4 minute read

Meals now on wheels


Council is calling for mobile food businesses to roll into Glenorchy, with its new policy outlining council-approved locations for food vans in the city. In a move designed to enhance Glenorchy’s vibrancy and diversity of food offerings, and enable local mobile food businesses to gain new customers, the Council consulted with the community to identify which council-owned sites would be most suitable for food vans to operate.

As a result, food vans are now permitted and encouraged to operate in a range of locations within Glenorchy’s parks, recreational spaces and carparks.

The approved locations include sites in Tolosa Park at Glenorchy, Benjafield Park at Moonah, Windermere Bay at Claremont, the Montrose foreshore, Berriedale Bay and Berriedale Main Road.

Let’s read, Glenorchy!

ADULT literacy and numeracy network 26TEN has partnered with Glenorchy City Council to improve literacy and numeracy in the city through a series of initiatives – including gifting free books to local residents and businesses.

Leading up to Tasmania

Local businesses are invited to email 26TEN community coordinator Abi (abi.binning@ gcc.tas.gov.au) to receive their free book.

Members of the public can drop into the Glenorchy Library this month to collect a copy. Stock is limited – so be quick!

A special celebration of reading will take place on the Glenorchy City Council Lawns between 10am and 2pm on 9 March, with keen readers invited to meet David Owen, Meg Bignell and Amanda Lohrey.

There will also be a community book swap, children’s activities and a free barbecue, with information available for anyone who wants to improve their reading or writing, or volunteer to help others learn.

To donate to the book swap, please drop books off at the Glenorchy Library or Glenorchy City Council office by 24 February.

Glenorchy’s 26TEN Community is also offering local businesses and notfor-profit organisations the chance to improve workplace literacy through attending a free Plain English Workshop at the Moonah Arts Centre on 15 March.

Participants will learn how to make information easier to understand, and develop skills for communicating clearly soccer facility upgrades at KGV and North Chigwell Oval. with workers, volunteers, customers and clients.

Workshop spaces are limited. To book go to www. eventbrite.com.au

Employers, industry associations, peak bodies and registered training organisations can also apply before February 17 for a 26TEN grant to help build the literacy and numeracy skills of their employees and volunteers.

“26TEN’s work is invaluable to making sure community members have the support they need to further their reading, writing, numeracy, and communication skills,” Glenorchy Mayor Bec Thomas said.

“Council is looking forward to continuing to work with 26TEN as they work towards the goal of raising adult literacy and numeracy, and making a difference in Tasmania, where 48 per cent of us don’t have the literacy and numeracy skills needed for life in a technologically rich world.”

Tasmanian author Meg Bignell, left, at the launch of her book ‘The Angry Women’s Choir’

Bec Thomas, Glenorchy Mayor

2023 is going to be a big year at Glenorchy City Council as we continue to focus on delivering outcomes on the ground for our great City and its people.

We have a number of major projects to deliver to improve playgrounds across our City, including a $3.4m brand-new inclusive playground at Giblins Reserve and a number of smaller playground upgrades.

In addition, we’ll be delivering a new skatepark at Montrose Bay Foreshore and

TasWater will also be working on the project to retire Tolosa Dam and begin its conversion to open space, and we’ll be working with the State and Federal governments to develop an operational ferry terminal at Wilkinson’s Point alongside MyState Bank Arena.

In the community space, we will be working with our local Aboriginal community to prepare a Reflect Reconciliation Action Plan and are seeking feedback from our entire community to help inform this too.

We are working with partners such as Tasmania Police and the PCYC to address anti-social behaviour in the Glenorchy CBD and continuing our work to support a diverse and inclusive City, particularly through our engagement with the Multicultural Hub at Moonah.

We will continue to engage with the community about the potential disposal of surplus land to help increase the City’s housing stock. We will also continue to engage with the community, developers and the Tasmanian Planning Commission to seek to rezone land for residential purposes to help increase housing supply too.

Council wants to hear your thoughts on a number of different Council activities over the next month or so, so please visit the Let’s Talk Glenorchy website to see what is of interest to you and how you can be involved. I’ll mention a few of these opportunities below.

Future Direction and 2023/24 Budget preparation

Your new Council will be developing a new Strategic Plan, with preparatory work under way and intensive workshops to be held with elected members in February.

This new Strategic Plan will help to inform the 2023/24 budget and Annual Plan. We want to hear what your priorities are so we can target our limited resources on the things that matter most to you.

Community engagement review Council has lots of different ways of seeking your thoughts and ideas and we want to hear whether they are hitting the mark for you, and whether there are any other ways you want us to connect with you.

Moonah Taste of the World review

We would love to hear your thoughts about the future of the Moonah Taste of the World Festival as Council looks to review possible options for the event in 2024 and how it might be reshaped to best achieve Council and community objectives.

Reconciliation Action Plan

Through consultation, we hope to understand the aspirations of the local Aboriginal community, the wider Glenorchy community, and our staff to help shape the actions set out in the Reconciliation Action Plan.

best Marita Oliver | Chris Hills | Leah Warren 339 Main Road Glenorchy 7010 | signature.harcourts.com.au

Your voice matters! Visit letstalk.gcc.tas.gov. au or call us on 6216 6800 and have your say.

Finally, the Future of Local Government on the options for local government reform presented. What do you think the role and structure of Councils should be into the future? Visit futurelocal.tas.gov.au to have your say. TRIPLE THE CARE TRIPLE THE EXPERTISE TRIPLE THE SERVICE Trio E pa.signature.trio@hcrealestate.com.au M 0401 573 697 Signature


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