Next Income Affdavit Information Seminar to be Held Tues., Feb. 25
The next Income Affdavit information session has been scheduled for Tuesday, Feb. 25, in Rm. 31 of the Bartow Center, starting at 7 p.m. The session will also be broadcast live on the Riverbay Crawler, channel 12 (MATV subscribers) and channel 591 (Altice).

Shareholders are invited to attend the session either in-person or virtually on Zoom. To join virtually, use https://tinyurl.com/4p5848up (Meeting ID: 993 3748 0775; passcode: 775997) or scan the QR Code here
To join by phone: One Tap Mobile, (1-929-205-6099), 99337480775, *775997# (US (New York) or 1-646-931-3860.
Shareholders are reminded that the Income Affdavit fling period begins in April. These information sessions are to inform shareholders about the electronic fling option that is now available in addition to the manual paper option. Anyone with questions about the electronic process or who has general questions about the annual fling of the Income Affdavit is encouraged to attend at least one of the information sessions. Completed Income Affdavits are due in June, and additional information sessions are being planned for March and April.
The Riverbay Finance department advises shareholders that the information sessions currently being held are different from the help sessions that the Finance department facilitates during the actual fling period to assist shareholders to fll out and notarize the form.
False Fire Alarms
Riverbay Corporation has been experiencing numerous false fre alarms in the community centers where manual pull stations at the exits are being activated by individuals. These irresponsible acts trigger a response from the NYC Fire Department (FDNY) and demand total building evacuations. Riverbay is also penalized by the FDNY with monetary fnes for these false alarms which pull resources away from real emergencies.
Please be aware that those responsible for these negative actions will be penalized when identifed.
Tree pruning and removal is a regular part of the Riverbay Grounds department’s preventive maintenance duties. The main reasons for these tasks are to ensure shareholders’ safety, the protection of other trees, and also to prevent damage to the property.

(Continued on page 2)
2025 NYC School Survey Now Available
New York City Public Schools (NYCPS) released the 2025 School Survey last week on February 10.
This year’s survey offcially went live on February 10 and will remain available through April 4. To fll out the survey, individuals can go online to nycschoolsurvey.org. By design, the NYC School Survey is a resource for parents, teachers, staff and students to provide feedback on their respective schools. The survey is broken into three separate parts: the family survey, teacher/support staff survey and the student survey. Notably, the student survey is only applicable for students in grades six through 12.
(Continued on page 3)
The Riverbay Board of Directors will meet in open session on Wednesday, February 26, starting at 7 p.m. in Rm. 31 of the Bartow Center. Shareholders are invited to attend in-person or watch the meeting live on the Riverbay Crawler, channel 12 (MATV) or channel 591 (Altice subscribers).
A Gallery Session will be held from 7-7:30 p.m. and those who wish to address the Board and Management are asked to arrive early and sign up.
Riverbay department heads will also be available from 6-7 p.m. for shareholders to discuss pertinent matters with individual departments.
Please see the meeting’s Agenda below.

Riverbay Corporation has implemented procedures to safeguard the newly updated/modernized elevators from potential damage. Shareholders must request a permit to use the elevators in the instances outlined below. This ensures the protection of the elevators from unwanted damage.

Below is a list of situations wherein shareholders are required to request a permit, along with the corresponding department to contact:
• Move-in/Move-out of Co-op City: Residential Sales Offce
• Delivery of furniture/appliances: Cooperator Services Offce (CSO)
• Partial move of furniture (e.g., children returning from college): Cooperator Services Offce (CSO)
• Disposal of furniture or large items: Must be brought to the front of the lower Ash Cart room in the basement. Contact Cooperator Services Offce (CSO)
Please be sure to follow the procedures outlined above to help protect the elevators and maintain a high quality of service for all shareholders. *PLEASE NOTE: ONLY SHAREHOLDERS MAY REQUEST A PERMIT.
If you have any questions or concerns, you may contact the Cooperator Services Offce at 718-3203300, press option #4. —CSO
Riverbay Assistant General Manager Cary Smith III, who was instrumental in spearheading electronic fling of the yearly affdavit, frst worked with the New York State Division of Homes and Community Renewal (HCR) to secure approval for a pilot which was open only to some shareholders. In the last two years since the pilot electronic fling was initiated, more shareholders have expressed interest in taking advantage of the newer fling option, which opened to all shareholders in February 2023, following HCR approval.
Based on feedback received from shareholders over the last two years, the process has been tweaked and simplifed even further to enhance user experience. Additional data capture and validation processes were added requiring users to go through a “knowledge based” ID verifcation process to securely verify their identity before they are able to access the digital Income Affdavit form. This negates the notarization requirement for electronic flers.
At the same time, HCR changed the paper Income Affdavit form last year, and for the frst time, it became available in duplicate pink and white copies (2 pages) so shareholders submit the white copy to Riverbay along with supporting documents, and retain the pink copy for their records. The paper version of the Income Affdavit has to be notarized.
“The paper affdavit submission will continue to be an option however the new digital form is a necessary step in technological advancement that Management continues to implement across the corporation to enhance business engagement for shareholders’ convenience,” said Mr. Smith.
Information about the electronic Income Affdavit fling process will be made available on the Riverbay website, www.coopcity.com, along with the steps to receive an electronic form and Frequently asked Questions about the process. This information will be updated as the fling period draws closer. For now, below is an updated list of FAQ’s which includes the questions asked at
Notarization and Documentation
Q1. Does the Income Affdavit form need to be notarized?
Steps to Upload Insurance Document to Electronic Income Affdavit
1. Click on the “paper clip” icon at the bottom of Section B: Deductions
2. Click “Upload a fle” to upload documents
3. Click the attachment link to upload supporting evidence
4. Select the document to be attached, i.e., the declaration page of your homeowner’s insurance policy
5. Click “Done” to complete the fle upload
the Jan. 22nd information session.

Also at the Jan. 22nd information sessions, a shareholder asked if the steps to attach the declaration page of their homeowner’s insurance policy can be printed in the Co-op City Times. That information is printed above on this page. It will be reprinted in the newspaper and added to the Crawler during this year’s Income Affdavit fling period.
Shareholders are reminded that the Income Affdavit period does not begin until March. The updated 2024 Income Affdavit form, which shareholders will be fling this year, is not yet available. When it is, the information on the website, www.coopcity.com, will be updated and shareholders will be notifed. Paper Income Affdavits will be mailed to all shareholders.
“I encourage shareholders to attend the upcoming seminars to learn about improvements made to the electronic fling process and see the demonstration by Capstone, the vendor Riverbay collaborated with to digitize the Income Affdavit form, thereby simplifying the fling for our residents,” said Mr. Smith. “Be sure to keep reading the Co-op City Times for more information.”
– Frequently Asked Questions
A: No, you do not need to notarize the online form. Your identity will be validated before you can access the form. You will be required to go through a “knowledge based” ID verifcation process to securely verify your identity prior to accessing the income affdavit digital form. Everyone 18 years and older will need to prove their identity before beginning the electronic process.
Q2. If completing the Income Affdavit manually, does it need to be notarized?
A: Yes, you will need to get the paper form notarized.
Q3. There is a section on the form for a notary signature. Do I need an online notary?
A: No, you do not. Your identity will be validated before you can access the form. You will be required to go through a “knowledge based” ID verifcation process to securely verify your identity prior to accessing the Income Affdavit digital form. Everyone 18 years and older will need to prove their identity before beginning the electronic process.
Q4. Will shareholders still have access to a notary in the Dreiser Center?
A: Yes, they will.
Registration and Access
Q1. How do you access the Income Affdavit form & when do you register for online sign up?
A: The form will be available online on April 1st, at midnight. It is accessible at the top of the Home page on the Riverbay website (www.coopcity.com). There is a link to “Click here for the Annual Income Affdavit Form” which takes you to the Income Affdavit landing page. On the landing page, shareholders will see a brief paragraph with a line that states, “Click here to register to receive your Income Affdavit Digital Form.”
Q2. Should shareholders automatically go to the website to register for the digital Income Affdavit form or will a reminder and email address be sent out?
A: See response to Q1 in this section.
Q3. What happens after I complete the registration process?
A: After you register, you will receive a verifcation email from DocuSign. Once you have answered the ID verifcation questions, you will be given access to the Income Affdavit form. Affdavit and Form Submission
Q1. When and how will we receive notifcation when the Affdavit is available/due?
A: The Income Affdavit form will be available on the website (www.coopcity.com) on April 1st, at midnight. Paper forms will be mailed out to all shareholders. In addition to the website, information will be made available in the Co-op City Times and on the Riverbay Crawler.
Q2. What if I do not want to fle my Income Affdavit electronically? Will the paper affdavit form still be available?
A: If you choose not to fle electronically, you can fle your Income Affdavit manually using the paper form that is mailed to you.
Q3. Once all the signatures are placed on the form, does it come back to the head of household to do the fnal submission?
A: No. Once all signatures are placed on the form, it will be deemed completed. No further action will be required from the head of household.
Q4. What is the process to fx errors after submission?
A: Changes are not allowed once all signatures are secured and the form submitted. The only option to submit changes is to register anew to receive a
new form and redo the process.
Note: You will be prompted to confrm the overwrite of the previous registration and related information.
Q5. I did not get a copy of the Income Affdavit form. How will I know I completed it?
A: Once the completed form is submitted with all info and required signatures, you will automatically receive a copy of the completed form.
(Continued on page 5)


Find out what’s going on in Co-op City here...

Black History Month Weekend Movies
The Riverbay Community Relations department presents the following movies in celebration of Black History Month: Today, Feb. 22, Dreiser Center, Aud. B – 42, 12 p.m.; The Five Heartbeats, 3 p.m. Admission is free. For more information, email community@ riverbaycorp.com.
Discussion on Aging in Place
Councilman Kevin Riley, NYC Department for the Aging and Riverbay Corporation invite shareholders to be part of the discussion next Wednesday, Feb. 26, when “Aging in Place” will be the topic of conversation in Rm. 28 of the Bartow Center. Doors open at 6 p.m. and the program starts at 6:30 p.m.
Felony Trial Training Program

Scan QR code to
USDOT Nixes Congestion Pricing
The United States Department of Transportation (USDOT) terminated the approval of the pilot for the Central Business District Tolling Program (CBDTP) on February 19.
In a letter to New York Governor Kathy Hochul, U.S. Transportation Secretary Sean Duffy underlined two main reasons for cancelling the program. Duffy pointed out that the overall scope of the CBDTP was “unprecedented and provides no toll-free option for many drivers who want or need to travel by vehicle.” As for the second reason, Duffy argued that the approved toll rate “was set primarily to raise revenue for transit, rather than at an amount needed to reduce congestion,” which is contrary to the design of the program. From the perspective of the USDOT, the CBDTP should be focused on reducing congestion, rather than using the program primarily as a revenue source for the MTA.
Logistically, the Federal Highway Administration (FHA), a division of USDOT, rescinded their November 2024 agreement with New York, stripping away the state’s authority to enforce congestion pricing tolls.
Secretary Duffy explained the position of USDOT in his letter and why the federal agency felt the CBDTP should be terminated. “Commuters using the highway system to enter New York City have already financed the construction and improvement of these highways through the payment of gas taxes and other taxes. But now the toll program leaves drivers without any free highway alternative, and instead, takes more money from working people to pay for a transit system and not highways. It’s backwards and unfair. The program also hurts small businesses in New York that rely on customers from New Jersey and Connecticut. Finally, it impedes the flow of commerce into New York by increasing costs for trucks, which in turn could make goods more expensive for consumers,” Duffy said.
Governor Hochul previously paused the program in June of 2024 citing changing circumstances since congestion pricing was first introduced in 2019. She highlighted

at that time that the plan was developed before the city was impacted by the Covid-19 pandemic and that NYC was still recovering economically. Then in November of last year, Gov. Hochul reversed course to approve the program before President Trump officially took office, as Mr. Trump had expressed objections to congestion pricing leading up to his eventual victory.
While the original fare of $15 was too costly in the eyes of the Governor, she ultimately decided that $9 was, in fact, the right amount to charge drivers going into the Central Business District. At the time of the announcement, the Governor did not directly speak about how the difference of $6 will address the financial impact she originally felt a $15 toll would have had on New Yorkers, but she did touch on how the funding will help the MTA.
In response to the FHA’s decision, Governor Hochul claimed the early returns from the CBDTP are promising. “Since this first-in-the-nation program took effect last month, congestion has dropped dramatically and commuters are getting to work faster than ever. Broadway shows are selling out and foot traffic to local businesses is spiking. School buses are getting kids to class on time, and yellow cab trips increased by 10%. Transit ridership is up, drivers are having a better experience, and support for this program is growing every day,” the Governor said on February 19 during a joint press conference with the MTA. The MTA has already filed a lawsuit in response to the termination of congestion pricing. MTA CEO Janno Lieber discussed the MTA’s lawsuit and the agency’s next steps during Wednesday’s press conference, “Within moments of receiving that letter, we responded with a lawsuit which says number one, we’re seeking a declaratory judgment that this is not proper, and number two, we’re not turning off the tolls until there’s a verdict,” Lieber said. Looking ahead, USDOT’s decision will face steep legal opposition from supporters of congestion pricing. The MTA is heavily counting on CBDTP revenue, which accounts for approximately $15 billion, or roughly 21%, of the total 2025-2029 MTA Capital Plan investment.

Have you ever wanted to participate in a mock trial program? The office of the Bronx District Attorney is looking for volunteer mock jurors for Tuesday, Feb. 25, from 9 a.m.-5 p.m. Must be 18 or older to participate. Breakfast and lunch will be provided. To register visit https://tinyurl. com/536ztzhs or scan the QR code here. Any questions can be emailed to ceu@ bronxd A:nyc.gov or you can call 718-838-7649.
Summer Youth Employment Program
Survey ––– (Continued from page 1)
NYCPS explained the significance of the School Survey and how the information is critical to improving city public schools. “The survey helps school administrators and birth to five program leaders understand what key members of their school or program community think about the learning environment and the quality of education children are receiving at their school. The information captured by the survey is designed to support a dialogue among all members of a school or program’s community about how to make the school or program a better place for learning,” NYCPS said on February 10
For the family survey, parents or guardians will need their child’s nine-digit identification number, which can be found on a student’s ID card or report card. Once navigated to the login page for the family survey, parents should type a lowercase ‘f’ then enter their child’s identification number into the text box.
For parents or guardians who are not fluent in English, the family survey is available in Arabic, Bengali, Chinese, French, Haitian Creole, Korean, Russian, Spanish and Urdu.

Applications are now open for NYC’s 2025 Summer Youth Employment Program. This program connects NYC youths between the ages of 14 and 24 with career exploration opportunities and paid work experiences. To apply visit https://bit. ly/4gW1NAy or scan the QR code here. The deadline to apply is Feb. 28, 2025.
Results from the 2024 School Survey showed that roughly 45% of families in the School District 12, which encompasses Co-op City, filled out the survey. Data from last year’s citywide student portion of the School Survey showed that 82% of students reported feeling safe in their school and 65% said most students at their respective school treat each other with respect. Of the most commonly listed areas for improvement at NYC public schools, the top three responses were stronger enrichment programming (24%), smaller class sizes (15%) and more hands-on learning (13%).
Parents interested in learning more about the quality of their child’s school should go online to the latest School Quality Guide, tools. nycenet.edu/guide/2023. The guide provides results from previous School Surveys for all city public schools.

With thousands of residents from all across the globe, Co-op City is home to artists of all kinds. Shareholders have written books, performed poetry, directed films, created murals, and they all deserve a spotlight. The column, “Co-op City Creatives,” serves not only to showcase shareholders’ art from Sections 1-5, but to also take a deep dive on what makes that artist unique. If you consider yourself an artist, regardless of age, medium, or education, send your work to cctimes@riverbaycorp. com with the subject “Co-op Creatives” and include your phone number so you’ll have the chance to be interviewed and your work displayed in the Co-op City Times.
Sometimes, the proximity of a tree to a building structure can cause structural damage. The roots of trees with a spreading rooting system can cause cracks in concrete walls and building foundations (this can compromise the integrity of a building structure and cause leaks), as well as raise concrete slabs and pavers, which cause trip hazards.

By removing any dead branches or trees, the Grounds staff is preventing any harm from coming to shareholders in the form of broken branches or falling trees possibly hurting them or causing damage to fences, windows, townhouses, roofs, etc.
According to Grounds Director Michael Ambo, there are several reasons for trees or branches dying. These include lightning strikes, termite infestations, root rot, fungus or bacteria attacks, lack of sunlight or water, and overcrowding.
Grounds also removes trees that are harmful to the soil and other plants, like black pine trees. While not all black pine trees are considered invasive, the Japanese black pine is widely classifed as an invasive species. It can outcompete native vegetation and disrupt ecosystems; they are often planted as windbreakers in coastal areas but can become a threat to native habitats.
It is extremely diffcult and almost impossible to grow grass beneath black pines, thereby causing bald spots in the lawns. Soil beneath or close to these trees tends to become dead and sandy thus making it diffcult for anything else to grow and survive.
One of the Grounds department’s goals is to remove most of the black pine trees in the community, where it is necessary, and replace them with more ornamental and fowering trees.
So far, they have removed the black pine trees located in Section 5, near Buildings 26, 30, 31, 32 and the Earhart Lane Townhouses; Section 3, near Buildings 15, 16, 17, 19 and the Asch Loop Townhouses; and Section 1, near Building 1, 4, 5, and the Defoe Place Townhouses.

Now, the Grounds department is working on removing the remaining black pine trees left in the community, like the ones located near the Harley J. Mosley Sr. Memorial Park and the ones located in Section 2, near Buildings 9, 10, 11 and the Cooper Place Townhouses.
“The new planting will be done according to industry standards,” said Mr. Ambo. “Most of the landscaping done here in the past was not done to industry standards and we have been making a conscious effort to correct that for the past seven years.”
A couple of examples of industry standards include distancing trees appropriately, based on the specs of the tree, and planting trees in the right locations, for example, planting sun loving trees in open sunny areas and shade loving trees in shady locations on the property.

Riverbay Directors’ Corner
Rikardo Jakaj, P.E., Director, Construction Department

Hello, my name is Rikardo Jakaj, and I am the director of Construction for Riverbay Corporation. As a licensed Professional Engineer in New York and Connecticut, I bring over 15 years of experience in residential and commercial construction. My role here at Riverbay, is to lead a team of professionals both in-house staff and outside engineers, architects and contractors, to oversee planning, renovation, and infrastructure repair –– projects that enhance the living experience for our shareholders while maintaining the structural integrity of this incredible community.
Riverbay Corporation’s Construction department plays a vital role in ensuring that the façade and structural elements of the buildings, townhouses, garages, shopping centers, roofs, sidewalks, porticos and all paved areas of Co-op City remain safe and compliant with New York City regulations.
Through strategic capital improvement projects, we are actively investing in the longevity of this community. A major focus of our work is compliance with NYC-mandated capital improvement projects. This includes Local Law 11, which requires periodic façade inspections and necessary repairs to maintain structural integrity and prevent hazardous conditions. Another new, mandated capital improvement project overseen by my team is Local Law 126, which enforces periodic parking garage inspections, ensures that these structures remain safe and well-maintained for residents and visitors alike.
My team and I are committed to preserving the integrity of Co-op City for generations to come. Our construction repairs ensure that this community remains a safe, sustainable, and thriving place to live.
In closing, to all of Co-op City’s residents, Board members, and fellow Riverbay employees, on behalf of the Construction department, I thank you for your support and look forward to building a stronger future for Co-op City.

(Continued from page 2)
Q6. When you receive an electronic copy, is it through DocuSign? And does it expire?
A: Yes, you will receive a link to access the electronic copy through DocuSign. The link expires after a few days, however, it will automatically refresh if you access it after the expiration date.
Q7. When is the Income Affdavit due?
A: Shareholders are expected to complete the electronic submission by May 30th.
Q8. Once the form is completed digitally, will all signers get a copy by email?
A: No, only the head of household will receive a pdf copy of the completed affdavit once you have completed the process.
Q9. If I am slow at typing, will I get timed out?
A: Yes, the form will time out for security reasons if left inactive for a period of time, typically around 20 minutes by default. If you do not actively interact with the form within that time frame, your session will expire and you will have to re-access the document to continue the process.
Q10. What do I do if I am not able to fnish flling out the affdavit after I start? Am I able to save?
A: Shareholders will be able to save and complete the affdavit later. There is a dropdown in the form that allows users to save the form (under “Other Actions/ Finish Later”). They can then use the initial link received after registration to resume the process anytime.
Q11. What about underaged kids (under 18)?
A: The head of household should capture the information for all underaged children.
Q12. How does it work w/child over 18 but who is unable to sign?
A: For those cases, the head of household should send an email to incomeaffdavit@riverbaycorp.com to request a special form that will allow them to sign on behalf of any child over 18 who is unable to sign.
Q13. How does the digital Income Affdavit form work for someone who is visually impaired?
A: A paper form, which is mailed to your household, should be used.
Q14. Once completed, how is the form sent to the head of household (HOH)?
A: The head of household will automatically receive an electronic copy by email.
Q15. Will the head of household be able to enter information for the occupants in the household?
A: Yes, the head of household is responsible for capturing personal and income information for all occupants. Anyone 18 years or older and listed on the Income Affdavit will receive an email and be required to sign their section of the form.
Note: The process is complete only when all occupants have signed the form. The head of household is responsible for ensuring that everyone 18 or older signs the form.
Insurance, Income and Tax Information
Q1. If you have not fled taxes, what income should be recorded on the document?
A: Zero (0) and check the box “non” for type of NYS Tax Return fled.
Q2. Is a shareholder required to submit their insurance information online? Can they complete the affdavit without attaching the insurance?
A: Shareholders must submit the declaration page of their homeowners’ insurance policy. The Income Affdavit cannot be completed without attaching the insurance documentation.
Power of Attorney (POA) and Head of Household (HOH)
Q1. I have POA over HOH, who does not have email. Can I just use my email?
A: Yes, you can use your email. Please remember that you will need to complete the ID verifcation on behalf of the HOH.
Q2. How should POA for HOH proceed?
A: See response to Q1.
Q3. What if HOH does not know how to fll out form, can someone else do it for them?
A: If the person has a POA, then see response to Q1. Otherwise, the HOH should proceed with the paper form.
Q4. I have POA over HOH who does not have email, can I fll out the Income Affdavit for them?
A: See response to Q1.
Document Formats and Uploads
Q1. What format can attached documents be? jpeg? pdf?
A: The attached documents should be in pdf format.
Q2. How do you attach/upload the homeowners’ insurance documents?
A: Please see the “how to video” on the landing page on the website (www. coopcity.com) – step 16,18 and 19.
Q3. Can you post the steps to upload the insurance document in the Coop City Times?
A: Steps to upload the insurance documents will be posted in the Co-op City Times and can also be found in the “How to” video on the website, www.coopcity.com
Q4. Do you need to use a scanner to attach a document?
A: Yes, if you do not have an electronic version of the document, you will need to scan it and save it as a PDF.
JASA’S “Resisting Injustice” Celebration
JASA Older Adult Center held their annual celebration of Black History Month on Friday, Feb. 21, in the Bartow Center’s Rm. 31 from 11-2:30 p.m. Titled “Resisting Injustice,” and held on the 60th anniversary of Malcolm X’s death, the event invited community members to honor the legacy of their ancestors. Organized by Ms. Margaret Chinnery, Ms. Daisy Windley, and Ms. Diane Windley, the celebration included skits, quizzes, dancing, drumming, and the singing of the Black National Anthem.

“We have to continue to connect with each other because we are a part of the source of humanity and we should not let anybody divide us,” said Ms. Kemi Seriki, who led the pouring of libations.
Audience members sported African fabrics to mark the occasion. Ms. Sylvia Lewis, Ms. Marilyn Gobern, and Ms. Carol Matland gave “Pop Up” historical lectures on Claudette Colvin, Alice Coachman, and El Nacimiento de los Negros. Ms. Lisa Wade, president of the Co-op City National Council of Negro Women, was the guest speaker at the celebration.

Q1. Can you put the “How to” video on Riverbay website?
A: Yes. The “How to” video will be made available on the website, coopcity.com.
Q2. Last year when I completed the Affdavit online, I was not able to get a copy. Will I get a copy this year?
A: Yes, if you contact the Riverbay Finance department with your information, a copy of the completed form will be sent out.
Q3. Will the original hard copy be mailed out for those not completing online?
A: Yes, it will be.
Q4. Does the digital form do the calculations automatically?
A: The form will automatically calculate the total household income.
Q5. How do you get a generic email address?
A: Please use Yahoo or Gmail to create a generic email.
Q6. What is a T-Code?
A: Your account number or “T-Code” is found on the top right side of your monthly carrying charge statement.
Photos by PM Campbell
Blocking Fire Hydrants
Shareholders and other Co-op City drivers are reminded that it is illegal to park within 15 feet on either side of a fire hydrant. This rule is always in effect, no matter the time of day or day of the week.
The 15-feet rule is in place to protect public safety. Firefighters must be able to access fire hydrants in case of an emergency. Any delay can be catastrophic and result in life and death outcomes.

The standard fine for parking too close or blocking a fire hydrant in all five boroughs of New York City is $115. Additional penalties can include towing and impoundment fees, increased insurance rates and additional legal consequences for repeat offenders.
Last week, as a result of firefighters’ efforts being impeded in two cases in the city, one of which occurred in the Tremont section of the Bronx and resulted in the death of at least two people, Queens City Council Member Joann Ariola is proposing stricter penalties for parking at hydrants. Council Member Ariola has put in two bills, the first to raise the fine for parking or blocking a fire hydrant from $115 to $1,000. The second bill would make reporting and ticketing offenders easier by allowing the public to send videos of vehicles blocking hydrants to 311. This would result in automatic summonses issued to the vehicle’s owner.
The two bills are currently being drafted by the City Council’s legislative division. They will be introduced to the City Council when they are finalized.

Income Affidavit Information Sessions
Shareholders are reminded that the annual Income Affidavit period begins in April.
The virtual Information Sessions currently being held each month on Zoom, and in-person, are for shareholders to familiarize themselves with the digital Income Affidavit process should they choose to take advantage of this filing option. Those with questions can also use the Information Sessions to get answers.
These virtual Information Sessions are different from the Help Sessions that are facilitated by the Riverbay Finance department during the Income Affidavit filing period which begins in April and where Finance staff assist shareholders to fill out the Affidavit and notaries are available to notarize the form.
Paper Income Affidavit forms will be mailed to all shareholders when they become available.
Share Your Comments & Suggestions with Riverbay
Shareholders are encouraged to submit input on how to improve services and service delivery as well as other ideas that impact the quality of life of Co-op City residents.
If you have a suggestion you’d like to share with the Riverbay Board and/or Management, visit the Home page of the official Co-op City website, coopcity.com, or scan the QR Code here to be connected. Scroll down to “Useful Links” and click on “Send Comments & Suggestions.” Be an engaged shareholder. Help improve quality of life in Co-op City.
Help Grow Our Online Readership
If you read the Co-op City Times online at issuu.com/ cctimes or follow us on social media at X, Threads, Instagram or Bluesky, @coopcitytimes, be sure to like and follow the newspaper so we can optimize data and analytics and identify and evaluate alternative options to produce and deliver the newspaper to reduce cost.
We appreciate your support!

Follow the Co-op City Times on Social Media & Help Grow our Online Readership! The Official Newspaper of Co-op City!

Co-op City Times
Co-op City’s official newspaper serving the world’s largest cooperative community. (718) 320-3300, ext. 3375 cctimes@riverbaycorp.com
Rozaan Boone Editor-in-Chief
Danielle Cruz Managing Editor
Brandi Simpson Junior Associate Editor
Ralph Henriquez Production Manager
Jennifer Piovanetti Operations Manager
John Crow New Media Producer
Sheldon Green
Multi-Media Advertising Manager
Brandon Ortiz Media Assistant

MetroCard Bus Schedule 2025
Einstein Loop: 10 a.m.-12 p.m. Dreiser Loop: 1 p.m.-3 p.m. on the following dates: • March 31 • April 30
May 30

June 30
July 30
August 29
September 30
October 30
December 30
Bartow Center: 10:30 a.m.-3 p.m. on the frst and third Tursday of each month, Co-op City Blvd. near the eye care store.
Te MTA advises that if there is a vehicle parked in the designated Bus space, the MetroCard Bus may be a few spaces away from its original location. For information on the exact location of the Bus, please call 511.
Important Notice to Shareholders of Building 32
Article SIXTH of your Occupancy Agreement provides, in part, that your lease automatically renews for an additional three (3) year period. You need to do nothing if you want your lease to extend for another three (3) year period. If you will be moving out at the end of your lease, notify Riverbay, in writing, Attention: Sales Support Office, 2049 Bartow Avenue, Bronx, NY 10475, ninety (90) days prior to lease expiration.
Building 32 A & B
4180 & 4160 Hutchinson River Parkway
Current Lease
Expiration Date: May 31, 2025
New 3-Year
Expiration Date: May 31, 2028
P.M. Campbell Media Assistant
Send Us Your Letters: The Co-op City Times welcomes issue-oriented letters to the editor to be considered for publication. All letters, in prose, not poetry, must be addressed to the editor, not to third parties. All letters must be signed by the writer and include their address and phone number, which will be kept confidential, so that the editor can verify the authenticity of the author.
Writers will be limited to one letter per topic. Anonymous or unsigned letters will not be accepted for publication. Letters cannot exceed 350 words. Ideally, they should be typed. All letters must be submitted to the Co-op City Times by 3 p.m. Monday to be considered for publication in that week’s edition. Email cctimes@riverbaycorp.com or mail to 2049 Bartow Ave., Room 21, Bronx, NY 10475.
Views and opinions expressed in letters and Directors’ Viewpoint are solely the writer’s, and not necessarily shared by the Co-op City Times or Riverbay Corp.
Advertisements and classified advertisements in the Co-op City Times do not necessarily reflect an endorsement from Riverbay Corp. of goods and services, but present greater options to cooperators of products and services available.
The Riverbay Corporation does not assume any responsibility nor is it a party to any contract or agreement between the cooperator and the vendor. All matter published herein is copyrighted by the Co-op City Times Permission for reprints of advertising or editorial contents produced by the Co-op City Times must be obtained in writing from Riverbay Corporation, 2049 Bartow Ave., Bronx, NY 10475.
CCTimes Non-Delivery Number
If the Co-op City Times is not delivered: Call 407-666-8317 on Saturdays only, 9 a.m.-1 p.m.
Public Safety Report

Fire Safety – Part 1: Fire Exit Plan
Riverbay Corporation and Co-op City Public Safety Department (CCPD) are serious about fire safety for all residents and members of the Co-op City community. CCPD and NYPD receive calls in regard to fire or smoke emergencies and are sure to respond to these calls as priority. FDNY Firehouse Ladder 61 and Engine 66 is located at 21 Asch Loop between Bartow Avenue and Aldrich Street across from Garage 4 and the CCPD stationhouse. Our FDNY fire station’s convenient location allows firefighters to reach all members of the community in rapid response times.
CCPD and CCPD Emergency Services Unit (ESU) often arrive at the scene of a smoke condition or fire at the same time or before FDNY. Upon arrival, CCPD conducts an initial assessment confirming the condition, identifying access control and verifying location of the condition with FDNY to ensure expedited and coordinated response. Based on the condition, additional units may respond, emergency exits and access points to the building are identified and, when appropriate, evacuation procedures begin. When FDNY arrives to the scene, FDNY takes the lead in fire and smoke/gas conditions and police personnel assist with evacuation. Precautions and fire safety are the responsibility of both first responders and every human being in the area, including resident cooperators. Here are some tips and safety precautions to consider that can help save lives.
Know Your Exits
First responders and the Fire Department of New York City under the “FDNY SMART” initiative suggests that every home and business create a fire plan. Whether you live in a triple core, chevrons, tower or townhouse, become familiar with all the exits on your floor and in the building. Learn the different routes in the basements around the laundromat to get to the surface and out of the building. Familiarize yourself and your family with FDNY fire pull stations for emergencies. When attending an event or if you are inside a community center or hall, take a quick scan to see where the exit doors are in the room, and within the community center. There are several emergency exits in all community centers and buildings. Also notice the fire pull stations and hydrants in and around these event halls as well.
Plan To Exit
The number one plan in the event of a fire is to leave expeditiously but calmly. If a fire alarm is pulled, it is always best, unless otherwise told by fire or police,

Public Safety Blotter
February 9, 2025 – February 15, 2025
February 09, 2025
620 Baychester Avenue – A cooperator reported returning to their parked vehicle and observing that all four tires were removed from the vehicle without their permission.
120 Casals Place – CCPD responded to a call of an assault in progress. Upon arrival, CCPD interviewed two non-residents involved in the incident. A female assaulted a male, causing injuries and strangled him, causing him to lose temporary consciousness. The female was placed under arrest by CCPD and processed.
February 12, 2025
900 Co-op City Blvd. – A cooperator reported that a confirmed delivered package had been removed from the lobby area by an unknown individual without their permission.
120 Alcott Place – A cooperator reported that a confirmed delivered package had been removed from in front of their apartment door by an unknown individual without their permission.
170 Dreiser Loop – A cooperator reported that a confirmed delivered package had been removed from the lobby area by an unknown individual without their permission.
Co-op City Department of Public Safety: (718) 671-3050
Tips/Concerns/Comments: info@ccpd.us
Follow on X: @CCPDnyc
Visit us at: www.ccpd.us

to EXIT the building immediately through the nearest exit, closing all doors behind you. Do not break windows as additional oxygen from outside may cause the fire to move faster through a building. Avoid elevators. Leave the room and head for the closest Exit sign and get out of the building immediately. If visible smoke is in the area, it is best to lower your body as smoke rises.
Safety Precautions Before a Fire
Part of an exit plan is ensuring all identified exits are clear at all times. All exits in apartments, halls, offices, and community centers should always be clear of clutter. If anyone observes bags and items left at the doorway as people are entering and leaving for an event, bring it to the attention of those in the area and assist in removing the clutter from the doorways. In your homes, all family members are tasked with the responsibility of ensuring all exit doors and windows are clear of clutter or furniture that may accumulate over time. This can prevent casualties in case of a fire or smoke emergency.
Exit Fire Plan Don’ts
Do not attempt to fight a fire. The best way of surviving is to leave immediately. Do not attempt to find personal belongings that you may consider valuable. According to the National Institute of Health and United States Fire Administration, the leading cause of death in fires is smoke inhalation. A quick exit by you and your family limits the amount of smoke inhaled and immediately increases survival. Close all doors behind you as you move. This slows the spread of both smoke and fire. Get out and stay out. Once out of the location, immediately dial 911. Do not assume others have called for help. Anyone who smells smoke but does not see smoke or fire should not hesitate to dial 911 or Co-op City Department of Public Safety to investigate.

Alert: Graffiti vandalism
If you witness anyone tagging or spraying graffiti on Co-op City property, notify Public Safety immediately at 718-6713050. If your cell phone is handy, snap a photo and send it to Public Safety.
February 14, 2025
140 Elgar Place – A cooperator reported that a confirmed delivered package had been removed from the lobby area by an unknown individual without their permission.
2063 Bartow Avenue – A Rite Aid employee reported that a suspect had removed multiple cosmetic items from the shelves before fleeing the establishment. Canvas of the area for the suspect by CCPD yielded negative results.
4120 Hutchinson River Parkway – CCPD observed four youths on the 13th floor B staircase loitering with one of the youths residing in the building. The shareholder of record for the youth residing in the building received four Community Complaints for Loitering.
February 15, 2025
140 Erdman Place – CCPD responded to a call about an individual threatening another person with a knife. Upon arrival, CCPD interviewed a non-resident female who reported that the suspect had threatened her with a knife and a drill. The suspect, a cooperator, was placed under arrest and charged with menacing and criminal possession of a weapon and was processed accordingly.
For information on CONTRACT OPPORTUNITIES ONLY, please contact: Lenya Garcia at Lgarcia@riverbaycorp.com; and Anatoliy Budnitskiy at abudnitskiy@riverbaycorp.com. Please note: emails should be sent to both parties. Please DO NOT email resumes for EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITIES to the aforementioned emails. For EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITIES, please see below for instructions.
There are no contract opportunities to list this week. Please check back.
For employment opportunities, please visit the following sites:
www.Glassdoor.com https://bit.ly/3SgI9Go

www.ZipRecruiter.com https://bit.ly/3Se8bdw

Candidates may review full position descriptions and apply at any site Current Riverbay employees should submit a transfer request and resumé directly to the HR department.
Thank you for your interest in working for Riverbay Corporation

City Times / February 22, 2025

Director’s Viewpoint Leslie Peterson, First Vice President
Striving for a More Well-Rounded Society
I love this community for a variety of reasons, but especially because of the opportunity it afforded me to teach my children the importance of respecting and embracing different cultures, their contributions and the experiences they share that make for a more well-rounded society. When special cultural holidays or celebrations arise during the year, I try to acknowledge and applaud the accomplishments.
This month in Co-op City and throughout the city, communities are celebrating Black History Month.
Black History Month is a time to reflect on and honor the contributions of Black individuals throughout history, as well as to address the systemic struggles they have faced. This celebration is important for several reasons: It ensures that the achievements and experiences of Black people, who have often been marginalized, are recognized and celebrated. This helps to prevent eliminating our history and provides an opportunity for education. This month helps raise awareness about the ongoing struggles faced by Black communities, whether that’s related to racial injustice, economic inequality, or unequal access to opportunities. By celebrating Black role models and leaders, we provide young people with positive examples and the belief that they, too, can achieve great things regardless ofbackground.
While the month focuses on Black history, it invites broader discussions of race, identity, and unity. It encourages all communities to come together to learn, share experiences, and work toward healing and progress. Embracing diversity means bringing together people with a variety of perspectives, experiences, and backgrounds. This creates more creative and innovative environments because different viewpoints contribute to problem-solving, creativity, and decision-making. Equity focuses on fairness, ensuring that all individuals have access to the resources and opportunities they need to thrive. It’s not about treating everyone the same but rather understanding that different people face different challenges and may need different levels of support to achieve equality in outcomes. It’s about valuing every individual, regardless of their race, gender, religion, or any other characteristic.
Yes, I appreciate Co-op City because more than in any place I have ever lived, we strive to get it right.
Gas Detector: During the week and on weekends, the installation of the gas detectors is taking place. As of the last information received, we have at least gone through Section 1 and were recently completing Section 2. Please make sure you are home for the installation. When your detector is installed, make sure you read the information regarding the detectors thoroughly. It will tell you about the frequency of testing, how to know if the battery is low and most importantly what NOT to do should gas be detected. Currently, the deadline for completion remains at May 1, 2025.
Electronic Filing of Affidavit: On the 25th of February on Zoom (see CCTimes) and in person, the next seminar will be held at the Bartow Center in Rm. 31 at 7 p.m. Shareholders will have the opportunity to review the process of submitting their affidavit electronically. Management was made aware of several glitches faced in the process last year and they have been rectified. When filing electronically, documents do not have to be notarized. It is open to all shareholders.
SUMMER YOUTH EMPLOYMENT: The Summer Youth Employment Program (SYEP) applications are now available for youth and young adults between the ages of 14 and 24. The deadline to apply is February 28, 2025. You can apply one of two ways: online at https://application.nycsyep. com, or for 14 & 15 year olds and for 16-24 year olds at https://application.nycsyep.com/DocumentLibrary Buildings and Grounds: One of the committees I chair is the Building and Grounds Committee that
consists of Building and Townhouse presidents (or a designated representative). We always have our Grounds and Building directors, but we have also had great input from invited guest departmental spokespersons. To help deal with issues in their area more expeditiously, I requested a list of the janitorial and grounds supervisors and the buildings or townhouses they cover. The janitorial information was distributed to all presidents. I have encouraged the presidents to invite some of our speakers to their Building meetings and some have done that.
Residential Sales and Restoration (vacant units): I also chair the Residential Sales Committee and although we are discussing and suggesting some possible changes, the most exciting is the 3D Unit View. When applicants purchase units and prepare to move in, they want to know various dimensions. The purchaser may be excited and want to show family members before they move in. Well soon, through the work of our Assistant Exec. General Manager, Mr. Smith, they will be able to go to our website and take a 3D view of the unit and various rooms. This will also be helpful to those who already reside here that may want to purchase furniture or appliances. Not only the square footage but also some dimensions will be obtainable.
In last week’s Co-op City Times, the succession information was made available. Per a suggestion and thanks to our General Counsel’s office, a video presentation is being prepared of the succession rights accompanied by some questions and answers that we hope will be helpful. Once completed, it will be shared on the Riverbay website and YouTube channel.
The Sales department has guidelines it must follow. Different from outside rentals or purchases, Riverbay has to follow the Mitchell-Lama Rules and Regulations. Additionally, once Riverbay sells a unit, it is not considered completed until Homes and Community Renewal (HCR) gives their approval.
I want to thank the members of these committees, both the Management staff and the shareholders who give their time, energy and share their ideas to assist us in becoming more efficient.
“Nobody made a greater mistake than he who did nothing because he could do only a little.The greater the power, the more dangerous the abuse. The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.” –Edmund Burke
I am pleased to be of service to the community. I can be reached by e-mail at lpeterson@riverbayboard.com.
Extermination Services Available to Co-op City Shareholders
For a service appointment, call the Extermination dept. at (718) 320-3300, option #3.

Building 21 Association
Greetings, Building 21!
Our next meeting will be via Zoom on Thursday, February 27, at 7 p.m. sharp. No password necessary. Just go to: www.21watchparty.com
Our special guest will be Diane Cooper, founder and director of Caregivers Outreach Mentorship Empowerment, Inc. (COME).
A reminder that this is your community. We must stay informed and engaged! Your Building Association is where you can start to be engaged in your community. As shareholders, there are rules we must follow. Safety is important to us. Please report any suspicious activities around our building to Public Safety! Discard large items in the basement.
Gas detectors are being installed. Please schedule an appointment with the Maintenance department.
We need floor captains on every floor; please volunteer to be a floor captain on your floor.
Questions, comments, and suggestions are always welcome. You can place dues and/or suggestions in our lockbox located in the laundry room (next to the television). Our yearly dues are $10.
Our regular monthly meeting is every fourth Thursday of each month. You may contact us at our email us at 21association@gmail.com
Stay safe and well!
—Jarasia Wilson
Broun Place Townhouse Association
February 2025’s Black History Month has begun, so please let’s all make a special effort to honor events, participate in efforts to recognize the strengths of people of color, and listen to possibilities to correct past mistakes.
Regarding “Window-Guard forms,” as a townhouse resident, it doesn’t apply to you unless you have elected to purchase window guards. There is a line in the article, “in all high-rise apartment buildings.” If you have a question, call CSO.
We read of the passing of two people who gave themselves to community efforts selflessly. Former president of the Board, Jake Powell is recognized for his work, and our friend, Novella Thomas. Broun Place wants to add that she put herself into many organizations’ work. Broun Place worked with her as an organizational colleague. During the 50th Anniversary Committee work for example, she left to help family. Novella trusted us with her original move-in paperwork, which verified information the Committee needed. She was a 100% unselfish person that believed in involvement.
Secure balcony and terrace items that are blowing in the wind or remove them for the season. Congratulations to the new businesses opened. We wish them success and hope residents will patronize them. Lately, the former shoe repair in Dreiser has become a different business.
Thank you for renewing or joining our association. Our association accepts new members any time. The membership fees are $12 a year. Fees go to supplies and support of emergency efforts, for example, in case of a neighbor or family members death. Neighbors, we need your support, join the townhouse association.
Did you know vehicles parked in Broun Place cul-de-sac are required to have “Disability Placards” to park in the no parking zone? Please report to our CCPD, 718-671-3050, or the 45th Precinct, if you notice an unmarked car.
Please donate your gently used items using the recycling bins at the front and rear of the garage buildings. The collection recipient’s name is on the bin. Do not leave clothes on the dumpster pad.
The Police Athletic League and City Harvest are receiving a donation from Broun Place Townhouse Association in lieu of our usual donation to CCPD’s toy collection.
Call the following number to report non-delivery of the Co-op City Times, 1-407-666-8317, Saturdays only, from 9 a.m.-1 p.m.
An important thought to live by, “Today’s effort is tomorrow’s reward. Let’s make every moment purposeful.” —Sheryl Hatwood
Dog owners train your dog to be quiet and please clean up behind them.
We urge you to read your Co-op City Times. Have a great week.
—Eva Kindaichi-Lazaar

Black History Makers: Julius Rosenwald’s Contribution to
Black History
(A personal perspective)
Creations by Blacks for reportedly 110,000 items are everywhere on the world stage. Even under the worst of life situations in these United States, they were inventors. Imagine what it would be like without Henry Sampson (co-inventor of the Gamma-Electric cell used in cellular phones), J. Rhodes (toilet), Alexander Miles (automatic elevator door), John Lee Love (portable pencil sharpener), etc.
Given these historical facts, conscious, deliberate efforts have been ongoing to prevent equal opportunities in education on all levels for Black, Brown and poor students. Ancestor Booker T. Washington did not allow racial hatred based on skin color to deter him, and reached out to a Jewish friend, Julius Rosenwald, to assist with building schools for Black children in North Carolina. Rosenwald was a partner in Sears, Roebuck and Company in Chicago, Illinois. Rosenwald later established the Julius Rosenwald Fund to build schools for Black children throughout the South. A two-room schoolhouse, one teacher, three grades in each room was the model. No indoor bathroom or running water. Books outdated by White students were given a new cover and sent to the Black schools. No books were allowed to have Black images (1950s). Students were lined up in a row by grades as teachers made assignments and kept students engaged. There were no disciplinary issues and 100% parent participation. Teachers had to purchase many of their own supplies. Recess was fun time and students had lots of fun without fights. There was a 4-H and other clubs. No children were on any type of medication. Children with special needs were provided extra help.
Graduates of Mayflower Elementary School moved on to segregated high schools where every student’s need was met. You either went to college or learned a trade. The high school dropout rate was low and usually because of farm responsibilities. The school system and stores were completely segregated. Drinking water fountains had large clear signs, “Colored” and “White.”
Therefore, in my opinion, Julius Rosenwald, a Jewish man, should be celebrated for his contribution to Black History in the town of Warrenton, NC, my hometown, my Mayflower Elementary School.

Director’s Viewpoint
Daryl Johnson
Upcoming Resolutions
We’re going to have a board meeting on Wednesday, February 26, 2025, in the Bartow Center. So, let’s briefly review some of the resolutions that will be presented during this meeting.
Poor Actions
If you work for any entity, then you should always be concerned about the quality of your work. Moreover, managers and directors should always do their best to stay abreast of the latest trends and technology in their field. This way, they and everyone can see that they’re conducting their business in a very good manner.
On the other hand, can you imagine reading a board resolution that doesn’t cite the best qualities of a department? For example, here are the exact words from an upcoming board resolution that our board is going to consider: “the manner that the Procurement department operates today is very inefficient, time-consuming, and doesn’t make much use of available technology. …”
Now, how do you think that professional managers at any type of entity would deal with a department if they had to consider these statements? Do you think that they would allow a department to continue to exist in this manner?
Well, let’s look at how our management wants to resolve these issues. According to this resolution, management wants to spend $189,535.90 plus tax over a period of three years to purchase a program named BidNet Procurement System.
Some of the key features of this program are: “Benefit from largest supplier network with over 600,000 active suppliers. Improve administrative efficiency. Increase responses from qualified and desirable bidders. Ensure transparency and compliance. …”
Now, this program seems to be good, right? Yes! However, I had to consider the way that business is actually being conducted here. For instance, I’ve published several viewpoints about how management has presented very poor resolutions to our board. One resolution was about how the Co-op City Times is distributed here.
Typically, a driver will pick up bundles of this newspaper from a printer. Then, they will simply
Good day, shareholders.
place these newspapers into our buildings, our townhouses, and our community centers. That’s it! But, let’s look at just one of the bidding specifications to win this contract:
“The contractor shall include a list of the last five projects that it managed of similar facilities, scope, size & cost of work, with customer reference contact information.” So, who else but the current vendor can meet these exact requirements?
So, management can bring in any bidding system here. But, how can a bidding system be useful to a department when prospective bidders have to deal with these requirements? Furthermore, can you believe that our Procurement department has used two of the most popular software programs for their operations?
Both of these programs, in the right hands, can achieve remarkable results for their department and for Riverbay. Regardless, can you believe that management wants to discontinue using these outstanding programs? Furthermore, can you believe that management thinks that the solution to the Procurement department’s performance is to waste almost $200,000 of our money on another software program?
Bottom line: There are a lot of other poor resolutions that management has produced for our community. So, we have to ask ourselves: Why are we continuing to allow this management agency to stay here?
No-Smoking Resolution
How is it that people can live in an apartment and have to deal with toxic secondhand smoke? On the other hand, how can anyone justify that their smoking is not damaging the health of other people? Look, a lot of cooperators are completely fed up with having secondhand smoke entering into their apartment.
So, our board will be reviewing an amended version of our no-smoking policy. Therefore, this resolution will “prohibit both indoor and outdoor smoking on Riverbay property... (a) where it is otherwise prohibited by law; (b) within 15 feet of all building doors and windows; (c) under porticos regardless of location.” There will be “a $300 fine for all violations of this Smoking Policy.” Also, “this resolution shall take effect as of March 1, 2025, subject to HCR approval.”
Building 33 Association
As you know, this is Black History Month. The Building 33 Association hopes that, amidst everything happening in the world today, we can all come together to celebrate by participating in the various activities within our community. All of us must support one another, and we can achieve that. You can explore a variety of activities mentioned in the Co-op City Times to show your support, and I mean everyone.
Do you know what is free for everyone? The ability to keep our building clean. Parents, please communicate with your children about the importance of maintaining a clean and safe environment, a place you can be proud to call home. Recently, on the 27th floor, someone defaced the wall with graffiti, which is unacceptable and will not be tolerated. Do you know anyone with the name “Allison” or someone who has a friend or relative by that name? Such behavior cannot be allowed in our community. We believe it is likely a child or teenager who is responsible for this act, as we cannot imagine an adult would engage in such vandalism. Please take the time to discuss this matter with your children. Your cooperation is greatly appreciated.
I have submitted a request to replace the garbage bins in the lobby. Until we receive the new ones, please be considerate and place any unwanted mail in the appropriate receptacles.
The building association was asked to consider providing free food and produce on Saturdays. What are your thoughts on this? Please email me at building33association@gmail.com to share your opinion.
Lastly, the building association meeting is scheduled for Thursday, February 28. Our guest speaker will be Interim Chief Frank Torres of the Co-op City

Do Not Block Fire Hydrants
Shortly after 3:30 a.m. on Sunday, February 9, 2025, a fire erupted on 80th Street in Bay Ridge, Brooklyn. When firefighters arrived at this scene, they discovered that several vehicles had allegedly blocked two fire hydrants. So, these vehicles allegedly delayed the efforts of the firefighters to get their hoses attached to these fire hydrants. A man died, and two people were treated for serious injuries because of this fire.
Then, shortly before 6 a.m. on Wednesday, February 12, 2025, a fire occurred on St. Anthony Avenue in the Bronx. Firefighters then raced to this address. However, published reports stated that several vehicles had allegedly blocked the fire hydrant to this affected building. So, some moments passed before the firefighters could effectively attach their hoses to that fire hydrant. Subsequently, two people were found dead in this building.
Please respect the law and never block a fire hydrant. Your thoughtfulness and cooperation can save lives. Thank you.
Contact Information
Please send a letter to: Board Director Daryl Johnson, Riverbay Corporation, 2049 Bartow Avenue, Bronx, NY 10475. Currently, here is my ONLY email account: djohnson@riverbayboard. com
I will never ask for or accept money from anyone. Therefore, please do not respond to any message with my name on it that requests money, money transfers, gift cards, personal information, or anything from you. And, please do not ever send money or anything to anyone because you saw my name on a false message.
Also, please call me ONLY at 718-671-4544 if you would like to have a brief discussion with me. And, please hang up your phone immediately if someone calls you and says that they’re Daryl Johnson or is associated with me and asks you for money or anything else.
Okay, that’s it for now. So, please have a wonderful week. And, may God bless you and your family. Thank you.
Public Safety Department. He would like to receive your questions in advance. We encourage everyone with any concerns regarding his department to attend the meeting and obtain the answers you seek. Email us at building33association@gmail.com with your questions. This is the time for you to speak to the chief and get the right answers.
The association would like to extend our condolences to anyone experiencing a loss. We would also like to wish a speedy recovery to our shareholder, Trudi Bynoe! We miss you, young lady! Get well soon.
Enjoy celebrating Black History Month, keep our building clean, and clean up after your dogs.
Take care and walk good.
—Andrea D. Mayo

Building 32 Association
I hope you had a great Valentine’s Day, regardless of relationship status.
Building 26 Association
Yummy and Healthy Lifestyle Series: A Success Despite the Snow!

On Feb. 15, the Building 32 Association had an event called “Love Thy Neighbor Free Valentine’s Tea Social” (pictured below). It was a post-Valentine’s Day event in which we showed appreciation for our fellow shareholders with music, complimentary tea, cookies, cake and a Valentine’s Day crafts table. It was
such a success, and neighbors got to meet each other for the frst time and reconnect with those they haven’t spoken to in a minute! We just love bringing neighbors/shareholders together. Trust me, it won’t be the last time we do something like this. Watch this space!
Our next general meeting will be on March 11 at 7:30 p.m. Our tentative guest is a big one! An important one that I don’t think you should miss. Our guest will be Bronx Borough President Vanessa Gibson. She will inform us about the state of our awesome borough, what plans she has for the Bronx going forward, and afterwards will listen to your concerns. Make sure you are here for this event with ears open to listen, minds open to understand, and tongues ready to ask questions.
—Ezekiel Springer Jr.
The Yummy and Healthy Lifestyle Series continues to prove that nothing can stop our community from prioritizing wellness, not even snow! This past Saturday, we had an amazing turnout, successfully serving 69 families with fresh produce.
In addition to distributing nutritious food, we were proud to provide free heart and kidney screenings, thanks to our partnership with Care Access. Ensuring our community has access to essential health screenings is just as important as promoting healthy eating habits.
ed volunteers. Your hard work makes all of this possible! We are always happy to welcome new volunteers, so if you’re interested in lending a hand, please contact me via email- CoopcityTA26@gmail.com.

One of the highlights of the event was the juice and smoothie demonstration led by local personal trainers Nick and Kam (pictured above). They introduced a variety of delicious and healthy alternatives to sugary drinks, showing attendees how simple it is to incorporate nutrient-rich beverages into their daily routines.
My personal favorite? The Immunity Booster Juice—a refreshing and powerful blend of turmeric, ginger, and pineapple, packed with vitamins and anti-infammatory benefts.
For those who couldn’t make it, don’t worry! Yummy and Healthy is here to stay as long as the community continues to ask for it! Due to its growing popularity, we encourage attendees to arrive early to make the most of the event. Our meal bags go quickly.
Upcoming Yummy and Healthy Dates: Saturday, March 8 & March 22, Building 26 Association meeting room, 12 p.m.-2 p.m.
A huge thank you to our incredible team of dedicat-
Movie & A Meal Fundraiser – Happening Today! Join us for our special Movie & A Meal fundraiser, featuring “Six Triple Eight,” a Tyler Perry flm. This powerful movie tells the story of the 6888th Central Postal Directory Battalion, the only all-Black, all-female unit deployed overseas during World War II. These courageous women played a crucial role in organizing and delivering a massive backlog of mail to American troops, ensuring that soldiers received long-overdue letters from their loved ones. Entry: $8. All proceeds go directly toward the Yummy and Healthy Lifestyle Initiative, helping cover costs for food delivery and event supplies. Meal Includes: Baked chicken, mac and cheese, mixed vegetables, cornbread, unlimited popcorn. Come out, enjoy a great flm, a delicious meal, and support a cause that helps keep our community healthy!
General Meeting – Save the Date! Tuesday, February 25, at 7 p.m. Join us for our general meeting, featuring guest speaker Nicole Manchand from CSO, who will share valuable community updates. This is a great opportunity to stay informed and get involved!
Finally, we’d like to wish all our February birthdays a very happy and blessed one!
Thank you for being part of this journey. See you at the next event!
—Tanya Cruz-Cooke

Co-op City Toastmasters Club

In honor of Football’s All-American game, we hosted a “Pre-Super Bowl Celebration.” Our Pre-Super Bowl event was flled with excitement, camaraderie, and plenty of fun! We gathered to enjoy traditional Super Bowl foods, games, and, of course, a motivational speech. The evening was full of laughter as Eagles fans gathered on one side of the room and Chiefs fans on the other. We played two thrilling games—Rising to the Top and Paper Dragon—with TM Andra Haye and TM Jasmine Wade emerging as the winners. Congratulations to them! TM Louise Mercado delivered a heartfelt speech on mentorship, sharing stories of both being a mentor and a mentee and how these experiences shaped her life. She seamlessly connected her message to the Super Bowl, making the speech even more impactful. Big congratulations to TM Louise Mercado for completing her Level 2 and qualifying to compete in this year’s Area International Contest on March 4! We also want to give a warm welcome to our newest member, TM Jasmine Wade, who joined Co-op City Toastmasters during the Pre-Super Bowl event. We’re thrilled to have her with us! As a special touch, everyone received a Super Bowl ring because, in our eyes, we’re all winners.
We invite you to join us and be part of the fun. Toastmasters offer an opportunity to learn, grow, and be better communicators in a supportive environment.
During our networking session, we met entrepreneurs who shared their stories as they work their way up the ladder of success. Please contact club president TM Kim Sudderth for more information.
Please note, club meetings are held at 177 Dreiser Loop, Rm. 5, and we look forward to seeing you. In the meantime, you may check us out on all social media platforms. Meeting schedule below. Doors open half-hour before scheduled meeting times.
March 2025: CCTM (1st and 3rd Thursday)
March 6: First Thurs. – Networking at 6:30-7:30 p.m.; Toastmasters, 7:309 p.m., “Night at the Oscars”
March 20: Third Thurs., 7:30 p.m., Toastmasters Meeting
March 29, Saturday, Open House – Special Event (details to follow)
BAS: Second Tuesday/monthly
March 11: Toastmasters Meeting
Additional club information can be found at 3824.toastmastersclubs.org; Toastmasters.org; and info@d46toastmasters.org or leave a message at 917299-2429.
—K. Sudderth
REMINDER – Carrying Charge Boxes
Building 6 Association
Happy Saturday, neighbors. I hope when you read this it fnds you in good standing. It’s the frst president of the United States of America and two Civil Rights icons birthdays. We will share fun facts about them this Black History/ Herstory Month.
Happy birthday to George Washington, 2/22/1732. Here are three fun facts about him.
1. George Washington was mostly self-educated.
2. After the Revolutionary War, he had the chance to become king but chose not to as he didn’t believe in partisanship.
3. Washington inherited slaves at the mere age of 11 years old. He was against the slave trade and ended the practice in Mount Vernon.
Happy birthday to Civil Rights Leader John Lewis, 2/21/1940. Here are three fun facts about him:
1. Lewis was one of the frst 13 Freedom Riders in 1961.
2. Lewis was the youngest speaker at the 1963 March on Washington.
3. Lewis was the frst Black lawmaker to lie in state at the US Capitol Rotunda. Happy birthday to Civil Rights Icon Rosa Parks, 2/4/1913. Here are three fun facts about her:
1. Rosa Parks was involved in activism as early as 1943.
2. Rosa Parks was arrested on 12/1/1955 for refusing to give up her bus seat to a white man in Montgomery, Alabama. This act of defance helped launch the Civil Rights Movement.
3. Rosa Parks was the frst woman in American “herstory” to lie in honor at the US Capitol.Black History/Herstory Month reminds us to dig deeper and think bigger when we understand how important our own stories are.
Building 6 is a collective of all ethnicities, religions, races and creeds. We all want to live in a clean, safe, harmonious environment. This is our home. Honor your neighbors, for we are all in this together.
Thank you to Mr. & Mrs. McCaster and Mr. Hector Falcon for hosting “Seenager” Game Day (pictured at right); a good time was had by all and it further fostered community pride.
If you see something, say something, call 718-671-3050 or dial 911.
If you are experiencing mental health distress, please dial 988, the hotline is open 24/7.

As always, I pray for safety over all. God speed.
—Lauren K. Lassiter

Shareholders are reminded that the carrying charge deposit boxes located in the community centers open on the morning of the frst business day of the month and close at midnight on the 10th of the month, which is the last day to pay your carrying charges before a late fee is accessed. If the 10th of the month falls on a weekend or holiday, the carrying charge boxes remain open through the next business day. Riverbay Management

African-American Association of Co-op City

In celebration of Black History Month, we begin and end with quotes from the ancestors.
“Overcoming poverty is not a task of charity; it is an act of justice. Like slavery and apartheid, poverty is not natural. It is manmade and it can be overcome and eradicated by the actions of human beings. Sometimes it falls on a generation to be great. YOU can be that great generation. Let your greatness blossom.” —Nelson Mandela
Note to our Youth: We are counting on you and pruning your branches so we can bask in your glow and enjoy the fruit of your blossoming. Now, go be great!
Coming Events
March 15: Intergenerational Celebration of Family and Community: A Line Dance Event, Einstein Center, Rm. 45
April 5: Open Mic/Fundraiser, Saturday, 4 p.m.-8 p.m., Dreiser, Rm. 15
April 12: Wholistic Health & Wellness Fair, Saturday, 3 p.m. on Zoom, Meeting ID: 841 3081 8479, Passcode: 920061
May 3: Open Mic/Fundraiser, Saturday, 4 p.m.-8 p.m., Dreiser, Rm. 15
May 17: 12th Annual Co-op City Spelling Bee, Sat., 1 p.m., Dreiser, Rm. 4
May 18: General Meeting, Sunday, 3 p.m., on Zoom
June 7: Visit our table at the Co-op City Fair, 12 p.m.-6 p.m.
June 8: Pre-Juneteenth Celebration, Sunday, 3 p.m., AAACC Elections, Dreiser, Rm. 15
August 17: Marcus Garvey Drum Circle Celebration, Section 1 Greenway or Dreiser, Rm. 15 (in case of rain)
September 6: Visit us at the Co-op City Fair, 12 p.m.-6 p.m.
Building 13 Association
We’ve had a few very cold days, some snow, some warm days here and there and then cold days again. This type of weather can be tricky and without warning you may get sick, so please remain bundled up in layers. Stay warm, healthy and take care of yourself.
The Building Association Meeting was held on Tuesday, February 11, during which we discussed the scheduled natural gas detector installation. I mentioned that they would be here within a couple of weeks; however, they were moving along faster than expected and we received notifcation that the detectors will be installed on the 15th and 16th. Although this was scheduled during a long weekend, I hope that many people were home and able to get the installation completed. However, if you were unavailable on the scheduled dates, please contact the Safety Department at 718-320-3300, ext. 3388, to reschedule. When you call, leave a message with your identity.
I want to again thank our invited guest speakers, CCPD Interim Chief Frankie Torres and Lt. Thomas, for attending our meeting and answering our questions. Shareholders left with a better understanding of how recruitment and classes for new offcers are prepared. A question was asked and answered, assuring us of the extensive training the offcers receive. Shareholders expressed their continued confdence in the work being done by CCPD. All were glad to hear a new class was starting soon and certifcations were being approved more swiftly.
Savor The Bronx – It’s restaurant week. I am reminding and sharing information so you can participate in this event that gives the restaurants an opportunity to have you experience their delicious foods by offering a prix fxe menu or a discount for a meal. Discover the new eateries that the Bronx has to offer.
Summer Fun Day – The Building 13 Association, along with the Section 2 Buildings and Townhouses (Bldgs. 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, Cooper Place and Debs Place Townhouses), met and discussed our plans for the upcoming Summer Fun Day. This year, our Section 2 Summer Fun Day will take place on Saturday, June 21, 2025. We hope to bring some new activities and maybe some old favorites. If you are interested in volunteering, inform your building or townhouse executive board. We want to thank Councilman Riley, DYCD, McCall’s Bronxwood Funeral Home and Bob’s Discount Furniture for their assistance in sponsoring this endeavor.
September 13: Open Mic/Fundraiser, Saturday, 4-8 p.m., Dreiser, Rm. 15
September 21: General Meeting, Sunday, 3 p.m., Dreiser, Rm. 15
October 11: Open Mic/Fundraiser, Saturday, 4 p.m.-8 p.m.
October 19: General Meeting, Sunday, 3 p.m., Dreiser, Rm. 15
November 16: General Meeting, Sunday, 3 p.m., on Zoom
December 6: Open Mic/Fundraiser, Saturday, 4-8 p.m., Dreiser, Rm. 15
December 13: Pre-Kwanzaa Event, Saturday, 3 p.m., Bartow, Rm. 31
AAACC Membership: $25/year for single membership and $35/year for family/household membership. Zelle us your payment using our email address. Email: aaaccpower@gmail.com. Call: 646-883-9095. The African-American Association of Co-op City, P.O. Box 702, Co-op City Station, Bronx, NY 10475. AAACC Programs
Belly Dance Classes: contact Xonia Wilson at 646-301-9438. Evening Line Dance Classes: contact Cynthia Dixon at 917-903-7073. Co-op City Baptist Church “Gospel Line Dancers:” contact Joyce Smith at 718-320-0714.
We wish you and yours a prosperous Black History Month. We encourage you to take part in all Black History Celebrations and to be of service to your community. We leave you with this in celebration: “Hate is too great a burden to bear. It injures the hater more than it injures the hated.” —Coretta Scott King ––Michelle Marbury
Black Forum
Emergency Food Pantry: 920 Baychester Ave., Bldg. 1A (opposite basketball court). Pantry is open Thursday and Friday, 11 a.m.-12:45 p.m. for grocery distribution. Guests are eligible to pick up food once a month. All guests must present a pantry card, at least four to six clean shopping bags with handles and a shopping cart to receive food. We will not place food in black bags because they pose a safety hazard. Section 5 guests should visit the Co-op City United Methodist Church at 2350 Palmer Avenue to pick up groceries. This distribution site is open Thursdays, 11a.m.-1 p.m. Groceries are supplied and distributed by Black Forum. Religious affliation not required. For the safety of our staff and other guests, mask-wearing is required.
Note: Because of budget limitations, only guests living in zip codes 10475 and 10465 will receive service, although 10465 guests can only get a one-shot package of groceries.
New Client Registration & Re-Certifcation for Returners: Registration and recertifcation goes through March 2025. To register or re-certify, individuals must be 18 years or older and present a valid IDNYC card (zip code 10475), NY State Driver’s License, or NY State Non-Driver’s License. Call 311 to apply for a free IDNYC card. Passports, Medicaid and Medicare cards, employment identifcation, and Access-A-Ride identifcation are not accepted. All household members must be present with valid identifcation and reside within the 10475 zip code. The intake forms will only include the number of household members who are able to show up in person at the offce. Please bring a mid-sized to large shopping cart and clean shopping bags for grocery pick up. All current pantry guests must re-certify to continue receiving food assistance. New guests and those who previously registered but did not re-certify in 2024 are also welcome to register.
Those living in Sections 1, 2, 3 and 4 should register or re-certify at 920 Baychester Avenue. Section 5 residents should go to United Methodist Church on 2350 Palmer Avenue. Registration and recertifcation go through March 2025.
Upcoming Trips: Black Forum is excited to announce an exciting season of events in 2025!
Saturday, April 26: Join us for a trip to the Wind Creek Casino in Bethlehem, PA. Enjoy a $65 trip fee, including $25 in casino Slot Play. Payments due by March 21.
Saturday, June 28: Get ready for a day of fun at Caesars Atlantic City Casino, NJ. The trip fee is $65. Casino Slot Play is $10. Payments due by May 16. Saturday, August 16: Join us for a visually stunning show at Sight & Sound – NOAH! Then, enjoy lunch at Shady Maple Smorgasbord. Cost is $225. First payment to hold a seat is $75 and is due by April 25; second payment of $75 is due by May 23; last payment of $75 is due by June 20.
Note: No refunds will be issued. Bus pick-up locations: 920 Baychester, Asch Loop, and Einstein Community Center. For more information on these trips, please call 917-209-5334 or 929-464-5520.
—Leslie Peterson
“Peace is the beauty of life. It is sunshine. It is the smile of a child, the love of a mother, the joy of a father, the togetherness of a family. It is the advancement of man, the victory of a just cause, the triumph of truth.” —Menachem Begin Visit our Facebook Page at: Building 13 Association Inc.–Co-op City. Email us at building13assoc@yahoo.com. Contacts: Leslie Peterson, president, 718320-1370, or Wendell Mattison, V.P., 917-330-1380. Thank you for supporting our team.
Contact Us: coopcityblackforum@gmail.com –– D. Illis

Building 22 A&B Association
Good morning, cooperators. Co-op City is dealing, as always, with strong winds, so please be careful. Our prayers to the country dealing with fooding and bridge closures.
Enjoy all the activities during Black History Month. The Co-op City Times has information on what’s going on.
What is happening with the MTA cameras sending out tickets for double parking? Talk to your representatives to stop this program.
Please join us at our next meeting on February 24, at 7 p.m. in the association room, on the (B) side, 100 Co-op City Blvd. Bring ideas for this year’s events. Please keep our building clean.
Compactor Rooms: Continue to practice good recycling habits.
Laundry Room Etiquette: As always, return on time to remove your clothes. Read the etiquette board for instructions.
Happy birthday to all. Prayers to all who lost loved ones. Please check on the sick and shut-ins. If you see something, say something. Blessed week.
—Betty Leak
Building 24 Association
Dear, cooperators. The Building Association wishes everyone a happy and healthy new year. Our frst meeting of the new year will be held on Wednesday, February 26, at 7 p.m., in our Community Room, located under the portico to the right when exiting the building from the rear lobby door. All are invited to hear Diane Cooper from Caregivers Outreach as she discusses services available for seniors. Information about her organization appears in the Co-op City Times twice a month and she does work in the community along with AARP. We hope the meeting will provide some useful information for seniors, their caregivers and families.
We want to mention the loss of two of our members who recently passed on. Flora Keitt and Helen Mella attended meetings and were spirited members offering their opinions on issues in our community. Flora, with help from friends, created and maintained our beautiful garden located on the south lawn of the building opposite the basketball court. It remains a ftting memorial to her love for the community and community spirit. I could always count on her for advice and support. Helen was socially minded and wanted me to organize more trips for the shareholders. Both remain an inspiration and will be missed.
I want to encourage everyone who notices anything in or around our building that requires maintenance to take a few minutes to call Riverbay or our building workers and report it. I have made many such calls and all have been answered and followed up on. Remember, we’re shareholders and we can all take part & pride in keeping our homes and surroundings beautiful.
—Bruce Silberman
CCPD Package Delivery Reminder

Shareholders ordering online packages are strongly encouraged to utilize alternate delivery locations supplied by online services.
Direct delivery to lockers, hubs, and secure alternate delivery locations will decrease inconvenience, reduce crimes of opportunity and provide a reliable method of securing delivered items.
Building 28 Association
Dearest shareholders.
I am delighted to report that our association is fourishing, thanks to the tireless efforts and generous contributions of numerous shareholders. Ms. Applegate, I extend my sincerest gratitude for your pivotal role in establishing our initiatives and volunteering your time. Your generous donation and heartfelt card have profoundly touched us, reminding us that our hard work and dedication are valued and recognized. This inspires us to strive for even greater heights, fostering a sense of community and collaboration. As we stand together, we become a powerful catalyst for positive change, driving innovation and progress. I encourage everyone to participate in the enriching Black History Month events happening throughout Co-op City.
We have an exciting lineup of events on the horizon, including salsa lessons, and I eagerly look forward to seeing your enthusiastic participation.
Please note that Window Guard forms must be completed by all apartments, regardless of whether you have children or not.
Building Association dues envelopes are currently being distributed. If you require an envelope, please do not hesitate to reach out to us. For any questions or concerns, please contact us at building28Association@gmail.com
Let us cherish life’s precious gift and strive to live it to the fullest. By embracing kindness, compassion, and empathy, we can create a supportive community that uplifts and inspires one another.
Stay well, safe and healthy.
—Idalia Reyes
Building 10 Association
Greetings, fellow cooperators.
New Cooperators – Welcome all new cooperators. We look forward to seeing you at the next general membership meeting.
General Membership Meeting – Our next general membership meeting is scheduled for Thursday, Feb. 27, at 7 p.m. in the Association Room located in the rear of Building 10B. Doors will open at 6:45 p.m. Our guest speaker will be Vanessa L. Gibson, Bronx Borough President. We are looking forward to seeing everyone. Light refreshments will be served.
Building Captains – The Building 10 Association is looking for building captains. If you are interested in being a building captain, please slip a note under the association room door with your name and phone number and we will get back to you.
Tip of the Week: Noise/Sounds – Noise/sound travels up, down and sideways. Let’s remember that our neighbors may be on a different schedule and sleep during the day. Please be courteous to your neighbors regarding noise and sounds.
If You See Something, Say Something – For emergencies, call Co-op City Public Safety at 718671-3050 and NYPD at 911. For non-emergencies, call 311. You can also contact CCPD at their anonymous tips hotline: 718-879-6311.
Suicide Prevention – If you or someone you know is contemplating suicide or in emotional distress, the number to call for help is 988; you can call or text. Someone is available 24 hours a day.
Questions, Comments and Suggestions – You can contact the Building 10 Association via email at Building10Assoc@gmail.com or drop a note in the suggestion box in the laundry. We are also on Facebook, “Building 10 ABC Association.” Like our page and get notified of all the happenings in and around Building 10.
We would like to wish all who are born this month an incredibly happy birthday. Celebrating an anniversary this month? Happy anniversary!
To the homebound and sick, we wish you a speedy recovery. To all who have lost a loved one recently, we offer our deepest condolences.
“In the end, we will remember not the words of our enemies, but the silence of our friends.” —Martin Luther King Jr.
Have a great week.
—Jewel Crawford-Duncan
National Council of Negro Women
Youth Committee – Today is the big day! NCNW is sponsoring our 24th Annual Black History Celebration! This year, our theme is “Ain’t No Stopping Us Now.” Our budding singers, dancers, poets and instrumentalists will be turning out to entertain us. The whole community is invited to come out and support our talented youth! Come out and enjoy our future leaders and performing artists in the Dreiser Center, Auditorium A, from 12 p.m. to 3 p.m. Besides, you just might win a pair of FREE Mary J. Blige tickets!! This will be a joyous afternoon.
NCNW National – NCNW hosted its frst national membership meeting on January 23, with close to 2000 in attendance. Board Chair A. Lois Keith, and President and CEO Shavon Arline-Bradley laid out what is critical to the success of NCNW for moving forward to thrive in 2025. Materials were shared so that members can revisit key points from the meeting and further support efforts in the work done by sections and affliates.
It was less than a year ago that National Council of Negro Women staff and section members joined hundreds of protestors on the steps of the Supreme Court of the United States to urge justices to uphold the Biden-Harris Student Debt Relief Plan. This plan provides student loan cancellation of up to $20,000 for eligible borrowers.
February is Heart Health Awareness Month (con’t) – Half of all American adults have high blood pressure, also known as hypertension. Many do not even know it. High blood pressure develops when blood fows through your arteries at higher-than-normal pressures.
Blood pressures are written as two numbers separated by a slash like this: 120/80 mm. Hg. You can say this as “120 over 80 millimeters of mercury” or just as “120 over 80.” The top number is your systolic pressure, which is the force of the blood fow when blood is pumped out of the heart. The second number is your diastolic pressure, which is measured between heartbeats when the heart is flling with blood.
Your blood pressure changes throughout the day based on your activities. A healthy systolic blood pressure is less than 120 mm Hg. A healthy diastolic is less than 80 mm Hg. Your blood pressure is high when you have consistent systolic readings of 130 mm Hg or higher, or diastolic readings of 80 mm Hg or higher. Symptoms from high blood pressure don’t usually occur until it causes serious health problems. That’s why it is important to have your blood pressure checked at least once a year.
Social Media – Remember you can fnd us on our website: www.ncnwcoopcitysection.com; on Instagram: NCNW Co-op City and email: ncnwco.opcity@gmail.com.
—Joyce Howard

Building 20 Association
Hello, neighbors.
The Building 20 Association meets every third Thursday at 7 p.m. in the Building 20 Association Gathering Room, located at 120 Asch Loop on the ground floor. Please join us in order to obtain information from our guest speakers. You can also enjoy refreshments and an opportunity to participate in a 50-50 raffle drawing.
Remember, this is your home. You can make it better. You can make things happen. We encourage you to show that you care by getting involved, attending the monthly gatherings, obtaining pertinent information, and meeting your neighbors. We look forward to seeing you.
Please stay safe and be a good neighbor.
—Francine Jones
Co-op City Baptist Church
Rev. Dr. Sheldon E. Williams and the Co-op City Baptist Church family invite you to join us for Worship Service tomorrow at 8 a.m. in-person only and at 11 a.m. in-person and on Zoom. Sunday School classes for all ages will be held at 9:30 a.m. We are located at 135 Einstein Loop, Rm. 50 (lower level), Bronx, NY 10475. Telephone:718-320-3774. Email: ccbc135@optimum.net or coopcitybc@gmail.com. Website: www.coopcitybaptistchurch.org. Masks are required.
The 11 a.m. service is also available on Zoom at https://us04web.zoom. us/j/9623430102 or Zoom Telephone Conference Line, 646-568-7788; Meeting ID: 962 343 0102#, Password: 788175#. You can also go to YouTube, search for “Co-op City Baptist Church” and watch us there.
The church’s free conference call line dial in number is 857-357-0254, Access Code is 660065#. Rev. Williams asks everyone who calls into the Sunday Worship service to use Zoom through your computer or dial-in using the Zoom information shown above.
This Week’s Events: Wednesday Bible Study Classes at 1 p.m. and 5 p.m. are on Zoom. Prayer Warriors Prayer Service on Thursday at 12 p.m. are held on the church conference call line. The Circle of Grace Knit and Crochet Group will meet in person at the church, Rm. 51, on Thursday at 2 p.m. The Friday Mid-Morning Prayer Service is at 10 a.m. and the Friday Evening Prayer Service is at 7:30 p.m. Both services are on the church conference call line.
The Gospel Line Dance Class will meet this morning from 10 a.m. until 12 p.m. in the Einstein Community Center, Rm. 35. There is no fee for this class. Come pray, dance and worship the Lord.
Our Black History Celebration will take place tomorrow, Sunday, February 23, at the 11 a.m. service. The guest preacher will be Rev. Dr. Calvin R. Kendrick, Pastor of Grace Baptist Church, Bronx, NY. All are invited.
The next CCBC Food Giveaway will be distributed on Friday, February 28, from 2 p.m. to 5 p.m. in front of the Einstein Community Center. Please remember to bring your own bag and perhaps a cart. Some products can be heavy.
March is Women’s History Month. The First Lady’s Ministry presents HerStory on Saturday, March 22, from 10 a.m. to 12 p.m. at the church. The guest speaker will be Bronx Borough President Vanessa L. Gibson. The theme this year is: “Moving Forward Together! Women Educating & Inspiring Generations.” Donation: adults $15; youth and young adults $5. A light lunch will be served. For further information, kindly contact the church at 718-320-3774.
The church has a free app available on your app store by putting in “Co Op CBC.” This app is open to all.
“GOD is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble.” Psalm 46:1
The Co-op City Baptist Church exists to glorify God and to establish a living community of people who follow the teachings of Jesus the Christ through worship, prayer, Bible Study and fellowship. We seek to meet the spiritual and physical needs of the church through ministry.
—Marilyn C. Williams

The NAACP marches to defend democracy and combat racism and discrimination in communities across the country. We meet the fourth Sunday of the month at 3 p.m. The NAACP Co-op City Branch Offce hours are 10 a.m.-1 p.m., Mondays and Wednesdays.
Support Costco! Costco supports DEI (Diversity, Equity and Inclusion). —Leticia James, Attorney General Invitation to the Co-op City NAACP Estates, Wills and Trusts Event! Join us on Sunday, February 23, at 3 p.m. at the Einstein Community Center, Rm. 36, for an informative session on managing your estates, wills, and trusts. Learn about the importance of planning for the future and protecting your assets. Don’t miss out on this opportunity to gain valuable insights from an expert in the feld. Please make sure to RSVP so the facilitator can have suffcient handouts. This event is CLOSED. Thank you.
February 22 – Watch the airing of the 56th NAACP Image Awards Ceremony at 8 p.m. on BET and CBS. Dave Chappelle to receive the prestigious NAACP Presidential Award and the Wayans family to be inducted into the NAACP Image Awards’ Hall Of Fame.
Invitation to the Back to Civics Workshop Series on Tuesday, February 25, at 7 p.m. in the Association’s Rm. #36. The topic is “Black History Month –The Icons & How They Changed the World,” hosted by Felix Omozusi, Civic Engagement chair. To RSVP, call 718-320-3210 or e-mail: felix.omozusi@ gmail.com. Seats are limited.
116th NAACP National Convention will be in Charolette, North Carolina, July 12–16. Policy discussion, strategic sessions and networking opportunities concerning voting rights, economic equity, education, criminal justice reform and more.
We want to extend our condolences to all who have lost a loved one and wish a speedy recovery for those who are on the mend.
Follow us on Facebook: “Co-op City NAACP.”
P.S.: Looking to make an even greater impact? Become a champion for change and join us to keep advancing for community. Annual membership: Adult, $30; Youth, $10; Silver Life, $750. Make check/mo. payable to: NAACP Co-op City. Mailing address: NAACP Co-op City, 135 Einstein Loop, Rm. 36, Bronx, N.Y. 10475.
To leave a message, call the offce phone at 718-320-3210 or email naacpccity2210@gmail.com.
—Brenda Brown
Building 29 Association
On Wednesday, February 12, Building 29 held its monthly meeting. Our featured speakers were Diane Cooper from Caregivers Outreach and Michelle Ferreira from Essen Healthcare.
Ms. Cooper spoke of numerous things, primarily regarding family caregivers, including support groups and resources (“Caregivers Outreach” appears two times a month in the Co-op City Times, plus there is a monthly Zoom meeting). She also discussed issues confronting caregivers (such as discharge planning in the emergency room versus in the hospital).
Ms Cooper also touched upon elder law attorneys, AARP volunteers that help caregivers, a future intergenerational “tech” program (starting in July), and importantly, youth caregivers SHARKS Program, which provides monthly support. There were brochures about all these options.
Contact info for caregivers (including SHARKS): Info@comeoutreach.org or 718-379-3159
Info regarding Elder Law Attorneys: Alyssa@monteleonlaw.com
Michelle Ferreira introduced us to Essen Healthcare. Contact: 718-3956210 or essenhealthcare.com.
Note: International Women’s Day will be celebrated (free) on March 7, 122:30 at Bartow, Rm. 31.
Finally, there was a discussion on how to get more young people involved in our building association. It was suggested that everyone who knows a young person (that means you), bring that person to one of our meetings. Also, it was suggested that a speaker geared for young people be invited (all suggestions are welcome).
With this thought in mind, Cynthia Dixon, our amazing dancer and dance instructor, will be teaching a free one-hour session of line dancing (1-2 p.m.) for youth of all ages on Feb. 22 and March 1 in our association room. This should be lots of fun!
Lastly, our book club will be reading and discussing “Wish You Were Here” by Jodi Picoult on Friday, March 28, 7 p.m. (via Zoom). All are welcome.
Meanwhile, stay well and safe and warm!
—Katharine Wood
DID YOU KNOW... There is a Lost and Found located in the Bartow Community Center’s Public Safety offce. Please check there if you have recently lost keys, glasses, or other items.

Greetings, retirees and friends,
Retirees of Dreiser Loop
We hope everyone enjoyed the Presidents’ Day holiday weekend. We thank all of those who accompanied Serita Grayson on the Wind Creek Casino trip on February 14. It was a beautiful day, and everyone had a wonderful time.
Dreamgirls at the White Plains Performing Arts Center – Sold out Thursday, May 1, 2 p.m. show. The bus will pick up in front of H&R Block at 12:30 p.m. Contact Serita for additional information at 347-564-5722.
Tropicana Casino Atlantic City Overnight – Two-days/one-night trip, Wednesday, May 28–Thursday, May 29. The price is $295 for double occupancy or $345 for single occupancy; includes a $25 food credit, $15 slot play and a “Tribute to Tony Bennett” show. A $50 deposit is due now to reserve a seat. The bus pick-up will be in front of H&R Block in Dreiser Loop.
Note: Serita will be available to collect trip payments on Tuesday, February 25, from 1-3 p.m. in Rm. 19 and on March 12, 1-2 p.m. at the Retirees’ meeting in Auditorium C.
Save the Date – Please mark your calendars and save the date for our June luncheon to be held at the Marina Del Rey on Wednesday, June 18.
center) on being awarded honorary membership by president, Dorothy Chambers-Byrd, and 1st vice president Nelson Sweeting.
Happy Birthday – We wish all our February celebrants an incredibly happy birthday and continued peace and happiness throughout the year.
Condolences – We extend our condolences to the Upton family on the recent passing of our honorary member George Ann Upton. We continue to keep those who have recently suffered a loss in our thoughts and prayers.

Honorary Member – Congratulations to Anthony DaCosta Cox (pictured
As we come to the end of February 2025, we are reminded that we have seen diffcult days in the past and we have prevailed. This year, major organizations are calling for a day of “Economic Blackout” for February 28, 2025. Only purchase essential needs (medicine, food, emergency supplies). No fast food, no online shopping, no major stores, no debit/credit card usage. We need to show major corporations and banks that we do have power, and they are only concerned with their own bottom line. For those of us old enough to remember, we have done this before, and we have been successful.
Our Tour Committee is making reservations for the remaining trips scheduled for this year, the Finger Lakes three-day trip and the Canada cruise. You can contact Ms. Wright, 718-379-3370, or Ms. Brown, 718-379-7962, to discuss payments/reservations and get all your questions answered. You can also come to our offce at 177 Dreiser Loop, Rm. 0, second foor, Monday–Thursday, from 11 a.m.-3 p.m. Phone #: 718-320-1946. Email: aarp4997@gmail. com. If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact our offce and leave a message. We will return all calls on our next offce workday.
AARP will be attending Assemblyman Benedetto’s Black History Luncheon and if you made a reservation with us, you may call and confrm. The
Good and Welfare – Please continue to keep Jay McKenzie in your healing thoughts and prayers along with any others who may be ill and/or shut-in. Please remember to notify Lorraine Parker at 718-671-6403 of any member illnesses or deaths.
Membership Committee –Annual membership dues are $25. Personal checks payable to the “Retirees of Dreiser Loop” can be mailed to Retirees of Dreiser Loop, 177 Dreiser Loop, Rm. 19, Bronx, NY 10475. Questions may be addressed to Mary at 718-655-9170.
General Meeting – Our next meeting will be held on Wednesday, March 12, at 1 p.m., in the Dreiser Center, Auditorium C. Please mark your calendars and plan to attend.
—Georgianna Rodriguez
date is February 27, at 12 p.m., in the Dreiser Auditorium.
As time approaches, we will be offering notary services for Income Affdavits again this year. All family members over the age of 18 must be present at the time of notarizing.
There are major concerns for health-related issues during this winter season. As of now, the rise in fu cases is predominant in this area. Covid, RSV, and respiratory diseases are also on the rise and may cause some restrictions on visitations at hospitals. There is still time to get a vaccine and protect yourself and others. These are your personal choices, and AARP will follow all guidelines and rules from Riverbay Corporation and NYS Department of Health.
Mrs. Wilson, our Health and Welfare contact, can be reached at 718-6715493 and advises that our members are continuing to recover nicely from their personal ailments, and we continue to send them our prayers. Ms. Baker, our Membership contact, can be reached at 718-379-2088 and is continuing her enrollment efforts and would love to hear from you.
We are here to serve—not to be served
—Ann Purnell
Goose Island Seniors
We are saddened by the loss of another member and good friend, Betty Ward. Our prayers are with her family.
Resort World – canceled for Feb. 6 and rescheduled for March 13. Bus arriving at Einstein Loop at 8:45 a.m.; Dreiser Loop at 9:15 a.m. Refunds available for those who cannot make the trip.
Uptown Motown Show – Tropicana Casino, AC; Thurs., March 27. Price: $160. Bonus: $25 slot play and $20 for food; $50 deposit to hold seat on bus. Balance due: Wed., Feb. 26. Bus pick-up: Einstein Loop at 7:45 a.m., in front of pizza shop; Dreiser Loop at 8:15 a.m., in front of hardware store.
Sight and Sound “Noah’s Ark” – Tues., April 15. Price: $225. Lunch at Miller’s Smorgasbord. Call: 646-579-1701.
Live Casino – Philadelphia, PA; Thurs., April 24. Price $70. No bonus, no food coupon. Celebrating Ione Foote’s birthday on bus. Waitlist only. Balance due: Wed., March 5.
Hunterdon Hills Playhouse “Swing” – Hampton, NJ; Thurs., May 1. Price: $180, includes luncheon and show; $50 deposit to hold seat on bus. Balance due: Wed., March 26.
Wind Creek Casino – Bethlehem, PA; Tues., June 10. Price: $70; bonus: $25 slot play. Balance due: Wed., May 21. Resorts Casino – Atlantic City, NJ; Tues., July 15. Price: $70; bonus: $10 slot play.
Myrtle Beach Show Trip – Mon., Aug. 25–Aug. 30. Call: 646-579-1701. Holiday Hills Senior Day – Prospect, CT; Tues., Aug. 19. Price: $150; $50 deposit to hold seat on bus. Balance due: Wed., July 2.
Portrait of Aretha Franklin show – Resort World Monticello, NY; Thurs., Sept. 10. Price: $150; $50 deposit to hold seat on bus. Bonus: $25 slot play. Private lunch. Wind Creek Casino – Bethlehem, PA; Thurs., Oct. 9. Price: $70; bonus: $25 slot play. Balance due: Wed., Sept. 10.
Foxwoods Casino and Tanger Outlet – Thurs., Nov. 6; Mashantucket, CT. No bonus, no meal voucher. Price: $70.
Brownstone Holiday Party – Mon., Dec. 8; Paterson, NJ. Delicious luncheon, dancing, DJ and band. Time: Einstein, 8:45 a.m.; Dreiser, 9:15 a.m. 2026 Norwegian Greek Isle Cruise – May 18–27, 2026. Price: $3,293$3,945. Call: 646-579-1701
Notary – with Yvonne Menefee, cancelled until further notice. Bingo – Mon., Wed. and Fri., 1 p.m.-3:30 p.m. Members only. Admission: $5
for 3 cards; $0.25 each additional card. Twelve games and jackpot. Refreshments. Game day – Tues. and Thurs., 1 p.m.-5 p.m. Dominoes, movies, socializing and more. Members only. Refreshments.
To All Members: Happy birthday to our members who celebrate in February: Jacqueline Delacruz, Ida (Mitzi) Cleare, Zelma Usher, Pethuel Hall, Lauren Frederick, Zoraida Garcia, Janice L. Walcott, Tommy E. Williams, Joyce Chaney, Lucila Correa, Yvonne Menefee and Aida Gonzalez.
Sick and Shut-in – Zoraida Garcia, Iraida (Greta) Feliciano, Yvonne Menefee are recuperating. Mary Pilla, our former president, sends her love to everyone. Call her at 718-753-1816.
Our club is at 135 Einstein Loop, Rm. 39, Bronx, NY 10475, the Section 5 Community Center. Phone: 718-379-9613. Stephen cell: 347-847-1941. Our email address is goose.island@optonline.net. $StephenCarlSr. Good health to all. —Stephen Roberts, Sr.
AARP #4997

Co-op City NORC Program Invites You for These In-Person & Virtual Activities
Bartow OAC Shopping Trips – Ikea, 2/26; Trader Joe’s, 2/27, & Costco, 2/28. Trips are $6, except for Ikea which is $12.
Acupuncture w/Dr. Flora Luyando – Bartow NORC offce, Wed., March 5 and April 2. Call 718320-2066.
Computer Class – in the JASA NORC offce. Every Wed., 4-5 p.m. Call 718-320-2066 to register. (Using Chromebook)
Free Tax Preparation in the JASA NORC offce, 2049 Bartow Ave. Income Limit: Up to $60,000. Mondays only from 10 a.m.-4 p.m. Call 718-3202066 for an appointment.
Common Pantry is scheduled for Tues., Feb. 25,
9 a.m.-12 p.m. Not accepting any new names at this time.
Bartow OAC International Women’s Day Celebration – Fri., March 7, 12-2:30 p.m. Please pick up a free ticket at the Bartow Center only.
Bartow OAC Trip – Medieval Times, Lyndhurst, NJ, show & lunch. Thurs., March 29. Cost: $130. Caringkind: The Heart of Alzheimer’s Caregiving Rep. will be in the Bartow main offce every third Monday of the month, 10 a.m.-1 p.m. for Alzheimer & Dementia Consultation/Health Care Proxy & Power of Attorney Consultation and other services. Please call 646-744-2921 for an appointment.
Technology Class – Thurs., 6:30-7:30 p.m. Di-
Mindful Mornings Tai Chi
9 a.m.-10 a.m.
Line Dance w/Sassy 10:30 a.m.-11:30 a.m.
Book Club, 11 a.m.-12 p.m.
Ageless Facials & Self Care 1-3 p.m. (Appt. only)
Movie w/Dennis: “Conclave,” 1 p.m.-3 p.m.
Walk w/Odessa
On Winter Break
Blood Pressure, 12 p.m.-1 p.m. (1st & 3rd Tues.)
Health & Wellness w/Ann 11 a.m.-12 p.m.
Adult Coloring, 12 p.m.-1 p.m.
Smart/phone & Tablet Class w/Julesa, 1:45 p.m.-2:45 p.m.
Dinner Hour: 3-4:30 p.m.
Stay Well Exercise w/Odessa 10 a.m.-11 a.m.
Line Dancing w/Cynthia, Wed. & Fri., 12:30 p.m.-1:45 p.m. (NORC) Of fce ONLY
Dinner Hour: 3-4:30 p.m.
Arthritis Exercise w/Damion 10-11:15 a.m.
Visual Arts w/Laura (Zoom) 10 a.m.-12 p.m.
Knitting/Crocheting w/Lynne & Betty, 11 a.m.-12:30 p.m.
Card Games w/Frankie, 1-2 p.m.
Dinner Hour: 3 p.m.-4:30 p.m.
Massage Therapy, 10 a.m.-12 p.m. Manicure, 10:30 a.m-12 p.m. Line Dance with Cynthia 12:30 p.m.-1:45 p.m.
Drama Club w/Dazee, 2-4:30 p.m., JASA NORC office NORC Office Only: Bereavement Hour w/Chaplain Gladys Baez, every Friday, 1 p.m. Call 718-320-2066 Dinner Hour: 3 p.m.-4:30 p.m.
Intergenerational Arts & Crafts w/Denise, 10 a.m.-12 p.m.
Salsa with Rasheem
10 a.m.-11 a.m., will meet in Dreiser, 2nd floor, Rm. 4
Word Games
10:30 a.m.-11:30 a.m.
Bingo on Saturdays 1:30 p.m.-3:30 p.m., in the back of JASA NORC of fce.
Never Too Old to Learn Spanish, 10-11 a.m., Rm. 35
Bridge to Care Arthritis Exercise w/Damion 11 a.m.-12 p.m., Rm. 45
Technology Lab w/Steve 1-2 p.m.
Trip: Museum of Broadway
9 a.m.-3 p.m.
Hair Care 4 U; 9-11 a.m., (appt. only)
Stretch & Tone w/Ola, 10 a.m.-11 a.m.
Bodies in Motion w/Ola, 11 a.m.-12 p.m.
Board Games, 1 p.m.-2 p.m. Art Lounge w/Tijay, 2-3 p.m.
Visual Arts, 10 a.m.-12 p.m.
Salsa Dance w/George 11 a.m.-12 p.m.
Chit & Chat, 1 p.m.-2 p.m.
Fit for Life Exercise w/Gail 1 p.m.-2 p.m.
Coloring for Calmness, 9:30 a.m.-10:30 a.m.
Chess Club, 10 a.m.-12 p.m.
Blood Pressure Screening, 10:30 a.m.-12 p.m.
Health & Wellness 2.0, Elder Abuse and How to Protect Ourselves, 11 a.m.-12 p.m.
Let’s Get It On Zumba 1 p.m.-2 p.m.
al-in number: 929-205-6099; Meeting ID: 862 5043 9695; Passcode: 896989.
Steel Drum Class – Wed., 1-3 p.m., NORC offce. Line Dance w/Bartow Swingers – Wed. & Fri., 12-1 p.m., Dreiser Loop, Aud. A. Notary – JASA NORC offce, Wed. & Thurs., 10 a.m.-1 p.m. Call 718-320-2066 for an appt. Dreiser OAC, Wed., 10 a.m.-1 p.m., Rm. 7. Call 718-3201345 for an appointment.
Please Call Einstein OAC for: Hair Styling, 1st & 3rd Wed. of the month, 9-11 a.m. Braids, haircuts, shape-up, twist, ponytails, curls and more. Facials & Manicure, every Mon., 1-3 p.m. Call 718-671-5161 for appointment.
Alternate Kosher Meals are available
Walmart (Monroe, NY) 10 a.m.-4 p.m.
Movie: “The Six Triple Eight” 1 p.m.-3 p.m.
Yoga Class w/Adira 1:15-2:15 p.m., Rm. 2
Current Events, 10 a.m.-11 a.m.
Art w/Gerry, 11 a.m.-12 p.m., Rm. 6
Leisure Games w/Clara 1 p.m.-3:30 p.m.
Zumba w/Ola, 1 p.m.-2 p.m., Aud. C
Tai Chi w/Jimmy, 2-3 p.m., Rm. 2
Computer & Tablet class w/ Ralph (Virtual), 6:30-7:30 p.m.
Mindful Morning Meditation, 9 a.m.-10 a.m.
Short Film Discussions, 10 a.m.11 a.m.
Arthritis Exercise w/Damion, 11 a.m.-12 p.m., Aud. A *NEW* Technology Class w/Steve, 1:15-2:15 p.m.
Drama Club, 1:30-3:30 p.m., Rm. 4
Sewing Class w/Joy 9 a.m.-11 a.m., Rm. 2
Cardio Exercise w/Gail 11 a.m.-12 p.m., Rm. 2
Body in Motion w/Ola 1 p.m.-2 p.m., Aud. A
Leisure TV, 2-4 p.m.
Sewing Class w/Joy, 9 a.m.-11 a.m., Rm. 2 Alert & Alive w/Cathy & Essie, 10 a.m.-11 a.m., Rm. 4
Knitting & Crocheting w/Loretta 10 a.m.-12 p.m.
Line Dance w/Sassy, 11 a.m.-12 p.m., Aud. A Bingo, 1 p.m.-2:50 p.m., Rm. 4
Menu fee for lunch is $2 & $5 for guests. All meals served w/margarine and fresh milk. Menu subject to change without notice.
For information, please call: (718) 320-2066. Schedule subject to change without notice.
Payments for trips can be made where noted, Mon.–Fri., 9 a.m.-12 p.m., and 2-4 p.m. only. Funded by: The NYC Department for the Aging, the NYS Office for the Aging and Riverbay Corporation. Must be 60 or older to become a JASA participant.
Menu Fee for lunch is $2 & $5 for guest. All meals served with margarine & fresh milk. Menu subject to change without notice.
LUNCH: KOSHER: (Plant Based) Scallion Ginger Tofu Stir Fry, Pearled Barley, Capri Blend Vegetables NON KOSHER: Caribbean Style BBQ Chicken, Roasted Potatoes, Sautéed Spinach
LUNCH: KOSHER: Beef Pot Roast, Couscous, Roasted Eggplant NON-KOSHER: Spanish Style Roast Pork, Black Beans & Rice, Steamed Collard Greens
KOSHER: Baked Breaded Fish, Classic Macaroni Salad, Beet & Baby Carrots w/ Dill Salad, Orange NON-KOSHER: BBQ Chicken, Roasted Potatoes, Sauteed Spinach, Apple
LUNCH: KOSHER: Baked Breaded Fish, Mashed Potatoes, Spiced Mixed Vegetables NON-KOSHER: Curried Chicken Legs, Pasta, Baby Carrots & Parsley
KOSHER: Stuffed Peppers w/Garlic Mashed Potato, Israeli Salad, Apple NON-KOSHER: Spanish Style Pork, Black Beans & Rice, Steamed Collard Greens, Orange
LUNCH: KOSHER: Pepper Flank Steak, Yellow Rice, Steamed Green Beans NON-KOSHER: (Plant Based) Chickpea & Vegetable Curry w/ Quinoa, Steamed Broccoli
KOSHER: Pepper Flank Steak, Yellow Rice, Steamed Green Beans, Canned Apricot NON KOSHER: Curried Chicken Legs, Penne Pasta, Baby Carrots w/Parsley, Apple
LUNCH: KOSHER: BBQ Chicken Leg Quarters, Orzo, California Blend Vegetables NON-KOSHER: Brown Stew Chicken, Rice & Peas, Mixed Vegetables
KOSHER: BBQ Chicken Legs, Orzo, California Blend Vegetables, Kiwi (10 GRAB & GO)
NON-KOSHER: Chickpea w/Vegetable Curry, Quinoa, Steamed Broccoli, Banana
Saturday: Lunch served at 12:30 p.m. until fnished: BARTOW ONLY
KOSHER: Roasted Turkey Breast, Couscous, Roasted Eggplant, Banana
NON-KOSHER: Fish w/Mushroom, Peppers & Tomatoes, Rice w/Pigeon Peas, Normandy Blend Vegetables, Orange
The Church of St. Thomas The Apostle
177 Dreiser Loop, second foor, Rm. 2.
Greetings, in the name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. The congregation and clergy of St. Thomas invite you to worship with us. Jesus said, “For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them.” (Matthew 18:20)
This Sunday is the Second Sunday before Lent. It is a day of devotion to the Holy Spirit, our sanctifer. To be sanctifed is to be made holy and set apart from the world. When we let the Holy Spirit into our lives, the gifts of the spirit we receive are made evident by the fruits that are produced from them. We are given the strength to follow the commandments given to us by Jesus: “Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy strength; this is the frst commandment, and the second is like unto it, namely this: Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself. There is none other commandment greater than these.” (Mark 12:30-31)
Second Sunday before Lent, February 23
• Communion Service at 11 a.m.
• Fellowship with light refreshments following the service.
Bible Lessons:
• 1 Corinthians 12:1,4-11
• Mark 12:28-34
Prayer: “O God the Holy Ghost, we pray thee to direct, sanctify and govern both our hearts and minds in the ways of thy laws and in the works of thy commandments: that through thy most mighty protection, both here and ever, we may be pure in body and in soul; through Christ our Lord, who with thee and the Father liveth and reigneth forever. Amen.”
—Rev. Dorian Miceli

St. Joseph’s Episcopal Anglican Church
St. Joseph’s is located at 155 Dreiser Loop, lower level, Co-op City, Bronx, NY 10475. Email: stjosephsepc@aol.com. Church phone number: 718320-0844. Priest-in-charge: Fr. Simeon Johnson; cell phone: 917-227-4303.
In-person worship service for the Seventh Sunday after the Epiphany will be conducted by Father Simeon Johnson at the church on Sunday, February 23, at 9 a.m. as well as via teleconference.
Please do not forget to tune in for the usual teleconference weekday prayers at 12 p.m. To participate by teleconference, dial 1-425-436-6344, Access Code: 509-898, followed by the # sign.
Pledge cards for 2025 are still available. Please collect, complete and return yours to the church as soon as possible. We know you want to help your church, so it is on these cards that you tell us about your areas of interest and expertise.
Upcoming Events and Fundraising Activities
March 5: Ash Wednesday, Imposition of Ashes and midday Service
March 22: Circle of Prayers starting at 12 p.m. Please bring your favorite prayer and/or poem to share, as well as your lunch. The church will provide dessert and drink.
March 29: Our famous Cake Sale at the church starting at 12 p.m. until sold out. Come on down, buy and take home some of our delicious baked goodies.
April 13: Palm Sunday
Open Doors, Open Hearts, and Open Minds Come and Visit Us – We are a multi-ethnic and bilingual, Bible-centered congregation with spirit-flled worship. Services are held in person at 2350 Palmer Avenue across from Building 30. Parking is available. You can also participate with us via Zoom (904 4685745) or Facebook Live (UMC Coop City). —Pastor, Rev. Sara Girón-Ortiz “He has shown you, O mortal, what is good. And what does the Lord require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God.” Micah 6:8 NIV
As Christians, we are called to be God’s representatives here on earth. In response to His immeasurable love, we strive to do His will. But do we

April 18: Good Friday
April 20: Easter Sunday (Hat Sunday)
May 31: St. Joseph’s Day –potluck, karaoke and raffe drawing. Raffe tickets are $5 for a book of six tickets. First prize, $300; second prize, $150; and the third prize, $75. Tickets are available from Valrie, 347-200-5850, and some members of St. Joseph’s.
June 28: Winery Trip to Pindar Vineyards in Long Island, luncheon at the Cooperage Inn and discount shopping at the Tanger Outlets; $160 per person and $50 to hold your seat. The balance of $110 is due by June 15, after which, there will be no refunds. For more information, please contact Sheila Russell at 718-320-0844 or 718-320-2654.
Condolences: Our thoughts and prayers go out to all our bereaved members, families and friends who have recently lost loved ones. Please keep them in your prayers.
Sick and Shut-in: We extend our well wishes and prayers for a speedy recovery. If possible, please visit them, call them on the phone or send them a card.
Birthday Greetings: Best wishes to everyone celebrating a birthday this month.
We are collecting food (cans and dry goods) for the pantry at Grace Episcopal Church, West Farms. If you can, please contribute for those in need.
Grace and Peace!
—Merville Chambers
truly understand what the Lord requires of us?
Micah 6:8 provides a clear and direct answer— one that leaves no room for speculation or excuses. The Lord’s directive is clear: act justly, love mercy, and walk humbly with Him.
To better understand how this verse applies to our lives today, let’s begin by refecting on what it means to “act justly.”
To act justly goes beyond the concept of social justice often emphasized in our society. In a broader sense, it means living with a deep commitment to moral integrity—acting in accordance with a proper sense of right and wrong. It involves striving for a world where all people are treated equally and given the opportunity to fully develop their potential. While this idea touches on political, judicial, and economic issues, it also encompasses everyday actions that promote fairness and equality for all.
Acting justly impacts how we treat others and how we live when no one is watching. It calls us to make a personal commitment to do what is morally right and fair in every situation—even when it is not the popular choice. It is a call to care for and act on behalf of those often overlooked, including those who don’t look like us or think like us.
Engaging in justice work is challenging, but it is not something we can simply demand from others. To act justly, we must personally commit to living justly ourselves. As Christians, we are called to stand against injustice with both our words and our actions because the Lord is a just God and requires us to act justly as well.
Come and Receive a Blessing: All are Welcome!
Theme for 2025: “God’s Love in Action with Joy and Thanksgiving”
Tuesday: English Bible Study at 6 p.m. via Zoom (904 4685745). “Rediscovering Our Spiritual Gifts” by Charles V. Bryant.
Thursday: Prayer Service (new time) at 11 a.m.
Pantry: 11 a.m.
Upcoming Events – Save The Dates
Sunday, February 23: Escuela Dominical at 11:15 a.m.
English Service at 11:15 a.m.
Servicio en Español at 12:30 p.m.

Thursday, February 27: LCOA Workshop –Healthy Habits at 12 p.m.
––Grace Abadia
Church of the New Vision
Greetings, in the name of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. The Church of the New Vision and Pastors Kenneth and Deborah Hodge welcome you to worship with us at 115 Einstein Loop North, Bronx, NY 10475. Church phone: 718-671-8746 and Pastor’s phone: 914-522-5039.
Our scripture verse for 2025 is: 2 Corinthians 2:14 KJV, “Now thanks be unto God, which always causeth us to triumph in Christ and maketh manifest the savour of his knowledge by us in every place.”
Sunday service is at 11 a.m. All are welcome. Masks are required.
Daily Noon Day Prayer Line: 12-12:30 p.m., Monday–Friday. Wednesday Night Bible Study and Prayer will resume on February 12. The Conference Line Number is 646-769-9900; Access Code: 3099388#. Please mute your phone.
February 16, 2025, Worship Service
Scripture: Isaiah 40:31 KJV, “But they that wait upon the LORD shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint.” (Psalm 25:5, 27:14, 62:5; Isaiah 40:25)
March 22: Self Care Women’s Event, 11 a.m.-3 p.m. Enjoy an afternoon of Christian fellowship and light lunch. Take time to refresh spiritually, mentally and physically. Contact Loretta Scott at 718-671-2623 to RSVP.
July 6-13: Celebrity Beyond, an eight-day/seven-night cruise from Miami. Ports of Call: Nassau, Bahamas, St. Thomas and St. Maarten. Inside Stateroom, $2656 pp; Ocean View, $2847 pp; Infnite Veranda, $2785 pp. Deposit $500 per stateroom to reserve your room. Final payment due March 9. Package includes: cruise, air*, taxes, fees, transfers, Wi-Fi, drink package & gratuities. (*Air rates may differ based on departing airport.) Contact Hermena Smith at 718-708-5035 or info@churchnewvisionbx.org to request payment link.
We continue to pray for speedy recovery for the sick and shut-in, and condolences to families who lost loved ones. We pray for good health and wellness for all.
Please mail contributions, tithes and offerings to: Church of New Vision, P.O. Box 75-3037, Einstein Station, Bronx, New York 10475. Thank you.
—Brenda Brown
Circle of Christ Church Iglesia Circulo De Cristo
Binding and Loosing
The concept of binding and loosing, in the Bible has been misconstrued as power over demons, nature, sickness and other things by believers. Taken within its context, it shows the church acting in concert with God to fulfll His will on earth through the church.
Matthew 18:18, “I tell you the truth, the things you don’t allow [forbid; bind] on earth will be the things God does not allow [forbidden/bound in heaven]. And the things you allow [permit; loose] on earth will be the things that God allows [permitted/ loosed in heaven].”
Jesus is explaining that what God has already ordained in heaven can be called by us to earth and He will honor its fulfllment. For example, when Elijah called for a drought in 1 Kings 17, he was repeating what God said in Deuteronomy 28:22 about punishment for forsaking Him. Elijah was in communion with God regarding the need for correction.
Matthew 18:19-20, “Again, truly I tell you that if two of you on earth agree about anything they ask for, it will be done for them by my Father in heaven. For where two or three gather in my name, there am I with them.”
When someone is causing misalignment in the Church because of their sinful behavior they must be addressed. Jesus is saying that God will sanction the united prayer of the Church to correct and bring restoration.
1 Corinthians 5:1, 4-5, “It is actually reported that there is sexual immorality among you, and of a kind that even pagans do not tolerate: A man is sleeping with his father’s wife… So when you are assembled and I am with you in spirit, and the power of our Lord Jesus is present, hand this man over to Satan for the destruction of the fesh, so that his spirit may be saved on the day of the Lord.”
This man was living in sin and needed the communion of the Church to bind and loose him.
2 Corinthians 2:6-8, “The punishment inficted on him by the majority is suffcient. Now instead, you ought to forgive and comfort him, so that he will not be overwhelmed by excessive sorrow. I urge you, therefore, to reaffrm your love for him.
Paul asks that the man be restored with love and comforted so he could return to the Church and rejoin the fellowship. He was bound and loosed through Church discipline.
Schedule (147 Dreiser Loop)
First Sunday of the month, Bilingual Communion Service is at 10:30 a.m.
Sunday: Spanish Service at 9 a.m. and English Service at 11:30 a.m.
Tuesday: Prayer at 10 a.m. and Bible Study at 12 p.m.
Wednesday: Nonperishable food distribution, 12-2 p.m.
Thursday: Prayer/Bible Study, 6:30-8 p.m.
Friday: Spanish Bible Study at 12 p.m. and Youth Service at 6:30-9 p.m.
Saturday: Women’s Fellowship, second Saturday, 12-3 p.m.
Young Adults, third Saturday, 12-3 p.m.
Men’s Fellowship, fourth Saturday, 12-3 p.m.
Blessings in Christ,
––Pastor Luis F. Ramos Jr.
Traditional Synagogue of Co-op City
120 Erdman Place, (back of 27B’s lobby) Bronx, NY 10475.
The Traditional Synagogue is happy to announce that we will be having a Post-Purim Brunch. Come join us for a wonderful afternoon on Sunday, March 16, at 1 p.m. The brunch is completely free of charge.The synagogue would appreciate donations to keep our shul open. If you would like to help, go to www. Gofundme.com/Traditional-Synagogue-of-Co-op-City to donate, or mail to the Traditional Synagogue located in Section 5, 120 Erdman Place, in the rear lobby of 27B.The synagogue has services on Saturday morning starting at 10 a.m. After service, we serve a hot/cold kiddush meal. Entrance to our synagogue for Saturday services is on the side door of Building 27B.
General Information
The Traditional Synagogue is located in Section 5, 120 Erdman Place in the rear lobby of 27B. It is on the ground foor and is handicap accessible, no steps. Phone #: 718-379-6920. Offce hours are Thursday and Sunday from 12 p.m. to 2 p.m. Please call the offce before you attempt to come over. If no one is in the offce, please leave a message. The synagogue has a Facebook page, “Traditional Synagogue.” The synagogue needs donations. Whatever amount you can donate, big or small, would help. The synagogue needs men to help make a minyan. There are a lot of Jewish men who live in Co-op City who do not come to services. Please come by 10 a.m., so we can take out the Torah.
The Traditional Synagogue is the only synagogue in Co-op City.
Sabbath ends on Saturday, February 22, at 6:31 p.m.
Candle lighting for Friday, February 28, at 5:26 p.m.
Good and Welfare: The congregation welcomes donations in honor or memory of a loved one. Any amount is greatly appreciated. For information about the congregation and its services, please call 646-285-1206.
To All Members: Happy birthday to Debbie Schwartz, Pauline Clair, Daniel Azizo and all our member who will be celebrating their birthday in February. Please send me your name and I will add it to the list.
Fun and Games: After services and kiddush, members play games.
Your support for the Traditional Synagogue is greatly appreciated. Wishing all our members and friends peace and good health.
—Bruce Gitelson
Newsong Church
Love Isn’t Blind
“Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her.” Ephesians 5:25 (NIV)
According to God’s Word, a husband’s love for his wife should refect Jesus’ love for His church. Husbands, this means that your love for your wife should be sacrifcial. When we hear the word sacrifce, our minds automatically go to the extreme example. I’ve heard guys say, “I love my wife so much, I would die for her.” That’s noble, and we should be willing to die for our spouse, but what about everyday sacrifce? More than likely you won’t be put into a position where you have to die for your wife, but you could do the dishes for her! You could let her pick out the movie or go shopping with her. If our love is going to be sacrifcial then it has to include things that she likes and fulfll needs that she has. Jesus’ love for us isn’t self-serving, which means that a husband needs to lead his wife and his family in love!
Join us this Sunday as we continue our teaching series all about love and marriage!
Newsong Church is a life-giving church right here in Co-op City! We believe that every person can know God, fnd freedom, discover their purpose, and make a difference in this world! No matter what you’ve been through or where you come from, you are welcome here. Join us for Sunday worship and see why God’s family is no ordinary family. Check us out at 135 Einstein Loop! Sunday Worship Experience, 11 a.m.: Our Sunday worship experience starts with celebration. We make music to please God and to build others up. Colossians 3:16 says, “Sing psalms and hymns and spiritual songs to God with thankful hearts.” We sing to bring glory and honor to God and celebrate who He is and what He’s doing in our church!
Newsong Deaf Church, Rm. 35: Our deaf worship experience is in ASL so that our deaf and hearing impaired can worship and fellowship in their own language!
Kidsong, Rm. 49: We’ve created a place where children can have fun and learn about Jesus on their own level!
Against The Flow, Rm.42: Every Friday at 6:30 p.m. ATF is Newsong’s student ministry. Today’s middle and high school students will lead the next generation of the church and change the world. At ATF, our goal is to graduate students into a lifetime of following Jesus.
So, what are you waiting for? There’s a God in heaven who loves you and has a purpose and plan for your life! Do you live outside of Section 5? Remember, a church alive is worth the drive! Come and fnd hope. Come and fnd healing. Come and fnd freedom. Contact Us
Mailing Address: 135 Einstein Loop, Rm. 42.
Phone: 917-342 2559 Email: CentralTeam@newsongchurchnyc.org
Prayer Request Line: Text “Prayer” to 877-899-7323
Website: www.newsongchurchnyc.org
Social Media: Facebook/IG/X: @newsongchurchbx; YouTube: Newsong Church NYC
—Pastor Mike Tolone
Pentecostal Tabernacle
100 Co-op City Blvd., Building 22A, Bronx, NY 10475. Tel. 718-3240334 or 718-320-4218.
Sundays: Sunday School at 10:30 a.m.; worship service at 11:45 a.m.
Wednesdays: Prayer and fasting service, 11 a.m.-1 p.m. Bible Study and prayer meeting held Wednesday evenings at 7:30 p.m. Effective fervent prayers change things. You will experience the power of Biblical prayer. God’s power is released through His Word. Study the word of God; it can change your life.
Fridays: Praise and worship service starts at 7:30 p.m.
All night services will be on Zoom. To join, call 646-931-3860, Meeting ID: 85748454513, Code: 850684#.
Focus: Micah prophet of right living: Micah 6:1-9, “Hear ye now what the Lord saith; Arise, contend thou before the mountains; and let the hills hear thy voice. Hear ye, O mountains, the Lord’s controversy, and ye strong foundations of the earth; for the Lord hath a controversy with his people, and he will plead with Israel. O my people, what have I done unto thee? And wherein have I wearied thee? Testify against me. For I brought thee up out of the land of Egypt and redeemed thee out of the house of servants; and I sent before thee Moses, Aaron, and Miriam. O my people, remember now what Balak king of Moab consulted, and what Balaam the son of Beor answered him from Shittim unto Gilgal; that ye may know the righteousness of the Lord, wherewith shall I come before the Lord, and bow myself before the high God? Shall I come before him with burnt offerings, with calves of a year old? Will the Lord be pleased with thousands of rams, or with ten thousand rivers of oil? Shall I give my frstborn for my transgression, the fruit of my body for the sin of my soul? He hath shown thee O man, what is good; and what doeth the Lord require of thee, but to do justly, and to love mercy, and to walk humbly with thy God? The Lord’s voice crieth unto the city, and the man of wisdom shall see thy name; hear he the rod, and who hath appointed it.”
The Requirements: The prophet questioned, in Micah 6:6-7, “Wherewith shall I come before the Lord and bow myself before the high God? Shall I come before him with burnt offerings, with calves of a year old? Will the Lord be pleased with thousands of rams, or with ten thousand rivers of oil? Shall I give my frstborn for my transgression, the fruit of my body for the sin of my soul?”
The answer is no. God does not want mere outward signs of contrition or a mere show of repentance. The Lord requires us to do justly, to love mercy and to walk humbly with God. (Micah 6:8) In the New Testament, Jesus simplifed the Law into two commandments. First, we must love the Lord with all our hearts. Second, we are to love our neighbors as ourselves. Matthew 22:37-39
—Rev. R. Sibblies

Community Protestant Church
Rev. Dr. Calvin E. Owens and the Community Protestant Church family welcome you to worship with us. We are located at 2053 Asch Loop, Bronx, NY 10475. You may contact us by phone: 718-862-9172, fax: 718-671-4416 or email: Administration@thecpcchurch.org.
Worship Schedule
In-person Sunday Morning Worship at 11 a.m.; Sunday School at 9:15 a.m. Every Wednesday: “Hour of Power Noon Day Prayer,” 12 p.m. on the conference call line: 712-432-3900, Access Code: 343284#. Online Bible Study at 7 p.m. via Zoom. Log in on Zoom.com or dial One Tap Mobile: 646-931-3860 or 929-2056099, Meeting ID: 813 089 803 39.
Save The Dates
Saturday, March 22: 11 a.m., Shepherd’s Ministry Prayer Brunch with Bishop Mary Freeman-Coaxum. Donation: $25.
Wednesday, March 6: 6 p.m., Ash Wednesday Service Thursday & Friday, March 27 & 28: Revival!
Let’s Have Church: For our moment in Black History, high school junior and Junior Usher, Tyron Brown, presented his original and artistic interpretation of the correlation between video games and Black History. He raised the question—what can you delete to make space to install God’s word, download love and launch hope?
Brother Tyron implored us to be transformed this Black History Month. Play the game. Show love and kindness to yourself and others even when it’s hard.
Our guest speaker was Minister Kirsten Holden. We know Minister Holden as the daughter of Rev. Dr. Helen Wingate, Pastor for the Greater Faith Baptist Church, the mother of our drummer, Christian Garland, and an organist and songstress. Now we know her as a preacher and a drummer, too! She came and turned up the temperature with her sermon, “I Once Was Lost,” taken from Luke 15:8-9 Minister Holden brought the energy when she sang a verse of “Amazing Grace.” She preached that we get so distracted by life that we become lost and lose focus, even while He’s leading us. And when we cry out, He answers! Only Jesus can bring you out of darkness to the marvelous light. You don’t have to be perfect, you have to be present. Rev. Tyrone Richardson delivered a robust prayer for the health, strength and restoration of our church during Altar Call. Hallelujah! Thank you for worshipping with us. We hope you will join us tomorrow morning, beginning with Adult Sunday School at 9:15 a.m. Come experience and explore all the new possibilities at Community Protestant, a church of love and understanding.
We extend our sincere and heartfelt condolences to church administrator, Sister Sarita Tidball, and family on the passing of her mother, Mrs. Linda Johnson, and to all who are in a season of mourning. To our sick and shut in members, please know that we are praying for you and for your speedy recovery.
We wish everyone celebrating their special day this month a very happy birthday. “Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path.” Psalm 119:105
—Lexa M. Mingo
Iglesia Cristiana Marcos 16:15
Located at 135 Einstein Loop Community Center, 2nd foor, Rm. 33. Paz de Dios sea con ustedes.
Iglesia Cristiana Marcos 16:15 les hace una cordial invitación a la comunidad hispana a congregarse con nosotros.
Si buscan una iglesia para adorar a nuestro Señor y Salvador, si te sientes solo, herido, deprimido, si necesitas liberación, nuestras puertas están abiertas para recibirte. Jesús está dispuesto y es capaz de liberarte y sanarte. Somos la única iglesia hispana en la comunidad de la Sección 5 y nuestras puertas están abiertas para aquellos que buscan una iglesia basada en la Biblia. Cristo nos ama tanto que dejo Su Trono de Gloria para salvarnos.
Juan 8:12, Jesús les habló de nuevo, diciendo: “Yo soy la luz del mundo. El que me sigue no andará en tinieblas, sino que tendrá la luz de la vida.”
Nuestra iglesia se encuentra en el centro comunitario de 135 Einstein Loop, Segundo piso, Salón #33.
Servicios Ofrecidos
Lunes: Estudios Bíblicos Español/telefónico, 9 p.m. (564-888-5521; Código: 696248)
Martes / Viernes: Estudios Bíblicos Zoom, 8 p.m. (ID 3447367643; Código: 3jEJ2W)
Jueves: Estudios Bíblicos telefónico: Ingles, 7 p.m.; Español, 9 p.m. (564-888-5521; Código: 696248)
Domingos: Culto de Adoración, 11:30 a.m.
La Santa Cena es el 1er Domingo del mes.
Que Dios le bendiga y recuerda que Cristo te ama.
Peace of the Lord be with you.
Iglesia Cristiana Marcos 16:15 cordially invites the Hispanic community to gather and worship with us.
If you are looking for a church to worship our Lord and Savior, if you feel alone, wounded, depressed, if you need liberation, our doors are open to receive you. Jesus is willing and able to free you and heal you. We are the only Hispanic church in the Section 5 community; our doors are open to those looking for a Bible-based church. Jesus loves us so much that He left His Throne of Glory to save us.
John 8:12: “Again Jesus spoke to them, saying, ‘I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will not walk in darkness, but will have the light of life’.” Services Offered
Monday: Spanish Bible Studies/phone, 9 p.m. (564-888-5521; Code: 696248)
Tuesday/Friday: Zoom Bible Studies, 8 p.m. (ID 3447367643; Code: 3jEJ2W)
Thursday: Telephone Bible Studies: English/7 p.m.; Spanish/9 p.m. (564-888-5521; Code: 696248)
Sundays: Worship Service, 11:30 a.m.
Holy Communion is the frst Sunday of the month.
God bless you and remember, Jesus loves you. —Blanca Santana

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