Co-op City’s Official Newspaper Serving The World’s Largest Cooperative Community. © Copyright 2018 Co-op City Times
Massive Victory For Co-op City As BSA Unanimously Denies Appeal On Electronic Billboards Vol. 53 No. 9
Saturday, March 3, 2018
some by speaking and others by just listening and cheering – but the community made it clear to BSAmembers charged with deciding the fate of the proposed sign that the quality of life of hundreds, if not thousands, of residents have already been negatively affected by the existing three-sided LED sign on the property and they could not live with the additional sign that would be more than 30 times larger, if permitted. Riverbay Board President Linda Berk arranged for the bus to take 40 Co-op City residents down to the hearing at 22 Reade Street, while several more residents took their own transportation or left The BSA hearing room at 22 Reade Street was packed with participants and spectators Tuesday, the vast majority of whom were Co-op City residents. Photo by Leandra Alexander Peters their jobs for a few hours to attend the hearing. collectively testified before the city’s Board of StanBY BILL STUTTIG President Berk greeted and cheered with the resFaced with the prospect of having a 9,000-square dards and Appeals (BSA) leading to a unanimous idents who boarded the bus for the ride back home foot electronic billboard shining into the homes of decision by the board to deny the placement of the after the victory. She said immediately after the hundreds of Co-op City residents for decades to massive proposed sign. victory: “Today was a good day for Co-op City! come, the community’s residents came together and More than 50 Co-op City residents took part –
CB #10 Ad Hoc Co-op City Committee Seeks To Engage More Shareholders
Attendance at the monthly Community Board #10 ad hoc Co-op City Committee meetings has been steadily increasing and cooperators are encouraged to take full advantage of the meetings to address and resolve city-related issues and, in so doing, improve the quality of life for all residents. The ad hoc Co-op City Committee is chaired by shareholder Nancy Rosario. Since the committee was formed last year by Community Board #10 chair Peter Sullivan, Mrs. Rosario has been holding meetings with various groups within the community to introduce this extended arm of local Community Board #10 right here in their own neighborhood. Since last November, she has so far met with the Riverbay Board of Directors; building and townhouse association presidents in Nancy Rosario December and, more recently, she invited community organizations, religious institutions and local merchants. “We had a very good turn-out, better than at prior meetings,” said Mrs. Rosario, reacting to attendance at the January 29th meeting. “In addition to community clubs and organizations and some religious institutions, we had a number of shareholders who came out. We did not, however, have any merchants attend.” All meetings of the ad hoc Co-op City Committee of CB #10 are open to the public. Notice of meetings are generally posted in the Co-op City Times, and, going forward, they will also be publicized on the Riverbay crawler and by posting flyers in the residential buildings. (Continued on page 4) Matthew Cruz, district manager of CB BY ROZAAN BOONE
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Ferry Service From Soundview Scheduled To Start This Summer Co-op City commuters into Manhattan could have another option for travel later this year when ferry service from Soundview is expected to launch. The Soundview Route, launching this summer, will serve an estimated 400,000 riders traveling to and from the Soundview area of the Bronx, East 90th Street, East 34th Street and Wall Street/Pier 11 in Manhattan each year, according to the Mayor’s office. “Docks are under construction and new ferries are on the way for this summer’s BY JIM ROBERTS
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Shareholders, Don’t Forget...
The STAR deadline for the 2018/2019 tax year is March 15. All Co-op City shareholders are eligible for the New York State School Tax Relief (STAR) Program, but it is not an automatic credit; it must be filed for. For an application, log on to the Dept. of Finance website at www. or call 3-1-1.
Next CB #10 Co-op City Committee Meeting
The ad hoc Co-op City Committee of Community Board #10 will join with the CB #10’s Municipal Services Committee for a combined meeting to be held in Co-op City’s Dreiser Auditorium A on Wednesday, March 7 at 7:30 p.m. All Co-op City residents are welcome to attend and to bring their questions and concerns related to city-related municipal services.