Pittsburgh Theological Seminary Preemptive Love Coalition Promise Camp of Family Guidance Reformed Episcopal Seminary

Reformed Presbyterian Theological Seminary Regent College Shining Light Ministries Summit Adventure The Seattle School of Theology & Psychology Threads // Lifeway Trinity Evangelical Divinity School Trinity School for Ministry Ugandan Water Project United Theological Seminary Veritas Christian Study Abroad Women’s Choice Network World Harvest Mission World Outreach of the Evangelical Presbyterian Church World Relief World Renew




For most of Jubilee’s history, HEARTS & MINDS of Dallastown, Pennsylvania has been the conference bookstore. Emerging from Byron and Beth Borger’s involvement with the earliest Jubilee conferences, HEARTS & MINDS is a local, independent bookstore which seeks to illustrate the thinking and perspective of Jubilee. The Jubilee conference and the book display affirm that Christ is Lord of every zone of life, and therefore His people must be continuously learning how best to serve Him in their various vocations, callings, classes, and careers.

Because of their association with the CCO and the Jubilee conference, and because of their wide knowledge of books, resources, and ideas that can help us live out the implications of the CCO’s Kingdom vision, we are pleased that they are with us again for Jubilee 2014. Please take time to study the book display as we are confident it will enhance your experience of the conference and you will find resources to nurture your growth in faith and action in the months to come. Dan Allender

Marcus Goodyear

Stephen Lutz

York Moore

Vincent Bacote

Deborah Haarsma

Eric Mason

Derek Schuurman

Jim Belcher

Bethany Hoang

Eric Miller

David Kinnaman

Justin McRoberts

Ben Lowe

Derek Melleby & Donald Opitz

Breaking the Idols of Your Heart (Waterbrook)

The Spirit in Public Theology (Wipf & Stock) In Search of Deep Faith (IVP)

Jeremy Courtney

Preemptive Love (Howard)

Andy Crouch Playing God (IVP)

Steven Garber


Visions of Vocation: Common Grace for the Common Good (IVP)

Barbies at Communion (TS Poetry Press)

Origins (Faith Alive)

Deepening the Soul for Justice (IVP)

You Lost Me (Baker)

Green Revolution (IVP)

King of the Campus (The House Studio)

Manhood Restored (B+H Books)

Glimpses from Another Land (Wipf & Stock)

CMYK: The Process of Life Together ( Justin McRoberts)

Learning for the Love of God (Brazos)

Making All Things New (IVP)

Shaping the Digital World (IVP)

Margot Starbuck

Permission Granted (Baker)

Roxanne Stone FRAMES (Zondervan)

Sam Van Eman

On Earth As It Is In Advertising (Wipf & Stock)

— 10% off of every book at Jubilee! —



SCRIPTURE JOURNEY Continue your jubilee experience! Sign up for the free 28-day Scripture Journey provided through the American Bible Society:



READINGS Basic Christian Discipleship King of the Campus Stephen Lutz (House Studio) $14.99

CCO staff member Steve Lutz offers a frank and insightful guide to daily Christian living, specifically for college students. This is one of the rare books that has a full Kingdom vision, relating Christ’s King to all areas of your life on campus. Brand new!

Welcome to the Revolution: A Field Guide For New Believers Brian Tome (Nelson) $12.99

This is the most fun, interesting, basic, but very exciting call to Christian discipleship we’ve seen in years. Simple, witty, radical. Welcome to the Revolution!

Faith on the Edge: Daring to Follow Jesus Paul Tokunaga & others (IVP) $16.00

This collection of short readings and discussion questions was created by women and men who work in campus ministry, offering busy students a tool for multi-faceted Christian growth. From our relationship with God to our relationships with others, from our daily jobs to the call to work for justice, from learning to worship to learning to forgive, this guides faithful thinking for practical living across all areas of life.

One.Life: Jesus Calls, We Follow Scott McKnight (Zondervan) $14.99

Knight is a passionate New Testament teacher who helps us see that following Jesus relates to all of our lives, from our sexuality to working for justice, from our confidence in His promises to serving Him even in our work. We have just. one. life. Yes!


The True Story of the Whole World: Finding Your Place in the Story of God Michael Goheen & Craig Bartholomew

(Faith Alive) $12.99 One of our favorite Biblically-oriented books, a splendid and easy-to-read overview of the Bible, a thoughtful and insightful approach that helps us to see the unfolding drama of redemption and how the Bible shapes our worldview.


Heaven is a Place on Earth: Why Everything You Do Matters to God Michael Witmer (Zondervan) $16.99

This is one of the most enjoyable and informative books on what we mean by a “Christian worldview.” A great introduction to the “Jubilee vision”!

Creation Regained: The Biblical Basis for a Reformational Worldview Albert M. Wolters (Eerdmans) $14.00

This small book is dense with insight and solid Biblical study, offering what some consider to be the best foundational resource for what Jubilee is all about. A classic.


Learning for the Love of God: A Student’s Guide to Academic Faithfulness Derek Melleby & Donald Opitz (Brazos Press) $14.99

This newly updated version of the CCO favorite The Outrageous Idea of Academic Faithfulness is without a doubt the best book for students to learn to see their classroom studies as central to their faith. Do you approach your education as a holy vocation? This book will help!

Engaging God’s World: A Christian Vision of Faith, Learning, and Living Cornelius Plantinga, Jr. (Eerdmans) $16.00

Elegant writing by a brilliant thinker, helping college students take up their vocations in the Kingdom, especially as students who love to learn, for God’s sake!

A Mind for God James Emory White (IVP) $13.00

White has been a main stage speaker at Jubilee, is a passionate communicator, and inspires us to deepen the life of the mind, to read and think for God’s sake, and to learn how to be a better student.


Journey Worth Taking: Finding Your Purpose in This World Charles Drew (P&R) $12.99

This book explores the ideas of calling and vocation by framing them within the over-all Biblical drama. Very well done, full of life-transforming insight.

What Is Vocation? Stephen Nichols (P&R) $3.99

A very brief guide to this key “Jubilee” concept—that God calls you to serve Him in your particular tasks. Very basic and quite clear.

The Call: Finding and Fulfilling the Central Purpose of Your Life Os Guinness (Thomas Nelson Publishing) $17.99

This elegant, mature work offers short chapters on this most profound Biblical doctrine, that we are all called by God to serve Christ in everything, but especially by seeing our careers as holy vocations.

Cultural Engagement

Culture-Making: Recovering Our Creative Calling Andy Crouch (IVP) $22.00

Jubilee main-stage speaker Andy Crouch reminds us here that God desires for us to be involved in making the world a better place, that social initiatives can be meaningful and honorable to God, and that the joy of living includes being engaged in the world around us. A masterpiece!

Faith and Culture: The Guide to a Culture Shaped by Faith Kelly Monroe Kullberg & Lael Arrington

(Zondervan) $14.99 Literally a year’s worth of short readings on how the gospel has influenced history, the arts, politics, science, and more. In daily brief pieces, you get a helpful overview of a truly Christian view of culture and our role as God’s agents in the world.

In Service to the World

Generous Justice: How God’s Grace Makes Us Just Timothy Keller (Dutton) $19.95

Advanced Studies

Desiring the Kingdom: Worship, Worldview, and Cultural Formation James K.A. Smith (Baker Academic) $21.95

This is a deep and fabulous study, exploring everything from pop culture consumerism to postmodern scholarship, to how our deepest desires and ways of being are shaped by either the “liturgies” of secular culture or the liturgies of God’s Kingdom expressed in radical worship. This is the first of what will be a threepart magnum opus written by a philosopher from Calvin College in Michigan.

Imagining the Kingdom: How Worship Works James K.A. Smith (Baker Academic) $22.99

A powerful, stimulating sequel to the important Desiring the Kingdom, this brand new book will surely be one of the most talked-about books of the year. Smith was a hit at Jubilee two years ago, and many have been eager to see how his argument about “cultural liturgies” unfolds in this study of the lifeshaping influence of worship.

Beyond Homelessness: Christian Faith in a Culture of Displacement Brian Walsh & Steve Bouma-Prediger

(Eerdmans) $27.00 This is a magisterial study of how failing to believe that God is redeeming all things (using images of homemaking and homecoming) leads to a postmodern dislocation from place, which helps create harsh economics that hurt the poor. What are the relationships between our Up in the Air emptiness and the injustices of disregard for the Earth and the oppressed? One of the most provocative, important, and serious examples of radical Christian scholarship in years!

To Change the World: The Irony, Tragedy & Possibility of Christianity in the Late Modern World John Davison Hunter (Oxford) $27.95

One of the clearest theologians and church leaders today offers a solid, short study of how the Bible points us to God’s grace, which motivates us to work for justice.

This prestigious text is perhaps the most talked-about book of its kind in recent years! Deep, rich, wise—and a bit controversial—by a renowned sociologist.

Zealous Love: A Practical Guide to Social Justice edited by Mike & Danae Yankoski (Zondervan) $16.99

Fabric of Faithfulness: Weaving Together Belief and Behavior Steven Garber (IVP) $17.00

Not only does this handbook offer helpful information on a wide range of issues—trafficking, education, the environment, etc.— the short pieces are by some of the best Christian thinkers and writers today, such as Bob Goff, Wendell Berry, Francis Chan, Marva Dawn, Eugene Peterson. Full-color art and photography, too.

— 10%

This has long been a beloved classic among many CCO leaders. It is a serious, profound, and eloquent study of how meaningful, world-changing faith can be sustained from the college years onward.

off of every book at Jubilee! — 51

CAlled to thrive “visions of vocation is a feast for the heart, mind and soul. A master teacher, storyteller and writer, Steve Garber has woven together a lifetime of stories, insights and wisdom, vividly— and at times emotionally—showing how our vocations are at the heart of our love and service to God.” —Jim Belcher, author of In Search of Deep Faith

vocation is so much more than a job—it’s our relationships and responsibilities woven into doing God’s work in the world. steven Garber has traveled the world, coming alongside people as they seek to make sense of their world, their lives and their calling. When we help the world flourish, we flourish too.

Also by steven GArber: steven GArber is the principal of the Washington institute for Faith, vocation & Culture. A consultant to foundations, corporations and schools, he is the author of The Fabric of Faithfulness and a contributor to the books Faith Goes to Work: Reflections from the Marketplace and Get Up Off Your Knees: Preaching the U2 Catalog.

These and other great IVP books for sale today at the hearts & minds book display 52


to enGAGe Books by Jubilee speakers and friends help us recharge our faith in today’s world Deepening the Soul for JuStice

Your minD’S miSSion

By Bethany H. Hoang

By Greg Jao

seeking the God of justice can spark spiritual growth and deeper personal discipleship. discover spiritual disciplines for the justice-seeker and renew and invigorate your own journey using the international Justice Mission model.

With an innate ability to connect with students, Greg Jao addresses common myths that result in a passive engagement of our intellect with our faith. this guide offers concrete ways to “love God with our minds” in a life of mission and ministry.

urBana onwarD SerieS

plaYing goD

culture making

By Andy Crouch

By Andy Crouch

Andy Crouch delves into the dynamics of power in this essential book for all who want to influence their world for good. is power a curse for people to abuse, or can it be a gift for Christians to steward?

the only way to change culture is to create culture. We live in a new generation of culturally creative Christians, and this book gives us tools for cultivating and transforming culture.

“Here is a voice worth taking very seriously.”—chriStian Smith, professor of sociology, University of notre dame

in Search of Deep faith By Jim Belcher

Follow pastor Jim belcher as he takes a pilgrimage through europe, seeking substance in the faith that has shaped civilizations throughout the centuries.

eat with JoY

By Rachel Marie Stone seeking an antidote to widespread anxiety over food ethics, cultural obesity, eating disorders and more, rachel Marie stone reclaims the joy of delighting in God’s gift of food.

making all thingS new

By R. York Moore Modern-day abolitionist york Moore vividly describes the cause of global justice as the great dream of God for all of creation.

These and other great IVP books for sale today at the hearts & minds book display 53




@ccoministry @ccoministry 54


FOOD Restaurants within walking distance of the Westin Convention Center Breakfast Deluca’s $ 2015 Penn Avenue 412-566-6374


7th Street Grille $ 130 7th Street 412-338-0303

Hanlon’s Café $ 961 Libery Avenue 412-394-3500

August Henry’s City Saloon $ 946 Penn Avenue 412-765-3270

Pamela’s $ 60 21st Street 412-281-6366

Mark’s Grille & Catering $ 923 Penn Avenue 412-471-6401 Primanti Brothers $ 46 18th Street 412-263-2142 (open 24/7)

Penn City Grille $ Westin Hotel, 2nd Floor 412-560-6374

Sammy’s Famous Corned Beef $ 217 9th Street 412-765-2244 Tonic Bar and Grill $ 971 Liberty Avenue 412-456-0460

Pizza/Fast Food/Coffee


Au Bon Pain $ William Penn Place 412-263-2772

Original Fish Market Restaurant $$$ 1001 Liberty Avenue 412-227-3657

Brown Bag Deli $ Westin Concourse 412-261-5111

Sushi Kim $$ 1241 Penn Avenue 412-281-9956

Bruegger’s Bagels $ 411 7th Avenue 412-261-5312 Crazy Mocha $ Westin Concourse Starbucks Coffee $ 210 6th Avenue 412-642-9066 Subway $ 930 Penn Avenue 412-281-4522

$ meals for 2 people under $25 $$ meals for 2 people range between $25-$45 $$$ meals for 2 over $45

To view an interactive map of restaurant locations, visit





One summer at the beach will change you FOREVER.

At the CCO’s Ocean City Beach Project, you’ll live with other college students in one large beach house. You’ll be challenged to become a kingdom leader as you grow in: DISCIPLESHIP BIBLE STUDY EVANGELISM

For more information, check out


It's hard to put into words just how much God is moving in my life through the CCO internship.

I AM BEING TRANSFORMED, not just professionally, but as a laborer in the kingdom of God. I feel inexplicably blessed as I witness Christ reveal himself on campus through our ministry with students.�

The CCO internship program is for people who are in a growing relationship with Jesus Christ, who want to explore college ministry as a vocation, and who have the desire to develop their ministry and leadership skills. To learn more about working for the CCO: Visit our table in the exhibit hall Visit us online @

The CCO produces the Jubilee conference

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