Co-op City Times 04/29/17

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Riverbay Election Supplement on pages 31-37

Co-op City’s official newspaper serving the world’s largest cooperative community. © Copyright 2017 Co-op City Times

Vol. 52 No. 17

Saturday, April 29, 2017


First Election Forum Features Civil Discourse And Promises For Future Improvements BY BILL STUTTIG

Approximately 10 shareholders asked In perhaps a sign of the new kinder and questions on topics ranging from technology more productive Co-op City political disupgrades to improving community involvecourse that seems to have taken shape over ment. Participating candidates included three the past year, six of the seven candidates for a incumbents—Board President Linda Berk new three year term on the Riverbay Board of Directors took part in the first of three schedand Directors Kevin Lambright and Marie uled election forums Monday evening at the Smith, as well as three other shareholders, Jerome L. Rice, Aminah Lucio and Leah Bartow Community Center. Richardson. Each answered shareholders’ concerns and A shareholder questions candidates for the Riverbay Board indicated a commitment to keeping costs A seventh candidate, incumbent Board down while continuing to work to make Director Daryl Johnson, was not present for improvements to the community—both physically perhaps hundreds more will watch the tape-delay the forum. and socially. broadcast of the 80 minute-long forum this coming (Continued on page 2) Approximately 50 shareholders attended, while week. (See broadcast schedule on page 2).

4,667 Shareholders Respond To Pre-Election Survey

Riverbay Board Of Directors Election Ballots To Be Mailed May 10 Ballots Must Be Returned Directly To Election-America BY ROZAAN BOONE

online following the directions included with their Election ballots for shareholders to participate in ballots. the 2017 Board of Directors election will be mailed All mailed ballots must be postmarked by May 24, to Co-op City households on Wednesday, May 10 by 2017 in order to be counted in this year’s election. BY BILL STUTTIG Election-America, Riverbay’s Election contractor. Those voting electronically have until 9 p.m. on In an attempt to test whether a significant number The voting period will then commence at 6 a.m. Wednesday, May 24, 2017 to register their vote with of shareholders will use the new system for voting in on Wednesday, May 17 and end at 9 p.m. on Wednes- Election-America. the upcoming Riverbay Board elections conducted day, May 24, 2017. Once voting is opened, share(Continued on page 22) by the independent firm, Election-America, a preholders may cast their votes at any time durelection survey was conducted from late March ing that period either by returning their comthrough mid-April and 4,667 shareholders responded. pleted ballot to Election-America by mail in the stamped, addressed envelope provided (Continued on page 27) with their ballots or by voting electronically The Riverbay Parking and Leasing Department has identified 575 locked hall closets throughout Co-op City for which there are no lease records. Many of these locked closets contain personal items, but since Riverbay has no record of who has been using these closets for storage, there is no way of Crystal King, Administrator of Day Care Programs for the knowing for sure who these stored items belong to. New York State Cerebral Palsy Association’s West Farms As the first step to properly leasCenter, delivered a talk on Tuesday in the Bartow Center ing these closets to any shareholders on her center’s work to help those living with the limitawho might have use for them, the tions of cerebral palsy (CP) lead productive, independent Parking and Leasing Department is notifying the community about and happy lives which, in many cases, includes home which locked closets are currently ownership, rewarding careers and a meaningful, loving unleased and unaccounted for. relationship with a partner of their choice. King reminded Shareholders who are using a the audience that despite the sometimes challenging closet on the list printed on pages 44 to 46 in this issue of the physical limitations that many CP sufferers endure Co-op City Times have until May 12th to contact the Parking throughout their lives, they are no different than the rest & Leasing Department to confirm their information. After of us in their potential to be intelligent, caring and producMay 12th, Riverbay will begin the task of drilling out the tive in society. Ms. King reminded everyone that we must locks on all these unclaimed closets, discarding any items all look past the sometimes obvious physical challenges found inside and then leasing the emptied closets to sharethat many CP sufferers endure – which may include a limholders on the waiting lists. ited ability to speak clearly – to see the person inside and In addition to being published in this issue of the Co-op what he or she can offer society in spite of their chalTimes, the complete list of affected closets is also posted on lenges. Ms. King’s talk was the latest in a speaker series the wall outside of the Parking and Storage Department in in Co-op City offered through the Riverbay Disabilities room 24 of the Bartow Community Center, and in all buildand Accommodations Committee under the leadership of ing lobbies and garages. Committee chair Andrea Leslie. Photo by Bill Stuttig Thank you for your cooperation.

General Level Of Satisfaction With Co-op City Is Very High

Shareholders Asked To Confirm Hall Closet Information

living with cerebal palsy

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