Celebrating 20 years!
Acknowledgment of country and traditional owners
We acknowledge and pay respects to the traditional custodians, past and present of this land – who long before us lived, loved and raised their children. We also acknowledge the Aboriginal families in our community of schools and acknowledge their physical and spiritual connection to their land. We come together with these families - to learn, to share and to journey with them.
Contents Chair’s Message
Executive Director’s Message
Our People
ATSI Parent Committee Chair’s Message
Our Work
About Us
Financial Report
The CCSP in 2015
Our Community of Schools
Chair’s Message This is my final message as CCSP Chair and I am drawn to reflect on the organisation that is the CCSP and wonder at the wisdom, commitment and insight of the individuals that sit around the table. It has been a privilege to work with each and every one and I am humbled by their belief in me during that time but know that the good work of the CCSP will continue through the various chairs and committees just as it has done for the past 20 years. Phil Billington, who was charged with conducting the Review of the CCSP has handed down her preliminary observations to the Council and offered her own reflection on the group who is taking carriage of this process and those who have gone before:
Trevor Kellam CHAIR
CCSP is an amazing organisation built on the vision, energy and passion of women and men who believe in families - you are all not only keeping that alive but having the courage to be open to the recommendations of the Review to take it to where it needs to be today to serve the needs of families now, especially those who are on the margins. I couldn’t have said it better myself, and so I extend my good wishes to the incoming Chair, Neisha Licitra, the new management committee and dedicated volunteers that come to our table to continue the great work they do at the grass roots level which give the CCSP its authenticity and vitality. Trevor Kellam, Chair 3. CHAIR’S MESSAGE | Council of Catholic School Parents NSW/ACT
Executive Director’s Message In what was its 20th year of operation, the CCSP devoted its energy to some serious introspection for its second review in 20 years. It was a wonderful time of engagement with Bishops and Directors in each diocese, with old friends and associates and many new contacts with parents and schools staff. Outgoing Chair Trevor Kellam initiated the Review at the end of last year and over the course of 2015 worked with Reviewer Phil Billington and Council members to ensure that the depth and quality of the data collected provided rich material for the CCSP going forward.
And so begins the work of Chair Elect Neisha Licitra (Archdiocese of Sydney), to pilot the group through this next phase of implementation along with the Council who have worked tirelessly to build relationships, start conversations, share information and give life to the work of the CCSP so it continues to have relevance for all stakeholders beyond 2015. Neisha will be supported in this task by Deputy Chair, Donna Falzon (Broken Bay) and management committee of Lynn McKinnon (Parramatta), Ali Cant (Bathurst), Alison Nunn (Wilcannia-Forbes) and Narelle Burke (Armidale). Congratulations to all on your election to the CCSP executive and welcome to all CCSP Council members for 2016.
4. EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR’S MESSAGE | Council of Catholic School Parents NSW/ACT
2015 also saw a Review initiated by the Bishops of NSW and ACT of the Catholic Education Commission NSW, the structure of Catholic schools and systems and funding distribution which has been coordinated by Kathryn Greiner. The CCSP had an opportunity for some input to the process and is confident it is well-placed to walk alongside Catholic education into the future. On a personal note, I was fortunate to attend the Family and Community Engagement Conference in Chicago where more than 1100 educators, parent leaders, community partners and district leaders from 47 states, Australia (me) the Netherlands, and the Philippines gathered in Chicago in June. The enthusiasm and joy at the conference was infectious and I came away with a deep sense of appreciation for the good state of education in NSW and Australia and a renewed regard for the persistent commitment of parents in the USA who fight just to get a decent education for their children. A very special thank you to Trevor Kellam for his commitment to seeing through this process of renewal for the CCSP in its 20th year and also to outgoing Chair of the ATSI Committee Sharon Cooke for her gentle stewardship of the ATSI Committee for so many years. You have both left an indelible impression on the Council with your great contribution to the Catholic schools community. I would like to take this opportunity to thank the CCSP staff for their work this year which has been above and beyond the call of duty. Our dynamic team of Cathie Renfrew, Marian Ibrahim, and Sue Finn have been a tremendous support for me and for the Council and we are very grateful for the wonderful work they do. Thank you also to the Catholic Education Commission NSW personnel who are always generous with their support and advice as well as treating us as genuine partners. I would also like to thank our major sponsor Australian Catholic Superannuation and Retirement Fund for their generous support. Linda McNeil, Executive Direcor
5. EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR’S MESSAGE | Council of Catholic School Parents NSW/ACT
ATSI CHAIR’S MESSAGE 2015 was a year in which we saw the number of children of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander (ATSI) background enrolled in Catholic schools in NSW reach record levels. Two decades after the CCSP was first formed, the number of indigenous children enrolled in NSW Catholic schools has quadruped to nearly 4000 students, comprising 2.7% of all enrolments in our state’s Catholic schools. Representing the interests of these indigenous children and their parents and carers is an important element of the ATSI Parent Committee’s work, ensuring they have a voice in Catholic education.
One of the issues brought to our attention during 2015 was the lack of student participation in TAFE-delivered Vocational Education and Training (TVET) courses and the costs associated with these courses. Advice from communities to many of the ATSI committee members was that while Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students in NSW may be exempt from paying the fees, this exemption is not offered to all of our Catholic schools. It was reported that some Dioceses covered the cost, but not all. We have raised this issue with our TAFE contacts, as it could significantly impact on school retention, career options and pathways for our ATSI students. Another important issue raised at our committee related to the availability of the Stage 6 Aboriginal Studies course for the state’s HSC students. Our concern is that the majority of the state’s Catholic secondary schools are not able to offer this Aboriginal Studies
6. ATSI PARENT COMMITTEE CHAIR’S MESSAGE | Council of Catholic School Parents NSW/ACT
Celebrating 20 years!
as there is a shortage of teachers qualified to teach this highly academic, online course. We believe this is an issue that impacts on all NSW high school students. This course provides the opportunity for young people to engage with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander histories and allows students to critically examine their role as active and informed citizens in Australia today and puts them in a position to make decisions, as adults, in our contemporary world, with knowledge and understanding of our history. One of the highlights for 2015 was attending the Biennial NSWCEC Aboriginal Education Workers Conference (AEWC) in Wagga Wagga. It was an uplifting and motivating weekend, with workshops and presentations built around the conference theme: “Spirit Walks in Two Worlds”. The ATSI Parent Committee’s Karan Taylor and CCSP Executive Director, Linda McNeil, co-presented a parent-focused workshop and the CCSP sponsored the conference bags, which were stocked with ATSI parent resources relating to school attendance, enrolment issues and parent engagement. The ATSI Parent Committee also participated in the CCSP’s review, taking part in the Review’s first focus group with Phil Barrington, which Phil remarked as having great meaning. Members of the ATSI CCSP attended the 2015 Biennial Parent Assembly. It was wonderful to have so many representatives from our Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities bringing a valued voice to the Conference. At our AGM in December, Kelly Humphrey was nominated and elected as the ATSI Chair for 2016. Kelly Humphrey is a Kamilaroi woman and the very proud mother of two beautiful children. In Kelly’s capacity as the Education Officer Aboriginal Education in the Wagga Wagga Diocese, she is the nominated representative for Wagga Wagga on the NSW CEC Aboriginal Education Committee. Kelly also currently holds membership on the Educational Policy Committee for the NSWCEC where she brings both an Aboriginal and parent perspective to policy development. We wish Kelly well in her role as the 2016 Chair for the ATSI Parent Committee. And finally, I would like to thank all the committee members that I have been fortunate to work with during my past eight years as Chair. It has been an honour and a privilege. Sharon Cooke, Chair, ATSI Parent Committee
7. ATSI PARENT COMMITTEE CHAIR’S MESSAGE | Council of Catholic School Parents NSW/ACT
About Us The CCSP is the leading voice for Catholic parents in NSW and the ACT, providing leadership, advocacy and support. We are the largest non-government parent body in NSW and the ACT, representing the interests of parents of more than 250,000 Catholic school students in nearly 600 schools across 11 dioceses. For more than 20 years we have been advocating for parents and we produce a range of resources to suit the needs of all stakeholders in Catholic education - parents, parent associations, principals, teachers, school executives and diocesan education office personnel. The NSW Catholic Bishops Conference and the Catholic Education Commission NSW support us in our work. The CCSP is a private association within the Church and is incorporated under the Roman Catholic Church Communities’ Land Act 1942, no 23. The CCSP is led and supported by a Chairperson, Deputy Chair, State Council, Management Committee, Executive Director and a Secretariat.
8 . ABOUT US | Council of Catholic School Parents NSW/ACT
The CCSP membership is made up of representatives from the 11 dioceses in NSW and the ACT, a Congregational Schools representative and a representative of the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander (ATSI) Parent Committee. These representatives sit on our State Council, which is the decision-making body of the CCSP. Two of these representatives are elected to the position of Chairperson and Deputy Chair. An Executive Officer from the Catholic Schools Office in each diocese is also invited to attend CCSP State Council meetings, in an ex officio role. The Chairperson, Deputy Chair and four elected representatives from the State Council, comprise the Management Committee, which is responsible for running the business of the State Council. In 2015, the CCSP Secretariat comprised an Executive Director, Website Manager and Executive Assistant with additional support provided by a Communications Consultant.
Celebrating 20 years! “I hear from parents of schools students all the time and from groups such as the Council of Catholic School Parents. The CCSP is a great advocate… they are always keen to know how they can do more to support their students and how we at BOSTES can work with them. I appreciate and welcome their views.” Tom Alegounarias, BOSTES President
The CCSP in 2015 Reflecting Forward
It Takes a Village
2015 was deemed the year of reflection for the CCSP and, two decades after it was first formed, the CCSP undertook an extensive review of its structure, purpose and operations.
More than 200 parents, educators, presenters and clergy attended the 11th Biennial CCSP Conference, hosted by the Lismore Parent Assembly in May 2015.
This comprehensive process, involving a series of interviews, focus groups and an online survey with key stakeholders, was expertly guided by Phil Billington, former Director of Catholic Education, Diocese of Sandhurst (Victoria). The final report of the Review, “Reflecting Forward”, was presented to the CCSP State Council in November 2015.
The two day conference was attended by delegates from across Australia and featured an impressive program of speakers including parenting expert Michael Grose, author and motivator Bruce Sullivan, cyber safety expert, Brett Lee and Father Elio Capra. Keynote presentations were interspersed throughout the weekend with a series of workshops focusing on the conference theme, “It takes a Village”. Among the many highlights were the angelic voices of the St Augustine’s choir, who featured in the official opening, and the CCSP’s 20th Birthday Celebrations at the Official Conference Dinner.
9. THE CCSP IN 2015 | Council of Catholic School Parents NSW/ACT
Partnerships State Election 2015
Diocesan School Communities
In partnership with the Catholic Education Commission (CEC NSW), the CCSP developed a State Election Tool Kit to assist parents lobby and inform their local MP about funding priorities for Catholic schools. The CCSP’s message to the major parties focused on two key issues increased capital funding and a fairer planning system for Catholic schools. More than 1200 election tool kits were distributed to schools, parent associations, Council reps and parents in the lead up to the election.
2015 provided various opportunities for the CCSP to partner with a number of diocesan educational offices.
Following the election of the Coalition Government, the focus shifted to educating newly elected Members of Parliament about the intricacies of school funding, particularly in relation to non-government schools. Meanwhile, the CCSP continued to lobby the Federal government to commit to school funding that would meet the real costs of education beyond 2017. A one-year funding increase announced in the 2015-2016 Federal Budget did little to allay fears about the medium and long term funding for all Australian schools. 10. PARTNERSHIPS | Council of Catholic School Parents NSW/ACT
At the invitation of David Adams-Jones, principal of St Patrick’s Primary School in Griffith, Linda McNeil and Trevor Kellam recorded podcasts for the transition to school radio program on “Building Positive Relationships” and the “Role of Families”. This was part of “The Community of Catholic Primary Schools Transition Program from Preschool to Primary School” initiative in the Wagga Wagga diocese which included a series of radio segments on local radio station, 99.7 Star FM. When the call was put out by the CCSP to create resources to aid families with numeracy, two dioceses responded and the result was a series of videos aptly titled ‘Connecting U 4 Learning’. Teachers from the Bathurst and Canberra Goulburn Dioceses created videos during class time explaining maths concepts, to help parents engage with their child’s learning.
These videos which have become a valuable resource for parents and schools can be found on the partners4learning website. In November 2015, the CCSP officially launched the “Better Together” website at the Catholic Education Office in Armidale. The creation of this website came from the partnership between the CCSP and the Armidale and Broken Bay Catholic Education Offices. It is a rich and plentiful resource for Catholic school boards, councils and P&F Associations. The CCSP supported the Secretariat and a number of Diocesan Executive Officers from Broken Bay, Maitland-Newcastle and Wollongong to take part in a “Collaboration Conversations” Program at the Australian Catholic University in April 2015. The program provided practical steps to achieving more productive and meaningful outcomes from conversations with peers, schools, parents, partners and other important stakeholders. Four of the participants are now trained to run “Collaborative Conversations” workshops with parents of Catholic school students.
Connecting with parents The CCSP made a concerted effort in 2015 to make better use of social media platforms like Twitter and Facebook to interact with parents, teachers, educators and the media, resulting in a steady but significant increase in those ‘following’ the CCSP. This enhanced our capacity to connect parents to online resources, advice and support relating to their child’s learning journey, especially those in rural and remote regions. We also utilised our social media presence to promote content being distributed via our regular electronic newsletters, CCSP e-News and Parent Talk. At the same time, the CCSP launched a new monthly column, “Parenting Matters” in The Catholic Weekly (print and online). The Catholic Weekly newspaper is a read by more than 42,000 people each week and has more than 1,200 online subscribers. The CCSP’s “Parenting Matters” column has covered important issues such as teens, technology and mental health, Internet safety, HSC survival tips for parents and being Catholic in the 21st century.
11. PARTNERSHIPS | Council of Catholic School Parents NSW/ACT
Synod on the Family In early 2015, Australia’s Catholic families were called on to take part in a worldwide survey on the “beauty, role and the dignity of the family” in the lead up to the Synod on the Family in Rome. Australian families were specifically asked to respond to 30 questions compiled by The Australian Catholic Bishops Conference, which would help shape the Australian response to the Synod. The CCSP urged parents of Catholic school students to have a say on some the most important and pivotal issues facing modern Catholic families. Information about the survey was included on the CCSP website and via CCSP e-News.
Indigenous Education in action More than 120 Aboriginal education workers from around NSW attended the NSWCEC Aboriginal Education Workers Conference (AEWC) - “The Spirit Moves in Two Worlds”. The AWEC program focused on “Attendance & Parent Engagement” and was hosted by the Diocese of Wagga Wagga. CCSP Acting Executive Director, Linda McNeil, was amongst those presenting at the conference. 12. PARTNERSHIPS | Council of Catholic School Parents NSW/ACT
National Parent Engagement Research Project The CCSP was invited by the Australian Research Alliance for Children and Youth (ARACY) to participate in a nationwide project exploring parent engagement in children’s learning and education. The Commonwealth Government engaged ARACY to undertake the four-year research project in consultation with key stakeholders in education. The project’s aim is to provide practical tools to support partnerships between families, teachers, schools and communities in order to maximise children’s learning and wellbeing outcomes. It will also explore parent engagement with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities, as well as in culturally and linguistically diverse families and communities.
“The CCSP continues to play a vital role in representing and supporting Catholic School parents… Advocacy from the CCSP is integral to ensuring that Catholic school parents’ voices are heard and acknowledged by the State and Federal governments.” Greg Whitby, Director, Catholic Schools Office, Diocese of Parramatta Linda McNeil with Karen Mapp at the Family and Community Engagement Conference in Chicago.
Roger O’Sullivan Award
National Catholic Parent body
The annual Roger O’Sullivan Award continues to highlight outstanding examples of home, school and community partnerships in our Catholic community. In 2015, a record number of applications were received for the award, with the judges commenting on the high standard of each and every submission. The winner of the 2015 Roger O’Sullivan Award was St Brigid’s Catholic Primary School, Kyogle.
The CCSP is a founding member of Catholic School Parents Australia (CSPA),which met four times in 2015. Guests who attended the meetings were: Federal Senator Scott Ryan, NCEC Executive Director, Ross Fox, Francis Sullivan from the Truth Justice and Healing Council, Rob Randall from ACARA, Stacey Fox from ARACY and our main sponsor, Cameron Wood, from Australian Catholic Superannuation and Retirement Fund. A new Executive Officer John O’Brien was welcomed to the group.
CCSP Chair Trevor Kellam and Executive Director, Linda McNeil travelled to Kyogle to congratulate all members of the St Brigid’s school community for being such a strong example of partnership in action.
Our Executive Director, Linda McNeil, and Chair, Trevor Kellam, are both members of the CSPA’s national body.
13 . PARTNERSHIPS | Council of Catholic School Parents NSW/ACT
Celebrating 20 years!
Our People Secretariat Linda McNeil Executive Director Cathie Renfrew, Websites Manager Marian Ibrahim, Communications and Development Officer Sue Finn, Publications Administration and support provided by John Kitney, Andrew Mandigora, John Salman, Mei Jones, Angela Cain and Jim Hanna (CECNSW).
State Council Members Diocese of Armidale, Catherine Ible Diocese of Bathurst, Ali Cant
Diocese of Parramatta Parents Representative Council, Anne-Maree Pletkan Archdiocese of Sydney, Neisha Licitra Diocese of Wagga Wagga, Lorraine Roche Diocese of Wilcannia Forbes, Anne-Maree Dwyer Diocese of Wollongong Parent Forum, Trevor Kellam ATSI Parent Committee Chair, Sharon Cooke Congregational Schools Representative, Francesca Minetti
Alternate CCSP representative for 2015: Diocese of Armidale, Narelle Burke Archdiocese of Canberra Goulburn, Bob Brady
Diocese of Broken Bay Diocesan Parent Council, Donna Falzon
Diocese of Maitland-Newcastle, Lynda Skinner
Archdiocese of Canberra Goulburn Catholic School Parents, Tim Smith
Diocese of Parramatta, Lynn McKinnon
Diocese of Lismore Parent Assembly, Janita Thomson Diocese of Maitland-Newcastle Federation of P&F Associations, Bronwyn Melville
14 . OUR PEOPLE | Council of Catholic School Parents NSW/ACT
Diocese of Lismore, Michael Martin Diocese of Wagga Wagga, Angela Wedesweiler Diocese of Wilcannia-Forbes, Alison Nunn Diocese of Wollongong, Isabella Potts
“It has to be clearly understood however that parents do not give up their rights as the first and prime educators of their children when they push them through the gates of the local parish or state school for the first time. The state or church is only a support mechanism for what goes on in the home”. David Condon, Director, Catholic Schools Office, Diocese of Lismore
Management Committee
Sharynne Freeman
Bronwyn Melville
Dave Ella
Ali Cant
Karan Taylor
Neisha Licitra
Ann-Maree Bridge
Ex Officio Members:
Elizabeth Burke
Trevor Kellam (CCSP Chair)
Jackie Howard
Donna Falzon (CCSP Deputy Chair)
Emma Peel
Linda McNeil (Executive Director)
Kerry O’Callaghan Louise Campbell
Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander (ATSI) Parent Committee Members
Mary Atkinson Richard Allan
Sharon Cooke (ATSI Chair)
Trevor Kellam (CCSP Chair)
Leanne Fawns
Jason Jolley
Merindah Wilson Kelly Humphrey Darlene Murdoch
15. OUR PEOPLE | Council of Catholic School Parents NSW/ACT
Our Work State Council Meeting
Catholic School Funding
86th meeting – 20 March 2015
CCSP 2014 Annual Report
87th meeting & 2015 Biennial CCSP Conference – 16/17 May 2015
CCSP Parent Levy
88th meeting – 28 August 2015
CCSP Budget, Financial reports and Audit
89th meeting & AGM – 14 November 2015
CCSP Constitution
Agenda Items
CCSP Communications
Students with Special Needs Week of Prayer for Christian Unity World Communications Day 11th Annual Biennial CCSP Conference. 2015 Synod of the Family State Election Resources
CCSP Resources (Brochure and flyer development)
Aboriginal Education Appointment of Executive Director AEW Conference ACU Joint Project ACU Scholarship Better Together Website 16 . OUR WORK | Council of Catholic School Parents NSW/ACT
CCSP Review “Reflecting Forward”
CCSP Strategic Plan Collaborative Conversations Program Catholic School Parents Australia Guest Speaker: Tony Farley, Catholic Commission for Employment Relations Jump 4 Kids campaign (Children in Detention) National Families Week NSW Catholic Schools Week NSW Joint Parent Collaboration Forum Resources for parents
Review of Catholic Schools in NSW Safe Schools Coalition Australia Students with Special Needs Week of Prayer for Christian Unity World Communications Day 11th Annual Biennial CCSP Conference. 2015 Synod of the Family
 State Election Resources
CCSP Representation
Non-Government School Advisory Committee Peer Support Australia Wellbeing Australia The CCSP, at the invitation of the Bishops, took part in the Review of Governance Structures and Funding of Catholic Schools. The CCSP Acting Executive Director, Linda McNeil, attended and presented at the Aboriginal Education Workers Conference (AEWC) and the Teacher
During 2015, the CCSP provided parent representation
Development Network.
on all major educational committees, state and federal,
The CCSP representatives also attended the School
Autonomy Forum in Canberra and NSW Transport
BOSTES Curriculum Review Committee
Scheme Review Panel.
BOSTES Primary Curriculum Committee
CCSP representatives took part in external consultations for:
Catholic Education & Social Welfare Coordinating Committee
Child Protection
Catholic Education Commission (CECNSW)
2015 Disability Standards for Education Review
CSPA National Council
Work & Community Life Skills Syllabus
CEC Audit & Risk Committee
Key meetings were held with the NSW Education
CEC Catholic Block Grant Authority
Minister, Adrian Piccoli and also with Scott Prasser, the
CEC Mission & Identity Working Party
Senior Advisor to Federal Education Minister, Senator
CEC Public Policy Committee
Simon Burmingham.
Education Council (NSW government consultation committee) 17. OUR WORK | Council of Catholic School Parents NSW/ACT
Financial Report The Council of Catholic School Parents (NSW/ACT) is an incorporated body under the Roman Catholic Church Communities’ Lands Act 1942 No. 23. Authorised for issue by the State Council on 13th May 2016.
Operating Revenue Affiliation fees $366,201 Other income (including NSW govt grant, CECNSW grant, and interest) $171,343 CCSP Conference Income $35,973 Total
Operating Expenditure Staff costs $248,142 Office Services $117,467 Travel & Accommodation $88,206 Information Technology $32,686 Administration $59,632 CCSP Conference expenses $47,048 Total
Deficit (from operations before capital) ($19,664)
Revenue: Affiliation fees Other Income Conference
• • •
Expenditure: Staff Costs Other Expenses Conference Expenses
• • •
64% 30% 6%
42% 50% 8%
18. FINANCIAL REPORT | Council of Catholic School Parents NSW/ACT
Celebrating 20 years!
Our Community of Schools ARMIDALE Diocese Holy Trinity School, INVERELL McCarthy Catholic College, TAMWORTH O’Connor Catholic College, ARMIDALE Sacred Heart School, BOGGABRI St Edward’s Primary School, TAMWORTH St Francis Xavier’s School, NARRABRI St Joseph’s School, BARRABA St Joseph’s School, GLEN INNES St Joseph’s School, MUNGINDI St Joseph’s School, QUIRINDI St Joseph’s School, TENTERFIELD St Joseph’s School, URALLA St Joseph’s School, WALGETT St Joseph’s School, WARIALDA St Joseph’s School, WEE WAA St Joseph’s School, WEST TAMWORTH St Mary of the Angels Primary School, GUYRA St Mary’s College, GUNNEDAH St Mary’s Primary School, ARMIDALE St Michael’s School, MANILLA
St Nicholas’ Primary School, TAMWORTH St Patrick’s School, WALCHA St Philomena’s School, MOREE St Xavier’s School, GUNNEDAH
BATHURST Diocese All Hallows School, GULGONG Cathedral School, BATHURST Catherine McAuley Catholic Primary School, ORANGE Holy Family School, KELSO James Sheahan Catholic High School, ORANGE La Salle Academy, LITHGOW MacKillop College, BATHURST Sacred Heart Primary School, COOLAH St Brigid’s Primary School, COONAMBLE St Columba’s School, YEOVAL St Edward’s School, CANOWINDRA St John’s College, DUBBO EAST St John’s Primary School, DUBBO St John’s School, BARADINE St Joseph’s Catholic School, EUGOWRA St Joseph’s Catholic School, OBERON 19. OUR COMMUNITY OF SCHOOLS | Council of Catholic School Parents NSW/ACT
Celebrating 20 years! St Joseph’s Primary School, BLAYNEY St Joseph’s School, GILGANDRA St Joseph’s School, MANILDRA St Joseph’s School, MOLONG St Joseph’s School, PORTLAND St Laurence’s Primary School, DUBBO St Lawrence’s Primary School, COONABARABRAN St Mary’s Catholic School, WELLINGTON St Mary’s Primary School, DUBBO St Mary’s Primary School, ORANGE St Matthew’s Catholic School, MUDGEE St Michael’s School, DUNEDOO St Patrick’s School, LITHGOW St Philomena’s School, BATHURST St Pius X Primary School, DUBBO WEST St Raphael’s Catholic School, COWRA The Assumption School, BATHURST
BROKEN BAY Diocese Corpus Christi Catholic Primary School, ST IVES Holy Cross Catholic Primary School, KINCUMBER Holy Family Catholic Primary School, LINDFIELD MacKillop Catholic College, WARNERVALE Maria Regina Catholic Primary School, AVALON BEACH Mater Maria Catholic College, WARRIEWOOD Mercy Catholic College, CHATSWOOD Our Lady Help of Christians Catholic Primary School, EPPING Our Lady of Dolours Catholic Primary School, CHATSWOOD Our Lady of Good Counsel Catholic Primary School, FORESTVILLE Our Lady of Perpetual Succour Catholic Primary School, WEST PYMBLE Our Lady of the Rosary Catholic Primary School, SHELLY BEACH Our Lady of the Rosary Catholic Primary School, WAITARA Our Lady of the Rosary Catholic Primary School, WYOMING Our Lady Star of the Sea Catholic Primary School, TERRIGAL Prouille Catholic Primary School, WAHROONGA Sacred Heart Catholic Primary School, MONA VALE Sacred Heart Catholic School, PYMBLE St Agatha’s Catholic Primary School, PENNANT HILLS St Bernard’s Catholic Primary School, BEROWRA
HEIGHTS St Brendan’s Catholic Primary School, LAKE MUNMORAH St Brigid’s Catholic College, LAKE MUNMORAH St Cecilia’s Catholic Primary School, BALGOWLAH St Cecilia’s Catholic Primary School, WYONG St Gerard’s Catholic Primary School, CARLINGFORD St John Fisher Catholic Primary School, TUMBI UMBI St John the Apostle Catholic Primary School, NARRAWEENA St John the Baptist Catholic Primary School, FRESHWATER St John the Baptist Catholic Primary School, WOY WOY SOUTH St Joseph’s Catholic College, GOSFORD EAST St Joseph’s Catholic Primary School, NARRABEEN St Kevin’s Catholic Primary School, DEE WHY St Kieran’s Catholic Primary School, MANLY VALE St Leo’s Catholic College, WAHROONGA St Martin’s Catholic Primary School, DAVIDSON St Mary’s Catholic Primary School, MANLY St Mary’s Catholic Primary School, NORAVILLE St Patrick’s Catholic Primary School, ASQUITH St Patrick’s Catholic Primary School, GOSFORD EAST St Paul’s Catholic College, MANLY St Peter’s Catholic College, TUGGERAH St Philip Neri Catholic Primary School, NORTHBRIDGE St Rose Catholic Primary School, COLLAROY PLATEAU St Thomas’ Catholic Primary School, WILLOUGHBY
CANBERRA & GOULBURN Carroll College, BROULEE Hennessy Catholic College, YOUNG Lumen Christi Catholic College, PAMBULA BEACH McAuley Catholic Central School, TUMUT Mt Carmel Primary School, YASS Sacred Heart School, COOTAMUNDRA Saints Peter and Paul Primary School, GOULBURN St Anne’s Central School, TEMORA St Bede’s School, BRAIDWOOD St Bernard’s Primary School, Batemans Bay, BATEHAVEN St Francis Xavier Primary School, LAKE CARGELLIGO St Gregory’s Primary School, QUEANBEYAN St Joseph’s Primary School, GOULBURN St Joseph’s School, ADELONG St Joseph’s School, BOMBALA St Joseph’s School, BOOROWA
20. OUR COMMUNITY OF SCHOOLS | Council of Catholic School Parents NSW/ACT
St Mary’s Catholic College, CASINO St Mary’s Primary School, BELLINGEN St Mary’s Primary School, BOWRAVILLE St Mary’s Primary School, CASINO St Mary’s Primary School, GRAFTON St Patrick’s Primary School, MACKSVILLE St Paul’s College, WEST KEMPSEY St Peter’s Primary School, PORT MACQUARIE Xavier Catholic College, SKENNARS HEAD
St Joseph’s School, GRENFELL St Mary’s Primary School, YOUNG St Mary’s School, BATLOW St Mary’s School, CROOKWELL St Mary’s School, MORUYA St Mary’s War Memorial School, WEST WYALONG St Patrick’s Parish School, COOMA St Patrick’s Primary School, BEGA St Patrick’s School, GUNDAGAI Trinity Catholic College, GOULBURN Trinity Catholic Primary School, MURRUMBURRAH
LISMORE Diocese Holy Family Catholic Primary School, SKENNARS HEAD MacKillop College Port Macquarie, PORT MACQUARIE Mary Help of Christians Primary School Sawtell, TOORMINA McAuley Catholic College, CLARENZA VIA GRAFTON Mount St John Primary School, DORRIGO Mount St Patrick College, MURWILLUMBAH Mount St Patrick Primary School, MURWILLUMBAH Newman Senior Technical College, PORT MACQUARIE Our Lady Help of Christians Primary School, LISMORE SOUTH St Agnes’ Primary School, PORT MACQUARIE St Ambrose Primary School, POTTSVILLE St Anthony’s Primary School, KINGSCLIFF St Augustine’s Primary School, COFFS HARBOUR St Brigid’s Primary School, KYOGLE St Carthage’s Primary School, LISMORE St Finbarr’s Primary School, BYRON BAY St Francis Xavier Primary School, WOOLGOOLGA St Francis Xavier’s Primary School, BALLINA St James’ Primary School, BANORA POINT St James’ Primary School, YAMBA St John Paul College, COFFS HARBOUR St John’s College, WOODLAWN St John’s Primary School, MULLUMBIMBY St Joseph’s College, BANORA POINT St Joseph’s Primary School, ALSTONVILLE St Joseph’s Primary School, CORAKI St Joseph’s Primary School, LAURIETON St Joseph’s Primary School, MACLEAN St Joseph’s Primary School, PORT MACQUARIE St Joseph’s Primary School, SOUTH GRAFTON St Joseph’s Primary School, SOUTH MURWILLUMBAH St Joseph’s Primary School, TWEED HEADS St Joseph’s Primary School, WAUCHOPE St Joseph’s Primary School, WEST KEMPSEY St Joseph’s Primary School, WOODBURN St Joseph’s Regional College, PORT MACQUARIE
All Saints College, MAITLAND Corpus Christi Primary School, WARATAH Holy Cross Primary School, GLENDALE Holy Family Primary School, MEREWETHER BEACH Holy Name Primary School, FORSTER Holy Spirit Infants School, ABERMAIN Holy Spirit Primary School, KURRI KURRI Our Lady of Lourdes Primary School, TARRO Our Lady of Victories Primary School, SHORTLAND Rosary Park Catholic School, BRANXTON San Clemente High School, MAYFIELD St Aloysius Catholic Primary School, CHISHOLM St Benedict’s Primary School, EDGEWORTH St Brigid’s Primary School, RAYMOND TERRACE St Catherine’s Catholic College, SINGLETON St Clare’s High School, TAREE St Columban’s Primary School, MAYFIELD St Columba’s Primary School, ADAMSTOWN St Dominic’s Centre For Hearing Impaired Children, MAYFIELD St Francis Xavier’s College, HAMILTON St Francis Xavier’s Primary School, BELMONT St James’ Primary School, KOTARA SOUTH St James’ Primary School, MUSWELLBROOK St John the Baptist Primary School, MAITLAND St John Vianney’s Primary School, MORISSET St John’s Primary School, LAMBTON St Joseph’s High School Aberdeen, ABERDEEN St Joseph’s Primary School, BULAHDELAH St Joseph’s Primary School, CHARLESTOWN St Joseph’s Primary School, DENMAN St Joseph’s Primary School, DUNGOG St Joseph’s Primary School, EAST MAITLAND St Joseph’s Primary School, GLOUCESTER St Joseph’s Primary School, KILABEN BAY St Joseph’s Primary School, MEREWETHER St Joseph’s Primary School, MERRIWA St Joseph’s Primary School, TAREE St Joseph’s Primary School, WINGHAM St Kevin’s Primary School, CARDIFF
21. OUR COMMUNITY OF SCHOOLS | Council of Catholic School Parents NSW/ACT
St Mary’s High School, GATESHEAD St Mary’s Primary School, SCONE St Mary’s Primary School, WARNERS BAY St Michael’s Primary School, NELSON BAY St Patrick’s Primary School, CESSNOCK St Patrick’s Primary School, LOCHINVAR St Patrick’s Primary School, SWANSEA St Patrick’s Primary School, WALLSEND St Paul’s High School, BOORAGUL St Paul’s Primary School, GATESHEAD St Paul’s Primary School, RUTHERFORD St Peter’s Primary School, STOCKTON St Pius X High School, ADAMSTOWN St Pius X Primary School, WINDALE St Therese’s Primary School, NEW LAMBTON
PARRAMATTA Diocese Bede Polding College, SOUTH WINDSOR Bethany Catholic Primary School, GLENMORE PARK Caroline Chisholm College, GLENMORE PARK Catherine McAuley Westmead, WESTMEAD Cerdon College, MERRYLANDS Chisholm Catholic Primary School, BLIGH PARK Christ the King Primary School, NORTH ROCKS Corpus Christi Primary School, CRANEBROOK Delany College, GRANVILLE Emmaus Catholic College, KEMPS CREEK Gilroy Catholic College, CASTLE HILL Good Shepherd Primary School, PLUMPTON Holy Cross Primary School, GLENWOOD Holy Family Primary School, EMERTON Holy Family Primary School, GRANVILLE EAST Holy Family Primary School, LUDDENHAM Holy Spirit Primary School, ST CLAIR Holy Trinity Primary School, GRANVILLE John XXIII Catholic Primary School, STANHOPE GARDENS Loyola Senior High School, MOUNT DRUITT Marian Catholic College, KENTHURST Mary Immaculate Primary School, QUAKERS HILL McCarthy Catholic College, EMU PLAINS Mother Teresa Primary School, WESTMEAD Nagle College, BLACKTOWN SOUTH Our Lady of Lourdes Primary School, BAULKHAM HILLS SOUTH Our Lady of Lourdes Primary School, SEVEN HILLS Our Lady of Mount Carmel Primary School, WENTWORTHVILLE Our Lady of the Angels Primary School, KELLYVILLE Our Lady of the Nativity Primary School, LAWSON Our Lady of the Rosary Primary School, KELLYVILLE
Our Lady of the Rosary Primary School, ST MARYS Our Lady of the Way Primary School, EMU PLAINS Our Lady Queen of Peace Primary School, GREYSTANES Parramatta Marist High School, WESTMEAD Patrician Brothers’ College, BLACKTOWN Sacred Heart Primary School, MT DRUITT SOUTH Sacred Heart Primary School, WESTMEAD St Agnes Catholic High School, ROOTY HILL St Aidan’s Primary School, ROOTY HILL St Andrews College, MARAYONG St Andrew’s Primary School, MARAYONG St Angela’s Primary School, CASTLE HILL St Anthony’s Primary School, GIRRAWEEN St Bernadette’s Primary School, CASTLE HILL St Bernadette’s Primary School, DUNDAS VALLEY St Bernadette’s Primary School, LALOR PARK St Canice’s Primary School, KATOOMBA St Clare’s Catholic High School, HASSALL GROVE St Columba’s Catholic College, SPRINGWOOD St Finbar’s Primary School, GLENBROOK St Francis of Assisi Primary School, GLENDENNING St John Paul II Catholic College, SCHOFIELDS St John Vianney’s Primary School, DOONSIDE St John’s Primary School, RIVERSTONE St Joseph’s Primary School, KINGSWOOD St Joseph’s Primary School, SCHOFIELDS St Madeleine’s Primary School, KENTHURST St Margaret Mary’s Primary School, MERRYLANDS St Mark’s Catholic College, STANHOPE GARDENS St Mary MacKillop Primary School, SOUTH PENRITH St Mary’s Primary School, RYDALMERE St Matthew’s Primary School, WINDSOR St Michael’s Primary School, BAULKHAM HILLS St Michael’s Primary School, BLACKTOWN SOUTH St Monica’s Primary School, NORTH PARRAMATTA St Monica’s Primary School, RICHMOND St Nicholas of Myra Primary School, PENRITH St Oliver’s Primary School, HARRIS PARK St Patrick’s Marist College, DUNDAS St Patrick’s Primary School, BLACKTOWN St Patrick’s Primary School, GUILDFORD St Patrick’s Primary School, PARRAMATTA St Paul the Apostle Primary School, WINSTON HILLS St Paul’s Catholic College, GREYSTANES St Thomas Aquinas Primary School, SPRINGWOOD Trinity Catholic Primary School, KEMPS CREEK Xavier College, LLANDILO
SYDNEY Archdiocese All Hallows Catholic Primary School, FIVE DOCK All Saints Catholic Boys College, LIVERPOOL
22. OUR COMMUNITY OF SCHOOLS | Council of Catholic School Parents NSW/ACT
Celebrating 20 years! All Saints Catholic Girls College, LIVERPOOL All Saints Catholic Primary School, LIVERPOOL All Saints Catholic Senior College, CASULA Aquinas Catholic College, MENAI Bethany College, HURSTVILLE Bethlehem College, ASHFIELD Blessed Sacrament Catholic Primary School, CLIFTON GARDENS Brigidine College Randwick, RANDWICK Casimir Catholic College, MARRICKVILLE Champagnat Catholic College, MAROUBRA Christ The King Catholic School Bass Hill, YAGOONA Clancy Catholic College, WEST HOXTON De La Salle Catholic College, Caringbah, CARINGBAH De La Salle Catholic College, Cronulla, CRONULLA De La Salle College, ASHFIELD De La Salle College, REVESBY HEIGHTS Domremy Catholic College, FIVE DOCK Father John Therry Catholic Primary School, BALMAIN Freeman Catholic College, BONNYRIGG Galilee Catholic Primary School, BONDI BEACH Good Samaritan Catholic College, HINCHINBROOK Good Shepherd Catholic Primary School, HOXTON PARK Holy Cross Catholic Primary School, WOOLLAHRA Holy Cross College, RYDE Holy Family Catholic Primary School, MENAI Holy Innocents’ Catholic Primary School, CROYDON Holy Spirit Catholic College, LAKEMBA Holy Spirit Catholic Primary School, CARNES HILL Holy Spirit Catholic Primary School, NORTH RYDE Immaculate Heart of Mary Catholic Primary School, SEFTON John The Baptist Catholic Primary School, BONNYRIGG HEIGHTS La Salle Catholic College, BANKSTOWN Marcellin College, RANDWICK Marion Catholic Primary School, HORSLEY PARK Marist Catholic College Penshurst, MORTDALE Marist College, EASTWOOD Marist College Kogarah, BEXLEY Marist College North Shore, NORTH SYDNEY Marist Sisters’ College Woolwich, WOOLWICH Mary Immaculate Catholic Primary School, BOSSLEY PARK Mary MacKillop Catholic College, WAKELEY Mater Dei Catholic Primary School, BLAKEHURST
McAuley Catholic Primary School, ROSE BAY Mount St Joseph Milperra, MILPERRA Our Lady of Fatima Catholic Primary School, CARINGBAH Our Lady of Fatima Catholic Primary School, KINGSGROVE Our Lady of Lourdes Catholic Primary School, EARLWOOD Our Lady of Mercy Catholic College, BURRANEER Our Lady of Mount Carmel Catholic Primary, WATERLOO Our Lady of Mt Carmel Catholic Primary School Mount Pritchard, BONNYRIGG Our Lady of The Annunciation Catholic Primary School, PAGEWOOD Our Lady of the Assumption Catholic Primary School, NORTH STRATHFIELD Our Lady of the Rosary Catholic Primary School, FAIRFIELD Our Lady of The Rosary Catholic Primary School, KENSINGTON Our Lady of the Sacred Heart Catholic Primary School, RANDWICK Our Lady of the Sacred Heart College, KENSINGTON Our Lady Queen of Peace Catholic Primary School, GLADESVILLE Our Lady Star of the Sea Catholic School, MIRANDA Patrician Brothers’ College Fairfield, FAIRFIELD Regina Coeli Catholic Primary School, BEVERLY HILLS Sacred Heart Catholic Primary School, MOSMAN Sacred Heart Catholic Primary School, VILLAWOOD Sacred Heart Catholic School, CABRAMATTA Southern Cross Catholic Vocational College, BURWOOD St Agnes’ Catholic Primary School, MATRAVILLE St Aidan’s Catholic Primary School, MAROUBRA JUNCTION St Aloysius Catholic Primary School, CRONULLA St Ambrose Catholic Primary School, CONCORD WEST St Andrew’s Catholic Primary School, MALABAR St Anne’s Catholic Primary School, STRATHFIELD SOUTH St Anthony’s Catholic Primary School, CLOVELLY St Anthony’s Catholic Primary School, MARSFIELD St Bernard’s Catholic Primary School, BOTANY St Brendan’s Catholic Primary School, ANNANDALE St Brendan’s Catholic Primary School, BANKSTOWN St Brigid’s Catholic Primary School, COOGEE St Brigid’s Catholic Primary School, MARRICKVILLE St Catherine Labouré Catholic Primary School, GYMEA St Catherine of Siena Catholic Primary School, PRESTONS
23. OUR COMMUNITY OF SCHOOLS | Council of Catholic School Parents NSW/ACT
St Charles Catholic Primary School, RYDE St Charles’ Primary School, WAVERLEY St Christopher’s Catholic Primary School, HOLSWORTHY St Christopher’s Catholic Primary School, PANANIA St Clare’s College, WAVERLEY St Columba’s Catholic Primary School, LEICHHARDT NORTH St Declan’s Catholic Primary School, PENSHURST St Felix’s Catholic Primary School, BANKSTOWN St Fiacre’s Catholic Primary School, LEICHHARDT St Finbar’s Primary School, SANS SOUCI St Francis De Sales’ Catholic Primary School, WOOLOOWARE St Francis of Assisi Regional Catholic Primary School, PADDINGTON St Francis Xavier Catholic School Ashbury, CROYDON PARK St Francis Xavier’s Catholic Primary School, ARNCLIFFE St Francis Xavier’s Catholic Primary School, LURNEA St Gabriel’s Catholic School, BEXLEY St Gertrude’s Catholic Primary School, SMITHFIELD St James Catholic Primary School, GLEBE St Jerome’s Catholic Primary School, PUNCHBOWL St Joachim’s Catholic Primary School, LIDCOMBE St Joan Of Arc Catholic Primary School, HABERFIELD St John Bosco Catholic Primary School, ENGADINE St John Bosco College, ENGADINE St John Vianney Catholic Primary School, GREENACRE St John’s Catholic Primary School, AUBURN St Joseph The Worker Catholic Primary School, AUBURN SOUTH St Joseph’s Catholic Primary School, BELMORE St Joseph’s Catholic Primary School, ENFIELD St Joseph’s Catholic Primary School, MOOREBANK St Joseph’s Catholic Primary School, OATLEY St Joseph’s Catholic Primary School, RIVERWOOD St Joseph’s Catholic Primary School, ROCKDALE St Joseph’s Catholic Primary School COMO - OYSTER BAY St Kevin’s Catholic Primary School, EASTWOOD St Luke’s Catholic Primary School, REVESBY St Margaret Mary’s Catholic Primary School, RANDWICK NORTH St Mark’s Catholic Primary School, DRUMMOYNE St Martha’s Catholic Primary School, STRATHFIELD St Mary - St Joseph Catholic Primary School, MAROUBRA St Mary’s Cathedral College, SYDNEY St Mary’s Catholic Primary School, CONCORD St Mary’s Catholic Primary School, ERSKINEVILLE St Mary’s Catholic Primary School, GEORGES HALL
St Mary’s Catholic Primary School, NORTH SYDNEY St Mary’s Star of the Sea Catholic Primary School, HURSTVILLE St Mel’s Catholic Primary School, CAMPSIE St Michael’s Catholic Primary School, BELFIELD St Michael’s Catholic Primary School, DACEYVILLE St Michael’s Catholic Primary School, LANE COVE St Michael’s Catholic Primary School, MEADOWBANK St Michael’s Catholic Primary School, STANMORE St Patrick’s Catholic Primary School, KOGARAH St Patrick’s Catholic Primary School, SUMMER HILL St Patrick’s Catholic Primary School, SUTHERLAND St Patrick’s College, SUTHERLAND St Paul of The Cross Catholic Primary School, DULWICH HILL St Peter Chanel Catholic Primary School, REGENTS PARK St Pius’ Catholic Primary School, ENMORE St Raphael’s Catholic Primary School, SOUTH HURSTVILLE St Therese Catholic Primary School, MASCOT St Therese Catholic Primary School, PADSTOW St Therese Catholic Primary School,SADLEIR St Therese’s Catholic Primary School, DENISTONE St Therese’s Catholic Primary School, LAKEMBA St Thomas More’s Catholic School, BRIGHTON-LESANDS St Ursula’s College, KINGSGROVE St Vincent’s Catholic Primary School, ASHFIELD Trinity Catholic College, AUBURN Villa Maria Catholic Primary School, HUNTERS HILL
WAGGA WAGGA Diocese All Saints Primary School, TUMBARUMBA Henschke Primary School, WAGGA WAGGA Holy Spirit Primary School, LAVINGTON Holy Trinity West Wagga, ASHMONT Kildare Catholic College, WAGGA WAGGA Marian Catholic College, GRIFFITH Mater Dei Catholic College, WAGGA WAGGA Mater Dei Primary School, WAGGA WAGGA Sacred Heart Primary School, TOCUMWAL Sacred Heart Primary School, WAGGA WAGGA St Anne’s Primary School, LAVINGTON St Brendan’s Primary School, GANMAIN St Columba’s Primary School, BERRIGAN St Francis De Sales Regional College, LEETON St Francis Xavier Primary School, URANA St Joseph’s Primary School, CULCAIRN St Joseph’s Primary School, FINLEY St Joseph’s Primary School, JERILDERIE St Joseph’s Primary School, JUNEE
24. OUR COMMUNITY OF SCHOOLS | Council of Catholic School Parents NSW/ACT
St Joseph’s Primary School, LEETON St Joseph’s Primary School, LOCKHART St Joseph’s Primary School, NARRANDERA St Joseph’s Primary School, WAGGA WAGGA St Mary’s Primary School, COROWA St Mary’s Primary School, YOOGALI St Michael’s Primary School, COOLAMON St Patrick’s Parish School, ALBURY St Patrick’s Primary School, GRIFFITH St Patrick’s Primary School, HOLBROOK St Peter’s Primary School, COLEAMBALLY St Therese’s Primary School, YENDA Xavier High School, ALBURY
WILCANNIA-FORBES Diocese Holy Family Primary School, PARKES Sacred Heart Parish Primary School, BROKEN HILL St Augustine’s Parish Primary School, NARROMINE St Ignatius’ Primary School, BOURKE St John’s Primary School, COBAR St John’s Primary School, TRANGIE St Joseph’s Primary School, BALRANALD St Joseph’s Primary School, CONDOBOLIN St Joseph’s Primary School, HILLSTON St Joseph’s Primary School, NYNGAN St Joseph’s Primary School, PEAK HILL St Laurence’s Primary School, FORBES St Mary’s Primary School, HAY St Mary’s Primary School, WARREN St Michael’s Primary School, DENILIQUIN St Patrick’s Primary School, BREWARRINA St Patrick’s Primary School, TRUNDLE St Therese’s Community Primary School, WILCANNIA
WOLLONGONG Diocese Corpus Christi Catholic High School, OAK FLATS Good Samaritan Catholic Primary School, FAIRY MEADOW Holy Cross Catholic Primary School, HELENSBURGH Holy Family Catholic Primary School, INGLEBURN Holy Spirit College, BELLAMBI John Therry Catholic High School, ROSEMEADOW Magdalene Catholic High School, NARELLAN Mary Immaculate Catholic Primary School, EAGLE VALE Mount Carmel Catholic College, VARROVILLE Nazareth Catholic Primary School, SHELLHARBOUR Our Lady Help of Christians Catholic Primary School, ROSEMEADOW Ss Peter and Paul Catholic Primary School, KIAMA St Anthony’s Catholic Primary School, PICTON St Benedict’s Catholic College, ORAN PARK
St Brigid’s Catholic Primary School, GWYNNEVILLE St Clare’s Catholic Primary School, NARELLAN VALE St Columbkille’s Catholic Primary School, CORRIMAL St Francis of Assisi Catholic Primary School, WARRAWONG St John The Evangelist Catholic High School, NOWRA St John the Evangelist Catholic Primary School, CAMPBELLTOWN St John’s Catholic Primary School, DAPTO St Joseph’s Catholic High School, ALBION PARK St Joseph’s Catholic Primary School, BULLI St Justin’s Catholic Primary School, ORAN PARK St Mary’s Star of the Sea Catholic Primary School,MILTON St Michael’s Catholic Primary School, MITTAGONG St Michael’s Catholic Primary School, NOWRA St Michael’s Catholic Primary School, THIRROUL St Patrick’s Catholic Primary School, PORT KEMBLA St Paul’s Catholic Primary School, ALBION PARK St Paul’s Catholic Primary School, CAMDEN St Paul’s Catholic Primary School, MOSS VALE St Pius X Catholic Primary School, UNANDERRA St Therese’s Catholic Primary School, WEST WOLLONGONG St Thomas Aquinas Catholic Primary School, BOWRAL St Thomas More Catholic Primary School, CAMPBELLTOWN Stella Maris Catholic Primary School, SHELL HARBOUR
CONGREGATIONAL SCHOOLS Brigidine College St Ives, ST IVES Chevalier College, BURRADOO Christian Brothers’ High School, LEWISHAM Dunlea Centre, Australia’s Original Boys’ Town, ENGADINE Edmund Rice College, WEST WOLLONGONG Holy Saviour School, GREENACRE Jarjum College, REDFERN Kincoppal-Rose Bay School of the Sacred Heart, ROSE BAY Loreto Kirribilli, KIRRIBILLI Loreto Normanhurst, NORMANHURST Maronite College of the Holy Family, HARRIS PARK Mater Dei School, CAMDEN Monte Sant’ Angelo Mercy College, NORTH SYDNEY Mount St Benedict College, PENNANT HILLS Oakhill College, CASTLE HILL Our Lady of Mercy College Parramatta, PARRAMATTA Red Bend Catholic College, FORBES Rosebank College, FIVE DOCK Santa Sabina College, STRATHFIELD St Aloysius’ College, MILSONS POINT
25. OUR COMMUNITY OF SCHOOLS | Council of Catholic School Parents NSW/ACT
St Augustine’s College, BROOKVALE St Charbel’s College, PUNCHBOWL St Dominic’s College, KINGSWOOD St Edmund’s School, WAHROONGA St Edward’s College, GOSFORD St Gabriel’s School for Hearing Impaired Children, CASTLE HILL St Gregory’s College Campbelltown, GREGORY HILLS St Ignatius’ College, LANE COVE St Joseph’s College, HUNTERS HILL St Lucy’s School, WAHROONGA St Maroun’s College, DULWICH HILL St Mary Star of the Sea College, WOLLONGONG
St Mary’s Flexible Learning Centre, ST MARYS St Patrick’s College, CAMPBELLTOWN St Patrick’s College, STRATHFIELD St Paul’s International College, MOSS VALE St Pius X College, CHATSWOOD St Scholastica’s College, GLEBE POINT St Stanislaus College, BATHURST St Vincent’s College, POTTS POINT Stella Maris College, MANLY The John Berne School, LEWISHAM Trinity Catholic College, LISMORE Waverley College, WAVERLEY Wollongong Flexible Learning Centre, TOWRADGI
26. OUR COMMUNITY OF SCHOOLS | Council of Catholic School Parents NSW/ACT
Celebrating 20 years! Celebrating 20 years of the Council of Catholic School Parents Since its inception in 1995, the CCSP has been the voice for Catholic parents in NSW and the ACT, providing leadership, advocacy and support. In its 20th year of operation, we acknowledge and thank the countless individuals who, through their collective efforts, have helped make the CCSP the organisation it is today.
Our Chairs
The Friends of the CCSP
Caroline Benedet, 1995 - 1998
Barry Leacy
Richard Parkinson 1998 - 1999
Denis O’Connor
Kerrie Biddle 2000 - 2001
Elisabeth Casamento
Anne McLean, 2001 – 2008
Elisabeth Levido
Catherine Ible, 2009 – 2012
Glennis Baumann
Trevor Kellam, 2013 – 2015
Grainne Norton
Neisha Llicitra 2015 to present
Kate Goodacre Margaret Moriarty
Our Executive Directors
Nigel Renfrew
Roger O’Sullivan, 1995 - 2004
Sev Milazzo
Danielle Cronin, 2004 - 2014
Susan Macleod
Linda McNeil, 2014 - present
Tony Magick
Our ATSI Chairs Sharon Cooke, 2008 - 2015
27. CELEBRATING 20 YEARS | Council of Catholic School Parents NSW/ACT
Level 11 | 133 Liverpool Street | Sydney | NSW 2000 Phone: 02 9287 1514 Email: office@ccsp.catholic.edu.au www.ccsp.catholic.edu.au www.partners4learning.edu.au www.btadvisorybodies.catholic.edu.au @CCSPNSWACT Council of Catholic School Parents ABN: 31 821 542 696