Co-op City’s Official Newspaper Serving The World’s Largest Cooperative Community. © Copyright 2018 Co-op City Times
Second Readings On Lobby Modernization & Local Law 11 Work To Highlight Feb. 8th Open Board Meeting Vol. 53 No. 5
Saturday, February 3, 2018
Shareholders are encouraged to attend the first Open Board meeting of the new year, scheduled for Thursday, February 8 at 7:30 p.m. in the Dreiser Auditorium, when the Board will be voting on two important second reading of resolutions – one on the lobby entrance modernization program for Chevron buildings and Local Law 11 work. Prior to the beginning of the Board business meeting at 7:30 p.m., shareholders who have department-specific concerns or questions can meet with department directors and personnel between 6-7 p.m. and have those matters addressed. Shareholders who would like to speak during the gallery session should arrive early and print their names on the sign-up sheet. “The upcoming Open Board meeting is an opportunity for shareholders to come out and hear about the business of Riverbay Corporation, as well as ask
questions they may have,” said Board President Linda Berk. The first item at the Feb. 8th meeting will be approval of the agenda, followed by the president’s report which will be delivered by Ms. Berk. The management report, given by Riverbay’s executive general manager Bob Klehammer, will follow. The gallery session will then be held so that shareholders may express their views or ask questions prior to the Board holding discussions and voting on resolutions. At this meeting, the Board will vote on the second reading of resolution 18-02 on modernization of the Chevron lobby entrances. According to the first reading of this resolution, which was introduced at the January 17th Board meeting by Board President Linda Berk and Director Andrea Leslie, and seconded by Director Sonia Feliciano, “…the Lobby
Hotel Coming to Bay Plaza (See story on page 4)
STAR Credits Appear On February Carrying Charge Statements
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Shareholder Advocacy Is Needed; Stay Engaged And Woke!
Linda Berk
President’s Message
I remember Co-op City when our supermarket was in Garage 1 and we eventually had a shopping center in Dreiser Mall that met all our needs. Today, we are faced with an invasion from north and south that has changed the nature of this community. It started with Bay Plaza that has now grown into a regional mall, followed by other strip malls, storage facilities, bus depots and now massive billboard signs and an animal shelter.
(Continued on page 2)
CCPD Investigating Shooting Incident In Section 5
Eligible Co-op City shareholders who applied for the New York State School Tax Relief (STAR) Property Tax Exemption for tax year 2017/2018 before the March 15, 2017 deadline will share a total of $1,154,062 in credits as reflected on their Feb. 1, 2018 carrying charge statements. The 2017/2018 credit for Basic STAR, which is determined by the New York City Finance Department, is $96.64 per apartment, and $211.56 for Enhanced STAR. There are 8,171 households receiving the credit this year. These are one time, once per year credits.
A Co-op City resident sustained non-life threatening injuries in a shooting incident late Sunday evening in Section 5. On Sunday, Jan. 28 at approximately 11:08 p.m., one male was shot in the vicinity of 100 Einstein Loop, according to Co-op City’s Public Safety Department. The 26-year-old male, a Co-op City resident, was shot once in the buttocks and sustained non-life threatening injuries. This incident is being investigated by Co-op City Public Safety Department detectives along with NYPD. Anyone with information related to this incident can report it anonymously to the CCPD Tips Hotline at (718) 879-6311, CCPD website at or NYPD Crime Stoppers Tips Hotline at (800) 577-TIPS.
NYPD Commish Attends 45th Pct. Community Council Meeting
Board of Standards Hearing On Massive Billboards
New York City Police Commissioner James O’Neill attended the monthly meeting of the 45th Precinct Community Council on Thursday evening, Feb. 1, at St. Theresa School in the Bronx, NY and was greeted by an enthusiastic group of community residents, including a contingent of about 20 neighbors from Co-op City. The commissioner informed residents from the 45th Precinct coverage area that by July, they will notice a more visible NYPD presence as the department transitions to neighborhood policing in the area. Commissioner O’Neill said that there are several graduating classes and new officers will be deployed where extra assistance is needed, such as in the 45th Precinct. Photo by Leon Tulton
There are 24 days until the New York City Board of Standards & Appeals convenes a public hearing on Tuesday, February 27, for testimony regarding the massive billboard the owner of the property at 500 Baychester Avenue is in the process of erecting which will reportedly be launched on a 300-foot mono pole. The hearing will commence at 10 a.m. at 22 Reade Street, Spector Hall, New York, NY 10007. Shareholders are urged to make plans to attend this hearing and to speak out about these massive electronic signage that have impacted on our quality of life. If you and your family have been affected by the light from the existing 200-foot LED signage shining into your apartment 24/7, you have a vested interest in this matter and should be in attendance on Feb. 27. Make sure your concerns are heard. Attend the public hearing and speak up!