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Letters to the Editor
The Co-op City Times welcomes issue-oriented letters to the editor to be considered for publication. All letters, in prose, not poetry, must be addressed to the editor, verify the authenticity of the authors. Anonymous or unsigned letters will not be accepted for publication. Letters cannot exceed 350 words. Ideally, they should be typed. All letters must be in the Co-op City Times in that week’s edition. Views and opinions expressed in letters are solely the writer’s and not necessarily shared by the Co-op City Times
To Your Knowledge
Senseless gun violence and the ongoing deliberate availability of guns in our community is taking a toll on gratulate the Hendricks Scholarship. He was lost too soon to senseless tions in Co-op City, was headed to college on a full scholarship. Applications forthe fourth annual Scholarship are now open each to use over a four-year period. That said, the 9th An-
We are excited about supporting youth and their families in their expensive journey towards funding, without borrowing, for youth seeking a college education. Stay tuned.
As we celebrate here are women inventors who you should know about: Virgie M. Ammons –Sarah Boone Mary B. Kenner – Sani-
Patricia Bath, M.D. – InvenMadame C.J. Walker
ShirleyA. Jackson, Mae C.Jemison
Imagine a world where all women regardless of race, creed or color had equal opportunities, including salary, to real-
Demand Respect for Community Policies and Property
Shareholders, there is a process for businesses to advertise in our community. They cannot trespass on our propcomplain about any advertisement to your CSO.
ating a mess and eyesore. These companies are earning and if they want to advertise in our community, they have to pay for that privilege. Our community is not a free-for-all, for any business owner to ignore and disrespect our community policies and property. We should be concerned because crimes are committed under the ruse of handing out the vehicle is unlocked.
to address the problem. We can all help to protect our comCo-op City Times in a letter to the editor.
Shareholders are reminded that the carrying charge deposit boxes located in the community centers open on last day to pay your carrying charges before a late fee is holiday, the carrying charge boxes remain open through the next business day.
Board of Directors’ Meeting - March 22, 2023
Amended Second Reading - Resolution #23-16
: that
Lease Resolution #23-17
, Westside Wings Co-op City, LLC has rea fast-casual and delivery or take-out restaurant, which may or may not be licensed for the sale of beer and wine for cartail use not in violation of other tenant exclusives existing , the term of the lease is ten years with two is authorized to take all steps necessary to make this action effective.
Co-op City Times
Co-op City Times
Co-op City Times
Co-op City Times
Co-op City Times
Letters To
that the lease
Westside Wings Co-op City, LLC, Tenant, containing the terms poration is authorized to sign the lease agreement and related
We welcome letters to the editor, only from Co-op City shareholders, at Letters should address issues of interest to the Co-op City community. Comments should be fact-based and responsible. Letters should not personally attack others and must be written in a respectful manner.
Co-op City Times
Submissions must include the writer’s address and phone number – which ity and residency of the writer can be Thank you for your cooperation.