Co-op City’s official newspaper serving the world’s largest cooperative community. © Copyright 2014 Co-op City Times
Vol. 49 No. 13
Saturday, March 29, 2014
Councilman King and Co-op City leadership to meet regularly over community’s concerns
Khalil Abdul-Wahhab, Helen Atkins, City Councilman Andy King, the Bernard Cylich, and Rev. Calvin Owens. community’s elected representative in A representative of the Co-op City Times New York City government who began was also invited to sit in on the meeting his first full two-year term this past At the outset of the meeting, General January, last Thursday Manager Vernon Cooper began what is hoped will stressed that that the combe a series of regular munity and the Councilman meetings with Co-op have the same vested interest in getting adequate city City’s management and services to the community Board representatives to and added that much of the discuss a number of conwork that Management, the cerns in the community Board and other community about the ways New leaders do to regularly lobby York City government city agencies for help cannot can do a better job at probe successful without the viding the residents and intervention and help of the shareholders the services Councilman Andy King City Council representative they are due both as citizens and taxpayers. for the community. The meeting was attended by General That help may include making sure Manager Vernon Cooper and a continthat the community receives fair and gent of five current Board Directors— just assessments from the city in the President Bill Gordon, Vice President
Income Affidavits in the mail, thanks to Congressman Engel
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Earlier this week, Riverbay Management was advised by the office of Congressman Eliot Engel that postal officials have assured the elected official that Co-op City residents will soon begin receiving their income affidavits since the time sen-
sitive documents were going to be delivered starting on Thursday after sitting in the post office for more than 1 week. “I was furious when Riverbay (Continued on page 11)
Two of the four WTC parachutists arrested here for the same crime in 2012
Two of the three men arrested this week for allegedly parachuting off the top of the new World Trade Center on September 30th had attempted a similar stunt in Co-op City in late 2012, but were arrested just moments before they were to take the dangerous plunge by alert Public Safety officers. On December 4, 2012, James Brady and Andrew Rossig, two of the individuals charged this week with felony crimes related to the World Trade Center jump in September, were two of four individuals arrested just moments before they were allegedly going to jump off the roof of Building 24 in Co-op City 15 months ago. Weeks prior to the arrests in 2012, there were unconfirmed reports from BY BILL STUTTIG
residents in the community that they had witnessed parachutists jumping off a Co-op City building. Public Safety commanders had no further information to confirm these reports, but nevertheless the department was put on alert for suspicious activity of this nature. Late in the evening on December 4th, 2012, two Public Safety officers who were just going off duty spotted a group of individuals who they thought were acting suspiciously in the vicinity of Building 24. While radioing ahead for help, the officers continued to track the individuals as they gained access to Building 24 and took an elevator up. The 2 officers, (Continued on page 2)
Fifteen pick up petitions to run for the Board of Directors; Deadline for submission is April 7 Fifteen shareholders picked up qualifying petition packages this week for the annual election of the Riverbay Board of Directors which will take place on Wednesday, May 21. The petition period for those who hope to qualify as candidates began this past Monday, March 24th, and will conclude at 5 p.m. on Monday, April 7th, when all signed petitions are due back to the Riverbay Legal Department, located in the Administrative building at 2049 Bartow Avenue, Bronx, N.Y. Out of the fifteen resident shareholders who picked up petitions to run for a seat on the 2014 Riverbay Board of Directors this week, 5 are incumbent Directors, three are former Board Directors, several others who have run for the Board in the past, and a couple who are running for the first time. According to the Riverbay Legal Department, those who picked up petitions as of presstime yesterday are Linda Berk, Alonzo Newton, Frank Belcher, Lynne Brookes, Emmanuel Torres, Dr. Amrendra Singh, William Craft,
Eleanor G. Bailey, Daryl Johnson, Leah Graham, Raymond Tirado, Tony Illis, Kevin Lambright, Sebastian Ulanga and Rev. Dr. Calvin E. Owens. Any cooperator in good financial standing can run for a three-year term on the Board. Seventy-five valid cooperators’ signatures are needed on candidates’ petitions in order for them to qualify to run for the Board. Those interested in participating in the Board election can request their qualifying election packages in person, which will include the candidate’s petitions, at the Riverbay receptionist during normal business hours at the Administrative Desk in Bartow Community Center, from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., Monday through Friday. At that time, the Riverbay Finance Department will access the prospective candidate’s financial record to determine whether or not they are indebted to the Riverbay Corporation, as per election rule B (3). (See pages 26-28.) After 5 p.m. weekdays or throughout the weekend, qualifying election packages (Continued on page 4)
Cogen plant, hedging strategy helps manage winter energy cost increase The brutally cold winter of 2013-14 demanded lots of electricity from Riverbay’s cogeneration plant to keep the community warm, but thanks to the energy independence the plant provides Co-op City, this winter’s energy costs were far less than they might have been if all energy had been purchased from Con Edison. “The important value of the cogeneration plant for Co-op City residents is that we control our own destiny regarding energy costs,” said Riverbay Finance Director Peter Merola “This past winter’s exceptionally cold weather really demonstrated the value that shareholders are realizing from the investment in the cogeneration plant.” Riverbay’s cogeneration plant burns either natural gas or diesel fuel to create electricity for the community and then captures the waste heat that comes from the plant’s turbines to produce steam and make even more electricity with that steam. If the cogeneration ability didn’t exist, the community would have to buy all its energy from Con Edison. This past winter, buying electricity and gas only from Con Edison would have cost
$12.M compared to the actual total energy cost of $10.6M, according to figures from Riverbay’s energy management consultant, Great Eastern Energy. “Unlike the typical customer who just buys gas from Con Ed and pays the market price which can rise dramatically during very cold winters, we choose not to do that,” Merola said. “This past winter, if we had just bought gas from Con Ed, we would have paid several million dollars more compared to managing our own fuel supply and having an outside company manage that on our behalf.” Reining in energy costs for Co-op City is accomplished through a comprehensive strategy built on the flexibility the cogeneration allows. Firstly, Riverbay buys natural gas from Great Eastern Energy to burn in the plant to create electricity through Con Ed’s interruptible rate tariff that saves approximately $3M each year versus the commercial rate. As part of that tariff, during peak demand times for natural gas, Con Ed can require customers, including Riverbay, to stop using natural gas and (Continued on page 2)