11 minute read
Still Time to Apply for SCRIE Carrying Charge Increase Subsidy
Even if you’re just filing your 2022 taxes, or have no plans to file, there’s still time to complete and submit your SCRIE application. As long as your application is completed with pertinent documents and received in the SCRIE office before May 1 (120 days after January 1, 2023) of this year, and you meet the eligibility threshold of $50,000, you will receive retroactive SCRIE subsidy for the four months of the 7.5% carrying charge increases paid to Riverbay. Be sure to review this list carefully, scan or make copies before uploading to your computer to email or drop in the mail:
• Current year (2023) Social Security Award Letter
• Proof of Age (government issued driver’s license ID, passport or birth certificate)
• Federal or NY State tax return with ALL schedules or tax transcript. If you do not file taxes, provide a non-filing verification tax letter from the IRS for each occupant in the household
• 1099 form for all pension(s) held
• November & December bank statements to verify SSI and SSP
• Proof of Public Assistance or unemployment, if applicable
• Retirement letter, if applicable
SCRIE Eligibility
You are eligible for an exemption, if you meet the following conditions on the effective date of the carrying charge increase:
• You or your spouse lived in the apartment;
• You or your spouse were the head of household;
• You or your spouse were 62 years of age or older;
• The total household income did not exceed $50,000 for increases effective July 1, 2014 (Household Income for ALL persons living in the household;
• Your monthly carrying charge was more than or equal to one-third (1/3) of your total annual house- hold income. Any portion of your carrying charge that is for utility costs or other fees or charges, are not considered part of your base carrying charge;
• You are NOT on any other carrying charge assisted program (e.g. Sect 8, SCHE, DRIE, RAP).
If you meet all of the above conditions, complete the application which is available on the NYC Housing Preservation and Development (HPD) website, https:///nyc.gov/hpd, and can also be picked up at the reception desk at the Riverbay administrative office, 2049 Bartow Avenue, or your CSO.
Applications with supporting documentation can be mailed directly to:
SCRIE Unit, New York City Department of Housing Preservation and Development, Division of Housing Supervision, 100 Gold Street, 7th Floor, New York, New York 10038, OR email applications with attachments directly to: SCRIE@hpd.NYC.gov.

You will be notified, by letter, if you’re eligible for a carrying charge increase exemption, and the amount subsidized by the SCRIE program.
NYC Sheriff Guest Speaker at Safety & Quality of Life Committee Meeting
On Thursday, March 16, NYC Sheriff Anthony Miranda visited Co-op City and spoke passionately about the role of his Department which is charged with a wide array of law enforcement responsibilities, including the duty to preserve the peace and serve and enforce mandates and orders issued from local and state courts, the federal government, foreign countries, the New York City Tax Tribunal, or the commissioner of the Department of Finance. I requested that Chief Joseph Riley invite Sheriff Miranda to attend our Safety & Quality of Life meeting in person. Not only did he show up but he also brought along two other officers, both women! One was his Communications Liaison; the other, his Administrative As- sistant. What an awesome meeting! Not only did
Sheriff Miranda address community concerns about cannabis vans parked on streets nearby commercial establishments in Co-op but also their proximity to schools and houses of worship. He supported the removal of vehicles illegally selling weed on our streets which his team has been working diligently to ensure safety and quality of life throughout the city. Sheriff Miranda stated that there are only three nonprofit entities granted licenses by the Office of Cannabis Management to legally dispense marijuana or its byproducts in New York City. Vans and smoke shops are not licensed. Full stop!
He also urged anyone who sees a van parked or operating in or near our community to take pictures and forward them ASAP to the following address: publicrelations@sheriff.NYC.gov. Please be sure to provide some context as to what the photo is about to assist his office in doing their investigations.
“I was happy that the Sheriff personally came to our Safety and Quality of Life Committee Meeting. His acknowledgment that the Sheriff’s Office was taking the lead, and that he is the chairperson of the Mayor’s Multi-Agency Task Force on illegal marijuana sales and enforcement was welcome news,” said Chief Joseph Riley.
I couldn’t have agreed more with Chief Riley. We are fortunate to have a strong partnership with the Sheriff’s Office which is what good community policing is all about.
Thanks to all the members of our S&QOL Committee who continue to serve and support these community endeavors by sharing their time and energy.
Please feel free to share your thoughts and comments with me/us by writing me at: csampson@riverbayboard.com. Be safe and live well.
President’s Report ––
(Continued from page 1)
I mentioned some of the things that have had or are having positive outcomes to keep this community moving in the right direction. I was disappointed to hear a shareholder mentioned not needing new elevators and the expense it brought us. If you recall, before this elevator project went into effect, the elevators we had previously stayed broken. The motors installed in these elevators were too small for the size elevator we had and it would take months before we got the part we needed to make the elevator operable. Forty million dollars is a lot of money, but think of what we have today, an elevator that will be good for the next 25 years and longer.
Some of the things I would like to highlight is the new community park by Section 5 in Erskine Place. It is a place where most will be able to relax and sit in tranquility watching the boats pass. Our outdoor activities are always good for healthy living. We plan to hold a ribbon-cutting ceremony which will be announced shortly. Many of you know that we received a grant from Congressman Jamaal Bowman of $500,000 to have a park, like what we have in Erskine. This park will be along the waterfront of Co-op City Blvd. We deserve these things as a community. I believe it will add to the health and wellness of many who enjoy being outdoors.
We have been working tirelessly on our 2-year budget. We hope to minimize any impact on our shareholders with the Board working with Management to ensure that we look under every stone to make cuts that make sense, as reducing our expenses is always our goal. We must preserve stable and affordable housing for all our shareholders. Studies have shown that the lack of affordable housing is detrimental to the health and well-being of citizens. We want to ensure that the health and well-being of our community are central in our minds to individuals and families. We do have problems, but by working together, we will continue to make Co-op City a great place to live.
Some of the things I heard at the meeting were “I call and no one responds.” I take exception to this as a shareholder myself. It is not acceptable to not be heard. As shareholders, I do not have to remind you that you are owners and not renters. We must make sure that everyone is heard, and concerns are taken seriously and resolved with a reasonable follow-up and timeline. We are meeting with Management next week to address issues of responsiveness. Collaboration and communication are key in all departments. If our sharehold- tem engagement with everyone.
We heard some shareholders mention brown water. Is this a system-wide issue or in a particular building or area? We will be working with Management to look at this more closely and identify a solution. If this is happening in your home, please call the Call Center and report this.
Convector issues are a problem for everyone. Having be done, but we know that a $1 billion price tag to replace convectors is beyond our reach. Therefore, we
The Construction Committee is working with members of Management to look at some solutions. Sevenplus millions of dollars a year is not sustainable. We are trying our best to mitigate this issue by being proactive, not reactive.
Community Board 10, and our Grounds to have a campaign on cleaning up the areas where garbage is being thrown mercilessly.
Directional signs are being requested in Section 5 to provide pointed directions from one building to another. Our Assistant Executive General Manager Cary Smith and I spoke with Nelson Sweeting, Section 5 Association President, about the positioning of these signs. We hope to have those signs in place as soon as possible. If anyone feels that they need directional signs in their area, please let Mr. Smith or me know.
We cannot address every issue if we don’t know about it. It is important that we connect, encourage each other to get involved so that we can work better together, and ask and give input. Together, we can keep Co-op City the beautiful place it truly is.
If you have any concerns, you can reach me as fol- bayboard.com.
Thank you for the privilege of serving you. Please stay well and be safe
Shareholders First – We Matter.
Estimados accionistas, Espero que todo el mundo esté bien.
El miércoles 22 de marzo celebramos nuestra reunión abierta del Consejo de Administración en el Einstein Community Center. Fue una reunión muy concurrida. Pedimos disculpas por el retraso en el inicio de la reunión. En circunstancias normales, habríamos empezado puntualmente con un informe del Presidenta y del director general ejecutivo, seguido de las dos resoluciones y la sesión de tribuna. Desafortunadamente tuvimos que cambiar el horario para empezar la sesión de la galería, perdiéndo otras partes del informe del la Presidenta y el reporte del diaccionistas que expusieron sus preocupaciones personales y algunas relacionadas con la comunidad. Damos las gracias a todos los que asistieron. La Junta se compromete a tener más sesiones de este tipo.
Me equivoqué al decir que tendremos una nueva clase de nuevos reclutas de CCPD en Co-op City en - cionistas sufrieron una inundación en sus viviendas. Todavía estamos evaluando la situación y pronto tendremos más información sobre la causa y las medidas de reparación. Fue un momento muy doloroso en la vida de nuestros accionistas. Nuestro equipo directivo está trabajando para garantizar que todos los accionistas afectados sean atendidos rápidamente.
Han sido 8 meses exigentes para la Junta. Tuvimos que hacer frente a un aumento de las carga de transporte que no fue muy popular entre muchos, pero que era necesario para garantizar que nuestra corporación proporcionando los bienes y servicios sin interrupciones. Hemos dado la bienvenida a dos nuevos miembros del Consejo que se han puesto manos a la obra para familiarizarse con todos los aspectos de la gestión de Riverbay. Nuestro Director General, Noel Ellison, se jubiló el 31 de enero y nuestro Director General Ejecutivo, Bob Klehammer, se jubilará alrededor del 12 de mayo. Empezamos a explorar candidatos para el puesto de Director General Ejecutivo y, tras meses de búsqueda de un sucesor para el Sr. Klehammer, hemos elegido a la persona de entre un pequeño grupo de candidatos que dirigirá Riverbay durante los próximos años. Felicito a nuestro Consejo por trabajar juntos para que este difícil proceso se desarrolle sin conpor lo tanto, no nombraremos a la persona hasta que se nos permita hacerlo. Esperamos que el proceso de incorporación se desarrolle con éxito y que nuestro nuevo Director General Ejecutivo esté listo a mediados de abril. Este será un momento emocional para la comunidad a medida que avanzamos en el progreso de la corporación.
He mencionado algunas de las cosas que han tenido o están teniendo resultados positivos para que esta comunidad avanzando en la dirección correcta. Me decepcionó oír a un accionista mencionar que no necesitábamos ascensores nuevos y el gasto que nos supuso. Si recuerdan, antes de que este proyecto de ascensores entro en efecto, los ascensores que teníamos anteriormente se mantuvieron discapacitados. El motor instalado en estos ascensores era demasiado pequeño para el tamaño de ascensor que teníamos y pasaban meses hasta que conseguíamos la pieza que necesitábamos para que el ascensor fuera operativo. en lo que tenemos hoy, un ascensor que servirá para los próximos 25 años y más.
Algunas de las cosas que me gustaría destacar es el nuevo parque comunitario de la Sección 5 en Erskine Place. Es un lugar donde la mayoría podrá sentarse tranquilamente a ver pasar los barcos. Las actividades al aire libre siempre son buenas para llevar una vida sana. Tenemos previsto celebrar una ceremonia de corte de cinta que anunciaremos en breve. Muchos de ustedes saben que recibimos una subvención del congresista Jamaal Bowman de 500.000 dólares para tener un parque, como el que tenemos en Erskine. Este parque estará a lo largo de la línea de costa de Co-op City Blvd. Nos merecemos estas cosas como comunidad. Creo que se sumará a la salud y el bienestar de muchos que disfrutan de estar al aire libre en dias buenos.
Hemos estado trabajando incansablemente en nuestro presupuesto de 2 años. Esperamos minimizar cualquier impacto sobre nuestros accionistas, y el Consejo trabajará con la dirección de nuestro equipo directivo para garantizar que miramos debajo de cada piedra para asegurarnos de que estamos reduciendo nuestros gastos y tener un presupuesto equilibrado, es siempre nuestro objetivo. Debemos preservar una vivienda estable y asequible para todos nuestros accionistas. Los estudios han demostrado que la falta de viviendas asequibles es perjudicial para la salud y el bienestar de los ciudadanos. Queremos asegurarnos de que la salud y el bienestar de nuestra comunidad sea el punto mas importante de vivir en Co-op City. Tenemos problemas, pero trabajando juntos seguiremos haciendo de nuestra Ciudad Cooperativa un gran lugar para vivir. Otras cosas que oí en la reunión fueron “llamo y nadie responde.” Como accionista, no estoy de acuerdo que esto les este pasanado. No es aceptable que no nos escuche. Como accionistas, no tengo que recordarles que son propietarios y no inquilinos. Debemos asegurarnos de que se escucha a todo el mundo y de que las preocupaciones se toman en serio y se resuelven con un seguimiento y un calendario razonables. La semana que viene nos reuniremos con la administración para abordar los problemas de capacidad de respuesta. La colaboración y la comunicación son fundamentales en todos los departamentos. Si nuestros accionistas no están satisfechos con los resultados, tenemos que idencompromiso del sistema con todos.
Hemos oído a algunos accionistas mencionar el agua marrón. ¿Se trata de un problema de todo el sistema o la administración para estudiarlo más a fondo y encontrar una solución. Si esto ocurre en su casa, por favor llame al centro de atención telefónico y comuníquelo.
Los problemas con los convectores son un problema para todos. Tener inundaciones consecutivas no es aceptable. Hay que hacer algo, pero sabemos que un coste de 1.000 millones para sustituir los convectores está fuera de nuestro alcance. Por lo tanto, estamos inen nuestros pisos y los daños a los bienes personales. El comité de construcción está trabajando con miembros de la dirección para buscar algunas soluciones. Estamos haciendo todo lo posible para mitigar este problema siendo proactivos, no reactivos.
Tenemos un pedido a nuestros funcionarios legislativos, la Junta Comunitaria 10, y nuestro Grounds para tener una campaña de limpieza de las zonas donde la basura se está tirando sin piedad.
Se están solicitando señales direccionales en la Sección 5 para proporcionar direcciones señaladas de Smith y yo hablamos con Nelson Sweeting, Presidente de la Sección 5 sobre la colocación de estas señales. Esperamos poder colocarlas lo mas antes posible. Si alguien cree que necesita señales de dirección en su zona, que nos lo haga saber al Sr. Smith o a mí.
No podemos abordar todos los problemas si no los conocemos sus preocupación. Es importante que nos conectemos, que nos animemos unos a otros a participar para poder trabajar mejor juntos, y que pidamos y hagamos aportaciones. Juntos podemos mantener nuestra Cooperativa de Co-op City como el hermoso lugar que realmente es.
Si usted tiene alguna inquietud, puede ponerse en contacto conmigo de la siguiente manera: erbayboard.com.
Gracias por el privilegio de servirles. Por favor, cuídense y manténganse salvo.
Somos Accionistas Primero – Nosotros Importamos