Million Dollar Brand Magazine

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The Man Behind the Covers: An In-Depth Interview with Design Expert Jim Weems

Professional Book Cover Design

PLUS… Publishers Page Essay… Million Dollar Rolodex®… ‘The New Breed of Professional Speaker’ by Juanell Teague… Say Bye-Bye to Your Boring Bio by Nancy Juetten… ‘What We Believe’… And, well, actually that’s it for this issue!


When Did You Know What You Wanted to Do for a Living? Hello, Richard here, flying solo for this column (Andrea is deeply involved in editing an audio program we recorded recently, and I’ve learned not to interrupt her when she’s wearing headphones!)

As a kid I had the typical array of dreams; I spent my early years dreaming of becoming a professional baseball player, author and racecar driver just to mention a few. Oh, and like most young boys, I loved dinosaurs, spending hours in the back yard digging for fossils. One day, at the tender age of eight, I took my collection of plastic dinosaurs and set them up on a table in my basement and invited everyone in the neighborhood over to hear me talk about them. To market the ‘event’ I tacked flyers to telephone poles all over the neighborhood; as I recall, I charged a nickel per person to get in.

The interesting (and sad) thing is, it would take me until I was 40 to make speaking my full-time profession, working in the corporate world as a trainer to ‘hone my skills until I was ready’ for far too long. So, do you remember the moment you decided to become a speaker, trainer, author, or coach? I bet you do. -R&A

It was standing room only (I hadn’t thought about chairs), and boy oh boy, did I nail it! As people were leaving one of the parents, Mrs. Clark, came up to me and said, “You are quite the professional speaker!” I didn’t even know what a professional speaker was, but I sure liked the sound of it!

Andrea Waltz& Richard Fenton, Publishers/Editors

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Disclaimer Statement: Our definition of a ‘Million Dollar Brand’ is any brand that has generated one million dollars (or more) in gross revenue. Additionally, while this publication is made FREE to subscribers, please be aware that we do maintain affiliate relationships with many of the advertisers and content contributors contained within, from which we may receive monetary compensation. However, we only recommend products that we've either personally checked out ourselves, or that come from people we know and trust. With this said, neither we as publishers, nor Courage Crafters, Inc., are responsible for the success or failure of any investment and/or purchase decision any subscribe elects to engage in with affiliates Or advertisers.

So I thought this would be a good time to reminisce a bit, back to the moment I decided that ‘professional speaking’ would be my career.

After this I became what could be best described as a speaking maniac, giving lectures on almost a daily basis. When everyone in the neighborhood grew tired of dinosaur lectures, I simply changed topics – didn’t matter what it was, I would speak on it, regardless of whether I knew what I was talking about, and when I ran out of things to lecture on, I lectured on giving lectures (sound familiar?)

is published weekly by Courage Crafters, Inc., specifically for professional speakers, trainers, authors, coaches and infopreneurs.

inside WHAT’S

Features 2

This Week’s Publishers Page with Richard Fenton & Andrea Waltz

6-9 The Man Behind the Covers: An In-depth Interview with Book Designer Jim Weems


The New Breed of Professional Speaker by Juanell Teague

11 Million Dollar Rolodex®

12-13 ‘Say Bye-Bye to Boring Bios’ by Nancy Juetten

15 What We Believe…

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Issue IV: October 22, 2012

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Design Matters.

An In-Depth Interview with Graphic Design Artist JIM WEEMS

The Man Behind the

Case in Point:

“The Tale of Two Covers” The original Go for No!® book cover, designed by the authors to ‘save a few bucks’…

Covers Twenty-one years ago Jim Weems took a chance, launching a new business designing book covers. And, like most start-ups, he couldn’t help but wonder what the future would hold, or – for that matter – where and when his first client would come from. Apparently the book-cover Gods were watching out for him, sending soon-to-be speaking legend Larry Winget his way. It was Larry’s first book, too! But it wouldn’t be his last, as the number of Winget/Weems covers now tops 20. Today, some 400+ book cover designs later, Jim Weems’ company, Ad Graphics is still pumping them out, becoming in the process one of the most soughtafter players in the business, especially for first-time speaker/authors looking for great design at a reasonable price. We had the chance to talk with Jim and ask him many of the questions we’re sure MDB readers would love to know about:

…and the redesign by graphic artist Jim Weems at Ad Graphics

MILLION DOLLAR BRAND: So, Jim, what is the typical fee range to have a book cover created by a professional graphic artist? And what’s the least someone should expect to pay to have a cover designed?

To hear Million Dollar Brand magazine publishers Richard Fenton & Andrea Waltz tell the hilarious story of how the decision to re-design the cover came about …and the amazing results which followed…


JIM WEEMS: When we started in the mid ‘90s cover design was $800. Today the price is usually around $1,400. MDB: In all the book covers you’ve designed, what is the number one lesson you’ve learned? JW: I always remind myself that this is the client’s book first, not mine, but it a reflection of the quality of my work nonetheless. So my goal is to design a cover that both the client and I are happy with. (continued on Page 17)

The Man Behind the Covers


MDB: What do you need from the author in order to create an excellent book cover? Do you need to read the book, or just get an overview? JW: It is always helpful to know what the client likes. Amazon is a great resource. They can show me cover styles they like. I’m not going to copy anything, but seeing examples quickly shows me the clients taste in covers. MDB: Is there any research regarding book cover colors, fonts, etc., and their impact on sales?

JW: Probably, but I doubt the books that make the best seller’s list are based on scholarly research. Just Google “bestselling books” and click the images button. Every cover is its own unique entity. MDB: What are the 3-4 big ‘key considerations’ when designing a book cover? JW: Title. In the world of self-publishing (where marketing budgets are limited) I think it’s important that the title doesn’t make you guess what the book is about. Subtitle. This should further identify the purpose of the book. Author’s Photo(s), yes or no. If the book is to help promote the author as the expert, then the author photo(s) probably should be on the front. At the very least, it should be considered. MDB: Are there specific steps (or a ‘process’) you go through when designing a cover? JW: An in-depth conversation with the author is step one. Also, unless the title gives me an immediate thought, I’ll often look at what others have done with similar topics. I’ll ask the client to show me covers they like. I never expect the first cover I show to be the “one”. More likely, the first version is just a starting point to learn what the client likes and doesn’t like. MDB: Does the author’s personality enter into the process? Or just the book’s content/theme? JW: Absolutely! Since most of my clients are professional speakers, their books often reflect their speaking or training style. On the other hand, if the intended audience is very corporate in nature, and you’re a “wacky” kind of speaker, you may need the cover to be conservative or very much on topic, and leave the “wacky” to the stage. The bottom line is that the author must know his or her audience, and relay that knowledge to me. (continued on Page 18)

The Man Behind the Covers


MDB: How often do you find yourself executing the author’s vision or design, vs. creating the cover from scratch from your own expertise?

Too much text will kill a sale.

JW: If the author’s vision is reasonable, and most of the time it is, I’ll start there. Sometimes the title triggers an idea that I also run with. Sometimes my idea will “win”, not because it’s better, but because the author now has a choice.

JW: There are exceptions to every trend so I’ll answer it this way. Self-publishing means you are footing ALL the cost. Every decision you make that varies from the “norm” will cost more money. For the professional speaker who may be carrying books to each engagement, I always suggest going with 5.5 x 8.5. Since this a popular size, it tends to cost a bit less to print than odd sized books.

MDB: Which do you like better: being provided with a vision’ or having a ‘clean slate’ to start from? I like it when the author has a vision to start out with. This at least gets me on a starting path. MDB: How often do you have to talk an author out of their idea because it’s simply bad? JW: This can be tricky. I’m more likely to just show a different option. Let’s face it, my job is to deliver a cover that the client likes. I do have one or two covers that I didn’t want credit for. I felt I had shown much better alternative covers. The bottom line is, this is the clients cover, not mine. MDB: What are the 2 biggest cover design mistakes in the business books that you see?

MDB: Are there any other trends in business books that you’ve noticed? Size? Length?

“The fact is, self-publishing is a serious investment. Many of our clients are first timers. Being chosen to help them fulfill this major goal means a lot to me.” -Jim Weems, Ad Graphics

Don’t do hardcover unless you have a very good reason to. The cost is higher, and they are heavier to carry and to ship. The page count greatly determines the final printing cost. If your book is quite long, can it be converted into 2 or 3 books? At least consider this option. I’ve heard people say it’s important to be able to read the title from across the room. Is that true? I think so. This also means the title will be readable when tiny on blogs and web pages. MDB: Any considerations when designing for physical books vs. digital/Kindle books? JW: I’ve done e-book covers that we know will not go to press. These covers cost much less. The cover still need to look good in ads and blogs, but the creative time spent on the cover is much less. MDB: Do you have any book cover ‘horror stories’ you can share??

Larry Winget in earlier days (above) with some of his 20+ book covers by Jim Weems. To check out Larry today (and his most recent books!):

JW: I’ve seen covers that are so creative that the title is hard to read. The title must be readable when the cover is used on a small ad. Covers don’t “sell” the book, marketing creates the sales. I want the cover to look good in an ad, on postcards, and in e-marketing. Too much text on the back cover. The back needs to have just enough info so someone can read it quickly.

JW: I’ve been very fortunate that I’ve not had any situation that rose to the “horror story” level. Certainly some jobs go smoother than others. The fact is, self-publishing is a serious investment. Many of our clients are first timers. Being chosen to help them fulfill this major goal means a lot to me. -MDB

To learn more about Jim Weems, go to: You can also reach him by phone at: 800-368-6196

According to Juanell Teague, the four primary characteristics of the new breed of speaker are:

• Freshness… being cutting edge

• Novelty… capturing the imagination and fueling ideas • Originality… creating something that no one else has before • Boldness… in expressing expertise. Traditionally, expert speakers and motivational speakers have been viewed as two types, each bringing distinct value to a meeting:

Expert Speakers… • Driven by research and information • Market recognition is based on content first • Relates to the audience through the content • Believes the information is correct and fresh • Content must be accurate • Delivery style is less important than information • Humor and entertainment are not emphasized

Motivational Speakers… • Driven by speaking and the power of the platform • Market recognition is based on delivery first • Relates to the audience through shared feelings • Believes that the emotional connection will impact and change people’s lives • Original content is not the primary focus • Delivery style and platform skills are more important than concrete information • Humor and entertainment are emphasized

Today, however, groups are increasingly seeking an industry expert and an expert speaker who are one and the same. In an era of uncertainty in the meetings industry, the fundamental value of employing paid professional speakers is being re-examined like never before, according to the National Speakers Association (NSA) white paper, Expertise to the Power of Eloquence. The way for today’s meeting planner to maximize ROI is to select speakers who bring both highly-valued content and a captivating, inspirational delivery. Mark Sanborn, NSA past-president, said:

“Being able to develop, demonstrate, and enhance expertise and then communicate it effectively and powerfully will be key.”


New Breed


Professional Speaker

This is not to say that this new breed of speaker should provide equal amounts of knowledge and entertainment at all events.

by Juanell Teague

For instance, a morning speaker for a convention of scientists and engineers would need a different mix of substance, entertainment, and humor than an afterdinner presenter at an annual sales meeting. But both, if done right, should provide content in a way that makes the audience say, “Wow!”

The New Breed… • Driven both by content and the ability to deliver that content through speeches • Market recognition from both content & delivery style • Relates to the audience through both shared feelings and the power of the content • Believes that the correct and fresh information delivered in a bold way will impact/change lives • Delivers highly-valued content that is fresh, novel, original, and bold • Uses bold delivery style and heightened speaking skills to deliver high value, concrete content • Uses humor and entertainment as seasoning to improve the value of the delivered content -MDB

Juanell Teague is the author of The Zig Ziglar Difference. She is president of People Plus Inc., a Dallas-based consulting firm packaging experts and leaders to become speakers and branding speakers’ expertise. Teague began her meetings industry career by producing events in 43 cities reaching more than 200,000 people. She can be reached at:

Looking for More Great Resources? The business profiled above is just one of the many product/service vendors we know of and highly recommend to others. To see a complete listing of hundreds of organizations ready and willing to help you grow your brand, check out the ‘Resource Section’ at:

Ready to Say Bye-Bye to Your Boring Bio? by Nancy Juetten Tough economic times have created opportunities for people to exit corporate life to start businesses of their own. That means the timing is perfect to stand out and attract more of the right clients by creating a winning bio that makes ideal customers stand up and take notice. Now that social networking plays a powerful role in how people seek new clients, new jobs, and new ways to be of service, telling one’s story so others will listen is essential. Many people struggle with this challenge. Whether they are overcome with humility, find it difficult to put pen to paper to say what needs to be said, or can’t seem to find the right, well-chosen words to make the most of the web page assigned to their executive photo, the fact remains that telling a winning story about how you contribute to the marketplace is crucial in today’s marketplace. One recipe that works really well is this:

Stunning results + Sassy sound bites + Succinct stories + Social information to make a connection with others = a Winning Bio! Here are a few examples that take just a few lines of text to deliver the goods. These can serve as useful introductions to a radio interview, speaking engagement, or book jacket. They can even be modified to serve as a 60-second elevator speech to deliver in person at the next networking event. Kim Duke, founder of and an international sales expert for women, motivates with her trademark high heels, high energy and high level of sales tips. Kim thinks cold-calling is best left in the freezer. She is a sought after expert in the media and writes articles internationally – sharing her sassy and savvy sales advice. Michael Gerber is the founder of E-Myth Worldwide,

Here's How…

the coaching, training, and education firm he founded in 1977 to transform the development of small businesses worldwide. E-Myth Worldwide has achieved stunning results by helping to grow more than 60,000 business clients in 145 countries. As the author of eight E-Myth books, including the megabestseller “The E-Myth Revisited,” Michael Gerber has established his revolutionary perspective as the gold

“If every sentence in your bio begins with ‘I’, re-write the bio from the standpoint of the benefits your ideal customer enjoys as a result of working with you.” standard for small business development, becoming what Inc. magazine called, “the world’s #1 small business guru” and one of BusinessWeek’s best-selling authors over the past two decades. Marci Shimoff is the woman’s face of the biggest selfhelp book phenomenon in history, Chicken Soup for the Soul. Her six best-selling titles in the series, including “Chicken Soup for the Woman’s Soul” and “Chicken Soup for the Mother’s Soul,” have met with stunning success, selling more than 13 million copies worldwide in 33 languages and have been on the New York Times bestseller list for a total of 108 weeks. Marci is one of the best-selling female nonfiction authors of all time. In addition, she’s a featured teacher in the international film and book phenomenon, The Secret. Her new book, “HAPPY FOR NO REASON: 7 Steps to Being Happy from the Inside Out” offers a revolutionary approach to experiencing deep and lasting happiness. If your bio isn’t in great shape, consider your own experience from the standpoint of stunning results, sassy sound bites, succinct stories, and social information to help your ideal customers connect with (continued)…

Bye-Bye to Your Boring Bio!


you. Then, write a bio that delivers that information in an engaging, remarkable, and memorable way in record time. If every sentence in your bio begins with “I,” re-write the bio from the standpoint of the benefits your ideal customer enjoys as a result of working with you. When the “I-You” ratio is weighs too heavily on the former, opportunities to connect with the customer are lost. “I am an award-winning interior designer who enjoys creating beautiful spaces customers love to come home to” is an “I-focused” sentence that leaves the customer out in the cold. “If you crave a beautiful home that is a joy to come home to, I can help” is a “you-focused” sentence that invites the customer in. Once you write your bio, ask yourself an important question: If your ideal customer were to land on your bio page first before meeting you in person, shaking your hand, or having any experience with your company, product, or service, would he/she like what was said enough to click to other pages of your website, pick up the phone, send you an email, or request a meeting? If the answer is “no,” go back to the drawing board and try again. -MDB An award-winning copywriter with 12 years of success running her own profitable six-figure business, Nancy Juetten is a storyteller, workshop leader, and Bye-Bye Boring Bio PLUS! author who shows mission-driven experts how to get seen, heard, celebrated, and COMPEN$ATED for their expert status. Nancy's essential advice is this: "It's your story. Tell it well.“ To connect with Nancy and learn about the upcoming Broadcast Your Brilliance Webinar Series , visit:

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In The Next Issue of Million Dollar Brand… 10 Branding Lessons from the Life of Steve Jobs (and Worth Teaching Your Kids, Too!)

He said all men were created equal. He never said anything about brands.

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October 22, 2012

We Believe... #10… Peter McWilliams (who wrote Do It! Let’s Get Off Our Buts’ and ‘Life 101: Everything We Wish We Had Learned about Life in School but Didn’t) is one of the most under-appreciated authors/poets/human beings to ever grace the planet. (SIDE NOTE: We recently called to get both books on audio, and what do you know – Peter’s mother, Mary, answered the phone! She told us that talking to people who appreciated Peter’s work made her forget that he’s been gone 12 years now. So, if you love Peter McWilliams as much as we do, give Mary a call. The number is 1-800-LIFE-101)

#11… Dexter, Homeland and American Horror Story are, without a doubt, three of the best shows ever produced on television, cable or otherwise… and two of them are on back-to-back on Sunday night! (Super-Kudos to Showtime)

#12… In collecting ‘experiences’ that fill our hearts rather than ‘stuff’ that fills our garage

And we believe that every adult with a heart should support the Make-A-Wish Foundation® For more information or to donate, visit:


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