4 minute read
Participatory Budgeting Process Begins Today
Participatory Budgeting Process (PBNYC).
ing Process is a way for members of a community to come together and decide how to spend funding from a public budget.
shareholders will be voting on six project proposals for their Bronx Alliance Middle School. dle School. paratory Academy. School. School.
Co-op City shareholders interested in voting can do so
NYC Participatory Budget process as a whole online at council.nyc.gov/pb. Questions about City Council District to fund proposals across the city that receive the most votes.
The PBNYC process began last September with a brainstorming period and recruitment period for volunteer Budget Delegates. Budget Delegates are responsible for meet- their proposals and narrow down the choices that their communities would vote on.
Council website.
MTA Metro-North Penn Station Access Plan Remains Set for 2027 Completion Date
The Metro-North Penn Station Access Plan is expected to be completed near the original timeline in 2027. The positive news for the project was shared during a Bronx and Westchester Community Council meeting on at the Bronx and Westchester Community Council meeting. MTA Construction and Development President Jamie Torres-Springer discussed the latest update to the project in a statement provided to the Co-op City Times.
in the Bronx and Westchester. The upgrades will also allow Bronx directly to Penn Station.
The plan aims to improve commuting times into and out emissions.
between six to nine months for the Metro-North Penn Station Access Plan during an MTA Joint Committee session on during that January session. show from the Bronx and Westchester Community Council will be ADA compliant. The new stops will serve as an extension of the Metreduced commuting times.
• Upgrading overhead power systems and building entirely new structures.
• Construction of retaining walls.
Candidates ––– (Continued from page 1)
The 2023 Election Committee and the Riverbay Legal department will now review the candidates’ paperwork and vet each to determine eligibility.
Election Rule C (1) states: “The Committee will verify a prospective candidate’s eligibility as valid or reject them as invalid by 12:00 noon on Friday, the Co-op City Times on Saturday, April 1st, 2023.”
The Committee has scheduled a virtual Candidates’ Orientation meeting for on the election rules. At that meeting, the candidates will also receive the guidelines for the Election Supplements published in the Co-op City Times, and a random drawing will be held to determine the order of placement of the canpublished in the Saturday, April 15th issue of the Co-op City Times. The order of statements in the remaining two Election Supplements, to be published on Saturday, April 22, and Saturday, April 29, will be rotated to give each candielection editions. The drawing will also determine the order of the speakers at the three election forums and the order of the candidates’ names on a ballot. The names will rotate automatically on the ballot. The candidates may also use the opportunity to ask any questions they may have of the Election Committee or about the editorial guidelines for the Election Supplements.
In their candidates’ statements and ads, the candidates will outline their qualfacing the community. They will each received a free ¼ page ad, although they may purchase additional advertising in the Co-op City Times
All material submitted for publication is reviewed by the Election Committee and General Counsel prior to publication making it essential for candidates to adhere to the newspaper’s editorial deadline established for the election supplements. Statements and ad copy can be submitted electronically to the Co-op City Times,
The election process is monitored by the 2023 Election Committee to ensure all candidates and their supporters adhere to the Election Rules and Regulations and that the process is fair to all involved.
Candidates are reminded that, according to the election rules, illegally postedployees. Election Rule D (2) states: “The posting of all campaign signs, literature and other material (posters, gummed stickers, etc.) in Co-op City is prohibited except on personal property, or within a shareholder’s premises, with elevators, bulletin boards, walls, doors, garages, vehicles, commercial stores located on Riverbay property, and common areas. Candidates and their supporters are prohibited from posting campaign material on New York City property if said posting violates any City, State or Federal law.”
Campaign literature can be handed out or transmitted by candidates and their supporters at any time, or slipped under apartment doors only between the hours of 8 a.m. and 10 p.m. All campaign literature must include the name, address -
Election rule D 2(c) states: “Candidates shall not (i) use social media or email anonymously or under an assumed name, (ii) engage in personal attacks on fellow candidates or shareholders, or (iii) make defamatory statements. Any such conduct shall be a violation of these rules and the candidate may be subject to sanction by the Committee.”
Candidates will have an opportunity to debate and discuss issues relevant to the election and their candidacy at three Candidates’ Forums which will be held in-person, if possible, and virtually, according to election Rule E (1). The forums are scheduled for Wednesday, April 26, at 7:30 p.m. in the Dreiser Auditorium; Saturday, April 29, at 3:00 p.m. in Room 45 of the Einstein Center; and on Rule E (1) also states that the forums will be televised to the Co-op City community on the Riverbay Crawler (channel 12 for those on MATV, and channel 591 for Altice subscribers), and rebroadcast on the web during the election period. There will be one vote per unit by shareholders of record as of March 22, 2023.
Reminders to Shareholders
Shareholders are reminded that washers and dryers are prohibited in high-pliances in an apartment is $150. Washers and dryers, installed by a licensed professional, are only allowed in townhouses.
Window air conditioners are also prohibited in all Co-op City residential buildings, including townhouses. Thank you for your cooperation.