Co-op City Times 02/04/17

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Co-op City’s official newspaper serving the world’s largest cooperative community. © Copyright 2017 Co-op City Times

Vol. 52 No. 5

Saturday, February 4, 2017

Board Approves New Contract For Power Plant operations And Maintenance BY BILL STUTTIG

By a vote of 12 to 2, the Riverbay Board of Directors last week approved a contract for a 3rd party operator to manage the operations and maintenance of the Power Plant. The new contract brings on board to the Power Plant’s operation North American Energy Services (NAES). NAES currently manages 254 power plants nationwide, according to a memo provided to the Board prior to voting on the new three-year contract at the Board business meeting on Wednesday January 25th. The memo, jointly prepared by

Riverbay’s Senior Director of Utility Assets Anthony Ligato and Riverbay’s Director of Procurement Jose Mendez, states: “NAES’s mandate is for the Power Plant to achieve industry standards in several areas; for safety, the goal is to achieve a zero lost time injury rate; a forced outage rate of less than 2%; an availability rate of greater than 95%; environmental compliance greater than 95% and an improved marginal cost of production.” Riverbay First Vice President and chair of the Construction Committee (Continued on page 9)


Board To Hold Town Hall Meeting With Shareholders Wed., Feb. 8 BY ROZAAN BOONE

The Riverbay Board of Directors has scheduled a town hall meeting which will be held this Wednesday, February 8, 7 p.m. in room 31 of the Bartow Center to discuss issues of concern or answer questions that Co-op City shareholders may have. This will be the first in a series of town hall meetings that the Board will hold to give shareholders an opportunity to address Board members directly and to get first-hand answers to their questions. Riverbay Board President Linda Berk said that this initiative is one that the board has been planning for quite some time, explaining that the genesis came out of the Board’s open board meetings. “Personally, I think it is a very good idea for shareholders to be able to come and hear for themselves how we, as a board, handle our business,” said Board President Berk. “However, what was coming out of the open board meetings was that shareholders were having to sit through a lot of mundane discussions and presentations as we conducted the business portion of the Board meetings before (Continued on page 4)

Another successful holiday food drive!

Man Brandishes Gun In Lobby Of Building 5B, Two Arrested BY BILL STUTTIG

In a bizarre set of charges and countercharges resulting from a series of altercations in Building 5B last Thursday, two men, one in his 60s and another in his 20s, ended up being placed under arrest, the older man for felony gun possession charges. According to Chief Frank Apollo, commander of the Co-op City Public Safety Department, the series of events came to the attention of Public Safety (Continued on page 2)

Alzheimer’s Recognition And Treatment The Focus Of Second In The DAAC Speaker Series

Public Safety Sergeant Nathaniel Diaz helps workers from City Harvest load more than 3,200 pounds of food donated over the last two months by Co-op City residents onto a truck for distribution to needy families throughout New York City. This is the 4th consecutive year that Sgt. Diaz and the Department of Public Safety have conducted a holiday food drive. This year’s collection marks the second largest haul at 3200 lbs., surpassed only by the first year the drive was held here, four years ago, when 5000 lbs. of food were donated. “I would like to thank the Co-op City community for once again stepping up to the plate and showing their generosity during the holiday food drive. Thank you to all who participated and I hope to see you all next year,” said Sgt. Diaz. Photo by Bill Stuttig

New emergency notification system for the visually impaired Riverbay Board Director Andrea Leslie (at microphone) hosted the second in the bi-monthly speaker series of the Riverbay Disabilities and Accommodations Committee. Last week’s guest presentation featured Roberto Reyes Jr., an Outreach Manager for Caring Kind, formerly known as the Alzheimer’s Association of NYC, who briefed an SRO crowd on recognizing the early signs of Alzheimer’s in your loved ones. Photo by Bill Stuttig BY BILL STUTTIG

Nearly 100 shareholders, many of them caregivers to loved ones suffering from Alzheimer’s Disease or dementia and others concerned about the potential onset of Alzheimer’s Disease on themselves or their loved ones, attended a seminar on the (Continued on page 9)


Visually impaired shareholders who cannot read notices posted in buildings and elsewhere related to repairs, programs, events and emergency shutdowns are notified of these happenings through a segment of Riverbay’s phone tree system. Riverbay’s Director of Special Projects Joe Boiko said that a segment of the Phone Tree system has been set up which allows visually impaired people

to receive notices about building or community-wide repairs and related service shut downs or programs, through either their cell phone or home phone. Many Co-op City residents are already part of the Phone Tree system which regularly provides voice messages to them regarding ongoing work in their building, section, or throughout the community and how it (Continued on page 4)

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