Co-op City Times 04/21/18

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Co-op City’s Official Newspaper Serving The World’s Largest Cooperative Community. Vol. 53 No. 16

© Copyright 2018 Co-op City Times

Saturday, April 21, 2018

Ten Candidates Officially Certified For Riverbay Board Election



At the Candidates’ Meeting on Tuesday night, April 17, the 2018 Election Committee officially certified all ten candidates who returned their qualifying petitions to compete in the 2018 Riverbay Board of Directors election. After the candidates submitted their qualifying petitions on Monday, April 9, the end of the petition period, the validity of the signatures on the petitions was checked. The Election Committee also worked with the Riverbay Finance Department to verify that none of the potential candidates were indebted to the Riverbay Corporation. In addition, the Election Committee and the Legal Department also engaged the BY ROZAAN BOONE

Human Resources Department to conduct background checks on each of the potential candidates prior to certification. The ten candidates who were certified for this year’s Board election on Tuesday, April 17, in the order that their names will appear on the ballot for the 2018 Riverbay Board of Directors election scheduled for Wednesday, May 23, are Rodney Saunders, Evelyn M. Turner, Deborah Nelson, Angelo Rosario, Mary Pearson, Lonnie Woods, Cheryl Jenkins, Josie D. Ferguson, Junius Williams and Francine Reva Jones. The official candidates include four of the (Continued on page 2)

Cultural Exchange... As part of a tour of housing complexes throughout the United States, executives from Country Garden, a world-renowned housing manager and developer from the Chinese province of Guangdong, asked for and received a tour of Co-op City last Thursday afternoon. The tour was led by Co-op City’s Executive General Manager Bob Klehammer and included a look at Co-op City’s Power Plant, its model apartments, courtyards and open spaces. Participants in the tour said that the Chinese housing innovators, who manage close to 1.3 million housing units in China and throughout other Asian and Pacific nations, were impressed with the overall maintenance and staff organization structure of Co-op City, the largest cooperative development in this nation. Country Garden is renowned for using natural beauty and blending the natural environment into the architectural features of its developments. The company is credited by some for transforming the look of urban housing throughout much of China.

First Two Official Candidates’ Forums On Monday & Wednesday Sign up to speak between 6:45-7:30 p.m.

Shareholders of the Riverbay Corporation will have the opportunity to attend the first two official Candidates’ Forums and hear directly from the candidates running for seats in the 2018 Riverbay Board of Directors election. On Monday, April 23, the candidates will debate in room 45 of the Einstein Community Center, starting at 7:30 p.m. The second forum will be held on Wednesday, April 25, also at 7:30 p.m., in room 31 of the Bartow Center. The final Candidates’ Forum will take place on Wednesday, May 2nd in auditorium B in the Dreiser Center at 7:30 p.m. Shareholders who would like to ask the candidates running in this year’s Board election questions are advised to come early and sign up between 6:457:30 p.m. No questions will be taken after 7:30 p.m. Each shareholder will each have 30 seconds to BY ROZAAN BOONE

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Parents And Youth Welcome C.L.A.A.Y. To Co-op City

Vending Machines Now In Community Centers Riverbay Corporation, at the request of the Riverbay Board, has partnered with a local vendor, M&L Vending, to make available beverage and snack vending machines in each community center. Riverbay Special Projects Director Joe Boiko said, “The Board also asked that we not only have candies and sweets, but also some healthy choices.” The snack machines will offer granola bars, nuts, and crackers in addition to the regular variety of candy selections. Likewise, the beverage machines will stock an assortment of water, sodas, juices and sport drinks. A portion of the sales will be returned to the Riverbay Fund to help offset the cost of community programming. In photo above from left are Tom Poli, President of M&L Vending; Bob Klehammer, Executive General Manager, Riverbay Corp.; Linda Berk, President, Riverbay Board of Directors; Noel Ellison, Riverbay's General Manager; Joe Boiko, director, Special Projects and Michelle Sajous, director, Community Relations. Photo by Ralph Henriquez

Board Director Leah Richardson, chair of the Youth Committee, introduces shareholders to C.L.A.A.Y. @ Co-op City, a new program being developed for the youth of Co-op City.

“Cooperative Leadership Action Among Youth,” also known as C.L.A.A.Y. @ Co-op City, held its first informational meeting last Saturday, April 14th, in Co-op City’s Bartow Center. The free program, set to kick-off this fall, was developed by the Riverbay Fund to mold


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